Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 11/30/05
Provided By
Proofread By Tanya
[door slamming]
Tammy: Thank you.
Jonathan: For what?
Tammy: For taking me away.
Jonathan: But to what?
Tammy: I’m not sure yet.
Gus: Okay. Welp, sorry that Tammy’s wedding was canceled, but in another way, it
gives us a little time to be together.
Harley: Yep, and I mean I hate this plan but it is actually working.
Gus: Yea, so tell me something. Did you picture this, that this would be our life after all those weeks on the run?
Harley: Um, no.
Gus: Yea, me either. and another question. Why again are we trying to do this thing? trying to beat Beth and Alan at their own game?
Harley: Well, partly because Alan and Beth deserve to have their butts kicked, but mainly because I like my job and I really think I can make a difference in the world, thank you.
Gus: Hmm, well alright.
Harley: What are you doing? What are you doing.
Gus: I can do whatever I want. Nobody's around.
Harley: Careful.
Gus: I can do this. I can do that.
Harley: ( Laughter ) Could you do it there? ( Cell phone rings )
Gus: Let me say something: If you answer that phone, I will kill you.
Harley: It's my private line. Just wait a second. Hello.
Mallet: Hey, how is it going? Listen, I've got a little situation with Marina, maybe you can help me with it.
Harley: What is going on, is she in trouble?
Mallet: It is nothing too bad, but would you mind coming down here? I'm at the station.
Harley: Okay, I'll be right there. That was Mallet-- something about Marina. Anyways, it sounds serious; we should go down there.
Gus: I'm not going anywhere. Come on, are you kidding me? I don't want to go to my house. I just want to spend a little time with you.
Harley: Code Beth, 12:00.
Gus: I'm off duty. I can't believe I've got to do this again. Are you kidding me?
Harley: Come on!
Gus: Fine, I don't care what you do. It doesn't make a difference to me.
Harley: Well, you don't have to be like that.
Gus: And you don't have to be like that, okay? And don't tell me I have to be. Just go, go.
Reva: Tammy?
Frank: Hey.
Reva: Frank, you're here for a forensic search, try to find out clues as to what happened at that wedding tonight?
Frank: That's right. Where is Tammy?
Reva: I can't even find her.
Frank: Reva is there anything I can do?
Reva: Can you tell me if Sandy is a criminal?
Ava: Can I get you something?
Sandy: You've done enough, thanks! Sorry, I asked you to stay, and I want you to stay. I am not going to be very good company right now.
Ava: This is not how you pictured your wedding night, is it? You're here with the wrong wife.
Jonathan: You're shivering. It is a pretty dress, but I wouldn't wear it to a
bear's game. Here. There you go.
Tammy: I'm better now.
Jonathan: We probably could use a fire if we're going to stay here.
Tammy: Okay.
Jonathan: The bedroom's probably going to be pretty cold, too.
Tammy: We could sleep out here on the floor, in front of the fire.
Frank: Is Sandy a criminal? Technically, no. We haven't convicted him of
anything yet. Where the hell is everybody.
Reva: He was charged with bigamy, Frank.
Frank: Yeah, but legally Ava's still his wife. But we're still trying to sort through that mess. Is anybody here?!
Reva: It's this place. Days like this are supposed to bring people joy.
Frank: Yeah, I know. Between the two of us, we've seen a lot of weddings. Unfortunately we've seen a lot of relationships go south.
Reva: Yours and mine included.
Frank: Yeah, but you know, Reva, you never seem to lose hope.
Reva: That's why you're Frank.
Frank: What's the story, do you have any idea where Tammy can be?
Reva: I'm sure she thinks she is being hunted down and she doesn't want to be found.
Frank: My experience is there is always one more place you can look, but it is knowing where that place is.
Reva: Or asking someone who knows.
Harley: Boys, St. Patrick.
Mallet: Thank you for coming down.
Harley: You used a good bait to hook me. What is going on with Marina?
Mallet: Speeding ticket, 140 miles per hour in a 45 zone.
Harley: No way. There is no way she would speed.
Mallet: Maybe with the right encouragement from her friends? Who knows what she's capable of.
Harley: Except Marina doesn't have friends like that.
Mallet: Yes, she does.
Harley: Who?
Mallet: Alan-Michael Spaulding.
Harley: Oh gosh.
Mallet: Mm-hm.
Harley: Okay, I'll talk to him. But you do me a favor and don't say anything to Frank, because...
Mallet: Alan-Michael's not the one in need of a sit-down right now; I think Marina is.
Harley: Why?
Mallet: Because she's on probation, Harley. Another stunt like this and she gets kicked out of the academy.
Harley: I'm not trying to make excuses for her or anything, but...
Mallet: Yes you are. I think you are.
Harley: I'm not! And when did you get so perfect? The girl is just getting over a bad breakup. Could you cut her some slack?
Mallet: So you're going to use her boyfriend trouble to plead her case for being a cop?
Harley: No.
Mallet: Jeeze, forget it. Forget it.
Harley: Would you just wait a minute.
Mallet: Life through Marina a curveball, and she struck out. This happened to you, and you didn't fall apart like this.
Harley: Well, I'm sorry, Mallet not all women can be me.
Mallet: Thanks, I'm beginning to figure that one out.
Gus: You know what bugs me?
Beth: The fact that your wife is more married to Spaulding than she is to you?
Gus: No, that you keep walking in at the worst possible times.
Beth: Is it that I'm catching you on bad days? Or is it that there aren't any good days. Gus, you're not getting much out of this marriage.
Gus: Believe me, these days, I'll take whatever I can get.
Beth: I know that you moved into one of the spare rooms. Hilda told me, and the whole staff is talking about it. And you're not going to find much happiness in there, unless, of course, you like this arrangement.
Harley: I asked you to stop bringing up our past.
Mallet: It was a mistake.
Harley: Well, cut it out.
Mallet: It was reflex. Take it easy.
Harley: You take it easy. Every time I turn around, you are saying something you shouldn't be saying to someone who is married.
Mallet: Things come up. We have a little history.
Harley: Mallet.
Mallet: What? I think we have a good history, considering.
Harley: Considering what?
Mallet: Considering that, you know, that you're stubborn.
Harley: ( Laughs ) Me, I'm stubborn. And you're just a go-with-the- flow guy.
Mallet: Yes, I am.
Harley: You are?
Mallet: Oh, wow, right, is this for me?
Harley: Save it for another day. Well, thanks for the heads-up this morning.
Mallet: You're welcome. You betcha. Hmm, do I know you?
Woman: You look like a warden I used to hate.
Mallet: ( Laughs ) that's right, larceny, and oh that's right, you were innocent.
Woman: And now you're a cop I'm about to hate.
Mallet: Harley
Harley: No, that's okay, leave it on my desk with everything else. What?
Mallet: I know this is against my better judgment, but I think I might need your help again.
Harley: Twice in one night? Lucky me.
Sandy: This is crazy. I try to do the right thing try to do something good; I
try to follow my heart, and what happens is everyone gets hurt. You get hurt,
and Tammy gets hurt.
Ava: Tammy loves you, Sandy, she'll come back. People get over things. Tammy will, too.
Sandy: You know, now that I'm on the other side, I get a glimpse of what it is like to be the person left behind. And I don't understand how you do it. How are you so forgiving? Why don't you hate me? I just can't.
Reva: I'm sorry, am I interrupting?
Tammy: This is where we were supposed to start out.
Jonathan: You and the new husband.
Tammy: The honeymoon suite. Our first night as a married couple.
Jonathan: It is not a bad choice, but, um, where do they have the heart-shaped vibrating bed! ( Laughs )
Tammy: I don't want to do that Jonathan, I'm too upset to laugh.
Jonathan: Then why did you pick this place to come hide.
Tammy: Is that what we're doing, hiding?
Jonathan: I'm not sure what we're doing?
Tammy: Me neither.
Jonathan: Then why did you want to come here?
Tammy: I don't know. But I did.
Jonathan: It is not how you pictured it, though, your wedding?
Tammy: Not exactly.
Jonathan:( Laughs ) wrong guy.
Tammy: Yeah. What is this for?
Jonathan: That's for in case you feel like smashing stuff again.
Tammy: Thank you for the offer, but I don't think so.
Jonathan: What do you want to do?
Tammy: No one knows that we're here? We're miles away from anyone else. This isn't my honeymoon anymore.
Jonathan: No. It is whatever you want it to be.
Gus: I'm saying that, you know, everybody has their little misunderstandings.
The situation is fixable.
Beth: Yes, yes, I agree, it is fixable, but you're not doing anything to fix it. Why pull out all of the stops to save your marriage, unless you absolutely don't want to? You know what, Gus? Never mind. I misread all of the signs.
Gus: Fine, you've got a deal. Put it on the table, and I'll take it. You're going to help me get her out of Spaulding Enterprises? I'd like to have my wife back.
Harley: Hi.
Woman: Hi. What, are you my lawyer?
Harley: No, I'm not your lawyer, but I am here to help because I know what a jerk this guy can be.
Mallet: Hey.
Harley: You want to reduce the charges. Let's play let's make a deal for the D.A. What do you say?
Mallet: There's no deal. She's going straight to the hell house.
Harley: What, and make you look good. Give me the keys.
Mallet: What?
Harley: You've got the woman chained up like a dog? Give me the keys.
Mallet: She is handcuffed because she is under arrest. ( Whispers ) This isn't the way we used to play this.
Harley: ( Whispers ) Trust me. Come on.
Mallet: Oh, man.
Harley: I just find that people are much more willing to sign a confession when their hands aren't in knots.
Mallet: She hasn't signed anything?
Harley: Oh, but she will. You know why? Because she's got a prior conviction, and she is still running with the same crew. You are still running with the same crew, right? That's the problem. You're running with the same crew. It'll be the second time you're sent up, and for what?
Mallet: Come on, why don't you give us a name of someone higher up on the ladder.
Woman: ( Whispers ) I can't say this too loud.
Mallet: ( Groans )
Woman: Get off me!
Sandy: Reva, hi.
Reva: Is this a bad time?
Sandy: No, I was just trying to track down the lawyer who screwed up our divorce.
Reva: So it was the lawyer that made up the mistake?
Sandy: Yeah, a huge mistake. He messed up with the paperwork. We wanted a divorce; we thought we were getting a divorce.
Reva: Really?
Ava: Um, I think I'm going to get us something to eat.
Sandy: Reva, you've got to believe me. I never meant to hurt Tammy. Can you talk to her? She doesn't answer my calls, I don't know where she is at. Please. Please help me to fix it.
Reva: You're asking me to help you with Tammy, just like...
Sandy: Like who?
Reva: There is another man for feelings with her.
Sandy: I'm the only man with normal feelings for her.
Reva: He loves her.
Sandy: That's not love. Reva, you know what he did to her. He hurt her. He sent her into one of the darkest periods of her life. It is wrong, you know that!
Reva: I don't know.
Sandy: Why don't you ask your sister how she feels about it?
Reva: I'm only trying to be honest with you.
Sandy: That's how it is, huh? The hell with all of the rest, because Jonathan is in love.
Reva: It is more than that. Tammy has feelings for him; she told me that herself.
Jonathan: You warmer now?
Tammy: I'm good.
Jonathan: Are you?
Tammy: I just keep replaying the night over and over in my head. It almost seems like it didn't really happen?
Jonathan: Which part?
Tammy: All of it. The wedding, the reception with you. Only I know that really happened because here you are.
Jonathan: Here I am.
Tammy: Nothing's gone the way I ever thought it would. The guy that I thought I could trust most in the world, it turns out I can't trust him at all. And the guy that I thought I could never trust again in a million years, the guy who is all wrong for me...
Jonathan: Yeah.
Tammy: He isn't so wrong.
Jonathan: Not always.
Tammy: Oh.
Jonathan: What?
Tammy: Look at me. God, I can't even sit down in his ridiculous thing.
Jonathan: It is not ridiculous.
Tammy: It feels like it.
Jonathan: Let me give you a hand. I know, just... let me help you take that dress off.
Baby, if you could love someone like me
but loving you just let's me know there might be hope for me yet..
Coming up on "Guiding
Sandy: Tammy can't love Jonathan. She can’t. I won't lose her, not to him.
Beth: Gus has accepted our deal.
Alan: You must have done quite a number on Gus.
Ava: Tammy is not going to stop loving you. I couldn't
Mallet: I'll put you down here. I guess the board room hasn't made you soft.
Harley: Just certain parts of me.
Mallet: Not that I can tell. Right here, this one?
Harley: Ow.
Mallet: I barely touched it. Let me get some ice.
Harley: Hey. Do you still keep duct tape in your drawer?
Mallet: Duct tape, yes, that's right. What would this be, like 27...
Harley: 27 on the list-- gentle-- emergency ankle split. How many did we eventually come up with?
Mallet: Oh, my gosh. We came up with 80 or 90.
Harley: 101 uses for duct tape. There was the emergency- watchband.
Mallet: Uh-huh, hem your pants.
Harley: We fixed that leaky faucet.
Mallet: Fixed the shotgun squad car.
Harley: Nail polish remover.
Mallet: What? Nail polish remover?
Harley: You weren't around for that one.
Mallet: I don't remember that one.
Harley: Hair removal. You can put it on your back.
Mallet: How about a little for your upper lip?
Harley: Shut up!
Mallet: Lift it up?
Harley: Lift it up ( laughing ) ow.
Mallet: Take it easy, take it easy.
Harley: It was fun, tackling the bad guys.
Mallet: I knew you would like it. It is the stuff you love. We always have fun together.
Harley: I just thought of another one. How about watch your mouth? I'm a married woman.
Mallet: How is it going by the way?
Beth: Gus, I understand that this is difficult, believe me, I'm the original
long-suffering Spaulding wife. And there is something to say that husbands can't
suffer too, and if it helps at all, I think you're making a noble decision.
Gus: So selling my wife out, that is a noble thing to do.
Beth: It is when it saves your marriage. I wish I had done something like this with Phillip. Spaulding ruined our marriage. The pull of the place-- his place in it was just too strong.
Gus: Why did you marry Alan?
Beth: Because I knew what I was getting into, and I don't care anymore. I know where Alan's priorities are, and that's okay by me.
Alan: Right, and you don’t have to sleep with him because he is locked up in the loony bin.
Beth: You said it, not me.
Gus: Right.
Beth: Gus, you have to remind Harley where her priorities are, and they should be at home with you and the children.
Gus: All right, all right, enough with the idle chatter. Tell me what the plan is. You and your husband, what is the plan to oust my wife?
Beth: I'm glad you asked.
Mallet: Tell Gus I said, "hey."
Gus: Hold on a second. I've got to take this. Yeah.
Harley: Hi. You sound busy.
Gus: I'm just closing a deal, you know what I mean.
Harley: I was thinking about you?
Gus: Aren't you always thinking about me. Is this something new?
Harley: More than usual. Don't you want to finish what we started earlier?
Gus: That would be great.
Harley: Why don't you meet me at the Beacon, and we'll lock ourselves in a room and we won't come out unless they knock on the door with cheese burgers and beers.
Gus: That sounds perfect.
Harley: I'm kind of done acting for tonight.
Gus: I hear that.
Beth: You look like a man who just made up with his wife.
Gus: That's just for tonight. Our deal is on.
Beth: Great, I'll tell Alan the good news.
Sandy: Tammy can't love Jonathan. She can’t.
Reva: You're the only one I told because you have to know because I can't help you win Tammy back. And I can't talk to her for you, either.
Sandy: You won't help me?
Reva: I'm sorry, Sandy, I truly am.
Sandy: Because he's your son.
Reva: No, I talked to Frank Cooper, and legally you're married.
Sandy: Yeah, not for long.
Reva: It doesn't really matter. It is Tammy's choice. What she wants is a chance with Jonathan.
Sandy: How can you even say that?
Reva: It's going to be difficult, but it is her choice and I can't stand in her way.
Sandy: He will hurt her, Reva!
Reva: I'm not sure about that anymore.
Sandy: I won't lose her, not to him.
Reva: Fine.
I can bless the water, but it couldn't turn the wine
the picture of the sunset hanging there in your eyes it'd just be some compromise
I could write a million
I could write a million verses the words you've heard before
steal of Dylan's best buddies wanting me to say more cause there is so much more
baby, if you could love someone like me
there is no end to the possibilities
hopes and dreams push away the pain and regret
but loving you just let's me know there might be hope for me yet
hope for me yet there might be hope for me yet there might be hope for me yet hope for me yet.
Gus: Yeah. Yeah, tell me what the master plan is you have with Alan.
Beth: We'll touch base tomorrow and I'll fill you in on the details. Just know you're doing the right things.
Gus: Are you kidding me? Spaulding Enterprises is like a black hole. I need help, I need help.
Harley: I need the entire morning cancelled. Something has come up.
Gus: I feel like I should be delivering food.
Frank: Hey, Beth. How are you?
Beth: Hi, good to see you, how have you been?
Frank: Somebody broke a coffee cup tackling a suspect. Can I buy you a cup? It will give me an opportunity to checkup on you.
Beth: Check up on me? ( Laughing )
Gus: This your phone.
Harley: Be gentle with me.
Beth: So checking up on my, that sounds awfully official.
Frank: You know what? You're right. It didn't come out the way that I meant it. I just want you to know I worry about you.
Beth: About me? Why?
Frank: You just seem a little different lately. You seem pretty stressed. Of course, you are married to Alan, so...
Beth: It is not as bad as all that.
Frank: You mean it is worse?
Beth: Is this the part when I have to defend my marriage?
Frank: Please tell you did it for your kids?
Beth: Yes.
Frank: I just didn't know if you had anybody in your life to remind you of that, that's all.
( Cell phone rings )
Beth: Hello.
Alan: Beth.
Beth: Alan, hi.
Alan: Are you all right?
Beth: Fine, I haven't heard from you in a while?
Alan: How are things progressing on your end, huh?
Beth: Gus has accepted our deal.
Alan: You must have done quite a number on Gus.
Beth: So what's next? I have to say you sound a bit distracted yourself.
Alan: Just keep doing what you're doing.
Beth: What, no words of advice?
Alan: No, I think you're handling the operation very well. Just keep doing what you're doing. We'll talk soon.
Sandy: Where are my keys?
Ava: Sandy...
Sandy: What?! Sorry, I have to find my keys. I have to see Tammy at the cabin before it is too late.
Ava: This is crazy. It is too late to drive up to a cabin in the woods. Nothing is going to change between now and tomorrow.
Sandy: How do you know that? I can change Tammy’s mind completely by tomorrow.
( Cell phone rings )
Jonathan: Your cell phone.
Tammy: Should I answer it?
Jonathan: Hell no.
Tammy: What if it's...
Jonathan: What if it is what? What if it's your mom? What if it's my mom. What if it's Sandy? We can leave those people behind and we can have whatever we want. We can be whoever we want, and we can certainly go wherever we want, and just leave those people behind. You don't have to give a damn about what they think. You don't have to give a damn about anyone.
Tammy: No!
Jonathan: Yes!
Tammy: No, it can't be like this. It can't happen like this.
Mallet: Can I get a beer, please?
Beth: A.C., Hi. Here for a nightcap?
Mallet: Hey. Yeah, I was, but it looks like you're just leaving?
Beth: I was, but I have a minute. And I could probably get you a beer. ( Laughing )
Mallet: All right. How you doing, how are the kids?
Beth: They're fine. Actually, I was just here with your partner, Gus.
Mallet: Partner. I have a hard time saying that with a straight face.
Beth: I thought that you would like to know, Gus has moved out of their room at the mansion.
Mallet: Hmm. Why would you think I was interested in hearing that?
Beth: No reason.
Gus: I like all of this big fighting. You want to know why?
Harley: Why?
Gus: Because we get to do all of the making up. It is working for me.
Harley: Is it makeup sex if you have nothing to actually make up about?
Gus: See, I wouldn't really care about that because I'm a guy. As long as I'm getting some action, I'm happy.
( Laughter )
Harley: You're right, you don't care.
Gus: I don't care so much.
Harley: I'm sorry.
Gus: For what?
Harley: For making you pretend to be friends with Beth.
Gus: It's nothing. I don't care about that. The only thing that is weird is we're a happily married couple pretending to be unhappy. Usually it is the other way around. I don't get to show off my love, show off my wife, and stick it in people's faces. Whoa! ( Laughter ) what?
Harley: We're working, right?
Gus: Of course we're working, yeah, are you kidding?
Harley: I mean, despite Beth and Alan and Spaulding and everything?
Gus: We're working. It all works for me because I'm doing it for the love of a really good woman. You know? So what about Mallet? What did he want with the whole Marina thing, remember he called you?
Harley: It's no big deal. Really, it is nothing.
Ava: Stop, I don't want you to go.
Sandy: I have to go.
Ava: Look, if Tammy up there in the cabin in the woods, it is because she wants to be alone. Leave her alone, give her some space, and she'll come to you.
Sandy: What if I don't trust that she will.
Ava: Tammy's not going to stop loving you, Xander. I couldn’t.
Tammy: I can’t.
Jonathan: Yes, you can.
Tammy: Not like this, not right now.
Jonathan: What is wrong with right now?
Tammy: A few hours ago I was looking into Sandy's eyes up at that alter, and he looked at me like nothing else mattered in the whole world. I was going to marry him.
Jonathan: And now you're here.
Tammy: I'm not going to run from Sandy to you. The other night in the bakery you told me that you wanted me to want you with the lights on. I want that, too.
Jonathan: Can you?
Tammy: I think so.
Jonathan: So?
Tammy: So, I can't be with you tonight. Because if I do...
Jonathan: Yeah? So, what happens now when we get back?
Tammy: I don't know.
Jonathan: Okay. I'll drive you back.
I can bless the water but it wouldn't turn the wine
a picture of the sunset hanging there in your eyes
and it'd just be some compromise
I could write a million verses or words you've heard before
steal some of Dylan’s best buddies, leave me wanting to say more
because there is so much more baby, if you could love someone like me
there's no end to the possibilities
hopes and dreams push away the pain and regret
but loving just let's me know there might be hope for me yet
hope for me yet hope for me yet
sometimes when I look back I don't even know my self
it blows my mind to think I found grace in someone else
baby, your grace is something else yeah, yeah,
if you could love someone like me, there's no end to the possibilities
hopes and dreams push away the pain and regret
but loving you just let's me know there might be hope for me yet
for a man who has done nothing, I've been blessed with so much more than I deserve
I'm smart enough to know, that I've been having something
you can't put a price on what its worth
baby, if you could love someone like me, there's no end to the possibilities
hopes and dreams push away the pain and regret
but loving you just let's me know, there might be hope for me yet
hope for me yet hope for me yet.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Dinah: If you were not married to Gus, you would go ahead and marry Mallet all over again.
Tammy: Mom, there is something I need to tell you. I'm in love with him.
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