GL Transcript Tuesday 11/29/05

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 11/29/05


Provided By Boo
Proofread By Tanya

And I've never felt so invincible. What took you so far away 's what you wanted your arms to your side again just take away the words I'll say because I know that you don't feel same don't try so hard wait this time, I won't shine and I won't change this time won't try to stop you

Cassie: Which way did Tammy go?

Josh: I thought she was in the bride's room.

Reva: She was but she took off. Josh, Josh not through here.

Cassie: She probably didn't want to see him.

Josh: Can you blame her?

Cassie: I shouldn't have let her leave like that.

Reva: Honey, just give her some time.

Cassie: To what? Wander the streets in her wedding gown? She is heartbroken.

Sandy: That's it. This is just a terrible mistake.

Josh: Too many lies, Sandy.

Sandy: Josh, I'm an idiot, I should have told Tammy a long time ago I was married.

Jeffrey: We're not. We signed divorce papers weeks ago.

Ava: It's true. Our lawyer, Mr. Russo.

Jeffrey: You know Vince Russo?

Ava: He must have messed up on the paperwork.

Josh: It doesn't change the fact you you lied to my family again. You played us for fools.

Sandy: Josh, it's not like that.

Jeffrey: Save it. You'll have to go down to the station.

Sandy: This is crazy. Where's Tammy? I'm going to go see her. Cassie, Reva...

Cassie: I can't help you.

Sandy: Tell him. You know I love Tammy and I would never hurt her.

Cassie: I don't know what I know.

Reva: Sandy, this is not the time.

Sandy: If I could just...

Cassie: You promised her she was safe and secure, she was with someone she can always trust.

Sandy: She can trust me!

Cassie: She barely had the ring on her finger before you broke her heart!

Reva: Leave it, honey.

Cassie: All I know is my little girl is out there hurting like she's never hurt before and there is no one with her to help her get through this.


Jonathan: Are you sure about this? This is probably the last place that you should be.

Tammy: It's also the last place anybody would think to look for me. My mom thought of everything! Everything that could make a bride happy.

Jonathan: Let's go.

Tammy: No, it's my party. What's the matter? Don't you recognize me? I'm Mrs. Sandy Foster. Okay, there's two of us but who's keeping count?

Jonathan: Let's go.

Tammy: No, want me to throw the bouquet? Too bad I already dumped it. How about this, though? Huh? Huh? (Yells) what about that, huh? (Screaming)


Cassie: I just hate the thought of her out there on her own.

Reva: She's going to be okay.

Gus: Doesn't that side of the room seem kind of crowded right now?

Olivia: Will you look at him? He feels betrayed by Sandy. I just want to be a friend.

Buzz: Be a friend later. He's got his plate full right now. I want to show you something.

Josh: Jeffrey?

Jeffrey: Yeah? Josh if you need to go to the police station, I'll be happy to take Cassie to the farm and wait. There maybe Tammy will decide to come home.

Jeffrey: Thank you. I don't think it's a good idea to be alone right now and I've got to take care of this. Appreciate it. Darling, Josh is going to take you home, okay?

Cassie: Okay. I guess there's no reason to be here anymore.

Jeffrey: I'm so sorry. I know how much this wedding meant to you.

Cassie: Maybe she was right and I was just too invested. I guess when you want so badly to believe in someone you... you can't let yourself see who and what they really are.

Jeffrey: Yeah. Um, listen... uh, I'll get back to the farmhouse as soon as I can. Call me if you need me, all right?

Cassie: Okay.

Jeffrey: All right. Come on. Thanks.

Josh: Sure.

Ava: What happens now?

Sandy: We clear it up. Has to be some clerical mixup.

Jeffrey: Let's get something straight. I am the district attorney but it just so happens that I care very deeply about Tammy and Cassie. So on our way down to the station, you are going to tell me why you think this is just a mixup and if your story checks out, then I will do everything I can to keep you out of jail.

Sandy: Thank you.

Jeffrey: But if I find out that you two have been playing games with Tammy, trust me, I will be your worst nightmare. You understand that?


Tammy: (Crying) (screaming) it doesn't matter.

Jonathan: It's okay.

Tammy: It doesn't matter, Jonathan.

Jonathan: It does matter. Hey, the most lovely bride the world's ever seen fell in love with the part.

Tammy: Some bride. Excuse me, we have a problem with this cake. There's only one bride. There should be two and a little cop to arrest the groom. I'll take care of it, it's fine. No. No more mess.

Jonathan: Hey, you're going to get through this. I promise. You hear me?

Tammy: Bastard! How could you do this to me? How could he love me and...

Jonathan: What the hell are you staring at? You never seen a bride cry before? It's okay.

Tammy: You know what? I looked in his eyes and saw somebody that I knew, somebody that liked the same movies I did, liked the same jokes, got the same things on his pizza. Everything was how it was supposed to be. I felt safe and secure. I looked in his eyes but I didn't see everything.

Jonathan: Appearances can be deceiving. Look at me.

Tammy: I am looking at you.

This time I won't try

and I won't change this time, won't try to stop you

just take away the words I'll say because I know that you don't feel the same

just go...

Tammy: You tried to warn me about him.

Jonathan: I have a full tank of gas in the car and I know a place where we can go.

Tammy: No! I'm not running. Change of plans. Only two people are coming to this reception. But I'm still having a party.

Jonathan: Nice one.


Cassie: Tammy? She's not here.

Josh: She'll show up. Or call, I'm sure.

Cassie: Yeah.

Josh: Listen, Reva's out looking for her. While we're waiting, why don't you go ahead and change. I'll make some coffee, okay? Cassie, you don't need to be doing that right now.

Cassie: I know. I... I don't want her to see any of this if she comes home. It's too painful. Maybe she was right.

Josh: Who?

Cassie: Reva. She was worried I was too invested in Tammy and Sandy's happiness. That maybe I'd made my happiness dependent on theirs.

Josh: You think that's true.

Cassie: I can't deny I wanted that happiness in my life.

Josh: There's nothing wrong with that, you know.

Cassie: All I want to do is hold her, Josh. I know that's not what she wants but it's killing me that I'm... I'm here and I can't do anything to help her.

Josh: Cassie, you're doing a lot to help her right now. You're giving her the space that she needs.

Cassie: But I don't want to give her space. I want to wrap my arms around her and tell her everything's going to be all right.

Josh: For the time being, you might have to have somebody else do that for you. Sorry.

Buzz: Just because we missed the reception doesn't mean we have to go hungry.

Olivia: I thought you were closed for the evening.

Buzz: This is me the guy not me the restaurant owner.

Olivia: So this is free? Okay, I'm listening.

Buzz: How does Moussaka, salad and a bottle of wine sound?

Olivia: Sounds wonderful.

Buzz: It will only take a minute.

Olivia: This is sweet of you but I don't think I can stay.

Buzz: You got a better chef waiting in the wings?

Olivia: Are you kidding? I offered to go home with Cassie and help her through in this.

Buzz: And...

Olivia: Josh! Only if he needs me.

Buzz: Except if you show as the supportive one, how is Cassie's sister going to fit in? Who happens to be Josh's wife, who is actually Reva who thinks she's still in the family.


Sandy: Did Russo clear everything up? Did he misplace a file, is there...

Jeffrey: It seems Mr. Russo has been unexpectedly called out of town.

Ava: Doesn't he have one of those paralegals?

Jeffrey: Yes, I spoke with her. Unfortunately she has no record of any divorce agreement between the two of you. As a matter of fact, you're not even on Vince Russo's client list, Sandy.

Sandy: We met with him. We signed the papers. We paid him.

Ava: We did, it's true.

Jeffrey: I believe you.

Sandy: I'll find the guy myself.

Police officer: Can't allow you to do that.

Jeffrey: The Shrewsbury D.A. Has issued a warrant for your arrest. We need to do that.

Police officer: I need collect your valuables, Mr. Foster.


Jonathan: (Laughs) are you sure about this?

Tammy: Positive. My mom paid for a party and I could use one.

Jonathan: It's going to be more like a wake than a wedding reception.

Tammy: Not if I can help it.

Jonathan: Okay. I'm always down for a party.

Tammy: If anyone else comes, don't let them in.

Woman: But Mrs. Foster...

Tammy: It's Tammy. Just Tammy. Jonathan is my guest. What's a wedding reception without some music? Play something. Help me with this.

Jonathan: What are you doing, Tammy?

Tammy: I want it off.

Jonathan: Well, you're going to ruin the thing.

Tammy: I don't care. I want it off!

Jonathan: Easy, girl.

Tammy: That's good. What about you?

Jonathan: What about me?

Tammy: Don't you think this should come off, too? I do.

Jonathan: What's the matter?

Tammy: This song. This is the song that Sandy and I chose for our first dance.

Jonathan: Hey, you, we need different music.

Tammy: Dance with me.

Jonathan: Now this is our song.

I could write a million verses of words you've heard before

steal similar of Dylan's best but it would leave me wanting to say more

because there's so much more

baby, if you could love someone like me

there's no end to the possibilities

hopes and dreams push away the pain and regrets

but loving you just lets me know there might be hope for me yet

hope for me yet


Coming up on "Guiding Light."

Jonathan: You are still the bride and you've had your reception and your cake. I think it's time for you to have your honeymoon.

Man: You spoke on the phone about Jeffrey O'Neill. Here's your information. .

Sometimes when I've looked up I don't even know myself

close my mind and think that I've found grace in someone else

baby, your grace is something else

if you could love someone like me

there's no end to the possibilities

hopes and dreams push away the pain and regret

but loving you just lets me know there might be hope for me yet

for a man who's done nothing I've been blessed with so much more than I deserve

I'm smart enough to know that I've been handed something

can't put a price on what it's worth

baby if you could love someone like me

there's no end to the possibilities

hopes and dreams push away the pain and regret

but loving you just lets me know there might be hope for me yet

hope for me yet


Buzz: Any word on Tammy?

Reva: I've looked all over for her. I even went to Outskirts.

Olivia: Why would she be there?

Reva: What better place to drown your sorrows?

Buzz: And while we're on the subject...

Reva: Oh, that would be great. Olivia, do you mind giving us a moment alone?

Olivia: (Coughs)

Buzz: Can you check the Moussaka? I think it's almost done.

Reva: If I've known I was interrupting a special evening I would have left.

Buzz: It's not a special evening. It's just moussaka and salad.

Reva: (Laughs)

Buzz: No, no more. No more.

Reva: Would you like it to be more?

Buzz: Drink your wine!

Reva: Because you never know who might fall for you.

Buzz: I do because it's me.

Reva: I'm a terrible cupid, I always have been because I shoot myself in the stupid foot with the arrow.

Buzz: What? Are you blaming yourself for encouraging her with Sandy?

Reva: Who said anything about Sandy?


Cassie: You know, I'm half convinced that this farmhouse is cursed.

Josh: Cassie, come on.

Cassie: Ever since I moved back in it's been one bad thing after another.

Josh: Bad things happen to everybody.

Cassie: Non-stop?

Josh: I'll admit you've had a tough string lately but that's life. Look, I hate to say this, but stuff is going to keep on happening.

Cassie: Gee, I feel so much better.

Josh: In a way you should because no matter what life throws at you you're going to handle it well because you're strong and because you want to keep your family together.

Cassie: How can you be so sure?

Josh: I'll tell you a little secret. I happen to know something about the women in your family. And they're survivors. (Knock on door) let me get that for you, okay? Can I help you?

Robards: My name is Robards. We spoke on the phone about Jeffrey O'Neill. Here's your information on him.

Cassie: Josh, who is it?


Sandy: So you're just going to let them throw me in jail?

Police officer: The judge is ready for us.

Sandy: I get a phone call, right? Don't I?


Tammy: I wish this moment, this song, this dance, being here with you right now could go on forever. (Sighs) it feels like a dream.

Jonathan: It's not.

(Cell phone ringing)

Tammy: It's mine.

Jonathan: Forget it.

Tammy: It could be my mom.

Jonathan: Hey, you and I are the only two people in the room tonight, remember?

Tammy: What if she's worried about me.

Jonathan: You already know that she's worried. (Sighs) was it her?

Tammy: It isn't anybody. You were right. It's just you and me. It's weird. My whole life just completely shifted. Just like that.

Jonathan: Well, I know one thing that didn't shift. You. You're still the most knockout bride that I've ever seen.

Tammy: You're sweet.

Jonathan: You know what I want?

Tammy: What?

Jonathan: I want you to enjoy every moment of this evening. Like when you let a piece of chocolate just melt in your mouth.

Tammy: What if it's just a dream? What if when this goes away...

Jonathan: It won't. It's real. It's as real as we are.

Tammy: Jonathan, there's something that I need to tell you. And this is real, too.


Cassie: Josh, who are you talking to?

Josh: Just a messenger from Lewis, he tracked me down here. Give us one second, please. I was under the impression that I made it pretty clear in our phone conversation that I changed my mind. I don't need any personal information anymore on Jeffrey O’Neill?

Robards: Oh, you did, Mr. Lewis. But Olivia Spencer wanted you to have it anyway.

Josh: See, the thing is I really don't want it.

Cassie: Business tonight?

Josh: Yeah. Sorry about that.

Cassie: No, that's okay. I understand. Wow, it's cold out here. Josh, can I ask you a favor?

Josh: Sure.

Cassie: If it's okay, I think I'd like to be alone for a little while.

Josh: Yeah, okay. Are you sure about that?

Cassie: Yeah.

Josh: Because I would hate to...

Cassie: No, I'm fine. I'm a survivor, remember? But, Josh, thank you for being a shoulder to lean on.

Josh: Any time, you know that.

Cassie: At least when there's a blackout or a wedding goes horribly wrong.

Josh: I think I'm going to head over to the police station, see how things are going.

Cassie: Okay, well if you do, would you give Jeffrey a message for me? Would you tell him to come home?

Josh: Sure, no problem.

Cassie: Thanks. Good night.

Josh: Good night.


Buzz: Why do I suddenly think you're talking in code?

Reva: I'm just upset, that's all. I feel like I've been a terrible aunt to Tammy.

Buzz: Why are you so so down on yourself?

Reva: Because... because of how easily I was misled by Sandy and now look what happened to Tammy. I mean, another guy, you know, might have been 100% wrong for her but he could have turned out to have been the most genuine, loving man, the kind of man that Tammy deserves. You see what I'm talking about?

Buzz: No. Who's the guy?

Reva: Well, there... there really isn't another guy. It's a hypothetical to make the point.

Buzz: Which is?

Reva: That this whole thing is a huge mess and I feel horrible just standing around watching the thing happen.

Buzz: Well, do you think you can stop kicking yourself long enough to have dinner? Come on.

Reva: The table's set for two.

Buzz: Come on!

Reva: No, I really... I should go check on Cassie, make sure she doesn't need me. Have fun. Thank you, Olivia.

Olivia: She seemed so torn up about Tammy, didn't she? It's almost like she was guilty about something, you know? Like she felt like she was somehow a part of the reason why things went wrong.

Buzz: Don't.

Olivia: I was wondering what Josh would think if he knew about it.

Buzz: Don't go there. They've got enough troubles.

Olivia: Right. In fact, I want Josh to know that I'm doing my bit to help.


Jeffrey: Foster.

Sandy: Jeff, you were amazing in there. Thanks for getting the bail set so low.

Jeffrey: Save the gratitude for Ava here. She put up her own money, money she can't afford to put up. She impressed the judge as much as I said.

Sandy: And I will pay you back.

Ava: I know. I only wish I could do more.

Jeffrey: You need to fill out these forms before you can go.

Sandy: Sure, no problem.

(Cell phone ringing)

Ava: it's my boss. Olivia? Hello? Hi.

Olivia: Not to rub salt in the wound but business is business and quite frankly I'm terribly disappointed in you.

Ava: What? Why?

Olivia: You've got to be kidding me. You and Sandy otherwise known as husband and wife willfully deceiving the Lewis family.

Ava: You don't understand.

Olivia: I can't afford to work with you anymore, especially now that I’m involved in the day-to-day operations at Lewis so you're fired and I mean it this time. And the hotel room at the Beacon I'm sorry, it's gone. You've gone from being a guest to a very painful reminder of this evening so you'll have to find some other place to spend the rest of it.

Ava: Well, wait! Hello? (Sighs)


Buzz: You think that will impress Josh?

Olivia: Well, it's a start.


Sandy: Are you all right?

Ava: Olivia just fired me. Again.

Jeffrey: Well, I can...

Josh: Well, I can certainly understand. That sometimes it's best to just cut your losses.


Tammy: Jonathan, every time I see you, all I can think is that I owe you an apology.

Jonathan: You don't owe me anything.

Tammy: Jonathan, I'm so sorry

Jonathan: No, it... it tore me up a bit, seeing you guys together. And the wedding wasn't the easiest thing, either. But what really kills me is knowing that he was spending every night in your bed.

Tammy: I know. I'm so sorry.

Jonathan: It's probably a fair deal after what I did to you when we first met. It's fair enough.

Tammy: Maybe. But you don't have to serve a life sentence for it. It's over.

Jonathan: Over?

Tammy: You know, tonight I kept thinking that you were going to, I don't know, say something or cause a scene or do something to stop things.

Jonathan: I wanted to, believe me.

Tammy: Why didn't you?

Jonathan: Because I wanted you to get there on your own. I knew that you would.

Tammy: You knew because you respected me.

Jonathan: I want you to have all good things in your life, Tammy. You deserve all good things.

Tammy: Thank you. Thank you for being so... (bells chime)

Jonathan: (Laughs) midnight. That dress going to turn into a pile of rags now, or what?

Tammy: No. But it is the time that I was supposed to leave to go where Sandy and I were going to...

Jonathan: Spend the wedding night? Well, you are still the bride, and you've had your reception and your cake. I think it's time for you to have your honey moon.


Sandy: Josh, I know you're angry with me.

Josh: You think?

Sandy: But I never meant for this to happen.

Josh: I'm sorry, are you talking about hurting Tammy or people finding out about your little secret?

Sandy: I'm sorry about all of it. When I manufactured a new life, I wanted to do things better but I screwed it all up and it got out of control and I'm sorry!

Josh: Sandy, I am not the one from whom you need forgiveness. That would be Tammy.

Sandy: And I'm trying to call her and I'm going to keep trying to call her because I'm not going to let this ruin what we have.

Josh: You must realize that it's too late for you and Tammy.

Sandy: No.

Josh: Come on.

Sandy: No.

Jeffrey: Why don't you go home? It's been a hell of a night.

Josh: Yeah, for all of us.

Sandy: Well, Josh, can I... can I call you or stop by the office? I don't think we're finished here.

Josh: Actually, I think we are.

Sandy: Well, thank you, Jeffrey.

Ava: Oh, it's fine. Just drop me off at Outskirts, I can crash there.

Sandy: No, you can stay with me. It's the least I can do.

Ava: It's fine. Thanks.

Sandy: Ava, don't argue. You're staying with me.

Jeffrey: Kind of rough on Sandy, weren't you?

Josh: Actually, I think Sandy was kind of rough on my family. I don't like it when people hide things from us.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, you know sometime there is a logical reason for people to keep a part of their lives secret.

Josh: So are you defending Sandy?

Jeffrey: The kid made some poor choices but deep down that I believe he loves Tammy and it's that love that really counts when the day is done, isn't it?

Josh: Cassie want you to come home.

Jeffrey: I'm on my way.


Cassie: Please let that be good news. Reva, hi!

Reva: No, she's not with me, honey, I couldn't find her. I'm sorry.

Cassie: It's okay.

Reva: Come here. Give me a hug. It's going to be okay. It is.

Cassie: Everyone keeps saying that.

Reva: Tammy is a very strong young woman. You have to know that she believes that what she did was the right thing.

Cassie: You can't find her, no one's heard from her and you're sure she's okay. Why is that?

Reva: Call it gut feeling.

Cassie: Well, my stomach's in knots.

Reva: Cassie, she will come back and everything will be fine. But whatever happens after tonight, we'll get through it as a family. Because that's what families do.


Jonathan: Here we are.

Tammy: Yeah. My wedding night in the woods.

Jonathan: Wait. There's only one way to go through that door on the night of your wedding.

Leave me wanting to say more because there's so much more

if you could love someone like me there's no end to the possibilities

Tammy: Thank you.

Jonathan: For what?

Tammy: For taking me away.

Jonathan: But to what?

Tammy: I'm not sure yet. There might be hope for me yet,

hope for me yet


Next on "Guiding Light"

Harley: Can you do it there?

Reva: I'm sorry, am I interrupting.

Mallet: The board room hasn't made you soft.

Tammy: We could just sleep out here on the floor by the fire.

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