Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 11/23/05
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Proofread By Tanya
[singer] I wish you didn't love me, i wish you'd make this easy it was love that caught me, now it's fear that keeps me with you I want to be by your side so I can close my eyes to the crawling emptiness inside that kills me when I'm with you you try to break me, try to hate me so you can fall out of love you want to make me believe that I'm crazy that I'm nothing without you it's unbelievable, but i believed you unforgivable, but I forgave you insane what love can do that keeps me coming back to you irreplaceable, but I'll replace you now I'm standing on my own alone you're still haunting me, you're in my sleep, you're all i see but I can't go back because I know it's wrong for us to go on and I'm growing strong to confront my fears whoa, hey, yeah, whoa
Reva: Jonathan.
Tammy: Uncle Josh.
Josh: Tammy!
Tammy: What are you doing here?
Josh: I heard there was a wedding today.
Reva: Are you all right?
Josh: Yeah, somebody chase you in here, darling?
Tammy: I...
Reva: What is it? What's wrong?
Tammy: I need help. Mom's late and, uh, now it's getting late and I...
Reva: And?
Tammy: And I need help getting into my dress.
Reva: And that's all?
Tammy: Isn't that enough?
Reva: Just relax, sweetheart. I've had a lot of experience getting married. Let's go.
Josh: ( Laughs )
Reva: Oh, I'm sorry, did you want to...
Josh: No, that's all right, go ahead.
Tammy: Please, aunt Reva.
Josh: Go, go, go.
Reva: Okay. I've got to get the girl in her dress.
R.J.: Eww. Not again!
Cassie: Yes, again. And you, too.
Jeffrey: ( Laughs )
R.J.: Can we go now? This bow tie is choking me.
Jeffrey: The ring bearer is raring to go.
Cassie: Well, you know, so is the mother of the bride.
Jeffrey: Shall we?
R.J.: Let's go.
Jeffrey: Let”s go
Gus: Can we hurry? Please, can we hurry?
Harley: I'm hurrying. How do I look?
Gus: You look nice. Are you trying to seduce me?
Harley: Is it working?
Gus: I'm all full of tension.
Harley: ( Laughs ) your hands! My gosh! Frank, dad, can we go?
Buzz: Ready to roll, miss CEO.
Frank: Ever since you got that job at Spaulding, you've been, like, extra bossy.
Harley: Whatever. Where's Marina?
Buzz: Marina!
Frank: Hey, listen. Don't you think it's brutal going to a wedding after a painful breakup?
Buzz: I think we ought to find her, Frank.
Marina: So, guys, what do you say? Took me over an hour to get into this thing, but I think it was worth it, don't you? So, what do you say? Let's go. I love weddings.
Frank: You look beautiful, you look great, but where's the rest of it?
Marina: Very funny.
Frank: You wearing a jacket or...
Gus: That doesn't feel right at all.
Coop: Wow, you look stunning.
Harley: Oh, thank you. You, too.
Gus: What am I? Chopped liver pate over here?
Coop: We talked about that. Gus, you're just really not my type.
Gus: He needs a clip on.
Coop: Have you guys seen Lizzie?
Harley: She's outside waiting for her boyfriend.
Coop: You know what? You guys are annoying. I'll get her and see you there.
Harley: Okay. Doesn't look bad.
Lizzie: All I did was buy that dress and I still don't have my money to....
Quinn: Pay off your loan?
Lizzie: Quinn?
Quinn: I always loved that about you, the whole talking out loud thing.
Lizzie: What are you doing here?
Quinn: So you can thank me.
Lizzie: For the money? I mean, I thought I did that. I bought this dress.
Quinn: Wow, and that is a stunner, but I did you another favor. I paid off that meat head you owed money to. Your kneecaps will remain unbroken, madam.
Lizzie: Quinn, you did that for me!
Coop: Lizzie, you...
Lizzie: Coop, you remember Quinn, right?
Coop: Yeah. Did I just miss something here?
Quinn: I just made a little investment and got a little good news.
Coop: Well, congratulations.
Quinn: Thank you.
Lizzie: Hey, we better get to church.
Coop: Yeah, you think so?
Lizzie: We don't want to be late. Come on. ( Whispering ) thank you so much.
Quinn: Have fun, kids.
Frank: Hey, you sure you're okay?
Marina: People break up everyday, dad, and yet they still find a way to keep walking and breathing...
Buzz: Yeah, but they don't break up one day and go to a wedding next day.
Marina: Let's get going. Who knows? Maybe there will be some hot single chicks for the two of you.
Frank: She is so strong.
Buzz: Solid.
Frank: She's tough.
Buzz: She's going to crack any minute.
Frank: If not sooner. What are you doing? That's Fantie. What are you doing with Fantie?
Buzz: Got her through her darkest hours.
Frank: Pop, if she sees that you have that...
Frank: Just in case. Just in case, come on.
Reva: That is the most beautiful
wedding dress I have ever seen.
Tammy: Other than yours, you mean?
Reva: Which one? ( Laughs )
Tammy: Well, I hope Sandy likes it.
Reva: He's going to love it. Nervous?
Tammy: I guess. Maybe. A little.
Reva: Just a little?
Tammy: I lot.
Reva: I kind of noticed.
Tammy: What bride isn't, right?
Reva: I know. It's just way you came into the church, the look on your face. You looked almost panicky.
Tammy: Me? No!
Reva: Tammy...
Tammy: Nothing is wrong. I'm not panicked. I'm just going to marry Sandy. And that's what I want. I love Sandy.
Reva: Sweetheart...
Tammy: Please, just help me get through this. I know what you're going to say, but I know what I'm doing. It's what I want. Please.
Reva: Are you sure?
Tammy: Whatever I was feeling whatever I felt-- used to feel, I mean-- or even now, whatever feelings I have, they don't matter. Jonathan doesn't matter anymore. That's behind me. Because after tonight, after I say "I do...".
Cassie: Tammy, honey, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I'm late, honey. I cannot even believe this day is here. I'm so happy and excited and late! Reva, thank you for being here.
Tammy: You were on your way.
Reva: Why don't I leave you two?
Tammy: No, aunt Reva, stay, please.
Reva: No, you need to spend time alone with your mama before you become an old married lady. So just, you know, you guys get busy now. Don't leave that nervous groom waiting too long. See you out there.
Cassie: See you out there.
Tammy: So...
Cassie: So. Are you ready for all this?
Tammy: I will be.
Cassie: You will be the most beautiful bride this town has ever seen. Honey, I'm so happy for you.
Tammy: Mom, this day is for us. This is what we've both been waiting for so long. So long.
Gus: Can we not do the fighting thing today? Because I would just... you know
I'd like to spend quality time with my wife.
Harley: Don't you think I'd like to? Until we figure out what Beth and Alan are up to, we can't be too lovey-dovey, okay?
Gus: I'll do my best.
Coop: Anywhere in particular you want to sit?
Lizzie: Yeah. Right up front, of course. She is my best friend.
Coop: Does she know that?
Frank: Marina, are you sure you're okay?
Marina: Dad!
Frank: It's my job to worry about you.
Marina: And you're doing a wonderful job, but I'm fine. Tell him, grandpa.
Buzz: Excuse me.
Frank: Where are you going?
Buzz: To get a couple seats. I'll be back. Olivia.
Olivia: Hi.
Buzz: You look smashing. No surprise.
Olivia: You look nice, too.
Buzz: Same old suit, same old me.
Olivia: Buzz...
Buzz: The church is pretty, though. Sort of gives you a new way of looking at weddings.
Olivia: Can I ask you a personal question?
Buzz: Please do. Oh! I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Olivia: I've seen worse.
Buzz: You don't want to know about it.
Olivia: I really want to know about it.
Buzz: It's Fantie, a real close friend to my... my granddaughter broke up with Danny and so this comforts her.
Olivia: That's really sweet. No, it is. I mean it. You're obviously a very good grandfather. Um, you know, you better get your seat, they're filling up fast.
Buzz: Catch you later.
Olivia: Grandpa.
Josh: Hi.
Olivia: Hi. Everything's beautiful.
Josh: Yeah. Yeah. I don't know who's more excited about this, Tammy or Cassie.
Olivia: I know. Hey, the contact that I gave you from san Cristobel, was he able to help you get information on Jeffrey O'Neill?
Josh: You know what? I decided to call off the bloodhounds. I just...
Reva: Joshua.
Josh: Reva.
Reva: Do you have a minute?
Josh: Sure.
Reva: Olivia, you don't mind, do you?
Olivia: No, not at all, no problem.
Josh: Excuse us.
Olivia: Sure, see you later.
Josh: Is everything all right?
Reva: Yeah. I just wanted to give Cassie and Tammy some time alone together.
Josh: Who are you looking for?
Reva: No one.
Josh: Reva...
Reva: Jonathan. I'm looking for Jonathan.
Josh: Why?
Reva: I just haven't seen him all day or all night and I just... well, well, you know.
Josh: Well what?
Reva: Just let me know if you see him.
Josh: Reva, is Jonathan going to be okay today?
Reva: Well, of course, why wouldn't he be?
Josh: Because he's Jonathan and this is a very important day for the family.
Reva: Don't worry, Joshua.
Josh: Well, okay, I'm glad to hear that because I think Tammy deserves a perfect day.
Reva: Yes, she does.
Jonathan: You will be the most important person in the world to me.
Cassie: Honey? Are you all right?
Tammy: Yes. I'm just drifting.
Cassie: Drifting. That is when the tears might start. I know I have to keep myself busy or I'm going to lose it today.
R.J.: Tammy, Tammy, it's me!
Tammy: R.J.! Hi.
R.J.: Congratulations. At least that's what Jeffrey told me to say.
Cassie: ( Laughs )
Tammy: Look at you. You are so grown up and so handsome. Are you ready to be the best ring bearer ever in the whole world?
R.J.: Born ready!
Tammy: Good man! Jeffrey told you what to do today, right? When he nods to you and gives you the signal, what do you do?
R.J.: Walk over to Sandy and give them to him, right?
Tammy: Right. You'll be perfect. ( Knock on door )
Cassie: Do you want me to get that?
Tammy: Would you? Thanks.
Cassie: This better be important. We have serious wedding preparations going on. Well, well look at you!
Tammy: Mom?
Cassie: Honey, I think someone would like to talk to you.
Tammy: What are you...
Jonathan: Don't marry him, Tammy. You can't marry him!
Tammy: But I...
Cassie: Tammy, are you ready for a visitor?
Tammy: Mom, I...
Josh: Uncle Josh!
Tammy: I thought you were Sandy and I want him to see me yet.
Josh: You look so beautiful.
Josh: Is this a bad time?
Tammy: No, the guy who gives away the bride gets special privileges.
Cassie: What about mom?
Josh: Sorry, you look gorgeous, too.
Cassie: R.J.?
R.J.: No thanks.
Tammy: Listen, I need you to do me a favor, this is really important.
Josh: Okay.
Tammy: If my knees start shaking before I go down the aisle, make sure I get to the altar.
Cassie: Honey, bull fine.
Josh: It's normal for someone to be nervous on their wedding day, but I'll be there for you.
Tammy: Just make sure I get where I need to be-- right next to Sandy where I belong.
Coop: How about these? Are these close enough?
Lizzie: Yeah, sure.
Coop: Just a second here.
Lizzie: What's wrong?
Coop: I just want to look at you in this dress. You must be making great commissions to ray ford something like that.
Lizzie: It's cheaper than it looks.
Gus: Stop it!
Harley: This is nice, isn't it?
Gus: Almost as nice as our wedding. I don't remember much about our wedding except for the bride and...
Frank: Gus, I'm crushed. (Laughs) come on, let's take our seats.
Frank: Rick, talk about cutting it close, man.
Mel: I let Rick drive, big mistake.
Rick: All you had to do is ring the direction's right.
Mel: So it's my fault.
Rick:, No it's the man's fault. Always the man's fault.
Harley: Blake's here.
Gus: Just keep up the appearances and look tense.
Blake: The place looks great.
Gus: Yeah, it's nice, uh-huh. (Together) where's Ross?
Jeffrey: There he is, the man of the hour.
Sandy: Hey, Jeff.
Jeffrey: Nervous?
Sandy: No.
Jeffrey: Liar. That's the way it's supposed to be. You're out here chewing your nails while Tammy is making herself look perfect and she is perfect. And everybody is here and on schedule so keep breathing.
Sandy: This is really going to happen.
Jeffrey: I don't know. It can only happen if you have the rings. So fork them over. Give me the rings. R.J. takes this ring bearer thing seriously so...
Sandy: Right. Sure they're... oh.
Jeffrey: You didn't.
Sandy: I didn’t.
Jeffrey: Very funny. Give me those. (Whistles) wow, nice-looking rings.
Sandy: Thanks. I can't wait until they're on. When we k we get this thing started anyway?
Jeffrey: How about right now?
Josh: Okay, ladies, here we go. One, two, three. (Laughter) oh, yes, lovely
picture Mrs. Foster, look at you.
Cassie: Foster.
Josh: Are you going to take his name?
Tammy: Yeah, yeah. It's weird, I've been a Winslow since Richard adopted me. It almost seems wrong, since he's not here.
Cassie: He would love it. He would be so proud.
Tammy: I know. (Knock on door) Oh, you want know get that?
Tammy: Yeah. Hi, Reverend.
Reverend Rutledge: Hello, everyone. So we're ready to start any time if the bride and her mother are ready.
Cassie: Are we ready?
Tammy: Almost.
Reverend Rutledge: I'll be outside.
Josh: I'm going to head out, too, so you can get that beautiful dress on. See you in a bit.
Cassie: See you. Oh, they're beautiful.
Tammy: Sandy gave me these. For today.
Cassie: Here, honey.
Tammy: (Sighs) Time to move on.
Cassie: Here, honey, I'll take that for you.
Tammy: Thanks. All this change from the locket to the pearls. It's a lot.
Cassie: I know.
Tammy: Thanks. So how do you think they look?
Cassie: Gorgeous.
Tammy: I'm ready.
Reverend Rutledge: I've just seen your bride. You're a lucky man. We're just about ready to start. Unless...
Sandy: I'm ready. I've been ready my whole life to marry the... woman I love.
Jeffrey: Deep breaths. Deep breaths.
Sandy: The sooner the better.
Jonathan: Boo.
Ava: Jonathan!
Sandy: The sooner the better.
Ava: Jon!
Jonathan: I heard you.
Ava: Then answer me. Where'd you go? I was thinking that you weren't coming back.
R.J.: Hey, Jonathan!
Jonathan: Hey, champ, doing good okay? Looking good.
Reva: Why don't you find your uncle Josh, okay?
R.J.: Okay.
Jonathan: You're here.
Jonathan: I don't want to miss the moment when she walks away from him. This wedding is not going to happen.
Reva: Look around you. You can't stop it now.
Jonathan: I won't have to.
Reva: In just a few minutes, they're going to be man and wife.
Jonathan: In just a few minutes, you'll see the truth.
Reva: What truth?
Jonathan: She's not going to go through with it.
Reva: Listen to me...
Jonathan: Come on, Ava. Let's go grab a seat. Don't want to miss the show.
Ava: Where are we going?
Jonathan: Where else? Down in front.
Reva: ( Gasps ) oh, Tammy!
Cassie: Not bad, huh?
Tammy: I've never seen a bride half as beautiful as you are.
Tammy: Thank you, aunt Reva.
Reva: Do you think maybe off minute or two to spare for me?
Josh: I think it's about to get started, Reva.
Reva: I know, there's something I want to say to her.
Josh: Afterwards. It's unbelievable, but I believe you
Josh: Here we go.
Cassie: I'm not going to cry.
[singer] Insane what love can do that keeps me coming back to you irreplaceable but I'll replace you now I'm standing on my own alone
Josh: Everybody set because here we go.
Tammy: Here we go.
Cassie: Tammy?
Tammy: Ready, mom. Aunt Reva, Uncle Josh, thank you all of you. You've taught me how to love and how to grow. You're my strength and my support. I depend on you everyday. Thank you.
Reva: I just want you to be happy. Both of you.
R.J.: Now is it time? ( Laughter )
Cassie: Yeah, honey, it's time. Josh?
Josh: It's time.
Ava: Is this right? We're sitting in the front row.
Jonathan: I want to see her face when she tells him she can't go through with it. I want her to see mine, too.
Reva: Tammy? Are you all right?
Tammy: Of course. I'm gonna marry the man that I love.
Josh: Okay. Mother of the bride, you're up.
Cassie: R.J., You ready? Here we go.
Josh: Okay, Reva, you're up.
Reva: Good luck, sweetie. See you up there.
Josh: Ready? ( Mendelssohn's "wedding march" playing ) Tammy? Tammy? Are you all right?
Tammy: I'm fine. I just thought for a second that my heel was stuck on my dress, but I'm fine. I'm ready.
(Distorted music )
Reverend Rutledge: Let us begin. Here, in the presence of God, in the presence of family and friends.
Sandy: Tammy? Are you okay?
Tammy: Of course. I've never been better. Let's get married!
Reverend Rutledge: Dearly beloved, we come today to celebrate the love between Tammy and Sandy. So now join me, if you will, in acknowledging its unlimited power and strength. Love bears all things, believes in all things, hopes and endures in all things. Love never fails. And as you come together as husband and wife, never forget to trust in one another not knowing for certain what lies ahead.
Harley: Let's go.
Gus: Now?
Harley: Now, now. We'll get a head start on the reception.
Reverend Rutledge: Tammy and Sandy, would you face one another, please? The time has come for you to share with us all, using your own words, the song of your hearts. May have we have the rings, please?
Jeffrey: That's your cue.
Sandy: Thanks, R.J.
R.J.: You're welcome.
Reverend Rutledge: These rings are a symbol to all of love's unbroken circle. Freely given, love has no beginning or end, no receiver or giver, for two are as one. Each the giver and teach receiver as well. Let these rings to remind you of this and of the vows you are going to take.
Gus: Anybody out here?
Harley: I don't think so.
Sandy: I, Sandy Foster, take thee, Tammy Winslow, to have and to hold from this day forward.
Reverend Rutledge: For better or worse.
Sandy: For better or worse.
Reverend Rutledge: For richer or poorer.
Sandy: For richer or poorer.
Reverend Rutledge: In sickness and in health.
Sandy: In sickness and in health. To love, honor and cherish forsaking all others till death do us part.
Reverend Rutledge: Now Tammy. The ring.
Tammy: I, Tammy Winslow, take thee, Sandy Foster, to have and to hold from this day forward.
Reverend Rutledge: For better or worse.
Tammy: For better or worse.
Reverend Rutledge: For richer or poorer.
Tammy: For richer or poorer.
Reverend Rutledge: In sickness and in health.
Tammy: In sickness and in health.
Reverend Rutledge: To love, honor and cherish.
Tammy: To love, honor, and cherish.
Reverend Rutledge: Forsaking all others.
Tammy: Forsaking all others till death do us part.
Reverend Rutledge: Your love and eternal commitment now promised in the vows you have taken and rings exchanged. It falls to me to ask all here gathered before we go further. If anyone should know of any true cause why this man and this woman should not be united in marriage, I bid them speak now. Speak now or forever more hold their peace.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Reverend Rutledge: You have agreed before God and your family and friends to enter the bonds of holy matrimony. You have vowed to love, honor, and cherish each other till death do you part. So now....
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