Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 11/17/05
Provided By
Proofread By Tanya
Danny: All right, so, well take your pick. We can sit at the bar. We can take a table.
Michelle: I don't know. It's a tough choice.
Danny: Let's take the table.
Michelle: Interesting one.
Danny: Yeah?
Michelle: Yeah. Thank you.
Danny: So this kind of feels like we're on a first date, doesn't it?
Michelle: Well, we are in a way. Starting over is starting over. Even for us.
Danny: Yeah. Still, there are some things that you never forget.
Michelle: Like what?
Danny: Like this little spot right over here.
Michelle: Stop.
Danny: Every minute I touch it...
Michelle: Don't! Don't...
Danny: See? There's another spot.
Michelle: You're making it really hard for me to play hard to get.
Danny: Good. I've had enough of that.
Marina: Well, this was a great idea, dad. I really needed to get out and do...
can I take that back?
Harley: You're sure you don't want to join us?
Beth: No, thanks. I'm sorry for interrupting.
Harley: No problem. Don't worry; I'll make sure Dinah keeps you up to date.
Dinah: Yeah. I'll be sure to send over a file to you full of research that I did. You're probably going to see some other possible targets there. And I'll be sure I make a copy of those files for you and send them over, all three-- 400 pages.
Beth: Great. Well, I'll be looking forward to seeing it.
Dinah: Good.
Beth: You're doing a great job, Dinah.
Dinah: Thank you. Say hi to your mom for me.
Beth: I will. I'll be in touch.
Harley: I'm sure you will. Bye, Beth.
Dinah: Okay, kind of weird. Also kind of pleasant in a "let me imagine you dead while I smile at you" kind of way, don't you think?
Beth: Alan, hi, it's me. Yes, I can hear you, but just barely. Listen, I thought
you'd like to know, Harley has hired a pit bull to watch her back. Dinah Marler.
Dinah... never mind. Hang up, I'll call you back.
Alan-Michael: Anyone I know?
Beth: Alan-Michael, hi! It was your father and I really have to get back to him.
Alan-Michael: Tell you what, why don't we let him weave baskets for now. I want you to myself for a minute.
Mallet: Come on. Go on
Gus: I should have gotten a
hair cut.
Mallet: Great. I thought we were going out for a couple of dogs. I'm very flattered, the candlelight, the romance. I'm very flattered, but don't you think people will start talking about us.
Gus: People know you're not my type.
Mallet: Please, like you got a shot at me.
Gus: Listen, chicklet, let's not argue in public, okay? It's embarrassing.
Mallet: I'm not arguing.
Gus: You're arguing right now.
Mallet: I think you're being argumentative.
Gus: Can we have a nice meal?
Mallet: Can we just get back to the station? We've got work to do.
Gus: This is classy. Class up; I'll pick up the bill. Will that make you feel better? Oh, look.
Mallet: What?
Gus: Look who it is.
Mallet: Who?
Gus: We can turn it into a little foursome. Baby, what a surprise.
Mallet: That's just great. Now we'll really get some work done.
Tammy: A house! Our house.
Sandy: the agent said to pull the door closed whenever we leave, also says the master bath has been redone. So what do you say? Can you imagine us here?
Sandy: I guess this is the big surprise you said you had for me?
Sandy: Was I close? What do you think? Can you see yourself settling into a place like this with me? Do you like it?
Tammy: I don't just like it, Sandy, I love it. You know me so well. This is the house that I've imagined my whole life. It's perfect for us. Perfect.
Jonathan: This is a beautiful place! Tammy could really... be happy.
Ava: Jonathan.
Jonathan: What are you doing here?
Ava: I shouldn't have followed you, but I got curious about the house and thought I would come over and... oh, god, what is Sandy doing here?
Jonathan: I don't know. I dropped one of the pages out of the brochure.
Ava: And you think that he picked it up?
Jonathan: I don't know what I'm thinking right now.
Ava: Oh, Jon, I'm sorry.
Jonathan: Shh, quiet. The window's open.
Tammy: I love this house. And I love how it feels being here with you.
Sandy: Then it's settled. It's ours. I can't wait to carry you across the threshold.
Tammy: Sandy... no.
Sandy: Why not? What's wrong?
Tammy: I can't do this, Sandy. I'm sorry, I just can't.
Danny: Marina, Frank. Hi.
Marina: Hi.
Danny: How are you doing?
Marina: I'm good.
Frank: You need to ask her that?
Marina: Dad. I'm fine. How about yourself?
Danny: I'm fine. Fine.
Marina: That's good. So I guess you guys are taking a break from Robbie and Hope?
Danny: Um, well, actually, I think we were just getting ready to leave.
Marina: Danny, please, okay? You don't need to pretend like you were leaving or that you're not seeing each other, okay? I knew in my heart that this is what you wanted and that's why I decided to break things off.
Frank: Marina, you don't need to do this right now.
Marina: Sorry. Excuse us. Dad, no scenes.
Frank: No scenes? They were the ones making the scene when we walked in here.
Danny: Frank. Marina, look, your father has every right to be upset with me. He really does. So if there's something that you want to say to me, say it.
Marina: Oh, this is great.
Mallet: So I guess... tell me something, do you think we're going to be able to
do some work with two young fine ladies?
Gus: Listen, we engage in light beautiful conversation it might open our head to a whole new perspective.
Harley: That sounds like fun, but Dinah and I are here specifically to, you know, work.
Gus: So what? So are we, come on. Hey, let's all fire ourselves. ( Laughs ) come on, listen, all work and no play...
Mallet: This is how things get done so I'm willing to be a dull boy.
Dinah: Dull? You never.
Gus: Everybody relax! I'm just saying, life is short.
Mallet: I guess it depends on the company.
Dinah: You're right. For once, he's right. He's right.
Harley: Well, why don't you guys sit here and have your light fluffy banter. You don't mind if I borrow my husband, do you?
Dinah: Oh, yeah, I do. Yes I do mind.
Harley: Aitoro, go. Won't be long.
Dinah: It's too long already.
Mallet: Are you afraid to be alone with me, Marler?
Harley: What are you doing?
Gus: Uh, well, mallet and I, uh... were going to work on our reports tonight and then we came in to have a little something and then I see you sitting over there with Dinah, I'm thinking hey, look at that, my wife! I thought, you know I'd spend a little quality time with her, you. It's like serendipity.
Harley: Seren-dip this.
Beth: Alan-Michael, what is it that you want? Your father is waiting.
Alan-Michael: Let him wait. He's not going anywhere, is he?
Beth: All right. What's on your mind?
Alan-Michael: Honestly, not a darn thing, Beth. Just happy to see you, like always. And since I'm here, I thought we could touch... you know, base. Have some quality time, maybe. Two chardonnays.
Beth: No, make that a scotch on the rocks for me. You said quality time?
Alan-Michael: I don't like to play favorites, you know that. But between us, you were always my number one sister-in-law.
Beth: And I guess that would make me your number one stepmother now, right?
Alan-Michael: I guess it does. To be honest, though, I liked you most of all when you were, let's say, a free agent.
Beth: I hate to ask, but....
Alan-Michael: There's nothing you can't ask me, Beth.
Beth: Why are you hitting on me?
Ava: Jon...
Jonathan: Quiet.
Sandy: What's the problem? I don't understand. What's wrong?
Tammy: I can't do this to you Sandy.
Sandy: Do what to me.
Tammy: Let you buy me this house just to make me happy.
Sandy: Making you happy makes me happy. Don't I deserve happiness?
Tammy: It's a house. It's... it's big.
Sandy: When you walked in that door, Tammy, the look on your face, it was like you were coming home. And there was a sense of peace in your eyes and excitement. And I want to see more of that. And I want to share that with you. And I want our marriage to be like that everyday.
Tammy: I want that, too.
Sandy: Then say yes. I have enough savings for a down payment. I have a great job at Lewis. Say yes, that you like this place. Say yes, that you believe in our future together. Say yes, that you'll let me do this for you, for us. Please.
Tammy: Of course, Sandy, yes. I love you.
Sandy: I love you.
Tammy: And I want this. And I want you. I want years of this with you and... and I love you for wanting it, too.
Ava: If we stay here much longer, they'll see us. Come on, let's go.
Jonathan: I don't care what you do, just take off.
Ava: You're really not going to come with me? Fine, I'll go.
Danny: Frank, look, I'm pretty sure I... I know what you're feeling. I have a
daughter now, too. And I'm sure you want to protect Marina, I feel the same way
about Hope.
Frank: Well, good, I'm glad you finally get it.
Danny: I just want you to know that what I felt for Marina was very real and the last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt her.
Frank: And yet you still did.
Frank: Well, Frank, when I learned that I had a daughter, it changed everything. And Marina knew that and she's the one who helped me to realize that I need to be with my kids. And I need to be with Michelle. Marina deserves a lot more than I'm able to give her.
Frank: Yes, she does. And if you understand that, then you're going to understand why I'm so angry with you, why you dragged her through this whole mess. But now I'm going to ask something from you.
Danny: Okay.
Frank: I want you to stay away from her. I don't want you to call her, I don't want you to talk to her, I don't want you even to track her down and make things right. I don't even want you to accidentally run into her, like tonight.
Danny: It's a small town, Frank.
Frank: Look, I don't care what it takes from you or how you're going to do it, just stay the hell away from her.
Marina: No spilled blood yet.
Michelle: I am so sorry, Marina. I... I know that you're the one who's suffering the most here.
Marina: Yeah. Right now I'm the only one suffering, aren't I?
Alan-Michael: Thanks. Would you like for me to hit on you, Beth?
Beth: It doesn't matter what I would like. It's more about how low you're willing to go. I am married to your father.
Alan-Michael: I guess I'm in denial. Somehow I can't seem to think of that as a real thing.
Beth: Oh, it's real. More real than this game you're playing now.
Alan-Michael: What game?
Beth: Sticking it to your father by flirting with his wife. Getting under her skin.
Alan-Michael: Do you really think I want to get Alan that bad?
Beth: Don't you?
Alan-Michael: He's barely on my radar these days. I've been gone a long time, but I wouldn't mind getting under your skin, Beth. Not one little bit. Because since the first time I came back to this town and saw you again, you have definitely been on my radar.
Harley: What is this? And don't give me the innocent face.
Gus: What? This is my face! I was born just like this. This is the way I came out!
Harley: You and Mallet did not happen to arrive here. I seem to remember you floating the idea of a double date a week ago.
Gus: Floating? Nobody floated... if I said anything about a double date that's because I can clearly see that these two can actually hit it off.
Harley: Are you blind?
Gus: What?
Harley: Those don't two don't even like each other very much.
Gus: You don't know that, honey, come on.
Dinah: You can't stand it, can you?
Mallet: What? I'm sorry.
Dinah: Well I know you're that, but you can't stand it, is what I said.
Mallet: You can't stand what, Marler?
Dinah: You can't stand that Gus got the girl instead of you.
Sandy: Then it's all settled. We should probably head out. The agent said not to
stay too long.
Tammy: There's just one more thing I have to do first before we go.
Sandy: What's that?
Tammy: This. And this.
Sandy: Hmm.
Tammy: And this.
Sandy: Hmm. You know, I... I know a place where we can...
Jonathan: And this!
Sandy: I know a place where we can continue to do this. And it's more comfortable.
Tammy: Ready if you are.
Sandy: Let's do it.
Jonathan: Great house. This place really gets me inspired, too.
Tammy: J.B.
Jonathan: Tammy.
Tammy: I knew you'd be here. Oh, I just knew it in my heart.
Jonathan: Are you all right? What happened?
Tammy: I found out the truth. Sandy said he was looking for the perfect house to give me so that he could give me perfect surprise. Well he sure did. He lied to me.
Jonathan: I know. I found this place first. I... I wanted this so bad for you.
Tammy: Shh. I know, J.B. And I want it, too.
Mallet: ( Sighs ) you know, Dinah, I'm pretty sure you don't like me and I'm
fine with that, but you've got to give me some credit.
Dinah: ( Laughs ) credit? Excuse me, men in general and specifically you don't deserve any credit at all, except for maybe when they don't drag their knuckles across the ground when they try to walk.
Mallet: ( Laughs ) that's good.
Dinah: Thank you.
Mallet: I like that. That's good. I just want you to know I don't stand around and pine for things that are over and done with.
Dinah: Like Harley Cooper?
Mallet: Yeah. They're obviously rock solid and she's a happily married woman.
Dinah: Yup, yup. And you know what? You are a happily unmarried guy.
Mallet: Just plain happy.
Dinah: Okay, so you are good with being alone?
Mallet: I guess I try not to make lists of what might have been. I had her; I lost her. So, I'm moving on. So if you'll excuse me.
Dinah: Mallet, um, honestly speaking, I hope you find what you're looking for, whoever she is.
Mallet: I guess what I'm looking for is uh... a drink. But thanks for the thought and right back at you.
Dinah: Sure.
Harley: You dragged Mallet here to protect our love life?
Gus: Oh! I just want the guy to get a life.
Harley: Why, because he's your partner, right?
Gus: No, because he finds to many "reasons" to keep stopping by your office. And Dinah is nice, she's pretty, she's nice, she's single. What's the problem?
Harley: What do you care about Mallet? I mean, really? What are you worried about him for. You know, when I took that long... incredibly long walk down the aisle.
Gus: Easy.
Harley: It's because I knew you were going to be at the end of it, not what's-his-name.
Gus: All right I get it. I get it, I get it.
Harley: Really.
Gus: Yes. I get it. So you should have no problem with me trying to set him up on a little date.
Harley: Not at all.
Gus: Report, then. Are we done here?
Harley: I guess we are.
Gus: Can we get back to our little thing?
Harley: I guess it's time. ( Cell phone ringing )
Gus: Station.
Harley: You should get that.
Gus: Yes.
Harley: I'll see you back inside.
Gus: Right on. Aitoro. Yeah. Oh, no, well, you know mallet and I were going to... we were going to finish that report up tonight. That one's on the desk. That... look on the desk. That's from last month. What are you talking about? Just look on the desk, you'll find it. Yeah. All right, thanks. Ooh.
Dinah: Hey. You know, I'm not as thick as your partner.
Gus: What do you mean?
Dinah: I'm just saying that I know what you're up to.
Gus: What?
Dinah: I'm just saying that I know what you're up to and I am on your side.
Danny: I will do my best to stay away from Marina. I don't want to hurt her
anymore than I already have.
Frank: I guarantee you that you'll never hurt her again.
Danny: She's lucky to have you looking out for her, Frank.
Frank: My daughter deserves to be with the best guy in the world so stay away and maybe she'll find him.
Michelle: I can't make this easier for you. I wish I could go back in time somehow.
Marina: What would you do if you could?
Michelle: Slap myself silly. Or slap the other Michelle who decided that she didn't love Danny.
Marina: And I never would have had him. I don't think that I'd like that.
Michelle: I guess it would just be a lot easier if Danny and I could just disappear.
Marina: I guess. But that's kind of unrealistic.
Frank: Marina. Marina, come on, honey, let's go.
Marina: I'm coming. See you around.
Michelle: Yeah, see you soon.
Danny: ( Clears throat ) nice first date, huh? Aren't you glad we came here for a change of pace?
Jonathan: Tammy, listen...
Tammy: I already know, J.B. You wanted to give me this house to show me how you feel. And it's a beautiful house. But it's not us.
Jonathan: Us?
Tammy: It's perfect for Sandy and his kind of dreams. But we're different. This house isn't you or me, Jonathan. That's what I love about you the most, that you're not Sandy. You're everything that he can never be. I love you for the man you are. And all of this, the adorable house and the fairy tale marriage, that's not what I want. Not deep down.
Jonathan: What do you want?
Tammy: You. And this house is... as sweet as it is, it is too sweet.
Jonathan: ( Laughs )
Tammy: And too neat and too...
Jonathan: Too normal. ( Laughs )
Tammy: God, I just want it to go away, just disappear, just...
Jonathan: What? Just what?
Tammy: ( Screams )
Jonathan: Tammy? What? What the hell was that?
Tammy: I just want to feel something strong, something loud something that... that screams out for all of my attention and makes my heart feel like it's just ready to explode. I... come on! Come on! Let's both feel it. Let's both feel it together.
Jonathan: Are you sure? Are you sure?
Tammy: I am so sure. I don't know what to do with it all. I'm so sure that I'm scared to death! I just... I want to let it out and let it fly!
Jonathan: ( Laughs )
Tammy: ( Laughs )
Jonathan: How did that feel?
Tammy: Like I've wanted to feel my whole life. Like I wanted to keep feeling the rest of my life!
Jonathan: ( Laughs )
Tammy: What next? Come on!
Jonathan: ( Screaming )
Tammy: ( Laughing )
Jonathan: Tammy...
Jonathan: You were right! Hey! You were right!
Sandy: Wow! Record timing! I almost thought we weren't going to make it before I
had to just grab you and... hey, Tammy? Hey?
Tammy: What?
Sandy: Are you okay?
Tammy: Me? Yeah. Yeah. I guess I just lost myself thinking about it.
Jonathan: The house.
Tammy: The lives we would be living there. Suddenly the future just somehow seems so real.
Sandy: It is real. We are going to live in our dream house and the sun's going to creep in through the bedroom window and we're going to wake up in each other's arms. And in the wintertime I'm going to make a fire to cut the chill and then I'm going to make a big breakfast for the three of us.
Tammy: Three of us?
Sandy: Four of us, five of us. Pancakes, eggs, oatmeal.
Tammy: I hate oatmeal.
Sandy: Well, okay? See, after all those years waking up in each other's arm there will still be a lot to learn.
Tammy: Maybe you just should have asked me earlier. Oh, oatmeal. Yuck.
Sandy: Okay, pancakes, then.
Tammy: And, hey, how come both of us aren't cooking this breakfast together? And why did you look for this house without me?
Sandy: You want to know why? Because of the way you light up when I surprise you is my favorite thing in the world. I wasn't going to tell you about this until after the wedding.
Tammy: I ruined the surprise.
Sandy: There will be plenty of surprises to come and I promise you they'll just get better. I am going to make your life a fairy tale of surprises! Our life.
Tammy: Our life.
Sandy: Tammy...
Tammy: The fairy tale starts tonight, Sandy.
Sandy: Once upon a time...
Tammy: They lived happily...
Sandy: Ever... after.
Ava: Hey, what happened? Is everything okay? Is Sandy okay?
Jonathan: What, you think I went after Sandy?
Ava: I didn't know what to think.
Jonathan: Well... give me this. Don't worry. I didn't attack Sandy. No damage done. He's probably sitting at home in his P.J.'s with the feet on them cutting out pictures of patio furniture that he's going to buy for her.
Ava: Now that he found Tammy her little dream house.
Jonathan: No, their little dream house. But that's not what's in important. It's t-minus-whatever and then there goes the bride. That's what's important.
Ava: What does that mean?
Jonathan: That means if I were you, I'd steer clear of that wedding.
Frank: All right. I'll call you as soon as I can, okay?
Marina: Okay.
Frank: Oh, Marina, hang in there, honey.
Marina: Of course I'll hang in there. I mean, after all, it was my idea to pull the plug with Danny in the first place. Now I'll have lots of time to think of ideas for Tammy's bachelorette party. Ideas. Ideas. Ideas. Come on, Marina. Focus. I could... we could... I could go somewhere else where I could concentrate, but then if I leave they'll see me leave and they'll think that... Alan-Michael.
Alan-Michael: Well, Officer Cooper.
Marina: Listen, can you do me a favor? Could we just skip the small talk and could you buy me a beer?
Dinah: Okay. You're feeling a little threatened by Mallet, okay? And you need to
create some distance. You need to distract him in some way and you're thinking I
am the perfect person for the job. Am I warm, at least, somewhat?
Gus: You're... hot.
Dinah: Thank you. Look, I owe Harley, all right? And if there's anything I can do to help her husband and her marriage, I'm going to have to say yes. Even though there is nothing in it for me. And believe me, nada, nothing. Okay? But you can count on me, and that's what counts.
Gus: That's decent of you.
Dinah: Really. You think so?
Gus: Well, it's just that you got me scared now because... you know, this isn't the typical you.
Dinah: Gus, same Dinah, okay? Don't worry. I'm going to use my powers for good instead of evil. I've decided that.
Harley: I am... I'm really sorry about all this.
Mallet: Sorry about what?
Harley: Gus... he has this crazy idea in his head that if he just kind of keeps...
Mallet: Oh, keeps me occupied with someone else?
Harley: It's a very sweet idea. ( Laughs )
Mallet: He's kind of insecure.
Harley: Protective is the word I would have used. You bring it out in him.
Mallet: By... by what, being friends with my ex-wife?
Harley: You do it without even knowing it. You do it just by being.
Mallet: Being what?
Harley: By being you.
Danny: What?
Michelle: That's Alan- Michael, my cousin Hope's son. Come on, I'll introduce you.
Danny: No, no, come on. Let's save that for another time. I don't want to upset Marina anymore.
Michelle: Yeah, you're right. I forgot, it's complicated.
Danny: Well, I guess everybody's first date is a little uncomfortable just because we've been married five times and have two kids together doesn't give us an exemption.
Michelle: Kind of like everyone's looking over our shoulders, you know, ex-girlfriends and all.
Danny: Ex-girlfriends' fathers.
Michelle: Yeah.
Danny: So, if I told you that I was thinking about something that could make things a little easier for us, what would you say to that?
Michelle: Tell me.
Danny: No, not yet. Not yet. Do you trust me?
Michelle: Yeah, I trust you, but I'd like to know what you're talking about.
Danny: I'll tell you what. I want you to meet me at this address tomorrow at 5:00 ready for anything. Can you do that?
Michelle: I think I can manage to get myself there, but I'd like to know why.
Danny: Just do it. Be there. All right?
Michelle: Okay.
Danny: Come on. We've got lots to do.
Alan-Michael: Here you go.
Marina: Thank you very much.
Alan-Michael: Hang on, where are you going?
Marina: I said thank you.
Alan-Michael: I figured I might get a couple minutes of small talk at least for my trouble.
Marina: No.
Alan-Michael: One of those drink and run girls?
Marina: Look, okay? I came here in here with my dad tonight, he had to leave, I didn't have my wallet with me, I saw you walk in and I needed a drink. I'll pay you back the next time I see you, okay? End of story. Good night.
Alan-Michael: Look, if... if I...
Marina: Thank you. Good night!
Dinah: I like your tie, you've got a good suit. It's very nice.
Gus: Thanks.
Dinah: We need to go back to work.
Gus: Double dates near all four bodies.
Beth: Dinah, there you are. Hi. Gus, could you give us a few minutes?
Gus: No problem.
Beth: You mentioned a few other possible takeover targets Spaulding was looking at. I'd like to know what division took charge of that research.
Mallet: What are you trying to say, Harley?
Harley: I'm trying to say that Gus knows me a lot better than I'd like him to sometimes.
Mallet: How's that?
Harley: He knew that the minute he dragged you in here and started forcing you down Dinah's throat that I would feel uneasy.
Mallet: Uneasy? Uneasy. Why?
Harley: I can't believe I'm going to say this. I have absolutely no right to feel this way, okay? I don't. I don’t. But...
Mallet: Go on. Come on, come on, let's hear it. What?
Harley: I can't stand seeing you with somebody else. I can't stand it. I can't. There. I said it.
Gus: Yes, you did.
Harley: Honey...
Gus: You know, what's funny? Just a couple minutes ago outside with you and you say that it's you and me and that I got nothing to worry about and that you don't have feelings for this guy and here I am watching you guys be all cozy.
Harley: Honey, please, please.
Gus: Please what?
Harley: Are you finished?
Gus: I'll see you at home.
Harley: Honey... Gus!
Tammy: Sandy, I feel so safe, so safe, and that is all that matters.
Ava: I want Sandy as much as you want Tammy. That's why I'm going with you.
Jonathan: You're what?
Ava: As your date to the wedding. You're taking me with you and don't argue with me because you're not going to change my mind.
Jonathan: Okay. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Danny: Glad to see you made it.
Michelle: Would you stop being so mysterious? What is the big surprise?
Beth: They're here, Alan, and still on the outs from last night from the looks of things. Anything could happen.
Jeffrey: Where's the future Mrs. Foster?
Sandy: She's at her bachelorette party.
Josh: Ah.
Jeffrey: Ah, well then you better get over there and check it out.
Sandy: This is Tammy. There's nothing that can go wrong.
Marina: Now are you ready to do all the things you never get to do again?
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