Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 11/16/05
Provided By
Proofread By Tanya
Coop: So, how many dishes do you think we washed tonight?
Buzz: I stopped counting when my fingers got pruney.
Coop: Yeah. Hey, look, thank you so much for helping me out tonight.
Buzz: How else were you going to wrap up that job and still have time left to see your girl? Oh, well, that is assuming you're not asleep.
Coop: Don't worry about Lizzie. I'll get a hold of her. But you, I need to deal with you first.
Buzz: Me?
Coop: Yeah. Dad, you rolled up your sleeves for me tonight. I mean, literally, you rolled up your sleeves. But you also put my love life back on track tonight. So I think it's about time I do the same for you.
Buzz: I don't have a love life.
Coop: Exactly. Pops, I think it's time we found you a girl.
Olivia: Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh, sorry. That's good, isn't it? Oh, I made a bit of
a mess here.
Josh: Sorry, asking you to meet me tonight when you don't have a babysitter is a bad thing. You want to do this another time?
Olivia: No. I'll manage. You wanted to talk about Jeffrey and San Cristobel.
Josh: Okay, all right. Is there some way I can help here?
Olivia: You can help me distract Emma.
Josh: Hey, darling. Hi, Emma. Are we going to spend a little time together, sweetheart? Wow, what you got? Can I have some?
Jeffrey: Okay, okay. And made it. Yes.
Cassie: What is all this?
Jeffrey: This? This, my dear is Thanksgiving.
Cassie: You hate Thanksgiving.
Jeffrey: Mrs. Winslow, I'll have you know that while you were here concerning yourself with your daughter's wedding, I researched the classic Thanksgiving meal. Which is to say that I asked a few people at the store what I should buy, and they told me.
Cassie: Well, did they tell you to buy it so soon?
Jeffrey: What do you mean?
Cassie: Jeffrey, Thanksgiving's a week away. Some of this food will go bad by then.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, I... I knew that.
Cassie: Really?
Jeffrey: Yeah. See, this isn't really Thanksgiving-Thanksgiving. It's practice Thanksgiving.
Cassie: Practice Thanksgiving?
Jeffrey: That's right. Because when I tackle the real meal next week, I'm going to get it just right.
Cassie: Okay, who are you and what have you done with the real Jeffrey O’Neill? This guy, he's an imposter. Hmm, then again, you are the only one I know who kisses like that.
Tammy: Ava?
Ava: Yeah?
Tammy: How did you know Sandy has a thing for antique watches?
Ava: Oh, um, I don't know. I guess I just... I just thought maybe he would like a watch and I just guessed.
Tammy: You guessed?
Ava: Yeah.
Tammy: I don't think so. I mean, you saw that watch and you said, "this is the gift." I mean, like there was no doubt about it, I want to know why.
Sandy: Hey, gorgeous. How's my beautiful fiancée?
Tammy: Hey, handsome. So what's this big surprise you're working on for me? No, wait, actually, there's something else I want to know first, something that I don't understand. Maybe you can explain.
Sandy: Explain what?
Tammy: How Ava knows so much about you.
Reva: It's not what you think.
Jonathan: Yeah, right, Reva. You told him to marry Tammy, you told Sandy you wanted him to be happy. Did I screw up the meaning of those words.
Reva: Calm down.
Jonathan: You want me to calm down! You want me to be more reasonable! After that tender display out there?
Reva: I'm sorry you had to see that.
Jonathan: Well, I'm not. Now I know who you are.
Reva: It wasn't meant as a betrayal.
Jonathan: That's how it turned out! I spilled my guts to you. I asked you for one thing, back me up. You couldn't. You wouldn't.
Reva: You know the position you put me in asking me to help you with this?
Jonathan: Oh, the position of being my mother?
Reva: No, you put me smack in the middle between Cassie and Sandy and you and Tammy, and I lose no matter what I do.
Jonathan: Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot everything is all about you.
Reva: I'll help you, I will. Just pick a different girl.
Jonathan: Do you think I want to be with the one girl who I'm not supposed to be with? But I am and that's the way it is and you're not going to help me get her and that's the way it is and that's fine because I don't need your help.
Reva: Hey, hey...
Jonathan: No, Tammy and I are going to be together, there's nothing that you or anyone else can do about it. And I just thought it would have been nice to have backup for once.
Reva: What are you going to do?
Jonathan: I have a few days before the wedding. I'll do it the right way. I'll see if she wants to change her mind. Let Tammy make the decision for herself. I'm not trying to hurt anyone or cause any trouble.
Reva: That's exactly what will happen if you don't drop this.
Jonathan: Well, there might be some collateral damage if somebody tries to stop me and Tammy from being together, but I don't give a damn about that. And I don't care if you're the one who gets hurt.
Buzz: You're exhausted. You're giddy from detergent fumes. You don't know what
you're saying.
Coop: Dad, you can't tell me you like being alone.
Buzz: I'm not alone. I have family, I have customers, I have legions of admirers.
Coop: I'm talking about a honey for you. A honey.
Buzz: A honey?
Coop: Yes.
Buzz: I can't believe I'm having this conversation with my son. A honey? Ick.
Buzz: Yes you are, pop. What if I were to sick Frank and Marina on you. What about Harley? She's a pit bull when it comes to getting ideas.
Buzz: Don't you dare. I can still write you out of my will.
Coop: I know you've been thinking about it and it's on your mind.
Buzz: Oh. How?
Coop: How? Because you never talk about it, that's how.
Buzz: Oh, clever insight. Wrong, but clever.
Coop: Oh, please. You're going to honestly tell me that you can't imagine being with anybody else ever again? Please. I mean, there's got to be at least someone, one person, one woman in this town that you want to hook up with.
Josh: ( Imitating a car engine ) you want another one?
Olivia: We like Josh, don't we? Look, I did a little digging around to see if Jeffrey was on the island before coming to Springfield.
Josh: What is that, Ansel Robards?
Olivia: Yeah, he's the guy most connected on the island. If Jeffrey even so much as looked at a map on the island he would know about it and tell you.
Reva: So that's it? You want Tammy and you don't care what it costs or who gets
ripped apart.
Jonathan: Yeah, Tammy and I should be together. She feels the same way that I feel about her.
Reva: She's marrying Sandy!
Jonathan: Net yet she isn't!
Reva: Okay, so you're asking her to turn her back on everybody she loves. Is that what you want for her? Or do you only care about yourself?
Jonathan: No, no.
Reva: If you love her, if you really love her, your top priority should be happiness.
Jonathan: She'll be happy with me.
Tammy: Look at you, you're speechless.
Ava: Well, it's time to come clean.
Sandy: What?
Ava: I was going to tell you guys before, but I didn't want to sound like a stalker. I was a little embarrassed. When I was working in outskirts a couple weeks ago and you came in, Sandy, with your laptop, you had your nose buried for a few hours. Anyways, I came up to you because I was so curious and fascinated by what you were doing, I peeked over your shoulder and I saw that you were looking at antique watches on an online auction. Every time I came by he was looking at a different watch.
Lizzie: Hey, guys. Hey. I should have called you earlier. I can't believe you're getting married soon. It's so crazy.
Sandy: You're coming, aren't you?
Lizzie: Of course. Roxy and I are wearing pink. That's your color, isn't it?
Tammy: Yes.
Lizzie: And I've got a great surprise. I'm going to throw you a bachelorette party.
Tammy: Lizzie, you don't have to.
Lizzie: It's a done deal. I've got money from my new job and I'm take care of everything. It's going to be so much fun. Marina?
Marina: What's up?
Lizzie: How would you like to throw Tammy here a bachelorette part glee.
Marina: I'm in.
Tammy: Marina...
Lizzie: Exactly what I said. Ava, you're friends with Tammy, aren't you?
Ava: I guess so, yeah.
Lizzie: You're coming, too. Who else can we invite?
Sandy: You can't go.
Tammy: It's a nice offer but I don't know if I want a bachelorette party.
Lizzie: Okay, when else are you going to have a chance to have one?
Marina: One night to let yourself loose like a single babe before you throw yourself into a marriage. No offense. Come on, Tammy, don't tell me you don't have some wild stuff to get out of your system.
Tammy: Yeah, I do.
Blake: You. You stay away from me while I'm working. You cost me big tonight.
Reva: Wait a minute. What are you talking about?
Blake: I was showing a house to a couple and they were this close to making a bid on it and Mr. Subtle shows up and spooked them. I'm sorry, did I say spook? Threatened them. You chased them away.
Reva: Why?
Blake: Because he claims he wants the same property. And he made it clear if anybody gave him competition he would make things very ugly.
Reva: You're interested in a house? Why?
Jonathan: Why do you think?
Jeffrey: Now, that is a bird. Look at that. That is a bird. Why are you smiling?
Cassie: Just imagining you stuffing that bird. And chopping the vegetables and stirring the gravy, making cranberries...
Jeffrey: I know, you think it's a comedy classic in the making don't you? But very few people know I have a very deft touch in the kitchen.
Cassie: Yeah, with the start button on the microwave.
Jeffrey: That's very good. Very good. I am going to nail this meal this year because this year I have motivation. I have something to be truly grateful for-- you, Tammy, R.J., This terrific wedding that's coming right up. I feel like I'm the luckiest guy in the world. Like I just hit the lottery or something.
Cassie: Well, maybe it's fate. Or karma. I don't know. After all that crappy things that I've been through in my life.
Jeffrey: Are you all right? What are you thinking about?
Cassie: Richard. I'm sorry, I just... with the wedding coming up, I can't help but think of him. It's just that... do you mind if I talk about this?
Jeffrey: Please, of course.
Cassie: It's just that Tammy lit up Richard's life like nobody else. And I can't help but think how wonderful it would be if he could walk her down the aisle, you know? Give her away.
Jeffrey: I bet that she really wishes he was here, too.
Cassie: I'm sorry, this is hard for you.
Jeffrey: No, I think you should, you know, I think you should talk about it. As a matter of fact, I think you should talk about it even more than you do.
Cassie: Why?
Jeffrey: Because sometimes it might help to heal the wounds. It's better to acknowledge the pain than to pretend it's not there.
Cassie: You would have liked Richard if you could have met him. I really think you would have.
Josh: I really do appreciate this, Olivia.
Olivia: I'm happy to help. I wish...
Josh: What?
Olivia: I just... I know you told me why you were interested in Jeffrey. I just kind of felt like you were holding back.
Josh: No, it's like I said before: I'm just trying to cover my bases here. The most important thing to me is protecting Cassie, keeping her safe.
Olivia: Okay. That is like you, you know, protecting the people that you love.
Josh: Anybody else would do the same thing.
Olivia: Men like you are getting harder to fine.
Josh: Tell my wife, will you? Forget that, let's not remotely go there.
Olivia: Let's not. Just call him, tell him what you need and he'll help you.
Josh: Good-bye, Emma, my darling. Thanks for the ice cream. See ya.
Olivia: Bye.
Buzz: Hey, josh.
Josh: Hi, buzz.
Coop: All right. Well, let me see. Let's see, let's see. Ah-ha, bingo. I think I see someone you should be going after.
Buzz: Olivia?
Coop: Yeah, why not? I mean she's a little too young for you, a little too rich for you and a lot hot for you.
Buzz: Too married, that's what's wrong. She's married.
Ava: You think that going to Tammy's bachelorette party is my idea of a good
time? It isn't. And anyways, you don't have to worry about me anymore, now, do
Sandy: Ava, just...
Ava: Stop. Listen. I'm looking out for your best interest, okay? Don't you know that already? If I wanted to tell Tammy we were married, I could have a thousand times over, but I haven't.
Sandy: Okay. You have been a good friend.
Ava: I just want what's best for you.
Lizzie: Okay, what are you doing talking to boys? We need to plan a party. Come on.
Ava: Lizzie, you know what? I can't go, I can't do it.
Lizzie: How do you know? We haven't even set the date yet. How's tomorrow night, maybe?
Marina: Tomorrow sounds good to me.
Tammy: I don't have any plans.
Lizzie: You do now. You're going to go, right?
Ava: Um, okay.
Lizzie: Okay. Great. This is going to rock!
Sandy: Time to go and let them plan their party.
Tammy: Hey, no surprises, guys, okay?
Marina: What is a bachelorette party without surprises?
Lizzie: I'll find the place.
Reva: You want a house because you, what, want to settle down?
Jonathan: Never mind.
Blake: He doesn't know what he wants.
Reva: I think he does.
Blake: He's a rebel without a cause. You're telling me he's interested in a white picket fence and a two-car garage, I don't buy it.
Reva: You don't know him.
Blake: I've seen enough of him to know he doesn't fit into that norm.
Reva: Neither did you, Blake, for a long time.
Blake: Do not make this about me.
Reva: No, this is about acknowledging someone's past. You were a pariah in Springfield. So was I. Ross gave you a chance; Josh gave me like a million different chances. All I'm asking is that people start giving Jonathan another chance to see him for what he is now. You know, he's changed. He's not that bad.
Blake: Well, for your sake I hope that's true. But bottom line is, he's messing with my paycheck.
Reva: Let's do lunch sometime.
Blake: Yeah.
Jonathan: Wow. Who'd want to buy a house from that woman.
Reva: You got the idea from that house from the magazine I showed you.
Jonathan: What magazine?
Reva: You think if you buy a house Tammy's going to look at you differently?
Jonathan: What do you care what I think? You said Tammy and Sandy belong together.
Reva: I don't know what to think anymore. I just want you to be happy but...
Jonathan: But, what? I'm sick to want Tammy?
Reva: No, I don't think you're sick. I mean, wouldn’t have said what I said to Blake if I thought that?
Jonathan: What? When you stood up for me just now? Oh, come on, I'm sorry. That is too little too late. I wouldn't care if you got Tammy right now, dragged her away from Sandy and stood her in front of me. I wouldn't even want your help.
Reva: Where are you going?
Jonathan: Out the door.
Reva: Jonathan.
Josh: Mr. Robards, my name is Joshua Lewis, I got your number from Olivia Lewis.
Yes, I'm interested in knowing whether a man by the name of Jeffrey O'Neill
spent any time in San Cristobel. And if so, did he have any connection at all to
Richard Winslow? Anything you can dig up, I'll take it, yeah. Photographs,
documents, whatever. You'll call me when you find something? Great. Thank you.
Jeffrey: You know, if that stuff takes as long to cook as it does to put away,
I'm in trouble.
Cassie: ( Laughs )
Reva: Hi.
Jeffrey and Cassie: Hi.
Reva: I got your message. Is everything all right? Is it about Tammy?
Cassie: Kind of, but it's nothing bad. Reva, you look so worried.
Reva: You said you wanted to talk.
Cassie: Yeah, we could have done that on the phone. It's just... we wanted to invite you to Thanksgiving.
Reva: "We" as in you and Jeffrey?
Cassie: And R.J. And Tammy and Sandy, the whole crew.
Jeffrey: You heard right, I'm cooking.
Cassie: ( Laughs ) I wanted to bag turkey day. I thought with the wedding we had enough, but chef Jeffrey over here insisted so... will you come? I know you're on your own this year.
Reva: Well, you know it sounds great, really, but I just think I should spend Thanksgiving with Jonathan.
Cassie: So bring him along. I think he's proven that he can be in the same room with me and Tammy without causing any grief.
Reva: No. No, he shouldn't be here. Not this time.
Ava: Excuse me, guys. I'll see you tomorrow.
Jonathan: So you're hanging with the girls?
Ava: Yeah, I got roped into going to Tammy's bachlorette party.
Jonathan: Lucky you.
Ava: Yeah. Lucky me. You know the funny thing is that I didn't think I was going to like Tammy too much because she's with Sandy. The more I get to know her, the more I actually kind of like her.
Jonathan: I know what you mean.
Ava: But then again if she ends up with Sandy...
Jonathan: She won't, trust me. But I need your help to make sure that that doesn't happen. So what do you know about buying houses?
Ava: Houses? Not very much. Why? Are you planning on buying a house?
Jonathan: Why does everybody think that's so crazy?
Tammy: Well, I guess I know where you're headed.
Sandy: Can you blame me? The girls want to steal you away from me for a whole night? I've got to make up for lost time.
Tammy: Can I take my coat off first?
Sandy: Hurry.
Tammy: I'm a little worried about what this party is going to be like. I mean Lizzie's organizing it.
Tammy: Be afraid. Be very afraid. We could skip town for a couple days.
Sandy: You'd do that?
Tammy: Like a sneak preview of our honeymoon. Jus the two of us just a sweet little town at a bed and breakfast. What do you say?
Sandy: I'd say you better get your coat back on.
Tammy: Hey, what's that? Sandy, are you looking at houses?
Jonathan: Look, everybody needs a place to live, even me. So why not a house?
Ava: I don't think buying a house is a bad idea. I'm just a little surprised. Oh. If Tammy likes the house, then you...
Jonathan: Tammy's dream life happens in Tammy’s dream house. You know, that's kind of what I'm feeling, anyway, but... oh!
Ava: What?
Jonathan: There's supposed to be three pieces of paper in this thing.
Ava: It doesn't matter. Jonathan, the wedding's in a couple of days.
Jonathan: Yeah, that's what the invitation says.
Ava: Yeah, you know, what I'm trying to say is that you could buy ten houses and it wouldn't make her back out of marrying sandy.
Jonathan: Are you trying to say it's too late? I don't want to hear it. Don't. Don’t.
Ava: As much as I am dying to be with Sandy-- and you know that I am-- and I totally see the connection between you and Tammy, I do not see them calling off this wedding. I'm sorry, but I don’t.
Jonathan: You're wrong. The wedding is not going to happen and I'm not going to be the one to break it off, either. Tammy will.
Coop: Lizzie, where are you? I thought you'd be home by now.
Lizzie: I stopped by and I'm hanging out with a couple of friends. How do you know I'm not home?
Coop: Well because I am, actually.
Lizzie: You're done with your dishes?
Coop: My dad actually came and helped so, yeah. Which means I've got the rest of the night wide open. So, you got any ideas?
Lizzie: Same idea I had right before you had kitchen duty. Still up for that?
Coop: It was what kept me washing all of those dishes, yes.
Lizzie: Okay. Hang on, I'm on my way.
Coop: ( Clears throat ) so, um... hmm. She's still sitting over there.
Buzz: Yup.
Coop: All alone.
Buzz: All alone. I see her there and she's still every bit as married as she was before.
Coop: Technically.
Buzz: Legally! She’s... she's...
Coop: She's what? Pops, I'm not asking you to go over there and propose to her and I'm certainly not asking you to go over there and ask her on a date. I'm just saying go over there and be friendly with her.
Buzz: Friendly?
Coop: Yes, friendly. Dad, you've got to... you've got to get back on the bike again, okay? You've got to pedal and ride all over again. And why not start now?
Buzz: That's a good question. I'll get back to you in a couple months.
Coop: No, you won't, actually. Listen to me, listen, listen. Tammy's wedding is coming up. You don't have a date and I'm pretty sure she doesn't have one either. So why don't you ask her to the wedding?
Buzz: Would you stop?
Coop: Fine. Okay. I'll tell you what, I'll lay off, you can go ahead and sit here and look at a beautiful woman that's right in front of you and go back and wash dishes, again. All right? Tell you what, that's your problem. For me, I'm going to go outside and wait for my little hottie. So, catch you later.
Buzz: I understand Emma's having a problem with our coffee here.
Olivia: Yeah. What did you expect? Your staff keeps pouring her cups from the bottom of the pot.
Buzz: You're heading out?
Olivia: I'm trying to.
Buzz: Look, I'll watch her from this side if that will help.
Olivia: That would be great.
Buzz: You...
Olivia: I'm so glad you came over.
Buzz: You are?
Olivia: Yeah, I have a question for you.
Buzz: Oh, I live for questions.
Olivia: Good. I've always been able to ask people out. I've never been shy about it if I've liked someone, but weddings are kind of different. And... is it weird to ask someone to go to a wedding with you if you're both invited?
Buzz: No, not at all.
Olivia: Good. I was thinking about asking Josh.
Jeffrey: Josh, how are you doing? What brings you to the homestead?
Josh: I just thought I'd stop by, see how the wedding preparations are going.
Jeffrey: Oh, well, yeah, thanks. They're going, believe it or not. By the way, if you want to go in there and say hello, I think I should warn you, Reva's in there.
Josh: Oh. Yeah. Maybe I'll just come back later.
Jeffrey: Things that bad between you two?
Josh: Awkward. And, besides, they're in there probably talking about wedding stuff and this should be a time of happy things, not sad things.
Jeffrey: Yeah. Well, at least we don't have to worry about Cassie being happy now. She’s... she's incredibly happy.
Josh: You seem surprised.
Jeffrey: Well, I'm... I'm grateful, you know? After she had to give up Hope, after she had to give up that little girl, I didn't think she was ever going to smile again. But now she's back to her old self. I wish I was half as resilient as she is.
Josh: Well, she may have bounced back to a certain extent but everyone has their limits, don't you think?
Jeffrey: Yeah. Well I'm going to make sure that she doesn't ever reach hers. She's not going to be hurt by anyone ever again as long as I'm around. You know, she's got a lot of good things coming to her, Josh. And she deserves them. She has this smile on her face right now.
Josh: Yeah.
Jeffrey: Well, I would do anything to keep her smiling like that.
Josh: I believe you.
Cassie: Reva, I don't understand. For nearly a year you have been lobbying for
Jonathan to be included in family events and now you're saying we should shut
him out?
Reva: Well, I... I just don't think it's wise that he be here for Thanksgiving.
Cassie: Why not? Is there something I should know.
Reva: No, no, honey. It's not that. It's... well, you know, you and Jonathan have a history together. A history that kind of took a turn for a worse the night before your wedding to Edmund.
Cassie: So you think that with the wedding coming up, if Jonathan is around then all the old garbage will come up and ruin everything for me?
Reva: You never know.
Cassie: Reva, the wedding is about Tammy, not me. And I never thought I'd say it, but Jonathan isn't all bad. He's shown some signs of being decent, caring even.
Reva: Well, that’s... that's nice of you to say.
Cassie: And there's another reason I want Jonathan here, and it's because of what he means to you. It's important to me that you know your son is welcome in this house.
Reva: Thanks. That means a lot to me.
Ava: You're a pretty confident guy.
Jonathan: Uh-huh. I'm...
Ava: Yeah, you're in love, that's what you are. ( Laughs )
Jonathan: Are you going to help me or not?
Ava: Yes, I'm going to help you just as long as there's enough time before the wedding.
Jonathan: There will be. Look, it's... this is the house but, here, and there's the pictures. There's a problem, though. I went over there today and this Blake character, the realtor, I got into a fight with her, she thought I wasn't serious about wanting the buy the house, I lost my temper, I said some things I shouldn't have said and now she doesn't even want to talk to me, let alone sell me a house.
Ava: She doesn't have to sell you the house. See, right here. She's not the listing agent on the property. Anybody can show you this house. I mean, I don't know...
Jonathan: Are you sure?
Ava: Yeah. I don't know that much about real estate, but I do know that much.
Tammy: That was a stupid question. Of course you're not house hunting.
Sandy: Why wouldn't I be?
Tammy: Because you would never be able to keep it a secret. I know you, Sandy. And you would never make such a huge decision without talking to me about it first. I mean, a house where we would both live? That is almost too big of a step to be thinking about right now. I... not that I wouldn't love to have a place to call my own someday. Like this.
Sandy: Do you like it?
Tammy: Yeah, I do. I'm just thinking about what it would be like to be married and have a place that I know I could come home to everyday for the rest of my life. I moved around kind of a lot.
Sandy: I know. Me, too. And I can't wait to get settled in and have a real home with you.
Tammy: Someday. And this place would be perfect.
Sandy: That is exactly what I told my realtor.
Tammy: What?
Sandy: You think I wouldn't be looking for houses? Well, you might not know me that well there, Tamara.
Tammy: Sandy, you've got to be kidding. No, you're making this up.
Sandy: Why would this be in here if I were?
Tammy: Oh, my god. I cannot believe this. A house!
Sandy: So I take it you're interested?
Tammy: Interested? When do we get to go look at it?
Sandy: Right now. Come on. We don't want anyone else to snap it up, do we?
Tammy: Okay!
Olivia: Thanks. So? Okay, what do you think?
Buzz: About?
Olivia: Me asking Josh to Tammy and Sandy's wedding.
Buzz: I don't know. Looks like she's ready.
Olivia: Yeah?
Buzz: Yeah.
Olivia: Wait, wait, wait. No, I... I was kind of hoping you'd give me your feedback.
Buzz: Uh, what's so special about me?
Olivia: Well, I thought... I see you as kind of a pal and I value your opinion.
Buzz: I think I'm not the best person to ask.
Olivia: Why?
Buzz: Well, I don't really know what's cool between men and women, you know? I know bikes and burgers and that's about all.
Olivia: ( Sighs ) okay. Thanks.
Lizzie: Coop! Well, thanks for waiting for me-- out cold.
Marina: He's asleep?
Lizzie: Yeah, he had to wash, like, a billion dishes at Towers tonight.
Marina: No wonder he's wiped out.
Lizzie: He doesn't even have a pillow.
Marina: Want to wake him up?
Lizzie: No, let him sleep.
Marina: Poor guy. It's kind of chilly out here.
Lizzie: Okay. I'll see you later
Marina: You know, Lizzie, this looks like a pretty good date.
Jeffrey: You know, Josh, I've seen a lot many my life and been to a lot of
places, but I've never experienced anything like this before. And it’s... it's
because of her. It's because of Cassie. ( Cell phone rings ) saved by the bell,
Josh: Sorry.
Jeffrey: You don't have to listen to me gush anymore.
Josh: No, no, no. It's fine. Excuse me for just second.
Jeffrey: Sure.
Josh: Yeah? You do? Stop, stop, okay? Something's changed and I really appreciate your effort, but I'm not going to be needing that information anymore. Thank you.
Jeffrey: Something important?
Josh: It was but not so much anymore. Listen, I think I'm going to sneak out of here. So I'll see you at the wedding if not sooner.
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Josh: Thank you, Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Sure.
Josh: See you.
Cassie: Reva, I think I... um I think I know why you're upset.
Reva: You do?
Cassie: It's about the wedding. It's got to be hard for you to get completely excited about a marriage when yours is just coming apart.
Reva: Oh, Cassie...
Cassie: No, I get it. And believe me, the last thing I want to do is put more pressure on you.
Reva: Well, it's not that. It's not about... it's not about me. This is about Tammy and I really just want her to be happy. I want everyone to be happy. You know that, right?
Cassie: Of course.
Reva: Okay. Then I will do whatever it takes to make sure that happens. You can count on me, sis.
Cassie: I do.
Jonathan: Perfect. If I can get this house Tammy will see that I'm the one who
can give her everything she needs.
Ava: You honestly think...
Jonathan: I t only think I'm thinking about is giving Tammy what she wants and making her happy. If she want this is house, she's got it, period. There's only one problem.
Ava: What?
Jonathan: I haven't actually seen it in person yet. ( Laughs ) so I think I better go check that out.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Beth: Sticking it to your father by flirting with his wife? Getting under her skin?
Alan-Michael: I wouldn't mind getting under your skin, Beth.
Gus: You're uh... hot.
Dinah: Thank you.
Mallet: Come on, let's hear it.
Harley: I can't stand seeing you with somebody else. There, I said it.
Tammy: I found out the truth. He lied to me.
Jonathan: I know.
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