GL Transcript Wednesday 11/9/05

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 11/9/05


Provided By Boo
Proofread by Laura

[Missing a little bit of the beginning of the transcript due to national breaking news.]

Jeffrey: Sandy was right about the seaplane.

Josh: Okay, so we know Edmund and Cassie are here on the island someplace. The question is where. I mean, Edmund practically ran this place. He could have taken her anywhere.

Jeffrey: No, not anywhere. As a matter of fact, there are very few places where Edmund can hide without being instantly recognized.

Josh: Such as?

Jeffrey: Various retreats and villas that are owned by the royal family. We can cover them all in a day.

Josh: You know this island?

Jeffrey: Well, I did my research. Besides, I just asked myself the question: If I were Edmund, where would I go? What would I do if I were Edmund?

Josh: So where would you go?

Jeffrey: Well, we know he can't make Cassie love him again, but he can make sure that she never sees her family again and that all she sees is him.

Josh: So you're saying if we don’t...

Jeffrey: I'm saying if we don't find her fast, she could vanish forever.

Edmund: Come on, walk this way. Head down. Welcome to Paradise. Now, I know it's not the palace, but the view is magnificent. Look, look, look, look you can see all the way up to my villa in the mountains from here. It's really beautiful up there.

Cassie: Stop talking like we're on a vacation Edmund. I have no intention of living with you in your villa or anywhere else.

Edmund: I know, I know. But I'll be staying up at the villa. You will be safe and secure right here in this cozy tower.

Cassie: You're leaving me here?

Edmund: Not forever. Just until I make you love me again.

Danny: Well, you know what? How about this? You know, lots of people get invited to two, sometimes even three thanksgiving dinners.

Michelle: I know where you're going with this, and I think it sounds like a great idea, don't you?

Marina: Uh... sure.

Danny: Yeah, that way, you know, Robbie and Hope and I can have some turkey at the Bauer house, and then we can hop on over to Company and have dessert with you and your family. How does that sound?

Michelle: Perfect.

Marina: That's-- that's great, sounds great.

Danny: Good. I mean, I think it’s... it's really the best way to make things work.

Michelle: Yeah, I'm beginning to see that.

Tammy: All my mom did was love Edmund. Even though everyone told her how bad he was for her and how dangerous, she still saw something in him that made her think that it could work, that it could...

Jonathan: Be something different, something real. But she was wrong about him. Tammy, your mom, she's going to be okay. Edmund... well, Edmund’s Edmund, but... he loves Cassie. He thinks he can't live without her, so he wouldn’t... he wouldn’t.

Tammy: I hope.

Jonathan: Your mom has got tons of people looking out for her, taking care of her. What about you? Who do you have?

Tammy: I'm okay. I'm keeping busy. I'm just going through her old stuff.

Jonathan: What is this?

Tammy: Keepsakes from my mom's wedding to Richard. She thought maybe I could use some of them for my own wedding. My mom loved Richard so much. I can only hope that he's looking down now, pulling strings to protect her, like he did when he was alive. Do you think that's possible, like he did when he was alive? Do you think that's possible? Jonathan?

Jonathan: You should close that. It smells like mothballs.

Tammy: Here.

Jonathan: No, I saw it.

Tammy: Take it, go on. This photo belongs to you, too. He's your father.

Jeffrey: Hey, Josh, our driver should have been here by now. Here's the number. Do you mind checking it out while I talk to our buddy Cyril over here.

Jonathan: Your contacts in Washington haven't missed a beat, have they?

Officer: Contacts in Washington? Is that the party line?

Jeffrey: Yeah, that's the party line, something like that. And what are you, a ticket agent?

Jeffrey:  That part of my life is over.

Officer: Maybe you shouldn't have set foot on this island again.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, maybe. Do you have some information or not? Where is Edmund?

Officer: Okay, but you didn't hear from this me.

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Josh: Jeffrey, car's here, let's go. What was that?

Jeffrey: I think I got a tip. I think I know where Edmund took her. Let's go.

Cassie: So you want to keep me here, locked in a tower like Rapunzel again?

Edmund: As soon as you let down your hair, I'll climb up.

Cassie: We loved each other once. Doesn't that love count for anything now?

Edmund: It counts for everything, Cassie, everything. You were the first person in my entire life, other than Richard, who saw anything in me, who thought I could be something, someone worthy of love. I would have given you... I would have given you anything, Cassie. I tried to give you children.

Cassie: I know, and you are... I'm so grateful to you for all that you've tried to do for me. I know you really care.

Edmund: Cassie, care? I love you more than my own life. I love your children... I love...

Cassie: I know, I know what a wonderful, nurturing man you are. I know you wouldn't want my kids to grow up without me.

Edmund: No.

Cassie: You wouldn't want me to miss Tammy’s wedding or R.J.'S science fair next week.

Edmund: No.

Cassie: So you'll send me home to the farm so they won't miss me.

Edmund: I can't do that.

Cassie: Why?

Edmund: Because that life is over.

Cassie: And what kind of life will we have here, Edmund? It's not real!

Edmund: What's real for me, Cassie, is having you back in my life. Without you, I'm nothing, nothing.

Cassie: Please, just let me go home, Edmund.

Edmund: I will, some day.

Cassie: Some day?

Edmund: Some day, Cassie, as soon as I get a signal from you.

Cassie: A signal.

Edmund: A signal through this window over here. As soon as I see that signal, I'll know you're ready to be with me. As husband and wife. I'll come back, make our vows, pick up Tammy, we'll pick up R.J., And we'll all be together again as a family, just the way it's meant to be. Till death do us part, remember, Cassie? That's what we promised. Would it really be so hard to keep that promise?

Danny: You're a popular little girl, aren't you, Hope? Thanksgiving is still a few weeks away, and you're already overbooked.

Michelle: Oh, wait until all the boys start calling.

Danny: Please, I'm going to need to hire a bodyguard. I can see that already.

Michelle: Well, right now, all this little girl needs is a nap. Right, honey? You ready to go home? Say bye-bye to your daddy.

Danny: All right, okay, bye, baby.

Michelle: Oh, and Marina, bye.

Marina: Bye, Hope.

Michelle: Sorry about all the scheduling confusion.

Marina: All that matters is that Hope has a great first thanksgiving.

Danny: Do you need help getting to the car or anything?

Michelle: No, no, we're fine, we're fine. And, Marina, thanks for understanding.

Marina: I understand, completely.

Danny: Bye. All right, that was a little... weird. Thanks for rolling with it. Are you okay with that? Robbie and Hope and I will just have a quick bite at the Bauers, and then we'll head over to Company and spend the rest of the day with you and your family.

Marina: Where you'll probably continue to think about Michelle and how she's all alone without her little girl.

Danny: What? No, I mean, we're taking turns.

Marina: Right. All of us, we're all taking turns.

Danny: What's the matter? Tell me so we can fix it.

Marina: I don't think we can, Danny. We are so good together, but... it's just not enough.

Danny: What? Marina, we had a little scheduling conflict. And we worked it out. What are you talking about? You're more than enough for me.

Marina: I don't mean that I'm not good enough for you, Danny. I mean, it's not enough for me.

Buzz: I admire your dedication, but Josh gives you breaks, doesn't he?

Sandy: This isn't Lewis' business. Edmund grabbed Cassie and took her to San Cristobel.

Buzz: Oh, my God.

Sandy: Yeah, Josh and Jeffrey are there right now trying to find her. I've been looking through Edmund’s computer all night.

Buzz: I guess he thought he was erasing his sins when he changed who and what he was. But he couldn't escape his past.

Sandy: People escape all the time and turn their lives around.

Jonathan: Just like me, huh?

Tammy: I see some of Richard in you.

Jonathan: Oh, nah, he's some big super hero in a costume.

Tammy: You have your super hero moments. You saved my life a couple of times.

Jonathan: It's so weird, this guy was like your dad for a while, he was my dad, really. I mean, I guess all I got from him is his D.N.A. and a trust fund.

Tammy: You would have liked him.

Jonathan: He would have hated me.

Tammy: Probably. No, he would have loved you. You're his son. If Richard had raised you, things would have been different. You would have been different. More like...

Jonathan: More like Sandy? Too bad. Maybe I could have been Josh's little lap dog. Maybe I'd be engaged to his niece.

Tammy: No, Jonathan, I just meant if Nate hadn't hurt you...

Jonathan: Nate is dead. Marisa's dead. Richard-- dead. All they have left to show for their lives: Me.

Tammy: Jonathan! I wish things had been different for you, but if you think I want to change you, you're wrong. I would never want to do that.

Cassie: I've been so angry at you, mostly because of Hope. And I said some things that weren't true.

Edmund: Such as what?

Cassie: Well, I said that you'd always be the kind of person who would lock people in a tower. And I know that's not who you really are. The man I was married to was so good to me. He just wanted to keep me warm and safe...

Edmund: He still does.

Cassie: Then let me go home. The man I married is still in there. He still exists. I know it. If you want to be him again, he'll let me go home to my kids. If you really love me, like you say you do, you'll want me to be happy.

Edmund: If I really love you. You know, I have heard so much about sacrificing for love, about loving someone so much, set them free. That doesn’t... it doesn't make any sense to me. It doesn't make any sense to me. If you love someone, you want to keep them close. If you love someone, you never let them go.

Cassie: Edmund....

Edmund: I'm not sending you back to Jeffrey O’Neill, Cassie.

Cassie: Edmund!

Edmund: You're staying here with me.

Cassie: No, you cannot force me to love you again!

Edmund: Well, maybe you're right. Maybe you're right. Maybe I've been a fool. Definitely I've been a fool. And I hate to spout clichés, but sometimes they just fit, don't you think? Don't you think they just fit some clichés? Don't you think, Cassie? I think this one does.

Edmund: What cliché?

Edmund: If I can't have you, no one will.

Cassie: Edmund, no! You can't do this!

Jeffrey: Let her go, Edmund! It's all over.

Edmund: On the contrary. It's just getting interesting.

Danny: I don't think it's too late to work this out.

Marina: Yes, it is.

Marina: It's funny, huh?

Danny: What is?

Marina: Sometimes things just... click. I guess this is more than a click, though. It was more like a clang, clang, clang...

Danny: Stop, stop, stop it. What are you...

Marina: ...An alarm going off in my head.

Danny: Marina, what are you talking about?

Marina: I just don't know why it took me so long to see something so simple. Danny, I know about the connection between ex-spouses, especially when children are involved. Just now, when I saw you with Michelle...

Danny: You're upset because Michelle wanted me to spend Thanksgiving at the Bauer house?

Marina: No, no, I think it happened when I was in the elevator with Michelle during the blackout.

Danny: What did she say to you?

Marina: She was just talking about you, you and her, and your past and your future.

Danny: And?

Marina: And now you were just talking about having to split yourself between us, and I started thinking, well, what is the split? And then it hit me. Does it even matter? No, it doesn’t. Because even if you're 70% in my corner and only 30% in hers, it's still a split, Danny, and I don't want that.

Danny: I am totally in your corner.

Marina: But you'll never be 100%. I want to share my life with someone who I can share completely with, who is completely available to me. I won't settle for less.

Danny: Okay...

Marina: I can’t.

Danny: Listen, listen to me. Hope coming into my life was totally unexpected, and it turned everything upside down. But we're working it out. It just... it's going to take some time.

Marina: It will only get worse. The more time you spend with Michelle and Hope and Robbie, the more time you'll want to spend with them, and, Danny, I want you to be with your kids. You're an incredible father. It's one of the things I love most about you. The problem is Michelle. She will always stand between us.

Danny: But I love you, Marina.

Marina: And I love you, too, so much. But we both know that that's not enough.

Danny: Well, I think it is. I think we can work this out.

Marina: Danny, I don't want you to try, okay. It shouldn't be about trying. It should be as easy as breathing. I mean, isn't that how you felt when you fell in love with Michelle?

Danny: No.

Marina: Well, if this isn't like that, then it won't work for any of us.

Buzz: Michelle. Hi.

Michelle: Hi.

Buzz: Do I know you?

Michelle: This is Hope. Hope, this is Buzz Cooper. All the girls like him. You will, too. What's that? Oh. She's craving a piece of apple pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Buzz: Oh, I suppose you want a coffee with that, too, huh?

Michelle: You read her mind.

Buzz: I did. You know, she's even cuter than Danny and Marina said she is.

Michelle: Yes, she's going to be spending a lot of time with them, so you'll get to know her pretty well. How do you feel about that?

Buzz: How am I supposed to feel about that?

Michelle: Well, I know you never thought much of the Santos family, and Danny and Marina are living together.

Buzz: And happily, so I hear.

Michelle: And that's okay with you?

Buzz: If Marina's happy, then I'm happy.

Michelle: So what changed?

Buzz: Danny. And what changed him, I think, was my granddaughter. While you were going through what you were going through, she was his life line. She brought out the best in him. She made him happy. She returned the favor. And Danny’s changed. I think he's different. He's lighter hearted. He's got his priorities in order.

Michelle: I...

Buzz: Look, you're the mother of his children. I know that. And you love him. But with you out of the way, they stand a chance.

Jonathan: You wouldn't want to change me?

Tammy: No.

Jonathan: Why not? Everybody else does. I'm a mess. I'm the beast. And you, you're beauty.

Tammy: You don't know how the story ends, do you? After the beast is turned into a handsome prince, beauty says, "donnez moi ma bete." "Give me back my beast."

Jonathan: Why does she want him?

Tammy: Because she loves him.

Jonathan: Why?

Tammy: Because he's him.

Jonathan: That would never happen in real life.

Tammy: Sure. It happens all the time.

Jonathan: No. In real life, when beauty gets to make her choice, she chooses the cute guy with the dimples.

Tammy: Why is that?

Jonathan: Well, maybe because it makes her feel safe and secure. But there are things besides safe, and sometimes safe isn't really safe at all.

Tammy: What do you mean?

Sandy: Good question.

Tammy: Jonathan came to see if I needed any help. Did you hear anything about Mom?

Sandy: Not yet.

Tammy: I'm so worried. Uncle Josh should have called by now.

Sandy: Well, this won't bring your mom back, but it may cheer you up. The wedding invitations, they came in the mail today.

Josh: Put the gun down, Edmund. Let her go.

Jeffrey: I'm the one who ruined your life, Edmund, right? So you want to settle the score, here I am.

Edmund: You're right. You're the problem, O’Neill. You are. I should have let you die in that barn when I had a chance.

Jeffrey: Well, today's your lucky day. Just let Cassie go, and I'm all yours.

Cassie: No! Edmund, you don't want to hurt anyone! You're feeling cornered and scared, desperate.

Edmund: Don't forget murderous.

Cassie: What will you gain if you kill Jeffrey? Nothing. Do you think I could of love you again if you killed him? I would hate you! If you care about me at all, you'll put down the gun, and you'll leave Jeffrey alone!

Edmund: Well I guess you're saying I lose either way, right? So what's the point of not throwing in a little revenge when everything's tallied? Josh, take Cassie outside, all right. Don't run away. My guards are everywhere.

Cassie: No. If you want to shoot someone, you'll have to shoot me!

Edmund: Josh, get her out of here.

Josh: Jeffrey can handle this.

Cassie: I won't leave him alone.

Edmund: So here we are, Mr. O’Neill. Time to settle up. Any last words? Oh, come on, come on. Indulge me, just one, "I'm sorry. Spare me. I don't want to die." Come on, just one. Say something, damn it!

Jeffrey: Edmund, so it's come to this, has it? Is that how you talk to your own brother?

Edmund: What are you doing?

Jeffrey: I know you hate me, Edmund. You've always hated me. Since we were boys, you hated me, because you always felt that father favored me, that he gave me opportunities, favored me, that he gave me opportunities that he should have given you. But, Edmund, can't you see this is your chance. This is your opportunity, your opportunity to do the right thing and to be the brother that I knew you could always be, to be the brother that I always, always loved.

Danny: Come on, what would make this work for you?

Marina: You said that you loved me because I was honest with you.

Danny: Uh-huh.

Marina: Well, I'm being honest now. If we keep going and prolonging the situation, it's only going to make things harder when it ends, and it will, Danny, so let's just do it now.

Danny: You know I love you.

Marina: I love you, too. If you don't let me go, I might lose my nerve again, and I can’t. I have to walk away from you.

Danny: It's not, Marina...

Marina: So, please, Danny, help me.

Danny: Listen.

Marina: Okay, help me do that.

Danny: I don't think it's too late to work this out. I really don’t.

Marina: It is. And we both know it. One good thing, I never really unpacked.

Tammy: It's hard to think about the wedding when my mom is still missing.

Jonathan: No, you should think about the wedding. That's what your mom would want.

Sandy: For once we agree. Take a look.

Tammy: Why don't you read it to me.

Sandy: "Cassandra Winslow requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of her daughter, Tamara Winslow, to Mr. Sandy Foster." See for yourself. What do you think?

Tammy: It's beautiful. It's so official, so formal.

Sandy: I like it. I hope this is a day we'll never forget.

Jonathan: I'm sure it will be. I'm assuming you guys have a lot of envelopes to lick. I'm going to get back to the bar.

Tammy: Jonathan, wait. Thank you for coming over today.

Jonathan: No problem. I hope everything works out for you and your mom.

Sandy: It will. We'll all be fine. Thanks for stopping by.

Edmund: How dare you stand there and pretend to be my brother.

Jeffrey: I know how much you suffered, Edmund, how unfair life has been for you.

Edmund: Shut up. Shut up!

Jeffrey: How could you possibly live up to your full potential the way after the way your father treated you, the way he disparaged you and called you a disgrace.

Edmund: Shut up!

Jeffrey: Everything you ever wanted was taken away. But...

Edmund: But I won't lose Cassie.

Jeffrey: No, I know. Don't you think I know how you feel? We share the same flesh and blood, after all.

Edmund: Everything you touched turned to gold, and everything I touched withered and died. Even when I did it out of pure love for Cassie, it backfired. My whole life was just in constant darkness.

Jeffrey: Don't let father be right! Reach down, deep down into your heart, Edmund, and find the compassion father was never able to show you. Find the forgiveness that he was never able to teach you. Find the love, Edmund. You can do it. I know you can do it because, Edmund, you are my brother. Let me tell you something, Edmund. If Richard could really see you, if he could really see you, he would reach out from the grave and strangle you himself!

Edmund: What, you... you think you can destroy me and take Cassie away? Guards! Say hello to Richard for me, because you'll be seeing him soon, in hell. Arrest them all.

[missing some of the transcript here, due to local breaking news.]

Michelle: Torn apart, you know, feeling like he's got to be with us when his heart is with Marina. I guess if I really love him, I should...

Buzz: What should you do?

Michelle: If I really love Danny, I should walk away.

Tammy: Tamara Winslow. It's like she could be someone else.

Sandy: Sure hope not. They told me I'd be marrying you.

Tammy: You are. You are.

Sandy: So what happened there before?

Tammy: What do you mean?

Sandy: With Jonathan.

Tammy: Nothing. He just wanted to make sure that I was okay.

Sandy: If you say so.

Tammy: You know, Jonathan’s changed. Ever since Nate died...

Sandy: Forget I even mentioned Jonathan. Why don't we get started on these invites.

Tammy: Sure.

Sandy: You know, your mom will be home soon, and then we can get started on our lives together. Once these invites go out, it's for real. There's no turning back.

Tammy: You're right. There's no going back.

Edmund: Who's the loser now, O’Neill?

Edmund: Who's the loser now, O’Neill? These are just two of the men who are going to rise up and help me take back what's mine. This is my island. And then we're going to take it back, starting with you. I want you to renounce your love for him in front of all these people. Renounce him, go on.

Josh: Edmund.

Edmund: Shut up! Go on, renounce him. All right, fine, then say good-bye to him, Cassie, because this is the last time you're ever going to see him. Arrest them, arrest them all. Guards. Arrest them! Don't you remember who I am? Come on!

Jeffrey: Oh, they remember, Edmund.

Josh: You were saying, Edmund?

Edmund: Traitors! I'll have you both shot. I'll have your whole family shot.

Josh: I hate to be the one to tell you this, Edmund, but your reign is over.

Jeffrey: It's all over, Eddie boy, and say good-bye to Cassie because you'll never see her again.

Edmund: No, Cassie! Come with me!

Cassie: What took you so long, O’Neill? I thought you'd never get here. What did do you, stop for lunch?

Jeffrey: Always complaining.

Announcer: Next on "Guiding Light"...

Edmund: The real danger, man, it's not me. It's Jeffrey O’Neill.

Cassie: Are you going to drop by and visit Big Al in the booby hatch while you're here?

Dinah: I happen to know for a fact that she's very fond of you, and I think you could be very fond of her, too.

Proofread by Laura

[Missing a little bit of the beginning of the transcript due to national breaking news.]

Jeffrey: Sandy was right about the seaplane.

Josh: Okay, so we know Edmund and Cassie are here on the island someplace. The question is where. I mean, Edmund practically ran this place. He could have taken her anywhere.

Jeffrey: No, not anywhere. As a matter of fact, there are very few places where Edmund can hide without being instantly recognized.

Josh: Such as?

Jeffrey: Various retreats and villas that are owned by the royal family. We can cover them all in a day.

Josh: You know this island?

Jeffrey: Well, I did my research. Besides, I just asked myself the question: If I were Edmund, where would I go? What would I do if I were Edmund?

Josh: So where would you go?

Jeffrey: Well, we know he can't make Cassie love him again, but he can make sure that she never sees her family again and that all she sees is him.

Josh: So you're saying if we don’t...

Jeffrey: I'm saying if we don't find her fast, she could vanish forever.

Edmund: Come on, walk this way. Head down. Welcome to Paradise. Now, I know it's not the palace, but the view is magnificent. Look, look, look, look you can see all the way up to my villa in the mountains from here. It's really beautiful up there.

Cassie: Stop talking like we're on a vacation Edmund. I have no intention of living with you in your villa or anywhere else.

Edmund: I know, I know. But I'll be staying up at the villa. You will be safe and secure right here in this cozy tower.

Cassie: You're leaving me here?

Edmund: Not forever. Just until I make you love me again.

Danny: Well, you know what? How about this? You know, lots of people get invited to two, sometimes even three thanksgiving dinners.

Michelle: I know where you're going with this, and I think it sounds like a great idea, don't you?

Marina: Uh... sure.

Danny: Yeah, that way, you know, Robbie and Hope and I can have some turkey at the Bauer house, and then we can hop on over to Company and have dessert with you and your family. How does that sound?

Michelle: Perfect.

Marina: That's-- that's great, sounds great.

Danny: Good. I mean, I think it’s... it's really the best way to make things work.

Michelle: Yeah, I'm beginning to see that.

Tammy: All my mom did was love Edmund. Even though everyone told her how bad he was for her and how dangerous, she still saw something in him that made her think that it could work, that it could...

Jonathan: Be something different, something real. But she was wrong about him. Tammy, your mom, she's going to be okay. Edmund... well, Edmund’s Edmund, but... he loves Cassie. He thinks he can't live without her, so he wouldn’t... he wouldn’t.

Tammy: I hope.

Jonathan: Your mom has got tons of people looking out for her, taking care of her. What about you? Who do you have?

Tammy: I'm okay. I'm keeping busy. I'm just going through her old stuff.

Jonathan: What is this?

Tammy: Keepsakes from my mom's wedding to Richard. She thought maybe I could use some of them for my own wedding. My mom loved Richard so much. I can only hope that he's looking down now, pulling strings to protect her, like he did when he was alive. Do you think that's possible, like he did when he was alive? Do you think that's possible? Jonathan?

Jonathan: You should close that. It smells like mothballs.

Tammy: Here.

Jonathan: No, I saw it.

Tammy: Take it, go on. This photo belongs to you, too. He's your father.

Jeffrey: Hey, Josh, our driver should have been here by now. Here's the number. Do you mind checking it out while I talk to our buddy Cyril over here.

Jonathan: Your contacts in Washington haven't missed a beat, have they?

Officer: Contacts in Washington? Is that the party line?

Jeffrey: Yeah, that's the party line, something like that. And what are you, a ticket agent?

Jeffrey:  That part of my life is over.

Officer: Maybe you shouldn't have set foot on this island again.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, maybe. Do you have some information or not? Where is Edmund?

Officer: Okay, but you didn't hear from this me.

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Josh: Jeffrey, car's here, let's go. What was that?

Jeffrey: I think I got a tip. I think I know where Edmund took her. Let's go.

Cassie: So you want to keep me here, locked in a tower like Rapunzel again?

Edmund: As soon as you let down your hair, I'll climb up.

Cassie: We loved each other once. Doesn't that love count for anything now?

Edmund: It counts for everything, Cassie, everything. You were the first person in my entire life, other than Richard, who saw anything in me, who thought I could be something, someone worthy of love. I would have given you... I would have given you anything, Cassie. I tried to give you children.

Cassie: I know, and you are... I'm so grateful to you for all that you've tried to do for me. I know you really care.

Edmund: Cassie, care? I love you more than my own life. I love your children... I love...

Cassie: I know, I know what a wonderful, nurturing man you are. I know you wouldn't want my kids to grow up without me.

Edmund: No.

Cassie: You wouldn't want me to miss Tammy’s wedding or R.J.'S science fair next week.

Edmund: No.

Cassie: So you'll send me home to the farm so they won't miss me.

Edmund: I can't do that.

Cassie: Why?

Edmund: Because that life is over.

Cassie: And what kind of life will we have here, Edmund? It's not real!

Edmund: What's real for me, Cassie, is having you back in my life. Without you, I'm nothing, nothing.

Cassie: Please, just let me go home, Edmund.

Edmund: I will, some day.

Cassie: Some day?

Edmund: Some day, Cassie, as soon as I get a signal from you.

Cassie: A signal.

Edmund: A signal through this window over here. As soon as I see that signal, I'll know you're ready to be with me. As husband and wife. I'll come back, make our vows, pick up Tammy, we'll pick up R.J., And we'll all be together again as a family, just the way it's meant to be. Till death do us part, remember, Cassie? That's what we promised. Would it really be so hard to keep that promise?

Danny: You're a popular little girl, aren't you, Hope? Thanksgiving is still a few weeks away, and you're already overbooked.

Michelle: Oh, wait until all the boys start calling.

Danny: Please, I'm going to need to hire a bodyguard. I can see that already.

Michelle: Well, right now, all this little girl needs is a nap. Right, honey? You ready to go home? Say bye-bye to your daddy.

Danny: All right, okay, bye, baby.

Michelle: Oh, and Marina, bye.

Marina: Bye, Hope.

Michelle: Sorry about all the scheduling confusion.

Marina: All that matters is that Hope has a great first thanksgiving.

Danny: Do you need help getting to the car or anything?

Michelle: No, no, we're fine, we're fine. And, Marina, thanks for understanding.

Marina: I understand, completely.

Danny: Bye. All right, that was a little... weird. Thanks for rolling with it. Are you okay with that? Robbie and Hope and I will just have a quick bite at the Bauers, and then we'll head over to Company and spend the rest of the day with you and your family.

Marina: Where you'll probably continue to think about Michelle and how she's all alone without her little girl.

Danny: What? No, I mean, we're taking turns.

Marina: Right. All of us, we're all taking turns.

Danny: What's the matter? Tell me so we can fix it.

Marina: I don't think we can, Danny. We are so good together, but... it's just not enough.

Danny: What? Marina, we had a little scheduling conflict. And we worked it out. What are you talking about? You're more than enough for me.

Marina: I don't mean that I'm not good enough for you, Danny. I mean, it's not enough for me.

Buzz: I admire your dedication, but Josh gives you breaks, doesn't he?

Sandy: This isn't Lewis' business. Edmund grabbed Cassie and took her to San Cristobel.

Buzz: Oh, my God.

Sandy: Yeah, Josh and Jeffrey are there right now trying to find her. I've been looking through Edmund’s computer all night.

Buzz: I guess he thought he was erasing his sins when he changed who and what he was. But he couldn't escape his past.

Sandy: People escape all the time and turn their lives around.

Jonathan: Just like me, huh?

Tammy: I see some of Richard in you.

Jonathan: Oh, nah, he's some big super hero in a costume.

Tammy: You have your super hero moments. You saved my life a couple of times.

Jonathan: It's so weird, this guy was like your dad for a while, he was my dad, really. I mean, I guess all I got from him is his D.N.A. and a trust fund.

Tammy: You would have liked him.

Jonathan: He would have hated me.

Tammy: Probably. No, he would have loved you. You're his son. If Richard had raised you, things would have been different. You would have been different. More like...

Jonathan: More like Sandy? Too bad. Maybe I could have been Josh's little lap dog. Maybe I'd be engaged to his niece.

Tammy: No, Jonathan, I just meant if Nate hadn't hurt you...

Jonathan: Nate is dead. Marisa's dead. Richard-- dead. All they have left to show for their lives: Me.

Tammy: Jonathan! I wish things had been different for you, but if you think I want to change you, you're wrong. I would never want to do that.

Cassie: I've been so angry at you, mostly because of Hope. And I said some things that weren't true.

Edmund: Such as what?

Cassie: Well, I said that you'd always be the kind of person who would lock people in a tower. And I know that's not who you really are. The man I was married to was so good to me. He just wanted to keep me warm and safe...

Edmund: He still does.

Cassie: Then let me go home. The man I married is still in there. He still exists. I know it. If you want to be him again, he'll let me go home to my kids. If you really love me, like you say you do, you'll want me to be happy.

Edmund: If I really love you. You know, I have heard so much about sacrificing for love, about loving someone so much, set them free. That doesn’t... it doesn't make any sense to me. It doesn't make any sense to me. If you love someone, you want to keep them close. If you love someone, you never let them go.

Cassie: Edmund....

Edmund: I'm not sending you back to Jeffrey O’Neill, Cassie.

Cassie: Edmund!

Edmund: You're staying here with me.

Cassie: No, you cannot force me to love you again!

Edmund: Well, maybe you're right. Maybe you're right. Maybe I've been a fool. Definitely I've been a fool. And I hate to spout clichés, but sometimes they just fit, don't you think? Don't you think they just fit some clichés? Don't you think, Cassie? I think this one does.

Edmund: What cliché?

Edmund: If I can't have you, no one will.

Cassie: Edmund, no! You can't do this!

Jeffrey: Let her go, Edmund! It's all over.

Edmund: On the contrary. It's just getting interesting.

Danny: I don't think it's too late to work this out.

Marina: Yes, it is.

Marina: It's funny, huh?

Danny: What is?

Marina: Sometimes things just... click. I guess this is more than a click, though. It was more like a clang, clang, clang...

Danny: Stop, stop, stop it. What are you...

Marina: ...An alarm going off in my head.

Danny: Marina, what are you talking about?

Marina: I just don't know why it took me so long to see something so simple. Danny, I know about the connection between ex-spouses, especially when children are involved. Just now, when I saw you with Michelle...

Danny: You're upset because Michelle wanted me to spend Thanksgiving at the Bauer house?

Marina: No, no, I think it happened when I was in the elevator with Michelle during the blackout.

Danny: What did she say to you?

Marina: She was just talking about you, you and her, and your past and your future.

Danny: And?

Marina: And now you were just talking about having to split yourself between us, and I started thinking, well, what is the split? And then it hit me. Does it even matter? No, it doesn’t. Because even if you're 70% in my corner and only 30% in hers, it's still a split, Danny, and I don't want that.

Danny: I am totally in your corner.

Marina: But you'll never be 100%. I want to share my life with someone who I can share completely with, who is completely available to me. I won't settle for less.

Danny: Okay...

Marina: I can’t.

Danny: Listen, listen to me. Hope coming into my life was totally unexpected, and it turned everything upside down. But we're working it out. It just... it's going to take some time.

Marina: It will only get worse. The more time you spend with Michelle and Hope and Robbie, the more time you'll want to spend with them, and, Danny, I want you to be with your kids. You're an incredible father. It's one of the things I love most about you. The problem is Michelle. She will always stand between us.

Danny: But I love you, Marina.

Marina: And I love you, too, so much. But we both know that that's not enough.

Danny: Well, I think it is. I think we can work this out.

Marina: Danny, I don't want you to try, okay. It shouldn't be about trying. It should be as easy as breathing. I mean, isn't that how you felt when you fell in love with Michelle?

Danny: No.

Marina: Well, if this isn't like that, then it won't work for any of us.

Buzz: Michelle. Hi.

Michelle: Hi.

Buzz: Do I know you?

Michelle: This is Hope. Hope, this is Buzz Cooper. All the girls like him. You will, too. What's that? Oh. She's craving a piece of apple pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Buzz: Oh, I suppose you want a coffee with that, too, huh?

Michelle: You read her mind.

Buzz: I did. You know, she's even cuter than Danny and Marina said she is.

Michelle: Yes, she's going to be spending a lot of time with them, so you'll get to know her pretty well. How do you feel about that?

Buzz: How am I supposed to feel about that?

Michelle: Well, I know you never thought much of the Santos family, and Danny and Marina are living together.

Buzz: And happily, so I hear.

Michelle: And that's okay with you?

Buzz: If Marina's happy, then I'm happy.

Michelle: So what changed?

Buzz: Danny. And what changed him, I think, was my granddaughter. While you were going through what you were going through, she was his life line. She brought out the best in him. She made him happy. She returned the favor. And Danny’s changed. I think he's different. He's lighter hearted. He's got his priorities in order.

Michelle: I...

Buzz: Look, you're the mother of his children. I know that. And you love him. But with you out of the way, they stand a chance.

Jonathan: You wouldn't want to change me?

Tammy: No.

Jonathan: Why not? Everybody else does. I'm a mess. I'm the beast. And you, you're beauty.

Tammy: You don't know how the story ends, do you? After the beast is turned into a handsome prince, beauty says, "donnez moi ma bete." "Give me back my beast."

Jonathan: Why does she want him?

Tammy: Because she loves him.

Jonathan: Why?

Tammy: Because he's him.

Jonathan: That would never happen in real life.

Tammy: Sure. It happens all the time.

Jonathan: No. In real life, when beauty gets to make her choice, she chooses the cute guy with the dimples.

Tammy: Why is that?

Jonathan: Well, maybe because it makes her feel safe and secure. But there are things besides safe, and sometimes safe isn't really safe at all.

Tammy: What do you mean?

Sandy: Good question.

Tammy: Jonathan came to see if I needed any help. Did you hear anything about Mom?

Sandy: Not yet.

Tammy: I'm so worried. Uncle Josh should have called by now.

Sandy: Well, this won't bring your mom back, but it may cheer you up. The wedding invitations, they came in the mail today.

Josh: Put the gun down, Edmund. Let her go.

Jeffrey: I'm the one who ruined your life, Edmund, right? So you want to settle the score, here I am.

Edmund: You're right. You're the problem, O’Neill. You are. I should have let you die in that barn when I had a chance.

Jeffrey: Well, today's your lucky day. Just let Cassie go, and I'm all yours.

Cassie: No! Edmund, you don't want to hurt anyone! You're feeling cornered and scared, desperate.

Edmund: Don't forget murderous.

Cassie: What will you gain if you kill Jeffrey? Nothing. Do you think I could of love you again if you killed him? I would hate you! If you care about me at all, you'll put down the gun, and you'll leave Jeffrey alone!

Edmund: Well I guess you're saying I lose either way, right? So what's the point of not throwing in a little revenge when everything's tallied? Josh, take Cassie outside, all right. Don't run away. My guards are everywhere.

Cassie: No. If you want to shoot someone, you'll have to shoot me!

Edmund: Josh, get her out of here.

Josh: Jeffrey can handle this.

Cassie: I won't leave him alone.

Edmund: So here we are, Mr. O’Neill. Time to settle up. Any last words? Oh, come on, come on. Indulge me, just one, "I'm sorry. Spare me. I don't want to die." Come on, just one. Say something, damn it!

Jeffrey: Edmund, so it's come to this, has it? Is that how you talk to your own brother?

Edmund: What are you doing?

Jeffrey: I know you hate me, Edmund. You've always hated me. Since we were boys, you hated me, because you always felt that father favored me, that he gave me opportunities, favored me, that he gave me opportunities that he should have given you. But, Edmund, can't you see this is your chance. This is your opportunity, your opportunity to do the right thing and to be the brother that I knew you could always be, to be the brother that I always, always loved.

Danny: Come on, what would make this work for you?

Marina: You said that you loved me because I was honest with you.

Danny: Uh-huh.

Marina: Well, I'm being honest now. If we keep going and prolonging the situation, it's only going to make things harder when it ends, and it will, Danny, so let's just do it now.

Danny: You know I love you.

Marina: I love you, too. If you don't let me go, I might lose my nerve again, and I can’t. I have to walk away from you.

Danny: It's not, Marina...

Marina: So, please, Danny, help me.

Danny: Listen.

Marina: Okay, help me do that.

Danny: I don't think it's too late to work this out. I really don’t.

Marina: It is. And we both know it. One good thing, I never really unpacked.

Tammy: It's hard to think about the wedding when my mom is still missing.

Jonathan: No, you should think about the wedding. That's what your mom would want.

Sandy: For once we agree. Take a look.

Tammy: Why don't you read it to me.

Sandy: "Cassandra Winslow requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of her daughter, Tamara Winslow, to Mr. Sandy Foster." See for yourself. What do you think?

Tammy: It's beautiful. It's so official, so formal.

Sandy: I like it. I hope this is a day we'll never forget.

Jonathan: I'm sure it will be. I'm assuming you guys have a lot of envelopes to lick. I'm going to get back to the bar.

Tammy: Jonathan, wait. Thank you for coming over today.

Jonathan: No problem. I hope everything works out for you and your mom.

Sandy: It will. We'll all be fine. Thanks for stopping by.

Edmund: How dare you stand there and pretend to be my brother.

Jeffrey: I know how much you suffered, Edmund, how unfair life has been for you.

Edmund: Shut up. Shut up!

Jeffrey: How could you possibly live up to your full potential the way after the way your father treated you, the way he disparaged you and called you a disgrace.

Edmund: Shut up!

Jeffrey: Everything you ever wanted was taken away. But...

Edmund: But I won't lose Cassie.

Jeffrey: No, I know. Don't you think I know how you feel? We share the same flesh and blood, after all.

Edmund: Everything you touched turned to gold, and everything I touched withered and died. Even when I did it out of pure love for Cassie, it backfired. My whole life was just in constant darkness.

Jeffrey: Don't let father be right! Reach down, deep down into your heart, Edmund, and find the compassion father was never able to show you. Find the forgiveness that he was never able to teach you. Find the love, Edmund. You can do it. I know you can do it because, Edmund, you are my brother. Let me tell you something, Edmund. If Richard could really see you, if he could really see you, he would reach out from the grave and strangle you himself!

Edmund: What, you... you think you can destroy me and take Cassie away? Guards! Say hello to Richard for me, because you'll be seeing him soon, in hell. Arrest them all.

[missing some of the transcript here, due to local breaking news.]

Michelle: Torn apart, you know, feeling like he's got to be with us when his heart is with Marina. I guess if I really love him, I should...

Buzz: What should you do?

Michelle: If I really love Danny, I should walk away.

Tammy: Tamara Winslow. It's like she could be someone else.

Sandy: Sure hope not. They told me I'd be marrying you.

Tammy: You are. You are.

Sandy: So what happened there before?

Tammy: What do you mean?

Sandy: With Jonathan.

Tammy: Nothing. He just wanted to make sure that I was okay.

Sandy: If you say so.

Tammy: You know, Jonathan’s changed. Ever since Nate died...

Sandy: Forget I even mentioned Jonathan. Why don't we get started on these invites.

Tammy: Sure.

Sandy: You know, your mom will be home soon, and then we can get started on our lives together. Once these invites go out, it's for real. There's no turning back.

Tammy: You're right. There's no going back.

Edmund: Who's the loser now, O’Neill?

Edmund: Who's the loser now, O’Neill? These are just two of the men who are going to rise up and help me take back what's mine. This is my island. And then we're going to take it back, starting with you. I want you to renounce your love for him in front of all these people. Renounce him, go on.

Josh: Edmund.

Edmund: Shut up! Go on, renounce him. All right, fine, then say good-bye to him, Cassie, because this is the last time you're ever going to see him. Arrest them, arrest them all. Guards. Arrest them! Don't you remember who I am? Come on!

Jeffrey: Oh, they remember, Edmund.

Josh: You were saying, Edmund?

Edmund: Traitors! I'll have you both shot. I'll have your whole family shot.

Josh: I hate to be the one to tell you this, Edmund, but your reign is over.

Jeffrey: It's all over, Eddie boy, and say good-bye to Cassie because you'll never see her again.

Edmund: No, Cassie! Come with me!

Cassie: What took you so long, O’Neill? I thought you'd never get here. What did do you, stop for lunch?

Jeffrey: Always complaining.

Announcer: Next on "Guiding Light"...

Edmund: The real danger, man, it's not me. It's Jeffrey O’Neill.

Cassie: Are you going to drop by and visit Big Al in the booby hatch while you're here?

Dinah: I happen to know for a fact that she's very fond of you, and I think you could be very fond of her, too.

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