Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 11/8/05
Provided By Boo
[Sorry. Most of this transcript again came out without the names. Will try to fix it sometime.]
Mallet: Can I get some more... some more of that blueberry syrup? I forget how much I like it.
Gus: How are you doing there, partner. Did you miss me?
Mallet: Desperately, man. So welcome back. Would you like anything?
Gus: Yeah, I would like to get a new haircut and new partner.
Mallet: Ha, ha, ha. So how was madison?
Gus: It's a nice town, that madison. You should think about moving there.
Mallet: I don't know, man. I kind of like it here. I bet harley is happy to have you back.
Gus: I haven't seen her yet.
Mallet: Right. Okay. It is probably a good idea to avoid her since it is her first day for her new employee. She might be stressed out.
Gus: What new employee?
Mallet: Dinah marler.
Gus: Dinah? What was she thinking?
Mallet: Probably thinking everybody deserves a second chance.
Gus: I don't think everyone deserves a second chance.
Harley: Call paul and tell him to sweeten the deal by 2%. And I want you to set up a video conference for friday with all the cfo's of our western divisions. Do you have all that?
Assistant: Here is your list of missed calls.
Harley: Thank you. Tom dolan from "the inquisitor"-- yuck. Linda nae from "shine." These are tabloids. People from the tabloids. You know, I scored big at that board meeting. Spaulding pharmaceuticals is still a part of this company, and all people seem to care about is blake's stupid book. Well, you know what? My trouble with the tabloids is going to be over soon, now that I've hired a convicted killer to be a part of our P.R. Department. Things are looking up.
Assistant: For the better? You think?
Harley: Hiring dinah is the stupidest thing I have ever done.
Dinah: Well, good morning, boss. Dinah marler reporting for duty. This is great. I think today is the first day of the rest of our lives.
Harley: Yes. This should be fun.
Coop: Here we go, lizzie. Your house salad. We have no onions and no radishes. We also have no croutons, no eggs, no turkey, no ham, no sprouts, and no seeds.
Lizzie: And blue cheese on the side.
Coop: Exactly. And best of all, no bill. Good to have friends in low places, right?
Lizzie: Okay, I have a job now. I don't have to keep mooching.
Coop: All right, well, I'll tell you what, forget mooching and start munching. ( Cell phone ringing )
Lizzie: Hello.
Dean: Spoiled in spaulding. Remember me? I'm the guy you owe a couple thousand bucks.
Lizzie: Dean? Where are you?
Dean: Look out the window. Just a little reminder. Okay? Your next payment is due very soon. And I know you don't want to mess with any of those nasty late charges.
Lizzie: You will get what you've got coming. You don't worry, okay? Don't call me.
Coop: Lizzie? What's going on?
Lizzie: Oh, it was A... telemarketer. I've got to get myself on that dial me and die list.
Coop: Okay. So what time do you start today?
Lizzie: Start?
Coop: Yeah. Work. Look, I will run you over.
Lizzie: Oh. I don't need a ride. Thank you.
Coop: Really? Is it that close by?
Lizzie: Even better. I have the day off. And I plan on spending every second with you.
Jeffrey: I don't know where edmund is going, but I know he has cassie with him. Yeah. Thanks. Okay. I will scan a couple of photos when I get back to the house. Meantime, I want three more blocks put on 16, 72 and 36. And how are we doing on closing down the airport? Yeah. It's that important to me. Okay. Get back to me, thanks.
Josh: What can I do to help?
Jeffrey: You can put me out of my misery.
Josh: Actually, I would rather put edmund out of his. Are you okay?
Jeffrey: Yeah, I'm fine. You know, I've done this a thousand times-- track down a fugitive, bring him back in, plan the next manhunt. But I have never felt this helpless before.
Josh: Yeah, well you love cassie, right? So that makes this one personal.
Jeffrey: She is everything, josh. And I will do anything to bring her back home. I mean anything.
Tammy: Wow.
Sandy: I just wanted us to remember why we are getting married.
Jonathan: Whoa. Trying to give me whiplash?
Reva: Lurking outside and peeking in people's windows can get you more than whiplash. What's got you so interested, anyway? Oh, no. Let it be, jonathan.
Jonathan: I am doing my best. That's why I am out here instead of in there.
Reva: What are you trying to do to tammy?
Jonathan: Better question. What the hell is she trying to do to me?
What did that mean?
Nothing. You asked me, and I answered.
Tammy is not trying to do anything to you. She is trying to get married.
So when is this problem with tammy or whatever it is going to be over?
My problem with tammy?
You can't do this, jonathan. They've through enough. Cassie had to give her baby away. The family is barely hanging on. If there's one thing keeping them together, it'S...
Sandy and tammy's wedding. Yeah.
Uh-huh. I am asking you to back off and leave them alone.
It sounds so easy.
Just do it. I won't let you cause trouble for them.
I'm not here to cause trouble.
No. Look. I know what I am doing to tammy, and I know what I am doing to myself. But do you think I want it like this? Do you think I want to be stuck sitting outside looking in at her, wanting her?
Oh on, my god. Do you love her?
Hi, sweetie.
Reva. I thought I heard voices. What's going on?
Uh... we just came to see if you needed any help with the wedding plans.
You wanted to help?
Yeah, sure.
I have called everyone. I have called my contacts. I have called my contacts' contacts.
I picked up R.J. At his basketball game. He's in the car. What do you want to do with him? Take him to rick's house?
Hey, buddy. How are you doing?
Is mommy with you?
No. She's not with us now, rj but will be soon.
Buddy, why don't we head back to the car and get ice cream or something. Is that okay?
Wait a minute, josh. Rj. Things have been kind of upside down for you for the last couple of weeks, pal. But you're doing okay, are you?
Mommy's been sad. Ever since baby hope went away.
Yeah. I know. We have all been sad. But you and tammy and me, we've got a big job to do once your mom gets home, you know. We have to make sure that she gets happy again. And I am counting on you. I can't do it without you. So what do you say, pal? Put it there. She's going to come home real soon, rj.
I promise.
Hey. I know you.
No, I don't think so.
Yeah, sure I do. You are dean baker. What are you doing here.
I just had a burger and now I'm taking off.
Is that right? Do you know who owns this place?
Mr. Company?
My father-in-law. Mr. Cooper.
Free food for you, huh?
Well, I'm usually too full from chewing up loan sharks and bookies like yourself to take advantage of such things.
Hey, detective.
Baker, what are you doing here? Who do you got business with? Who do you got business with? Oh.
Hey! Gus, gus, you're back, bud.
Yeah. I am. How is lizzie doing?
You mean with no allowance?
Well, harmless credit cards are a tough habit to break.
Actually, she's got a new job and is doing pretty good.
Is that right?
You know, it is funny, like 10 minutes ago, she actually offered to pay her own check.
Is that right?
No kidding.
Anyways, look. Glad to have you back, man.
Thank you.
Hey yourself. Shouldn't you be out of town?
Well, I'm back now. And I heard the good news.
What good news?
That you got yourself a little job there.
Oh. Yeah.
Well, tell uncle gussy all about it. How is the pay? Does it pay well?
Dinah, this is steven gray my assistant. Steven, I hired dinah during the blackout incident to be my special...
My public relations consultant. That's exactly what you are. Steven will answer all your questions and he usually answers all of mine. We need to talk.
Yeah. I guess now that the lights are on. You have to deal with me, don't you? Okay. Well. Miss marler, let's take a look at your resume here. Well it seems here... my, my, you spent time serving a sentence in what seems to be, i don't know, a turkish prison, right? Only the best for you, right. I also see that you broke my best friend's heart by lying to her about losing her baby. And well, I think that takes an amount of creativity that's bold and brave, and I think this company cannot go one more day without someone like you on the payroll. Just don't shoot anybody, right?
See, you're a mind reader, too.
Got it.
Thank you, steven. Okay. Rule number one: You don't sit in my chair.
Just kidding. Just kidding, dinah. Did you get all your paperwork done, your orientation?
I did.
Tell me you introduced yourself to heads of the department and shook some hands?
Well, the people I just said hello to ran and cleared their screens as soon as I came in.
I am sure they are just protecting corporate secrets.
Yeah, or playing solitaire, shopping or watching some visual exciting on-line thing.
I will check that out.
These are for you.
Oh, thank you.
You have company. Detective mallet.
Send him in, or not. There he is.
Good morning. Good morning. Wow, would you look at this. The new team. This is working out, right?
Well, ask her.
She loves it. I told you it would work out.
Just like you and gus, huh?
Funny you should mention it, I just saw your other half.
You saw him? He's back? He didn't call me?
( Stammering ) I'm staying out of that. He didn't call me, frankly.
You have that affect, don't you?
You dinah, would you excuse me a bit?
Sure. I probably have my new office to get settled into for now.
There's something you should know.
Nothing good ever falls like that.
Gus saw the videotape.
Uh... okay.
Videotape. The videotape filmed in your office the one where you grabbed me and kissed me.
The one where you grabbed me and kissed me. That's awkward.
You think?
Yeah, because it probably shows you were doing a lot of heavy-duty kissing back.
So you're a personal shopper, fashion coordinator? Fashion coordinator? Where?
This new store. It's in that high end boutique mall.
What's the name of that store?
Le bon lautrec de jur l'amour.
Le bon lautrec de jur l'amour. That about covers it. Where is it?
In the mall. You probably haven't heard of it.
Well why do say that? I am fashion forward. Lizzie, you can always come to me-- well, you can always come to me.
For fashion advice?
That and if you are ever in trouble.
Why would I ever be in trouble?
I'm just saying.
I'm ine.
All right. You just want to be careful, you know.
You want to be able to live within your paycheck, you know. Don't get in over your head, you know. That's what people do. With their salaries. Otherwise, you might as well borrow money from a loan shark.
Yeah. Okay.
Gus, look, what are you still doing there? I know you have a wife, harley, who you haven't seen for days. Maybe I ought to give her a call and let her know you are here.
Actually that's where I was going.
He didn't rent this at blockbuster. Where did he get it from?
Two guesses. Spaulding.
And mrs. Alan?
Beth! She tried planting it in the dvd when I was giving the speech at the spaulding board meeting and gus saw it and stopped her.
I bet he is pretty upset about this whole kissing thing, right.
This is awful. This is my fault. I swore up and down nothing happened between us, and blake's book was total fiction, and my feelings never came back the way they did when I was actually....
Hey, it's me. Your favorite source. Got some space in your next column? Because you will never believe who is alone now with marley-- I mean, harley cooper. Doors closed. They're having a little chat. A little chat about this and that.
Got some time to chat with me, sunshine?
I think it is great that the whole family is pitching in to help with our wedding?
Well, we want to make sure your day is absolutely perfect. Isn't that right, jonathan?
That's right.
I'm sure tammy will know something.
Hey, guys. Hi, rj.
Has anyone heard from cassie?
No. Not today. Why? Where is she?
With uncle edmund.
Hey, rj, let's go to your room and play that video game with the lizard.
Jeffrey. What the hell is going on where is my sister?
With edmund? Why?
Did he grab here her?
We're not sure. We are doing everything we can. We need photographs of cassie and get them out to people who can help us. Something recent.
Jeffrey, you don't think... okay. I will get back.
Didn't we see edmund's laptop upstairs?
His laptop?
Yeah, I will grab it.
Go get it.
Here you go. This photo, it wasn't taken very long ago. It's changed so fast.
I know.
Do you have any of edmund?
It is in the far cabinet in the kitchen.
All right. Thank you.
Are you okay?
Not really.
Josh. Can I talk to you?
No. Jonathan. No. Where is rj?
He is playing video games.
Well, you know what, thanks for all your help if you need to get back to the bar. Feel free. You don't have to stay.
Okay. I'm staying.
It's unbelievable, but i believe you
now I'm standing on my own...
Coming up on "guiding light"...
I can't believe how interested people are.
I can.
Call me if you need anything. All right?
Any time. Anything.
What you told me about your feelings with tammy.
More real than anything else in my life. .
Hey there, jeffrey.
Sorry. I needed to get some air.
Are you okay?
Taking care of cassie, making sure she is all right-- that was one thing I am supposed to get right to make up for everything.
I know. Believe me. I know. But you are going to find cassie. And you are going to bring her back.
Yeah, I am.
Thanks for helping out with rj.
Wish I could do more.
You already have. You've been a real comfort to tammy. And to me. I mean, I know that you and i are...
Let's not even go there and stay focused on finding cassie and getting her home safe because that's what's important right now. No matter what's happened between us.
Joshua, I'm so sorry.
I'll go check on rj.
It's like she's already gone.
Hey, come on. O'neill and the rest of the crew out there, edmund won't get very far. Your mom is more of a man than he is anyway. She probably kicked back. Big momma c kicking back, drinking iced latte and a coat.
I wish I could believe that. I can't lose my mom, jonathan.
Tammy. Don'T.
Hey, it's okay.
I've got you now. Everything will be all right.
Your mom, she's going to be just fine.
So it's real.
What you told me about your feelings about tammy.
Yeah. More real than anything else in my life.
Lizzie. Lizzie spaulding.
Quinn? Oh, my god! How are you?
I'm wonderful. What are you doing here? Are you slumming it?
Um, wow. It's been ages.
I know. Where have you been hiding, missy?
Here. What about you?
The usual. Europe, and my family's ranch out west. All fun, all the time. Now I am back on board anyway.
That definitely sounds like you.
Well, catch me up. Ten best parties I missed and summer, you were going to the charity thing and the dance. Can you give us a second, partner? We're catching up.
Really? On what?
Wow! Nosey waiter.
One of your friends, I take it?
Um, this is my boyfriend, coop. Henry bradshaw.
The waiter's your boyfriend? That's great.
Yeah, thanks. I think so.
Coop, this is quinn. He is an old friend from boarding school.
Look, it's nice to meet you.
What can I get for you?
Coop actually just got this seminar at oxford. He got accepted and is a brilliant writer.
Wow. Great work, hank, congratulations.
Thank you.
You know, we should all hook up at the towers dance or somewhere place else. You are coming, right?
Yeah. We wouldn't miss it.
I would love to chat with you sometime, miss marler. Let's set up lunch for next week.
No. Let's talk now.
I am so swamped.
I bet you are. Must be very difficult being her assistant and stabbing her in the back at the same time.
How dare you.
Why don't we star-69 that last phone call you made. Better yet, why don't I get some phone logs and see what kind of phone calls you have been making in the last two weeks. I wonder how many tabloids are on there. You know what is funny, while those things are printing out, the phone calls, I think maybe i need to entertain you with some stories of the men I've been with and what I do to them when they cross me. I don't think I ever mentioned to you how appreciative I am of harley for her hiring me here and how much I enjoy this job. What that means for you, stevie, when I add all this up and I am through with you, you are awfully lucky to be walking out that door having everyone staring at you-- what's left of you-- without calling me "miss."
I should have known from the beginning.
About the kiss?
About the kiss. And what led up to the kiss. None of it matters anyway, right?
Because you are always thinking about dinah now.
What? Who?
You know that thing you have for dinah.
That thing? I have a thing for dine dinah?
Did I hear my name?
What are you doing to my assistant.
You mean this weasel I caught calling tabloids saying to them that mallet was here in your office.
Should be fired.
So fired.
Fine. You won't mind if he bounces off the curb then?
Not at all.
Let's go, pal.
Dinah? Nice work.
How did I do? Come on.
Man. I cannot believe how interested people are in A...
I can.
Honey. I am so glad you're back. I missed you so much.
I felt like you were gone a year.
At least.
Did you hear about the blackouts? The whole town went dark, and i was stuck with dinah.
I heard. Lucky she got a job out of it.
She did. I was worried about it. Dinah is taking it very seriously.
Oh, right. Yeah, I guess I am out of here. See you at the station. Good luck with everything, cooper.
Good luck with everything, cooper. What is that supposed to mean?
It means that he knows I want to clear up some mess about the kiss.
What kiss? Oh, the kiss from the videotape? Where he kissed you? And then you kissed him? That? Forget it. Don't worry about it.
Forget about it? You think you can do that, really? Honey. I could tell you that mallet means nothing to me. But I would actually like to be honest with you.
That would be nice, yeah.
Sorry about the kiss. It was a way for me to get closer to mallet. So that I could get closer to the outside world so I could get closer to you and my kids. I just used him. I feel bad about that.
Well, I'm sure you will get over it.
What do you want me to say? Mallet is a part of me. He's part of my past. I can't chan my past. And I don't want to. Because it brought me here to you. You, the man I love. The man that I have chosen to spend the rest of my life with. Mallet can't threaten that. And I don't think you should be threatened by mallet. I just want everything to go back to the way it was. Can we go back to the way things were, please? Would you please tell me we're okay?
That was a lot of fun. Can't wait to do that again. It was like being stuck in a horror film.
Dinah, relax. Glad everything is working out. No need to thank me.
Thank you? I am not thanking you, you big, fat ox. I want to tell you something. You can't show your face around there anymore. ( Laughter )
Oh. I will be back in a second. ( Laughter )
Seems like a swell guy.
Well, you know, he is okay. He is different.
Different? You mean different than me? I take it. At least you had the auction thing to brag about, right.
I am proud of you.
Uh-huh. That's why you had to mention i was more than just a waiter.
You are not a waiter, okay. His granddad owns everything my granddad doesn't and he doesn't get regular people.
Oh. Regular people. That's great.
Okay. Calm down. To me, you will always be irregular. That's the way I like to keep it.
Can I ask you a question?
Is it a regular question or A...
Stop it. Please tell me you got us tickets to that dance.
Not yet lizzie. I haven't gotten a ticket. They cost a grand. I am saving my tips.
But you do realize they sell out really fast every year. I can help you.
No. No. Look. We talked about it. I am taking you. What you need to do is use the money you have been earning from your new job and buy yourself a new dress, one that's going to make everyone's jaw drop at the party. Deal?
Yes. Deal.
I wish I were out there right now looking for her. She must be so scared. I just want to do something.
I wish I could do more, too.
You already are doing something important. You are making me feel safe. And I need that more than anything right now.
You're not here to hurt her.
No. I would do anything if it meant she would never get hurt again.
You love her.
Oh, my god.
It's the best can you do, reva?
Anyone else, not tammy.
I know. Do you know how many time I said that to myself? It is her. There's not a damn thing I can do about it.
You can fight it.
Yes. I will do whatever I can to help you with this. You have to fight it. You have to fight your feelings. You know, with a little time and discipline, you can fight these feelings.
Has that ever worked for you, reva?
You have to try. You have to try.
Do you remember when I told you there was this girl that everybody would think is too good for me? You told me not to accept that and go for it.
I didn't know it was tammy.
But that changes everything?
Yes. You can't do this. You can't chase after her. You can't fight for her. You have to let her go. You have to let her go!
Sorry. Hey, you know what? Scratch that. I'm not sorry.
I am not sorry. I am not going to let her go. I can'T. And I won'T.
Great burger, man. Here. Oh. Keep the change.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. This is like one hundred bucks. Let me get your change for you.
No, no, no. You keep it. Look, henry. I heard you two talking about the dance. Lizzie really, really wants to go. And you have a cash problem.
Look. I appreciate the concern, but I'm good. Okay? Now hang on, and I will get your change.
So, how was your burger?
It was fine. Look, we go way back and I'm just going to say it. I heard you two talking. Why don't you give your poor writer a break and just buy the tickets yourself?
Well, you want the truth?
I have been cut off, sort of. I have no allowance, no credit cards.
That's funny.
Actually, it's not funny. Can you imagine if your family did that to you?
You're right. That's not funny.
Look, why don't you let me pay for the tickets then.
You would do that for me?
Look, as tempting as the offer is...
You love waiter boy.
I love it that he is trying to do this for me.
I see. Why take this guy's fun away. I hear you. Text message. Look. Here's my cell. Okay? Call me if you need anything. All right? Anytime. Anything. See you at the dance!
So you're banning me from the spaulding office?
Yeah, I'm banning you. You have a job. Shoo.
Harley is running a legitimate business. She doesn't need you hanging around, stirring things up. Now, go, get your butt in there.
If you want to see my butt, just...
I don't want to me my butt.
You act like you want to see my butt. I'll show you my butt if you want.
Give me my shoe back. Mallet, I'm going to kill you.
I should've let them send you back to prison.
I'm going to send you some where. Jerk. Ow.
We're going to be fine. You know why? Because we are moving. We're going to move to madison. It is very fine. Madison. We will work for the madison pd up there.
We are?
Oh, yeah. You're going to love it.
If you said that to me a month ago, I probably would've been all over it.
I'm good at my job. And I like my job. I like it here. I have to tell you, I really like making a difference in people's lives, you know?
Well, you liked being a cop, too right? We could be cops together.
We could.
And that would be great. But this is kind of bigger than that. You know? Because I can make a difference in people's lives not just here in springfield, but all around the world. You know? And I will, I will fight alan and beth and anybody else I have to fight to accomplish what i know I can accomplish with this company, so you will be proud of me. And there's the distinct chance I could fall flat on my face and you will have to write and say i told you so.
Listen to me. Are you listening?
You are not going to fail. Okay. And if this is what you want and really what you want, then I got your back, 100%. 100%. I will do everything in my power to make sure you are the best C.E.O. That spaulding enterprises has ever had.
And I would do that for you. Because when we are together and we have, like, a common goal, we are unstoppable. Nobody can stop us. Beth, alan, this one that one, nobody.
Sorry. I didn't knock. This little update. Okay. Gus, hey. I have barred mallet from the property. I am going home. It's been a long day. I broke my heel.
It wouldn't matter if mallet was here 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Why. Because we are partners again?
Yeah. We are partners. Cooper and aitoro.
Wait a minute. Cooper and aitoro. That's us. Riding off into the sunset. Together. Again. Bring it on, world! Bring it! Is that too much?
She is engaged to tammy.
I know.
She loves him.
Do you think that I like feeling like this? Banging my head against the wall again and again waiting every second for something that I know can never happen. Don't you think I wish I could go back to the way things were when I didn't give a damn and didn't need anyone?
I can't, though and I know you probably think I don't deserve her because of what i did, what I did to her.
No. I never said that.
No. But it's probably true.
That's not what this is about.
Look. It doesn't matter. Whatever I did or whatever i know, it doesn't matter. Because I can't make it go away. I can't drown it out. I have to. I just have to.
So you're going to keep pursuing this? You're really...
Reva, I don't have a choice.
Finally, hello. Hello. Hello. Yeah. What do you got? Portal?
What's going on? What does that mean. Portal? Did you say portal?
Hang on a second.
There it is.
I will call you back.
Does that mean anything to you?
It sure does. I think he knows where he is taking her?
I will tell you on the way. Bring the computer. I want to download everything off the hard drive. You coming?
So. I will be fine. I have rj.
I want to come with you.
No. Stay here and keep an eye on tammy and aitoro.
You guys need an extra hand...
No. We have enough to worry about without worrying about you. Just stay here.
Call us as soon as you find anything out, okay, please?
You know I will.
Mom, please be okay.
Tammy. ( Music playing ) it will be all right. I promise. In the end, everything will be all right.
Next on "the guiding light"...
I keep telling myself he wouldn't hurt there. He loves my mom. He wouldn'T.
Josh and jeffrey will be there by now and track him down.
I thought I would come over and help so just tell me what you want or need.
If I don't find her fast, she could vanish forever.
This photo belongs to you, too. He's your father.
I think I know where edmund took her. Let's go.
Till death do us part. Remember, cassie. That's what you promised.
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