Guiding Light Transcript Friday 11/4/05
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Proofread by Suzanne
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Announcer: The role of Cassie Winslow will be played by Nicole Forester.
Cassie: Josh.
Josh: Cassie, are you okay?
Cassie: Yeah, I'm fine.
Josh: You're not fine.
Cassie: No.
Josh: Then my timing is perfect. Stay right there.
Buzz: Well, there's no reason to panic. We had gas and you have food. I don't know how you will pay for it. We don't have any power and can't get the credit cards approved. But hopefully we'll get power soon.
Reva: I wouldn't count on that. I had to park my car ten blocks away and walk. This whole town is out of juice. Like my marriage. What are we drinking?
Danny: Well it is out. Any idea when the power will be back on? Okay. All right. Yeah. Thanks. It's okay. I'm here. Daddy's here. Always will be. Me and your mom and Marina.
Michelle: I wonder if it is a mechanical problem or if the power is out?
Marina: Well, there's no service on my phone.
Michelle: I'm not getting service either.
Marina: This is unbelievable.
Michelle: No, Jenna.
Marina: What?
Michelle: Last time this happened I was with Coop's mom and kid. She fixed my hair and told me a story.
Marina: Oh. If you don't mind I think I will pass on the whole hair thing.
Michelle: Yes. So where were you going? I thought you would spend time with Danny and Hope tonight.
Marina: Well, I got called in for traffic duty.
Michelle: Oh. I just want to thank you for letting Danny spend so much time with me and Hope.
Marina: I'm not letting Danny do anything. Michelle, I know it will only make my relationship with Danny stronger.
Harley: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't move too fast. One wrong step could be deadly for the both of us.
Dinah: Okay, Harley, you are not my boss. You don't want to be my boss. I high-tailed my butt over here to get an interview and I don't know why.
Harley: Blame it on Mallet?
Dinah: Believe me. I will. This is not good. This whole building is out.
Harley: Do you want to go up or down?
Dinah: I say we go up and wait in your office. That's what we do.
Harley: Spoken like someone who is used to being rescued.
Dinah: What are you doing?
Harley: What do you think, Dinah, rescuing myself.
Tammy: Hello. Hello! Miss whatever your name is. Oh, great. I want to find it. Okay. ( Music playing ) That's better. A little. Now where is the prince to rescue me? ( Music playing ) Mirror, mirror on the wall...who is the fairest of them all?
Jonathan: That's an easy one.
Alan: Hello, Edmund.
Edmund: Well, so much for this plan of yours, Alan.
Alan: I can't take all the credit. It is our plan. It seems to be working beautifully.
Edmund: For you, perhaps. For me, Josh Lewis rescued Cassie before I could get to her. I thought Jeffrey O'Neill would be my only obstacle.
Alan: The night is young. You'll get your opportunity. Besides, our manmade eclipse has just begun.
Cassie: I am supposed to be meeting Tammy, and I am stuck here. She'll think I didn't...
Josh: She will think you are stuck somewhere in the blackout. What you don't know, you have hit the jackpot, because you are stuck with me. Lucky you.
( Laughter )
Cassie: I'm not very good company these days.
Josh: That's okay. You don't have to entertain me. Unless of course you want to talk about why you are sitting here in a car by yourself crying.
Cassie: I am stuck, Josh.
Josh: I kind of figured that.
Cassie: No. I mean, really stuck. I'm stuck in my own head and I can't get out. It was some stupid and selfish.
Josh: Because of Hope?
Cassie: I love her so much. And knowing she is not mine, I feel so angry and lost and empty. I don't want to let go. And I can't live with this ache.
Josh: Right. Yeah. I know that feeling. You wake up in the morning, look out the window and wish you could be somebody, anybody else because anybody on the planet has got to be in a better place than I am right now. But you know something about that ache, it goes away. It's usually right around the time you feel like everything is hopeless. And then there's this little light. Very dim at first but not bad. And you find your way.
Cassie: Funny you talk about light in the middle of a blackout.
Josh: What can I say. I am an optimist. There's a little bit of a smile. That's a good thing.
Cassie: Glad you're here.
Josh: Me, too.
Cassie: She has to realize how lucky she is.
Josh: I think she is beginning to remember.
Reva: I know that I should be lucky that I have a guy like Joshua. That's what makes it so difficult. Thanks.
Buzz: So you two are still on the outs then?
Reva: Yes -- well, no. I don't know. Because earlier today we were together, you know. Together, together.
Buzz: Together?
Reva: Yeah.
Buzz: All right. Thanks for sharing. So you're back on track. What's the problem?
Reva: I don't know if I want to be back together, you know. It drives me crazy he is spending so much time with the big O lately.
Buzz: Olivia?
Reva: Yeah.
Buzz: What about Bill? (some dialogue missing here)
Reva: She is on hold. That makes every guy in town fair game for her and is moving in on Josh.
Buzz: So you think you might be expecting him back.
Reva: Not exactly.
Buzz: But you said you two are together.
Reva: Yeah.
Buzz: So you slept with him to mark your territory and keep her away?
Reva: Maybe.
Buzz: Well, I wouldn't overthink it, you know. Whatever brings you close.
Reva: I don't think it brought us closer. In fact, it felt more like good- bye.
Marina: So one day when Danny and I have a child.
Michelle: Wait. You and Danny have talked about having kids together?
Marina: Yes. But we will. Eventually. Why? Does that surprise you?
Michelle: A little.
Marina: Well, it is too soon to talk about kids yet until we move in together. We will take things one step at a time.
Michelle: Eventually one step at a time, very well thought out?
Marina: Well, I am trying. So is Danny. We both learn from our mistakes, no offense.
Michelle: You know, I am the first to admit that Danny and I are the textbook example of how not to start the relationship.
Marina: Michelle, why can't you let him go and give him a chance to start over?
Michelle: I have tried. You know, it doesn't always make a lot of sense, Marina. It is the kind of love I feel for Danny, that heart-stopping love that nobody else is in the room. That kind of love is a person is lucky to have in a lifetime and that's the beginning and that's how it will be.
Marina: You said it, not me.
Dinah: I have been trying like crazy to get my life together.
Harley: You know, exactly how it do you figure that, Dinah?
Dinah: I tried to give your best friend a baby, you know that.
Harley: That's before you faked a pregnancy.
Dinah: That's before the miscarriage that I had to completely get over by myself.
Harley: Yes. I am sorry. You didn't have to do it alone if you just told somebody the truth.
Dinah: What are you talking about. I know I made a mistake.
Harley: You think that makes it okay? It doesn't.
Dinah: I have been trying to tell you and trying like hell -- whew!
Jonathan: So, that's your wedding dress?
Tammy: It needs some alterations.
Jonathan: Fine with me.
Tammy: What are you doing here?
Jonathan: Well, I know that you told me to drop the ring off for you at the Beacon, but I don't trust that guy at the desk. So....
Tammy: Wait.
Jonathan: Are you cold?
Tammy: No. Just that when I was little I was afraid of the dark and I still am a little bit. I feel trapped. There was a saleswoman in here but she went to the warehouse and hasn't come back.
Jonathan: I guess that means you got the dress for free.
Tammy: Jonathan.
Jonathan: What?
Tammy: Let's get out of here. Please.
Jonathan: I don't know if I can. This thing is shut pretty tight.
Tammy: Please. I don't want to be in here anymore.
Jonathan: You mean you don't want to be locked up with all the white and the lace and the promise of a big, beautiful wedding?
Tammy: No. Thank you. So --
Jonathan: Wait. The lights are all off out there. It is not safe outside. ( Music playing ) And again, maybe it is not safe in here. ( Music playing )
Reva: I know, actually, believe it or not, what I want. I don't want to say it out loud because will you hate me and I will hate myself.
Buzz: I won't hate you.
Reva: I want to be able to go out in the world and be without shame. When I am through with that and tired and I want to be loved, I want to be able to go home to Joshua where he is always waiting for me.
Buzz: It's interesting. I mean you're throwing away something most in the world would give everything to have.
Reva: So you think I should just pretend to be happen?
Buzz: No.
Reva: I am worried about Josh. I am afraid he thinks after our encounter that it might mean we are back together.
Buzz: You think?
Cassie: So you and Reva are getting back together?
Josh: Oh, no. I didn't say that at all. I just... we did have sort of a, a breakthrough.
Cassie: A light at the end of the tunnel, perhaps?
Josh: Yeah.
Cassie: All right.
Josh: I guess I just feel like the Reva that I was with earlier is more like the Reva I have been waiting for.
Reva: I think Joshua is waiting for me to be the grown-up version of someone I don't think I can ever be. And he's been so patient. But it's really hard on him.
Josh: I am just really hoping that my patience will pay off.
Cassie: I know it's been tough on you. Reva is, well, she is Reva.
Josh: Yeah. Well, she's Reva, and she's also Reva! You know?
( Laughter )
Josh: Hey, you know how right now you have your lives sort of wrapped around this little baby. Well, in the same way, I have had my entire life wrapped around the love of my life and if this really doesn't work out, I have to unwrap all of that and it will be very painful.
Cassie: Josh, she is going to snap out of it. Whatever it is she is going through. I have to believe it is just one last rebellion.
Reva: I think Joshua thinks I am going through some sort of mid life rebellion. But that's not it at all. I am not ready to settle down with him and bowl in a mixed doubles league every Saturday night.
Josh: I am just really hoping she is ready and give us another chance. And I am working on it. I am trying to wear her down and trying to convince her that the word "plan" is not actually a four-letter word, you know.
Reva: I just don't want to a plan. And I know that sounds crazy.
Buzz: I don't want to tell you how to live your life, even a patient guy like Josh, you know, will close up shop at some point and after this wild stuff he may not be there. You could be sorry.
Reva: Maybe. Maybe not.
Frank: You guys okay?
Buzz: Oh, just peachy. I am spending quality time with my favorite girls here.
Reva: You look like hell.
Frank: No, I am fine. It's just that the whole town is blacked out and an S.U.V. spun out of control and hit a tree. I am trying to get out you now.
Reva: Oh, my god that could be Josh's car.
Cassie: Reva and I are different in so many ways. I love planning. It's comforting. It makes me feel safe. I finally feel I can make plans in my life with Jeffrey. Tammy's wedding. And I guess I went a little crazy planning Hope's life because I thought for the first time I'd get to do that for one of my kids.
Josh: Cassie, you are always going to love Hope. And that's a good thing. But maybe you need to be a little less careful with your feelings. That is, kids, kids need all the love they can get, right? So why not make Hope a part of your life? Why not develop some kind of a relationship with her?
Cassie: That sounds good.
Josh: You can do that. In fact, you can do it right now. We can get Danny and Michelle on the phone and see how Hope is doing. How does that sound?
Cassie: Just like that?
Josh: Yeah. Just like that.
Cassie: One problem. We don't have a phone signal here.
Josh: Well, we don't know that for sure.
Cassie: Wait. Where are you going?
Josh: Not far.
Cassie: Don't leave me here.
Josh: No. No. Let me see what I can get here. I think this might work.
Cassie: Great. One last sane man in the world just lost it.
Josh: I just got a signal, missy. So here, make your phone call. Here you go.
Cassie: Are you sure you got a signal? Because it looks like... well, the bars. Oh! You are nuts!
Josh: I prefer to think of myself as a problem-solver. Make the call!
Cassie: All right, already. All right. All right.
Michelle: You chose to love Danny, and Danny chose to feel whatever he feels for you. But it is not really the same.
Marina: So Danny and I can't be in love with each other because we never we want off the deep end together and he never saved me from an explosion or his mother or anything and so obviously, it is not the real thing.
Michelle: You know, the explosions and all took a toll on Danny and me.
Marina: You know what, Michelle? Maybe you are just addicted to the drama. Did that ever cross your mind?
Michelle: Maybe. Maybe. But it's my life and everybody loves differently.
Marina: Exactly. And Danny was desperate to do things differently. He needed a change.
Michelle: Danny needed a break.
Marina: Yes.
Michelle: But Danny is who he is. And he loves the way he loves with every cell in his body, with every breath that he takes, and to be loved by Danny is it.
Dinah: Oh. Ow!
Harley: Did you hear a word I just said? Stay back! I don't want you pulling me down with you. I am glad I didn't offer you the job in the first place.
Dinah: I want to talk about your flawless judgment, really. Let's talk about your husband and how they are all related to one another.
Harley: Right now I need to laugh. I have made mistakes just like you, Dinah, but I have learned from my mistakes and I managed to stand by my man no matter what.
Dinah: These guys are big losers. Why did you marry them? And also, why are you talking to one of them still?
Harley: Are you talking about Mallet? Mallet is a different story.
Dinah: Okay. You know what? Love in the lock up, that was pretty steamy stuff.
Harley: You have a very active imagination.
Dinah: Yeah, I know about that. You know what? Why don't we talk. A little girl, to girl. Here you are in a cell room all by yourself, no men around you except for Mallet. Are you going to tell me for one moment-- and how do I say this gently?-- You don't want to turn to him for a little comfort?
Harley: Never. I have to say, I think about it for a second. I'm just saying I never acted on it.
Dinah: You know what? I am just saying, look, I don't blame you. The guy is somewhat cute, all right. I think his personality is a bit toxic and has this thing about always being right.
Harley: Well, that's part of his charm.
Dinah: You are still into him.
Harley: I'm not. He left town. I found the man I want and I have his looks.
Dinah: You know what I found in exactly what I wanted is no man and that's a good thing. I think I made a very good choice for myself. One other question for you.
Harley: Uh-huh.
Dinah: The girl you are looking at right now. The one that did so much in the past, the one that delivered your baby after everything I have done, do you still think she's there?
Harley: Yeah.
Tammy: I should get this dress off. I mean, change back into my clothes so I don't get this dirty. And then we should go.
Jonathan: Wait. Wait. Turn around for me. I'm not going to be at the wedding. So my chance to see the bride.
Tammy: I don't look anything like I will look that day. My hair is not up.
Jonathan: That's all right.
Tammy: The pins aren't in the veil and I don't have the right shoes. Shoes! I have to pick up the shoes. I keep making lists and still I keep forgetting things. Sandy and I haven't picked out music or the vows.
Jonathan: Aren't the vows like the most important part?
Tammy: Yes. It just take a lot of thought to say what you want to say. I have written some stuff down but none of it is good.
Jonathan: Well, have you tried saying it out loud? Sometimes that helps. So you can hear the way the words will sound?
Tammy: You think?
Jonathan: Yeah. Do you remember anything you wrote down?
Tammy: Some of it.
Jonathan: Practice on me.
Tammy: What?
Jonathan: What. What? No one is here. You are in the dress. Just, look. You hold these. And imagine that you are standing on the altar and looking at the guy that you are in love with. And just say what's in your heart.
Josh: Say. Oh, yes. Look at that. Now she is smiling.
Danny: Well, any time, Cassie. I'm serious. I want you to call any time, okay?
Cassie: Thanks, Danny. I will see you. Bye. You were right. ( Laughter ) I still have Hope. It is just different. It will be okay.
[ Cell phone rings ]
Josh: Oh. It's Reva.
Cassie: Pick up.
Josh: I will.
Cassie: Perhaps she is in a different place than we are.
Josh: Reva.
Reva: Joshua. Thank goodness. Are you all right?
Josh: Yes. Let's see I am in a dark parking garage with your sister and having a good time. How about you? Reva?
Reva: I'm fine. I was just worried. I am fine. I am accompanied with Buzz and Frank.
Josh: I thought you were going to wait for me in my suite.
Reva: Well, I needed to stretch my legs.
Josh: Um, don't go anywhere, okay? Just stay put. When the lights come back on, I will meet you there.
Reva: You don't have to do that.
Josh: Maybe we will pick up where we left off. I will see you soon.
Reva: Joshua, wait!
Buzz: No. You don't care about him at all.
Reva: Of course I care about him. I love him. I will always love him.
Michelle: You know, Marina, if you and Danny were really meant to be together, I couldn't stand in your way.
Marina: Thank god.
Michelle: Just remember one thing, Marina, you could have it all. The love, the passion, the heart-stopping romance. And I want that for you. I do, as your friend. Just don't settle for any less, okay? Because I don't want you to.
Alan: Edmund. This is where we part company. The power will be coming on in a minute.
Edmund: Smug little prig, aren't you. The plague of darkness provided you with what you want.
Alan: Not quite. I, on the other hand is left holding? Don't worry. You will get to Cassie.
Edmund: For your information, it is not very easy getting Cassie away from Jeffrey O'Neill. I think I may have lost my chance.
Alan: You'll have another opportunity. It's been a pleasure doing business with you, Edmund.
Edmund: Alan. You seem awfully certain of you getting what you want.
Alan: I know what I am doing, Edmund. Don't you worry. Just finish what you started.
Tammy: I can't do this.
Jonathan: Yes. Sure you can. Here. Come on. Hold these. And you pretend I am the guy in the tux. The guy who you want to be with. The guy who you can't live without. You pretend I'm Sandy.
Tammy: Jona...
Jonathan: Sandy.
Tammy: Sandy. I can't wait to be your wife. Because when I am with you, I feel so safe. Everything's going to be okay. If I know you will take care of me forever. You are so kind and generous and good. I can't do this.
Jonathan: No, you can. Keep going. You're doing fine.
Tammy: You are so optimistic. I could be having a really bad day or something really bad happened, and...and then I see your smile and it's like the sun came out again. Suddenly, the world is a hopeful place, a place where we can build a wonderful future together. There's more, but that's pretty much how it goes.
Jonathan: Yes. Yes. ( Music playing ) My turn. ( Music playing ) ( Music playing ) Tammy. I can't promise to keep you safe because what we feel for each other isn't safe. It's dangerous. It threatens people. Especially you.
Tammy: Jonathan.
Jonathan: I can't promise to obey you because I am an obedient guy. Truth is. I can't promise you much of anything, especially you won't be the most important person in the world to me. And that there will never be a day where I will stop wanting you or needing you or loving you.
Tammy: Stop! Sandy will be here any minute and so is my mom. You need to leave.
Jonathan: I'm not going anywhere until the lights come back on. It is crazy out there.
Tammy: I will be fine.
Jonathan: I'm not going anywhere without you.
Cassie: Well, thank you, Josh. I feel like I can do what I am supposed to be doing right now. I have a baby. She's getting married soon. And I haven't exactly thrown myself into the planning yet.
Josh: Our baby never stopped needing you.
Cassie: Are you headed off to meet Reva?
Josh: Yeah.
Cassie: Good. Go for it.
Josh: Thank you. I have faith in you.
Cassie: I appreciate that. ( Laughs )
Josh: Isn't it funny? I feel like everything will be all right. For all of us.
Cassie: Me, too.
Harley: What floor are we on?
Not what floor. I have actually no idea. ( Laughter )
Harley: Oh, gosh. The Spaulding board could see me now.
Well, I think they will start looking for a new C.E.O. Hey! That's the job for me.
Harley: You could get that job. You are even less qualified than I am.
Oh, man. Do you remember, you, me, Alan, Michael running up the water tower?
Harley: Oh!
And you saved me.
Harley: My gosh, your hero.
You were my best friend back then.
Oh, man. Life was a lot easier back then.
Yes. It was.
Michelle or Marina: Now that the power is back on, is the elevator still stuck? Great. Okay. Yeah. Great. Thanks.
Danny: Well, baby, everybody is okay. Who knows what your mom and Marina talked about when they were together.
Michelle: What do you think we talked about? You.
Danny: Me? Wow.
Michelle: I'm not upset. I was just trapped in an elevator with my boyfriend's ex- wife. I'm fine. I survived.
What can you do. Everything happens for a reason. Yes. I heard you. They are joining the search for Alan Spaulding. Got it of the. Later. ( Music playing )
Tammy: Did you not hear me? I said I don't want you to be here. Leave. I want you to go.
Jonathan: You want me out of here? Fine. I'll leave. You're coming with me. ( Music playing )
Man: Did your mother tell you to look both ways? Did I hit you? Can you move? Are you all right?
Marina: Yeah. I'm all right. You are under arrest.
Danny: So are you going to tell me or what?
Michelle: Tell you what?
Danny: Don't do that. You know what I am talking about. What you and Marina said about me when you were in the elevator together.
Michelle: Hmm. I guess I could tell you.
Danny: Thank you.
Michelle: But I have always believed actions speak louder than words. ( Music playing )
Josh: Hey, boss. Have you seen the...
Buzz: The, you know, she is unpredictable. I can't keep up with her.
Josh: Okay did she happen to mention where she was going to go.
Buzz: Not a word.
Josh: Keeping me on my toes. That's so nice. Thank you.
Buzz: Josh, I would be careful out there, if I were you.
It is the ground floor. I know it. Yes!Harley: Oh! ( Laughter )
Dinah: Oh, my gosh. We climbed all the way down Mt. Everest and the lights come on. This door better be open. Yay! ( Laughter )
Harley: Hey, Dinah, I will contact my h&r people in the morning and see if I can't get you something at Spaulding. Nothing like the head of the PR department or something.
Dinah: You are going to take a risk on me.
Harley: Nothing like that.
Dinah: Hey, let me tell you, gosh, I will help you. I will back you. I am trusting you, okay? I mean you are a menace to society. Now you are just my menace to society. Deal?
Harley: Yes. Deal.
Dinah: Good. ( Laughter )
Frank: Yes, I hear you. Alan Spaulding is still missing. Widen your search then.
Officer: Sir, that's not necessary.
Frank: Of course it is necessary. I won't let Alan Spaulding get away again.
Officer: Chief. Right here.
Alan: Did you have a busy night?
Cassie: How is it going in the dressing room? You will not believe what I have been through tonight. Thankfully, everything turned out all right. Come on out and show me how beautiful you look in your gown. Tammy.
Next on "guiding light..."
Danny: I love Marina.
Michelle: There is something between us.
And I will do whatever it takes to keep him away from you.
How do you feel about that, Josh?
Dark. Do whatever you want in the dark. Nobody has to know.
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