GL Transcript Thursday 11/3/05

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 11/3/05


Provided By Boo
Proofread by Laura

Tammy: I lost my engagement ring. I have a dress fitting to go to and...

Jonathan: I'll find it for you.

Harley: Hey, it's me, Gus. Um, look, I'm not going to obsess about trying to make things right, okay? I'm just, um, I'm obsessing, okay? I'm at Spaulding and everybody's out on some company outing and the place is completely empty and I'm wandering the halls with tons of things to do and only one thing on my mind: I'm missing the kids and I'm missing you. And I know that you are sitting there thinking about that stupid D.V.D. And seeing me and Mallet kissing and you have to know that you and the kids are my whole life and Mallet is just... you know, he's just something from the past. He's ancient history. He's like an old photo in an album. Let's treat him that way, okay?

Mallet: Whoa, Dexter, what is he doing out of his cell?

Police officer: He's been transferred to the house of padded cells. I'm processing him right now.

Alan: Gus is on assignment, isn't he?

Mallet: Yeah.

Alan: I'll bet Harley gets real lonely in her bed at night. Why don't you go over there and see what you can do about that? You know what? When the cat's away, the mice will play, Detective.

Mallet: You know what, Alan? You can poke me with a stick all you want but you know what? You're going to be flying out of my orbit any day now so why don't you do the world a service and shut your trap until that happens.

Police officer: My kids love the horse. Thanks.

Alan: No, thank you.

Reva: Oh! (Laughs) Wow.

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: You've still got it, Bud.

Josh: So do you. What... what just happened?

Reva: I don't know, but it felt really good. How about you?

Josh: Oh, yeah. It felt really good.

Reva: (Laughs)

Josh: So what now? I mean, what... what's next for us?

Jonathan: Got it.

Tammy: Can I have it back?

Jonathan: Nice ring.

Tammy: Please give it back.

Jonathan: You're busy. Wedding, stressful. I don't want to add to the list of things that you have to deal with.

Tammy: Really?

Jonathan: What?

Tammy: You're not going to tell me that I'm making a huge mistake? That I don't belong with Sandy but I do belong with you?

Jonathan: Is that what you want me to say.

Cassie: Okay, I want this to be special, not splashy, okay? And I want it to be romantic and I want it to be beautiful. I want people to forget about what's going on in the outside world.

Woman: Right. You want a dream. Time out of time.

Cassie: Yes! Yes. I want people... I want people to be swept away you know? We could all use a bit of that and wedding is as good an excuse as any.

Danny: Man, I am looking forward to having alone time with you, me, and Hope?

Marina: Are you sure Michelle is okay with that? She's just getting used to that. She probably wants her to herself.

Danny: Well, she's my little girl, too. I can't think of anything better than spending time with my two favorite girls.

Michelle: Hey, what could be better than spending the evening with two of my favorite people in the world?

Woman: I'm going to get started on all this.

Cassie: Okay, that looks great.

Woman: Okay, great.

Edmund: Is everything in its place?

Alan: The money's been delivered, now it's just a matter of time.

Edmund: Good. I think I can find Cassie alone. As soon as I can get away from that leech Jeffrey O’Neill, she'll realize we belong together. He's the only thing standing in our way.

Alan: You'll have Cassie, I'll have what I want. The rest of Springfield won't know what hit them.

Dinah: I don't appreciate being summoned to the halls of justice by Springfield’s supercop.

Mallet: Supercop? I like that. Thank you. Supercop.

Dinah: What. Am I doing here? Why am I here?

Mallet: Do you forget? You belong to me.

Dinah: Oh, if wishing only made it so mall-lay. That's the French pronunciation.

Mallet: Forget about it. The judge needs you to get a job ASAP.

Dinah: All of Springfield is knocking down my door just to hire me.

Mallet: Just save the poor-me. Get a job.

Dinah: What would you like me to do, hmm?

Mallet: Have you tried hooking up with Harley?

Dinah: She's Cassie's best friend. She was the first person on my list that I called.

Mallet: Well, aren't you and Harley friends?

Dinah: In a believe yourself life.

Alan: If I'm correct-- and it's none of my business, Detective--.

Mallet: You're correct about that Alan.

Mallet: Harley owes you a favor. You did her a few favors, I'm not talking about the ones here in the book.

Mallet: I already hit up Harley.

Dinah: You did? What did she say?

Mallet: She challenged me to a game of rock, paper, scissors. I took scissors, she chose rock, I lost. Crushing defeat.

Dinah: As if you cared. There are tons of jobs here in Springfield but you decide to hit up your ex-wife.

Mallet: Yeah, that's right. For your sake.

Dinah: You are looking for an excuse just to see the woman and you are using me and my parole status to do it!

Mallet: You are going to go over there and you're going to get a job if I have to carry you over there to do it.

Dinah: If you manhandle me one more time you're going to wake up one morning minus one very essential body part.

Mallet: Just go!

Alan: Ooh.

Harley: You know what? One of my department heads just walked in. I've got to go. Hi! How was pumpkin picking?

Zach: Good.

Man: Dr. Bauer is waiting in the car to take Zach to dinner.

Harley: Oh.

Zach: Here, I have something for you.

Harley: Is it an ice cream cone? A magic chocolate?

Zach: It's the key to the tree house.

Harley: Oh, the key to the tree house? You want me to go to the tree house? Why?

Zach: Gus might be there.

Josh: Don't go. I just... I feel really good right now, you know? I haven't felt this way in quite a while.

Reva: We used to feel like this all the time.

Josh: I'm sensing a change in you. No big deal, just a little bit, it's there.

Reva: What kind of change?

Josh: Well, I just feel like I'm seeing the Reva shape I used to know, you know? My Reva.

Reva: Your Reva.

Josh: The Reva Shane that stole my Oklahoma heart and made me into an honest man.

Reva: You were already an honest man.

Josh: Okay, made me into a better man.

Reva: It's a little hard to improve on perfection. But I don't know whether I can be the person you want me to be yet.

Josh: Or if you ever will be. That's what you're thinking, right?

Reva: Well, I'm going to be who I am for better or for worse.

Josh: Reva, I know things aren't perfect right now. Things between us have never been perfect, right? I mean, we've had some really incredible runs and some really difficult times. But the thing is, we're still standing. After everything we've been through, we're still here.

Reva: Doesn't really seem to be much rhyme or reason to it, does there?

Josh: I'm not looking for it. I'm just looking at you right now. That's all I need.

Marina: You know, I haven't wanted to say it, but being able to bond with Hope... Hope without Michelle here, it's a big deal.

Danny: I know.

Marina: I just feel so awkward when Michelle is here and I know I have to get over it. She’s wherever the baby is.

Danny: Well, not tonight. Tonight it's just us.

Marina: Well, thank you. I, um, I don't know what it is. Sometimes I feel like I'm intruding on my own life, you know? I see Michelle and I just spaz.

Danny: Stop spazing and whenever you feel that way, just think about this and how much I love you. This was my idea tonight. I want this to happen. I think this is a very important beginning for three of us.

Michelle: Hi.

Cassie: Hi.

Michelle: Hope's doing really well.

Cassie: She looks happy.

Michelle: I... I hear you got a big wedding that you're planning for Tammy?

Cassie: Yeah, lots of planning to do.

Michelle: Cassie, you can hold her if you want.

Tammy: Why are you doing this?

Jonathan: What?

Tammy: Trying to get me admit...

Jonathan: What?

Tammy: Nothing. Marrying Sandy is the best decision I've ever made in my life.

Jonathan: Good for you.

Tammy: What are you doing?

Jonathan: What do you want from me, Tammy? I just said look, you probably just made the best decision of your life. Good for you. I want you to be happy, you just don't trust me.

Tammy: No. We both know how you really feel, so why bother pretending you feel something else?

Jonathan: Look, Tammy, I've done nothing but tell you where I think you belong, that you should follow your guts and your heart and not your brain. I'm not going to do that anymore. You love Sandy, fine, love him, marry him.

Tammy: I'm going to. I made a promise.

Jonathan: Again, good for you. I'm not going to mess with any of that.

Tammy: I don't understand.

Jonathan: There's nothing to understand.

Tammy: You're really okay with me being happy with someone else?

Jonathan: Okay? Well, I guess so because what other choice do I have?

Tammy: I thought you...

Jonathan: What? Tammy, what would we have if we were together? Honestly. People would talk about us everywhere we went.

Tammy: Since when do you care what people think.

Jonathan: Whoa, they'd be right. You know what they would say about us and they'd be right. You don't want that. You've been running away from me from the start anyway. You want something safe and stable. You want Sandy. We could never work out anyway and you know it, don't you?

Zach: When's Gus coming home?

Harley: Do you miss him?

Zach: First daddy went away, then you went away. Some people come back and some people don't come back.

Harley: Yeah. You know what? I don't want you to worry about me and Gus not being there when you need us, because mommy will always be here for you when you need me, always. And Gus, you know, he's going to be back really soon, baby. And Steven’s here to take you to Uncle Rick’s car and I'll be home in a little bit to tuck you in.

Zach: First don't you have to do your homework?

Harley: Well, that's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to finish it here so I don't have to bring it home. Do you have anything else you want to ask me?

Zach: Why'd Gus leave?

Man: You have company. It's you-know-who.

Josh: I'm meeting Tammy down in the lounge. Something about her wedding.

Reva: I think I know what she wants. Here, let me do that.

Josh: Okay. Those two are pretty remarkable, aren't they?

Reva: Sandy and Tammy?

Josh: Yeah. So young but they've already been through so much.

Reva: I'm thrilled for them.

Josh: Yeah. I think this wedding's going to be a good thing for everybody. Especially Cassie. After losing Hope.

Reva: I think she's pretty excited about this wedding.

Josh: It would be nice if we could be there together. So, thank you.

Reva: Uh-huh.

Josh: You'll be here when I get back?

Reva: Where else?

Josh: Thanks.

Reva: Whoa. Well, there you go, Reva, you're here, girl. You're here. You're here with Josh and Olivia’s nowhere in sight. You win. You've got Joshua. Aren't you just has happy as can be? No? Well why not?

Michelle: Really, Cassie, why don't you hold her?

Cassie: I can’t. I want to more than you could imagine, but, um, when I had to put her in your arms knowing it was for good I had to cut something off inside my heart and, um, thank you, Michelle, but I can’t.

Michelle: I understand. It's okay.

Cassie: Can I ask you a question?

Michelle: Sure.

Cassie: There's, like, a million questions that I want to ask about her and a million questions that I shouldn't ask about her, but, um, does she still sleep with that little lamb and is she still eating every three hours right on time? You know what? Never mind. I can't know. I'm sorry.

Marina: This is going to be even better than I hoped.

Danny: See? That's the right attitude. (Knock on door) Hey.

Michelle: The door was open. I'm sorry.

Danny: It's fine. Come on in, you guys are early.

Michelle: She was a little fussy so we had to get out of the house.

Danny: Fussy? Fussy? No way, I don't believe it. My little Hope is not fussy. She just missed her daddy. Hi. Hi.

Marina: She is so beautiful.

Danny: I'm going to put you in your little crib. Okay, there we go. Okay, thanks for bringing her over. I'll just call you later, okay?

Michelle: Okay.

Danny: What? Everything's going to be fine. I mean, did you forget how nervous you were when you had to leave Robbie at first and it all worked out just fine. I never lost him.

Michelle: Well, actually you did lose him that one time in the department store.

Danny: Hey, hey, no, that's not fair. We said we would never count that. I put him down and you took him.

Michelle: Well, I took him because you put him down.

Danny: Without telling me. Michelle, I can handle it. She's fine, she's going to be fine and she's got everything she needs. You need some time for yourself.

Michelle: Okay.

Jonathan: You think I'm playing you? What you want out of life is something that is entirely different than anything that I could ever give you.

Tammy: I never said that. I just...

Jonathan: I make you feel miserable. I make you have to look over your shoulder and make you feel dirty.

Tammy: You also saved my life!

Jonathan: Yeah and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Tammy: That has to count for something, right?

Jonathan: I would break your heart just as fast and we both know that. You don't have to sit there pretending that I deserve some benefit of the doubt when it comes to you I don't deserve anything.

Tammy: Jonathan you didn't mean to hurt me.

Jonathan: I know, but that's what always seems to happen.

Tammy: But you don't try to.

Jonathan: I know. Look, it's like... (sighs) I can't help myself. You need to be with Sandy. With him you'd be safe. If you were with Sandy, then your life would never even need saving.

Tammy: J.B.! I don't think you ever really meant to hurt me. And I don't think it's automatic that you would again. In fact, I know you wouldn’t. You couldn’t. Not if we... if we were...

Jonathan: What? Not if we were what?

Tammy: Oh, God. I have to go. I... I have to meet my mom at the Beacon and Edmund... and I have to go to the bridal warehouse.

Jonathan: Shh, just go and stop looking back. Just go and keep going.

Harley: What are you doing here and why are you here with her?

Mallet: I told you that I was bringing Dinah by for an interview, remember?

Harley: No. As I remember you asked if you could bring Dinah by for an interview and I said unfortunately no.

Dinah: Well, you see, then that's that. I think we should go.

Mallet: Stay where you are. She needs a job.

Harley: And I need her working here like I need toenail fungus. No offense, really.

Dinah: No offense taken.

Mallet: Don't you need to fulfill the requirements of the Spaulding halfway house. Don't you remember that?

Harley: Let me guess we give a second chance to people in society who made a mistake.

Mallet: And Dinah is a perfect candidate.

Harley: Well I think that program was here before I took control so you need to discuss that with personnel, right.

Mallet: Why would you do that when I can talk to the big cheese herself? You too girls have a lot to catch up on. See you around.

Harley: Wait a minute. Wait! Rock beat scissors!

Mallet: Not always. Have a good time.

Michelle: All right, sweetie, I'll just be down in the lounge. Bye.

Danny: Bye. Look at her. How freaking cute is she when she's sleeping like that? I feel good about this. I do, I feel really good. I know it's really new, but already I can't tell you how much this little girl has changed my life.

Marina: Little girl's changed a lot of things. (Cell phone rings) Hello?

Mallet: Marina, it's Mallet. Grab your reflective vest and get down to the house.

Marina: Why? I'm off.

Mallet: Bennett called in sick and you're off. Traffic control.

Marina: Great.

Danny: What?

Marina: I don't believe this.

Danny: What happened?

Marina: I have to go. Duty calls.

Danny: You're kidding!

Marina: Well, we'll have another time, right? There's lots of time, huh? All right, see you.

Danny: All right. Try to hurry back, okay? Call me later.

Josh: Yeah, Hi, this is Josh Lewis. Could I get some flowers sent up to my room, please? Something nice, they're for my wife. She's there. Yeah, that sounds perfect. Just put it on my account. Thank you. Hey.

Cassie: Hey.

Josh: Are you okay?

Tammy: Hey.

Cassie: Hey there.

Tammy: Hi, Uncle Josh. Well, let's get moving, we have the wedding of the century to pull off, right?

Cassie: No pressure there.

Josh: No better way to say forever than a good we could.

Cassie: After that it's all a walk in the park if it's the right thing to do.

Tammy: It's right with me and Sandy.

Cassie: I know it is.

Josh: Never lose sight of that fact, Tammy. I can tell you from experience things will always work out. Maybe a couple detours along the way.

Cassie: Several.

Josh: Or several. But your marriage will last as long as you believe that it can.

Tammy: I don't know if there's some sort of way I'm supposed to ask this, but I'm just going to spill it. Uncle Josh, will you give me away?

Josh: I would be honored.

Tammy: You're the first person I thought of. Except for maybe Jeffrey. But you've always been there for me.

Josh: I've tried to be.

Tammy: Remember the time in the 9th grade when you escorted me to the dance?

Josh: The 9th grade. And now you're getting married. Don't do this to me, please. Josh Lewis ages right before your very eyes.

Tammy: Well, that's how I want to feel. As special as I felt when you took my arm in 9th grade.

Josh: Believe me, Tammy, your wedding day is going to blow the 9th grade thing out of the water.

Tammy: Because I'm marrying Sandy.

Cassie: You made the right choice.

Tammy: What can I say in when it's right; it's right.

Man: Hello? Floral delivery. Hello? Taken care of.

Tammy: You've got the flowers taken care of. Mostly white.

Cassie: All white roses, you got it.

Tammy: I want everything to be perfect. And disposable cameras at every place setting, too. Hey, Uncle Josh, what kind of tux are you going to wear?

Josh: I was thinking about this. I have this purple crushed velvet with the wide lapels and the frilly... here's to classic black.

Cassie: Perfect.

Tammy: Okay, there's the flower girl and R.J. is going to be the ring bearer.

Cassie: Hey, what's wrong?

Tammy: I just remembered something that I never should have forgotten.

Cassie: Tammy, are you sure you're okay?

Tammy: Yeah. It's just all these details. I feel like my head is going to explode.

Cassie: If it does, you know what? I'll put it back together again because that's what mother's do.

Tammy: I have to go. You know the bridal place hates it when you're late so see you there.

Cassie: Okay.

Josh: Bye, sweetie. Wow. Seems like yesterday she was just a little girl and now...

Cassie: Now she's growing up. So fast. My God. That's why you always want them with you all the time when they're babies, you know?

 (Cell phone rings)

Jonathan: Hey, I already know why you're calling. I'll bring it right over.

Tammy: Just leave it with the front desk at my mom's hotel, okay? Please.

Jonathan: Sure.

Harley: Do you have a resume? Anything on here about, you know faking a surrogacy? How long did you hold that job for?

Dinah: About as long as your prison stint.

Harley: Well, I know that you have P.R. experience, I know you ran WSPR for a while.

Dinah: And I'm talented about putting a spin on things. Why don't we cut the chitchat and tell me it's time to hire me and I can go.

Harley: I don't want to hire you. Thank you for coming. You can go.

Josh: Where you, darling? Hmm? Hello, it's me. If you're there, pick up. Okay, well, if you're listening to this, I'm down in the lounge. I was just talking to Cassie and she seemed very upset and I thought maybe you would want to talk to her, so I'll tell you what, though, I'm just going to track her down, make sure she's doing okay and then I'll be up in a few minutes. Um, I sent you something. So I'll see you soon.

Woman: Oh, Miss Winslow, that is just brilliant. You are a vision.

Tammy: Thank you. Do you think you could take it up a little?

Woman: Of course. Just let me get the veil. Oh, I'm afraid it's across the street.

Tammy: Oh, take your time. I need to get used to looking like this anyway.

Jonathan: May I kiss the bride?

Tammy: You made a promise, Tammy. More than that, this is what you need. This is what will give you a happy life.

Cassie: You're so beautiful. Hey, it's almost time for your fitting.

Grownup Hope: Mom, should I wear it up or down?

Cassie: Doesn't matter. You are going to make a beautiful bride.

Grownup Hope: Done already?

Michelle: Yeah, I missed my baby too much to be away from her any longer.

Woman: Enjoy that feeling while you can.

Marina: Hey, it's me. I'm barely out of the building, but I just had to call. I know, I know, I am so corny. Deal with it. Anyway, I'm off to be a cone head, at least that's what we call the people who have to report for traffic duty. Anyway, I just wanted to hear your voice so instead you get to hear mine. (Laughs)

Harley: I'm supposed to thank you for your time so thank you for coming to see us at Spaulding and I'll make sure Human Resources have your application.

Dinah: You mean you'll tell them you found one person in the world you'll never hire.

Harley: Pretty much, yeah.

Dinah: Well thank you for passing that along.

Harley: This is ridiculous.

Dinah: Imagine how I feel. I was the one looking for the job. I'm going to kill Mallet.

Harley: I'm going to kill Mallet.

Mallet: Alan, off to the padded cell. Looks like the end of the line for you, my friend. You are clean out of options.

Alan: Oh, I wouldn't be sure about that, Detective, they've called me Houdini before. I've gotten out of the toughest chains.

Mallet: You know what? Not this time. Oh, man, come on. Guys, what's up? Dexter, what's going on?

Police officer: Power's dead but we called someone to look at it.

Mallet: Whatever. Alan... Alan! Spaulding! Dexter, do a lockdown. Keep everybody quiet. We have to do a head count, all right? I think Alan Spaulding’s missing.

(Footsteps approaching) (Knock on window)

Marina: I was just on my way to work.

Michelle: Oh, really? I thought you were going to spend some time with Danny and Hope.

Marina: It didn't work out so I'll just have to do it another time.

Michelle: Sure, another time.

Marina: Oh, great. This is just great.

Michelle: (Sighs)

Tammy: You're keeping up your end of the bargain. Sandy's alive and well. But could you help me keep my vow to him? I don't mean the vows we're about to take, I'm talking about these thoughts in my head. They're not about Sandy. I mean, they are, but could you erase them? Help me never think about Jonathan again.

Announcer:  Next on "Guiding Light"...

Reva: You know this whole town is out of juice? A lot like my marriage.

Alan: The night is young. You'll get your opportunity. Besides, our man-made eclipse has just begun.

Tammy: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?

Jonathan: That's an easy one.

Tammy: Jonathan?

Jonathan: What?

Tammy: Get me out of here.

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