GL Transcript Tuesday 11/1/05

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 11/1/05


Provided By Boo
Proofread by Laura

Jonathan: Everybody grab a glass of something! It's my turn to toast the happy couple.

Ava: Jonathan...

Jonathan: Ava, does everybody have a glass? Please make sure that they do. Let's go. To Tammy and Sandy, a hap-happy couple, a beautiful couple, a one-of-a-kind couple. What could I possibly say about Tammy and Sandy that hasn't already been said? Well, as it turns out, folks, a whole hell of a lot.

Frank: Let me see this. All right, you're right. This looks solid. Why don't you contact Madison P.D. And request their assistance.

Gus: Wait a second, let me get this straight. The department's actually going to pay for us to go someplace?

Frank: You're going; Mallet stays here.

Gus: No, why don't you let Mallet go, I'll stay here. Is that all right?

Frank: Let me get this straight. Are you asking me a special favor because I'm your new brother-in-law?

Gus: Let me set you straight. I'll go and I'll call you from Madison. I'll get you one of those things with the stone. I'll get you some knockwurst... brockwurst.

Alan: Aren't you going to gloat a bit, son? After all, I heard Harley has had a tremendous success with her presentation to the board. Of course, they didn't see the prison footage, did they? Too bad that you had to see that. Tell me something, what is it like to see your bride kiss another man? It must hurt. Hurt real deep.

Mallet: Hey, Coop.

Coop: Hey.

Mallet: What's going on? Cooper. Mixing wine and work?

Harley: I'm celebrating. I rocked that shareholders meeting, didn't I?

Mallet: Yes, you did. I know. I saw, I was there and I thought you were... what did I think you were? Impressive.

Harley: Really?

Mallet: Really. Nothing ever surprises me with you. I think you're amazing.

Coop: Hey. Wow. It's about time.

Lizzie: Yeah. I had a little trouble with my zipper. I didn't want to bother you, though.

Coop: Bother me? Please, I like the dress. Is it new?

Lizzie: Yeah, I'm in.

Dean: Yes. Yes, you are. Have fun.

Lizzie: No. No, I've had it forever. I just haven't worn in the a long time. But you know what? We're late; I don't want to miss the toast. Come on.

Jonathan: Sandy Foster. Hmm. What can I say about you, man? You and I were best friends in boarding school for a while anyway. And we definitely had our rough patches. There was a little incident on a mountain, but that's the past, I hope. I think everyone in this room would have to agree that they didn't trust Sandy for a while.

Jeffrey: Hi. Sorry I'm late. What did I miss?

Jonathan: Now... now we all know that we were off the mark. You're a good man, Sandy. And Tammy, all I've ever wanted for you is happiness. Someone who will put you first, because that's what you deserve. So, here's to the happy couple.

Tammy: Wait! There's something I need to say to you.

Tammy: I just want to say how happy I am that you're all here with me and Sandy this evening to celebrate our engagement. We've had a pretty tough year, but this marriage is going to put all the hard stuff behind us. And any new challenges that come up, Sandy and I are going to face them together as husband and wife. I'm so happy right now and so hopeful for the future, because of you.

Sandy: Good toast. Cheers, everybody! To my beautiful fiancée!

Lizzie: Oh, my gosh, we missed it. I can't believe they're getting married. Hey, Tammy, I'm so happy for you. Let me see that rock! Nice taste.

Billy: Ava, I need you to play a special song for me.

Ava: Sure, which one?

Olivia: So Jonathan did a little better tonight, didn't he?

Josh: Yes, I think so, too. I think he's finally beginning to realize... ( Laughs )

Reva: ( Laughs )

Olivia: Josh...

Josh: Excuse me for just a second, please. Out of the way. So how old were we? What, 18, something like that?

Reva: Oh, the boot song.

Josh: You had a brand new pair of sexy cowboy boots, you wore them to B.J.’s, we two stepped all night long and you blistered so bad I had to carry you home.

Reva: Yes, but then you kissed my feet and made them feel all better.

Harley: I don't care who contacts the press on this one, just get it done. Thank you. The head of my P.R. Department quit. I have to find a new one.

Mallet: I know the perfect person for that job.

Harley: You do, huh?

Mallet: She's got an uncanny ability to put a spin on things.

Harley: Really? Who is it?

Mallet: And she's got boundless energy. The woman is like... she's, like... she's fierce.

Harley: Harley Cooper? ( Laughs )

Mallet: ( Laughs ) Dinah Marler.

Harley: Dinah?

Mallet: Yeah. She's perfect. What? Why not? She's perfect.

Harley: Why not? Well, she's nuts for one thing.

Mallet: Well, I don't think she's nuts. I think the girl just has some... some issues.

Harley: Major.

Mallet: Well, that doesn't make her nuts. Besides, she's your friend, isn't she?

Harley: She was my friend before she did those terrible things to Cassie Winslow. And she went to prison for murder, Mallet.

Mallet: You did, too.

Harley: But I didn't do it! Dinah Marler? The girl hasn't had a legitimate job in years.

Mallet: I think she's be damn good at her job if you'd give her a chance.

Harley: Why do you care so much about helping Dinah Marler? Are you sleeping with her?

Mallet: I don't even know what to say to that. No. I'm just trying to be a nice guy. I'm not really getting through to you, am I?

Harley: Not really.

Mallet: Uh-huh okay. Well, let's see if common sense won't get you to hire Dinah, I'll have to go to plan "B." I'll play you for it.

Alan: I tried to warn you about Harley before you got married, but you wouldn't listen, would you? So something like this had to happen to open your eyes.

Gus: Shut up! Shut up! Show some respect! You're talking about my wife.

Alan: Tell me something. What did Harley say when you brought this up? What kind of feeble excuse did she make?

Gus: Donaldson, I need that report. Thank you.

Alan: Oh, I get it. You didn't bring it up, huh? Wow. This marriage is off to a great start, isn't it?

Gus: Are you going to stop talking? There's no point to your mindless babble, okay?

Alan: Come on, Gus, lighten up, I'm just having a little fun that's all. Until Edmund gets me out of here.

Jeffrey: Here.

Cassie: Tammy looks happy, doesn't she?

Jeffrey: Yes. Very. How are you?

Cassie: Me? Fabulous. Great.

Jeffrey: Because I know you're thinking about Hope.

Cassie: Yes, I am. But I keep telling myself that Michelle is going to be a wonderful mother, and that Hope belongs with her. So I should be happy for my very own daughter right now and not sit around here acting like I'm in mourning or something.

Jeffrey: Well, if putting on a brave face gets to be too much for you, let me know, okay and I'll get you out of here.

Cassie: Thank you. But I'm okay. I am. And this feels good. It feels right. I'm around people that I love and care about and I feel safe right now. Do you know that guy over there?

Jeffrey: Which guy? Sihaterensk. He's staring at me.

Cassie: That guy's looking over here again. He's totally giving me creeps.

Jeffrey: All right. I'll go. I'll go over there. Excuse me, everybody. Everybody. Excuse me. Where's the future Mrs. Foster? There she is. This song is for you. For us.

Jonathan: Come on.

Ava: Jonathan, what are you doing? This is Tammy and Sandy’s dance.

Jonathan: Well, then let's share in their joy.

Josh: Do we dare?

Jeffrey: You know, I kind of like this dancing thing. It gives me an excuse to have you in my arms.

Cassie: You don't need an excuse.

Jeffrey: You know, you're going to make a beautiful mother of the bride-to-be and then... well, then it's grandma.

Cassie: Don't ever say that again.

Jeffrey: Grandma.

Cassie: ( Laughs )

Coop: And by the way, why are you still being so secretive?

Lizzie: About what?

Coop: Hello? About your job. You haven't told me anything about it yet.

Lizzie: Yeah, well, I'm just... I'm trying to it a surprise. Um, I'll be right back. I just... you know, I've got to powder my nose.

Coop: Yeah.

Harley: Do you remember what happened the last time we tried to settle a dispute this way? You lost your shirt-- literally.

Mallet: As I recall, I wasn't the only one.

Harley: Aha!

Mallet: ( Laughs )

Harley: Enough with the stroll down memory lane.

Mallet: Keep your distance. Fair and square here. I win, you have to hire her. You win, you don't to hire her.

Harley: ( Laughs ) That's it? That's my reward?

Mallet: Yeah.

Harley: No way. I want something here. I win, you wash my car.

Mallet: Oh, come on. All right, deal. I don't do windows.

Harley: Oh, please, prepare to die.

Mallet: Are you ready? Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!

Harley: ( Laughs )

Mallet: Oh!

Harley: Loser!

Mallet: Let's do it again.

Harley: I won.

Mallet: We always play two out of three.

Harley: No best two out of three.

Mallet: It's implied. Nobody plays one game of rock paper scissors.

Harley: I won fair and square. I expect to see you out there tomorrow morning bright and early washing my car, buddy. You here hear me? Hi, honey.

Josh: Oh. What's going on with your back?

Reva: ( Laughs ) It's fine.

Josh: Have you been to see the doctor again?

Reva: I've been to the doctor. He said it's all healing nicely as long as I don't overdo it.

Josh: Is this okay?

Reva: This feels fine.

Josh: Yes, it does.

Billy: Olivia.

Olivia: What?

Billy: How about we dance?

Olivia: With you?

Billy: Yeah, I'm the only Lewis that's available.

Sandy: Having a good time?

Tammy: The best. You?

Sandy: I am a happy man. Jonathan did a good thing here. How'd that happen? We have a whole future together to look forward to. Just you and me forever.

Tammy: Forever. Um, I... I'll be back.

Cassie: That's it.

Jeffrey: Wait. Cassie....

Cassie: Excuse me.

Tammy: Edmund.

Edmund: Sorry, Tammy. I didn't mean to scare you.

Tammy: What are you going here? The police are after you.

Edmund: I know. Please don't turn me in. I heard about your engagement. I just wanted to tell you in person how happy I am for you.

Tammy: That's not why you're here and you know it. You're still hung up on my mom and you think you can use me to get back at her. I know you wish you could go back to the past, but you can't, all right? Some things can't be undone ever. Sometimes it is just too late.

Edmund: I don't believe that, Tammy.

Tammy: You're setting yourself up for a whole lot of pain.

Edmund: Maybe. But it can't be any worse than the pain I'm already in, being apart from your mother, watching her having moved on with someone else. She was my life, Tammy. And I don't think I'm doing a very good job of living it without her. I know... I know I should just let go, but how do you stop loving someone just because everyone tells you it's bad for you?

Tammy: I don't know.

Cassie: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.

Jeffrey: Okay, what is this all about?

Cassie: I... I thought he was Edmund. I just keep seeing Edmund, Jeffrey. I'm just so disgusted with what he did that today I almost...

Jeffrey: You almost what? All right. Come here. Come here. Take a deep breath, okay? Take another one. Is that better?

Cassie: Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Um, you throw a great party. And I think that you did a really decent thing today, trying to make Tammy and Sandy happy. Thank you.

Jonathan: Oh, sure. I just want what's best for both of them, so....

Edmund: Are you cold, Tammy?

Tammy: No, thank you.

Edmund: All right. You know, Tammy, I think I've done things I shouldn't have.

Tammy: You think? Edmund, you stole Michelle’s baby from her! My mom fell in love with that little girl.

Edmund: So did I.

Sandy: Tammy... hey, what the hell are you doing here?

Edmund: We're just talking, Sandy.

Sandy: Well, you should go. Now. I'm calling the cops.

Edmund: You don't have to. I'm going. Again, congratulations to both of you. I hope you'll be very happy.

Sandy: What did he say to you? Did he hurt you?

Billy: Olivia, I... think it's time that you 'fessed up and admit what you did to me.

Olivia: Don't you mean you did to yourself?

Billy: Oh, I'm willing to acknowledge my part of the blame if you'll do the same. No? I didn't think you would. You really are cold. Don't surprise me Bill left you. Well, just for your information, not that you care, I'm going to be fine. And I'm going to get back on the wagon, get my life together and then I'll be able to spend every minute paying you back.

Lizzie: I'll pay you back, don't worry.

Dean: Yeah. On time.

Lizzie: Yes, on time.

Dean: Uh-huh.

Lizzie: What are you....

Dean: Plus interest?

Lizzie: Would you chill out!

Dean: Hey, Lizzie, that's a nice dress.

Ava: Hey, was that Dean? I hope you didn't borrow money from him.

Lizzie: Don't worry, Ava, I'll pay it back. I've got things under control.

Ava: Lizzie...

Harley: Hi. What a nice surprise. Are you on a break? I could take a break.

Gus: Yeah? Not really, no. Are you working? Doesn't really seem like work.

Harley: Well, actually, it was work. Mallet was trying to get me to hire somebody at Spaulding. He tried to trick me into it.

Mallet: We played fair and square.

Harley: Yeah. And I won fair and square.

Mallet: I'll see you back at the station.

Harley: Hey, remember, I won! ( Laughs ) Hi. How's your evening going?

Gus: It's going.

Harley: Did you catch any interesting cases?

Gus: Not really. It's been kind of quiet. I got a phone call from this reporter lady in Chicago talking about Blake’s book and all that stuff again.

Harley: This is never going to end. Don't these people have something to do than just make this stuff up?

Gus: She said that what happened inside the prison actually did happen and she had it from an anonymous source that you two had an affair.

Harley: What? That's crazy.

Gus: So nothing... nothing happened between you two?

Harley: Nothing. I told you that.

Gus: Didn't even kiss?

Harley: No!

Gus: Not even once?

Harley: Never.

Gus: You sure about that?

Harley: Absolutely.

Gus: Really, well that's strange. I just saw a videotape that says otherwise. How do you explain that?

Harley: You saw a... a tape in what tape? What are you talking about?

Gus: Beth showed me a surveillance tape that was taken inside the prison in Mallet's office. And you two were kissing.

Harley: Somebody planted a surveillance tape in Mallet's office?

Gus: Does it really matter who, how, what, why? There was a tape, it was taken inside the prison in his office. He was kissing you and you were kissing him. Are you denying it? I just...

Harley: I wish I could see that tape. That's not an excuse. Um, no. I mean, I'm not... yes, it happened. We kissed. Can I please explain this to you?

Gus: Can I explain that we're married? We're married and you're still lying to me.

Harley: I know. I know.

Gus: I asked you a question and you lied to me right to my face. And not just once. And you don't have to. You don't have to. You could... you could tell me the truth.

Harley: But then I would see that hurt look in your eyes that I'm seeing right now which is no excuse, I know. I'm sorry. I wasn't honest with you. Yes, we kissed. And I should have told you the truth. I'm sorry. Can I please explain this to you? You have to understand that when I... when I got to prison I was I was scared to death. I was cut off from everyone and everything that I knew. I thought that my life was over. I knew that we were over.

Gus: You knew that I still had your back. You knew that I wasn't going anywhere.

Harley: I know. But at that point I wanted you to move on with your life. I wanted you to have a life because I knew that mine was over. And then, Mallet was there. Somebody that I knew, somebody that I had a history with. And... and he was good to me. He took care of me.

Gus: And he still wanted you and you still wanted him?

Harley: I... I don't know. I was scared. There was fear, okay? Lots of fear and... yeah, maybe there were some feelings of attraction, but that's just because we spent so much time together. He pulled strings for me. When I got hurt, he took care of me. And I guess one thing led to another and... and we kissed. But I don't regret it. I have to say I don't regret it. Because it made me realize once and for all that you are the one that I want to be with.

Gus: Did you sleep with him?

Harley: No. No. I love you. I married you. I should have told you the truth and I didn’t. I'm sorry I wasn't honest. Please forgive me. Please. Okay. You know what I think you need? I think what we need to do here, seriously, I think that you need to... you need to get out of the rest of your shift, get somebody to cover you, and I'll leave the kids with Rick and Mel, and you and I should spend the rest of the night together, okay? What do you say?

Mallet: Hey, Frank.

Frank: Hey.

Mallet: I had a little run in with Dinah Marler's P.O. And I wrote it all down on the report just in case he tries cause some kind of trouble.

Frank: What kind of a run in?

Mallet: Well, he was trying to jam up for no good reason and I politely asked him to back off.

Frank: Politely?

Mallet: I thought so, he didn’t. It's all on paper.

Frank: Why isn't anything easy around here.

Mallet: Frank, do you have any idea where I could get that girl a job?

Frank: Dinah? Come on.

Mallet: Harley first, now you. Yes, Frank, Dinah. She has to buy her food and pay her rent like the rest of us.

Frank: Dinah Marler is not your problem. Let me give you some advice, don't make her yours.

Mallet: Oh, man, look at my desk. Has Gus been sitting at my desk?

Alan: Detective, how's Harley?

Mallet: What do you care Alan?

Alan: Well, I don't care, but I think you do, given your feelings for her.

Mallet: Why don't you obsess about something else? Okay? Why don't you give it a rest? Why don't you obsess about something that's actually true?

Alan: Are you saying that everything in Blake’s book isn't true, that nothing went on between you and Harley in prison?

Mallet: For the hundredth time...

Alan: Because I hear that there's evidence to prove otherwise.

Mallet: You hear, huh? Really. Wow. From who?

Alan: Whom. Someone who was on my payroll at Vailsburg. And he has proof that you and Harley were intimate in prison. And it's been shown to Gus. Yes. Blake's book is like a landslide moving down the side of a mountain, building up momentum and destroying everyone in its sight. Boy, I can't wait to see what comes next!

Mallet: I can't wait until you get transferred out of here.

Alan: Neither can I.

Cassie: Hey, here they are. What's wrong? What's going on?

Sandy: I came out here a few minutes ago and found her with Edmund.

Jeffrey: Edmund?

Cassie: What? I knew I saw him.

Jeffrey: Where did he go?

Sandy: That way. He's long gong.

Cassie: What did he say to you? Did he hurt you? Are you okay?

Sandy: Yeah. He wanted to congratulate me and Sandy on our engagement. And he told me that he still loves you.

Cassie: He doesn't know what love is. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that he came here and he ruined your night. I'm so sorry.

Tammy: He didn’t. It's okay.

Cassie: I want you to get him off your mind, okay? I want you to remember what a happy occasion this is and how much you and Sandy love each other. Because you guys are going to have such a wonderful life together. You know why? Because you're starting off right. You're starting off the right way and the only way, and this is with total trust and total honesty.

Reva: So, how's Bill doing down in Venezuela?

Josh: You mean business wise or personal?

Reva: Both.

Josh: Business wise I think he's doing fine. Personally, I think he might be getting a little lonely.

Reva: Well, he'll get over it and be better off in the long run.

Josh: Ouch.

Reva: It's how I feel. He'll be better off without her.

Josh: Maybe so. Excuse me.

Reva: Hey, dance with your mama.

Jonathan: Rain check.

Reva: Come on! Oh!

Billy: Look, I know you switched the drinks and Bill knows you switched the drinks and Reva knows you switched them. The only person still in the dark here is Josh.

Olivia: It's not true, first of all. And even if it were, I didn't make the choice to swallow that vodka, Billy, you did.

Billy: Then you've got nothing to feel guilty about. Be honest and tell me how you set me up.

Josh: What are you doing, Billy? Passing the buck? Everybody's to blame but you?

Billy: Excuse me, I'm having a private conversation.

Josh: Sounds pretty one sided to me.

Billy: You didn't hear it all.

Josh: I've heard enough to know you're making of excuses.

Olivia: Speaking of excuses, I think I figured out why the guys in Tokyo didn't accept our bid. I'll explain my theory if you want.

Ava: Where are Tammy and Sandy?

Jonathan: How should I know? I'm not their keeper.

Ava: You know what? I don't get you. You say that you want Tammy all to yourself and instead of telling her that Sandy’s already married to me and blowing him out of the water you decide to help me get a divorce and then throw them an engagement party?

Jonathan: If you love something, you set it free.

Ava: Yeah. That's what you keep saying, but I can't help but think there's something else going on.

Jonathan: Well, all I know is that if two people are meant for each other, then nothing and no one can keep them apart.

Gus: I... I can’t. I'm leaving town tonight. I'm driving up to Madison.

Harley: Why?

Gus: I've got to go up there and interview a witness.

Harley: How long will you be gone?

Gus: A couple days. I'm going to drive up there. Going by myself. Mallet will be here, though. I've got to go up there. I've got to check into the hotel and I've got to, you know, pack my bags at home. That's why I came here. I wanted to tell you that. I've got to get there and I've got to wake up early. I've got to meet with the P.D., the local P.D. up there.

Harley: Wow. It's going to be the first night we've been apart since we were married. I don't know how I'm going to get any sleep without you there. Not that I got a lot of sleep with you there. I miss you.

Gus: Me, too.

Harley: So call me when you arrive to let me know you got there safely.

Gus: It's going to be late.

Harley: I don't care. Call me anyway. Or call me tomorrow. You promise?

Gus: Sure. Of course.

Harley: Hey. We're cool about all this stuff, right? I mean, it's okay, right?

Gus: Hmm.

Alan: You know, Detective, it's really hard to believe that you and Gus still work together in light of the evidence that's come out that has proven that you and Harley were...

Mallet: What are you saying, Alan? What are you saying? What are you talking about?

Alan: Seems like I've hit a nerve.

Mallet: Just let it go.

Alan: Sure. Far be it from me to start an argument. Listen, would it be all right if I borrowed your phone?

Mallet: You know what? If it will shut you up, be my guest.

Alan: Thank you.

Olivia: It was an idea.

Josh: It's a good idea. A very interesting idea. I think the Japanese will go for it.

Olivia: Yeah? Well, do you want to call them? You know, run it by them? The time difference could help us. You know what, maybe you want to stay, though.

Josh: No, no, no. You know what?

Olivia: What?

Josh: I think we should make some money.

Olivia: Really.

Josh: Let's do this. I'm going to say some good-byes, though.

Olivia: I'll do the same and I'll meet you at the door.

Josh: I've got to go. It's a business thing.

Reva: This late?

Josh: Yeah. I've got to make some calls to Japan. Are you sure you're going to be able to get home okay on your own?

Reva: I'm a big girl. I got myself here, didn't I? Oh, um, by the way, I'm sending a care package to Shayne. I'm going to make a video and I just thought maybe you might want to be on it.

Josh: That'd be great. I'll call you tomorrow.

Reva: Okay. Goodnight.

Josh: Goodnight.

Jeffrey: No sign of Edmund. You shouldn't be out here alone.

Cassie: I'm not. You're here with me. I just love you so much.

Jeffrey: Wow. I guess I should go running off chasing after bad guys more often.

Cassie: You could. Or you could just shut up and kiss me.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Edmund: Hello?

Alan: All systems are go on this end. And you?

Edmund: Same here.

Alan: Good. Set up the diversion and we will proceed.

Edmund: Right. See you soon, Cassie. And then we'll be together forever.

Tammy: I'm going get my coat, okay?

Sandy: Ava...

Ava: You guys leaving?

Sandy: Yeah. I want to thank you for giving me the divorce and making this possible.

Ava: I just want you guys to be happy.

Jonathan: May I kiss the bride?

Sandy: All set?

Tammy: Let's go home.

Sandy: Thanks again, Jonathan.

Jonathan: Any time.

Ava: This is so strange.

Jonathan: It's okay. Everything will work out the way it should.

Announcer:  Next on "Guiding Light"...

Reva: Do I have the wrong suite? I could've that this was Josh’s.

Josh: I have to admit I'm hoping you stopped by because you want to pick up where we left off last night.

Reva: I'm here to say good-bye.

Jonathan: You think Tammy’s going to be happy with Sandy?

Tammy: I just want to know if I can do this.

Sandy: When should people get married?

Josh: When they know they can't live without each other.

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