Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 10/27/05
Provided By
Proofread by Laura
Harley: You and I have some unfinished
business, Beth.
Beth: Don't worry, Harley, I'm not going
Harley: Well neither am I.
Gus: Honey. Liz? Hi.
Beth: Here is a little unfinished business
for you, Harley.
Gus: No.
Harley: I've got to tell you, I am nervous.
Gus: Listen to me, you're perfect for this
job, you're perfect for Spaulding. Whatever way that comes out of your mouth,
it is going to come across. Just breathe and be yourself, be yourself. (
Laughing )
Zack: Mommy, mommy. I'm a cop.
Gus: You're a cop, what are you? A gambler.
Buzz: They can't wait to see Mommy give her
presentation. She is going to be great, isn't she? She is going to be great!!
She is going to be great!!
Beth: Oh, yeah, go get 'em, Harley.
Olivia: Bill Lewis. Lewis! Do you know where
he went? I'm his wife. Esposa, wife. Hello.
Alexandra: Bad connection?
Olivia: No, the job site is very remote, and
incredibly loud.
Alexandra: Maybe I was talking about your
love connection.
Olivia: Bill and I are fine. He is finishing
up a huge job in Venezuela, and he'll be back.
Alexandra: Hmm.
Marina: Hey, boss.
Mallet: Hey, rook.
Marina: Aren't you working?
Mallet: Sort of. I got myself involved in
this whole thing, but someone else will be watching tonight.
Marina: Me, too, I thought Danny and Michelle
could use a little time alone together to work through things.
Mallet: Uh-huh. Time alone, huh? Are you
okay with that?
Marina: Sure.
Mallet: Sure.
Marina: Okay, the truth is sometimes doing
the right thing sucks. Okay, hmm.
Danny: Remember, I got them when we were
picking out all of those little pink dresses.
Michelle: I always wanted to have someone to
buy little pink dresses for. Do you believe this?
Danny: No. Yes -- no.
Michelle: I've been sitting in the cabin
trying to figure out how to say good-bye, to try to figure out how to say
hello, and how we're going to do this.
Danny: Cassie knows the baby is ours, and
she has had some time to prepare for this.
Michelle: If time is not going to help,
nothing will. She loves that little baby. How am I going to do this? How am I
going to take our baby, any baby, from the only mother she has ever known?
Cassie: You have to be the hugest pumpkin in
the patch. Look how amazing you are. She is pumpkin.
Jeffrey: Yeah. Cassie, are you,,
Cassie: Halloween is my favorite, and it
begins tonight while the kids go trick-or- treating door-to-door. RJ is getting
his costume out.
Jeffrey: I think you need to be prepared, Danny
went to tell Michelle, and they could be here any minute.
Cassie: We don't know how long it is going
to take Danny to find Michelle, and it could be days, days.
Jeffrey: You want it to be days.
Cassie: I want it to be years. But we don't
know what is going to happen, so I am just going to pretend like everything is
normal, and I'm going to take my little girl to a Halloween party. What could
be more normal than that?
Michelle: How we going to do it, Danny. We
going to show up at Cassie's door and say we're here for our daughter.
Danny: Of course not, we need to call her
and set up a day and a time.
Michelle: It just sounds so cold. She is
going to be sitting and counting the hours, and then she is going to be
counting the minutes, and we're going to show up there. What if she says no?
What if she refuses to give Hope up? I would if I were Cassie.
Cassie: You're Mommy's little pumpkin,
aren't you? You are. You know that, you're all mine-- all mine.
Olivia: All right, you can't keep avoiding me
forever, Bill, you can’t. Can you? Oh, no, no, no. Oh, great. ( Sobbing ) Where
is my husband? Why not, why the hell not?
Harley: I'm so glad you guys could come with
me today so you can see what Mommy does when she's at work?
Beth: Great Halloween costumes, James is
going as a scarecrow this year. Eileen didn't tell me you were going to bring
the boys.
Harley: I thought it would be great.
Spaulding is a family-friendly company. Great for everybody.
Zach: Mommy can I look at that?
Beth: That is boring grownup stuff, you
don't want to look at that.
Harley: You better grab some stuff and I'll
be out in just a minute. Watch him, please, Zach. What is going on, Beth?
Beth: What is going on is I was trying to
protect your son.
Harley: From what?
Beth: They were just Halloween outfits.
Harley: It is a little late for that. The
point is, that wasn't your call to make. You have to accept that I'm the one in
charge, Beth, not you, and not that shrink who is pulling your strings.
Beth: No one is pulling my strings. I make
my own decisions.
Harley: You want to look me in the eyes and
say that.
Beth: I know who I am.
Harley: So does Alan, and he will use it.
Beth: Alan isn't using me.
Harley: So you love Alan as much as you love
Beth: People have different reasons for
Harley: Yeah, yours would be power. You
know, Beth, you have a lot more to lose here than just love.
Beth: Oh, yeah, and you know so much about
love, don't you?
Mallet: You know, if it wasn't for you, Danny
and Michelle would never know they have a daughter. I guess they must be pretty
Marina: Yeah, they are. All three of us are
getting ready for it.
Mallet: The three of you?
Marina: Yeah, Danny and me and Michelle. It
is not going to be easy deciding where Hope is going to stay and when, but
we'll work through it. It is just a matter of ironing out the details.
Mallet: Well, details can sometimes be the
tricky part.
Marina: But the more she is with them--
Mallet: No, that is just life is strange.
Marina: I don't understand that, I'm old.
Michelle: Cassie was so kind and so generous
when she thought I had lost my baby. What are we going to do, go over to her
house now and trick-or- treat?
Danny: There is no neat and tidy way to do
this, but we have a little girl who needs to be with her mother and father at
Michelle: Well, is it your place or --
Danny: I was thinking that you and she would
go to your family's house so that she can be with Mel and Rick and there is more
room and she can see Robbie, her big brother.
Michelle: You know, it is a big house. I
mean we could all be there together. And you could be there, and we could use
this place for extra storage, for baby stuff. There is plenty of storage.
Marina: That's Marina's stuff.
Michelle: Oh, God, I'm so sorry. You live
with Marina, of course you live with Marina. I'm losing my mind.
Danny: Michelle, there is a lot going on.
Michelle: I was just thinking about the baby
and where the baby is going to live.
Danny: Michelle, we'll figure it out, okay?
We can't figure it all out right now. We'll just deal with things one step at a
Michelle: Sure, yeah. Well, we'll work it
Jeffrey: That really is quite a costume. Of
course I always figured Hope for the superhero type, like her mother.
Cassie: Thank you, for playing along. I know
that I have to give her up. And I know that my days as Hope's mother are
numbered. I just don't know how I'm going to do it, so it just seems like it is
easier to pretend like it is a normal day, and you know, kind of like if you
don't talk about it, then maybe --
Jeffrey: Then Danny and Michelle will
Cassie: Kind of sad, huh?
Jeffrey: Yeah, but you know what, you are
Cassie: I don't feel amazing. I want to
scream and I want to cry. And I want to take Hope and I want to run away with
her. That's how amazing I am. Every time I look at her, I find myself
memorizing everything about her, you know. The tiny little nose, and perfect
little lips and her beautiful eyes.
Jeffrey: Cassie, come on. This isn't
good-bye, you're going to see her again.
Cassie: I think the hardest part is not
knowing where or how it is going to happen.
Jeffrey: Don't do that. Don't focus on that.
Hey, let's think about how blessed we are and were to have Hope in our lives
for the time we did. We are still going to have her in our hearts, even when,
you know--when she is gone.
Jeffrey: Danny and Michelle are friends, Danny
and Michelle are going to let you watch her take her first steps, and ride her
first bike--
Cassie: Okay. I don't know. I want to be
stronger than this. I want to be stronger than this.
Jeffrey: Well you know what? You don't have to
stay here missing her, either. I've got a great idea. Why don't we... why don't
we take Tammy and R.J. And Sandy and we can even go down to San Cristobel and
get Will. We'll take a trip somewhere, we'll have a blast. We'll just get some
time and get some space.
Cassie: It hurts.
Jeffrey: I know.
Cassie: There's one good thing, you know?
There is one good thing.
Jeffrey: What's that?
Cassie: I know that I am giving Hope to
parents who love her as much as I do. Just not tonight. It just can't be
Buzz: Whoever that was, could you hand me a
Olivia: Which one?
Buzz: Wait a second. I know those guams. You
know, today has been my kind of day. First the oven goes on the fritz now
there's something clogging the drain. Harley hasn't started her presentation,
has she?
Olivia: No, no, you still have time.
Buzz: What?
Olivia: Earlier I...
Buzz: Earlier what?
Olivia: Nothing. Good luck.
Buzz: No, stay. Stay, I need some help. I
need somebody to hand me tools.
Olivia: Did you ever think about just hiring
a plumber?
Buzz: You know, I thought of that but then I
thought maybe I should put my kids through college instead. Oh, hammer.
Olivia: Hammer. Here you go.
Buzz: Why? Why with all the V.I.P.’s showing
up why does this have to happen? Wait a second. A wedding ring?
Buzz: I found the culprit.
Olivia: You did? What'd you get?
Buzz: It's a wedding ring.
Olivia: A wedding ring? You're kidding.
Buzz: Right here.
Olivia: Uh-huh. Ooh. Well I guess one of
your waitresses must have lost it.
Buzz: I don't think. So it has an
"o" and an "l" engraved in it. That together with your bare
finger tells me the case is solved.
Olivia: That's good detective work. I was
washing out a glass and it slipped off my finger and it fell down the drain.
Buzz: Your wedding ring? You didn't panic?
Didn't tell me it was lost? I guess I'll mind my own business. I've got to get
cleaned up to see Harley anyway.
Olivia: I took it as a sign.
Buzz: A sign?
Olivia: A sign. An omen. You know, my ring
rent down the drain and so is my marriage.
Alexandra: Hi, hello there. I didn't realize
Hammer made public appearances as Marley's event.
Mallet: You like prison literature? Don't
surprise me. Remind you of the good old days? I'm just here to support an old
Alexandra: You keep telling yourself that,
Marina: Aren't you going to go say hello to Harley?
Mallet: Uh... yeah, I'm going to talk to her
later. She's probably got a lot on her mind right now.
Harley: Well, my goal is to double the
dividend of all the shareholders within three years.
Alexandra: Oh, an admirable goal.
Harley: Would you excuse me, please? Alex,
don't start with me.
Alexandra: I just came by to wish you good
Harley: I don't need luck. I've got the
entire event planned from beginning to end and neither you nor Beth nor Alan is
going to ruin this for me.
Gus: Remember the good old days, Beth? Hmm?
When you were Beth, before you turned into this Stepford wife.
Beth: We're not going to go through this
again, are we?
Gus: I'm trying to understand. Was it is
kisses he stole before he drank his smashed banana milk shake or him feeling
you up between the bars before his nap time.
Beth: Not all marriages are built on
romantic love.
Gus: If Phillip could see you now.
Beth: I don't regret my marriage. I know what
I'm dealing with him.
Gus: Alan twists things. He'll destroy
somebody's house and make it seem like its Habitat for Humanity, he'll destroy
somebody's life-- like Harley-- and make it seem like a rapeous deed.
Beth: I don't want to hurt her.
Gus: Then you won't mind if I keep this,
will you? Is it that good?
Beth: It's Harley’s, she needs it for her
Gus: She needs like this like she needs a
Beth: Trust me, Gus, you don't want to see
what's on that D.V.D.
Gus: Beth, there was actually a time... oh,
forget it.
Beth: Don't press "play" Gus.
Don't do it. You'll be sorry.
Gus: We'll see about that.
Michelle: You know what, Danny? This isn't
going to fit her, it's too big. I don't know what size she wears. I... I don't
know how much she weighs. I don't know... I don't know what kind of formula she
eats. I don't know when she naps.
Danny: Michelle, we'll figure it out. We
have time.
Michelle: Yes. Yes, we do. We have her whole
life, right? And pretty soon it's going to be Mary Janes and dance recitals,
slumber parties, sweet 16, college.
Danny: Let's not marry her off yet, okay?
Michelle: Well, after everything that's
happened, did you ever think we'd be here?
Cassie: No,. Are R.J., Don't knock on that
Danny: Uh-oh, we're out of candy.
Cassie: I guess no-no one's there. Come on,
we should go.
Danny: Hi.
Cassie: You're back.
Danny: We're back.
Cassie: When did you guys get back?
Danny: Just a little whiling ago.
Jeffrey: Let's go down and get more candy by
the other I doors. That a boy.
Cassie: It's the beacon's annual Halloween...
Michelle: I know. Nice costumes and. Pirate
Cassie: She's a pumpkin.
Michelle: Cute.
Jeffrey: Yeah. We thought you were out of
Danny: Well, we were. I found Michelle at
the Bauer cabin and when I told her, we... you know, we had to come back.
Michelle: I don't want to hurt you, Cassie, I
really don’t. But can I hold her?
Cassie: No.
Jeffrey: Cassie.
Cassie: I can't do this. Not now. I'm not
ready for this and we don't have her things with us right now.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, we can... we can go
back, you know, and get them.
Cassie: No. Okay? I wasn't ready for this
now, Jeffrey.
Michelle: Cassie, I don't know how to handle
this, either. But I know that you understand how lost you can feel when your
baby gets taken from you. You know, it's kind of like you can’t... you can't
breathe. Like a part of you has been cut off.
Cassie: She needs to be changed and I
haven't fed her yet.
Jeffrey: Cassie, I... the.
Cassie: And she's really been having a hard
time sleeping lately.
Michelle: I don't want to hurt you, Cassie.
I really don’t.
Cassie: And, um, she really likes it when I
sing her this song when she's going to sleep that, um, Jeffrey taught to me and
when she's really upset she likes the sound of wind chimes and if you hold her,
that makes her feel better.
Michelle: Cassie, Cassie, don't worry. I'm
not going to push you, okay? You have been a wonderful mother to Hope and I hope
you know how hard I'm going to work to make this as easy as possible for you
and for her.
Danny: We don't have to do this right now.
That's not what we... we couldn't ask for a better home for Hope to be in until
she's returned to us. Okay?
Michelle: Can I hold her?
Jeffrey: Cassie...
Cassie: Yeah, of course you can. She's...
um... she's your baby.
Olivia: So, see, I'm a free woman. Or at least
I'm about to be.
Buzz: Have you told Bill?
Olivia: Oh, no, this was his idea, you know?
I don't cut hit in the wife department. Much more comfortable ironing out a
deal with a shirt so he went down to Venezuela to find my replacement.
Buzz: I heard he was away on business.
Olivia: That's his replacement. He chose his
company over mine.
Buzz: I never saw him as a Stormtrak 5 live Doppler
Olivia: I have a whole file full of divorce
papers to prove that the easiest way to get a divorce is to parry me.
Beth: You didn't know that this happened,
did you? I'm sure Harley swore that nothing in Blake’s book was true but she
lied. Doesn't one good betrayal deserve another?
Harley: It's time. (Laughs) hurry up! Give
me my good luck kiss !
Olivia: You should go inside. I'm sure you
have some work to do.
Buzz: I always have work to do. Just
sometimes, things are more important.
Olivia: Not for me. No. No, no. If I have a
job to do, I just do it, nothing gets in my way. I've been like that since I
was a kid. If I had a paper due, I turned it in early.
Buzz: You never played hooky?
Olivia: No!
Buzz: Never took a job when your family or
friends needed you?
Olivia: No, I haven’t. I haven’t.
Oh, my gosh. What am I doing? What am I doing? Bill's advancing his career in Venezuela,
there's a shareholders meeting that I should be at and I'm shooting the breeze
with a short order cook!
Buzz: What a nightmare that
must be.
Olivia: You know what I mean. I think you're
a genius. You're a genius because I know what I have to do. I don't belong
here, I don't belong back there. I'm a Lewis!
Buzz: Because I’m a genius because I
reminded you because you're a Lewis?
Olivia: I'm Olivia Lewis. I may not have Bill,
but there are other Lewis’s. All is fair in love and business.
Buzz: Why don't you stay and explore other
Olivia: That's all right. Thanks. You're
Harley: I could not have done this without
you. It's crazy, isn't it? I never thought our paths would lead us to this moment!
Gus: Me, either.
: I never thought that I'd be running Spaulding Enterprises!
Oh, my gosh, it's huge. I'm getting nervous again. Hug me!
Gus: Go out there and knock them dead, okay?
Because you can do it. You can do it. Is.
Harley: What would I do if I had never met
Gus: I think you'd be all right.
Harley: Well, I kind of love you.
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: Okay. I can do this. I can do this.
I can do this!
Beth: I've got a piece of advice for you.
Stop harping on my marriage. You need to work on your own.
Gus: I'm not worried about my marriage.
Beth: Oh, come on, Gus, the evidence is
staring you right the face. You have to admit, it makes you wonder. If this
much is true, what other chapters in Blake’s book are right on the money? Maybe
you can believe everything you read.
Mallet: Aren't you going to
grab a seat?
Marina: No, I'd rather hang
back here with you.
Mallet: Good idea. I'm a
lot of fun.
Marina: Harley seems to
think so.
Mallet: Really? Did she say that?
Marina: Not in so many words but you guys
are friends, right?
Mallet: Sure, old pals.
Marina: You are?
Mallet: Yeah. I mean, she's impossible and
she's stubborn and she talks when she should be listening and she listens only
when her ear is to the door or she's attached to system surveillance system.
But me? I... I understand her better.
Marina: So you get along.
Mallet: Yeah, we get along.
Marina: Even though you guys were husband
and wife it's not weird or anything?
Mallet: It's kind of weird.
Marina: But it's not like that for everyone,
right? Some people are friends with their ex-spouses.
Mallet: Some people are friends with their
dead spouses.
Marina: Then you guys made good with the
past and moved on, right?
Mallet: I'm your superior officer. I've
never had a conversation with this with one of my cadets. Where am I?
Marina: A meeting.
Mallet: A stockholders meeting for a company
that I have nothing to do with. What does that say? Does that answer your
Harley: Welcome, everybody. I'm Harley Cooper,
your new CEO. I am really excited about some of the things that I'll share with
you this evening, but before we get into the statistics and the projections,
let's focus on what's really important. Did everybody get enough to eat?
(Laughs) And how'd you like the appetizers because my father made them?
Mallet: That's why I'm here. The first
Harley: The first thing I'd like to share
with you is the vision for this company that we all hold so close to our
Michelle: She's so beautiful.
Danny: Yeah, she is.
Michelle: You know, when I... when I first
met Hope at the hospital I felt like she was the happiest baby that I'd ever
seen. And I know that that's because she felt loved and safe and that's because
of you.
Jeffrey: She is loved and... you know, I
don't know much about babies, but this is a real special one. She doesn't, you
know, cry or fuss at all.
Cassie: Except when she's hungry.
Jeffrey: Yeah. Except when she's hungry.
Cassie: And she likes to be swaddled really
tight and she likes the sound of Jeffrey’s voice and like I said she likes the
sound of wind chimes.
Jeffrey: She's kind of into rock music. She
likes country western, Gretchen Wilson is her favorite, right?
Cassie: She loves that lamb that you gave
her. She sleeps with it every night. She won't go to sleep without it.
Jeffrey: Well, um, you know, maybe we should
go. We can come back with her things.
Danny: Cassie, thank you. I mean it. We
really want you to be a part of this. Whatever it takes for Hope to feel
secure. We want to do what's right.
Cassie: Well, I guess her name isn't going
to be Hope for very much longer.
Danny: Actually, Michelle and I talked about
that on our way back here and we feel that given everything that's happened, we
like the name. It fits.
Michelle: And I have a cousin named Hope, so
it's a family name, which is nice.
Cassie: That's nice.
Michelle: Cassie, we never want her to
forget her time that she spent with you. We want her always to be part of your
Cassie: I don't know how I'm not her...
Danny: Cassie, we want you to visit.
Michelle: Absolutely. Any time. Cassie, you
were such a comfort to me when I thought that I had lost her. And you shared Hope
and I want to do the same thing for you.
Cassie: That’s nice. But I'm going to stay
away so all three of you can get acquainted.
Danny: Cassie, we have plenty of time for
that so whatever you want to come by.
Cassie: I don't think I can do that right
Jeffrey: Okay. Maybe we'd better catch up
with R.J..
Cassie: I need to say good-bye to her.
Jeffrey: Cassie...
Cassie: I'm okay. I just really need to say
Danny: Of course. Of course. Okay.
Michelle: I understand. I'll give you some
time alone, okay?
Cassie: Okay. Um, here you go. (Sighs) This
is it. I'm not going to be your mommy anymore. But I just want you to know that
I love the time that we have spent together and that I will always, always love
you. And I promise you that Danny and Michelle are going to take such good care
of you, because they love you. Everybody loves you. I've got to hold on to the
time that we spent together. (Laughs) You made me believe in happy endings
again, you beautiful little girl. Well, now you're getting yours, huh? But if
you ever need anything, I'm always going to be here. I'm always going to be
(Music) I will be the answer at the end
of the line I will be there for you one day at a time in the burning of
uncertainty I will be your celebration I will hold the balance if you can't
look down hmmm, if it takes my whole life I will break, I won't bend it will
all be worth it, worth it in the end because I can only tell you what I know that
I need you in my life the stars have all come out, and you'll still be burning
so bright take me to the place of holy that I can wash this from my life memories
of choosing not to fight hmm, if it takes my whole life I will won't break, I
won't bend it will all be worth it, worth it in the end because I can only tell
you what I know that I need you in my life the stars have all burned out,
you'll be burning so bright night turns into morning for the night has been
Announcer: Next on "Guiding Light"...
Tammy: I cannot wait to be Mrs. Sandy Foster.
Sandy: Very soon.
Tammy: How about making it sooner. Say
Jonathan: Let the guy go. It's the only way
we both get what we want.
Dinah: Mallet, it's Halloween, have you
never had any fun?
Mallet: Your long ride on the Cassie Express
is finally over and you don't know what to do with yourself. Well, I can help
you with that one.
Dinah: You cannot do this to me.
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