Guiding Light Transcript Monday 10/24/05
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Proofread by Laura
Beth: Come here; let me look at that tie. Oh, that is so cute. You are so cute, do you know that? I always thought you were so cute.
Harley: Have you no shame, flirting with the chief accountant? Well, I know the numbers you gave me are phony, Beth! I don't know what you think you're up to, but you'd better change your mind because I'm about to pull the old switcheroo.
Mallet: Hey, Ralph, how's it going? Spaulding.
Alan: Yeah?
Mallet: Let's go. Don't get too comfy. Van's coming to take you back to Wacky Island. Get your stuff together. Let's go!
Alan: So soon?
Mallet: Why? Do you have a hot date tonight, or were you planning on making a break for it on the night of Harley’s big presentation?
Alan: Oh, no, no, no. I wouldn't squander a breakout on something so unnecessary. Besides, I already know how the meeting's going to turn out. One gets a sense about these things over the years.
Mallet: Really?
Gus: What's up?
Mallet: Hey, how's it going? We're sending your pop back to the loony bin.
Gus: Hmmm, well, I'll miss him, like a man misses a festering boil.
Alan: Son, I'm very touched by the way you feel, but don't you worry about me. I'll be doing fine as long as I have my favorite bedtime reading.
Gus: Yeah.
Mallet: Yeah, he quotes from it frequently.
Alan: Yeah, it's quite a page-turner. I just hope that I have a warden of the opposite sex so that when I get to prison I'll have as much fun as you and Harley did. Oh, I mean, "Marley."
Jeffrey: Hi.
Cassie: Hey.
Jeffrey: Did you hear from Danny and Michelle?
Cassie: No, not a word.
Jeffrey: I just saw from, you know, the look on your face...
Cassie: You know what's weird? I was watching Hope fall asleep, and she rubs her feet together like I do when I fall asleep.
Jeffrey: Cassie...
Cassie: I know she's not mine, okay? I know that she's Michelle’s but every time I look at her... ( Sighs )
Jeffrey: I took the liberty of getting this.
Cassie: What is this?
Jeffrey: Well, it's a file on Danny Santos. Well, the abbreviated file. There was actually an entire section of the file room devoted to him. Cassie, if you want to fight Danny for custody, there'll be no shortage of ammunition.
Tammy: Sandy...
Sandy: I love you. No matter whatever else happens or has happened, that never changes and never will. When I look into those eyes... those amazing eyes... I see the woman I want to grow old with. I want to see you holding our babies and loving them.
Tammy: Sandy... yes.
Sandy: I look into your eyes and I see the one person that I want walking beside me and sleeping beside me and looking at me just the way you are right now for as long as I live.
Tammy: I want that too, so much, Sandy, so much.
Sandy: Then will you marry me, Tammy? Tammy? You're killing me here. Don't keep me in suspense. I love you.
Tammy: I love you, too. Yes!
Sandy: Yes?
Tammy: Of course I will marry you!
Sandy: Yes! Yes!
Jonathan: Damn it, look at me! How did he hurt you?
Ava: No! No!
Jonathan: Look, just say it out loud. What the hell did he do?
Ava: Stop it! Stop it, stop it! Okay? He married me. Okay, Jonathan, he married me.
Jonathan: You were married to Sandy?
Ava: No, it's not the past tense. I'm still married to him. He's my husband and I want to keep it that way.
Jonathan: You are Mrs. Sandman? ( Laughs ) You are married to Sandy Foster? Where have you been all of these years?
Ava: You mean where has he been all these years?
Jonathan: ( Laughing ) Oh, man.
Ava: Basically, he went out for milk and never came back. No note, no phone call, just disappeared.
Jonathan: You're kidding? This is our Sandy?
Ava: Yes. Xander. Actually that's how I knew him. Short for Alexander. That's his name on our marriage license.
Jonathan: So, Sandy’s the reason that you came to Springfield?
Ava: Somebody told me that he was here, and I looked around for him with no luck, didn't find him, and then Tammy showed me a picture of her boyfriend.
Jonathan: Don't tell me you want the guy back.
Ava: Just because somebody hurts you doesn't mean that you stop loving him. Xander and I met at a really crazy time. There was so much standing in our way and... I don't know. I think maybe things could be different.
Jonathan: Maybe, but he's in love with Tammy.
Ava: Tammy and Sandy should not be together.
Jonathan: Amen, sister! ( Laughs ) I want to believe this story. You don't know how much I want to believe this story but there are a few holes.
Ava: Like what?
Jonathan: I went to boarding school with Sandy.
Ava: Perfect. Then that explains exactly what he did when he left me.
Jonathan: So was he, like, 16 or 17 when you got married?
Ava: He's older than he says he is, and that's just the beginning of the lies that he's told.
Tammy: I can't believe this is happening.
Sandy: Isn't that a good thing?
Tammy: Of course it is.
Sandy: We are going to be together for the rest of our lives.
Tammy: I know I can make you trust me again. I knew I could make you see that you're the one I want to be with. But I didn't think it would happen so fast.
Sandy: It did happen fast, didn't it? Maybe my proposal is a way of trying to hang on to you.
Tammy: Sandy, no, it...
Sandy: I don't care anymore. I love you. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Nothing else matters.
Tammy: Sandy, if someone should be worried about someone else getting away it is me.
Sandy: Yeah, right.
Tammy: No, I mean it. Sandy, you are such an amazing guy. I'm just glad nobody else has nabbed you up before I met you.
Sandy: Well, no one else did. This must be fate.
Tammy: Works for me.
Sandy: You are the only one for me, Tammy.
Jeffrey: I'm not saying that this is the way you should go. I'm just saying that this is something available to you if you want to use it.
Cassie: And you want me to use that. You must or you wouldn't have gone to all this trouble.
Jeffrey: It's not a lot of trouble putting together a file on Danny Santos or to paint the picture of him as being a lousy father.
Cassie: On paper, Jeffrey. We know Danny, and we've seen him with Robbie.
Jeffrey: I've seen racketeering charges, aggravated assault, weapons possession. The list is endless, Cassie.
Cassie: What about all the wonderful things he's done for this town since he's gone legit? Everything he's done for my family. He's my friend.
Jeffrey: Okay... I got this for you because I want what's best for Hope as much as you do, and if you think that Danny and Michelle is what's best for Hope then...
Cassie: No! Don't take it away. Not yet.
Alan: "Marley trembled as D.C. Hammer caressed her naked..."
Mallet: All right, hold on. Just stop, stop. Story time is over.
Gus: I say let him. Let him read it out loud. Everyone knows Blake has an overactive imagination. The book is purely fiction, purely fiction!
Alan: Oh, really? Says who? Do you think that, Detective?
Mallet: Just can it, Alan. Just can it.
Alan: Gus, what about Harley? Does she believe that?
Gus: Harley said that nothing happened and I believe my wife, I trust my wife, and I'm certainly not threatened by this guy.
Mallet: Uh, thanks, I think.
Gus: So, here you go, my gift to you. Take it with you. I'm sure there's not much good reading back at the nuthouse. You can either read that book or sit there repeatedly banging your head against the wall. I'm sure they do that a lot at the nuthouse. Can I talk to you for a second?
Mallet: Yeah, sure.
Gus: Orlando. Thanks. Is the little white van coming for him?
Mallet: Yeah, yeah, soon. Why? What's up?
Gus: Because they're having the big Spaulding boardroom meeting tonight and I don't want him showing up when she's got a big fight... Harley’s got a big fight on her hands with Spaulding Pharmaceuticals, okay? Well, you could be surprised. This guy could show up. He's like Houdini. He could escape.
Mallet: Whoa, whoa, settle down. It's not like he can do anything.
Gus: I'm just saying, you'd be surprised, okay?
Mallet: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold it. Is that why Harley was wearing that getup? The getup... you didn't see the getup? She had a wig, a little top, tight miniskirt, showed off her assets. You didn’t.... oh, man, I hope she's not playing vice or something. Hey.
Harley: Whew. I thought I'd never get here. What a day. You're Barry, aren't you? Ooh... I'm sorry. ( Laughs ) Gosh, am I a klutz or what?
Barry: You... you're beautiful.
Harley: Am I? You're sweet. Accountants are... sweet. I just love accountants. I'm Lila. Marketing sent me down here to help you.
Barry: Marketing?
Harley: Whatever. To get the shareholder report for that big meeting. Well, I know that you have been working yourself 25 hours a day getting ready.
Barry: Well, there are only 24 hours in a day. ( Laughs )
Harley: Gosh, you're smart. You accountants are so smart, and you in particular, Barry. You are like a legend, but you know that.
Barry: I do... I mean, I am? I... I mean, I am.
Harley: You are like a God to us girls in Marketing. You have to help us fight that big, nasty, hostile takeover bid. So you tell me, what can I do to help? Can I... can I make coffee, can I make copies, can I crunch numbers? Anything...
Barry: Uh, you know, I'm sure I could figure out something.
Harley: Ooh, all this work sure builds an appetite, doesn't it?
Barry: I'll say.
Harley: And you, you poor thing, you haven't even taken a break today. You've been so busy getting everything completed.
Barry: Well, it's not all completed yet. ( Laughs )
Harley: Oh, it's not? I heard those numbers were crunched already.
Barry: No, everything but pharmaceuticals.
Harley: Really? And here I thought pharmaceuticals was done and ready to go.
Barry: Oh I did prepare some pie-in-the-sky, best-case scenario projections for Mrs. Spaulding, strictly on the QT, but they're not... right, we're not going to use them.
Harley: Why not?
Barry: Well, they're not correct. I mean, if she or any of the bosses were to use them, and the board voted on that basis, that'd be fraud. They'd face charges with the SEC.
Harley: But you have the real numbers, don't you?
Barry: Yeah, in my files.
Harley: Barry? Barry, are you hungry?
Barry: Uh, yeah.
Harley: Are you really hungry?
Barry: Yeah.
Harley: Well, why don't you go down to the cafeteria and get us something to eat? You could bring it back up here. We could have a little break together. What do you say? Sounds...? ( Laughs )
Barry: Sounds... sure. What would you like?
Harley: Surprise me.
Barry: Okay.
Gus: Hey, Harley. Harley? Harley? What... what are you doing in here?
Harley: I run this place. I can do whatever I want.
Gus: Well, I've heard of casual Fridays and I'm into it, but slutty Mondays? I think you're pushing it a little bit.
Harley: I'm undercover.
Gus: All right. Well, I get that. Whoa, I'd say you've come a long way since your Ruth days, baby. ( Laughs )
Harley: Really? You like it? Well, Barry does, our chief accountant. He thinks I'm very sexy.
Gus: All right, should I be jealous? Should I start wearing a pocket protector? So does this girl know how to kiss like a real brunette?
Harley: Well, there's only one way to find out. ( Laughs )
Barry: Hey. You. I know who you are now.
Cassie: Hope's getting fussy. I should take her outside.
Jeffrey: Okay, I'll be here.
Cassie: I know. Thank you. Hope. Hey, sweetie. ( Sighs ) Hope. Hey, sweetie. You know, I only want what's best for you. Since you were born and since they placed you in my arms, that's the only thing I want, is what's best for you.
Tammy: Mom, hi.
Cassie: Hey.
Tammy: I am so glad that you're here. I mean, we're glad. Aren't we? Aren't we glad?
Sandy: Yes. We are.
Cassie: What's going on?
Tammy: Well, who said something's going on?
Sandy: We won the lottery.
Tammy: He's kidding, Mom. It's something better, something a million times better.
Cassie: Oh, my goodness.
Tammy: Sandy asked me to marry him, and I said yes.
Cassie: Oh, you guys, I'm so happy for you. This is wonderful news. Let me see this beautiful ring.
Tammy: My fiancé has good taste.
Cassie: That's weird. Sounds weird.
Tammy: Yeah, it has one of those little things over the "e" and stuff, but why don't you sound surprised?
Sandy: I actually went to her a while ago and asked for her permission.
Cassie: He did. He was very sweet and very brave.
Tammy: Well, that's why I'm marrying him.
Sandy: Why don't I leave you guys alone and I'll go get a table?
Tammy: Okay.
Cassie: Wow. Wow. Are you happy?
Tammy: Absolutely. This is what I want, what I should have.
Cassie: Let me see that ring again. ( Laughs )
Jeffrey: Yeah, um, any more dirt you can dig up on this guy I'd appreciate it. He's gotten himself involved with my girlfriend's family, and he could be a threat to her daughter, so any secrets he's hiding I want to know about. Okay, thanks.
Sandy: It's not what you think.
Tammy: Mom?
Cassie: I'm just thinking about... I mean, I remember when you were Hope's age.
Tammy: Mom, you're freaked out.
Cassie: No, I'm not freaked out. I'm not freaked out at all because I know that Sandy loves you. I know he does. And I had my doubts about him when he first came into your life because he was pretending to be someone else, but he has more than proved himself and I trust him completely.
Jonathan: You and Sandy-- Xander-- with an "X"? ( Laughs ) What a loser.
Jonathan: So you two grew up together?
Ava: We did. My mom worked for him.
Jonathan: As a maid?
Ava: One of them.
Jonathan: Oh. Sandy's family had bucks. That's why you married him.
Ava: No, you know what, it's not... that's not why I married him. Xander was an only child, and his father left him when he was little, and it was just him and his mom, and they were very close, they were very tight. She was a wonderful lady, kind and generous to everyone, especially my mom and me. They became really good friends.
Jonathan: But Sandy told everybody that his mom died.
Ava: She did after she was sick for a really, really long time. Xander stayed by her side through all of it. He was a really good son. She was really worried about what was going to happen to my mom and me after she was gone. Sandy and I were in love, and it was real, and she knew it. And he made a promise to her to marry me, keep me happy forever.
Jonathan: What a guy.
Ava: Yeah, he was, he was quite a guy and he loved me and we were happy, I thought, until he walked away.
Jonathan: And did he take all the money?
Ava: No, actually he didn’t. He left most of the inheritance to my... my mom and me, but my mom wasn't very good at that kind of money stuff so we lost most of it.
Jonathan: Now you and Sandy are married. I mean legally speaking, there's no divorce or annulment?
Ava: Right. What are you getting... Jonathan.
Jonathan: What?
Ava: Don’t.
Jonathan: Don't what?
Ava: You know exactly what you're trying to do here. You're going to take this information, and you're going to use it against them, against them, to try to break them up, Tammy and Sandy.
Jonathan: Well, why not?
Ava: That's not fair.
Jonathan: Well, what do you mean it's not fair? Why else would you tell me the truth, Ava? So me and you can get what we want.
Sandy: Look, Jeffrey, I know you're trying to protect Cassie's family, but first you have to understand that, uh...
Jeffrey: What do I have to understand
Sandy: That I love Tammy, and maybe I'm being a little overprotective...
Jeffrey: Am I missing something here?
Sandy: All right, look, you were talking about... on the phone about Cassie’s daughter? Did I hear right or did I hear wrong?
Tammy: Hey, did you tell Jeffrey our big news?
Jeffrey: What news?
Tammy: We're getting married. ( Laughs ) Sandy proposed to me, and I said yes.
Jeffrey: Wow!
Sandy: Sorry, a misunderstanding.
Jeffrey: ( Laughs ) That's great.
Tammy: Come here, Hope, sweetie. How about a kiss for your future brother-in-law? That sounds kind of funny doesn't it? For such a little person, it's so formal.
Jeffrey: What are you thinking?
Cassie: I'm just thinking that Hope's a part of our family and everybody loves her. R.J. loves her, Tammy loves her.
Jeffrey: I love her, hello? Does that mean you... you want to use that?
Cassie: It means that I don't know how I'd give her up if I have to.
Sandy: You know, you look really good with that baby. I'd bet you'd look even better with twins.
Tammy: Whoa, slow down, okay? One thing at a time. Right now I'm just so happy that I'm going to be Mrs. Sandy Foster.
Ava: I wasn't planning on telling you about my marriage to Sandy, but you forced it out of me.
Jonathan: Oh, would you stop the dramatics? I don't see any hot lights or torture devices around here. You told me the truth about Sandy because you wanted to tell me the truth.
Ava: Fine. Maybe you're right. But you know what? I didn't expect you to use it against me or them. The reason why I told you was because I've been carrying this around with me for a long time and you're my only friend here.
Jonathan: Do you think I'm your friend?
Ava: Yes, I do.
Jonathan: I'm your boss.
Ava: And how do you think you got that way? Because you were nice to me? Hmm.
Jonathan: Oh! Look at you, asserting yourself.
Ava: Let me tell you something. This is my life and my situation. It's none of your business.
Jonathan: You put this jackpot in my lap! You want me to walk away from it?
Ava: I do, yes. Like I told you before, let me handle it myself. I love Sandy, I want him back. I will do whatever it takes to get him back, and I'll win, Jonathan, I will.
Jonathan: What if you don't?
Ava: It's not an option. Just do me a favor and let me do it my way, okay? Then you can step in and muck it up. It's the least you can do for me Jonathan. You owe me.
Jonathan: Oh, I owe you? How'd you figure that one out?
Ava: Because I've been your friend, too, and you haven't made it easy.
Jonathan: Okay. Fine. We'll try it your way, but if I don't see results fast, we might do it my way.
Harley: Barry?
Barry: I knew something wasn't right. You're the one everyone's been talking about.
Harley: The one?
Barry: From down in marketing who's been coming on to the bosses, trying to sleep your way to the top. First you decide to cozy up to me. But then you see the CEO's husband, and he's a much better catch.
Gus: Would you believe this? I'm walking down the hallway looking for my wife, and this one pulls me in here and makes the move on me. You should be ashamed of yourself!
Barry: Didn't see you complaining.
Gus: I was trying to fight her off. I was fighting for my life.
Harley: Okay. You know what, you guys? You have no idea what it's like for me. Being in a dog-eat-dog, male- dominated, corporate world. A woman has to use every trick she can.
Barry: You're afraid to work. You don't want to work.
Gus: You're lazy. I hope you never make it out of the mailroom.
Harley: I'm in Marketing.
Gus: Well, I hope that put you in the mailroom.
Barry: I'm going to report you first thing tomorrow, but right now I'm going to have that break right now on my own. I'm going to have a bologna sandwich and a glass of milk because I deserve it.
Gus: Have your celebratory bologna sandwich. He knows how to party. I’m going to go party with him. Did you get the numbers?
Harley: Of course I did! They're right here. Beth was working me.
Gus: That's a mistake. Nobody should do that.
Harley: Because I'm going do whoop her butt at this meeting and deliver the real numbers.
Gus: That a girl.
Harley: Even though they're not looking so rosy. But I will make it work. I'll make it all work.
Gus: Of course you are. Of course you are.
Alan: You know, Gus may think this book is fiction, but you and I know the essence of it is true. You and Harley rekindled your love affair when she was in prison, and you are playing my son for a fool. ( Cell phone rings )
Mallet: Yeah, Mallet.
Alan: Or Hammer. He goes by both.
Mallet: Shut up. What? Oh, come on. Uh, yeah, I guess. Why don't you people use the regular channels next time, okay? Hold. It's your attorney's office.
Alan: Thank you.
Mallet: Yeah.
Alan: Alan Spaulding.
Beth: Alan, it's me. We have a problem. Harley managed to figure out the numbers I gave her were false. She got her hands on the real numbers, and she's going to use them at the meeting tonight.
Alan: Well, I can understand your concern, but there's time to rectify problem. You see, I put something away for a rainy day.
Harley: You know what? I would love to hang out with you guys, and congratulations, really, but I have so much work to do before my big meeting tonight.
Jeffrey: It's the big Spaulding meeting tonight.
Cassie: Are you nervous?
Harley: Well, I was. But now I'm ready to rock and roll.
Alan: Say, Detective, are you going to go to the meeting tonight?
Mallet: Do I look like a Spaulding shareholder to you?
Alan: Well, I just thought you might go to give Harley a little support. I guess it would be awkward, though. If people saw you together they may start whispering and...
Mallet: You know, the only person who's obsessed with that ridiculous, stupid book is you.
Alan: Oh, I think Harley will need a shoulder to cry on when she makes a fool of herself.
Mallet: Harley will be just fine.
Beth: Mallet, Hi. I need to see my husband. It's urgent.
Mallet: Uh-huh. Do you need to see your husband or your client?
Beth: I'm sorry?
Mallet: Your husband or your client? Beth, what is so urgent?
Beth: It's a family matter.
Mallet: Trouble with the butler?
Beth: A private family matter. Now, if you don't mind...
Mallet: I do. I kind of mind.
Beth: A.C., Frank said I could visit him. Do I have to go up and get him and bring him down here?
Mallet: All right. All right. Come on.
Beth: Thank you.
Mallet: Just make it fast, okay? And no heavy petting. You haven't been approved for conjugal visits. Plus, I just ate.
Alan: Did you get it?
Beth: Yes, I did. It was right where you said it would be.
Alan: All you have to do is press "play," and you will get all the ammunition you need to destroy Harley tonight.
Cassie: So how did you guys know we were going to be here?
Tammy: Huh?
Cassie: You wanted to tell me good news. How did you know Jeffrey and I were going to be here?
Tammy: Oh, we didn’t. That's not why we came.
Sandy: We came to celebrate, have dinner. We're getting married.
Cassie: You... you brought my daughter to a place to have burgers and fries to celebrate your engagement? That's not very romantic, Sandy.
Sandy: All her idea.
Tammy: Okay, well, it was both our ideas. But that just goes to show that we are on the same wavelength and perfect for each other.
Jeffrey: Oh, she's good. She's good. She could be a lawyer.
Cassie: I don't care why. But burgers and fries don't cut it for an occasion of this magnitude. So you know what I think? I think we need to go back to the farm, and I need to cook a huge meal so we can celebrate this the right way.
Jeffrey: Cassie, maybe they want to be alone.
Tammy: Well, no, I don’t... do you? I mean, what do you...
Sandy: I say I never miss out on an opportunity to have your mom's home cooking. And we can start with the wedding planning.
Tammy: Yeah! Oh, definitely.
Cassie: Then it's settled.
( Cell phone rings )
Sandy: I'd better get that. Please excuse me. It's Josh with the Elmwood deal. Sandy Foster.
Ava: Xander?
Sandy: Ava?
Ava: It's me.
Sandy: Did you and Fallon come to an understanding?
Ava: It went all right. We shouldn't do this through a middleman. Let's get together and straighten this out.
Sandy: When?
Ava: Right now. Is that a problem? I mean, you want to settle this.
Sandy: Okay. Let's do it. Where?
Ava: Where I met Fallon, Cedar's hospital, the roof.
Sandy: I'll be there. Ava, I want you to know that I want everyone to come out of this happy.
Ava: I want that, too.
Sandy: See you soon.
Tammy: Hey. I told my mom that you and I will take your car over to the farm.
Sandy: Actually we need to go separately. I have to make a quick stop first.
Tammy: Work?
Sandy: Yeah.
Tammy: It won't wait?
Sandy: It could, but if I wrap it up, I'm all yours, and it won't be hanging over my head anymore.
Cassie: That works for me. It will give me time to start dinner.
Tammy: I'll go back to the Beacon and get changed.
Jeffrey: That's settled. Cassie, do we have everything?
Cassie: I think so.
Sandy: One more thing.
Tammy: What's that?
Sandy: I want you to know that this evening you've changed my life for the better.
Tammy: I feel the same way. And this is just the beginning.
Sandy: See you soon?
Tammy: Yeah.
Sandy: See you guys soon.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Cassie: Bye. You know, I really needed some good news today, I did. Thank you.
Tammy: What are you talking about? You've had great news lately, starting with that beautiful girl in the stroller over there.
Cassie: She is the most beautiful girl in the world. The most beautiful little baby. And you are my big baby, and you're getting married, and everything is happening so fast. You are going to be married to Sandy and so happy.
Jeffrey: Cassie, is there supposed to be a top to this?
Harley: All right. So what do you think of the real numbers?
Gus: I have the real numbers right here.
Harley: Oh.
Gus: I think that the pharmaceutical division has had some problems but it's not enough of a reason to bail.
Harley: That's what I think! See, I don't understand why everyone's in such a panic over this.
Gus: Because Beth and Alan want to get everybody worked up. They want to saddle you with a crisis, and since they don't have a crisis handy...
Harley: They created one.
Gus: Just go in there and razzle-dazzle them.
Harley: I know what to do. I know exactly what to say and I've got my video.
Gus: Not the video with... what video?
Harley: What video? No, the video that my... my staff put together. Just a fluff piece. I mean, you know, it's a lot of high-energy, peppy... I'm going to start the meeting with it.
Gus: Good, good.
Mallet: Hey.
Harley: Hey.
Gus: Yeah.
Mallet: ( Sighs ) Back to being a blonde?
Harley: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Listen, my big meeting is tonight. Are you coming?
Mallet: I don't think so.
Harley: Free food.
Mallet: Yeah, okay, maybe I'll come. Maybe I'll see how the other half-lives.
Beth: Good Lord, Alan, how did you get your hands on that?
Alan: I had someone working for me on the inside, in case some day I needed leverage. Now, Gus claims that Blake’s novel is fiction.
Beth: ( Laughs )
Alan: Do you think he'll change his mind when he sees this? ( Laughs )
Jeffrey: Hey.
Cassie: Oh, look, she's sleeping. Wow, isn't she just precious?
Tammy: She is so beautiful, Mom. She looks just like you.
Jeffrey: Cassie, I'm going to put the stroller in the car.
Cassie: Okay. I will see you at the farm with your fiancé.
Jonathan: Nice rock.
Sandy: Ava, damn it, Ava, I knew... you said you'd be here.
Tammy: I would have told you. I wasn't trying to hide it for you. I... Sandy and I are getting married.
Jonathan: Oh, you think so, huh?
Announcer: Next on "Guiding Light..."
Josh: Is this a private party or is anybody invited?
Billy: That is not for me.
Josh: You're an alcoholic. You're on your way into an apartment. You've got your booze. What do you think?
Olivia: I didn't make that man swallow that booze.
Reva: That sounds like a confession to me.
Tammy: Sandy and I are getting married.
Jonathan: I heard you. You and Sandy forever and always.
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