GL Transcript Friday 10/21/05

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 10/21/05


Provided By Boo 
Proofread by Laura

Sandy: ( Sighs )

Ava: I was beginning to think you had forgotten about me. Why are you looking so surprised? Did you honestly think you could hide from me forever?

Jonathan: Can I help put you in the wheelchair? It's no problem, just say the word.

Sandy: What do you want, Jonathan?

Jonathan: A little birdie told me you were getting out today. I thought I'd stop by and tell you not to stick your finger back in the socket. ( Makes buzz sound )

Sandy: Ha-ha, ha-ha. So let's try this again. What do you want?

Jonathan: I came to give you a going-home present. This fell out of your lawyer's pocket. You need a new lawyer, dude. Look at this. "I found you." I still don't know what it means.

Sandy: Again, what do you want?

Jonathan: I just want you to know that I am sniffing around like the dog I am.

Sandy: Uh-huh, you said it.

Jonathan: You're not as boring as I thought you were. How's that Sandman? Listen, I know you're not feeling 100% so I'll be honest with you. I know that you're hiding something from Tammy. And I know it and you know it. I'm going to figure out what it is.

Tammy: Perfect. Quiet and comfortable. And if he needs anything, I will be right here to take care of him. Welcome home, Sandy.

Ava: Hello, Tammy.

Tammy: Ava! What are you doing here?

Ava: Dropping off papers and picking up papers. Olivia keeps me busy. How's your boyfriend. Improving?

Tammy: In fact, they're releasing him. I was getting ready for Sandy to move in.

Ava: Move in here?

Tammy: This is where he belongs: With me.

Fallon: Yes, Mr. Foster, I am keeping a careful eye on Ava. However...

Sandy: What? What's going on, Fallon?

Fallon: I have a feeling you won't be too happy knowing where she is right now or who's she's talking to.

Cassie: You have been mine since the day you were born. But you're not mine. No, sweetie, you belong to Danny and Michelle. That's right. You do. Oh, man, I don't think I can do this. Oh, Cassie. You know, Jeffrey says that I should fight for you, but I... I don't know if that's the right thing for you.

Dinah: Hey there.

Cassie: Dinah.

Dinah: Hi, sweet pea.

Cassie: What are you doing here? What do you want?

Dinah: Looking for you and Hope.

Danny: Michelle, I've been looking everywhere for you.

Michelle: Listen to me, you don't understand. Danny, you have to lock the door. Trust me, Danny...

Danny: I know you don't want to see me. There's something you need to know. Listen to me.

Michelle: Danny, look out! Oh, my God, Danny! Oh, my God. Danny!

Tammy: Wow, that was quite a look. I didn't mean to upset you. I guess people living together before they get married just isn't something that you're comfortable with.

Ava: Tammy, it's okay. It has nothing to do with that.

Tammy: No, it's okay. I respect that. It's not something I'm casual about, either. It's just that, well, Sandy and I lived together before so it feels normal.

Ava: You lived together when?

Tammy: We were just roommates. But everything's different now. In a good way.

Ava: It is?

Tammy: I think living together is a great way to get to know somebody. I mean before you get married. Then there aren't any of those unexpected surprises or anything.

( Cell phone rings )

Ava: I'm sorry, excuse me.

Tammy: It's okay. I'll talk to you later.

Ava: Sure. Bye. Hello?

Sandy: I need to see you now.

Ava: Sorry, who is this?

Sandy: Ava, come to the hospital and meet me.

Ava: Where? In your room?

Sandy: No, it's too open. Upstairs on the roof.

Ava: All right. I'll be right over.

Sandy: Good. We can finally finish what we started. Put this whole mess behind me. And move on.

Dinah: I know that I'm the last person you want to see, Cassie.

Cassie: There's a few people I'd like to see less.

Dinah: And I can imagine that that person is Edmund, which is why I'm here. You know he got out?

Cassie: Yes, I heard the good news.

Dinah: So we have to do something. The way he treated us was horrible.

Cassie: "Us?"

Dinah: Fine. We are not the same, okay? Edmund kidnapped me, locked me up and tried to burn me alive.

Cassie: Yeah?

Dinah: The point is I don't think he should be free to do any more damage. We know what he's capable of.

Cassie: Yeah, we do.

Dinah: Then do something before he does something to you. Cassie, we need to stick together on this one.

Cassie: Dinah, the only thing I care to do is hold on to this little girl until I don't have her any longer.

Dinah: And you know something? Believe it or not, I don't want you to let her go, either. Cassie, do not let Edmund beat you. No matter what it takes, don't let him win.

Michelle: Danny!

Edmund: Back off, Michelle.

Michelle: Why are you doing this, Edmund?

Edmund: You should have stayed in the car, the moment you ran away I was obliged to do. Move away from Danny.

Michelle: The hell I will!

Edmund: Do it now!

Michelle: He better be all right, Edmund. I swear to God, I'm warning you, he better be all right.

Edmund: Call me crazy, Michelle, but you're not in the position to issue demands, ultimatums or threats. Now grab his arms.

Michelle: What?

Edmund: Grab his arms, we're taking Danny for a drive.

Michelle: You think I'm going to help you? You're out of your mind!

Edmund: Grab his arms now or I'll disembowel him and use his stomach as a fruit cup.

Michelle: Leave him alone!

Edmund: I'm sorry I can't do that, but you know there is something I can do for you.

Michelle: What are you talking about?

Edmund: I can make your dreams come true again. Remember that time we spent together about how you wouldn’t shut up about the time you wanted to get together with Danny? I can do that for you, Michelle. You can be back with Danny forever.

Tammy: Sandy, you ready to go... last minute tests, I guess. I better start packing up. God, I'm so grateful that Sandy’s okay and that he's coming home. You kept up your end of our bargain. I swear that if you let him walk out that door that I'd keep my distance from Jonathan, and that's exactly what I intend to do.

Ava: Geez! Sandy!

Sandy: Sorry.

Ava: You scared me!

Sandy: Just me. I didn't mean to make this any harder than it has to be.

Ava: You know, I was really surprised you called.

Sandy: Well, I figured if I'm going to leave this behind me, we need to talk it out once and for all.

Ava: I'm not trying to make your life difficult, Xander.

Sandy: I'm not Xander or Alexander anymore.

Ava: Right, you're Sandy.

Sandy: I'm not the same person I was. I made a whole lot of changes. Trust me.

Ava: Trust you?

Sandy: I made a fresh start, I'm happy. I met someone.

Ava: Someone?

Sandy: Someone I want to spend every day of my life with. And I plan on asking her to marry me. And nobody can stop me, including you.

Ava: Right.

Sandy: I'm marrying Tammy, Ava.

Ava: I heard.

Sandy: Good. Then you can just let it go. None of it means anything anymore. It's all in my past, all of it. As long as you do what I told you to do.

Ava: I want you to give me something in exchange. Give me the ring. Tammy's ring.

Cassie: By now Danny has found Michelle, she knows Hope is hers so it's only a matter of time before they come to take her away from me.

Dinah: Cassie, you can't let her go.

Cassie: She's not mine.

Dinah: Yes, she is. I know what it's like to live without a mother's love. You and I have that in common.

Cassie: Yeah, I know.

Dinah: Hope knows that you are her mommy. It is all she has ever known and that's all that matters.

Cassie: No, it's not all that matters, Dinah.

Dinah: Look, if you want me to help you with Michelle, I am more than happy to do anything I can. And if you'll work with me to take care of Edmund...

Mallet: Hey, Marler. Marler.

Dinah: Great, here comes a bloodhound.

Cassie: Hi.

Mallet: Hey, Cassie, how are you doing? You told me you were going to your fathers and he said you told him you were going to be with me. Do you know what I call that?

Dinah: Misunderstanding? My dear daddy, no matter how much he denies it, he can't hear worth a lick. Look, it was a mix-up, I'm sure it won't be happening again, okay?

Mallet: I put myself on the line here, which is why you're able to be free like this. So don't be messin' okay? Don't be messin'.

Dinah: Yes, sir.

Mallet: Can you keep your word? That's all I'm asking. Can you do that?

Dinah: I can do that. I promise you that. Brownie promise. In fact, I'm going to buy you something to eat. You just go ahead name your sandwich.

Mallet: Huh. Um, okay, yeah. Yeah. I like sandwiches.

Dinah: Okay, good. Well, I'm going to guess. It's going to be toasted white bread, righting?

Mallet: Un-toasted whole wheat.

Dinah: Yeah. You? Would you like something?

Cassie: No thanks, Dinah.

Mallet: So...

Cassie: So.

Mallet: How are you doing? Everything all right? Things have been a little touchy lately, huh?

Cassie: Yeah. I'm okay. Thanks. I'm okay.

Mallet: Look, for the record, there's a lot of questions hanging around out there and it seems to be more than one version of how this whole thing happened.

Cassie: This whole thing?

Mallet: Yeah. With the baby. I mean, with your baby. Basically, we got Dinah’s story on one side, we've got Edmund’s story on the other. I think Dinah’s telling the truth. I believe her.

Cassie: What about Edmund?

Mallet: Edmund? I think Edmund needs to be locked up.

Michelle: Danny!

Edmund: I'm going to tie you in the car Michelle and then I'm going to come back here and drag Clark Kent out. Ow!

Michelle: Get away from me!

Edmund: You're just making this worse for yourself. You know how the story ends.

Michelle: That's right, Edmund, I do and I'm not going anywhere.

Edmund: Stop postponing the inevitable.

Michelle: Edmund, when I walk out that door, I won't have a lot of time, am I? If this is the last bit I get, I'm going to take my time in saying good-bye to it.

Edmund: Please tell me you're joking.

Michelle: You don't understand. I've had some of the best moments of my life in this house. Haven't you had memories growing up as a kid that you love and cherish?

Edmund: No. All of them I'd like to forget.

Michelle: Well not me, okay? I've had millions and millions of memories here. Wonderful times. There's got to be trunks and trunks full of pictures up in the attic here, okay? And Danny and I, we would spend hours, hours up there. I mean, we would walk up those rickety pull-down attic stairs through the trap door and we would look through snapshots of photo albums and the next thing you know three hours had gone by. ( Screams )

Edmund: ( Groans )

Danny: Michelle...

Danny: Michelle, call the police. It's all right. It's all right. It's over.

Edmund: I don't think so. ( Groans ) You know, Danny, I thought someone with your background would be a lot better at this.

Danny: ( Coughing ) Michelle, are you okay? Are you okay?

Michelle: Yes, oh, my God. Oh, my God, Danny. He could have killed us.

Danny: Michelle, listen. Listen to me.

Michelle: No Danny.

Danny: Listen. Listen to me.

Michelle: I don't know why he came after me. I don't know why he's here. Danny, he's getting away! He's getting away!

Danny: Call the police! Call the police.

Michelle: Danny!

Mallet: Anyway, that's what I think for whatever it's worth. But you don't know me.

Cassie: I know you better than you think I do.

Mallet: Oh, right, because of Harley. Did she ever... she ever talk about me?

Cassie: Not really.

Mallet: ( Laughs )

Cassie: I read a few chapters, "Warden Hammer"-- I mean Mallet. I'm sorry.

Mallet: Oh, God.

Cassie: I'm just kidding. I haven't had one second to think about reading. But I know Harley thinks world of you.

Mallet: You mean "Marley."

Cassie: Both of them. ( Laughs ) That's good enough for me.

Mallet: So?

Cassie: So... what do you want?

Mallet: I just wanted to make sure that you knew that we're doing everything, everything possible to make sure you and Hope are safe.

Cassie: Yeah. Thanks.

Mallet: Okay. ( Sighs ) Dinah’s gone, isn't she?

Cassie: Pretty good bet.

Mallet: Yeah. This gets old real fast.

Cassie: Real fast.

Mallet: See you around.

Cassie: See you around. Did you hear that? He's going to keep us safe.

Sandy: There no way you're getting this ring and you know it. This ring is going to Tammy and nobody else. It's her ring.

Ava: Not until it's on her finger.

Sandy: You'll see her wearing it soon enough. Don't worry.

Ava: When?

Sandy: When I'm ready. Look, ask for anything else. How about cash? You'll never worry about money again.

Ava: Xander, I don't want your money. I don't want your cash. I want something that really matters to you.

Sandy: I won't do it. I can’t. Look who's here.

Fallon: Ms. Perrault.

Sandy: Fallon, work something out with her. Come up with a settlement, give her whatever she wants as long as the minute I sign a check she disappears out of my life forever.

Fallon: I understand. But as much as she wants...

Sandy: Get it done. I want it over with.

Ava: Where are you going?

Sandy: To meet Tammy. Call me when it's handled, Fallon. Take care of yourself, Ava.

Ava: Wait, wait, don't go. Come on. Come back here.

Fallon: Well, now, Ms. Perrault. Now that we're alone that we calmly and quietly figure out how to keep this unfortunate secret a permanent secret?

Jonathan: Hey, you know this not looking at me pretending that you don't see me thing is not going to work.

Tammy: I'll make it work.

Jonathan: Hey, you've got to face it.

Tammy: I made a promise, okay?

Jonathan: You shouldn't make promises unless you can keep them.

Tammy: I can. And I will.

Jonathan: Says the girl who can't look at me.

Tammy: All right, I'm looking, okay? I'm looking and I'll keep looking. As long as we're going to keep running into each other...

Jonathan: And I promise you, we will.

Tammy: Then I'll go to go to plan "B."

Jonathan: Plan "B"?

Tammy: I'll just... I'll have to be your friend.

Jonathan: ( Laughs ) My what?

Tammy: Your... I'm serious.

Jonathan: There is no way, Tammy.

Tammy: There has to be. Because every time we see each other or we're in the same room, I'm not going to feel this. I can't, okay? It has to stop. I... I'm so tired of feeling this.

Jonathan: The beating of your heart in your chest like it's going to explode?

Tammy: This awkwardness. This awkwardness. That's the word that I was looking for.

Jonathan: You sure about that?

Tammy: From now on, I'll treat you like everyone else in my life.

Jonathan: I'll be your friend.

Tammy: That's why I'm... I'll tell you just like I would tell any friend, I'm really excited because Sandy’s coming home. He's moving in with me. Today. And I can't wait to take care of him and show him how sweet it can be with the two of us living together. And hopefully he'll feel the same way and ask me to marry him.

Jonathan: And you'll live happily ever after?

Tammy: Exactly. So it's been fun. I'll talk to you soon, huh? Hey. Hey, I was wondering where you were.

Jonathan: Sandy.

Tammy: Jonathan was just leaving.

Jonathan: Yeah, you're right. I was. See ya.

Tammy: Hey, let's get you packed up, huh? You know, I can't tell you how happy I am that you're coming home. With me. Come on.

Fallon: You are trying to punish Sandy.

Ava: No. I'm trying to show him that sometimes, you know, money just isn't the answer. There are some things in life money can't buy.

Fallon: ( Scoffs ) Very few.

Ava: Xander thinks that throwing around cash is the answer to all of his problems and that his problems are just going to disappear. Well, you know what? I'm not going to disappear.

Fallon: Sandy is not going to change his mind. You're not helping.

Ava: I'm doing what I have to do.

Jonathan: Well, well, well. Now look who we have here.

Ava: Jonathan.

Jonathan: Isn't that interesting? I didn't know you two knew each other. What's the name of the game, kids? Can I play?

Fallon: Back off!

Jonathan: I usually don't take requests, but this is your party, so you go on doing whatever it is you were doing and just pretend I'm not here.

Fallon: Too late for that.

Jonathan: Well, might as well join in then, huh? So what are we talking about?

Ava: There is no "we" boss.

Fallon: Boss?

Ava: I came up here for the view and this man-- I don't know what his name is-- he tells me that I shouldn't be up here.

Jonathan: Oh, yeah? Why shouldn't she be up here?

Fallon: Because it's very dangerous, legally speaking. These ledges are sub code. I'm on my way down to the hospital office to make a report. Right now.

Ava: Until it's official, I won't worry about it.

Fallon: I'm just trying to help. But if he's your employer, I'm afraid you are far beyond my aid. Excuse me.

Jonathan: Our pleasure. Bye-bye! So, on your time off you like to hang out on rooftops with lawyers?

Ava: Roof tops, yeah. Lawyers, I don't know. There's something about him.

Jonathan: I don't buy your story, though. You know damn well who he is. It's time you caught me up, don't you think? I want to know how you know Sandy Foster. I want to know how you know Sandy’s attorney. And I want to know now.

Tammy: I hope this is all right.

Sandy: It's fine.

Tammy: Because, I mean, we can move to another room.

Sandy: It's great. Any room with you is perfect.

Tammy: I tried to have all your favorite things ready. See those piles of DVDs? All new releases. Yup. And I even went by your apartment and got you your pillow, see? So you can as comfortable as you possibly can be.

Sandy: You don't have to wait on me. So don't try so hard, okay?

Tammy: I just want you to know how much you mean to me, Sandy. I can't be everything you need every minute, but I can be here for you and that's exactly where I want to be, right by your side taking care of you for as long as it takes. Because that's what love is, right? One person's strong when the other one's weak. The taller one gets things down off the top shelf and...

Sandy: And?

Tammy: I just want you to know, to feel just by looking around you how much I want to be with you. Because nothing is more important to me, Sandy, than that, than you. Do you think you can believe that?

Sandy: God, I want to believe we can make it.

Tammy: We can.

Sandy: More than anything.

Tammy: What's in the way?

Sandy: Lots of things.

Tammy: Nothing that matters. I mean, nothing that we can't work past.

Sandy: We'll see.

Tammy: You know what? You're right. You're right. If it's too soon today, and if you can't forgive me yet, then tomorrow or day after. I mean, there's no rush, right? No, not really. As long as it takes.

Sandy: Tammy...

Tammy: Shh. I'm not going anywhere, Sandy. I'm staying right here. Right.

Mallet: Hey, fellas, I'm sorry to interrupt. I've got to ask you a question. Detective Mallet, Springfield P.D. Did you just see a girl come in here?

Man #1: Is she pretty?

Mallet: I guess so if you like the type. Brown hair, hazel eyes. She's little but strong. Kind of wiry like a cat.

Man #2: Sorry we missed her. Sounds like my type.

Mallet: Well, she's trouble. Anyway, thanks. ( Laughs ) I'm sorry, guys. One more question. ( Laughs ) Do I know you guys? You're Carl Edwards, right? And you are Mark Martin, right?

Man #1: That's right.

Man #2: Are you a Nascar fan, detective?

Mallet: Huge Nascar fan. Wow, Mark Martin, you're a legend man, you're fast. Awesome job in Atlanta. Big bold move on the outside. Good luck in a couple of weeks.

Man #2: Thank you.

Mallet: Can I get you guys something, Buzz burger or anything?

Man #1: What about the girl?

Man #2: Is she really worth the trouble?

Mallet: Absolutely not. ( Laughs )

Edmund: Damn it, Michelle. I have a splitting... I've got to get back to town. I'm never giving up Cassie. I'm never giving up. I'm going to have you back. Oh. Okay, okay. I can do this one more time. Hey, I need your help here, please! Come on! I'm not a nut or anything! Come on, help!

Danny: I lost him.

Michelle: What do you mean?

Danny: Call the police. It's dark.

Michelle: We have to go after him. Danny, we can't let him get away, not after what he's done.

Danny: Forget about Edmund, I'll take care of him.

Michelle: Danny, he nearly killed us.

Danny: I will take care of Edmund. Please, just sit down. I need to tell you something that's really important. Michelle, the reason I came out here looking for you is because something happened, something unbelievable.

Michelle: Unbelievable, how? What, in a good way?

Danny: Michelle, your baby... your baby, it's the reason Edmund came after you.

Michelle: What?

Danny: It's our daughter.

Michelle: Our in what do you mean? I lost her...

Danny: Michelle, our baby's alive.

Tammy: What if we just stayed here forever? Just like this, just too of us.

Sandy: Hmm, just us.

Tammy: I've been talking about you. To God. To say thank you for you and for your being all right. For you being the most precious part of my life. For you letting me be part of yours.

Sandy: Tammy...

Tammy: And for your agreeing to give me a second chance.

Sandy: Hey, we've both made our mistakes. And we've both done things. But let's let go of all that. That's in the past. What's important right now is this, you and me.

Tammy: Us.

Sandy: And I promise, no one or no thing will ever hurt us again.

Ava: Sandy Foster. Oh, see, that's his last name?

Jonathan: Yeah.

Ava: I just met him a couple of days ago. I don't know.

Jonathan: Liar.

Ava: Okay. You know what? You want know tell you the truth? The truth is that if you don't stay out of the situation you're going to be making a huge mistake.

Jonathan: You're not scaring me. Try again.

Ava: Jonathan, I'm telling you, okay? It's none of your business, please.

Jonathan: No. Tammy's with Sandy, that makes it my business. Now, you probably know about what this guy's hiding, right? You probably know why he took my name when he first came to town.

Ava: I don't know what you're talking about.

Jonathan: Damn it, don't lie to me, Ava, you owe me. I saved you.

Ava: Please, I'm telling you. Don't you get it? If I tell you, I just... Jonathan, I can't risk it, okay? I can't risk it. You don't understand.

Tammy: All right. Time to call it a night, huh? You must be tired.

Sandy: Yeah.

Tammy: Well, at least tonight you'll get a good night's sleep. No nurses waking up you up telling you to take your pills. No smell of the hospital or those disinfectants. Sandy? Promise me one more thing.

Sandy: If I can.

Tammy: When you put that away tonight, promise me it won't be forever. That there's a still a chance that you'll put that ring on my finger. Please promise me.

Sandy: Sure. How about right now?

Jonathan: I won't let Sandy hurt you. Trust me.

Ava: Just please, just let it go.

Jonathan: I can't let it go. He's with Tammy. I need to know what this guy's game is. Did he try to scam you?

Ava: No.

Jonathan: Did he lie to you or hurt you or someone you know?

Ava: Jonathan, you just don't understand.

Sandy: I love you and no matter what else happens or has happened, that never changes. It never will. When I look in your eyes, those amazing eyes, I see the woman I want to grow old with. I want to watch you with our babies, holding them, loving them. I want a family with you.

Tammy: Yes! Sandy...

Sandy: And when I look in your eyes I see the one person I want walking beside me and sleeping beside me and looking at me just the way you are right now. For as long as I live.

Tammy: I want that, too, Sandy, so much.

Sandy: Well, then, Tammy, will you marry me?

Jonathan: Damn it! Look at me! How did he hurt you? Say it out loud, what did he do to you?

Ava: Jonathan, he married me! All right? He married me!

Mallet: She's not here.

Cassie: I didn't think she would be.

Mallet: Oh, man, I got distracted for a second. There's a couple Nascar drivers in there.

Cassie: Really?

Mallet: Yeah.

Cassie: What are they doing here?

Mallet: I don't know. I guess they're just passing through. Like Dinah. Who knows how far she got by now? She's fast. Speaking of fast, you want to meet these guys. Hey, guys, hold up for a second. I want you to meet somebody.

Cassie: Hi.

Man #2: How's it going?

Man #1: Hi. You're right. She is pretty.

Mallet: No, she's not.

Cassie: Thanks.

Mallet: No, I meant you're not Dinah.

Cassie: No I'm not Dinah at all. Wow! This is so exciting! Can I get my picture take within you guys?

Mallet: For your boyfriend?

Cassie: No, for me. I'm a huge Nascar fan. In Richmond, that wreck in turn four, I was on the edge of my seat. It was so exciting.

Mallet: Am I take the picture? I thought I was going to be in the picture. Well, I want a copy.

Cassie: Wow, thank you.

Man #2: Thank you very much.

Cassie: It was so nice meeting you guys.

Mallet: Thanks, fellas. Good luck.

Cassie: That was nice.

Mallet: That was cool. That was fun. All right, back to work. I've got to go find Dinah.

Cassie: You know, I wouldn't worry too much about her.

Mallet: Why? Why not?

Cassie: Because I think for the first time she really is trying to make things right.

Mallet: Well, I guess we'll have to see about that.

Cassie: There's been so much suffering and there's going to be a lot more suffering, and the man who's responsible for all of it is out there free somewhere.

Mallet: He won't be for long.

Cassie: I wish I could believe that. But I know Edmund. And he really could get away with it all in the end.

Edmund: Thank you. Thank you so much for stopping. I'm sorry. I really is to get back to Springfield as soon as I possibly can.

Dinah: Sorry, stranger, I'm not heading that way.

Danny: Our baby's alive, Michelle.

Michelle: My baby?

Danny: Our baby.

Michelle: Danny, no, I lost her, stop.

Danny: Edmund drugged you, he gave you some kind of drug to induce labor and he took the baby. He was with you, Michelle, after you had your car accident. I don't know how. When you gave birth he was with you and he took the baby when you were unconscious.

Michelle: Where is she? What did he do with her?

Danny: She's fine. I've seen her. Michelle, I held her. So have you.

Michelle: What do you mean?

Danny: It's Hope. It's Hope. Hope is our baby.

Michelle: Hope?

Danny: Cassie's Hope, or who we thought was Cassie's baby. It's our baby.

Michelle: Oh, my God! Oh, my God! My baby!

Danny: She's okay.

Michelle: My baby.

Danny: She's my baby, too. Michelle, I'm the father. They ran my DNA against the baby’s. I know. I know. We have a daughter, Michelle. We have a beautiful little girl.

Announcer:  Next on "Guiding Light"...

Alan: All you have to do is press "play" and you will get all the ammunition you need to destroy Harley tonight.

Harley: I know the numbers you gave me are phony, Beth. You better change your mind because I'm about to pull the old switcharoo.

Jonathan: What did he do?

Ava: Stop it, okay? He married me!

Tammy: I can't believe this is happening.

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