Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 10/20/05
Provided By
Proofread by Laura
Harley: I need it all. Okay? The cash flow
statement, the balance sheet just give me everything you got. What? I can see
Harley: A hostile take over bid. They have
to convince the-- the board that it wouldn't be a good idea that we shouldn't just
dump these guys. I got the world on my shoulders here, can't you see?
Gus: You back to running the world.
Harley: What do you got? No, wait. Wait. I
said I wasn't going to let this change me and I don't want it to so forget
about this. How are you? You were still sleeping this morning.
Gus: Yes, I was. A little bit better just
kiss my wife, but -- I got muffin in my mouth.
Harley: Better?
Gus: Much better. You go back to running the
world now, I'll be fine. I thought I told you I'd meet you at the station,
didn't I say that?
Mallet: Yeah, that's right. I can see that
you're busy.
Gus: That guy's like a puppy dog. Get away.
Mallet: And I thought getting shot was the
worst thing that can happen on this job.
Dinah: You let him go. You're a complete
idiot. Why would you let Edmund go back on the street?
Gus: Honey, there are people on the board
who like you, I'm convinced of that.
Harley: Well, not enough of them.
Gus: You can turn that around, can't you?
Harley: Yeah, but how am I going to do that?
I mean, hey, it's not like, you know, I've ever run away from a fight in my
life before, but I can't do this alone. I just wish there was one person, one
stupid person in that company that I knew I could trust.
Beth: Frank, it will just take a minute.
You'll never even know that I was here. Please let me see Alan.
Frank: They said it wouldn't last.
Beth: Frank.
Frank: All right, Beth, you got two minutes.
Beth: Thank you.
Alan: Good morning, Beth.
Beth: How did you know it was me?
Alan: Well, I could smell your perfume. My,
my, that's a gorgeous outfit you look fabulous.
Beth: Thank you. But I'm afraid there isn't
much good about this morning, have you seen the paper?
Alan: No.
Beth: Harley is running Spaulding into the
ground. First the pharmaceutical division then what? We're going to lose this
company, piece by piece.
Alan: Yes. And isn't it wonderful?
Officer: I'm going to get the paperwork
Marina: I'll stay with him.
Danny: Marina...
Marina: Danny...
Danny: You got to help me. Someone obviously
set me up to break into that hotel room. You were with me when I got that phone
Marina: Who set you up?
Danny: I don't know. O’Neill, maybe.
Marina: The D.A.?
Danny: He lied to you about the baby's D.N.A.
test so he could stay with Cassie. He doesn't care that that baby is mine or
Michelle's. I've got to find Michelle to tell her that her baby is alive.
You've got to help me get out of here.
Marina: I know, I will. I don't know how
Frank: You know what? I don't think
anybody's going to be going anywhere.
Danny: Frank, come on, you don't understand.
I've got to find Michelle.
Michelle: Why are you holding on so tight,
Michelle, why? You never even saw her face. Never saw anything. It was just months
of feeling and then nothing. So sorry that I lost you. But I have another child
that needs my love and my attention and I have to let you go.
Edmund: Michelle. What a pleasant surprise.
You up here all alone?
Edmund: Arrived just in time. I think it's
about to pour. Sorry, Michelle, I didn't think anyone was going to be here.
Michelle: What are you doing here Edmund?
Edmund: Well it's a funny story, really. I
ran into Rick I asked him if he knew of place I could stay outside of town even
just for a night and he recommended the famous Bauer cabin.
Michelle: And Rick told you, you could use
it just like that?
Edmund: No. Michelle, no. I've been having
some problems lately. Prescription pill problems after a back injury I just
couldn't-- you know the story. Rick's been advising me.
Michelle: What do you mean you came up here
to dry out?
Edmund: Cold turkey. I'm confused though,
you're here, I thought you would be in California.
Michelle: I'm just here for a couple of
days. I really didn't want anyone to know that I was here.
Edmund: And here I am. That will explain why
you're so-- I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You're sorting through all this stuff in your
life, it's hard, it's confusing. Me, I don’t... ( Laughs ) I don't know how to
even take one step towards a future without Cassie. Probably because I never
thought I'd have a future without Cassie.
Michelle: Look, you have a child to think
about now. So that's a good thing.
Edmund: Yes. Yes, it is.
Michelle: You lost the love of your life. But
because you guys share a child together you know, he'll never be that far away.
Edmund: She. She, Michelle, she will never
be that far away.
Michelle: Right. Sorry. Just projecting, I
guess. Would you mind getting that for me? ( Teakettle whistling )
Edmund: Sure.
Michelle: Thanks.
Danny: Frank, will you just let me go so
that I can find Michelle?
Frank: Let you go? You broke into a woman's
room and assaulted a security guard.
Marina: He was trying to...
Frank: Do you think for two seconds I would
let you go out there look for your ex-wife while you're dating my daughter? I
don't think so. And you, get over here. Marina, what the hell are you thinking?
What are you doing?
Marina: Dad.
Frank: Enough! I did not raise my daughter
this way.
Marina: This is exactly how I was raised. To
fight a good fight, to believe what I believe in that's exactly what I'm doing.
I don't care if you don't believe in it.
Frank: Do you really care about this guy
that much? Oh, my, God.
Marina: You have to go let him find
Michelle, okay? It's the right thing. And it's the only way he'll have chance
to love me.
Frank: Marina, if it hasn't happened
already... ( Phone ringing )
Danny: That could be Michelle. Please, will
you let me answer it?
Frank: Excuse me, this man is a suspect. You
are on duty you're also on probation. Do not answer that phone.
Marina: Look...
Frank: Marina!
Marina: Hello? Hello? Hello?
Alan: When will that Santos boy ever get
that guy together.
Beth: Danny Santos is not the issue; Harley is
the issue. Now I tell you she's about to lose the pharmaceutical division and
you say more power to her?
Alan: Yes.
Beth: You really are crazy. Speaking of
which, why did you have me post Edmund’s bail?
Alan: Because he and I have something in
common, you.
Beth: Oh, please.
Alan: Beth, it's just an investment for the
future, that's all. Whenever I need to call in a favor, he will answer me.
Beth: Okay. Sounds like fun. Now back to
Alan: How is this for a headline: "New C.E.O.
Of Spaulding Enterprises loses pharmaceutical division." She will never
Beth: Alan, I want Harley to fail, too, but
not at the expense of the company.
Alan: Well, sometimes to save the body you
have to cut off a limb. Besides, it's already in motion.
Beth: I see. And am I involved?
Alan: Intimately. You see, I've had some
files cooked at the office to show that the pharmaceutical division is doing
much better than it really is. And what your job is, to get those files and
make sure that they are in Harley’s hands before she goes to the board meeting
Beth: So, Harley tells the board there's
nothing to worry about, look at the numbers.
Alan: Yeah, she's a hero for five minutes.
Beth: And then when the real numbers come
out she's charged with inflating profits.
Alan: Well, yeah, everyone is doing it these
days. And getting busted. Now, Mrs. Spaulding, why don't you go and help our
little C.E.O. along, huh?
Harley: It was so easy being a cop. You
know, suspect refuses to comply and I break his arm.
Gus: Is it really that much different being
a C.E.O.?
Harley: Well, honey I can't walk around the
company breaking everybody's arm.
Gus: No. But should you do the job just the
way that you did your old job as a cop. Right. Somebody comes on the street,
you say, hey, I'm not going to show them any weakness, right? They come at you;
they realize you're ready for the part they don't want, think part. You see
their weakness, exploit that, take command of the situation.
Harley: Well that's good. Okay, let's say I
manage not to give somebody a black eye. I still have to come up with the
numbers, you know I have to... I got to, you know, show them that I know what
I'm doing. I got to show them I can put the company in the right direction.
Gus: I think you know exactly what you're
doing. I got faith in you. I think you said it before, you need help. And you
need help from the inside.
Harley: Well, I did ask Alex which seemed
like a good idea at the time. Beth, she offered her help. But maybe just figure
out which one of those two I trust the least and then go with the other one?
Gus: No, you see I think those two, I they
think cancel each other out.
Dinah: Are you out of your mind? You let
Edmund go; he's a complete psycho. Why would you let him back on the street.
Mallet: We have laws in this country.
Dinah: I don't care about laws.
Mallet: Really? Really. Really. That
surprises me.
Dinah: Mallet, he scares me, that's it.
Okay, I know that I come off as tough and fearless, but the whole time this man
had me locked up, that's it, he is one fava bean away from Hannibal Lechter,
all right? He's out there and he's going to come after me.
Mallet: Trust me. Okay, just trust me. I
will not let him get to you.
Dinah: Do you know if he knows that I'm
helping you, what that's going to do.
Mallet: He will not get to you.
Dinah: Okay, I'm sorry. I'm not usually this
uptight. I'm wound up. I'm wound up.
Mallet: That's all right.
Dinah: I am grateful to you. For protecting me,
okay? Thank you so much.
Mallet: That's what I do.
Dinah: Well, thank you. It makes me feel
safe; I appreciate it.
Mallet: Mm-hmm. Oh, Dinah. You're welcome. I
mean for all of it. Now, can I have my gun back please?
Mallet: Give me my gun unless you're plan on
shooting me.
Dinah: You know what? We'll see. I'd rather
you save me the trouble and just let go do what I need to do.
Harley: I think I got it all covered. You
can go. Because one of us has to have a job when I crash and burn.
Gus: Babe, I think-- listen to me, I think
you are the best thing that ever happened to Spaulding Enterprises. Do you hear
Mallet: Hey.
Gus: How are you doing?
Mallet: Good.
Gus: Something wrong?
Dinah: No. I just would like to eat.
Mallet: Are you going down
to the house, man? Will you punch me in?
Gus: The big house?
Mallet: Yeah.
Gus: Listen to you, little
rule breaker. Yeah, I'll punch you in.
Mallet: Now, would you just pull yourself
Dinah: You know what? Edmund took my life
away. He would have let me die in that house.
Mallet: I get that, okay? I understand that.
I understand what you've been through. You're going to need some help.
Dinah: You're going to help me?
Mallet: Yes.
Dinah: Ow! What is up with you? You could
have busted me with Gus. Why didn't you?
Mallet: Yeah, I didn't, did I? I didn’t.
Dinah: No, I can see that, why?
Mallet: You just believe me right now,
right? Because I wasn't lying. I'm going to help you.
Dinah: You want something.
Mallet: I want to save your life.
Dinah: Then give me your gun back.
Mallet: ( Laughs ) No, no, no.
Dinah: Oh, no. Fine. I will handle Edmund if
I have any chance to get my life back and I don't need your gun to go do that.
Mallet: Hey, Dinah. We'll catch you.
Dinah: Well, the last guy I killed vanished.
And nobody sees me in jail yet.
Man: Not yet. Remember me, Ms. Marler. The
name is Wendell. I'm your probation officer.
Harley: Okay, yeah, just don't anybody
panic. I'm coming back to the office right now.
Beth: Harley, your assistant told me I could
find you here. My car is parked out back, there are more of these in the trunk.
Harley: Wait a minute. What are these?
Beth: Everything you need to know about
Spaulding pharmaceuticals. Let's get started.
Marina: No one was there.
Frank: Officer Cooper, I gave you a direct
order not to pick up this phone.
Marina: I disobeyed you, Sir.
Danny: Frank, come on.
Marina: Stay out of it, Danny.
Frank: I am your boss and I'm also your
father. Don't ask me to choose between the two of them because I don't know
just happens to be a job the other one has been my life's work. Now you're
dragging personal business in here.
Marina: No, sir, I am not.
Frank: Then you're expecting preferential
Marina: No, sir. I joined the police to be
the police that's what I want to do, be the police. But what I don't want to do
is railroad innocent people because I can, because I hold a grudge.
Frank: Young lady get over here, you are
making a mistake. Do you really want him out there looking for his ex-wife?
Marina: I though about what I'm doing.
Frank: I know exactly what you're doing.
What you're doing is you're being selfless. And I love you for that. But there
are limits.
Marina: Then let me find them.
Frank: A good father never, ever abandons
his children.
Danny: Frank. I'm a father, too. Listen to
me. Dinah brought me that baby because it's mine and it's Michelle’s. And I
need to find Michelle so that I can tell her that her baby is alive, but I will
not leave here if it puts Marina's career in jeopardy. She's been working way
too hard.
Marina: Danny, this is too important.
Danny: So are you.
Frank: You better turn yourself in when this
whole matter is cleared up. Do you understand what I'm saying?
Danny: Yes, I will. I will. Thank you.
Marina: Go.
Danny: I'll call you.
Michelle: Why did you just disconnect my
Edmund: You didn't want to talk to Danny,
Michelle. You came here to get alone, get away from everyone. I know the
temptation is to weaken and give in and I didn't want to see do you that. Come
on, sit.
Michelle: Thank you. Thank you for stopping
me. I mean, it does help having a friend going through the same meat grinder
that you are, not that I would wish it on anyone.
Edmund: Oh, you should see that sky, it's
fantastic. Dramatic.
Michelle: Looks like there's a huge storm
Edmund: There is. It's going to. Hey, let's
go see it before it storms. Let's go for a drive.
Michelle: Really?
Edmund: Yeah. Your not scared, Michelle, are
you? Of the storm?
Michelle: Of course not.
Edmund: Good. I'll bring the car around.
Michelle: Why are you really here, Edmund?
District Court of the State of Illinois, these papers are from jail. Count one,
kidnapping. Oh, my, God.
Michelle: Oh, Edmund. Kidnapping? Oh, my,
Edmund: I mapped out quite a route for us to
the other side of the lake, the leaves are thickest this time of year.
Michelle: It's pretty quiet out there.
Nobody's around. What are we going to do?
Edmund: Enjoy being some place where nobody
can get to us.
Wendell: Thanks for holding her.
Dinah: I appreciate you wanting to take this
one down. Obviously Miss Dinah is a big fish to land, but she's mine.
Wendell: What do you mean, yours?
Mallet: She belongs to me. She's my go-to
girl, okay? My snitch, my coffee maid. She's whatever I want her to be up until
the hearing. I was just getting ready to bring her in.
Wendell: You're arresting her?
Mallet: No, no, no. I'm bringing her in for
something much bigger than a simple parole violation. I have been working on a
case for months, okay? So I don't need some glorified baby-sitter putting me
off my game plan. We'll see you around. Take care. Thank you. What are you
doing? My job, okay. I will get her to the hearing on time. You tell everybody
in your office that Miss Dinah Marler's in my custody.
Beth: Those revenues for press releases, but
this number here, Harley, this is your bread and butter. And at Spaulding
Pharmaceuticals, there's more than enough bread to go around.
Harley: Really? Because the board seems
convinced that --
Beth: Look at the numbers. They're
promising. And I think that the board will see it that way, too, if it’s put to
them in the right way.
Harley: The right way, huh?
Beth: Let me show you.
Harley: Beth, um, what's the deal?
Beth: What do you mean what deal?
Harley: Come on. You hate
that I got this job over you. Yet you come running down here to save the day
for me? Come on.
Beth: Okay. You're right. I
do hate that you have this job. I hate living with you. I hate the way you
dress. Your accessories, your perfume, your taste for beer. I hate your shoes.
Harley: You don't like my
Beth: Oh, Harley. But the bottom line is, I
will not allow the board to roll over on a member of this family, and threaten
the legacy of a Spaulding running Spaulding. You're just borrowing that
C.E.O.'s chair. Lizzie will be in it soon enough.
Harley: Or Zach.
Beth: Or James. Helping you is the lesser of
all evils. That's the way this family works.
Harley: Well. Okay then. Let's get crackin'.
Alan: "Marley ran her hands down the
Warden's chest, she could feel not only the scars on the outside, but the
wounds he still carried on the inside as well. The old wounds, the wounds which
refuse to close and she wanted to heal them. She pulled his head down, her lips
aching to reach his."
Marina: Thank you.
Frank: For what? For what did I as your dad
or as your chief?
Marina: Both.
Frank: Still doesn't change the fact that
you disobeyed a direct order. I guess you got what you wanted.
Marina: I know and I shouldn't have.
Frank: Hold on a second. Did you think for
two seconds how easy it was for to you break the rules?
Marina: None of this is easy for me, Dad. But
I'm just trying to get through it the best way I can. Okay? The guy that I love
is out there chasing his ex-wife, who still loves him. Nothing is the way I
want it.
Danny: Come on! Damn it. Do I have to do
everything the hard way? When it comes to my own child. I am just trying to do
the right thing. You are going to help me. You hear me? You are going to help
Edmund: I don't think we're going to need
anything for our little trip around the lake so you don't have to pack any food
or drinks or anything.
Michelle: I just thought that maybe we
should be a little prepared in case we get stuck out there.
Edmund: We won’t. Let's go.
Michelle: You know, Edmund, I don't really
like the way the roads look. They're just a little too wet already.
Edmund: I know. But I think this trip is
going to do us a world of good.
Michelle: I'm going to have to say no,
Edmund. All right? I don't want to go. You can go ahead. You just go on without
me. I think you should take the time for yourself. You need it.
Edmund: So this is it? The big brush off?
Michelle: No.
Edmund: Shhh. Don't ruin the moment.
Michelle: What moment?
Edmund: The moment when I look into your
eyes and I say, I know you're on to me.
Gus: Are you aware that I can make your stay
here very miserable while you're waiting for your transfer?
Alan: Yeah. This is really good stuff. You
do whatever you have to do as long as you don't take my books.
Gus: Well that's funny should you say that.
I was just on my way over here to take all of your books.
Alan: Okay, as long as you don't take this
Gus: Let me ask you something. Did you hear
about the possible hostile take over of Spaulding Pharmaceuticals.
Alan: Yes, as a matter of fact.
Gus: What do you make of that?
Alan: I think Harley is doing an excellent
job. And I am rather surprised it will be a rough ride, but I'm sure she'll
hold on.
Harley: I think that the company seems
Beth: It looks that way. And the best part
is, people like working for you. I hate to admit it, but people want to see you
Harley: Well, give 'em time because you know
there is time enough for me to fall flat on my face. Harley here.
Gus: I think you're being played.
Harley: Yes, I was aware of that fact. But I'd
like to you update me on the situation as it develops, however I am in a
Gus: Who could that be with you, Mrs.
Spalding perhaps?
Harley: You got that right. Furthermore, I'm
feeling a lot better about the situation at hand. It's a lot easier to
understand the process when someone makes themselves available to you to see
exactly what you're up against.
Gus: All right. Watch your back, okay? I'll
see you at home.
Harley: That was my assistant. Thank you for
everything, Beth. Really, but there are calls I've got to get back to.
Beth: Maybe I could just stick around.
Harley: C.E.O.'s job is never done, you know
Beth: I understand. I will leave you to look
at these net projections on your own.
Harley: Beth, I can call you if I have a question
or anything, right?
Beth: Absolutely. I'm just glad that I could
be of help.
Harley: Well, I have to tell you I'm so
excited to go back to the board with these numbers. I mean, I can convince them
that the division, pharmaceutical division is thriving.
Beth: And isn't that what we all want?
Harley: Beth, thank you. Nice try Beth. Do I
really look that stupid? There's got to be a way to get the real numbers.
Somebody at that company knows. I just have to figure out who it is.
Mallet: Hey, I don't think you're listening
to me. You put your beak in an investigation that's over your head, you're
liable to lose your head. Capice?
Wendell: See you at the hearing Miss Marler.
Dinah: Are you going to arrest me is that
what you're going to do?
Mallet: Calm down, I was trying to get rid
of him.
Dinah: Then why don't you explain to me
what's happening.
Mallet: You are going to your hearing. I
just put my neck on the line and guaranteed it. Whatever happens after that...
Dinah: Third time, you know.
Mallet: Yeah, I know.
Dinah: You know what?
Mallet: Third time I saved
your butt, I just hope it's worth saving.
Dinah: My butt?
Mallet: All of you.
Dinah: Why, what do you want?
Mallet: You are so jaded. I don't have any
angles here.
Dinah: Well good, then you trust me.
Mallet: Of course I trust you. About this
Danny: Come on! Michelle!
Michelle: Edmund, look, I can see that
you're in a lot of pain and I am trying to understand but I don't really know
what you're talking about.
Edmund: Stop the games, Michelle. You know
I'm not being honest with you.
Michelle: All I know Edmund is we are
friends, okay? You're my friend. And I do not believe that you would lie to me.
I'm sorry if I gave you that impression before that I doubted you. I don’t.
Edmund: It's all right. I know you didn't
mean to.
Michelle: No, absolutely not. I didn’t. I'm
just... I'm still, you know, um, I'm not very--
Edmund: Stop the act. Michelle, shall we? I
know my story about coming up here strained credibility, it's not one of my
better lies I'm under a certain amount of pressure these days.
Michelle: Maybe I could help you.
Edmund: I don't know. But you certainly can
hurt me. And we can't have that, can we?
Edmund: You, Cassie, you're more than happy to
smile and pretend that everything is hunky-dory, when you don't need me any
more when you've gotten everything you need out come the knives that go right
into the back.
Michelle: Edmund, why are you doing this,
why? You are a sweet, nice, compassionate man.
Edmund: Yes, I know, I can be all those
Michelle: Come on, whatever is wrong, this
is only going to make it worse. You should just go, go before something else
Edmund: Something else did happen.
Michelle: What do you mean? Did do you
something to Cassie?
Edmund: There you go! There you go, you just
jump to conclusions that I've hurt Cassie, assuming that I can hurt that woman
when all I've ever really done is tried to love her. I tried to love her,
Michelle, I gave her everything I had. Everything. Everything that was on the
inside I gave it to her. I gave it to her. My heart just sort of snapped under
the strain. Everything. Michelle, I gave her everything. She never really
trusted me. I mean not really ever trusted me because nothing I ever did, no,
was ever good enough!
Michelle: I'm sorry.
Edmund: I know, I know, I know, Michelle. I
know you're sorry, but you are really no better -- don't get me wrong, Cassie
broke the land speed record jumping into Jeffrey O’Neill’s bed. You're just as
capable of befouling a marriage as she is.
Michelle: You have no right to judge me,
okay. You have no right.
Edmund: What do you mean? Because of my
past? Because of all the bad things I've done in my life, is that it, Michelle?
I still know what it is to be a married man. I'm talking about what's sacred,
Michelle. I'm talking about a marriage. I'm talking about two people promising
to love one another for the rest of their lives and actually doing it!
Michelle: I believe that, too, Edmund, I do.
Maybe it's not too late for you and Cassie.
Edmund: No, no, no. It's not too late. It's
not too late because she loved me once. She's going to love me again. There's
just one thing standing our way.
Michelle: What? What is it?
Edmund: You.
Dinah: So you don't trust me.
Mallet: Of course not.
Dinah: Excuse me, you just drove off my
parole officer and now you want me to answer to you?
Mallet: Yeah.
Dinah: Because of you I answer to you?
Mallet: Yeah, that's right.
Dinah: Why?
Mallet: I like a challenge.
Dinah: Don't play me. I want to know, is
this about sex?
Mallet: Maybe... maybe just maybe you
deserve a break. Why don't you to go your dad's place, be a model citizen I'll
check in frequently.
Dinah: Are you going to tuck me in? I can't
Mallet: I'm not kidding, here. I'm not
kidding. I will personally escort to you your hearing, which you will not be
late to or miss under any, any circumstances.
Dinah: Okay. Anything else?
Mallet: Yeah. Leave Edmund to me.
Dinah: Okay.
Harley: Give the fake numbers to the C.E.O.
Maybe give the real ones to somebody else.
Mallet: Hey, Harley, nice disguise.
Beth: Alan, it worked. Harley bought it.
Alan: Excellent!
Gus: Hey there, Beth. Just
doing my regulation visitor's check. Making sure you're not bringing any files
to dad.
Beth: Files?
Gus: Files? Files, little
things that you cut through iron bars with those kind of files.
Alan: Don't you usually
bring those in pies or cakes or something? Beth can't even bake.
Gus: Just giving the
newlyweds a hard time. Part of my job description. If you want to turn this
into some sort of conjugal visit, I'll be standing by with the defibrillator.
Frank: Honey, I know you care one hell of a lot
about this guy, okay? But it doesn't have to be this much work. This whole
thing is such a burden on you.
Marina: Look, Dad, I'm not stupid. I know
that Danny and Michelle have unfinished business. But what Danny and I have is
good. It's different. I know that when he's happy, when he's with me. You know?
We're going to make it through this. You'll see.
Frank: It's your life, you don't have to
prove anything to me or to anybody else, you know that.
Marina: Well, I know. You know what, I want
to go back and finish moving my stuff into Danny’s place. I want to be there
waiting when he gets home.
Danny: Michelle! Michelle! You obviously
were here, the lights are on. Michelle! Where did you go? That's my man,
Robbie, put the date on it for mommy, she was here. Where did she run off to.
Michelle? Michelle?
Michelle: Danny. Oh, thank God your here. I
got to--
Danny: What are you doing outside?
Michelle: Wait. How did you find me?
Danny: Michelle, listen to me. Calm down.
Listen to me. Michelle. There is something that you need to know.
Announcer: Next on "Guiding Light"...
Sandy: What do you want?
Jonathan: I came to give you a going home
present. Look at this. "I found you."
Tammy: If he needs anything, I will be right
here to take care of him. Welcome home, Sandy.
Cassie: You belong to Danny and Michelle.
Oh, man, I don't think I can do this.
Michelle: Danny, you...
Danny: There's something you need to...
Michelle: Danny, look out!
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