Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 10/19/05
Provided By
Proofread By Laura
Cassie: All right. You can come out. I know
you're there. Hello?
Police officer: Just doing my job.
Cassie: Edgewater security. Danny Santos
sent you, huh? We're not going anywhere. So good night.
Jeffrey: And image flies in front of me shadow
dances of what used to be a burning feeling just from long ago now I wait for
something to elevate my soul I believe, I believe in love and I believe in you and
I believe that we can rise above, rise above and when we're in our darkest
night I believe in love, love is light.
Michelle: Saying good-bye to my baby also
means saying good- bye to Danny. I just don't know how I'm going to do that. I
just don't know.
Danny: So you have no listing under Michelle
Bauer or Michelle Santos? Okay. All right. Thank you. Thank you. Well, I've
tried every hotel. I don't know where she is.
Marina: Well I can tell you where she's not.
I checked the airline, the train station, even the bus lines.
Danny: I can't stand the fact that she's out
there somewhere alone and she doesn't even know that her baby is alive.
Marina: I can't imagine what this would be
like for her.
Danny: The whole reason Michelle left town
is because she thought she lost her baby. Now that we know the baby's ours...
I've got to find her. This changes everything.
Edmund: My lawyer will have me out of here
in no time. You'll be sorry you ever met me.
Police officer: Get inside or you'll wish
you never met me.
Edmund: I will have all of your badges! Jeffrey
O’Neill framed me! I'm innocent! Innocent!
Alan: Join the club.
Jonathan: You are like an onion, Sandman.
Every time I think I have you figured out, there's another layer. "I found
Tammy: Whoa, sorry, I was....
Ava: You're not dreaming. I'm real.
Sandy: Ava.
Ava: Good. I'm glad. I was beginning to
think you had forgotten about me. Why are you looking so surprised? Did you
honestly think you could hide from me forever?
Sandy: No. How'd you find me?
Ava: It wasn't easy. It wasn't, but it was
important so just never gave up. Here you are.
Sandy: I guess I always knew that....
Ava: Your past would catch up with you? You
were right. Here I am.
Ava: You know, I heard about the accident. I
was really surprised. You used to be so cautious, so meticulous.
Sandy: I'm not the same person anymore.
Ava: People don't change that much.
Sandy: I've tried.
Ava: I'm sure you have.
Sandy: I've traveled. I've seen things, I've
done things. I've been all over the world.
Ava: Really? Doing what?
Sandy: Searching. And I didn't even know
what I was looking for until I found it. And it changed me. She changed me.
Ava: She changed you?
Sandy: Ava, I've found someone and she's my
Ava: ( Laughs ) What makes you think you're
entitled to one?
Sandy: All right? You know what? We can
figure this thing out. Why don't you just go home and I will contact you as
soon as they release me, okay?
Ava: I'm home.
Sandy: Springfield?
Ava: Yeah, I've been here for a while. I'm
surprised my boss didn't mention it to you.
Sandy: Your boss?
Ava: Jonathan Randall.
Tammy: What are you doing out here?
Jonathan: What else? Lurking.
Tammy: That's what I thought. What's that?
Jonathan: It's a fan mail from one of my
customers at Outskirts. She wants my recipe for Sex on the Beach.
Tammy: I have to go.
Jonathan: What, are you going to feed Sandman?
When are they releasing him?
Tammy: Probably tomorrow.
Jonathan: Is there somebody waiting for him
back at his place?
Tammy: What do you care?
Jonathan: Is there a nurse or somebody to
take care of him?
Tammy: Why don't you ask what you want to
know. Is Sandy coming home with me or are we still apart?
Jonathan: That's not what I was going to
Tammy: Sandy doesn't need a nurse or anyone
else. He has me. He needs me. And I need him, not...
Jonathan: Yeah. I guess it. Not me.
Danny: ( Sighs ) You have not changed.
You're the reason I have a daughter.
Marina:, No I wasn’t...
Danny: Yes, you are. Marina, you are a major
part of this baby's life and you always will be.
Marina: Danny, I had a hunch, okay? I went
for it.
Danny: You need a break. I'm sorry. It's not
fair for me to ask you to help me find Michelle. It's really not.
Marina: You know what? The sooner we find Michelle,
the sooner we all know where we're going, okay? Now, you know Michelle better
than anyone. Where would she disappear to? If you wanted to hide, where would
you go?
Danny: There is one place.
Alan: Bang, you're dead.
Edmund: My God, Alan, you killed your son.
I've done nothing wrong, I don't belong here.
Alan: Neither do I but I'm just here until
they transfer me back to the hospital.
Edmund: You mean back to the asylum for the
criminally insane.
Alan: Well at least I have an insanity
defense. What's your excuse, Edmund?
Edmund: I'm being persecuted by a man
obsessed with Cassie. Jeffrey O’Neill has filed false charged against me but my
lawyer is going to take care of that and him...
Alan: Why don't you tell me
the name of your lawyer?
Edmund: Vincent Russo. He's
good enough for you, he's good enough for me.
Alan: ( Laughs ) Well, Edmund,
perhaps you should rethink that choice. After all, look where we ended up.
Edmund: Good point. All I
tried to do, all I tried to do was give the woman I love the most she wants in all this world. Is that such a
Alan: Why don't you tell me what you did and
maybe I'll be able to help you. Don't you trust me?
Edmund: Why should I?
Alan: You shouldn't, anymore than I should
trust you. But the charges are public record now so what have you got to lose,
Edmund: Jeffrey O’Neill. The problem is Jeffrey
Alan: I know. You keep saying that.
Edmund: He's been fixated on Cassie for
years, long before he came to Springfield. And he came determined to get rid of
me. His sole purpose is to replace me. Now he has Cassie. He has the child that
should be mine.
Jeffrey: Trying to get her to sleep.
Cassie: I think she likes your music. Don't
Jeffrey: Well, she's a sucker for a love
song, what can I say?
Cassie: Well, she is. Just like her... I
guess I can't say that anymore, huh? I'm not her mother.
Jeffrey: Yes, you are. You fed her, you've
cared for her, you've loved her. You are her mother.
Cassie: Well, not for very much longer. I
guess... guess what I saw outside? A guard.
Jeffrey: What?
Cassie: I guess Danny was afraid that we
were going to take off with her.
Jeffrey: Oh, no. He's just... he's just...
he's just trying to protect Hope from Edmund and, well, from me.
Cassie: Part of me wants to, you know? Part
of me wants to take her away where no one knows who we are and no one knows
she's not mine and no one will ask us any questions.
Jeffrey: We could, you know. We could just
Cassie: What?
Jeffrey: Yeah, sure. We could just skip out
the back and we'd be miles away before anyone even knew.
Cassie: Are you serious?
Jeffrey: Who cares about DNA? Who cares
about who Hope is? What we need to care about is what's best for her and what's
best for us.
Tammy: It doesn't matter what I... what
Jonathan: What we feel? What we need? What
we want? Look, damn it, Tammy, do you really think you're doing Sandy a favor
by being so freaking noble?
Tammy: I am not being noble!
Jonathan: What are you doing, then? Are you
following your heart? Come on, you can't look me in the eyes and tell me that
you are, can you?
Tammy: Then I won't look at you.
Jonathan: You don't belong with Sandy.
Tammy: I love him.
Sandy: No, you love him like a friend. You
love him like you love a loyal watchdog. You love him like a mother, like a
Tammy: You don't know what my relationship
with Sandy is like. Don't pretend that you do.
Jonathan: This is nuts. You can't pretend I
don't exist.
Tammy: Watch me.
Jonathan: This is a small town. We're going
to run into each other.
Tammy: All right. Then let's establish some
Jonathan: Rules? Oh, right. Like when we say
hi it won't really mean that I want you? Like when we ask how's the weather it
won't really mean that I am dying to be with you? Like when we bump into each
other, it absolutely won't mean that I...
Tammy: It doesn't have to mean anything, all
right? We can adjust. I don't care how hard it is. We can be casual. We can
just be two people...
Jonathan: Who want to be together.
Tammy: No.
Jonathan: Who think about each other all the
Tammy: No!
Jonathan: Who can't admit how they feel
because if they do...
Tammy: I can handle it, okay? It's not a
problem for me, okay? I can learn to live in a world with you in it.
Jonathan: Yeah. Damn straight, because I'm
not going anywhere.
Cassie: You'd take Hope and you'd run away
with me?
Jeffrey: Sure I would. But there's Tammy to
consider, and R.J. and... well, you love your family and they're all here,
aren't they?
Cassie: But you just said...
Jeffrey: I know what I said. I don't want to
lose Hope. But maybe we don't have to choose between surrendering and running.
Cassie: What are you talking about?
Jeffrey: Well, you know, before I was
singing love songs to kids and changing their diapers I was actually a hell of
a lawyer. We fought Danny before, you know what the result was.
Cassie: So you're saying that um...
Jeffrey: It could get ugly, but losing Hope
would be a lot uglier, wouldn't it?
Cassie: I feel like a prisoner in my own
home. Can we get out of here for a little while?
Alan: You know, I've been in your shoes
before, Edmund. You're damned if you do, you're damned if you don’t. But I
always say "do."
Edmund: I'd do anything for Cassie.
Alan: And I would do anything for the people
I love. You know, most men are like sheep, they're followers. But you and I,
we're rare. We're like the lion.
Edmund: This is the jungle?
Alan: We're toughest on the ones we love the
most, guiding them back home when they go astray. And sometimes we even have to
bear our claws.
Edmund: Oh, my God, is that it? Is that what
happened? Phillip was out of control, he kidnapped his children and so you had
to... that's what happened, isn't it?
Alan: I would never have hurt my son.
Edmund: Well, I would never
hurt my daughter. I had no idea what love was until I had a child.
Alan: Technically she isn't
yours. But then again, Phillip isn't my flesh and blood, either.
Edmund: Then you
understand. You'll help me get out of here?
Rick: Where's my microscope
when I need one? I haven't seen two creatures without one heart since I studied
amoebas in high school.
Alan: I'm nothing like him!
He'd take a stick out of a lollypop and stab a child the heart! ( Cell phone
rings )
Rick: Hello?
Danny: It's Danny. Have you heard from Michelle?
Any chance she could be a the cabin?
Rick: I never thought about that. Michelle
always loved going up to the cabin. Danny, it's worth a shot. Do you know how
to get up there? It's very simple. Okay, just please give me a call if you hear
anything, okay? All right. Thanks. Could you help escort Mr. Spaulding to my
new examination room.
Alan: Listen to me, Edmund...
Edmund: I thought you were on my side.
Alan: I am on your side. Michelle is going
to the Bauer cabin. Now, Danny will get there first.
Danny: We've tried everything we can think
of. I think we should go check out the Bauer cabin.
Marina: I'm not going.
Danny: Why?
Marina: You are right, Danny. This is one
trip you're going to have to take alone.
Sandy: Stay away from Jonathan. He's a user.
Ava: He's been awfully nice to me.
Sandy: Well don't give him any information.
Ava: Stop it, Xander.
Sandy: Don't call me that.
Ava: Jonathan never asks about me, not where
I came from, why I'm in Springfield, nothing. He doesn't care.
Sandy: Consider yourself lucky. Know he is
no good.
Ava: He would say the same thing about you.
Tammy: Okay, Mr. Foster, no more gelatin or
canned food, I've got burgers, I've got french fries. Ava, what are you doing
Sandy: So you two know each other?
Ava: Not well. We officially met on the
Tammy: You never told me that you knew Sandy.
Ava: Are you going to tell her or should I?
Tammy: Tell me what?
Ava: I was walking down the hall in the
hospital and I saw this gorgeous guy and he was looking at magazines, so I just
sort of popped my head in to give him a hand and he told me about the accident.
Man, he's lucky that he didn't die. You must be feeling really lucky.
Sandy: Lucky.
Ava: He doesn't look anything like the
picture, either. This is your boyfriend, isn't it?
Tammy: Right.
Ava: He's definitely a keeper.
Tammy: Yeah. He is.
Ava: Well, I guess I better fly out of here.
When you get released, stop into Outskirts. The first round of drinks is on me.
Tammy: Well, she seems nice.
Sandy: ( Sighs )
Tammy: Are you okay?
Sandy: Great.
Tammy: You look a little pale. You know, you
shouldn't go home tomorrow if you're not...
Sandy: No, I'm fine. I'm going home. I have
to get out of here.
Tammy: All right. I don't think you should
be alone. I think you should check into the Beacon.
Sandy: Waste of money.
Tammy: My mom owns the place, it's not going
to cost you a thing. Besides, I already reserved you a room.
Sandy: You reserved a free room for me?
Tammy: Kind of. It's mine.
Jonathan: Who are you, Sandman? Who what are
you hiding? They all think you walk on water, but when I find out what you did
I'm going to bury you.
Ava: What are you looking at?
Marina: I have to go to work, Danny, and I
can't be late. So I'll tell you what, I'll check the database at the station
and I'll see if I can find anything.
Danny: That's not what this is about. It's
okay. I don't blame you for not wanting to be there when I tell Michelle about
the baby.
Marina: Okay. You're right. I'm only so
tough, Danny. And I'm only so willing to share you. And when you tell her the
good news and she throws her arms around you...
Danny: Hey... I hate that this is so
complicated. I really, really do.
Marina: I know. I love you.
Rick: Come on, Alan, let's go. I think it's
time to have you cryogenically frozen. You're one in a million. Let's go.
Alan: Rick, I'm sorry, man. I have not been
feeling well today Rick.
Rick: Alan, please, last time I checked your
blood pressure was better than mine. In fact, your vitals were so good the last
time you did this...
Alan: My chest is hurting, it really is.
Rick: Where?
Alan: Help me up. Oh...
Rick: You're having a panic attack.
Alan: No.
Rick: Yes, you are.
Alan: My heart's pounding out of my chest.
Rick: It's not your heart, it's your head.
Danny: Okay. So I won't be gone long.
Hopefully I'll find Michelle at the cabin, tell her about the baby. I'll call
you and we'll meet up at home, okay?
Marina: Okay.
Danny: I love you. ( Cell phone rings ) Hello?
Edmund:( With southern accent ) Hi, this is Matthew
at the Beacon, I'm hoping I have the right number. Is this Mr. Santos?
Danny: Yes, who is this again?
Edmund: Matthew at the Beacon. Look, we have
ourselves a pitiful situation here, Mr. Santos. There's this beautiful pretty
thing she is in room 444. She’s... she's just crying her eyes out, has been for
a while. She's calling for you.
Danny: Is her name Michelle?
Edmund: Michelle, yeah, that's it.
Danny: I'll be over there. Don't let her
leave. Thank you.
Danny: Michelle's at the Beacon.
Marina: Good luck. Let me know how it goes.
Danny: I will. I'll be back soon, okay?
Alan: Look, it's all right, Rick. I know it
wasn't a panic attack but part of me is ready to die. I've been misunderstood
my entire life.
Rick: Don't talk. You're giving me a
splitting headache.
Edmund: Hotel security, please. Hello, I
don't mean to alarm you but I believe you may have a serious problem.
Danny: What's going on?
Cassie: We got away from your guard, sorry.
Danny: Cassie, I did what I felt I needed to
Cassie: Well, you don't have to worry.
Hope's not going anywhere. She's going to be here with her family.
Jeffrey: She's asleep.
Danny: Really? I'll be right back.
Cassie: Where's he going?
Marina: He had to go take care of some
Cassie: What kind of business?
Jeffrey: Marina?
Marina: He... he found Michelle. He's going
to go tell her, Cassie. He's going to go tell her that Hope's her child.
Danny: Michelle, the front desk called me.
They said you were upset and wanted to see me. I need to talk to you. Michelle?
Come on, I have to talk to you. It's extremely urgent. All right, Michelle, Michelle,
open up this door. Open. I'm going to come in here, Michelle. I'm going to open
up. Michelle? Michelle, why didn't you open...
Woman: No, no, get away! Help!
Danny: I'm sorry.
Woman: Somebody, help! Help!
Danny: I made a mistake, I'm in the wrong
room. I'm leaving.
Woman: He's a pervert.
Danny: This is a huge mistake.
Man: You got that right.
Jeffrey: Where's Michelle?
Marina: Does it matter? She's in town and he
went to get her. ( Cell phone rings ) hello? Yes, this is Cooper. I will be
right there. It's dispatch. I've got to go. Listen, Cassie, I'm... I can't even
imagine what you're going through right now, but I wish that it could be
different for all of us. Gotta go.
Cassie: It's only a matter of time, you
know. Danny's going to tell Michelle about Hope and they're going to come take
her. I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe I'm going to lose her.
Jeffrey: Cassie, let me ask you a question.
Do you believe that Danny and Michelle should raise this child?
Cassie: They're her parents.
Jeffrey: That’s... that's not the question.
Cassie: Okay. I think they're amazing with Robbie.
On the other hand, I'm a very good mother to Hope. I'm the only mother she
knows and I love her.
Jeffrey: You know, I admire the fact that
you don't want to bad-mouth Danny and Michelle but you're still not answering
the question. Do you think that Danny and Michelle can provide a stable
environment, a loving home for Hope?
Cassie: Yes, of course they can.
Jeffrey: Well, what about... what about Danny?
You know that the organized crime unit has to keep tabs on Danny, right? That
every time there's a serious crime committed in Springfield, they have to
verify his whereabouts.
Cassie: What are you asking me, Jeffrey?
Jeffrey: What am I asking you? I'm asking
you do you think there is any chance that Danny would ever return to a life of
crime? Sure, he's Mr. Nice guy now, Mr. Respectable Citizen, but what if he has
a relapse? What if he does go back?
Cassie: Stop! Stop it. Danny's a good guy
and we both know that.
Jeffrey: Okay. What about Michelle?
Cassie: ( Sighs )
Jeffrey: Just a little while ago Michelle
didn't even know who she was. She was engaged to Tony Santos. What happened to
Cassie: He died in an accident.
Jeffrey: An accident? We're not too sure it
was an accident, are we? And we're not sure Michelle is 100% herself yet,
either. Cassie, she didn't even know who the father of her baby was.
Cassie: She's wonderful with Robbie.
Jeffrey: Cassie, we're talking about Hope
and what's best for Hope. Hope, who has been with you from the day she was
born. Hope, who knows only you as her mother. So how is Hope going to feel? How
is hope going to react when she's taken from your arms? Will she recover? Will
she be all right?
Cassie: I don't know. I don't know.
Jeffrey: Well, that's why we're fighting.
Because Hope needs you. Hope needs you as much as you need her.
Edmund: Look, I have to get out of here.
Every second counts! There's a child's life at stake.
Police officer: Stop crying, your bail has
been posted.
Edmund: My bail... that's not possible. It
was a sizable sum of money. There's no way my lawyer would come up with it on
such short notice.
Officer: He didn’t.
Edmund: Well, then who did?
Alan: Surprise.
Sandy: It's a nice offer...
Tammy: I know you're mad at me.
Sandy: It's not a good idea.
Tammy: I know, it's a great idea.
Sandy: Are those onion rings I smell?
Tammy: And extra fries.
Sandy: Chocolate shake?
Tammy: Uh-huh. It's all in here and it's all
yours as soon as say you'll stay with me.
Sandy: Tammy...
Tammy: Sandy, do you remember the girl that
you saved at the docks? The one you pulled out of the water when Jonathan came
to town and... do you remember her?
Sandy: Of course I do.
Tammy: I'd never been more low in my entire
life. I was scared and confused. But you took care of me and made me feel so
safe. Let me do the same thing for you Sandy. Please.
Ava: What are you doing?
Jonathan: Nothing. It's my shopping list.
Ava: Oh. That's actually kind of weird that
you're here. I was talking to you about one of your friends.
Jonathan: What did Tammy say to about me?
Ava: It wasn't Tammy. I was at the hospital
and I ran into Sandy. Sandy what's his name?
Jonathan: Uh-huh.
Ava: What's with the look? He seemed nice to
Jonathan: Nice?
Ava: Yeah.
Jonathan: It's not a great cover but it
seems to work for him.
Ava: Cover for what?
Jonathan: Look, stay away from him. That
guy's like heroin, he sucks you in and gets you hooked and Tammy is like his
little shadow.
Ava: She was with him at the hospital.
Jonathan: If I could open her eyes and make
her see him the way I do.
Ava: Have you tried?
Jonathan: It's no use.
Ava: If you give it a shot I think you
Jonathan: It's no use. Look, I'm not just
fighting against Sandy. It's Tammy’s guilt and I know that she wants to be with
me but there's nothing I can do about that.
Ava: There is something you can do about it.
You need to keep him away from her!
Tammy: So you'll come home with me?
Sandy: Tammy, it doesn't mean...
Tammy: I know it doesn't. We'll take things
one step at a time.
Sandy: Okay.
Tammy: Really?
Sandy: Yeah, yeah. I've got to get out of
here. The food's terrible. You never know what they're going to do to you in
the middle of the night.
Tammy: Same risk at my place.
Sandy: Whoa! Tammy!
Tammy: I'll go find a doctor and see if I
can't spring you out of here a little early tomorrow. Finish those couple of
Sandy: Tammy, promise me something?
Tammy: Anything.
Sandy: Stay away from Outskirts for awhile.
Tammy: Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere near
Sandy: It's not just him. It's the girl that
was here a little while.
Tammy: Ava, she seems so sweet.
Sandy: Just stay away.
Tammy: Okay. See you at 5:00?
Sandy: Make it 4:00.
Tammy: I knew those french fries were a way
to your heart.
Sandy: Fallon, Sandy here. Ava's in town. I
think you need to have a talk with her.
Jonathan: What's the deal with you and Sandy?
Ava: You know what? I told you, I just met
him today.
Jonathan: Why are you all about me keeping Tammy
away from him, huh?
Ava: It's just that I've been hurt before
and I don't want the same thing to happen to Tammy.
Jonathan: How are you so sure that he'd hurt
Ava: Well, you are, aren't you?
Jonathan: I asked you.
Ava: ( Sighs ) You know, I don't know what
it was but when I saw them at the hospital today there was just about it,
something that wasn't right.
Jonathan: You feel it, too?
Ava: Yeah, I do. And you know what? You're
right. It's like he's pretending to be something that he's not.
Jonathan: Yeah!
Ava: Like he's too good or something. And if
you care about Tammy, you'll protect her the same way you did with me.
Jonathan: Before what?
Ava: Before something bad happens.
Jonathan: Yeah, but how do you go against a
guy who's about to leave the hospital in a wheelchair and every mother and
golden retriever in town loves him?
Ava: Hmm, maybe you find out what he's
Jeffrey: I didn't say what I said about Danny
and Michelle to upset you.
Cassie: I know that. I know you love Hope as
much as I do.
Jeffrey: I love both of you and I'm going to
do whatever it takes to keep both of you together. Legal or otherwise.
Cassie: You sound like Edmund.
Jeffrey: Well, I'm not Edmund.
Cassie: I know. Come on, Jeffrey. Let's say
I do what you're suggesting and I... I go to court and I win and I get Hope.
What do I say to her when she grows up and she asks me why she wasn't raised by
her biological parents? What do I say? That I took her from them? What kind of
mother does that make he?
Jeffrey: Well, if you don't fight for her
you'll never know the answer to that.
Danny: Hold on. Hold on. Just let me
explain. My name is Danny Santos, I live here in the hotel. I got a call from
the front desk that my ex-wife Michelle Bauer was in this room. I came to the
room, she was upset and wanted to see me, she didn't answer the door so yes I
force my way in and I made a huge mistake. I'm sorry I upset you. Call the
front desk. Call the front desk and ask him if he called me. ( Sighs ) I'm
Security: Did you call someone name Danny Santos
about a Michelle Bauer or Santos? That's what I figured.
Danny: What? Are you kidding me? Oh, my God.
I've got to get out of here. I've got to get out of here. Somebody has got my
ex-wife. I've got to find her.
Marina: Hold it. Police.
Edmund: Thank you. You're
the last person in the world I expected to bail me out.
Rick: If I ever had doubts
you were insane, Alan, this seals the deal.
Alan: Nonsense, Rick.
Edmund is tormented by the love of a good woman.
Edmund: How well you
Rick: And I'm getting
Edmund: I suppose this is good-bye. Alan,
chin up, in no time you'll be out of here for good behavior.
Alan: Forget about that. I expect you to
help me, I help you. You understand?
Edmund: When I take care of Michelle, I'll
be at your disposal. This is it. Parting is such sweet sorrow.
Rick: You two need to tie the knot. Really,
very cute together.
Edmund: So long, boys.
Alan: So long.
Rick: Boy, he seems awfully chipper for a
guy who's lost everything.
Alan: You know what they say.
Rick: What do they say, Alan?
Alan: There's nothing so dangerous as a man
with nothing to lose.
Edmund: Lovely night for a drive. I'll go
out to the cabin. Maybe my good friend Michelle is there.
Michelle: I told everyone that I wanted to
disappear, to be alone. But I lied. Oh, Danny, if I could wish on a star, if I
could make it come true, all I'd want is you. I just want you, Danny.
Announcer: Next on "Guiding Light"...
Harley: I just wish there was one person in
that company that I knew I could trust.
Beth: And then when the real numbers come
out, she's charged with inflating profits.
Alan: Mrs. Spaulding, why don't you go and
help our little CEO along.
Dinah: You let him go. You're a complete
idiot. Why would you let Edmund back on the street?
Edmund: Michelle, what a pleasant surprise.
Are you up here all alone?
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