Guiding Light Transcript Monday 10/17/05
Provided By
Proofread by Laura
Danny: I'm sorry. But no one is lying here
until we run a DNA test on me and it can be compared to the baby’s.
Marina: Jeffrey can rush the tests.
Danny: No. No way; an objective party.
Cassie: She needs to eat. I didn't bring her
Danny: All right. We're in a hospital. We'll
get formula, but we'll stay here until we can determine if this is my child or
Jeffrey: It looks like we'll have to have
the test taken.
Cassie: I need to take her home with me,
Danny: Cassie, I'm really sorry.
Cassie: Why won't you let me hold her? Why
can't I just hold her?
Marina: She'll be okay.
Danny: Okay. All right. Okay. All right.
Cassie: Hey, Sweetie, Mama's got you. ( Cell
phone rings )
Marina: I'm going to take this.
Danny: Cassie, I am so sorry, but you know
it's possible that this baby is mine.
Cassie: She's not. She's not. She can't be.
Michelle: My rent-a-car isn't available yet?
How long is it going to be?
Man: I'm sorry. It might take us a while to
locate it.
Bill: So, Senor Garcia, I assure the
delegation that Lewis is 100% committed to this project.
Man: Hard to believe you took the man we
want to work with away.
Bill: Well, my father's reassignment was due
to unforeseen conflicts but I'll do whatever it takes to make sure this is a
satisfying partnership.
Man: You'll have to.
Bill: To make sure we get off to a good
start, I'll send someone down to Venezuela to work with you in a couple days.
Man: Will it be you?
Bill: Me or someone just as enthusiastic
about the project as I am. We'll be in touch and have a great flight.
Adios. Michelle, what are you doing here? (
Laughs ) what's going on?
Michelle: Hi. I'm waiting for a rent-a-car.
What's your story. Did you tell that guy you're going to work in Venezuela?
Bill: Well, I would have said anything to
get that guy on the plane. But I must admit, at this point I'm thinking about
doing it.
Michelle: Olivia must have mellowed out a
lot for her to want to follow you down there.
Bill: Olivia has not mellowed out. But who
said I'm taking her with me?
Buzz: Hey, gorgeous. What's wrong?
Olivia: Nothing. I'm looking for my husband.
Buzz: Gee, haven't seen him. I hope he's not
eating somewhere else. He's your husband! Call him if you want to.
Olivia: He probably wouldn't take the call.
Buzz: Why not?
Olivia: Because I did what I always do; I
went too far.
Billy: Hey, did Sandy take a turn for the
worse or something?
Reva: No. No. In fact, he's asleep.
Billy: I was just about asleep in my
favorite chair when you called. What's going on?
Reva: Well, Billy, there is an AA meeting
that starts in about an hour that I thought maybe you might want to go to.
Billy: Yeah, well, you thought wrong.
Cassie: I'm taking my little girl home. I
have to.
Danny: Cassie, you're not her mother.
Cassie: Don't say that, Danny! Don't say
that. I'm the only mother, the only parent that she knows. And making her feel
safe and secure right now is the most important thing. Or are you going to
stand here and tell me that this beautiful little girl doesn't come first
before me, before you, before Michelle, before anyone?
Danny: That's not what I'm saying.
Cassie: Then let me go. Danny, you know me.
Where am I going to go? I just want to take her home, and I want to get her fed
before she gets upset.
Jeffrey: A DNA test is going to take some
time. So try to be patient.
Danny: Don't you tell me to be patient.
Jeffrey: You know that Cassie is going to do
the right thing, the hard thing if it comes to that.
Danny: Yeah. It's not Cassie I don't trust.
Okay. Go. Go home. Go home. Make sure she and the baby get home safe.
Jeffrey: Thanks. I will.
Danny: I've got to find a lab tech and have
him take my blood and run this DNA test as soon as possible. I have to get this
thing moving.
Marina: No, you don’t. That's what that call
was just about. I had a hunch and I was right.
Danny: About what?
Marina: Springfield P.D. Has your DNA on
record from a trial a few years ago. So they can run a DNA comparison between
you and Hope right away. We'll know if she's your daughter by the end of the
Buzz: You have to tell me what you did.
Olivia: See, I just... I wanted to help Bill.
And somebody stood in my way, and when people stand in my way, I react.
Buzz: By reacting I assume you mean you
knock them down, slice them up, and grind them into little pieces.
Olivia: Have you been talking to my
Buzz: So you overreached for something you
wanted. There's nothing wrong with aiming high.
Olivia: Ask Bill about that.
Buzz: I don't know what you
did but I know you probably couldn't help yourself. Bill had to know what he
was getting into with you. He can't fault you for being yourself. It's like
buying a sports car and claiming it goes too fast-- an incredibly sleek, sexy
sports car.
Olivia: Wine, shameless
flattery. Slow day?
Buzz: You drove them away with your mood.
Olivia: Maybe you drove them away with your
food. No, it's me. It's me. I seem to be good at that.
Buzz: Give the guy some time. He's ticked
off, but if he loves you he'll see your side of it.
Olivia: Can I get that in writing?
Billy: You want me to go to an AA meeting.
Then you ask me up front so I can say no.
Reva: Billy, you need that AA meeting and a
lot more like it.
Billy: I appreciate you taking me home the other
night and tucking me in, but that's where the Mother Henning stops.
Reva: You think I'm doing this for you?
Billy: Who else?
Reva: Bill. Remember him? Your son? The one
who's worried sick about you right now? Or is it that you just don't care?
Michelle: He's not going to keep drinking.
He knows it was a mistake.
Bill: You know how these things go. Once you
start, you can't stop. Then I think about the hell this guy went through to get
himself sober and, like, none of that mattered to Olivia when she's playing
these games, these insecure games she plays. For what? So I'll have the job and
he's out? You know what? Maybe I should give her exactly what she wanted.
Michelle: And what does that mean?
Bill: Well, I agreed to take the job. But
I'd be doing it from here. Maybe I should convince Josh that I should go down
to Venezuela and smooth things out down there and see how gung-ho she is about
Michelle: You'd literally go that far?
Bill: I don't know what I'm going to do. I
mean, obviously I'm going to miss Emma like crazy and... I mean, I'd miss Olivia,
too, but it's, like, she does these things, and I bend over backwards to make
her feel secure, but Bill's not so limber anymore. I'm tired of it. I'm going.
That's it. I'm going. But then if I go it's like I'm running away from my
father. I can't turn my back away from my father. Have you ever seen me do
that? He has an opportunity to get himself sober. I don't know if he's going to
stay clean, Michelle.
Michelle: It's a lot to think about.
Bill: You think about it for me. You know me
better than anyone else. You do that and tell me what to do.
Michelle: Okay, you're asking advice from a
girl who skipped town when things got tough.
Bill: What are you talking about? You came
back so...
Michelle: I didn't come back. I dropped Robbie
off to Rick. I'm getting a car and heading out to find someplace to be alone
because I have a lot to think about, too.
Bill: Well, I hope all that thinking will
bring you back home where you belong, in Springfield.
Michelle: I don't see it. Don't see it. When
I lost that baby, I lost all my chances to reconcile with Danny. I'm still
convinced that he could have been the father.
Bill: ( Sighs ) Oh, my gosh, I think we are
the most pathetic people in Springfield. You have to laugh about it.
Michelle: But at least we have each other.
Bill: Yeah, at least we have each other.
Michelle: I'm going to check on my car
before I get all sappy.
Bill: Do that and in the meantime maybe you
could bag this whole idea of skipping town and finding yourself thing.
Michelle: It's not going to happen, Bill.
Marina: Anything important?
Danny: Nope.
Marina: It's better this way, to know sooner
than later.
Michelle: If the baby had lived and had
been yours, I would have stayed. I would have fought for you.
Marina: Danny?
Danny: Hmm?
Marina: Are you okay?
Danny: I'm fine. It's just... I hate that
you keep getting in the middle of the stupid dramas of my life.
Marina: I'm not caught. I'm right where I
want to be.
Danny: Yeah. Still, you deserve a lot
Marina: ( Sighs ) When we first started, I
knew that there were risks.
Danny: Why are you so calm about all of
Marina: ( Laughs ) Would it help if I
flipped out?
Danny: No. Actually, no, it wouldn’t.
There's no point in continuing to check for messages. They said they would call
as soon as they have the results.
Marina: Hey, it won't be long.
Danny: Yeah.
Jeffrey: You need that little girl to be
your daughter; that's the problem.
Cassie: Why is that a problem? Why is it a
problem to want the life that I have been waiting for for the past nine months?
Why is it a problem to need her? Why is it a problem to need the day that I
want to teach her how to paint her toenails or to watch her ride her bicycle
without her training wheels?
Jeffrey: Don’t. Don’t. Don't do this to
Cassie: Don't what? Don't want the things
that every other mother gets to want?
Jeffrey: I would never ask you to give up
your dreams, Cassie.
Cassie: I need Christmases, and birthdays
and family picnics and school plays and days at the beach with this little
girl. I'm going to go change her.
Jeffrey: Hi, it's me. I need a favor. No, it
can't wait.
Billy: Bill's a big boy. He can take care of
Reva: I'm worried about you taking care of
yourself and how deeply that affects Bill.
Billy: Bill will be okay.
Reva: Do you hear yourself, Billy? "Bill
will be okay; I'll be fine." That's denial.
Billy: I'm out of here, Reva.
Reva: All Bill cares about is supporting you
any way he can, and you turn your back on him. That's a drunk if ever I've seen
Billy: Damn you, Reva! Reva, I...
Reva: No. I had to kick Bill out the door
but he didn't want to leave because he saw the condition you were in. The only
reason I got him to leave was because I promised you I would look after you
Billy: I wasn't so out of control in that
bar. I wasn’t.
Reva: No, Billy. No. Of course not. Your
drinking again isn't the only thing that Bill has to deal with. He's got the Venezuela
project that Josh dumped on his lap, and that is huge.
Billy: That was supposed to be mine.
Reva: He has family obligations, too, Billy.
He has to be a father to Emma, he has to handle Olivia-- who, God knows, needs
Billy: There's something that we at least
agree on.
Reva: Then make things easier for Bill. Billy,
you haven't gone so far off the wagon that you can't pick yourself up again and
get back on. There's still time to turn this around but you have to want to. Or
what the hell? Just be a big old burden to the people who love you most.
Billy: You watch yourself, Reva Shayne.
Reva: Oh, no, I know exactly where I'm
going. What about you?
Bill: Dad, what's going on?
Billy: Nothing. As a matter of fact, so much
nothing that there's someplace else that I've got to be rather than here.
Reva: Billy...
Billy: An AA meeting. There's one starting
up any minute over at Cedar's across the street. You want to walk your old man
over there?
Bill: No problem. Thanks.
Olivia: Hey, Reva, is that Bill I just saw
Reva: Bill? Your husband?
Olivia: Yeah. Where did he go?
Reva: Nowhere that you're needed.
Olivia: Get out of my way! You're not going
to keep me from being with him.
Reva: Oh, no? Watch me.
Cassie: Hope's down, and she’s... hey.
Woman: Hi.
Cassie: What's going on?
Jeffrey: You remember Candy. Candy, I think
that will be all. Thanks.
Woman: Bye-bye.
Cassie: What's this?
Jeffrey: Candy did me a big favor.
Cassie: What kind of favor?
Jeffrey: You said you wanted some of the
normal stuff in life-- normal for kids, I mean.
Cassie: Party supplies?
Jeffrey: What is more normal than a party?
Cassie: Nothing, except I'm not in the mood
for a party.
Jeffrey: Well, excuse me, Miss Stick-in-the-Mud,
this party is not for you, okay? This party is for Hope. This party is her Christmas
and her birthday and her Mother's Day all rolled into one. And if you're not
careful, the great Jeffardo might make an appearance if you don't run fast
enough. What do you think?
Cassie: I think I love you.
Danny: Michelle?
Michelle: Danny? How'd you know I was
Danny: Bill...
Michelle: Called you. Right.
Danny: Don't be mad at him. He just wants
what's best for you.
Michelle: That's why I am mad at him. He
thinks he knows what's best for me.
Danny: You weren't going to get in touch
with me, were you?
Michelle: I'm just passing through.
Danny: Michelle, last time I saw you, you
made it sound like you were never going to see me again.
Michelle: And I might not. I have to keep
moving, you know? I've got to keep thinking.
Danny: About what?
Michelle: About whatever's next. I'm
clueless. Nothing makes sense, Danny, if I have to give you up.
Danny: Okay, then don’t.
Michelle: What?
Danny: Michelle, why do you think I just
broke every speed limit getting here to you? I'm not going to let you get away
from me again.
Michelle: What about Marina?
Danny: Everything has changed now.
Everything has changed, and nothing's changed.
Man: Ms. Santos, we've located your car so
you're all ready to get on the road to wherever it is you're going.
This is our last good-bye I hate to feel
the love between us die but it's over just this then I'll go you gave me more
to live for more than you'll ever know this is our last embrace must I dream?
And always see your face why can't we overcome this wall maybe, maybe it's just
because I didn't know you at all kiss me please kiss me...
( Cell phone rings )
Danny: Danny Santos. Yeah. You have the
results? And they're conclusive?
Olivia: What are you going to do? Are you
going to tackle me? Pin me to the ground to keep me from my own husband?
Reva: If need be. Olivia, leave Bill alone!
At least for a little while.
Olivia: Why?
Reva: Because he's with his father, okay?
They need some time together. In case you hadn't heard, Billy took a drink last
night. Silly me, what am I thinking? Of course you heard. You were there. You
heard the whole thing when the bartender first broke the news, or maybe you
just weren't paying any attention.
Olivia: Yes, I was paying attention.
Reva: Or maybe it was just you were too busy
dreaming about the bonus Bill was going to make out of the Venezuela project to
notice anything going on with anybody else.
Olivia: I heard everything Ava said.
Reva: Maybe you're happy about it because it
gave Bill's career a boost, didn't it?
Olivia: I resent that!
Reva: Touched a nerve, didn't I?
Olivia: I'm upset about this. It's all the
more reason to tell me where Bill and Billy went so I can help Bill.
Reva: Bill needs privacy
and you're going to give it to him.
Olivia: I can't do that.
Reva: Did something happen
with you two?
Olivia: Leave it alone.
Reva: Oh, it did.
Olivia: You come between Bill
and me and you'll be sorry. Take a hike.
Reva: Or what? You'll pin
me to the ground?
Olivia: For starters.
Reva: Remind me to be
afraid the next time I see you.
Olivia: I'll find him myself.
Bill: I can't believe you got there at the
end of the meeting.
Billy: I got the start time confused. No big
Bill: No big deal?
Billy: The great thing about AA is there's
another meeting at another time.
Bill: I wanted you to go to this meeting.
You need to be in those rooms. AA will keep you on track. Did you call your
Billy: You're starting to sound like one.
That's not your job. I'm the one who wanted to go to this meeting in the first
place, remember?
Bill: You and I both know how hard it is to
get back on the wagon. I was there last time, remember that?
Billy: I'll be okay. I promised.
Bill: You worked so hard, 13 years to stay
clean and sober. One night, you and I both know one night can ruin all of that.
I won't let that happen, even if it wasn't your fault.
Billy: It was my fault. I swallowed the
liquor. I ordered the drinks, I made the mistake. I will be okay. I promise.
I'm going to be okay. Now, can we talk about something else that's important
Bill: What else do you want to talk about?
Billy: I want to talk about Venezuela.
Bill: Dad, look...
Billy: Look, I want to talk shop, okay?
Bill: Yeah. Yeah. I'm supposed to start in
the morning but... I've been thinking maybe I should head south. It would be
better off if I'm in Venezuela jumpstarting the project, overseeing everything,
that way we'll keep the confidence of the Venezuelans.
Billy: That's brilliant! That's just what...
Josh has the right... get on the plane.
Bill: I can't go now, dad. No.
Billy: You can't go? Because of Olivia?
Bill: She's not the one I'm thinking about
right now, Dad.
Billy: Me? Hey, come here. Come here. No.
You are not going to stay here because of me. You are not.
Bill: A couple months until I know you're
back on track.
Billy: This is the time for you to be there.
This is the opportunity. What you're going to do is just the right thing; it's
the gutsy move that's needed. This is much too important to lose and... look,
it's too important for you to pussyfoot around.
Billy: You are the one that's supposed to be
spearheading this project.
Billy: I had my chance. I blew it. You're up
at the plate. You've got to take over.
Bill: You're giving me a pep talk. I'm the
one that's supposed to be helping you.
Billy: You want to help me? Then you get on
a plane, you go down to Caracas and kick some butt.
Bill: I don't know.
Billy: If I have a problem with alcohol, Reva
will be there for me. She has made me into her own personal cause.
Bill: She can be intense.
Billy: Yes, she can. And I don't want to get
on her bad side. Besides, I have A... I have a selfish reason here.
Bill: What?
Billy: It would kill me if I knew I was
responsible for you not making a mark out there in the world.
Bill: Dad, that’s...
Billy: That's it. That's the truth. So
really it boils down to one thing: Do you trust me enough to get on with your
own life?
Cassie: I needed this. I really did. Thank
Jeffrey: Fine. The famous celebration is not
yet over either. I want to continue the celebration.
Cassie: Are you serious?
Jeffrey: Yeah. I figured after this we could
go to the zoo. I want hope to see her first hippo-- of the non-balloon variety,
of course.
Cassie: Is that what that is?
Jeffrey: That's very funny.
Cassie: ( Laughs )
Jeffrey: And after Hope's nap I have another
schedule planned out.
Cassie: I can't believe this.
Jeffrey: What?
Cassie: You. You're just so positive. You're
so paternal.
Jeffrey: Well, I have two beautiful Jeffreydettes
to inspire me.
Cassie: Is that so?
Jeffrey: Yes. I'm very inspired right now.
Cassie: ( Laughs ) ( Knock on door )
Danny: Can we...?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Danny: Thanks. I...
Jeffrey: Something wrong?
Danny: Well, I have the DNA results.
Cassie: What?
Danny: I haven't opened it yet. I thought
this was something that we should do together.
Cassie: This is too fast. How could they get
the tests back so fast?
Danny: Well, actually, my DNA profile was
already on file. They just had to do the analysis.
Jeffrey: They must have tested him when he
went on trial.
Danny: Yeah. And, Cassie, I could have
opened this and called you with the results, but I felt that it was better to
do it like this.
Cassie: There's no good way to do this.
Danny: Yeah. I guess not. I guess I just
thought that we should find out the truth together.
Cassie: Okay. Well, I already know the truth
because I can feel it.
Jeffrey: You're ready?
Cassie: So let's get this over with so I can
go back to being a mom.
Danny: Okay.
Jeffrey: You share 25 of 25 markers with Hope.
You're a perfect match.
Marina: Oh, my God.
Danny: She's my daughter. Cassie...
Cassie: Don't take her. Please. Don't take
her. Not tonight.
Olivia: Bill? Honey? Hey, Bill? Get it
together. Get it together.
Bill: I'm sure Reva's going do everything
she can to make sure you're with the program.
Billy: Reva will definitely keep me in line.
Bill: Looks like I'm going to Venezuela.
Billy: Yes! Okay! Yeah! This is the right
time, and it's the right move.
Bill: Yeah. Well, I'll call Josh, tell him
I'll head south as soon as I get everything together.
Billy: You're prime for this. You'll do a
much better job than I would.
Bill: Let's not get carried away. If I get
in a jam, I'll think, "what would my dad do?"
Billy: Well, Olivia will be down there.
She'll put in her two cents. I know it.
Bill: Yeah, sure.
Billy: Hey, this is going to be... it's
going to be a whole new world for you. For me, too.
Bill: You're going to be okay.
Billy: Didn't I just tell you I was going to
be okay? We see eye-to-eye on this thing, right? Right?
Bill: Yeah, we do.
Billy: Go home and get packed. I hate these
long good-byes anyway.
Bill: What are you looking for?
Billy: Well, I just thought this kind of
moment calls for a toast so I'm looking for a little grain alcohol. Just
kidding. Just kidding.
Bill: Some joke. Don't do that to me.
Billy: If I can't joke about myself at this
stage, then I'm dead. At the risk of sounding a little like a parent, I want
you to go down there and I want you to be great. You've got all the skills.
Bill: I'm going to miss you.
Billy: Well, you know, you should go home
and be with your wife. Things are going to change now and I should go off and
find myself another meeting.
Bill: Sounds good.
Billy: Everything's going to be good.
Bill: Yeah.
Reva: Where's Billy?
Bill: He went to track down a meeting.
Reva: Oh, good. Good for him. Good for all
of us.
Bill: Amen.
Reva: You know, as awful as this all has
been, I can't help but think that things have worked out pretty well for Olivia,
haven't they? You know, I mean, Billy has the Venezuela project taken away from
him, and you get it. She's got to be loving the fact that you're the Lewis
rising star.
Bill: Reva, don't worry about Olivia.
Reva: Well, I will if I find out she was
behind him taking that drink.
Bill: Like I said, don't worry about Olivia.
She's not going to be so jazzed up. I'm going down to Venezuela.
Reva: Really?
Bill: Yeah.
Reva: For how long?
Bill: I don't know. I don't know. But I need
you to take care of my dad, okay? I'm counting on you. Adios.
Reva: So what time is it?
Billy: Huh?
Reva: The meeting, the schedule. Bill said
you went to check the schedule.
Billy: That's what I told him.
Reva: You didn't?
Billy: No.
Reva: You're going to though, right, Billy?
You're going to.
Billy: Reva, I need some time.
Reva: You told Bill...
Billy: I told Bill what Bill needed to hear.
Reva: To get Bill out of the country.
Billy: Bill's going to tear up the pea
Reva: Billy, that's not the point!
Billy: That is the point! He needs something
to sink his teeth into.
Reva: Do you think he won't be upset when he
finds out you have no intention of going to meetings or getting off the booze?
Billy: I can get up tomorrow morning and
give up booze if I have to.
Reva: What do you mean "if you have
Billy: I know myself now. I think I can do
this by myself.
Reva: Which means you have no intention of
giving this up.
Billy: Maybe I don't, you're right. My whole
life was just taken away from me, stuff I love, stuff that I do well! And
that's not all. I'm basically alone except for Bill, and now Bill's going to Venezuela.
I don't know when I'm going to see him again.
Reva: That's why it's important...
Billy: To be in rooms with the other
alcoholics, I know.
Reva: You know how strong that support is, Billy.
Billy: I know I need what is strong.
Reva: Billy!
Olivia: Hi, honey. I really want... I want
to work at this and get back to where we were.
Bill: Where were we?
Olivia: Look, you're mad at me. You have
every right to be mad at me, but we can get through this. I know we can.
Despite everything that's happened we can work on this and that’s... that's
great. We can do anything, right, if we're together?
Cassie: There has to be a mistake. There has
to be some kind of mistake.
Danny: I'm sorry. It's not.
Cassie: I saw a lot of numbers on that
paper, and I don't know what they mean.
Jeffrey: Cassie...
Danny: They mean that Edmund stole Michelle’s
baby. Marina was right. Edmund gave Michelle some sort of drug to induce labor,
took her baby and gave her to you. That is Michelle’s baby, Cassie. It's our
Cassie: She didn't finish her bottle, and
she has a really hard time eating when there are a lot of people around.
Danny: Cassie...
Cassie: Sometimes, you know, she won't eat
when she gets overly stimulated.
Danny: Cassie, believe me, I hate what this
is doing to you.
Cassie: But yet you want to take her from
me. You want to rip her out of the arms of the only person who has taken care
of her, who has fed her and who has comforted her in her very little life.
That's what you want to do?
Jeffrey: Danny, could you just... could you
give her some time? I know it's a lot to ask. You have legal rights, but you
also have a lot to figure out.
Danny: I'm sorry. My baby can't stay here.
Jeffrey: Just for now. Danny, look at her.
Look at her! You are... you are the father. So ask yourself, what's best for her
now? What is best for your daughter right now?
Danny: All right, okay. Okay, all right. I'm
going to start looking for Michelle, okay? Come on.
Marina: Are you sure?
Danny: Yeah. Yeah. I'll call you later.
Jeffrey: Thank you.
Marina: What you just did in there was
pretty amazing.
Danny: I have a daughter. Michelle and I
have a daughter.
Marina: Yeah.
Danny: Uh, I have got to...
Marina: Find Michelle.
Danny: Yeah.
Marina: And tell her.
Danny: She needs to know.
Marina: Yes, she does. You have to tell her.
She'll be so happy.
Michelle: ( Sighs ) How am I going to do
Announcer: Next on "Guiding Light"...
Jonathan: His name is Sandy Foster.
Sandy: I've spent a long time building a
life for myself and I'm not about to lose what I have.
Tammy: I would have been so happy to be your
Billy: Here's to old virgins.
Josh: What are you doing?
Bill: I cannot do this anymore. I won’t.
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