Guiding Light Transcript Monday 10/10/05
Provided By
Proofread by Laura
Dinah: Come on, you'll get me out of here.
Edmund will do whatever you say. For once, that might work for me. Let
something just work for me. Come on phone! Come on, come on. You're the only
thing I've got. Come on.
Edmund: And, of course, one more for the
road. Good. No one will ever know this place ever existed.
Dinah: Okay, okay.
Edmund: Wherever Dinah is, no one will ever
believe her. Ciao, Bella.
( Cell phone rings )
Cassie: Hello?
Dinah ( Whispering ): Cassie, it's Dinah.
Cassie: Dinah?
Dinah ( Whispering ): Oh, yes. Thank God.
Cassie, it's Dinah.
Cassie: I can barely hear you.
Dinah: I know. I'm trying to say that I have
to talk to you. It is important.
Tammy: Please God. ( Sniffles ) I know I've
made a terrible mistake. These thoughts I've been having and these feelings are
wrong. I don't know why Sandy has to be here, why he had to get hurt, but if
it's because Jonathan and I... please just... ( sniffles ) ...just have him get
better. I'll do anything. Just have him be okay, and I'll never see Jonathan
again. I'll never even think about him again. Just have Sandy be all right.
Just have him wake up. I'm begging you. Oh, my God, Sandy. Sandy! You're back.
You're back.
Billy: I mean, I wined her and dined her. (
Laughter ) Spent a lot of money. But I think I asked her for her body, not her
phone number. ( Laughter )
(Olivia thinking) At some point you're
going to need more than a killer body and killer instincts. You'll be ready to
play with the big boys someday, but that ain't today.
Bill: One olive is water and two olives
is vodka.
Billy: Olivia. Here, amigo. ...Amigo. (
Laughter )
Olivia: I know I had no business calling
you, but when I saw him take a drink...
Josh: It's okay. You did the right thing.
Dinah ( Whispering ): Cassie, can you hear
me? I need your help.
Cassie: Need my help? I can't believe you
have the nerve to call me after everything you've done, Dinah.
Dinah: That's what I'm trying to tell you.
Cassie: I trusted you, Dinah. Everyone told
me I was crazy but I trusted you, and you know what? They were right.
Dinah: Cassie.
Cassie: It sounds crazy now but I honestly
believed you had changed. Do you know that?
Dinah: Would you please listen to me? I need
your help.
Cassie: Okay, fine. I'm listening. What the
hell do you have to say?
Dinah: Cassie? Cassie? Damn it. Oh, my God,
no. Oh, my God. Help me. Help me, someone. Help me! Oh, God. Help me.
Cassie: She hung up on me.
Jonathan: Why would she hang up? Dinah's the
one that called you.
Cassie: Because she wants to torture me;
that's why.
Jonathan: You know, I don't think so.
Cassie: Why not?
Jonathan: Maybe she called to apologize. You
know, people change.
Cassie: You know what? I believed that.
Dinah, Edmund.
Jonathan: Me? Two minutes ago, you thanked
me for staying out of the mess with little baby Hope. I mean, that's a change.
Cassie: Oh, come on. That's one change. One
change, you know? You're still you.
Jonathan: It's a start, right?
Cassie: It seems to me that you really care
about what I think. Why is that?
Tammy: I knew you would come back. I knew
you wouldn't leave me. Rick! Look who's back!
Rick: Oh, my goodness. Hey, Sandy. Hey, man,
it's glad to have you back. What happened?
Tammy: I was just praying and he opened his
Rick: Well, that must have been one heck of
a prayer, sweetheart. Listen, I'm going to need some time alone to run some
tests, okay?
Tammy: He's going to be fine now, right? I
mean, the worst of it's over. He's awake.
Rick: Just give me a couple of minutes,
Tammy: Okay.
Rick: All right.
Tammy: All right. Everything's going to be
fine. I'll... I'll be right back.
( Laughs )
Bill: Oh, my goodness. Tell me this is a
good news hug. Is this a good news hug?
Tammy: Sandy's awake.
Bill: He's awake, he's awake. What happened?
Tell me what happened? Did he say anything? What's going on?
Tammy: No. He was unconscious like before
and then he just all of a sudden opened his eyes.
Bill: He was looking right at you, I bet. Is
that right?
Tammy: It was amazing.
Bill: This is awesome. This is... oh, my
Tammy: ( Laughs )
Rick: All right, Sandy, I just want you to
follow my finger with your eyes, okay? This is unbelievable. I love a good
miracle before I go off-shift, and you are definitely a miracle. Sandy, I tell
you, you had a lot of us very, very worried about you, but not Tammy. No, I
mean, she was concerned, but she never lost faith in you, not for a single
second. You're a very lucky man. She must really love you.
Bill: So, I mean, you were there when he
woke up, huh?
Tammy: Yeah.
Bill: Wow.
Tammy: Yeah, I was praying. Well, it was
more like a promise, really.
Bill: Right.
Tammy: I made this promise to God that if he
brought Sandy back, I would...
Bill: Yeah, you’d... you'd what?
Tammy: Do what's right. And I'm going to
keep that promise.
Bill: Well, whatever it is, he kept up his
end of the bargain, so I hope you stick to yours, huh?
Tammy: I'm going to.
Billy: Whoa! ( Laughs ) The chair jumped in
front of me. ( Laughs )
Olivia: Look, I... I know this is going to
sound awful, but I think maybe I should go, because it's going to be awkward if
Josh: If he realizes that you're the one
that got in touch with me.
Billy: ( Laughs )
Olivia: I'm sorry. This is just... this is
going to be harder for him than I...
Josh: It's okay. It's okay. Just go. It's
all right, I can handle it. Olivia? Thank you.
Garcia: I have to get back to the hotel.
Billy: Oh, no, no, no. We're just getting
started. The night's young. Come on.
Garcia: No mas, Billy. No mas. I keep
drinking with you, I'm going to lose all our oil.
Billy: Okay. ( Laughter )
Josh: Billy? What the hell are you doing?
Edmund: Bartender. Dinah Marler. Have you
seen her tonight? Oh, come on, you must know who I'm talking about. She's been
coming here for months. Brunette, about yea tall, pretty, hazel eyes. Come on,
high cheekbones. Athletic build, nice little... God, you're useless. Damn it!
Dinah: Ow. ( Coughing )
Billy: ( Laughs ) Hey, little brother. Jeez,
I'm glad you're here. You know, we are going to do great things with these
guys, and you know why? Because I nailed... I mean, I nailed it just like the
old days. I nailed it. I did it by myself. ( Laughs ) I'm going... I am... I'm
going to go.
Josh: No. You are not getting in a car, Billy.
You're drunk. What were you thinking?
Billy: It was vodka, but... but, I mean, I
thought it was water.
Josh: Oh, Billy.
Billy: I thought I was... I was drinking
Josh: Come on, Billy.
Billy: I made a mistake. I mean, I had the
olives, and I was taking the water. I was only drinking the water and then I
just... I just... I just took a sip.
Josh: Yeah, and then what happened, Billy?
Did you spit it out? Did you get mad at the bartender for making a mistake? Did
you say this could never happen again?
Billy: No, no. I kind of thought "what
the hell?" You know?
Josh: What the hell?
Billy: Yeah.
Josh: Billy. 13 years of sobriety down the
drain? "What the hell"?
Billy: Josh I...
Josh: How many... how many drinks did you
Billy: I was like my old self again. I had
them eating out of my hand.
Josh: How many drinks did you have? So what
happens now?
Billy: I quit.
Josh: You couldn't quit earlier tonight.
Billy: Yeah, well, I'm different now, Josh.
I... I can do it by myself. You know I can do it. You know I can.
Josh: No, I don't, Billy.
Billy: Yeah.
Josh: As of this moment, you are on hiatus
from Lewis. I'm taking you off of Venezuela and every other project you're
working on, because I can't afford to take this kind of a risk, and, more
importantly, neither can you.
Rick: He's got a ways to go, but I'm
cautiously optimistic.
Olivia: About Sandy?
Rick: Yeah, he’s... he’s...
Tammy: He woke up.
Rick: He's aware of his surroundings, he's
responsive to stimuli. That's a major step forward.
Tammy: I'm going back in.
Rick: Tammy, he's been through hell and
back, okay? Just take it easy on him.
Tammy: Okay.
Rick: Okay.
Tammy: Rick said you're going to be okay.
But I knew that. I did. Everything's going to be better than ever.
Bill: Rick, thanks.
Rick: Well, he deserves all the credit. He
came back by himself. ( Pager beeps ) He's a strong kid. Excuse me.
Bill: Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. I'm
so happy, I feel like celebrating.
Olivia: ( Sighs ) You know what?
Bill: Hm?
Olivia: So do I.
Bill: Yeah, well, then let's get cracking.
Let's go to Outskirts. Come on.
Olivia: No. You know what? Let's do
something better.
Bill: Better?
Olivia: Yeah. Come on.
Bill: My, my.
Tammy: I mean it, Sandy. Everything's going
to be perfect just as soon as we get you out of here. Right? So I'm going to
spend every minute of every day right here with you until you can climb out of
this bed and walk out that door on your own two feet. We'll walk out there
together right towards our new lives together. Don't talk, okay? Just save your
strength. Then you can talk to me forever.
Sandy: ( Tries to speak )
Tammy: What's that?
Sandy: Go... ...away.
Jonathan: All right, uh, I'm going to get
out of here.
Cassie: Wait. Wait. I really would like to
know why you care what I think.
Jonathan: Well, I might want to hit you up
for something someday, maybe some money.
Cassie: Okay. Always thinking, huh?
Jonathan: Yeah, I might be selfish but I'm
not shortsighted.
Cassie: I'll try and remember that. ( Car
approaching ) Oh, shoot.
Jonathan: What's the matter?
Cassie: I'm just waiting for Mrs. Chitwood
to show up. She needs to watch the kids for me so I can get down to Cedars to
see how Tammy’s doing. She's taking Sandy’s accident really hard.
Jonathan: Yeah. Yeah, that's a tough
Cassie: I know. And now I have to figure out
where I'm going to get cotton candy at this time of night.
Jonathan: ( Laughs ) I've heard of people Jonesing
for sugar, but cotton candy?
Cassie: It's not for me; it's for Tammy.
It's a comfort thing. I would give her cotton candy whenever she felt down
about something, so it’s... I don't know, it's turned into a tradition joke
between the two of us. Whenever the cotton candy shows up, she knows that good
times are right around the corner.
Jonathan: Cute.
Cassie: ( Laughs )
Jonathan: I'd better be out of here.
Cassie: Hey. It was nice talking to you in a
very weird way.
Jonathan: Well, don't tell anybody.
Cassie: Don't worry.
Edmund: Cassie, hi.
Cassie: Edmund, what the hell are you doing
here? I thought I told you to get out.
Edmund: I know, I know. I just... there were
a few things I needed to pick up. Probably just some things you forgot to... or
couldn't fit into my suitcases when you packed them for me.
Cassie: Fine. You can get them and go.
Edmund: Cassie, I know you're still angry
with me.
Cassie: Yes, I am angry with you. Your
partner in crime called, too, Dinah.
Edmund: Dinah called you?
Cassie: Yeah. And we had quite the little
Dinah: ( Coughing )
Mallet: Hello! Is anybody here! Hey. Hey.
You all right? Come on, lady. Come on. I've got to get you out of here. Come
Dinah: ( Coughing )
Mallet: Dinah. Dinah.
Dinah: ( Coughing )
Mallet: Hey. Dinah.
Dinah: ( Coughing )
Mallet: Dinah, come on. Stay with me. I'm
going to get you out of here.
Dinah: ( Coughing ) Edmund. Edmund.
Mallet: What? What did you say? Edmund?
Edmund. I guess we'll talk about him later. Or not.
Edmund: What did Dinah say? What lies did
she tell you this time? I should have known the first thing to do would be to
call you.
Cassie: She didn't say anything. And I'd
really like to know why you were so sure she'd call.
Edmund: Cassie, you just said you had quite
the little chat with her.
Cassie: I lied. She hung up. Or we got cut
off, I don't know, but either way, she only got three sentences out, Edmund.
Edmund: Oh, you know, it figures. It wasn't
enough that she tormented us for nine months with our baby. She had to call to
rub your nose in it. She called to gloat, Cassie. It's 100% Dinah.
Cassie: That's what I thought. But one part
of that doesn't really add up. Dinah asked me for help and she sounded like she
really meant it.
Edmund: Well, the woman's a master
manipulator, Cassie. This whole mess is proof of that.
Cassie: Yeah, but still, I don't know why
she would be asking me for help if she was trying to kick me while I was down.
Edmund: Well, who knows what lunatic ideas
go through her head. So, did you find out where she was when she was calling,
before you were cut off?
Cassie: No.
Edmund: Well, maybe she'll call back.
Cassie: I hope she does.
Mallet: ( Coughing ) Put
you down here. Come on. Watch your
( Coughing ) All right. Everything's going
to be all right. You're safe, okay? Come on. Watch your head. Here we go.
You're okay now. Everything's all right. Hey. Hey, don't you go anywhere. Come
on. Stick with me, here. Come on. Dinah? All right, come on. One, two. Chip in
here, let's go. Do your thing.
Dinah: ( Gags )
Mallet: There we go. There we go.
Dinah: ( Coughing )
Mallet: There you go. Breathe. Breathe. In
and out. Okay? In and out, in and out.
Dinah: ( Coughs )
Mallet: Look at me. There you go. Clear your
mind. In. ( Inhales ) and out. There you go. In and out. Breathe. Breathe.
Dinah: ( Coughs ) It took you long enough.
Mallet: ( Laughs )
Olivia: Why are you stopping?
Bill: I just want to see if you're okay.
Olivia: Why wouldn't I be?
Bill: I don't know. You just seem different.
Olivia: No, I'm fine. I'm fine.
Bill: You sure?
Olivia: Yeah. Yeah. Just kiss me again and
everything will be okay.
Billy: Josh. I am the right man for Venezuela
and you know it.
Josh: I have made my decision. I need
someone I can trust.
Billy: Well, what am I? Chopped liver all of
a sudden?
Josh: No. You're a drunk, Billy.
Billy: I'm your brother!
Josh: Yeah, I know that. And I would rather
see this whole deal go down the drain than see you spin out of control again.
You remember what happened before, Billy?
Billy: Come on. Come on, that was an accident.
Josh: You almost killed yourself in the car
driving home because you were so drunk.
Billy: What are you going to do? Just hold
that over my head forever?
Josh: I wouldn't have even brought it up if
you hadn't picked up the bottle tonight, Billy. I can't lose you! Don't you
understand that? My kids, Marah and Shayne, they live thousands of miles away.
They're living their own life right now, and me and Reva, I don't know if we're
going to get past this thing that's pulled us apart from each other. You , Billy,
you're everything for me right now. Everything.
Billy: So this is all about you.
Josh: Hey!
Billy: You're right. I... I am a drunk.
Josh: I'll drive you home.
Billy: No. No.
Josh: And call your sponsor and I'll wait
until he gets here.
Billy: That's okay, Josh.
Josh: Billy.
Billy: Just go. Okay?
Tammy: Just go? Sandy, after we came so
close to losing you? Oh, sorry, not going to happen. The only thing I am going
to do is help you get better.
Sandy: I don't want your help.
Tammy: You're too proud to be nursed back to
health? Hey, Sandy, you know some guys would think of this as a great
opportunity. Hey. Hey. What happened was an accident. It was not your fault.
You didn't do anything. You have no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed.
Sandy: Just go.
Tammy: Hey. What is wrong?
Sandy: Go.
Tammy: Just kiss me. I want to be yours. It's
Sandy. He's hurt really bad. I have to go.
Jonathan: No.
Tammy: You saw us. At the barn. Me and Jonathan.
Sandy: You look good together.
Tammy: You... you weren't supposed to be
there. Neither was Jonathan. He just... he just showed up. How much did you
Sandy: Enough.
Tammy: You went straight from the barn to
that work site, didn't you? And then you got hurt because you were distracted
and upset.
Sandy: I was going to propose to you.
Tammy: Oh. Sandy.
Sandy: Good thing I didn't do that.
Tammy: Don't say that. Please.
Sandy: You know, you never looked at me like
that. Ever.
Tammy: Jonathan and I had unfinished
Sandy: Did you finish your business?
Tammy: No! Look, I didn't mean to bump into
him like that, okay?
Sandy: You kissed him.
Tammy: Yeah, I didn't mean for that, either.
I just... but I'm glad that it happened. I am. Because it made me even more
sure that I want to be with you. What, you don't believe me? Fine. But I'm not
going to let you quit on us, okay? I'm staying.
Sandy: Don’t.
Tammy: You don't understand. When I heard
that you were this close to being dead, I made a promise and I'm going to keep
that promise. This... we are not over.
( Knock on door )
Nurse: I'm sorry, you need to leave. He has
to rest.
Tammy: Sandy. All right. Get some sleep.
Mallet: All right, EMS is on the way. All
right? Everything is going to be all right. You're going to be fine. Hey, Dinah.
What happened tonight, huh? What went down? Whose place is this? What are you
doing? Easy, slow down. You almost bought the farm in there. I'll take care of
it. What do you want? You want your phone? Why do you want me to have this?
What do you want? Do you want me to call someone? Do you want me to call your
dad? Huh? No? Show me. What do you want? You want me to press redial? All
right, hang on.
Cassie: You know what? If you want to get
your stuff, it's really getting late. You need to get it and get out. ( Cell
phone rings ) Hey, look at that: Blocked caller ID. Dinah. Dinah?
Mallet: Same phone, different caller.
Cassie: Who's this?
Mallet: It's AC mallet. I hit redial.
Cassie: Well, what are you doing with Dinah’s
Mallet: Just looking for some answers to
some questions. Like for instance, what did the two of you talk about?
Cassie: Well, not much. We got cut off. But Dinah
did ask for help.
Mallet: Oh, really. Wow. Well, she really
could have used it.
Cassie: Why? What happened?
Mallet: Well, somewhere between this call
and that call, Dinah got herself caught in a fire that nearly killed her.
Cassie: A fire? Where?
Mallet: A building out in the middle of
nowhere. You know, it kind of looks like... well actually-- correction-- it
looked like your house. I guess Dinah was hiding out in it.
Cassie: Was she hurt?
Mallet: Yeah, she is. I'm going to take her
to Cedars now. Help's on the way. So if there's any relatives you think she
should call or you should call...
Cassie: Yes. I do. Of course. Okay. Thanks, Mallet.
All right. Let's go, sweetie.
Edmund: Where are you going?
Cassie: I'm going to the hospital to see Dinah.
Edmund: Cassie, don’t. You can't go.
Bill: So, honey, I got a great idea. We're
going to go talk to Sandy and we're going to see how well he's doing, and then
we're going to go celebrate again. What do you say, hm?
Olivia: Well, I like the way you think and I
like the way you celebrate.
Bill: Yeah, you do?
Olivia: Yeah.
Josh: Hey.
Bill: Josh, what's going on? Our boy has
made some major progress here.
Josh: Yeah, I know. I talked to Rick
Bill: What's going on? You're not smiling.
Josh: Could I talk to you for just a second,
Bill: Yeah, what's up?
Josh: I need you to take over the Venezuela
Bill: What? Wait a minute. My dad's on that.
He's all excited about it.
Josh: Yeah, well, things have changed.
Bill: Why?
Josh: It's pretty complicated and I don't
want to get into it right now. The bottom line is that Billy... Billy has given
up control of the project and I need someone strong to take over for him.
Bill: Look, Josh, I'm flattered-- really, I
am-- but I've got to say no.
Josh: Why?
Bill: Well, to be quite honest with you, I'm
just not ready to make that kind of commitment right now. Seriously. I just...
Olivia: Bill... I mean, it sounds to me like
Josh is really stuck for a replacement. Am I wrong?
Josh: Not at all, no. We need someone as
soon as possible. Tomorrow, even.
Olivia: And where is he going to find
someone who knows the business as well as you do on such short notice?
Josh: It would really help us out.
Bill: Then, yeah. Yeah. Then yeah, I'm your
man, if it's what you need.
Josh: Thank you. I appreciate it.
Bill: Of course, if that's okay with you?
Olivia: Are you kidding? Yes. I think it's
great. It's great! It's going to be so great for Lewis, for you, for all of us.
Bill: Except for my dad.
Billy: Bobby, you want to fill this up for
me. Hey, last time I looked, you work for me. Oh, forget it. Okay. ( Sighs )
I'll quit tomorrow.
Jonathan: I was just going to leave it for
you, but...
Tammy: You just thought you would bring me
some cotton candy.
Jonathan: I wasn't going to stay. Your mom
gave me the idea. Not on purpose, but... you know, I think it's still fresh. I
don't know if that stuff can even be fresh...
Tammy: What are you doing here? Do you think
this is some kind of a joke?
Jonathan: No, Tammy. I just wanted...
Tammy: You shouldn't be here.
Jonathan: Look, maybe this isn't the place
that I should be and maybe this isn't the place that I should say this, but the
truth between us is the truth, no matter where we are.
Tammy: I can’t...
Jonathan: Look, the truth is...
Tammy: That we're wrong, Jonathan. That's
the big truth between us.
Jonathan: No.
Tammy: That we're wrong, okay? No matter how
you look at it...
Jonathan: No.
Tammy: Yes. And something that wrong has
consequences, all right? Want proof? Look. Look in that room. Sandy almost died
because of us.
Jonathan: Look, I told you before, that was
an accident.
Tammy: Because his head was somewhere else.
Like at my mom's barn, where he saw us all over each other. Yeah. He saw us.
Then he went straight to work and this happened.
Jonathan: Like I said before, that's not our
Tammy: Like hell it's not! What we did and
what we almost did was wrong.
Jonathan: You look me in the eyes-- look me
in the eyes right now-- you tell me that wasn't right. More right than any
other damn thing in your life.
Tammy: I don't care how it felt. I made a
promise. I'm going to keep that promise.
Jonathan: What kind of promise?
Tammy: Just leave me alone.
Jonathan: Hey, Tammy.
Tammy: No. I'm not going to look at you ever
again. I just can't even look in your direction, okay? That's how it has to be.
A promise is a promise.
Rick: Blood pressure's really good.
Mallet: And? Well?
Rick: All in all, she is one very lucky
Mallet: So she's going to be okay.
Rick: Yeah. Good thing, thanks to you.
Mallet: Well, I just happened to be there
when the building was burning.
Rick: Well, that's a good thing. I tell you,
if she would have inhaled much more smoke, I would be doing this exam as the
coroner. Anyway, I need to get a kit to check her carbon monoxide level. I'll
be right back.
Mallet: Okay. Oh, Doc, is it okay if I stay
here with her?
Rick: Yeah, sure. No problem.
Mallet: Okay, thanks. ( Sighs ) Dinah Marler.
What happened to you today?
Edmund: What will happen if you visit Dinah?
You'll feel horrible all over again. The sight of her is likely to send you
into a tailspin.
Cassie: I can handle it. I need to get some
answers from her.
Edmund: All right, good. Let me get the
answers for you. I can talk to Dinah. I can get to the bottom of this for you.
Look after Hope; she's your top priority now.
Cassie: Do you think I'm crazy? If Dinah has
something to say-- anything-- I want to hear it myself.
Edmund: Cassie!
Dinah: ( Tries to speak )
Mallet: What did you say?
Dinah: ( Mumbles )
Mallet: Dinah, I couldn't hear you. What?
Dinah: ( Mumbles )
Mallet: Say it one more time.
Dinah: Cassie.
Announcer: Next, on "Guiding Light"...
Beth: Harley calls and you come.
Harley and Beth: We're not going to argue.
Gus: See, this isn't awkward at all.
Ross: Dinah, she's an adult, but I worry
about her as much as I do the little ones.
Ava: It's nice to have somebody looking out
for you.
Mallet: Listen, I'm calling about your
daughter. She's been in an accident. How did the fire start?
Cassie: People think you started this fire, Dinah.
Mallet: Excuse me, Mr. Winslow. We've got a
few questions you need to answer.
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