Guiding Light Transcript Friday 10/7/05
Provided By Boo
Proofread by Laura
Marina: Wow. You're pretty good at this
Danny: What stuff?
Marina: This romancing the girl stuff, but I
guess you've had a lot of practice.
Danny: Oh, really? Yeah, why is that?
Because I'm just, oh, so much older than you.
Marina: Well, that too, yeah. I figure
you've had time to practice your technique on all the women from your past.
Danny: There really haven't been that many.
I'm very picky, you know.
Marina: Oh.
Danny: So do you like?
Marina: I do.
Danny: Good.
Marina: I figured something was up when I
was assigned to patrol the roof.
Danny: Yeah, well, I have a direct line to
the Chief of Police.
Marina: So do I. So what did I do to deserve
all this?
Danny: You're just you, and I feel like
there have been way too many distractions lately.
Marina: Yeah, well, Michelle was more than just
a little distraction.
Danny: Yeah. That's over now. And tonight is
all about you. I just want you to know that I am so grateful and excited and,
Marina: Well, don't stop there. ( Laughs )
Danny: Yeah, okay. And, um, honored to have
you in my life.
Marina: Honored?
Danny: Mm-hmm. Yeah, honored, because you
stuck by me through all of these recent complications. I mean, it could've been
very easy for you to just say, "I don't need this."
Marina: Believe me, I didn't need this, any
of it.
Danny: I know.
Marina: But I wanted you so much.
Danny: Hm. Wait a second,
"wanted"? Past tense?
Marina: Oh, "want." Present tense.
Danny: Okay.
Marina: And now I know that you want me too,
and that feels so good.
( Monitor beeping )
Rick: Let's get him down. Easy. Let's go.
Move the pillow. He's flat-lining! Get me the crash cart!
Nurse: Bringing in.
Rick: Charge it up! You need to step out, Tammy.
Please. Let's go.
Nurse: Doctor.
Rick: Give me 200.
Nurse: 200.
Rick: Clear. We got nothing, we got nothing.
He's flat-lining. We're three? Three. Let's go. Clear!
( Knock on door )
Cassie: Hey you...
Mallet: Hi...
Cassie: Hi.
Mallet: Mrs. Winslow, AC Mallet. Am I coming
at a bad time?
Cassie: Uh, no. No, not at all! You can call
me Cassie. I've heard all about you through the years.
Mallet: Uh-oh. All good I hope.
Cassie: Oh, some good. So, uh... what's up?
Mallet: Uh... I'm looking for Edmund. Is he
Cassie: No. No, he hasn't been here for a
while. So what'd he do now?
Mallet: That's what I'm trying to figure
Edmund: Where are you? Where the hell did
you go!
Dinah: Oh, my gosh. Now that you think I'm
gone please leave the door unlocked. Please leave the door unlocked.
( Monitor beeping )
Tammy: Oh, my God.
Rick: We still got a flat line. He's not
Tammy: Oh my God, Sandy!
Rick: Not now. Just give me 360. Let's go.
Clear! ( Rhythmic beeping ) Oh, God. Thank God. We got a sinus rhythm. We have
sinus rhythm.
Tammy: It's okay. He's going to be okay. You
shouldn't be here.
Jonathan: There's a lot of things I
shouldn't do.
Tammy: Oh, can I go in? Is he okay?
Rick: He's stabilized, but he's going to
need time to recover, Tammy. This is not a good time to go in there, okay?
Tammy: He's not any worse, right?
Rick: Listen...
Tammy: Rick tell me the truth. I need the
Rick: Honey, you've got to hang in there.
We're doing everything we can, okay?
Tammy: Maybe you think you did a good thing
by coming here, but you're not making anything better for him.
Jonathan: Look, Sandy doesn't know I'm here.
Sandy doesn't even know he's here.
Tammy: Well I'm just saying you're not
helping him by being here.
Jonathan: I'm not being here for Sandy.
Tammy: Jonathan, please just leave me alone.
Jonathan: What, are you just going to hang
out here by yourself?
Tammy: That's the plan. This is where I have
to be! This is... I should've been with him when this happened.
Jonathan: You need to get over that now.
Tammy: Never. I will never forgive myself.
Just go!
Jonathan: So there's nothing I can do for
Tammy: You've done enough!
Jonathan: I wasn't in that barn by myself.
Tammy: Don't you get it? What happened
between you and me shouldn't have happened.
Jonathan: I'm just surprised it didn't
happen sooner.
Danny: I brought you up here for a nice
glass of wine, and you have your hands in the dirt.
Marina: Look, I know that we were just
saying some real things just now. I just... I needed some time to breathe so I
found a project.
Danny: Okay.
Marina: You know, I've been like this ever
since I was a kid, okay? Something bugs me, and I just have to drop everything
and throw myself into something else for a little while, and then I'm fine,
Danny: Oh. So something is bugging you.
Marina: No!
Danny: No?
Marina: Yes.
Danny: Yes?
Marina: I don't know. It's just...
Danny: You don't know?
Marina: You know, I've been on guard for so
long it's just crazy to think that we're finally at that point where we can
just go for it, you know? But believe me, I want to.
Danny: So do I.
Marina: Even so... the ghosts. You know
whose garden this is?
Danny: Yes I do, it's Michelle’s Aids
Marina: She's always going to be around
Danny: Marina...
Marina: I know that you say that this is all
about me and that tonight is my night.
Danny: It is. It is all about you.
Marina: Are you happy about that?
Danny: What?
Marina: I mean, as happy as I am?
Danny: Um, hello? What do you think? I mean,
I just created a holiday in your honor.
Marina: No. No, I'm being serious.
Danny: So am I.
Marina: I want the kind of happy where we're
in a room together and we can't not look at each other or touch each other.
When I look at you I feel so many things, and I don't know if you have room to
feel those things.
Danny: Marina, I have room for all kinds of
feelings for you.
Marina: I saw your face when you saw Michelle
and Robby leave-- all of your faces. I think I kind of actually would have
understood if you had decided to go with them. Don't tell me you didn't at
least think about it.
Danny: I thought about it. I'm sorry.
Marina: Don't be. I'm not.
Cassie: So why did you say you were looking
for Edmund?
Mallet: I didn’t. It's nothing official.
It's just that Marina Cooper is one of my cadets at the academy and she came to
me with a hunch about something, and I thought maybe Edmund could share some
light on it.
Cassie: I know that Marina had in her head
something about my little girl, but it's okay. Hope's my baby.
Mallet: Are you sure?
Cassie: Yeah. Yes! You can ask the DA if
you'd like.
Mallet: Oh, you mean your boyfriend, Jeffery
Cassie: He's objective when it comes to his
work, Detective.
Mallet: I... I never said he wasn’t.
Cassie: No, I know, I know. And... but if
you don't believe me all I'm saying is you can ask someone.
Mallet: Cassie, there's no reason that I
don't believe you. I have no reason not to. I just wanted to come over here and
clear some things up, so thank you. Oh, my gosh. Look at that cute kid! Hey,
there, honey. How are you?
Cassie: You know, she gets a little fussy
around strangers.
Mallet: Oh, okay, I'm sorry.
Cassie: Yeah.
Mallet: We wouldn't want that to happen.
Edmund: Ross. Edmund Winslow. How are you? That
doesn't mean we can't be civil, Ross. Um, I was just... I was just thinking
about Dinah, and... have you seen her? That’s... that's really just a shame.
It's a shame, I'm sorry, that she hasn't gotten in contact. Look, if... if you
see her, please tell her that Cassie and I have her in our thoughts and that we
are so thankful that she has given us the happiness of a child. Ross? Who else?
Olivia! It's Edmund. Is Bill there?
Edmund: Olivia, just please tell Bill that I
called and have him call me. I'm going to have to call you back. ( Cell phone
rings )
Edmund: Hello?
Cassie: It's Cassie. I need you to get to
the farmhouse as soon as possible.
Edmund: Is it the baby?
Cassie: The baby's fine.
Edmund: Good, good, because I'm in the
middle of something.
Cassie: I need you to get here now.
Edmund: My God. Dinah's already there.
Dinah: You may think I'm gone, but you're
going to make a mistake. I know it. You're going to make a mistake.
Danny: You don't care that I thought about
leaving with Michelle and Robbie?
Marina: Oh, no. I care. Oh, believe me. I
was holding my breath the whole time at the airport, wondering if I was going
to be going home alone and starting over. But the thing is, you didn't leave.
Danny: No, I didn’t.
Marina: You stayed with me.
Danny: I did. So why are you upset?
Marina: I'm happy. ( Laughs )
Danny: You're happy?
Marina: Yes. I am happy because I can
breathe. Because we can breathe. And before you were laying it on a little
Danny: What?
Marina: Michelle's gone and you don't need
to worry about it anymore. But I don't want us to have to force things, Danny.
I don't want you to choose me because Michelle’s not here anymore, because
she's always going to be here somehow. I want you to choose me because I'm the
one you want to be with.
Danny: If you don't know by now that you're
the one I want to be with, either I have been speaking Swahili or... or I've
been a complete jerk.
Marina: Yeah, well, maybe just a little.
Danny: What?
Marina: No.
Danny: Are you serious?
Marina: I'm kidding. I'm joking. I just... I
don't want to have to force things and... and try things. I don't want so much
trying. I just want it to be because there can't be any other way.
Danny: Well, I want that, too.
Marina: I know. Maybe I just needed to see
that, you know? Michelle walking in one direction and you walking in the other.
Danny: Marina, you know I'm always going to
be connected to my family. Letting Robbie get on that plane with Michelle
Marina: I know.
Danny: But my feelings for Michelle were...
they were wrapped up in the baby that she lost, and it didn't feel right to
just turn my back on her. I never, ever meant to hurt you.
Marina: Things hurt. You deal.
Danny: Yeah, by ripping up poor little
innocent plants. You okay?
Marina: Yeah. I will be. Now... ( Sighs )
Danny: Good.
Marina: Let’s... let's not just call this Marina
Day. Let's call this national Marina and Danny Day.
Danny: Okay.
Marina: I don't want it to just be about me.
It's about us.
Danny: That sounds perfect.
Mallet: ( Clears throat )
Danny: Hey.
Mallet: The station log said that you came
up here to patrol the roof. So what's up, Cooper?
Marina: I'm actually off- duty.
Mallet: Okay. Well, it doesn't really
matter. I just... I needed to talk to you about Michelle and Edmund.
Edmund: Where is she?
Cassie: She's sleeping.
Edmund: What?
Cassie: Edmund, no! The baby needs her
sleep, okay?
Edmund: Hope? Well, I wouldn't want to wake
her, so why did you call me?
Cassie: Because I want you out of my life
and her life. You are not Hope's father anymore.
Jonathan: Don't look at him. Look at me.
Look at me, Tammy.
Tammy: Sandy almost died in there and I am
here talking to you about...
Jonathan: Say it.
Tammy: I can’t... I can't do this right now.
Jonathan: Look, Tammy, I know you care about
the guy, and I don't want him to kick it either. I know how bad it would rip
you up.
Tammy: That's touching.
Jonathan: Okay. Shut down on me, Tammy, do
whatever you want, but I'm not going anywhere.
Tammy: Then you can stay and watch me sit
with Sandy, who I love, who I am committed to, who I should have been with when
I was with you.
Jonathan: Oh, "I should be with Sandy."
"I should have been with Sandy." "You should go, Jon." You
make yourself all these rules. Why don't you break a rule? Maybe you'll
actually get what you want.
Tammy: And you think that's you? I love Sandy.
And whatever this is between you and me, you know there are a million reasons
why we...
Jonathan: Shouldn't?
Tammy: Look at him! Sandy wouldn't even be
in that room if I had met up with him like I was supposed to. It's my fault!
Jonathan: Yeah. It's your fault. It's my
fault, too. But Sandy didn't get zapped because of what we were doing in the
barn. Sandy got hurt because we spent the last few months trying to pretend
that we hate each other, and we took him along for the ride.
Tammy: No, that's not how it was.
Jonathan: You felt things for me. You felt
them and you covered them up, and I let you because I thought it was better
off, but do you think Sandy would have stuck around if he knew all that? If he
knew what this is? We kept him on the hook a long time. We could have let him
off sooner.
Tammy: You're wrong.
Jonathan: Look, the last thing I want to do
is hurt you, but I'm not going to sit around and watch you beat yourself up
either. Sandy's accident was an accident. You and I are not.
Tammy: Jonathan? I can’t...
Jonathan: You can't do this right now. I
know. So you stay here and make sure Sandy pulls out okay.
Tammy: That's what you want me to do?
Jonathan: No. But I know you. If I ask you
to turn your back on the guy now and you did it, you'd hate yourself even more
than you already do.
Tammy: Don't you feel...
Jonathan: What? Guilty? No. Not for this.
Not ever for this.
Tammy: Jonathan.
Jonathan: I'm going to go.
Tammy: I asked you to leave a dozen times.
And now after you've dumped all this in my lap, now you're going?
Jonathan: I'll stay if you want me to.
Tammy: You should...
Jonathan: Look, it's up to you to decide
where it ends. What happened in the barn, it'll happen again.
Tammy: No.
Jonathan: Yes. Any time you and I are in a
room together. You can make yourself more rules-- "I'm going to stay with Sandy
until he wakes up," "I'm going to stay with Sandy until he leaves the
hospital," "I'm going to stay with Sandy until he can get back to
work"-- but do you think you can make this go away?
Tammy: No. I can’t.
Edmund: What is this about? I mean, have...
have I done something?
Cassie: Oh, gee, Edmund. Let me see. I left
you the first time, and you impregnated Dinah with our baby. I left you a
second time, and you went and bought a baby on the black market to pass off as
our own.
Edmund: But have I done something to make
you doubt my ability as a father?
Cassie: I want the questions about where Hope
came from to stop right now. That's the only reason you're walking the streets.
Edmund: Then you believe me when I told you
I've... I bought the baby?
Cassie: Edmund, I don't believe a word that
comes out of your mouth, okay? I had Jeffrey do a DNA test on Michelle.
Edmund: But I told you Hope isn't Michelle’s
child. I can show you the paperwork...
Cassie: I don't want you doing this, okay? I
don't want you doing this. As far as I'm concerned, it's see no evil, hear no
Edmund: Evil? Is... is that what you think I
Cassie: All I want you to do is to take your
things and go and let me raise my little girl, okay?
Edmund: All right, I'll go. But I want you
to understand something, Cassie. I want you to understand that I did all of
this for you, because you mean everything to me.
Cassie: Then you have nothing.
Edmund: I know. But here you are in a house I
restored for you with the baby I bought, and all of it with a man whose face
you just could never stop loving. Maybe if you had been able to, our lives
could have been very different.
Cassie: Get out.
Edmund: ( Laughs ) And I... I still love
Cassie: You have done nothing but hurt me,
and the fact that I have to spend the rest of my life keeping up with this lie
just to keep my little girl makes me sick. It's like some psychotic parting
Edmund: Well, we can talk more about Hope
Cassie: I'm not going to change my mind, Edmund.
Is there anything else I need to know, Edmund? Because I really don't want any
Edmund: You know everything you need to
Cassie: Yeah. Whatever that means.
Danny: What's going on?
Marina: You know those questions that I had
about Michelle’s accident?
Danny: Yeah, you mean the ones you dropped.
Marina: Yeah. Well, there were so many
things that just didn't add up, Danny. I couldn't let it go. I actually thought
for a while that maybe Michelle’s baby was still alive, but I was way off-base.
And it turns out that Michelle’s baby didn't make it after all. I have proof
Mallet: What kind of proof?
Marina: The case is closed. There are no
loose ends. I know that this must all come as kind of a shock to you.
Danny: Marina, the only shock is that you
lied to me.
Marina: I'm sorry. Gosh, it must feel like
you're losing her all over again.
Danny: No, Marina. No. We didn't even know
if the baby was mine, but I want to know everything that you did.
Marina: Look, it's a long story that goes
nowhere. I'm barely out of training to be a cop. I don't even know how to go
about doing any of this, so I just poked around and asked a lot of questions,
and Mallet gave me some advice, and Jeffrey O’Neill helped out a little.
Please, don't look at me like that. I really only had good intentions.
Danny: You had to know that if you found out
the baby was alive or if she was mine...
Marina: It could have changed everything.
But I wanted you to know the truth. I hoped that you would still choose me, but
I couldn't live with myself if you didn't know what was going on.
Danny: All that time, I was putting us
second so that I could take care of Michelle, but you were doing the same thing.
You put her before us. I didn't know they made people like you. Marina, you
have the... you have the purest heart.
Marina: No. I don’t.
Jonathan: So you're done denying it? You
admit that there is something here with us.
Rick: Tammy? Give me a few minutes alone
with Sandy and then you can go in and see him, okay?
Tammy: Thank you.
Rick: All right.
Tammy: Oh, God. What am I doing? He was
going to propose to me that night, Jonathan.
Jonathan: I thought we weren't talking about
Tammy: You said it yourself. We made him a
part of this. Did you hear me? He was going to propose...
Jonathan: I saw you put on the ring.
Tammy: Oh.
Jonathan: You don't have it on now.
Tammy: I was going to say "yes."
Jonathan: You don't have it on now.
Tammy: I'll wait until he asks me.
Jonathan: And then what are you going to
say? After you just admitted how you...
Tammy: I'll say yes. I will still marry him.
Jonathan: Then you're crazy.
Tammy: No, not anymore.
Jonathan: I'm leaving.
Tammy: Jonathan!
Jonathan: You need to stay with him now. I
get that. You need me, I'm here.
Rick: Tammy?
Tammy: I know it's a bad thing that he
hasn't woken up yet.
Rick: Tammy, it's not what I'd like to see.
Tammy: He's not getting any worse, right?
Rick: Sweetheart, the longer he's out, the
harder it's going to be for him to come back. So it might be a good thing for
you to contact his family.
Tammy: He doesn't have any. I mean, none
that I know of. God, how can I not know...
Rick: Tammy. Sweetheart, you're here. Okay?
That's a very good thing. I mean, who wouldn't want to wake up and see your
Tammy: Then he will wake up?
Rick: I hope so.
Tammy: You won't say that he's going to be
okay. Why won't you just say...
Rick: Tammy, Tammy, Tammy. It's up to him
now, sweetie. Okay? And maybe to you, too. Hang in there.
Cassie: There you are, sweetie. You're so
beautiful. I guess we're both having a rough night, aren't we? Yeah. But it's a
beautiful night, isn't it? It feels so good to get some air. You know what,
sweetie? Tomorrow is a new day for us. It's the first official day without Edmund.
I don't really know where you came from, but you are right where you belong.
Edmund: I just bet you're out there right
now, just talking about how crazy Edmund is. Crazy Edmund. Good luck making
them believe it, Dinah. Good luck. Because there's going to be no evidence
left. And you're just going to be the girl that cried "farmhouse."
Cassie and I and Hope are just going to sit back and laugh.
Marina: I am no Saint, Danny. I never put Michelle
before us.
Danny: Then why didn't you just stop asking
questions about her baby?
Marina: Because I put you before everything.
I see you with Robbie, and you love being a dad. You didn't even know if Michelle’s
baby was yours or not, and you grieved for her as if she was. And the thought
of your little girl just out there somewhere, missing the chance to have you
for her daddy... I never could have forgiven myself for giving up on her. Oh, God,
but I wanted to stop so many times. I wanted Michelle to just go away. How do
you like my pure heart now?
Danny: I love it as much as I did before.
Probably more. I don't know what I did to deserve you; I really don’t. You are
so brave and so real and so honest. Me, I'm just... I don't know...
Marina: Mine. You're all mine, and that's
all I need to know.
Cassie: Jonathan? What are you doing here?
Jonathan: Nothing. I'm already gone.
Cassie: Wait. Wait.
Jonathan: All right, look. I didn't touch
anything. I didn't break anything. There's not a haystack out of place.
Cassie: I don't want to talk to you about
that. I want to talk to you about Tammy. I know what you did.
Tammy: Please, God. I know I made a terrible
mistake. These thoughts I've been having, these feelings are wrong. I don't
know why Sandy has to be here, why he had to get hurt. But if it's because Jonathan
and I... please just... just have him get better. I'll do anything. Just have
him be okay. And I'll never see Jonathan again.
Cop: Edmund Winslow. This is everything.
Arrest records, associates, property owned.
Mallet: Yeah, you know what? I don't think I
need it anymore because apparently this case is closed. But thanks anyway. Oh,
you know what? You came all the way down here. I guess it wouldn't hurt to take
a peek. Thank you.
Dinah: Cassie. Come on, I've got to get
through to you. Come on, come on. You'll get me out of here. Edmund will do
whatever you say. For once that might work for me. Let something just work for
me. Come on, phone.
Edmund: There we go. Very nice. And, of
course, one more for the road. Very good. No one will ever know this place ever
existed. Wherever Dinah is, no one will ever believe her. Ciao, Bella.
Jonathan: Look, I don't know what Tammy told
you, but...
Cassie: Tammy didn't tell me anything. You
know that Hope wasn't the baby that Dinah carried. Edmund told me you asked
about it.
Jonathan: Yeah. So?
Cassie: So I know he told you how he got Hope,
and you could have used it against us and you didn't, and I just want to say
thank you for that.
Jonathan: Sure. Whatever.
Cassie: And you could have told Tammy and
for some reason you didn’t. I just think the less she knows about this, the
Jonathan: Okay. Yeah. Tammy’s... she's
really excited to have a little kid sister.
Cassie: Well, you know, whatever your
reason, I don't know. I just want to say that I can see that... I just think
that maybe you have...
Jonathan: Are you trying to tell me that I'm
not that bad?
Cassie: Okay, you're different. I don't know
what's changed about you, but yeah. You're different. ( Cell phone ringing ) I
hope this is Mrs. Chitwood. Hello?
Dinah: Cassie, it's Dinah.
Cassie: Dinah?
Dinah: Yes. Oh, thank God. Thank God. It's Dinah.
Announcer: Next, on "Guiding Light"...
Tammy: Will Sandy be all right? Please, God.
Cassie: She knows that good times are right
around the corner.
Olivia: When I saw him take a drink...
Josh: It's okay. You did the right thing.
What the hell are you doing?
Edmund: No one will ever know this place ever
existed. Wherever Dinah is, no one will ever believe her.
Dinah: Help me!
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