Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 10/6/05
Provided By
Proofread by Laura
Olivia: I just want to make sure we got all
our bases covered. I mean, you checked in with our Venezuelan friends?
Bill: Well, my dad got them checked into
their suites. I'm sure they unpacked, starched their underwear. The guys we
used to do business with like to party...
Olivia: But not these guys?
Bill: Not this group. Maybe... maybe I
should warn my dad to soft-pedal a bit. 'Cause he can bring it on too...
Olivia: You said they were going to come out
tonight and relax.
Bill: This is important. I'll warn them.
Olivia: Come on. Your dad's been doing this
a long time. He knows what he's doing.
Billy: My daughter-in-law tells me that
these Venezuelans like it loud and fun, so my job's going to be to keep them
having a good time while I set up the deal. Once I get it started, I want you
to keep those all the vodkas coming.
Ava: No rocks, two olives.
Billy: Except I'm only going to be drinking
water. You put one olive in my glass and that why I'll know there's no booze.
Ava: Clear.
Billy: Right. This is my forte.
Harley: You really did not have to come with
me, Daddy.
Buzz: And miss out on a chance to watch a
young junior executive take the red-eye to Europe? What kind of father would I
Harley: I don't know. Mine?
Buzz: I'm sure Alan never used messengers
when he was running the company.
Harley: Of course he did. It just gives me
some time out of the office.
Buzz: I thought that's what homes were for.
Harley: My home is the Spaulding mansion,
remember? Hey, I have a good idea. Why don't you move in? That will give me a
reason to go home.
Buzz: Oh, no. I already have a weak heart.
Harley: Daddy, I wake up and I do business.
I go to the office, I do business. Lunch is about business. Drinks, business.
I... I head back to the mansion to have as much time as I can with Gus and the
kids before I have to go back to the office for the overseas phone calls. My
memo pile is like this big.
Buzz: Is being a C.E.O. getting to you?
Harley: It's the biggest challenge of my
life. And you know the really weird part?
Buzz: What?
Harley: I kind of like it.
Gus: "Marley turned the corner and
walked into her past, walked into a flood of emotions she had dammed off years
ago. She walked into warden D.C. Hammer. His arms were... like copper
pipes"? It's fiction. It's crap. Come on, frank. There's never a drug
dealer around when you're ready to make a bust. I need a triple espresso to
give me a kick. ( Yells )
Tammy: Oh, Sandy, if you'd only proposed to
me before this all happened, I... promise me you'll be okay, and I promise you
I'll never take you for granted again. Never, I swear to you.
Cassie: Well, I wish I could help her.
Jeffrey: I wish I could help you.
Cassie: You know, there's an old saying that
you're only as happy as your saddest child. It's true. I wish you'd never told
me about Hope. I wish I could pick her up and hold her in my arms and just
believe that she's mine. But I can’t. I have to know the truth. I have to know
if Michelle is Hope's mother.
Jeffrey: The story we have is so full of
Cassie: We can't expect Edmund to fill them
for us.
Jeffrey: No. The only thing we can expect
from him is more lies.
Cassie: So there's one other person that we
know who can shed light on all of this.
Dinah: I just need to eat. If I eat
something, I'll feel better. Ñot if I just keep eating crumbs, I might be able
to survive. Nothing. Nothing. So I'm going to be hungry, but you know what? I'm
not going to die because I'm not giving in. I'm not giving in.
Jeffrey: We've been looking for Dinah for a
while now. She's very good at disappearing.
Cassie: She's the only one who knew what was
going in Edmund’s head. We don't know if this baby belongs to Michelle. We
don't know if Danny’s the father or not. And now Michelle has left town.
Jeffrey: We can still get Michelle’s D.N.A.
A sample of it at the Bauer house or, better yet, here at the hospital. I can
check into it. Cassie...
Cassie: Yeah. Do what you have to do. I need
to know the truth about Hope's mother. No matter what it takes, no matter who
it hurts, I need to know the truth.
Billy: You bet you. It takes more than a
killer body and killer instincts. You'll be ready to play with the big boys
someday. Not today. Old Shriner would tell you how much crude was underneath
the grass. He was amazing. ( Laughs ) Thank you, Sweetheart. Gentlemen?
Olivia: Is your father drinking with them?
Bill: No, Baby. That's water. It's the old
olive trick. See, he works it out with the bartender. One olive is water and
two olives is vodka.
Billy: We'll have no empty glasses tonight,
gentlemen. Ava, keep them coming.
Olivia: Come on.
Bill: Let him go. Look at him go.
Olivia: I'm sorry. You worked so hard not to
take a backseat at Lewis...
Bill: I'm proven myself, haven't I? I
already have everything. This deal is important for my father. I want him to
have it. He's doing a great job. Look, I got you, a daughter. What more is
Buzz: I thought it was tough seeing you and
Frank joining the police force, but losing my daughter to the corporate
Harley: That's not going to happen. I'm
still learning the ropes. But I am determined to turn Spaulding into a company
that I can be proud of. I didn't expect it to matter to me so much. What does
that say about me?
Buzz: It means you're tough, that you love
your job. Tough and determined make a success. Don't lose your priorities, you
know? The kids, Gus?
Harley: Who?
Buzz: Me.
Harley: Oh, Gus, of course. Gus and the
kids. Why do you think I'm living this crazy life? For them. And I'll tell you,
we're great, we really are. Me and him. Gus. Great.
Buzz: C.E.O. groupies?
Harley: Well, I guess they're reading the
financial pages a little earlier these days. You can come over. It's okay. Is
there a question you wanted to ask me?
Woman: Marley, can you sign these books? You
and Hammer are like the best couple since Bennifer.
Harley: I'm flattered, really, and I know
the author so I'll pass along your compliment. But sweetie, I can't sign your
book. Sorry.
Woman: Why not?
Harley: I'm not Marley. That's a pretend
Woman: I knew you'd be stuck- up. I don't
know what Hammer saw in you.
Buzz: Ooh. How the mighty and famous doth
Harley: I'm glad you're enjoying this. I can
tell you, my husband is not. Frankly, I don't have time for this nonsense. I'm
the head of an international company, okay? This craziness keeps getting worse
and worse every day. What are you looking at?
Buzz: Look, people on planes like to read.
You can't swat all of them. Let's get out of here.
Gus: Come on, Crouching Tiger. I've seen the
movie. I'm warning you, that kick you landed is the only one you'll land. Come
Mallet: Hey, Loser, come here! Get off of
him, Man. Get off of him. He's got a gun!
Gus: This day keeps getting worse and worse.
Mallet: What were you thinking coming up
here taking off without backup?
Gus: I had the guy right where I wanted.
Mallet: He had you close to having your head
pounded in like a board. Let's stop arguing. On the count of three, let's go.
One, two... what the hell was that?
Gus: A Chinese throwing star. I didn't think
they used those things anymore.
Mallet: He's probably got nunchucks, too.
Let's charge him on the count of three. You can go on two and I'll sneak around
Gus: Are you crazy?
Mallet: You don't have anything to worry
about. He's got lousy aim.
Gus: Then you do it.
Mallet: I'm a bigger target then you.
Gus: He's not going for your butt or your
Jeffrey: I'm the District Attorney of Springfield.
I want to ask you a couple of questions. Do you know Michelle Santos?
Woman: Sure. I miss her.
Jeffrey: She's gone for good?
Woman: She still has a locker here just in
case. Hey, she's a Bauer. They always come back.
Jeffrey: Thank you very much.
Cassie: Hey, any luck?
Jeffrey: Well, they kept a locker here at
the hospital for her so I think if we get inside, we can find something that
has her DNA on it. That way we can run a test and we'll know for sure.
Cassie: Okay.
Jeffrey: Are you sure about this?
Cassie: I don't have a choice.
Tammy: Mom.
Cassie: Tammy. Hey.
Tammy: Look what I found. I was looking
through Sandy’s things and, um, this is the engagement ring he was planning to
give to me.
Cassie: It's a beautiful ring.
Tammy: You don't sound surprised. Did you
know about this? Did he talk to you?
Cassie: He told me about it. He asked for my
blessing. I was, you know, of course a little crazy because I thought you guys
were way too young. But then I realized how happy you guys make each other.
Tammy: When? When did he tell you?
Cassie: Right before the accident.
Edmund: All right. Let's just switch the
names and make this easy.
Woman: Okay, first let me tell you about the
doctor. He was examining the new intern in the doctor's lounge. You know the
one with the red hair?
Dinah: Okay. If I line this all up, I could
probably make something that will last a few days. Okay. All right. Come on. I
know I've missed something. I know that there is something here right under my
nose and I am missing it. There has got to be a way out of here. There's got to
be. There's got to be something that I'm not seeing. Oh, god. I've got to get
out. Nope. Not gonna happen. Edmund, you stupid idiot! Well, well, well. What
do we have here?
Mallet: Blue dog one, this is blue dog one.
Officers pinned down. Shots fired.
Gus: Stars.
Mallet: Correction, stars fired.
Gus: We need backup.
Mallet: I don't know how you got us into
Gus: I didn't ask you to come down here.
Mallet: I'm your partner. Read my lips. Partner.
You're lucky I came down here or you'd have a star sticking out of your
Gus: Do you have an "S" on your
shirt for Superman?
Mallet: Do you have a "J" on your
shirt for jackass? I don't know what Harley sees in you.
Gus: I don't know what she saw in you,
either. Well, you put your life on the line for Joey Nunchucks out there. I'll
give you that.
Harley: I can't do this. I need to get back
to the office.
Buzz: You need a break and you'll get it
whether you want it or not.
Bill: A break for the new CEO of Spaulding?
Buzz: What are we looking at?
Olivia: Hi. Hi! So how's it going? Are you
ready to throw in the towel yet?
Harley: Absolutely not. No. No. Everything's
good. I'm not going to say it's not tough, certainly it is. Things worth doing
are tough and I'll make it work. Right?
Olivia: I'm sure you will.
Harley: How are things at Lewis? Are you
guys busy over there? I bet you've got your hands full.
Bill: We've got deals in the works. My dad
is doing schmoozing over there. But me, I've been concentrating on the better
things in life, like family. A new point of view, new perspective on life. No
need to be king of the corporate world, okay? You can have it, sister. ( Laughs
Dinah: Oh! I'll break my hand doing this.
Okay. The sink. The sink. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Come on. All right. All
right, come on, I know you're a wall but you were once a tree. Come on. Come
on. A tree that was free in the sunlight, growing. Let's go. Get free! ( Sighs
) Free.
Jeffrey: You know what? I'm going to be back
and take care of that business we were talking about.
Cassie: I'll be here.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Tammy: She's so cute.
Cassie: Yeah.
Tammy: I guess you finally have it all,
don't you? The baby, the guy who loves you. You went through a lot to get her,
Mom. You deserve all the joy that you're feeling.
Cassie: Hey, Tammy, you have so much to look
forward to, Sweetie. You do.
Tammy: No, Mom. I screwed up. I let Sandy
down. I mean, he had a ring, he would have proposed.
Cassie: Okay, stop. You didn't cause the
accident. You didn't, you know? It's one of those horrible things that happens
just when you think everything's going to be wonderful. You and Sandy, you're
going to get through this together. You are. He loves you so much, baby, with
all his heart.
Tammy: Mom, please, stop.
( Baby cries )
Cassie: Look at this. Both my girls are
Tammy: You know, seeing her here with you,
it's impossible not to have faith in the future. She proves it, Mom. If you
want something bad enough in your life, you can have it. As long as she's here
and part of our family, we can never forget that.
Woman: Give me another minute. I'll be right
there, okay?
Hurry up. I'm late. Come on!
Edmund: Thank you. That's just what I
needed. All right.
Jeffrey: Excuse me, Nurse. Hi, my name's Jeffrey
O’Neil. Is there where the lockers are? Doctors, nurses, and P.A.S? I'm going
to have to get in there.
Edmund: All right.
Jeffrey: Yes, thank you. It shouldn't take
long. You're sure there's no one in here? Okay. Anybody in here? Ladies? Hello?
Okay. Let's see. Michelle. Michelle Santos. Is there anybody here? Still got
it. ( Laughs ) All right. What do we have here? DNA. DNA. Well, this is good.
That should do it. All right. Perfect.
Dinah: Ooh! Okay. Wherever this leads, it's
going to beat hanging out here for one more minute.
Jeffrey: Hey.
Cassie: What happened?
Jeffrey: Well, Michelle’s DNA samples are at
the lab. They're working on it. They already have Hope's results so...
Cassie: So now we wait.
Jeffrey: It will be soon.
Cassie: Soon?
Jeffrey: Hey, you know trust me, no matter
what the results are, you're going to be fine, okay? And I'm right here.
Bill: You okay?
Olivia: Are you?
Bill: Why?
Olivia: What you said about letting everyone
else take the lead at work? I mean, you didn't mean that.
Bill: Well, every word, yeah.
Olivia: Power is freedom, Bill. You know
that as well as I do.
Bill: Here's what I know, Baby. Give me a
little kiss.
Olivia: No. Bill, no, you need a challenge.
Bill: You are the only challenge I need.
Billy: Drink up, Gentlemen. I'll be right
back. Well, are you all paying attention, taking notes? Because I'm in full
bloom out here. I've got them eating out of my hand.
Bill: The old magic is flowing.
Billy: I haven't felt like this since my wildcat
days. Kind of weird being sober with these guys, though, I'll tell you.
Bill: You okay?
Billy: I'm fine. I'm in my element here.
Olivia: Excuse me.
Olivia: Ava, another Rocket, please. Can I
get you a drink, Buzz?
Buzz: I'm good.
Olivia: And how is that? How does that feel
to be happy with what you have?
Buzz: ( Laughs )
Olivia: Thanks.
Buzz: Good. It took me a long time to
realize it, though. But every now and then I do miss the rush.
Olivia: The rush?
Buzz: The rush, you know. When you want
something so much you can taste it. Only it takes over your senses.
Olivia: Is that a bad thing?
Buzz: No. No. It's just not as necessary as I
once thought it was. It's actually possible to live a calm, balanced life and
be happy. But that's what you and bill are aspiring to, marriage, a little
girl, more kids along the way, work that you like, travel. I mean, you're this
close to having it all.
Olivia: Yeah, but there's just always
something else, something beyond my reach.
Buzz: There always will be. But when you
reach you get nothing, reach all your life and you end up with nothing.
Olivia: Are you trying to put me in my
Buzz: I wouldn't dare!
Harley: Sorry, dad, I'm done with that call.
Buzz: Well, nice talking to you. Be careful
what you reach for.
Man: ( Speaks Spanish )
Ava: Uno momento. I'll bring you your drinks
in a second.
Olivia: Well, everyone's having fun. A
little too much fun.
Ava: Two down, two to go.
Gus: ...May be used against you in a court
of law. Do you understand your rights as I have read them to you?
Man: I know my rights. Take it's easy, man,
them cuffs are tight.
Mallet: You're breaking my heart.
Police officer: Finally got him, huh?
Mallet: All wrapped up.
Police officer: You make a good team, guys.
All right, karate kid, let's move it.
Mallet: Don't ever pull a stunt like that
again. Your grandstanding almost got me sliced.
Gus: I don't need you looking over my
shoulder, and I don't need you taking care of my wife, thank you very much.
Mallet: Can we have a conversation ever
without you mentioning Harley?
Gus: Out of my way.
Mallet: Oh, man, it's about that stupid
Gus: I don't care about the book, okay? I
just care about what happened in that prison, that's what I care about.
Mallet: Fine. Nothing happened.
Gus: Just tell me the whole thing. Go ahead.
Mallet: She wasn't your wife when she was in
Gus: So you should have no problem telling
me then, right?
Mallet: Ask Harley, okay?
Gus: No. You were the warden, she was the
prisoner. So you tell what happened. Can you tell me that?
Mallet: ( Laughs )
Gus: Hey.
Harley: Hey.
Glad you found me.
Harley: Are you okay? I called the station.
They said you were up here playing cops and robbers.
Gus: So you came running?
Harley: No. I actually came to, you know,
enjoy the view. And to enjoy the warm night air while I still could take
advantage of it.
Gus: Well, or we could take advantage of it
by going home and crawling between our new wedding sheets.
Harley: Home it is then.
Gus: Perfect. After you.
Harley: Yeah. So what happened? And where's Mallet?
Is he all right?
Gus: Why? You want something from him?
Harley: Well, he's your partner, and I, for
one, am glad that he's got your back.
Gus: He's got my back.
Harley: Wow.
Gus: Yeah. Listen, I'm sorry, okay? But I
just had a guy try to kill me with one of those Chinese throwing stars. I
haven't seen one of those things since I was ten years old. Then I'm on the
ground spooning with your ex-husband, so... remember him, Hammer, the guy with
the copper arms?
Harley: So it's about Blake’s book?
Gus: No, it's not about the book. It's
about... it's about what happened to you in the prison and with him. I just... you
know, I don't want to know. I mean, I do want to know. I don't even know if I
should... if I should want to...
Harley: Honey...
Gus: Just answer me, okay? Did you sleep
with him?
Bill: I'm thinking if we get out of here
now, we can tuck Emma in.
Olivia: Ooh, big plans.
Bill: Yeah.
Olivia: You know what? I have to go over a
few things with Ava, so I'll meet you at home.
Bill: All right. Well, I'll be waiting for
you. I love you. Dad...
Billy: Mi hijo, join us.
Bill: I'm taking off. I'll talk to you.
Gotta go.
Billy: Oh, come on. All right, who wants a
refill? Yes, yes? Darling?
Ava: I'm coming. Hang on.
Olivia: One olive, water. Two olives, vodka.
( Laughter )
Billy: That happens to be a true story. All
my stories are as true as the paper that they're written on! ( Laughter )
Ray: May god bless you and keep you safe. In
the name of the father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. God bless you
both, Tammy.
Tammy: Thank you, Father Ray. Father Ray, can I ask you a question?
Ray: Sure.
Tammy: Do you believe if you do something
bad that you get punished for it?
Ray: Bad things seem to happen to good
people all the time. I can't explain it really. I don't think anybody can. But
if you're asking me if I believe that Sandy did something to deserve this, my
answer is no.
Tammy: What if I did something? I'm just
Ray: Tammy, I doubt that you are responsible
for Sandy touching a live wire.
Tammy: I should have been with him, Father.
No matter what you say, I know that I'm responsible, and I have to face up to
it. I have to.
Edmund: Well, Mr. Russo, on time for a
Russo: Mr. Winslow, what can I do for you?
Edmund: I need papers drawn up.
Russo: Papers? What kind of papers?
Edmund: Fake adoption papers.
Russo: ( Laughs ) Listen, I'm an attorney.
You're looking for a forger.
Edmund: Then find one.
Russo: Fake adoption papers?
Edmund: Documents, Mr. Russo. Proving my
legal adoption of one baby girl from a non-existent mother of your choosing.
They have to be flawless and I will give you your usual fee.
Russo: Usual fee, huh? I'll call you when
they're ready.
Edmund: Good.
Jeffrey: Cassie...
Cassie: Look at her face. I just can't stop
staring at her face.
Jeffrey: I'm so sorry all of this has come
into your life. I wish I could do something.
Cassie: Jeffrey, you've been... you've been
amazing. And you've been wonderful. But if I lose her, I am going to be a
wreck. And that's just how it's going to feel, like I am going to break and
then shatter into a million pieces.
Jeffrey: No, shh. I'm not going to let you
break, okay? I'm not going to let you break. That's why I'm here. You're not
alone in this, okay? I've got you. Don't worry. I've got you.
Harley: No, I did not sleep with Mallet.
Gus: So nothing happened?
Harley: Nothing happened.
Gus: Nothing at all?
Harley: Closure. Really. Closure. You know,
it's been a hard eight... ten years. We had a lot of loose ends, and we came to
terms with them, and we made peace with them, and now we can actually smile at
one another, and I don't have to hate him all the time.
Gus: Slow down. I didn't say you don't have
to hate him, because if you want to hate him...
Harley: It's so awful. I can't imagine how
you felt.
Gus: In prison, I mean, we weren't together.
We were together but we weren't, you know, together-together. And honestly, I
understand if you... if you had to do something to get through...
Harley: I didn’t.
Gus: I know. But... I don't even... I don't
even know if I have the right to be asking this question.
Harley: You know what the problem is here?
The problem is that stupid book! Okay? Blake! This brought up all this stuff
that you and I have been trying to avoid that we should have dealt with, I
Gus: Good reason.
Harley: I'm glad it's out there now because
we can put it behind us, right? It's out there. We dealt it with. We can put it
behind us and focus on the only thing that really matters, which is you and me,
right? Just you and me. Right?
Bill: The old olive trick. He works it
out with the bartender. One olive is water and two olives is vodka.
Olivia: Even I have to draw the line
( Laughter )
Man: ( Speaking Spanish )
Olivia: But, Billy, this pushup broad just
needs a little snack to calm me down.
Billy: I'm empty. I'll be right back.
Man: Finish your story.
Billy: I will. Just one second. Here we go.
Ava: Uh, wait. Billy, here's your... are you
Billy: Yeah, I'm fine.
Tammy: ( Sighs ) I'm so sorry, Sandy. I'll
make it up to you. I will find a way. ( Machine beeping ) what is that? Oh, my
God. What's wrong?
Woman: I need a crash cart and doctor stat.
Tammy: What's that? Sandy, no! What?
( Laughter )
Mallet: Excuse me, Miss? Can I get another
one of those?
Ava: Can you just give me a second? I'll be
right back.
Mallet: Sure, no hurry. I've got to make a
call anyway. Thank you. Yeah, hey, it's me. Listen... it's Mallet. Listen, do
me a favor, will you? Will you pull everything that we've got on an Edmund Winslow?
Edmund Winslow. Yeah. No, the whole file. Because there's something that's not
right about the guy.
Edmund: Dinah? Dinah? She must be sleeping.
Cassie: Jeffrey is going to come out here
with very good news. Yeah. I just know he is. Because I just can't give you
away. I can’t. I love you so much. I just can't bear the thought of not when I
know that there could be a chance that... well, you know, we're not going to
talk about that right now because every moment we're together is just so
Jeffrey: Cassie.
Cassie: What is it? What is it?
Jeffrey: She's not Michelle’s. No match.
She's not Michelle’s.
Cassie: What?
Jeffrey: The DNA, Hope's and Michelle’s DNA,
no match.
Cassie: So she can stay with me? She can
stay with us?
Jeffrey: Looks like Edmund wasn't lying
after all.
Cassie: She's going to be mine? She's my
little girl. No one can take her away. Let's take her home, okay? Let's just
take her home. Come on, Sweetie! Let's get our little angel home. Come on.
Edmund: Dinah! Where...? She's gone.
Announcer: Next on "Guiding Light"...
Tammy: I will never forgive myself.
Jonathan: Sandy's accident was an accident.
You and I are not.
Danny: Tonight is all about you.
Mallet: I needed to talk to you about Michelle
and Edmund.
Edmund: Where the hell did you go?
Cassie: You are not Hope's father anymore.
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