GL Transcript Monday 10/3/05

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 10/3/05


Provided By Boo
Proofread by Laura

Cassie: She's beautiful.

Jeffrey: Cassie.

Cassie: What are you doing?

Cop: This isn't your baby.

Cassie: What are you talking about?

Cop: Ms. Santos, we have your baby.

Cassie: Michelle?

Michelle: My baby. My baby!

Cassie: No, that's my baby. It's my baby. Jeffrey, would you tell them...

Cassie. Hey. What is it? What do you have to tell me about Hope?

Jeffrey: It's about... ( sighs ) It's about who Hope is.

Cassie: I know who she is. Jeffrey, she's my miracle baby. ( Laughs )

Jeffrey: Cassie, sometimes there are no miracles.

Marina: Hey.

Cassie: Hi.

Danny: Hi. What, did we get here too soon?

Cassie: No. No. You guys are right on time. Hi, Danny.

Danny: Hi. I'm really sorry I couldn't make it to the baptism. Something came up.

Cassie: I'm just glad you're here.

Danny: Yeah, me too.

Cassie: Excuse me. Hi. Can you do me a favor?

Tammy: Yeah.

Cassie: And look after Hope. Jeffrey and I will be right back.

Tammy: Okay. Where are you going?

Cassie: We'll be back.

Tammy: Well, if I'm going to be in charge of this party, I'm going to need some help. You don't mind rolling up your sleeves, right? Let me take your jacket.

Sandy: No, that's okay. I'm actually kind of cold. And I'll just bring in the drinks. Be right back. ( Loud music playing )

Ava: Hey!

Jonathan: What?

Ava: You're going to drink up all the profits. What's wrong with you today?

Jonathan: Same thing that's wrong with me every day.

Ava: Oh, it's that girl. She's on your mind. Tammy. Well, you know what I think?

Jonathan: I can't hear you!

Ava: I said, "Do you know what I think?" ( Turns off music ) I think you're scared! Did you hear that?

Harley: Hey.

Marina: Hi.

Harley: How's my favorite niece doing?

Marina: Same bag. ( Laughs ) The bigger question is, how are you? "Love in the lock-up"? Blake strikes again.

Danny: Oh, yeah, her latest romance novel. What's her pen name again?

Harley: Uh, I don't know. Darlena Lacrosse or something.

Danny: Very appropriate for Blake.

Harley: Yeah. ( Laughter )

Gus: What are we talking about?

Harley: Honey, would you get me a drink, a glass of wine or something?

Marina: I'll get it.

Gus: So, the book?

Harley: Yeah, just Blake wrote a new book. That's all.

Danny: It's about you, though. Right?

Gus: So it's about you, this book? Set in a prison?

Harley: I... it's completely fictional. It's a totally made-up story, okay? Yes, there are things about it. My experiences at Vailsburg...

Mallet: With me.

Michelle: Please give me the strength to get on the plane tonight. And please, God, help me understand why my baby was taken from me.

Jeffrey: Do you remember the night that Hope arrived, how that was the very same night Michelle lost her baby?

Cassie: Yes. That was the most horrible coincidence ever.

Jeffrey: Well, it was horrible, yeah. But it was no coincidence.

Cassie: What are you saying?

Jeffrey: Well, we don't have all the facts yet, but this has Edmund and Dinah’s fingerprints all over it.

Cassie: All over what? Jeffrey, you're scaring me.

Jeffrey: Well, I don't know how to tell you this. Marina Cooper came to me. She'd been doing some snooping. She was snooping around Edmund’s suite. She discovered that Edmund had been hiding Michelle in his suite. She also discovered a hypodermic needle there, which was shown to be bearing the drug laprosin.

Cassie: Laprosin?

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Cassie: That induces labor. Why would Edmund have laprosin?

Jeffrey: He needed a baby, Cassie. He needed a baby to give to you.

Cassie: No.

Jeffrey: Cassie...

Cassie: No.

Jeffrey: So he took Michelle’s.

Cassie: Stop it.

Jeffrey: Listen to me.

Cassie: No.

Jeffrey: Listen to me. That night, Michelle drove off the road. Edmund managed to get to her first. She was dazed and confused, and she was in labor. She was in labor, Cassie, because Edmund had been giving her injections of laprosin. He delivered that baby himself. He took it from her, and he brought it to you.

Cassie: Uh-uh. That's insane.

Jeffrey: I know that's insane, but that's what happened. That is what happened. Because the fact of the matter is, you are not Hope's mother.

Harley: The book is not about us.

Mallet: Right. "Marley Trouper," "DC Hammer": It's not about us.

Gus: So wait a minute. Is this what the guys were laughing about?

Mallet: No. Well, I mean, no, no. Oh, I got the forensics report back on the Tallmadge case. It was definitely blunt force trauma.

Gus: Great. I'll try to use that to squeeze my informant. I'll call him, see what I can dredge up.

Harley: Okay. Thanks for nothing.

Mallet: You guys were talking about it when I walked in here. It's quite a piece of work, the book. It's pretty crazy.

Harley: I don't know why anybody would think it's about us. I mean, this is what she does for a living. She's a professional novelist. She writes books. She makes things up.

Mallet: Right, like meeting in prison years later...

Harley: Yes.

Mallet: ...Getting acquainted, getting closer. You know, the kiss.

Harley: Okay, I didn't even tell her about the kiss. And second of all, didn't you ever hear the thing, "Whatever happens in prison stays in prison"? And why are you looking at me like that? What?

Mallet: Well, I just figured what happened between us at Vailsburg didn't mean much to you. But then, considering the way you're acting, I don't know. Maybe this whole epic love thingy wasn't just in Blake’s mind.

Tammy: Hey. What's up?

Marina: Besides the fact I'm an idiot, nothing.

Tammy: Marina...

Marina: You know, my dad and Harley use their police instincts and solve crimes. I use mine, and I come this close to driving away the most incredible man I could ask for. I don't even know why I did it.

Tammy: We can talk about it if you want.

Marina: I'd rather talk about you. Last time we spoke, you said that you were keeping Sandy at arm's length yourself. What's up with that?

Tammy: I think Sandy’s going to propose to me.

Marina: So much for arm's length.

Tammy: And it's still a secret, so don't tell anybody.

Marina: Oh, I won’t. No. um... Sandy is a great guy.

Tammy: The best.

Marina: Yeah. And you're happy and everything's okay? I mean, everything's over, that whole Jonathan...

Tammy: Done. Over. Totally in the past.

Jonathan: I'm not afraid of anything.

Ava: Right. That's why you're sitting here at the bar, sucking down beer after beer, trying to blow your eardrums out.

Jonathan: Yeah, well maybe I'm just bored. Maybe you need to find a third job if you have so much extra time on your hands.

Ava: Yep, you're definitely scared.

Jonathan: Where do you get this crap from?

Ava: Life. I know what it's like to let someone slip through your fingers. You wonder why it happened and what you did wrong.

Jonathan: Well, it might have been that you never shut up.

Ava: No, actually it was the opposite. I didn't speak up, because I thought I was going to cause too much trouble.

Jonathan: Can't win 'em all.

Ava: But do you know what? I learned something. I learned not to be scared.

Jonathan: I said I'm not scared.

Ava: Good. Then you know what I'm talking about then, that the only way to live life is to go for the things you want and not worry about what people think or how things turn out.

Jonathan: Right.

Ava: Right. You know, look at my job with Olivia. I jumped right into that situation, and to be honest with you, what's the worst thing that could have happened? What, I'd screw up? I'd get fired? Big deal. I'd find a new job. Live and learn.

Jonathan: Well, you jumped right in when you borrowed the money from that loser to go to school, and the worst almost did happen.

Ava: If I hadn't have borrowed that money, I would have never met you, the most fantastic, generous, considerate boss in the world.

Jonathan: ( Scoffs )

Ava: Where are you going?

Jonathan: To get away from you. How's that for honest? Plus I've got a baptism to go to, so stock it.

Danny: Hey, I was wondering where you ran off to.

Marina: I've been doing a lot of running lately.

Tammy: I'm going to go back inside now.

Marina: Okay.

Danny: What's going on?

Marina: I was just telling Tammy that sometimes I think that I'm actually trying to push you away from me and back to Michelle.

Danny: And why would you do something that dumb? I mean, I've been telling you, I don't know how many times...

Marina: I know. I know. You have. You have, over and over again, because I've grilled you about it over and over again. I just expected you to go back to Michelle when she came back into town, and when you didn't, I imagined this big scenario in my head that just about guaranteed to push you two back together. And I don't know, I guess I did it so I wouldn't have to get that close.

Danny: You didn't feel like it was safe.

Marina: I'm sorry.

Danny: Don't be. I'm glad that you can tell me this. I am. So what was this catastrophic event that you cooked up that would make me run back into Michelle’s arms?

Marina: I don't know, I imagined that...

Danny: What? Imagined what?

Marina: You know what? Let's just drop it. I don't even want to say it out loud. Let's just go back inside and "partay."

Edmund: Careful.

Michelle: Edmund. I didn't think anyone was still here.

Edmund: Well, I had a few details to take care of. I'm surprised to see you here. I thought you'd be getting ready to head out to California.

Michelle: Well, actually, Robbie and I are flying out tonight. And I was going to go right home and finish packing us up after the baptism, but...

Edmund: "Was"? Have you changed your plans?

Michelle: Well, I have one last thing that I want to do. I bought a present for Hope, and I was going to drop it off at the farm.

Edmund: Michelle, that's so thoughtful. Thank you so much. But I know you have a plane to catch and Robbie to pick up first, so if you'd like, I can always bring the present to Cassie for you.

Michelle: Well, thank you, but I'd rather do it myself. I think I have plenty of time. Besides, I'd like to see that beautiful little girl one more time before I leave for good.

Edmund: Good. Good. I'd like to see you there myself. But if you have to run, don't feel obligated to stay. Just nip in, nip out, say hi to folk. Don't let them keep you. You know what? We're going in the same direction, I think, so if you'd like, I can give you a lift.

Michelle: Thanks. Yeah, that would be nice.

Edmund: Good.

Jeffrey: I wish it wasn't true. I wish there was some...

Cassie: You're lying to me, Jeffrey. You are trying to come up with some kind of scheme or plan so you can push Edmund away or punish him, I don't know. I know you hate him.

Jeffrey: With more reason now than ever.

Cassie: See? Right there. You admit it. You're jealous. You are jealous, and you can't take that there's some other man walking around, least of all Edmund, who happens to be the father of my baby.

Jeffrey: She's not your baby.

Cassie: I have looked into that little girl's eyes. It's like looking into a mirror. She has my eyes. She has Tammy’s eyes.

Jeffrey: I'm telling you the truth.

Cassie: I'm telling you the truth. She's my daughter. She's my little girl. I am her mother. I know this. Tests can be wrong.

Jeffrey: Not this one.

Cassie: You know what? They said that I could never conceive. They said that I'd never have a baby. They were 100% sure but you know what? I did. Miracles happen. They do.

Jeffrey: I'm so sorry.

Cassie: Okay, you know what? So tell me this: If Hope isn't my baby, then what happened to the baby Dinah was carrying, right? What happened to my baby?

Jeffrey: I don't know, Cassie. I don't know. Answer me a question. Did you ever see... did you ever actually see a sonogram of Dinah’s baby?

Cassie: She's my baby! She's my baby, okay? And her name's Hope, and she is in the farmhouse with friends and family who love her already, and I don't give a damn what that paper says! Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this? You are supposed to love me, Jeffrey. Why the hell are you doing this to me?

Jeffrey: I do love you. I'd never lie to you about something like this.

Cassie: Oh, my God. Oh, my God, what did he do? What did Edmund do? He did it again. ( Sobs ) He did it again. Why did he do this?

Jeffrey: When I received these results, I told Marina that you were Hope's mother.

Cassie: You did?

Jeffrey: Yeah. I told her that her theory-- our theory-- about Hope being Michelle’s baby was completely unfounded, that we had jumped to conclusions.

Cassie: Why did you lie?

Jeffrey: Because, Cassie, I don't want anyone coming here and ripping that child out of your arms and forcing you to do anything that you're not ready for. So the only way I could guarantee that was to make sure that you would be the first and only person that knew the facts.

Cassie: So I'm the one who is supposed to tell the truth. I don't think I can do that.

Jeffrey: You can do it, Cassie, because I'm going to be with you every step of the way, okay? Whatever you want, whatever you need, I'm there. And whatever you feel is right, that's what we'll do. And we'll do it on your timetable. You just let me know, okay?

Cassie: ( Sobs ) My sweet little girl. Jeffrey, she's so little...

Jeffrey: I know, I know. I know.

Cassie: ( Sobbing )

Jeffrey: Shh. Shh. You can do this. So you're going to tell me what you want to do, okay?

Cassie: I want to go back inside and finish having the party. Excuse me.

Tammy: Be careful, or my boyfriend will kick your butt.

Sandy: I'll risk it.

Tammy: Hey, can I confess something? I have loved having you here with me today. It just feels so right to have you here with my family.

Sandy: That will have to tide you over, because I promised that I'll check on a construction crew for Josh.

Tammy: Right now? You have to go to work?

Sandy: I can make it quick, though. What are your plans for later?

Tammy: I haven't really thought that far. I guess I'll be here. Will you call me?

Sandy: The minute I am done. Tammy Winslow? I love you. I love you. I love you.

Tammy: Hey. I was just coming to look for you. Where did you go?

Cassie: Um... well, we're back. So where is my other baby girl?

Harley: Don't get any ideas about anything, because they'd all be wrong.

Mallet: Mm-hmm. Hey, Pumpkin. Cute kid.

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Mallet: Well, look, I'm not trying to cause you any problems or cause you any grief. I just know that in my case there are going to be women, maybe lots of women, that are going to read the book and draw conclusions about me, and it's bound to affect my future dating life. I mean, that passage about the kiss, I mean...

Harley: Okay, shut up about our kiss, okay?

Mallet: Okay.

Harley: And the whole premise of the book is wrong. You got it totally wrong.

Mallet: Really?

Harley: Yes. Because me and Gus are the real love story, not you and me. You helped me and Gus get back together, not the other way around, like it is in the book.

Mallet: Right. So the inner workings of Marley's mind, the way she secretly aches for Hammer...

Harley: Those are the inner workings of Blake’s mind, not mine.

Mallet: Okay. Okay, that's good. That's good. I'm glad we straightened that out, because I don't want any mixed messages, you know, that are going to gum up my partnership with Gus.

Harley: Honey. ( Laughs )

Tammy: I think Sandy’s going to propose to me.

Marina: Wow. That's great.

Tammy: Yeah.

Marina: If you're ready to get married.

Cassie: It's going to be okay. I promise it's going to be okay.

Harley: Look at that beautiful pair of Winslow babes. Oh, look how sweet. I'm so happy for you, Honey.

Cassie: Thank you.

Harley: She's such a beautiful little pumpkin, all cuddled up in your arms. It's amazing how fast you fall in love with them, isn't it?

Cassie: It sure is. I think I fell in love with this one before she was even born.

Edmund: Oh, Michelle, you know, it really has gotten so late. Why don't just grab Robbie and go to the airport?

Michelle: No. I mean, I'm here now. I want to see Cassie, and maybe I'll get a chance to hold your little girl again. There's no harm in that, is there?

Edmund: Really, Michelle, if this is too difficult for you, you don't have to go in.

Michelle: I'll be okay. You go ahead. Go and be with your little girl, okay? I'll be along in a minute.

Edmund: All right. All right. But if you have to go, I understand. If there was ever a more beautiful picture of mother and child, I can't imagine.

Cassie: Yes, it is a perfect picture, isn't it?

Edmund: May I hold Hope?

Cassie: No. You can’t.

Edmund: Cassie, is something wrong?

Cassie: What's wrong, Edmund, is Hope. She's hungry.

Jeffrey: Did you say you were going to feed Hope, Cassie? You know, she's been very finicky ever since she got back from the christening. I'll help you. What are you doing?

Cassie: I am trying not to scream right now, Jeffrey. I mean, he acts as if nothing is going on.

Jeffrey: If you don't want to talk to Michelle and tell her, and if you don't want to tell Marina or anyone else, that's fine, that's your choice. But if you stay here in front of everybody, you're not going to make it, okay? It's killing you. So why don't you just go upstairs or end the party early or something?

Tammy: What are you doing here?

Jonathan: I came to bring the kid a gift.

Tammy: You already brought her one.

Jonathan: Oh, yeah. Forgot.

Tammy: Anyway, the party's inside, not out here. So...

Jonathan: Yeah. When I pulled up, I saw you run out here. I was worried maybe something was wrong. Shindig a little too wild for you?

Tammy: There's just a lot going on.

Jonathan: Doesn't sound like there's a lot going on.

Tammy: Sandy's going to propose to me.

Jonathan: What?

Tammy: Lizzie said he bought a ring, an engagement ring. He's going to ask me to marry him.

Jonathan: What are you going to say when he does?

Tammy: I'm going to say yes.

Harley: It felt like, I don't know, you were gone for so, so, so long.

Gus: And what? Did I miss something?

Mallet: We were discussing literature.

Harley: How did it go, that phone call to your informant?

Gus: Willy, he's a good informant. I think he's sitting on something. I think so.

Mallet: Mm-hmm?

Gus: You're going to have to take him to dinner.

Mallet: Who? What? Me?

Gus: Yeah, you. See, we're going to be busy, and he only squeals for meals, so you're going to have to feed him. He likes lobster.

Mallet: Well, actually, I was going to stay home and read a book. But yeah, I guess I could take old Willy out for a feed. You know, I was thinking, it's probably not a bad idea for me to start establishing a relationship with him.

Gus: That's nice and everything. Just remember, he's my informant, okay?

Mallet: Yeah, I know, but see, you married the CEO of Spaulding Enterprises, which kind of ruins your street cred, and so maybe old Willy will open up to me more, you know? Free meals or not.

Harley: Are you guys partners or an old married couple?

Mallet: Thank you. Excuse me. I'm going to say hello to a cadet.

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Gus: ( Sighs ) Literature?

Harley: Okay, okay. You want to talk about Blake’s book?

Gus: No. I don't want to talk about Blake’s book. I don't want to talk about it, I don't want to see it, I don't want to read it, I don't want any of that stuff. You know why?

Harley: Why?

Gus: Because I'm sick. I feel bad. Plus I'm living it. I'm living that life. I know all about it, and I like it, and you can hug me now, if you'd like.

Harley: Aw.

Gus: Thank you, because I'm very sick.

Harley: I know, you're very sick.

Danny: Hey, everybody. Hey. I've got an idea. How about a little family photo?

Cassie: Uh...

Danny: Huh?

Edmund: By all means.

Danny: Great. All right. Get you in there. How about a little smile? Nice. I think I'll save that one. Yeah, she's beautiful. She really is. But no surprise, seeing who she came from. You two are really very lucky to have each other.

Edmund: It's a blessing how everything just fell into place.

Danny: Yeah. Right. I'll see you later. I'll be around, taking more pictures with my new toy.

Cassie: She's going to get upset, but I have just got to get her to burp. Come on, Sweetie. Yeah. Come on. Come on, just do this for me, please. Come on. Come on, Baby.

Michelle: Why don't you let me give it a try? Sometimes I have the magic touch.

Michelle: Hi.

Jeffrey: You're good at that, aren't you?

Michelle: ( Laughs ) Well, it's not like I have x-ray vision or anything. I just have a gift for burping babies. Don't ask me why. There you go, little precious girl. Don't worry, it'll just take a minute there. Come on. See? There you go. Good girl. You did a good job. Yes, you did. Let me see you. You did a good job.

Edmund: That's quite a talent. You should rent yourself out to mothers everywhere.

Jeffrey: Are you all right?

Danny: Michelle?

Michelle: Hi.

Danny: Hey.

Edmund: Come on, Angel. Let's go back to Mommy. Yes. There you go. Come on.

Cassie: Thank you.

Danny: Michelle, wait. Wait up.

Michelle: Um, I really have to get going because I've got to pick up Robbie and I've got to finish packing.

Danny: Well, yeah, I figured that. I'm kind of surprised that you came to this.

Michelle: Well, I mean, I'm pretty much done. I thought it would be rude if I didn't show up. I had a gift for the baby.

Danny: Well, I'm sure it will be appreciated.

Michelle: You probably think I shouldn't have come.

Danny: No.

Michelle: I just had to see Hope, you know? I just really wanted to hold her in my arms one more time before... I've got to go.

Danny: Michelle. It's okay. It's okay.

Michelle: You know what? You're right. I shouldn't be here. This was a mistake. I've got to go.

Danny: Hold on. Hold on. Just hold on, will you? It's okay.

Michelle: I've got to go. Okay? Bye.

Sandy: Now all that's missing is Tammy-- and one other thing. Fallon? Sandy here. Did you take care of everything? What do you mean, you're still working on it? I told you this needed to happen immediately so I don't face criminal charges. Well, that's great. The plan was that this would be all over and done with before I proposed. You know, I can't wait any longer.

Jonathan: You're going to marry Sandy Foster? Or whoever he is.

Tammy: He is Sandy. And yes, I'm going to marry him.

Jonathan: Why? Why, Tammy?

Tammy: Because he loves me.

Jonathan: And you love him?

Tammy: Yes.

Jonathan: Really.

Tammy: I do love him.

Jonathan: A week ago, you didn't even know who he was.

Tammy: I do now. And I'll tell you something else. Even if I didn't know what his real name was, I know what kind of a man he is, and I know how he'll treat me. That's all that matters.

Jonathan: Are you sure about that? I think there's a whole hell of a lot that matters that you just don't like to think about.

Tammy: Stop it.

Jonathan: Now you're standing there, and you want me to tell you, "Hey, you and Sandy, great, congratulations, I'm so happy for you." I don't think so.

Tammy: I'm not doing this with you.

Jonathan: Well, I don't notice you leaving. No. You want me to tell you that you're making a mistake. You want me to tell you not to marry the guy. Only I'm not going to. I don't have to say a freaking thing.

Marina: Where did Michelle go?

Danny: Hm? On to the rest of her life, I guess, once she finishes packing.

Marina: Are you okay?

Danny: Yeah. I'm fine. I'm really... I'm fine. Like you said, it's just... I don't know, an emotional day for everyone.

Cassie: Stop looking at me like I'm something under a microscope.

Jeffrey: I'm worried about you.

Cassie: Yeah, well, I'm worried, too. But I am going to be fine. I'm going to finish this party, and then we'll take it from there.

Jeffrey: At least Michelle left.

Cassie: Yeah, that makes me feel so much better.

Jeffrey: You can still tell her. It's your choice.

Cassie: Don't you think that's the only thing that's on my mind right now? And then when I saw Michelle take Hope and hold her in her arms, God, Jeffrey...

Jeffrey: It's only going to get worse.

Cassie: You think I should tell her, don't you?

Jeffrey: I think you should do what you need to do, but just remember whatever decision you make, it's going to affect not only you and Michelle, but this little girl right here.

Edmund: Everything all right, Cassie? You seem a bit strained.

Cassie: How Hope came to be here is just amazing.

Edmund: Yes, it's been quite a ride. But seeing her in your arms makes it all worthwhile.

Jeffrey: Says proud Papa.

Edmund: Well, that's what it's all about, Mr. O’Neill: Love. Love and family.

Cassie: I need to get some air. Will you take her?

Jeffrey: Of course.

Michelle: Cassie?

Danny: This looked like your color.

Marina: Thanks.

Danny: So what were you and Mallet talking about?

Marina: Well, he pretty much agreed that my instincts need a lot of work, but he said not to rule them out completely.

Danny: So trust your instincts, but keep on training them.

Marina: Yeah.

Danny: Sounds good. And what are your instincts telling you right now?

Marina: That I love you.

Danny: Anything else?

Marina: That you love me.

Danny: Sounds like there's nothing wrong with those instincts.

Marina: I also feel like there's nothing but hope for our future.

Danny: Nothing but hope. I like that.

Sandy: Okay. Now all I need is Tammy. And there's no way she's going to say no.

Tammy: You're so sure of yourself.

Jonathan: Yeah. I know what I know. What do you know, Tammy? Do you know that you could spend the rest of your life with Sandy? Only Sandy? Huh? Do you know that you could go the rest of your life without feeling the way you feel when you're with...

Tammy: Stop.

Edmund: Here, I'll take her.

Jeffrey: No, that's all right. I've got her.

Edmund: I would like to hold my daughter, Mr. O’Neill.

Jeffrey: Yeah, I'm sure you would.

Edmund: I'm her father. What are you? The stand-in Godfather. What does that mean? Nothing. What rights do you have? None.

Jeffrey: You talk to me about rights? You'll be lucky if you don't spend the rest of your life in prison.

Michelle: Cassie, are you okay?

Cassie: Yeah. I just didn't expect you to be out here.

Michelle: Yeah, I know. I really need to get going. But it's kind of tough considering that this is it, you know?

Cassie: What?

Michelle: My flight to California, it's tonight. I can't stay in Springfield one more day. It's just too much. You know? Too much.

Cassie: I understand. I'm glad that you're still here. I'm glad that you're still here.

Michelle: Yeah, it's nice, isn't it? Get a little alone time, mother to mother. What's wrong?

Cassie: I'm so sorry. Michelle, I'm so sorry.

Announcer:  Next, on "Guiding Light"...

Tammy: I told you, when Sandy asks me to marry him, I'm going to say yes.

Jonathan: No way. I'm not letting you go away again.

Josh: Sandy, watch out!

Jeffrey: That child in there is not yours. You stole that baby from Michelle.

Cassie: Just stop, because I have to tell you something.

Jeffrey: She hates you, Edmund. She knows, because I told her.

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