GL Transcript Wednesday 9/30/05

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 9/30/05


Provided By Boo 
Proofread by Laura

Cassie: You look absolutely beautiful. You do. You know what? I think that you look like an angel. You are. You're mommy's little angel. You don't realize it yet, but this is a very important day for you. It's a very important day for mommy, too.

Marina: I think Edmund took Michelle’s baby and gave her to Cassie.

Edmund: Dinah, Dinah, Dinah! Happy day! Hope's baptism, which means Michelle, is going to be leaving town, and then Cassie and I will have Hope as our dau... Dinah? Dinah? Dinah?

Michelle: So you are going to go hang out with Daddy while I go to the christening.

Robbie: Yay.

Michelle: Yay. Just you two guys together. And then I'm going to come home and I'm going to finish packing.

Robbie: Mommy, do we have to leave tonight?

Michelle: Yeah, we do. But Grandpa's going to pick us up at the airport. Aren't you excited to see Grandpa? We are going to have a really good time in California. We will. You'll see. Listen, um...

Mel: Hey.

Michelle: It's kind of bright out here. Why don't you go inside and get your sunglasses, okay? All right.

Mel: Hey, Big Boy.

Michelle: Hi, guys. You ready to go? I can't leave until Danny gets here, though, okay?

Rick: You know, Michelle, you don't have to do this. I'm sure Cassie would understand if you decide not to go.

Michelle: I know. I know. But it's important for me to see Hope before I leave.

Mel: Michelle, Rick and I want you to stay. You and Robbie belong here with us, and with Danny.

Marina: ( Sighs ) Nothing yet? No, I've been waiting to hear from Jeffrey O’Neill, but I just thought maybe... it's okay. No, thanks. Bye. ( Cell phone rings ) Marina Cooper. Hi, Dad. Yeah, I know, very official, right? I know I'm on probation. I'm just still trying to think like a cop. Look, I really think that you should try to get to this reception today. I have your gift. No, I know. I know. Okay. Bye. I love you, too. ( Sighs ) Dad, please, try to be there. If this is Michelle and Danny’s baby, I'm going to need backup.

Danny: Hey, sexy lady.

Marina: Hi.

Danny: Wow. You look great.

Marina: Thank you. How are you?

Danny: Yeah, I'm good, I'm good. I just need my coffee and I'll be better. Listen, I'm not going to go to the baptism today. I'm just going to go to the reception after.

Marina: Why?

Danny: Because I need to spend some father-son time with Robbie.

Marina: Before he and Michelle take off.

Danny: Yeah.

Marina: You're acting very calm about all this.

Danny: Well, what can I do about it? Michelle is doing what she feels she feels she needs to do.

Marina: Right, I just meant about Robbie.

Danny: Well, it's important for him to spend this time with his mother and I'll still see him...

Marina: Exactly.

Danny: ...A lot.

Marina: Who knows? Maybe she'll even change her mind.

Danny: I doubt it.

Marina: People do. You never know. But I forgot my earrings. Do you have a second? I'm just going to go grab them. Where are those DNA results, Jeffrey?

 ( Cell phone rings )

Jeffrey: Sorry, Marina. No news yet.

Cassie: Hi.

Jeffrey: Hey.

Cassie: When did you get here?

Jeffrey: Just now.

Cassie: I'm so glad you could make it. Thank you. Come inside. I want you to see Hope.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Cassie: Hey. Hi! Isn't she just beautiful?

Jeffrey: She's gorgeous. And her mother's not bad either.

Cassie: Aren't you a charmer? Can you watch her for a minute? I need to run upstairs and change my shoes.

Jeffrey: Cassie?

Cassie: Yeah?

Jeffrey: There's something I need to tell you about Hope.

Cassie: What?

R.J.: Jeffrey!

Cassie: Hey.

Jeffrey: Hey, RJ. How're you doing, buddy?

Reva: Knock, knock.

Cassie: Come on in! Hello. Hey, Billy. Oh, what did you want to tell me about Hope?

Reva: Is she asleep?

Cassie: No, wide-awake.

Billy: See? I told you.

Reva: Billy, but you still have to behave yourself.

Cassie: Tell me what you want to tell me about Hope before everybody else gets here.

Jeffrey: Yeah, we can do that another time. Hope is gorgeous.

Cassie: You said that already.

Billy: Hey, Cassie, do you think she looks like you, or does she look like Edmund?

Cassie: I don't know. I don't think we can tell yet.

Tammy: Hey!

Jeffrey: Hey. How's it going?

Cassie: How are you doing, Sandy? Hey, what is everyone doing here? I thought I was going to meet all you guys at the church.

Tammy: Well, Aunt Reva and I thought you might need some last-minute help getting ready for the party, and we dragged the guys along.

Cassie: Ooh. Sorry.

Sandy: Don't be. I like it here. It kind of feels like home.

Cassie: Wow.

Tammy: We should probably go, huh?

Cassie: Well, I have to change my shoes. I will be right back.

Tammy: Well, what shoes are you going to... well, I'm with her. I'm her fashion consultant.

( Cell phone rings )

Jeffrey: Hello?

Billy: Okay, what's the matter with the Reva snake?

Reva: Nothing, Billy boy. I'm fine.

Billy: I know what it is. Josh is coming back today and your stomachs all-full of knots, isn't it?

Reva: Well, if you knew that, then why did you ask in the first place?

Billy: You don't have to worry. You guys will work it out. You always do. Besides, today's all about this little darling right here.

Jeffrey: All right, don't call me unless you have an answer. No, you know, better yet, send the results to the church on Maple Drive. That's right, the church. I want to see for myself. I need to know who the mother of this baby is.

( Guests cooing at Hope )

Michelle: Look, Dad's expecting me and everything is all set.

Mel: Your dad will understand if you change your mind, Michelle.

Michelle: Well, I'm not going to. I can’t.

Mel: Why not?

Rick: Honey, please don't push this.

Mel: What? Somebody has to push. Okay? Somebody has to say something instead of just standing aside and watching things fall apart.

Rick: If I thought it would do any good, I would do it. Believe me.

Mel: What? So what? We're just going to let her get on that plane tonight?

Michelle: Well, you could give us a hug good-bye.

Mel: What is it with this family and facing the truth?

Rick: Because we suck at it.

Michelle: I am facing the truth.

Mel: How? By running away? Michelle, you're in love with Danny.

Michelle: Yeah, and Danny loves Marina.

Mel: You and Danny belong together. Any moron can see that. Tell her, please.

Rick: Why do you look at me when you say "moron"?

Michelle: I love you guys for caring; I do. But you're fighting a lost cause.

Mel: Is that what you told Robbie?

Rick: Hey, this isn't the time to have this conversation.

Michelle: No, it's okay. Look, Robbie isn't old enough to understand.

Mel: Right, but he will be one day, and what are you going to tell him then?

Michelle: The same thing that I'm telling you.

Mel: What, that you're stepping aside to protect a friend's feelings? Come on, Marina is a nice girl, but...

Michelle: Okay, my decision has nothing to do with Marina.

Mel: Then why go? Stay and fight for your family.

Michelle: That fight was over the day I lost my baby. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go check on Robbie.

Mel: ( Sighs ) I'm sorry.

Rick: No, don't be. I wasn't trying all that hard to stop you.

Mel: You actually want your sister and Danny to be together?

Rick: I just want my little sister to be happy.

Mel: This is just not right.

Rick: No, it's not. But Michelle losing her baby wasn't right, either, was it?

Danny: Hey, what are you doing? Calling your secret lover?

Marina: No, it was Mallet. He just had to tell me something about work.

Danny: Anything new and exciting?

Marina: Oh, no. I should probably get going.

Danny: Okay. I thought you said something about your earrings.

Marina: Oh, you know what? Forget my earrings. Do you want me to come with you to see Robbie?

Danny: No, no. He's going to meet me here. I'm fine. This is a boys-only event. You go to the baptism, and I'll meet up with you at the reception, okay?

Marina: Okay.

Danny: Okay. What...? Oh. What's this for?

Marina: I just needed you to hold me.

Danny: Any time.

Marina: I love you, Danny.

Danny: I love you.

Marina: No matter what.

Edmund: Dinah? Dinah, come on.

Dinah: Edmund, stop it. Stop it. I don't need your help.

Edmund: Oh, nice stunt, Dinah.

Dinah: ( Groans ) You think I'm faking this?

Edmund: Aren't you? It's very good fake blood, though.

Dinah: I'm bleeding.

Edmund: How many fingers am I holding up?

Dinah: What?

Edmund: How many fingers am I holding up?

Dinah: Two fingers.

Edmund: See? You're fine.

Dinah: Edmund, I'm not fine. I've been unconscious.

Edmund: What were you doing?

Dinah: What do you mean, what was I doing? I was trying to get the hell out of here.

Edmund: Oh. Did you learn your lesson?

Dinah: ( Sighs ) Shut up.

Edmund: Good.

Dinah: Yes. So much noise. What are you looking for?

Edmund: Bandages. Bandages, bandages.

Dinah: Bandages? I cracked my head open.

Edmund: And I am going to patch you up.

Dinah: I need stitches, Edmund. I don't need patching up.

Edmund: Don't be ridiculous. I don't have time for this. I have more important things to do.

Dinah: Really? Your kidnappee is bleeding to death. What in the world could be important?

Edmund: My baby is being baptized today.

Dinah: The one you stole?

Edmund: Use this. I have to go.

Dinah: You're not going anywhere. I need a doctor.

Edmund: It's not happening, Dinah. It's not happening, so forget about it, all right? You are not going to ruin my day.

Dinah: Maybe I won't have to.

Edmund: All right. What is that supposed to mean?

Dinah: Look at you. You're full of pride and hope, so to speak. Why don't you think about the people at that church who might know something about the baby or my disappearance? What if they start talking?

Edmund: They know nothing.

Dinah: Will Jonathan be there?

Edmund: Nope.

Dinah: Marina? I thought you said she was asking some questions.

Edmund: I'm not worried about Marina.

Dinah: Oh, okay. Well, then that's a "yeah." She's going to be there. What about my father? And Jeffrey? And the woman who is responsible for all of this?

Edmund: That's enough, Dinah.

Dinah: Uh-huh. Is Michelle invited? Do you think maybe she's going to be there with her... with her baby being baptized? You think maybe she's going to recognize that child? You know there's a connection between a mother and a daughter.

Edmund: Be quiet, Dinah.

Dinah: People get desperate when they're crazy, and it is a matter of time before you're going to get caught, Edmund.

Edmund: Shut up, Dinah.

Dinah: Because Cassie is never going to speak to you again because you will be in prison.

Edmund: No!

Dinah: Oh, my. I think I hit a nerve.

Ross: This is such a happy day for most parents.

Blake: It was for us.

Ross: I know, but...

Blake: It's still a happy day for Cassie.

Ross: Yeah, I just thought it would be different; that's all.

Blake: You thought Dinah would be here.

Ross: You know, what she did was a very selfless act.

Blake: She did.

Ross: This day wouldn't be happening without my little girl.

Blake: She couldn't handle it, Ross. We knew that it might turn out this way.

Ross: I know, and that scared me to death.

Blake: She did a good thing by leaving, not just for Cassie, but for herself.

Ross: I don't know about that.

Blake: Be proud of her, Ross. She did the right thing. And she will be back.

Ross: Will she?

Blake: Trust me. Dinah will be back. And when she comes back, I promise not to raise a stink.

Ross: The hell you won’t.

Edmund: You think baiting me is going to get you out of here, Dinah?

Dinah: I need a doctor. I need medical attention.

Edmund: I couldn't find the bandages.

Dinah: They're on top of the refrigerator.

Edmund: Well, why didn't you say so in the first place?

Dinah: Because I can't put it on myself.

Edmund: Fine! Then I'll bandage you up! Sit. And then I'm getting out of here.

Dinah: It's not like they're going to start without you.

Edmund: Well, I don't want to be late.

Dinah: Ow. Stop it. Stop it. Get the hell off me! You keep your eye on the baby you stole!

Edmund: She didn't want it in the first place. She didn't need it. She didn't even know who the father was.

Dinah: Edmund, you're not going to get away with this.

Edmund: Dinah, I already have. I'm going to walk out that door and I'm going to begin the rest of my life, and nobody's going to spoil that for me-- not you, not Jeffrey, not Jonathan, not Danny, not Michelle, not even that nosy little Marina. Nobody, Dinah. Nobody!

Dinah: You've got it all figured out, don't you, Edmund? You think you've got it all figured out. You don't think people are going to figure it out! People sniffing around, Edmund! I'm gonna tell you something, when they figure out what the hell is going on, good, old Dinah’s not going to be there to pick up the mess! You have used me for the last time. You have used me for the last time. I'm gonna tell you something. I will get the last laugh. How does that feel? How does that feel? I want you... I want you to feel the pain that you have inflicted on me. I want you to feel that. People say that I'm a bad, bad girl but I've made my mistakes and I know that, but you know what? I have never, ever taken a child away from its mother, and I was going to give that baby to Cassie. As much as I've wanted a baby, I was going to give it, even though I loved her, because I'm not the devil. I am not the devil!

You are the devil! You are the devil incarnate. You are the devil, and I cannot believe you have left me here like this! No! Oh.

Marina: Hey. How are you? Hanging in there?

Michelle: Yeah, I'm good. I'm fine. You?

Marina: I'm okay. It must have been hard for you to come out here.

Michelle: Well, I wanted to be here for Cassie. Her baby is...

Marina: Is what?

Michelle: Perfect. She's a perfect little girl.

Ruthledge: There she is. Oh, Cassie, she's beautiful.

Cassie: Oh, thank you. Reverend Rutledge, do you know Jeffrey O’Neill?

Ruthledge: Not from Sunday services.

Cassie: ( Laughs )

Ruthledge: But yes, we've met.

Cassie: So, is Edmund here?

Ruthledge: I haven't seen him yet.

Cassie: Oh. He'd better not be late.

Jeffrey: I don't think Edmund is going to miss this. ( Baby crying )

Cassie: Ssh. It's okay. I don't think I have the pacifier.

Tammy: It's not there?

Cassie: I think it's in the car.

Tammy: I'll go look.

Cassie: Oh, thanks, Sweetie.

Jeffrey: Excuse me.

Cassie: Hey, baby girl.

Sandy: Can I marry your daughter?

Cassie: Excuse me?

Sandy: Well, um... Cassie? I... uh... I want to marry Tammy, and I... I would... can I have your permission to marry your daughter?

Cassie: Oh. Oh...

Sandy: I... you know, I'm sorry to bother you today, and I'm just sitting here, and we're all alone, and I'm all nervous, and I have this ring in my pocket, and I just... I thought that...

Cassie: It's okay. It's all right.

Sandy: The asking... the bothering you or the asking your daughter part?

Cassie: Both.

Sandy: Both?

Cassie: ( Laughs )

Sandy: Right. Well... whew. Thanks for being so...

Cassie: Yeah. You're welcome.

Sandy: I love your daughter. I'm going to do everything I can to make her happy. And I will... I promise you that.

Cassie: You can make you both happy. God, you and... you guys are so young, Sandy. But I know that you're going to take care of her, and she deserves that, and... we'll talk, okay? ( Laughs ) Oh, my little girl's going to get married. Oh, my God!

Sandy: If she says yes.

Cassie: She'd better. She'd better.

Jeffrey: "Child is not a genetic match. Subject is not the child's mother."

Marina: Jeffrey? Are those the DNA results? Well, is Cassie Hope's mother?

Marina: Oh, God, it's true. Edmund stole Michelle’s baby and gave her to Cassie. We have to tell them.

Jeffrey: No.

Marina: What?

Jeffrey: We're not going to say anything.

Marina: But we have to-- the truth.

Jeffrey: The truth? The truth is that Cassie is Hope's mother. The test results prove it.

Marina: Really?

Jeffrey: Yeah. All 25 markers match. It's 100%.

Marina: What about Edmund and all the clues?

Jeffrey: Sometimes the clues are wrong, Marina.

Marina: I was so sure. I don't know what to feel.

Jeffrey: Just so you know, be sad for Michelle and very happy for Cassie. I know I am.

 ( Cell phone rings )

Billy: Hello? Hey, Josh. Where the hell are you? You're not on the... oh. Yeah, okay. No, I'll tell her. You just keep me apprised, okay?

Reva: Josh isn't coming?

Billy: No, he's got mechanical trouble on his plane. Look, Darling, he says he's real sorry and he'll call you later, okay?

Reva: He was supposed to be the Godfather.

Cassie: It's not a problem. We'll figure something out.

Edmund: Sorry. I'm late. Sorry.

Cassie: That's okay. Josh just called. He's not going to be able to make it.

Edmund: He can't?

Cassie: No.

Edmund: He can't? I'm sorry. I know how much you wanted him to stand with Reva, holding Hope. Perhaps then, Reva, you can just hold Hope.

Cassie: Or we can get a replacement.

Edmund: Replacement? Who?

Cassie: Excuse me. So, will you do it?

Jeffrey: What?

Cassie: Will you stand up there with me? Please? You're going to be a huge part of Hope's life, and it would mean so much to me.

Edmund: Oh, God, Cassie, you can't be serious.

Cassie: Yes. It would mean a lot to me.

Ruthledge: Edmund. You're here. Is... is there a problem?

Cassie: Well, um... well, the Godfather can't show up so we're hoping that we could have a stand-in. Is that all right?

Ruthledge: Why not?

Cassie: ( Laughs ) Okay. Will you do this? Will you do this for me and my little girl?

Jeffrey: Of course.

Tammy: Lizzie said you bought a ring, Sandy. Are you really going to propose to me?

Sandy: You've been quiet. Anything wrong?

Tammy: No. I saw you with my mom earlier. What was that about?

Sandy: Just wishing her well. It's nice to see her so happy.

Marina: Hi.

Danny: Hey, what's up? Everything okay?

Marina: Everything's amazing. You're amazing.

Danny: Well, I know, but why are you telling me this now?

Marina: It's just, these things get me all emotional, you know? Life and love and birth and family. How's Robbie?

Danny: Oh, he's fine. He's charming a few more cookies out of Lynn.

Marina: Mm, yeah. Well, I won't keep you. I'll let you go. I should get going myself. I just wanted to call and check in and just say Hi and hear your voice.

Danny: Okay. Call me when you're headed over to the reception.

Marina: Okay. Hope is not your baby, Danny. Everything is going to be okay.

Ruthledge: If you'll all gather around, we'll get started now.

Cassie: I'm so happy.

Ruthledge: Blessed be God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Everyone: And blessed be His kingdom, now and forever. Amen.

Ruthledge: Ordinarily at this point in the service, I'd say a few words, but Cassie has asked to say a few words of her own. Cassie?

Cassie: Thank you. And thank you all for being here today. I feel like I've waited so long for this day and I'm so glad to be able to share it with all of you. Well, today isn't just about this precious, beautiful little girl. It's about all of us. Edmund and I wanted so badly to bring this baby into the world, and, well, she was a tough haul. ( Laughs ) But her story's pretty inspirational when you think about it. You look at her and you see that there is hope, which is why we named her Hope. There is one person who isn't here today, and that's Dinah. Ross, I know that you're missing your little girl, and I just hope that you can take comfort in Hope, knowing that a part of Dinah is here with her. I wanted so badly to thank her, and I just hope wherever Dinah is, that she knows how grateful I am and how grateful Edmund is. And then there is the big sister. And you are going to be a mom one day. And I watch you with your brother and now I see you with Hope and you are just going to be an amazing mother. And I love you.

Tammy: I love you, too.

Cassie: And there's you. I wanted to thank you for coming to our rescue once again now, standing in for Josh. I know that it's only a temporary thing, but I think that you are going to have a powerful love and connection with this little girl, and I think that that love and connection is only going to get stronger. I mean, that's what happens when we have children, right? There's nothing we won't do for them. There's nothing we won't give them if we can. And I guess that's what happens when you love someone. Okay, I'm done. ( Laughs )

Ruthledge: Thank you, Cassie. And now the candidate for Holy Baptism will be presented. Who presents this child for the Sacrament of Baptism?

Reva: I present this child, Hope.

Ruthledge: Uh, Mr. O’Neill? The card?

Jeffrey: Sorry. I present this child, Hope, child of... child of Edmund and Cassie Winslow, to receive the Sacrament of Baptism.

Ruthledge: Will you be responsible for seeing that the child you present is brought up in the faith of our church?

Cassie: I will.

Reva: We will.

Edmund: With Gods help.

Ruthledge: Do you renounce evil and all the spiritual forces of wickedness that rebel against God?

Parents and Godparents: I renounce them.

Ruthledge: Do you renounce the evil powers of this world, which corrupt and destroy?

Parents and Godparents: I renounce them.

Ruthledge: Do you put your whole trust in God's grace and love?

Parents and Godparents: I do.

Ruthledge: Let us now join with Hope in renewing our own baptismal covenant. Could you bring her forward please? Hope? I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Reva: She's such a good girl.

Cassie: Don't forget to stop by the farm, everyone. There's plenty of food and drinks, okay?

Blake: Oh, she's so good. What a good girl.

Cassie: She is.

Blake: Oh, you've got a great one on your hands.

Cassie: Yeah, you think so?

Blake: Mm-hmm.

Ross: Cassie, thank you for what you said about Dinah.

Cassie: You don't have to thank me. I meant every word. I really wish she would have stayed.

Billy: What have you got up your sleeve?

Sandy: Up my... uh, looks like nothing.

Billy: Come on. You've been smiling like a Cheshire cat ever since Reva picked you up. What's going on?

Sandy: Well, can you keep a secret?

Billy: I've been known to.

Sandy: I'm going to ask Tammy to marry me tonight.

Billy: Is she going to say yes?

Sandy: If I'm lucky.

Billy: You couldn't have picked a better girl. You just treat her good and you'll be set for life.

Reva: Beautiful service, wasn't it?

Tammy: It was really nice. Too bad Uncle Josh couldn't have been here, though.

Reva: Yeah. Too bad. So what is going on with you? You're awfully quiet this morning.

Tammy: You're the second person who's said that.

Reva: Well, then there must be something to it.

Tammy: Sometimes I'm just quiet. You know that.

Reva: True.

Tammy: I just have a lot on my mind, I guess. That's all.

Reva: Like?

Tammy: Like helping Mom with today. It's a big day for her.

Rick: Ready to go home?

Michelle: In a minute.

Mel: Well, she seems to be holding up okay.

Rick: No. She's upset. She's very upset.

Mel: I just wish she wasn't rushing off to California tonight.

Rick: Well, the one good thing is that my father will take good care of her.

Mel: I know. I know. But this is a mistake.

Rick: Fine, we both know that, but it's her mistake to make.

Michelle: It was a beautiful ceremony, Cassie.

Cassie: Thank you.

Michelle: And you, my little sweetheart, you were amazing. She's such a happy baby.

Cassie: You think so?

Michelle: Definitely. I guess, why shouldn't she be, right? I think she's actually starting to look a little bit like you.

Cassie: Yeah?

Michelle: Don't you think so, Jeffrey?

Cassie: ( Laughs )

Jeffrey: That's a little early to tell.

Michelle: Well, I have to go home and pack.

Cassie: Oh. Wow. You're leaving tonight?

Michelle: Yeah. Yes, and I've got to go get Robbie. He's been with Danny. We have a 6:00 flight.

Cassie: Wow. Okay. Um, we're going to miss you. We are. And tell your dad we said "Hi," okay?

Michelle: I will.

Cassie: Good-bye.

Michelle: Bye.

Blake: Michelle looks like she's holding up okay.

Marina: I hope so. She's been through a lot.

Blake: You must be kind of relieved that she's going out of town.

Marina: Blake.

Blake: Well, it's uncomfortable bumping into the exes. Ask Ross. But you don't have anything to worry about.

Marina: I know. I'm not worried.

Blake: I've seen the way Danny looks at you. He loves you. That's not going to change.

Edmund: Jeffrey. Thank you. Cassie and I both appreciate you standing in.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, I didn't want her to feel disappointed. You would know all about that feeling, wouldn't you?

Edmund: Excuse me.

Jeffrey: Is that blood?

Edmund: I cut myself shaving. I should probably change for the reception.

Jeffrey: Well, it's not that big a deal.

Edmund: Well, just the same, I wouldn't want people to think I'm a careless dresser.

Jeffrey: ( Laughs ) Well... yeah, well, you're in good shape if that's your biggest sin. But then again, who are we kidding?

Edmund: Excuse me.

Marina: I have never been more relieved to be wrong. If Edmund had...

Jeffrey: Yeah, that would have turned everything upside down.

Marina: For all of us.

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Cassie: She's just perfect, isn't she?

Jeffrey: Cassie.

Cassie: She's beautiful.

Jeffrey: Cassie.

Cassie: What are you doing?

Cop: This isn't your baby.

Cassie: What are you talking about?

Cop: Ms. Santos, we have your baby.

Cassie: Michelle?

Michelle: My baby. My baby!

Cassie: No, that's my baby. It's my baby. Jeffrey, would you tell...

Cassie. Hey. Is everything all right?

Jeffrey: Yeah, it's fine. What's up?

Cassie: Well, we should probably get going.

Jeffrey: So soon?

Cassie: Yeah. We've got to get ready for the party. Can you give us a lift?

Jeffrey: Yeah, sure.

Reva: Okay, Buster, you're coming with us. We have a party to go to.

R.J.: You think Mom will let me have two pieces of cake?

Reva: You know what? I don't know about that. What do you think, Uncle Billy?

Billy: If she doesn't, I'll slip you one, okay?

Reva: You can always count on your Uncle Billy.

Sandy: It's been a good day so far.

Tammy: Yeah.

Sandy: I have a feeling it's only going to get better.

Michelle: Are you guys sure you don't want to go to the party?

Mel: Well, we hadn't planned on it, and I'm on call later...

Rick: And as much as I like to have a good meal, fatherhood definitely comes first, so I'd be more than happy to watch Robbie if Danny wants to come out.

Michelle: You're sure?

Rick: Yeah, absolutely.

Michelle: Thanks.

Mel: All right. See you.

Michelle: I know it's pointless, but I can't help thinking about what might have been.

Marina: Edmund. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I know that I've been snooping around and sticking my nose where it really doesn't belong, and I wanted to tell you, you have a beautiful baby. She's just beautiful. So congratulations.

Edmund: Thank you.

Ross: So, Edmund, will we see you at the reception?

Edmund: Uh, yes. I was going to head over there as soon as I find Cassie, but... where is she?

Cassie: Okay. Come on, Sweetie. Hey, can you get the extra leaf for the table out of the closet? It's right in there.

Jeffrey: You know what? I think... I think that can wait.

Cassie: Oh. Oh, I know. You want a proper thank you, right? For everything you did to help me today? Thank you. Wasn't the reverend amazing? He did such a great job, and he has always been so nice to me and Tammy when we come into town. So nice.

Jeffrey: Cassie. Cassie.

Cassie: What?

Jeffrey: There's something that you need to know.

Cassie: Is this about us?

Jeffrey: No. About Hope.

Announcer: Next, on "Guiding Light."

Tammy: I think Sandy’s going to propose to me.

Marina: That's great.

Tammy: If you're ready to get married. I know what it's like to let someone slip through your fingers.

Jonathan: What are you going to say when he does?

Jeffrey: She's not your baby.

Cassie: Oh, my God. What did he do? What did Edmund do?

Michelle: Well, I have one last thing that I want to do.

Edmund: I think we're headed in the same direction.

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