GL Transcript Thursday 9/29/05

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 9/29/05


Provided By Boo
Proofread by Laura

[Missing first 15 minutes due to breaking news.]

Michelle: Sorry, Cassie, I didn't mean to...

Cassie: Stop. Stop apologizing. You came here to see Hope, right?

Michelle: You got me.

Cassie: She's so lucky to have a friend like you. Come on. She's been sleeping all day so if you wake her up, I don't care.

Michelle: I know I'm going to see her at the baptism, but just...

Cassie: But there's going to be so many people here and everyone's going to want to hold her.

Michelle: I like seeing her when it's quiet. God, she makes me feel so much better. God, it's so nice to have somebody who understands. And just for some reason knowing that you went through this and survived it...

Cassie: It is hard. But you know, I held on to my kids and I let them hold on to me and I let them love me and you know, Michelle, that's what you've really got to do. You have to let the people in your life love you.

Jeffrey: Why would Edmund want to hurt you Marina? I don't get it.

Marina: I don't know. You ever get the feeling like he's hiding something?

Jeffrey: Only all the time. I'm kind of getting that feeling from you now. So where's this all coming from?

Marina: I don't know. Probably nowhere.

Frank: Marina, you still up here?

Jeffrey: Hey, frank.

Frank: Jeffrey, good, I was looking for you.

Jeffrey: What's up?

Frank: We got a break in the case you asked about.

Marina: I'm going to let you guys talk.

Jeffrey: Stick around. You're going to be on the force officially any time, right? I told her about the case, frank.

Frank: Well, then I've got good news for you. Come here. We've got a lead. We lifted a partial fingerprint on that first letter that you got.

Jeffrey: Outstanding. Is it enough to run through the database?

Frank: Unfortunately, no. But we ran it by immigration.

Jeffrey: And?

Frank: We got a match. It's Edmund Winslow. He's the one that's been making the death threats against you.

Jonathan: I'm not just saying that because she's standing right here. I mean, ever since Ava's signed on, she's really brought something to the bar. I mean, this girl never stops working.

Ava: As a matter of fact, I'm going to get back to it. Excuse me.

Jonathan: Hot, huh?

Tammy: Sure is. But I didn't come here to talk about the weather.

Jonathan: ( Laughs ) Gee, just got chilly in here.

Tammy: Are you going to answer me about Dinah or what? Because you didn't before.

Jonathan: Oh, yeah. We were distracted by what? Our lips.

Tammy: Won't happen ever again.

Jonathan: Whatever.

Tammy: Jonathan, all I wanted to know was are you going to bring Dinah back wherever she is to ruin my sister's christening. Yes or no?

Jonathan: No. I got a letter from Dinah. She's cool where she is.

Tammy: That's all I needed to know.

Jonathan: Hey, you don't have to...

Tammy: Don’t.

Jonathan: Fine. No problem.

Tammy: I have to get out of here.

Jonathan: Tammy!

Sandy: All right. Well, you guys promise me that you won't tell Tammy anything about this. I want it to be a surprise.

Coop: Sure. You've got our word on it. Isn't that right, Lizzie?

Lizzie: Yeah, whatever. Good luck on all that, okay. Grab the check.

Coop: Wait a second...

Sandy: Coop?

Coop: Thank you. Lizzie...

Lizzie: Grab the check.

Coop: Would you...

Lizzie: I said grab the check.

Coop: I've got the check right here. Would you please just give me a hug or something? Look, I'm... I'm really proud of you.

Lizzie: Why? All I did was sell a ring that meant absolutely nothing. But we needed money, okay? That's right that was more important.

Coop: Why are you so upset right now?

Lizzie: Upset? I'm not upset. Where did you get the idea that I'm upset.

Coop: Lizzie, talk to me. Is this whole thing here because Tammy’s found somebody who ready to get married and perhaps you haven't?

Cassie: Hope, this is your friend Michelle. Here you go. I think she loves you as much as I do. ( Laughs ) Isn't she just so soothing?

Michelle: She's incredible. You can do whatever you need to do, really. I can keep Hope company.

Cassie: I'm done with the food. Her outfit is clean and pressed and I even had time to work on this baby book. And I even have time to sit around and freak out over all the things that I can't control.

Michelle: Like what?

Cassie: Well, Josh is supposed to be her Godfather only he was called away on some big emergency Lewis oil thing so he promises he'll be back in time. And then there's Jeffrey.

Michelle: Is he away, too?

Cassie: He might as well be. I don't think he's going to make it to the baptism, either.

Michelle: Maybe it's better considering the tension between he and Edmund.

Cassie: I want him there. I love him. I want him there. I know he's crazy about Hope and I'm going to be so mad at him if he doesn't show up.

Michelle: I completely understand what it's like not having the person you love beside you.

Cassie: That's right. And to be around these angels, huh? Wow, let me feel her. She feels a little chilly. I'll get a blanket.

Michelle: She's fine. I think the night air is actually good for her.

Cassie: I just don't want her to catch a cold.

Michelle: Well, she seems perfectly happy to me.

Cassie: Yes, but she can't get sick for her baptism, can you Sweetie Pie. Here, let mommy give you a blanket.

Michelle: Cassie, Cassie, she's fine. I think I know what's good for her.

Jeffrey: That bastard has found a new level to sink to.

Frank: Is this about Cassie?

Jeffrey: He'll do anything and everything to keep me away from her. He gets me away from her, uses the baby to keep himself tied to her.

Frank: But Jeffrey, come on. Death threats and all that.

Jeffrey: He'll do anything he has to, Frank. It's Edmund. He knew I'd stay away if I presented a threat to her.

Frank: You want to bring him in?

Jeffrey: No, give him some rope and give me time. There's a couple other things I need to figure out.

Frank: Like what?

Jeffrey: I'll get back to you on that.

Frank: Make sure you do so.

Jeffrey: All right. Honey, I'm going to the station, you want me to give you a lift?

Marina: No, I'm okay. See you later.

Frank: Okay. Jeffrey, if you hear anything, give me a call, right?

Jeffrey: I will. Okay. Let's have it. What did you want to tell me about Edmund?

Marina: I... I saw Edmund outside of the drugstore and Jeffrey, he was really strung out on something and he was acting really weird.

Jeffrey: I know about the drug addiction thing.

Marina: Okay. Well I just... I thought you should know.

Jeffrey: That's all?

Marina: Yeah, that's it. I... I'm sorry. I'm just really distracted with everything. But anyways, thank you for listening.

Jeffrey: Okay. All right. You go ahead. The sorry about scaring you. All right, Edmund. You've gone too far this time and I've got you. Let's see where you are.

Marina: Jeffrey...

Jeffrey: I thought you were going.

Marina: Could you hang up the phone for two seconds until I get everything out? All right?

Jeffrey: I thought you got everything out already.

Marina: Just hear me out. Don't say a thing. Let me just... let me get this out before I lose my nerve again and the... the thing with Edmund’s letters. It's not the worst of it. He's done more.

Jeffrey: Well, go on.

Marina: Michelle Santos... I think Edmund took Michelle’s baby and gave her to Cassie.

Lizzie: Please! You think that I'm upset because Tammy and Sandy are engaged and we're not? ( Scoffs ) Okay. I don't want to get married, all right? And me be jealous of Tammy? Have you checked out her wardrobe?

Coop: Okay. I don't believe you. Lizzie, just because we're not ready to get married right now doesn't mean that we won't ever be. Listen, when I think about my future, it's not just mine. It's ours, all right? You are in it. Us. We are in it. Now, please, that's got to count for something. I mean, maybe that's got to help? Maybe? I mean... a little bit?

Lizzie: Actually you know what would help a lot? If we could get out of here. What time are you off work?

Coop: I close tonight.

Lizzie: Okay, well close early. Just few hours. I mean, it's not like you're busy or anything. I want to take you out.

Coop: Where?

Lizzie: A new restaurant.

Coop: Hmm? What?

Lizzie: Everybody's talking about it, I want us to go there. And then after that we can go shopping. I saw this cute blazer that would look great on you.

Coop: You can't afford this stuff, okay?

Lizzie: Oh, yes, I can.

Coop: Oh, no, you can’t. Come here. Come here. You and I need to have a talk and it's about a word I'm sure you've never heard of in your entire life.

Lizzie: What's that?

Coop: Budget.

Tammy: Sandy!

Sandy: Hey, beautiful, how... W.

Tammy: I missed you.

Sandy: Hey, wow. You okay?

Tammy: I'm fine. I'm just...

Sandy: No, you're not. What's the matter?

Ava: Don't ever use me like that again.

Jonathan: Look, you don't know the whole story.

Ava: Then tell me.

Jonathan: Drop it.

Ava: Who is she, your ex?

Jonathan: Something like that.

Ava: Why did you want her to think there was something between us?

Jonathan: Look, just get back to work, okay.

Ava: Come on, Boss. Why don't you tell me your story? Maybe I can help. But I need something to work off of here.

Jonathan: Here. Finish wiping down the bar.

Ava: Fine. You know what? Sometimes guys just don't know how to be in love. If you keep acting the way you're acting, you mow what? She's never going to want to be with you.

Jonathan: Damn it! I said drop it! Drop it! Drop it! Drop it! Ooh!

Michelle: Cassie, I am so sorry. I don't know what is wrong with me.

Cassie: Michelle, it's okay.

Michelle: No.

Cassie: You're missing your little girl. It's okay.

Michelle: No, it's not. It's not okay. You are Hope's mother and you know what is right for her. I really didn't mean to do that. I just... you know, I thought I would be taking care of a baby right now and I was so ready for this, you know? So ready for all the smells and the sounds and... and there's just nothing now. There's nothing.

Cassie: You really need to let yourself grieve, you know?

Michelle: I'm really sorry. This is... you don't need to be dealing with my mess of a life. You and Hope should be enjoying each other.

Cassie: Hope is lucky to have a friend like you.

Michelle: Yeah. Maybe I'm being a little intense because I know that I'm not going to be seeing her much in the future.

Cassie: Why not?

Michelle: Well, my dad got his Grant continued and he's going to be doing ii in California and I decided to go and work with him.

Cassie: Oh, Michelle, that's great!

Michelle: I need a fresh start. It's the right thing for me to do.

Cassie: Well, we'll miss you. Me and Hope.

Michelle: Maybe you can send me photograph every now and then?

Cassie: I think I can manage that, yes, of course.

Michelle: Thank you. I should get going.

Cassie: Hey, please don't leave, Michelle.

Michelle: No, I'll... I'll see you at the baptism, okay?

Marina: When Michelle first woke up at the hospital she thought that Danny had delivered the baby and the baby was still alive.

Jeffrey: She was delusional. She had been through so much. Of course her imagination is going to be running wild.

Marina: Maybe. But maybe someone was there, Jeffrey. Maybe not Danny, but maybe someone else.

Jeffrey: This someone else delivered the baby.

Marina: Someone called 911, Jeffrey. Who made that call? Michelle was in town longer than anyone else thought she was. At first she stayed with Bill Lewis and then she moved.

Jeffrey: Where?

Marina: To Edmund’s suite.

Jeffrey: What... all right. What the hell are you talking about? What made you go snooping around there to begin with?

Marina: Because I love Danny, okay? Because if that baby... I mean, it could be his and I want Danny to be with me because that's where he wants to be, not because that's just where life left him, okay? And I needed... I needed to be sure. For Michelle’s sake and for his and for mine and for Cassie's and for Hope's and once I got started I just couldn't stop. I just kept going. I had to find the truth so I broke into Edmund’s suite.

Jeffrey: You broke in?

Marina: And I found the cap.

Jeffrey: What cap?

Marina: To the needle. The hypo and I... I had the police lab run tests and they found laprosin. It's a drug that's used to induce labor.

Jeffrey: Laprosin.

Marina: Don't you see? I have everything there. And I just can't put it together myself but something's there. I mean, don't you feel it?

Jeffrey: Marina... I'm sorry. But I think Edmund may have given that drug to Dinah, which is why she went into labor as fast as she did.

Marina: I hope that that's the way that it happened. I do. I really hope that. But... but Edmund has been acting so strange.

Jeffrey: ( Laughs ) Marina, it's Edmund, okay? It's not acting, Edmund is strange. Now, I hate to tell you this, but there's not enough evidence here to prove that Hope is not Cassie’s baby. Okay? Now you can't go running around ruining everyone's lives because you found a little bit of evidence.

Marina: So you're saying I should just drop it, that's it?

Jeffrey: That's exactly what I'm saying.

Marina: You're the D.A. I trust your instincts. As long as your decisions are made on the facts of the case.

Jeffrey: And not on the fact that I care about Cassie.

Marina: I bet you're wishing you would have pushed me off the roof now, huh?

Jeffrey: You know what? Wait a minute. I tell you what, I'll do some digging after the christening.

Marina: Well, we have to act quickly.

Jeffrey: Why?

Marina: Michelle's leaving town.

Jeffrey: Marina, we cannot say or do anything unless we're 99.9% sure. You can't say anything to Cassie or to Michelle unless you're absolutely sure about this. We don't have enough proof.

Marina: Well, how in the world do you get proof. We would have to have a confession from Edmund or from Dinah and how else can we be sure?

Jeffrey: There's another way. D.N.A.. okay, I can get some samples from Cassie and from Hope and then we'll know.

Marina: How quickly can we get the results?

Jeffrey: Tomorrow, I'll put a rush on it.

Marina: Tomorrow?

Jeffrey: The christening. I hope you're wrong.

Marina: My God, I hope I am, too.

Jeffrey: Because if you're not and if Hope is not Cassie’s baby, it is going to crush her. And then there's the bigger question, where's Dinah and the baby she's been carrying all these months. It's a lot to hold on to.

Marina: I know. It's going to change a lot of people's lives, and not just Cassie's. It's going to affect... well, a whole lot of people.

Ava: There's no reason to be embarrassed, you know.

Jonathan: To look at you. I'm not.

Ava: I'm not your type.

Jonathan: Oh, no?

Ava: No. And you're not mine, either. And anyways, you're in love.

Jonathan: I never said that.

Ava: It's great, Boss. I'm envious of that. I wish I had someone special. Someone special that would reach out and grab my hand and hold tight, hold tight and never let go. No matter what. Because they see deep down inside, deep down inside your soul.

Jonathan: You've been spending too much time in the greeting card section, haven't you? Valentine's stuff isn't real.

Ava: Says who?

Jonathan: Says me. And I'm the boss. Doesn't exist.

Ava: Maybe not. But you have to be honest with yourself. You wouldn't mind if it did, would you?

Jonathan: Look, I told you to hustle and here you are getting misty all over my bar. If you think I was joking about you paying me that money back, guess again.

Ava: Soon. I'll have it for you soon. You have my word.

Jonathan: Well, give me cash. And I don't understand. You're working two jobs now. You're not going to school anymore. Where's all this money going to?

Ava: I had some bills I had to pay off, and I needed some clothes.

Jonathan: No. I don't buy it. What have you got yourself mixed up in this time?

Tammy: I just want you to take me home. That's all.

Sandy: Right now?

Tammy: Right now. I just want to spend the whole night lying next to you in your arms. Waking you up in the dark with kisses.

Sandy: I think I might like that.

Tammy: We'll wake up and go to the christening. What do you think.

Sandy: Sounds great.

Tammy: Good.

Sandy: Wait, wait. Hold on.

Tammy: What's wrong?

Sandy: There's something I have to take care of first.

Tammy: Right now?

Sandy: Right now. Just wait here at Company and I'll be right back.

Tammy: But where are you going, Sandy?

Coop: If you look at it as more of a game it might be easier. Each month you have to pay your rent and then you have to buy food and...

Lizzie: Shoes.

Coop: What?

Lizzie: Shoes, rent, and food. Shoes. Then there's the stylist and a manicure.

Coop: Okay. Come here for a second. Come here, have a seat. Think. Why don't we just take it's easy start with the breathing for right now and then we'll work up to the other stuff, okay?

Tammy: Lizzie, are you okay?

Lizzie: Yeah, I'm fine. We're just... we're talking about a... a...

Tammy: A what?

Lizzie: ( Laughs ) A budget. We're talking about a budget. My budget, actually.

Tammy: Wow. That's got to be hard for you. Well, good luck with that. But, hey, did you guys happen to see Sandy before?

Coop: Yeah. But...

Tammy: He seemed kind of nervous or something?

Lizzie: Nervous? Why wouldn't he be? He's about to make the biggest mistake of his life.

Jeffrey: Hey. Edmund here?

Cassie: No, he's not here.

Jeffrey: That's right. It's dark outside so he must be collecting fresh blood somewhere. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Hope, I know I promised I wouldn't say anything bad about your daddy in front of you.

Cassie: Well, why don't you make it up to her? It's almost time for her feeding. A little past because Michelle came by and distracted us.

Jeffrey: Michelle?

Cassie: Yeah. She's pretty attached to Hope. I think it makes her feel better. Why don't you settle in? You can give her bottle.

Jeffrey: You know what? You're going to kill me, but I have to go again. Maybe some other time.

Cassie: Why don't you just admit it. You don't want to be around Hope.

Jeffrey: That's ridiculous. You know that.

Cassie: I feel you pulling away and that's why you don't want to come to the baptism tomorrow. Look, I get it. Okay? This whole family thing is freaking you out. That's okay. You just have to tell me, okay? Just be honest with me about this. I may hate you for, like, five minutes. But that's all.

Jeffrey: I just... I've been getting some pretty serious threats.

Cassie: What?

Jeffrey: Well, you know, it's on occupational hazard. Death threats.

Cassie: Jeffrey. Oh, my God!

Jeffrey: Wait, I'm going to be fine, okay? I'm all right. I have a few things I have to take care of and I can't do that with a baby in my arms, even if it is the most beautiful baby in the world and the mother ain't bad, either.

Cassie: Why didn't you tell me this sooner?

Jeffrey: Because I didn't want to worry you and I didn't want you to know if you didn't have to know. But now you know. Cassie, please understand, I cannot... I cannot let anything happen to you or any of your children ever.

Cassie: I get that, okay? But I feel safe when you're here with me. So you can't do this again. You can't go away.

Jeffrey: Well, there's nothing I want more is to stay here with you. But I don't really have a choice.

Ava: I'm not mixed up in anything.

Jonathan: Good. Because I don't need any of your friends coming back around my bar.

Ava: I promise you, I won't be any trouble. You have my word.

Jonathan: You mean any more trouble.

Ava: I made a mistake, okay? I won't mess up like that twice.

Jonathan: You better not. Because I don't want any of your nasty little boy toys coming around to collect something from you. I don't even know what it is. You haven't even told me your story yet. I don't even know why you're here in this town.

Ava: Let's make a deal, Boss. I'll tell you how I came to Springfield and everything I do with every last cent and you tell me what happened between you and Tammy.

Jonathan: Forget it.

Ava: Fine. Forgotten.

Jonathan: No use talking about something that you can't have.

Tammy: Sandy's about to make the biggest mistake of his life?

Lizzie: Yeah, well, I wouldn't exactly say the biggest but it's pretty big.

Coop: Lizzie, don’t.

Tammy: Look, Coop, if Lizzie knows something, I want to hear.

Lizzie: Tammy, we're friends, right?

Tammy: Okay.

Lizzie: I should have stopped him, I should have just walked away but I sold Sandy a ring.

Tammy: A ring?

Coop: Lizzie, we promised.

Lizzie: It's for you. It's an engagement ring.

Tammy: What?

Lizzie: Even though you're way too young, Sandy’s going to propose to you.

Man: Mr. Foster? I got your message.

Sandy: Didn't I tell you I'd come to you?

Man: Sorry, but since I'm here, I think...

Sandy: I'm going ahead with it. I'm going to marry her?

Man: Marry her?

Sandy: I'm telling you what's going to happen. I love Tammy Winslow and I'll do whatever it takes to not screw this up.

Man: Mr. Foster...

Sandy: We're not in a hurry. It doesn't have to happen soon. It can happen in a year, okay? So in the meantime you still work for me as my attorney and I want you to take care of anything so that I don't face criminal charges.

Marina: Michelle, you got a second?

Michelle: You know what? If this is about me and Danny...

Marina: It's not. He walked and he told me he kissed you good-bye.

Michelle: And that's all that it was.

Marina: And I believe him.

Michelle: You should. You should. You know, he'll do anything for you. Your feelings and your relationship come first.

Marina: That means a lot coming from you, Michelle. But, actually, I didn't come here to talk about Danny, if that's okay?

Michelle: Well, why did you come here then?

Marina: Well, I... I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

Michelle: I'm okay. It's been a really long night. I went over to see Cassie and Edmund’s baby.

Marina: Michelle...

Michelle: Yeah, it's hard. It's hard. But that baby, oh, God. I just can't stay away from her. From Hope. I was invited to the christening tomorrow. Probably shouldn't go but I want to go.

Marina: Great. So you'll be there?

Michelle: Yeah. And then I'm leaving right afterwards for good.

Marina: Listen...

Michelle: You don't have to worry about it, Marina. It's all decided. You don't have to say anything. I've got a lot of packing and stuff that I have to do inside. So... I really is a lot to do. Thank you for all your concern. It does make a difference, believe it or not. Take care.

Marina: Right. You, too.

Michelle: Bye, Marina.

Marina: Bye.

Cassie: Anything I can do to help, I can make you feel better.

Jeffrey: I'm fine. I'm fine, really. Actually there is something that you can do. You can get Edmund the hell out of here as soon as possible.

Cassie: I know.

Jeffrey: He's a self- proclaimed drug addict now. You're not leaving home alone with Hope are you?

Cassie: Not for one second. Not at all. Look, I went through this before with Tammy’s father.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Cassie: I'm going to ask him to leave. I just have to wait until after the baptism. That's the formula. Don't go anywhere, please.

Jeffrey: I'm not going anywhere.

Cassie: All right. You know what I did?

Jeffrey: What?

Cassie: I put together a baby book for Hope, isn't that crazy?

Jeffrey: A baby book?

Cassie: I didn't get to do that with Tammy or R.J., But I did get to do that for Hope and I'm kind of like a freak. I clipped her fingernails and I saved them. You can go look.

Jeffrey: You clipped her fingernails.

Cassie: I know it's a freaky thing to do but...

Jeffrey: It's so cute.

Cassie: Do you think I'm totally crazy?

Jeffrey: Well, in the best possible way you're crazy. ( Laughs )

Cassie: You know what? I am overwhelmingly so happy to be this little girl's mommy. She's just a blessing for all of us. Everything's great because of you two. You know I love you.

Jeffrey: I love you. And you know that's why I stayed away, because I wanted to protect you.

Cassie: I understand that. Will you please be here with me and Hope tomorrow for the baptism? Please?

Jeffrey: I'll be here.

Cassie: Oh! That makes me so happy. Right, Hope? Doesn't it? Because when Jeffrey’s here, nothing can go wrong.

Announcer: Next on "Guiding Light"...

Edmund: I'm going to begin the rest of my life and nobody will spoil that for me.

Blake: We knew it might turn out this way.

Cassie: There is one person who isn't here today and that's Dinah.

Jeffrey: I need to know who the mother of this baby is.

Marina: Edmund stole Michelle’s baby and gave her to Cassie.

Sandy: Can I have your permission to marry your daughter?

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