Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 9/28/05
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Edmund: Cassie? I just confirmed everything
with Reverend Rutledge for tomorrow. Hope's baptism is going to be perfect,
held on a perfect day. I'm going to be back pretty soon. Is there anything I
can get while I'm out? ( Laughs ) All right. All right. That's great. I'll talk
to you later. Bye-bye.
Marina: Wow, Edmund. You sound like the
perfect dad. If only Cassie knew.
Edmund: Knew what?
Marina: I was at your suite at Towers,
remember? Nice work getting rid of Michelle’s things. Really nice touch,
locking up Dinah. And really, really nice touch with the whole accident in the
burning car. No one knows that the baby you brought Cassie was actually Michelle’s.
But you didn't do a very good job covering up your tracks, because I'm on to
you, so enjoy your freedom while you can, because you're going down.
Edmund: So are you, Marina. It's too bad.
You should have left damn well enough alone.
Marina: What was in that needle, Eddie? Hey,
it's Marina Cooper. Hey, did you guys run a tox screen on that needle capper I
gave you?
Blake: I want to thank you for all your hard
work publicizing my book, Maris.
Maris: It was pure pleasure for me, Blake. I
love the book. It really sizzles, girl.
Blake: It's pretty juicy if I do say so
Maris: The characters of Marley and D.C.
Hammer and Ross are so real, I feel like I know them.
Blake: Thank you, but it is fictional,
purely fictional.
Harley: Don't they give you a chance to ease
into this job?
Stephen: Can't sit down yet. Meeting/Video
conference with some of the department heads in 20 minutes.
Harley: Right. I know, and actually I worked
on a speech for that and it's, it's here, somewhere, I hope. I think.
Stephen: Don't worry, Miss Cooper. You're
the C.E.O. You'll figure it out.
Harley: Yeah. I hope so.
Mallet: I knew I shouldn't have let you
Gus: We got here, right, don't be such a
Mallet: Yeah it was a near death experience
for me and the old lady with the shopping cart.
Gus: If you took your hands away from your
eyes, you would have seen we would have been fine. All right?
Mallet: How long do we have to do this, be
partners before Frank gets the point?
Gus: I don't know.
Mallet: A few months hopefully.
Gus: I was hoping weeks.
Mallet: I was kind of hoping days.
Gus: Hello. Hey, Babe. Are you home?
Harley: I wish. I just had six meetings in a
row, six, and there is already rumors that there is some corporate hostile
takeover being planned for the pharmaceutical subdivision, and I have to give a
pep talk to the department heads and I can't find the speech that I wrote.
Gus: Well, I'm about to go out on my first
new assignment with my new swell partner. I'll trade you.
Harley: No, no thanks, I've already been
partners with Mallet. At least you don't have to wear high heels all day.
Gus: He would probably like that. Baby, are
we going to be able to do this thing? Are we going to be able to pull this
thing off?
Harley: Probably.
Gus: All right. Well, I suppose at the end
of the day as long as we get home, we got each other. That's all that matters,
Harley: You took the words right out of my
mouth, sweetie. ( Phone rings ) Oh, I've got to go. That's L.A. Calling me
back. I love you, bye.
Gus: All right I love... hello?
Danny: Hey.
Michelle: Hey I'm glad you're here.
Danny: I got your message. What's up?
Michelle: I decided that I'm going to go to Hope's
christening. Is that going to be a problem for you?
Danny: No, Michelle, it's not a problem for
me, but do you really think that's a good idea for you after everything that's
Michelle: I don't know, Danny. Will it hurt?
Yeah, it probably will, but I have to start getting on with my life. I have to
face the fact that my baby is gone.
Marina: Why am I doing this? Why am I
pushing this when I know that the answer is going to push Danny back to Michelle?
Yeah, I'm still here. Do you have anything? I need those results. Okay, yeah,
I'll still hold. Why were you in Edmund’s suite, Michelle? And what was in that
syringe he had?
Marina: I said I needed those results. No,
I'm sorry. It's just I need them ASAP, okay? Just do the best that you can.
Danny: You know, I'm really just trying to
think about what's best for you.
Michelle: I know, that's what you've always
Danny: I mean, why? Why put yourself through
that kind of pain by going to Hope's christening when you don't really have to?
Michelle: Because sometimes you just need to
deal with things.
Danny: Speaking of which, we need to deal
with what happened between us. We need to talk about that.
Michelle: You mean the kiss?
Danny: Yeah.
Harley: Why can't I find the stupid speech?
Oh, there it is. Oh, gosh! Thanks, Jude. Really appreciate it. I'm going to
have to wing it.
Alexandra: Hello, Harley.
Harley: Hello, Alex.
Alexandra: I picked these up on my way in.
Some budgets you're going to have to go over and approve.
Harley: Uh-huh. That's fine. Does that say
$62 million?
Alexandra: Yes. You know, if you think
you're in way over your head, Harley, I'd be happy to help in any way I can.
Harley: No, it's fine, really. It's all good.
Beth: So just one more meeting and you can
go home to Gus and the kids. How's it going?
Harley: Why does everybody keep asking me
that? I'm fine.
Beth: Good. Good. Glad to hear it. Ready to
face the troops?
Harley: Ready.
Beth: Great. Then I'll see you back here for
the meeting.
Harley: Wait. You're... you'll be at that
Beth: Of course. I wouldn't miss it.
Maris: Your book has just hit the shelves
and already the buzz is incredible. The chemistry between Marley and D.C.
Hammer is off the charts. I love the part where they make passionate love in
the laundry room and the commissary and prison yard. I have to get back to the
office. I will be in touch with you about your book tour.
Blake: Oh, wow, thank you so much. Yes, yes.
"Love in the Lockup."
Ross: Provocative title. Is it based on
anybody we know?
Gus: Hmm.
Man: Nice to have you back Aitoro.
Gus: Nice to be back.
Cop: How did you finally tame that wild
woman, Aitoro?
Cop: And we thought she'd never mend that
broken heart, right?
Frank: Listen, as soon as this warrant comes
in, we're rolling. This person is considered to be armed and dangerous so
proceed with extreme caution. Don't deviate from the plan. Wait for my signal
to take the guy down, and I don't want anybody striking out on their own. And I
especially don't want any vigilante guerrilla tactics.
Mallet: I think he means you. ( Laughter )
Danny: Marina...
Michelle: Look, I'm sorry. Sorry, Marina.
Danny: Listen...
Marina: You kissed her... again.
Danny: No, actually.
Marina: That's what she said, Danny.
Danny: Well, Marina...
Marina: And you didn't deny it.
Danny: I...
Marina: How many times have I asked you if
you still had feelings for her, Danny? I've asked the questions and I have
tried to give you the space that you needed.
Danny: You have, you have given me space, Marina.
Marina: Does it look like I'm a doormat to
Danny: You're totally misunderstanding this.
Give me a second to explain it to you.
Marina: See, I know how Michelle feels
because she's told me. She still loves you. And she's never stopped. And you're
the reason she came back into town. So I guess the only remaining question is
how do you feel about her? But I guess the answer to that is pretty obvious,
Edmund: Michelle, I'm sorry, I didn't mean
to startle you.
Michelle: That's okay.
Edmund: I thought you'd be in California by
Michelle: Um, I have my ticket. I'm just
Edmund: Waiting? Waiting for what?
Michelle: Hope's christening. I wouldn't
miss it.
Blake: Ross, I told you that I was using Harley’s
story as the basis for my book.
Ross: You also told me that you were going to
change the names and the details so that someone we care about wouldn't be
Blake: Well I did.
Ross: You did? Let's take a little look see. Marley Trooper and Russ lturow D.C.Hammer.
And look at this. Marley was once a detective in a city called Summerfield. Nobody
would ever guess this had anything to do with Harley and Gus.
Blake: All right. Okay. The names are a
little familiar.
Ross: I just have one basic question. Is
this fiction or non-fiction, did you run any of this by Harley?
Harley: I had a speech prepared for this
occasion, but I guess my son didn't like it because he rewrote it for me. I
don't know if you can see, but here he has a family that's holding hands. And
actually, that's appropriate because Spaulding Enterprises is a family. At
least I would like it to be. I would like it to be the kind of company where we
share common goals, where we support and help each other to do the best work
that we can. So first off, I'd like to say my door is open, always, please,
come in. I value your input. Not only do I love it, I need it. I have never run
a company before, but I do have a lot of other skills to offer and a lot of
life experience. And if you have any doubts, let me assure you this is not a
lark for me. I take this responsibility very seriously. Very seriously.
Ross: You said that you were going to
fictionalize Harley’s story and you didn’t. This is practically a biography and
everything in here is barely disguised truth.
Blake: Not everything, uh-uh. No. The affair
between Marley and D.C. Hammer, that's pure fiction. I think.
Ross: The one place where you should have
told the absolute truth, you didn’t. Honey, now everybody is going to think
that Mallet and Harley slept together. Everybody, including Gus.
Blake: Oh, they will not. They are not going
to think that! They're not going to think that Harley did it all. That Gus is
not going to think that. Is he?
Ross: Your asking yourself is question right
Blake: I really think you're blowing this
out of proportion.
Ross: No, I'm not. This is Harley’s first
week as C.E.O. of Spaulding Enterprises and she is trying to get respect from
the board and the rest of the company and you come along and hit her with this!
One big, fat sexual embarrassment that the whole world is going to see.
Harley: I have been a part of the Spaulding
world, the Spaulding family for a long time. My son Zach is a Spaulding. His
father Phillip, as you know, was a Spaulding. And I would like the Spaulding
name to be used as a force of good. I'd like it to be a name that is respected
around the world.
Reporter: ( Scoffs ) ( Laughter )
Harley: I'm sorry. Do you have a question?
Is there a joke that you'd like to share with everyone else? ( Laughter ) Ahem.
Mallet: Gus, you all clear on what we're
doing once we get out there?
Gus: I'm clear.
Mallet: Okay. Great. Because I know it's be
a while since you've been on the force. If you need pointers, let me know.
Maybe you're forgetting that I was on the force more recently than you.
Mallett: But I was on the force, first.
You're kind followed in my footsteps. They are big shoes to fill.
Gus: I was wondering how you get that big
foot of yours out of your mouth every day of your life. How?
Mallet: It bugs you, that life existed in Springfield
before you arrived, that you weren't the first one to plant your flag in this
Gus: "Plant your flag"? Is that a
Mallet: I think it is.
Ross: If you are extremely lucky, somehow Harley
will understand this. But I know two detectives who won't be quite so
Mallet: "Love in the lockup." (
Laughter )
Harley: "When Marley Trooper was sent
to prison for a murder she didn't commit she was sure her life was over until
she saw the handsome Warden with piercing eyes and realized it was him. The man
she'd never stopped loving." Okay, everyone, let's take a five-minute
Edmund: Michelle, no, no. Sit, sit. I really
don't think it's a good idea for you to go to Hope's christening.
Michelle: Edmund, Cassie invited me.
Edmund: I know. But doesn't seeing a new life
welcomed into the world remind you of what you've lost?
Michelle: Yeah, probably.
Edmund: Why would you want to do that to
Michelle: Because it happened Edmund, okay?
And I have to face the fact that my baby is gone and start to heal and get on
with my life.
Edmund: Right. You say you want to move on, Michelle,
but I just... I just don't believe it. Where are your eyes right now? I think
you're just looking for reasons to stay in town. And I'm sorry to be so blunt,
but we've been very honest with one another other the past few weeks.
Michelle: Yup. Yup, we have. We have. And
you've helped me a lot Edmund when I really needed help.
Edmund: So please, take my advice. Distance.
Distance is what you need right now, Michelle. Distance from Danny, distance
from Springfield. Distance. I think we...
Michelle: I'm just not so sure. I... I did
it, Edmund, I told Danny that I still loved him.
Danny: Marina...
Marina: You kissed her.
Danny: Will you listen to me? Just listen to
me. All right? Please? You know how upset Michelle has been since she lost her
baby. Now, she was sharing some very painful stuff with me and you can
understand how difficult it would be for me to see her like that, can't you?
Can't you?
Marina: Yeah.
Danny: Well, she was very upset, she reached
out to me and she kissed me. And I... Marina, I wasn't going to just push her
away from me.
Marina: So you wanted it, too.
Danny: No, Marina, I didn’t. I... you
know... you know this about us, Michelle and me. We have a long history
together and when that happened, it was... it was about the past that we have
shared with each other.
Marina: You didn't kiss her in the past, Danny,
you kissed her right now in the present.
Danny: And where am I right now in the
present, Marina? Am I with Michelle? She's here, she's back, she wants to be
with me. I could with be with her if I wanted to but I'm not. I am with you.
Marina: I don't know. Okay? I just... I
don't know. I... care about you so much, but I can't keep going through this.
I'm... Danny, I'm tired. And I'm starting to feel really stupid. That's a bad
Danny: Marina, I love you. You're the one I
want to be with. I've told you that.
Marina: I know that. I know that you have.
But I'm just not sure it's true. ( Cell phone rings )
Danny: No, come on, don't answer it.
Marina: I have to.
Danny: Let your voice mail pick it up. You
don't have to...
Marina: I have to get this. Cooper. Yes, you
have the results of the syringe I gave you. What have you got for me? Laprosin?
What's that. A drug used to induce labor? No, no, that's okay. I'll come by
later to pick up the paperwork. Thank you. Edmund, what were you doing with a
drug used to induce labor?
Harley: When I get my hands on Blake Marler,
it will not be pretty! How could she do this to me?
Alexandra: Well, is it true? I mean, you and
Mallet, did you... never mind. It's none of my business.
Harley: It's nobody's business. But for the
record, no, we did not.
Alexandra: Well, then, you know that and Gus
knows it. It doesn't matter, does it? Come on, Harley, you're not the first
C.E.O. To be accused of something in a scandal, you know? And you're certainly
not going to be the last one. What matters is how you handle it.
Harley: Gus will be furious. What about my
kids? They're already being teased at school.
Alexandra: Nobody said this job was going to
be easy, did they? That's why so few of us come out of it in one piece.
Harley: You know what? I don't care. Let the
press torture me. Nothing is going to stop me from doing what I know is right
for myself and this company. I will succeed! And you're going to help me do it.
Frank: So I take it Gus doesn't know about
Mallet: Because I'm still standing. Frank,
if that book says what I think it is, it's all junk. Pure fiction.
Frank: Good, I'm glad to hear it.
Mallet: Except that part where they describe
me as tall and handsome with piercing eyes. I'm kidding, Frank, I'm kidding.
But it could create serious problems between Gus and I. Maybe... you know what?
Maybe you should split us up and assign us other partners. It's probably a good
idea, Frank.
Frank: Guess what, Mallet? I'm going to do
the exact opposite. As a matter of fact, I want you to convince the whole world
that you and Gus are the best of pals.
Mallet: You're kidding, right? Oh, you're
not kidding.
Danny: Can we get back to us now?
Marina: Yeah.
Danny: Marina, what... what more can I do to
make you see how much I love you?
Marina: I don't know.
Danny: I mean, I asked you to move in with
me, we're living together. Doesn't that... doesn't that tell you something?
Marina: Yes. And no. I don't know. I'm
sorry, Danny. I know that you're trying, but I just don't think that I'm being
unreasonable. I don't want you to feel like you have to prove something, but at
the same time, you kind of do. Does that make any sense?
Danny: Yeah. It does.
Marina: No, it doesn’t.
Danny: No, it does!
Marina: No, I'm not. I just felt fine until Michelle
lost the baby and it could have been yours. I don't know. I just... I feel like
things got stirred up again and not just in me. In you, too.
Danny: It's okay. It's all right. You don't
have to explain anymore. I get it. I get it. I do. Will you just take my word
for it, please? You're number one with me.
Edmund: You told Danny you still love him.
So how did he respond?
Michelle: Well, he said a bunch of stuff.
But he didn't say he loved me.
Edmund: But he still could. That’s... that's
what you're thinking at any rate. That's probably why you're finding excuses to
stay in town.
Michelle: I... maybe, yeah. Maybe I'm hoping
that Danny will say "don't go." God, I sound so needy.
Edmund: Michelle, Michelle, it's not needy
to love someone. I mean, to think about what could have been. Sometimes you
just... you have to be realistic. You have to see that Danny’s moved on. Danny
is with Marina now, they're living together and that he seems very, very happy.
Michelle: And Cassie's with Jeffrey now, but
you haven't given up.
Edmund: Yes, but that's different. Cassie
and I just had a child together.
Marina: Hey, I gotta go do something.
Danny: What? Hold on. What?
Marina: It's nothing. Just something that could
change my entire life and step on everything I care about.
Danny: What?
Marina: I'm kidding. I just have to pick
something up at the station but I will see you at home, okay?
Danny: Okay. Wait, wait. Come here.
Edmund: I have to go. Think about what I
said, Michelle. You really should leave town.
Michelle: I will. I will. Right after Hope's
Edmund: You're making a mistake and a big
one, but there seems to be a lot of that going around these days. Good luck.
See you.
Harley: Here's the scoop. I know that you
want this job for yourself. Only you're not going to get it because of your
criminal record and the board wants new blood and fresh ideas. That's why they
picked me. Now, I'd be more inclined to listen to somebody like you as opposed
to say, Alan or Olivia if I thought I could trust you. Am I getting my point
Alexandra: Oh, quite succinctly.
Harley: So you can either sabotage me which
will only tick me off or you can help me out. Show me the ropes. If I were you,
I'd pick door number two because, "A" it's smarter and, "B"
you owe me. You owe me and my family for the years of hell that you have caused
Alexandra: Do you want my advice?
Harley: If it's sincere.
Alexandra: Don't trust Beth.
Beth: ( Laughs ) Hi, Marilyn? It's your
friend inside Spaulding. Look, I have a little dirt for you on our new C.E.O.
Harley: Thanks for the tip, Alex, but I
figured that one out for myself. Now you'll have to excuse me, I have to go
take care of something. Or should I say someone.
Alexandra: Oh.
Marina: Laprosin. A drug used to induce or
augment labor. Why would you have that, Edmund?
Frank: Marina?
Marina: Oh, Dad!
Frank: Sorry, Honey, I thought you heard me
Marina: No, what are you doing here?
Frank: Laugherty's dad had surgery so I
thought I'd see how he's doing. What are you doing up here?
Marina: I like it up here. It's quiet.
Frank: Huh. Honey? Are you all right?
Marina: Yeah. Yeah, I'm just...
Frank: You sure you're all right.
Marina: I was trying to figure something
out, that's all. Dad, have you ever had to choose between doing a selfish thing
and the right thing?
Frank: Yeah, hundreds of times. But it's not
really much of a choice.
Marina: No?
Frank: No, not if you want to live with
yourself. But I think you already know that.
Marina: Yeah.
Frank: I really need to push for that
warrant and I don't like you up here all by yourself.
Marina: Dad, I am training to be a cop.
Frank: Yes, I know. That but you're still my
little girl and I love you and I just want you to be careful, okay?
Marina: Okay. Love you. I'll go home soon.
Frank: All right.
Marina: ( Sighs ) Right now I just need to
figure everything out without any distractions. ( Music plays )
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