GL Transcript Monday 9/26/05

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 9/26/05


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Laura

Danny: We can't go back, Michelle. We both know that, and I'm sorry to point out the obvious, but you're running away from your life the same way that your father did, and we both know what that did to you.

Michelle: I don't see any other way, Danny. You know, despite everything that happened in our past, despite all of our pain, there was always one thing that I was sure of, and that was us.

Danny: Michelle...

Michelle: And there is no us anymore. And with no us, it just feels like there's no me. I'm sorry, that's how I feel.

Danny: Don't say that. That's not true.

Michelle: I'm sorry, Danny.

Danny: Don't say that.

Michelle: I'm so sorry for everything. I'm sorry. I want to go back.

Danny: Michelle.

Michelle: I want to be a family again. I want you, me, and Robbie to be a family.

Danny: We did go back. We did. That day, when your memory returned, we went back.

Michelle: And maybe...

Danny: It was just you and me, but Michelle...

Michelle: And maybe that was the day that we conceived a baby.

Danny: Michelle.

Michelle: I want her back, and I just want us back. Please, Danny.

Danny: Michelle, I think that what you want is to just not feel the pain and the hurt, and I wish that I could take that away from you, I really do.

Michelle: You can. You're my home, you and Robbie.

Stephanie: And pick up Noodles from the vet after you've taken my car to the car wash.

Lizzie: Okay, but can you just slow down one minute, okay?

Stephanie: Honey, if you can't keep up, there are about 50 people waiting in line for your job who can. Okay? Now, where were we? Um... yes, we need to release those clips.

Lizzie: I can't do all this tonight. I'd have to spend the night.

Stephanie: Okay.

Lizzie: Okay. Argh!

Stephanie: Excuse me, Miss Lizzie, are you looking to get fired today?

Lizzie: Maybe I'm looking to quit today.

Coop: No, no. Wait a minute. Wait, she's not going to quit today.

Tammy: I thought you were giving up the family business.

Marina: Yeah, well, you know, once they got you, they never let you go. Can I get you anything else?

Tammy: Got it. Thanks.

Marina: All right.

Tammy: See you.

Marina: Hey, Tammy? I had a really weird conversation with Jonathan.

Tammy: Oh?

Marina: Yeah, he was asking me how police go about finding missing persons.

Tammy: He just doesn't quit.

Marina: Doesn't quit with what? Tammy, who is he trying to find?

Tammy: Dinah!

Dinah: ( Muffled shouts )

Jonathan: Hello? Is anybody... is anybody in there? Look, I'm just looking for somebody. Maybe you could help me.

Dinah: Jonathan, it's me!

Edmund: Quiet.

Dinah: ( Muffled shouting )

Jonathan: Hello! Anyone?

Dinah: ( Muffled ): Jonathan, it's me!

Jonathan: Come on, open up! I probably wouldn't open up to me either.

Dinah: It's me! Help me, Jonathan!

Marina: Michelle? Michelle, lunch order. Michelle, dinner order. Towers, Room 625.

Coop: Okay. Look, Lizzie doesn't want to quit. She... she actually loves her job and just the other day, Lizzie told me that she's actually been looking at you as more of a role model.

Lizzie: I did what?

Stephanie: She did?

Coop: Yes, yes. This job is very important to you, now, isn't it?

Lizzie: Yes. I'm so sorry. I will try my hardest to meet your expectations.

Stephanie: Good. Well, you can start by getting Josh Lewis on the phone. He's currently out of the country. And I'll dictate a letter to you while we're waiting to be connected. Oh, iced tea, lemon, no sugar. I'll be sitting over here.

Coop: Okay, okay. Easy, girl. Come here.

Lizzie: "Iced tea, lemon, no sugar, mm-hmm, okay?" Do we have rat poison?

Coop: Lizzie, just play the game, please. Okay?

Lizzie: The things I will do for love... and a new fall wardrobe, but that's beyond the point.

Marina: Hey, Coop? Do you remember getting a lot of delivery orders for Michelle right before her accident?

Coop: Yeah, that... that sounds familiar.

Marina: And they all went to Towers.

Coop: Well, it's whatever the receipt said.

Marina: And they all went to the same room. So this must have been where she was staying after she left Bill's. I don't know, was she there alone? Was there someone else?

Coop: Oh, damn it!

Marina: You're exactly right. I've got to go.

Coop: No. No, no, no. Wait, Marina. Look, what are you trying to find at Michelle’s?

Marina: I don't know.

Coop: Okay, well, is it going to be messing with things with you and Danny?

Marina: I don't know.

Coop: Marina, are you sure that this is something that you want to do?

Marina: Coop, I don't know.

Coop: ( Sighs )

Michelle: I'm sorry. You know what? You don't deserve this.

Danny: Michelle.

Michelle: I don't know why I said all those things.

Danny: Come on. I always want you to be honest with me. You know, after I lost you...

Michelle: You didn't lose me. I walked away.

Danny: Well, that wouldn't have happened if you hadn't gotten hurt in the explosion.

Michelle: Danny, it was an accident. You didn't intend for me to get hurt.

Danny: No, I didn’t.

Michelle: But I was someone else after that accident. And I did everything I could to push you away, and I just... I just wish I could be that someone else now 'cause it would make my life so much easier.

Danny: No, don't say that. I don't wish that, Michelle. I am so glad that you're back. I am.

( Cell phone ringing )

Michelle: Hello?

Rick: Hey. Where are you?

Michelle: I'm at the house. Why?

Rick: Well... where to start? Uh, see, Beth and I, we're headed to the zoo, and we decided to stop by the day care center to pick up Robbie to take him with us, and well, we get there and I turn my back for just a second and boom, he's gone. Don't panic. Everything's fine. We found him on the roof of the building, playing airplane with that nurse that he likes so much. What's her name? You know? She's, you know, the tall one, with dark hair. Really smoking body. I mean, she’s...

Beth: Carmelita.

Michelle: Carmelita?

Rick: Carmelita. Let me tell you, she looks like a Carmelita. Anyway, when it came time to leave, Robbie started crying. I mean, he didn't want to go. He didn't want to leave with us.

Michelle: Well, do you know what he's upset about?

Rick: He overheard me talking to Beth about you leaving.

Michelle: Oh, no.

Rick: Michelle, I am so sorry. I thought that he knew.

Michelle: It's Robbie. He found out that I'm leaving.

Danny: Well, where is he?

Michelle: He's on the roof of the hospital.

Danny: What? Let's go. Let's go.

Michelle: Thanks, Rick. We're on our way.

Jonathan ( Yelling ): No wonder you live all the way out here! You have no social skills! Open the door or I'm going to let myself in!

Edmund: Ssh, he's bluffing.

Jonathan: What about the windows, huh? How come they're all bricked up? Hey! Open up!

Dinah: ( Muffled screams )

Jonathan: I'm coming in!

Dinah: Jonathan!

Edmund: Listen to me. Listen very carefully, Dinah. Listen to me very carefully. You don't want that boy making it in here because if he does, I'm going to have to improvise. Do you understand what I'm getting at? I'm going to have to improvise. And when I improvise, you are going to be the last thing that he sees and maybe visa versa.

( Cell phone ringing )

Jonathan: What, Tammy?

Tammy: Where are you? What are you doing?

Jonathan: Trying to break down a door.

Tammy: I need to see you.

Jonathan: Well, I'm a little busy right now.

Tammy: Not too busy for this. I'm at the farmhouse alone. I want to see you.

Edmund: Now, we don't want Jonathan to get hurt, do we? So we're going to be quiet, aren't we? Okay?

Dinah: ( Muffled shout )

Edmund: While I check and see if Sir Galahad is still on the porch. Ow!

Dinah: Jonathan, help me!

Dinah: Jonathan, please! Come on! Edmund's holding me hostage! Please!

Edmund: Ssh.

Dinah: Jonathan, come on! Answer me!

Edmund: Quiet.

Dinah: Jonathan, help! Where did you go? Jonathan!

Edmund: You know, Dinah, I think it's clear he's declined your invitation.

Dinah: He'll be back.

Edmund: Really? Why would he be?

Dinah: Because maybe he went to go get some help. Maybe he went to get the police. I don't know. Come on. Come on. You can't keep me here forever.

Edmund: You know, I'm beginning to think you're right.

Dinah: Look... look, we... we... I can help you. We can make up a story, anything you want.

Edmund: Sorry, Dinah, I think I know the end of this story.

Dinah: Jonathan knows that I'm here. This is not a secret. Come on. If he... if he doesn't tell somebody, somebody else is going to follow you.

Edmund: Then I'll have to make sure that doesn't happen. I'll have to stop coming here. But of course, if I stop coming here, you stop getting food.

Coop: All right, Lizzie, would you please just give it to me straight?

Lizzie: Okay, I'm trying. I wasn't exactly fired, but then I didn't exactly quit. It just kind of happened.

Coop: Yeah, all right. Well, then, at what point did you throw the notes in your boss's face?

Lizzie: Oh, you saw that?

Coop: Yeah.

Lizzie: It's just that she is so below me and I have to make her coffee? Not that, you know, there's anything wrong with that. It's just, you know...

Coop: Okay, so you didn't like the job.

Lizzie: I hated it.

Coop: Lizzie, you needed the job. You needed that job, okay? Tell me this: If you weren't working at the radio or TV station, what would you rather be doing?

Lizzie: Shopping. Are you mad at me?

Coop: No, Lizzie, I'm not mad at you, okay? I'm just worried about you. That job that you just blew of had some serious potential.

Lizzie: ( Sighs )

Coop: There had to be something about it that you liked.

Lizzie: Access to the makeup room.

Rick: No Dutch today. I am springing for lunch.

Beth: Ooh.

Rick: Yes.

Beth: That's a new one.

Rick: Yeah.

Beth: Oh, my goodness.

Rick: Well, you found Robbie. I mean, it almost gave me a heart attack. You found him. I owe you.

Beth: You don't owe me for that. I did what any mother would do.

Rick: Well, just for that, I'll throw in dessert, too.

Beth: Mm. You know, I just think that once you have a child, they should be your whole focus. Or else they suffer, like Jude did when Harley went to prison.

Rick: Yeah, that was tough. Tough.

Beth: And now she's going away again.

Rick: Going away? What are you talking about?

Beth: Well, being CEO of Spaulding. That's a full-time job-- nights, weekends. She just won't have as much time for the boys, and it's just... it's a shame, you know? They just got her back.

Rick: Yeah. I'm assuming by your tone that you don't want her to take the job.

Beth: It's not my decision to make. You know, we all have our priorities. Me, I feel that there is nothing more important than that connection between a mother and a child.

Rick: That was a nice effort. It didn't sound rehearsed at all. Beth, come on. I think you probably should connect with your daughter back there. I think that's what you should do.

Lizzie: I need somebody who's going to appreciate my talents.

Coop: What talents, Lizzie? What are you...?

Lizzie: Don't talk to me like that, okay? You'd make a terrible career counselor.

Nurse: See there, the lake and the lighthouse.

Danny: Hey, Michelle. Look at that little boy over there. He looks just like Robbie. Oh, it is Robbie.

Robbie: Daddy!

Danny: Hey.

Michelle: Look, Rick told me what happened. Thank you so much for looking out for him.

Nurse: Oh, any time. You know, he was a little upset before, but he's okay now. Bye, Robbie.

Robbie: Bye.

Danny: Thanks.

Michelle: Boy, am I glad to see you.

Danny: Yeah, Bud. Hey, you had us a little worried, there.

Michelle: Why'd you run away from Uncle Rick?

Robbie: Because he said you were leaving.

Danny: Oh. Well, okay, I can understand why that would make you feel sad, but why did you come up here?

Robbie: To find Mommy. You can see everything from up here.

Michelle: Oh, right. He used to do that in Africa. He would try to climb the tallest tree to see if he could find Daddy. Right?

Robbie: But you were too far away.

Danny: Okay. Well, I'm here now, Tiger.

Michelle: Look, I want you to promise me something. No matter what you hear, you're going to come to talk to us, okay? No more running away.

Robbie: You too, Mommy.

Michelle: ( Sighs )

Marina: Okay, Michelle, let's check out this room you were staying in.

Dinah: You would never cut me off. You would never let me die. We've been through too much. We're too close.

Edmund: Then you have to know what I'm capable of.

Dinah: You love me, Edmund, in your own way.

Edmund: I have a great affection for you, Dinah. I do. Maybe another time, another place.

Dinah: You have a heart, Edmund.

Edmund: It belongs to Cassie.

Dinah: Edmund, come on. I understand you more than anybody. You have been hurt by your father, by your brother, by Cassie. You would never let me die.

Edmund: You think I enjoy this, Dinah? I don't enjoy this. I have no choice. But if I let you go, you'll betray me.

Dinah: Betray you? Betray... do you hear yourself? I conceived a child with you. I conceived a child with you! I lost a baby. I pretended to be pregnant. Why would I...? I wouldn't do that to you. I wouldn't betray you.

Edmund: I have to go.

Dinah: Edmund, wait a minute. Stop. Jonathan knows where we're at. This is not safe. I can protect you if you give me a chance.

Marina: All Michelle’s takeout was delivered to this room. I should knock. Okay, nobody home. I'm going in.

Edmund: I just don't need you anymore, Dinah. I'm living at the farmhouse now with Cassie. Jeffrey O’Neill isn't lurking around anymore. Michelle's on her way out of town. So as soon as I can leave you behind, I can start my life again with Cassie and our baby.

Dinah: Michelle's baby!

Edmund: With no one the wiser. So as soon as Hope's baptism takes place, we can start our whole new life with a bright future. Unfortunately, it's just not a part of the future that you can take part in.

Tammy: Hi.

Jonathan: Hi. I was... I was in the middle of something, but I'm glad you called.

Tammy: What the hell are you doing?

Edmund: What are you doing?

Dinah: Take this note and give it to Jonathan. He will leave me and this farmhouse alone forever.

Edmund: You don't think I'm actually going to deliver this, do you?

Dinah: Read it.

Edmund: I will.

Dinah: I want you to read it. This is a note from me. You can take a look at it. You can choose the postmark. You can change the envelopes. It doesn't matter. But it is my handwriting, and he will believe it and he will stop coming here and he'll leave us alone.

Edmund: Unless, of course, there's a clue in here, a clue that only Jonathan can decipher.

Dinah: Read it.

Edmund: I will.

Dinah: Edmund, come on. Am I happy to be trapped here? No. But if you just read this letter and trust me, then we can regain that trust together.

Edmund: The letter may work.

Dinah: It will, Edmund. It will work. And you'll come back and you'll come for me and you'll give me food. Please, Edmund. Wait. Edmund, come on. Don't go. Edmund. ( Yells )

Jonathan: What do you want, Tammy? And make it quick.

Tammy: I know what you're doing, Jonathan. Marina told me. She told me you were asking about how to track down a missing person.

Jonathan: I'm impressed. So you got spies on me? What else do you got on me?

Tammy: Why are you still looking for Dinah?

Jonathan: You know, I don't have to do this.

Tammy: You came over here.

Jonathan: Because you invited me. And I thought for a minute that...

Tammy: You thought what?

Jonathan: That you wanted... whatever.

Tammy: All I want is a straight answer. Are you looking for Dinah Marler?

Jonathan: You're damn right I am. I don't think that Dinah left town of her own free will. That's not her style. She would have said good-bye, especially to me.

Tammy: So you're going to find her and bring her back here and ruin my mother's life.

Jonathan: Look, we've been through all of this before. I'm not trying to hurt Aunt Cassie or you or anybody else. This is about somebody that I care about who's missing. And I would do the same thing for you.

Tammy: Well, I hope you don't find her. I wish you would stop!

Jonathan: Hey. I did stop. I dropped everything and came here for you because you wanted me here. Right?

Lizzie: I thought I was going to be someplace where I could express my creativity, not get bossed around.

Coop: Lizzie, when you owned this place, you bossed me around and I didn't quit, now, did I?

Lizzie: Yes, you did. You wanted bigger and better...

Coop: ( Clears throat )

Beth: Is everything okay here?

Lizzie: Yeah, Mom, it's fine.

Beth: Hi, Coop.

Coop: Beth.

Lizzie: "Beth"?

Coop: Yeah. Your mom and I are pals now.

Lizzie: Okay, what about the whole tires on his head thing?

Beth: I didn't do that. Coop, you have to know that I would never do something like that.

Coop: Of course not.

Beth: And just like we both know that Lizzie would never have my plane diverted to Boston so Harley would be elected CEO.

Lizzie: Why would you think that...

Beth: I know that you did it. You can walk like a Cooper and talk like a Cooper and even vote like a Cooper, but at the end of the day, you're a Spaulding. And despite all of your mistakes, it is not too late to come back home and start earning your family's respect.

Coop: ( Clears throat ) Excuse me, but Lizzie already has my respect.

Beth: Well, that's just peachy. But, you know, sooner or later, she's going to have to accept that she's a Spaulding. Until then, I guess she'll just have to suffer.

Rick: Well. I knew that you married Alan. I just never thought in a million years you'd turn into him.

Danny: Champ, Mommy's not running away. She's going to California on a very special top-secret mission.

Michelle: That's right. Hardly anybody even knows about it yet, but I'm going to be helping Grandpa Ed.

Danny: Yep. They're going to help lots of other little boys and girls feel better when they get sick, like they did in Africa.

Robbie: Is California as far as Africa?

Danny: No. No no, actually it's a closer.

Robbie: Then we'll all go. You, Mommy, and me.

Michelle: Well, we can't, Honey. Not this time.

Robbie: Why not?

Michelle: Well, because Daddy has a lot of work to do here.

Robbie: Can I stay with him?

Danny: No. You're going to go to California with Mommy. But that means we're going to see each other all the time. You're going to come here and I'm going to fly out there and we're going to go to Sea World and the beach. Doesn't that sound like fun? No?

Michelle: No?

Robbie: I want us to be together.

Marina: Hi. I'm sorry, you scared me to death. I'm the new help. I was hired to help with the convention, the interior design convention. This is the showroom, right? The model designed by Cooper, Frank? I'm supposed to clean it. They told you, right?

Maid: That's no designer showcase. Some bigwig lives here.

Marina: A bigwig? What bigwig?

Maid: All I know is he doesn't want maid service anymore.

Marina: Why?

Maid: Lady friend.

Marina: Oh. She's not around anymore? Well, what happened? Did they get in a fight and she took off?

Maid: I ain't the "Springfield Mirror." Let's get to work.

Edmund: ( Whispers ): Oh, just shoot me.

Marina: Oh, my God. It's Edmund.

Marina: Michelle was staying with Edmund when she was pregnant? No wonder he's been acting so weird. But what does it mean? It could mean nothing. Maybe they're friends or something. But maybe...

Edmund: Complications. Messy, messy, messy situations. I just have to clean things up, clean them up. ( Telephone rings ) Oh, God, what now? Hello?

Marina: ( With Swedish accent ): Ja, Master Winslow?

Edmund: Speaking.

Marina: This is Grete Mans in housekeeping, ja? Your car?

Edmund: Yeah, what about it?

Marina: Hector, the valet, he no mean to. He smash your car with grand SUV. Oops.

Ja. And now your car look like, how do you say? Pancake?

Edmund: Perfect. No, really, you've made my day. Thank you, and I'll be down in a minute.

Marina: Okay. Think like a detective. Leave your personal feelings out of this. Whatever is going on, whatever Edmund knows about Michelle or her baby, Danny deserves to know. There has to be something here that will connect the dots.

Danny: I have a very big assignment for you.

Robbie: What?

Danny: I need you to look out for your mom, okay? That means give her lots of hugs every day and make her smile, and if you can make her laugh, that's even better.

Robbie: I can make her laugh.

Michelle: Robbie always makes me laugh.

Danny: And you're going to have to help her with the Sunday crossword puzzle because she can never finish it.

Michelle: I can, too.

Danny: Oh, please. There are always at least three answers missing. Trust me on that. So if you need help, you call me, okay? And remind Grandpa Ed that Mommy likes orchids on her birthday, not roses.

Robbie: Orchids, okay.

Danny: Okay. And don't tell anyone, but your mommy gets all the words wrong when she sings along to the radio.

Michelle: Ha, ha, ha.

Danny: Oh, and she has a temper, too. A terrible one. Do you think you can make a face when she gets mad?

Robbie: Like this? ( Laughter )

Danny: Yeah. That's great. Good job. So I can see that Mommy is in very good hands. She'll be with somebody who loves her just as much as I do, and, hey, if she ever gets sad or lonely, I am just a phone call away. You just pick up the phone and call me, okay?

Michelle: See? It's all going to work out. It's going to be one great big adventure. No?

Robbie: I want us to stay here.

Danny: Well, Robbie, sometimes we all want things that we can't have, and we have got to learn to let them go.

Tammy: You don't really think I invited you over here to...

Jonathan: Why? Would that be so crazy?

Tammy: Yes. Please. I'm trying.

Jonathan: Yeah, you're trying hard.

Tammy: Don't do this.

Jonathan: Why not? Do you think I believe that you called me over here just so that you could yell at me again?

Tammy: Why are we having this conversation?

Jonathan: Because you're trying to be with Sandy.

Tammy: Jonathan.

Jonathan: No. It's always the same with you. You just try and dance around it: "Gee, Jonathan, I don't want you to go and look for your girlfriend, but I don't want you to think that I want you either."

Tammy: That's not it.

Jonathan: You can't stand to see me with somebody else.

Tammy: No.

Jonathan: Yes. Then why am I here?

Tammy: Dinah.

Jonathan: We could have chatted about Dinah over the phone.

Tammy: No, it's too important. If Dinah comes back...

Jonathan: Look, the thing about Dinah and that baby...

Tammy: She'll go after Hope and I can't let that happen to my mom. She loves that baby so much and she's so happy. I can't let Dinah mess things up for her.

Jonathan: I'm not trying to wreck things for your mother.

Tammy: Then stop. Just let it go. Stop searching for Dinah. If she never comes back, it'll be too soon.

Jonathan: No, that's what I'm worried about, Tammy. What if she doesn't come back? What if something happened to her?

Tammy: That is such a lie. God, what is it with you? It's like all the people in your life are so screwed up. I mean, first your father and then Dinah. It's like you're drawn to all the wrong people.

Jonathan: I didn't choose my father.

Tammy: You chose Dinah.

Jonathan: I only went to Dinah because I couldn't have you.

Beth: Rick. Rick. Okay. Okay, okay. You're right. I shouldn't have said that about my daughter, but the truth is, I feel like I'm losing her.

Rick: You're pushing her away, Beth. You're just pushing her away.

Beth: I am not going to lose anyone else that I love.

Rick: This has nothing to do with Phillip; it has everything to do with Alan.

Beth: It has everything to do with Phillip. And as far as Alan goes, he loves Lizzie...

Rick: As far as Alan goes, he's a loser, and I don't know what you're doing with him.

Beth: I am not asking you to approve of my marriage, okay? I am asking you to stand by me like you always have.

Rick: Beth, you were my first love in high school. I have no other choice but to stand by you regardless of all these insane decisions that you're making.

Beth: Gee, thanks. So I can count on you?

Rick: Yes. Yes, you can count on me.

Beth: Good. That's just what I was hoping to hear.

Coop: I didn't know that you backed my sister Harley at the Spaulding election thing.

Lizzie: Well, she was the lesser of all the evils, believe me. And it's not even that big of a deal.

Coop: No, it is a big deal, Lizzie. I mean, what you did, you stood up to your family. That takes a lot of guts.

Lizzie: Guts I have. It's money that I'm lacking.

Coop: Well, I will try to do something about that. I'll try and help out.

Lizzie: No, Coop. You're already working two shifts. I don't want you to think that I'm after you for your tips. Uh-uh, no. Coop, no.

Coop: Here.

Lizzie: No.

Coop: Take it.

Lizzie: No. No, no.

Coop: No. Take it.

Lizzie: Coop, please. I need money and I need it now. I guess I won't be needing this anymore.

Michelle: I'm right behind you. We have a great kid, don't we?

Danny: The best.

Michelle: So... we can't go back, can we?

Danny: But we can go forward, Michelle.

Michelle: We do have a lot of great memories.

Danny: We do.

Michelle: Renovating our house and raising our son. We're luckier than a lot of people.

Danny: Very lucky. You know, when I met you, my life turned around for the better. Sometimes I try to imagine who I would be if it weren't for you.

Michelle: I feel the same way. We're blessed, both of us. I have a wonderful son I wouldn't trade for anything. And I have a really good friend in you. And you, you have Marina.

Robbie: Mommy!

Michelle: Hey, what's up?

Robbie: Aunt Mel says this is for you.

Michelle: Thanks. It's from Cassie and Edmund. It's an invitation to Hope's baptism.

Danny: Well, when is it? You can't go. You're leaving. What? You're thinking about staying for the baptism?

Michelle: I think I'd like to. There's just something about that baby that makes me believe in miracles.

Marina: Why was Michelle in your room, Edmund? It's not like you were great friends or anything. I wouldn't stay with you. Why did she? There has to be a reason. Did you want something from her? Did you do something to her? What happened in this room, Edmund?

Dinah: I'm not going to starve to death. That isn't the way I'm going to die. I'm sorry, Edmund. This is it, the end. I'm not going to play your silly little games anymore. I'm going to get this stupid bolt out. Come on.

Tammy: Why do you always do this to me?

Jonathan: What are you talking about?

Tammy: You know what I'm talking about.

Jonathan: Yeah. I do.

Announcer:  Next, on "Guiding Light"...

Marina: There has got to be something linking Edmund to Michelle.

Edmund: Hello? Is someone here? Hold it.

Reva: Olivia, what do you want?

Olivia: Access.

Reva: To?

Olivia: Everything.

Jonathan: It's not going to change what you're feeling.

Tammy: What I feel is...

Jonathan: Why do you always look so suspicious?

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