GL Transcript Wednesday 9/23/05

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 9/23/05


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Laura

Dinah: What do you want? I've never seen you this chipper.

Edmund: Dinah, not even your regular wit can pierce me through the day. I have the world the way I want it, well within reach.

Dinah: Where are my sleeping pills?

Edmund: Oh, right. Well I... small glitch there. I ran into Jeffrey O’Neill and he saw me with the pills. I was able to put him off, but I wasn't able to bring the pills.

Dinah: Damn it, Edmund.

Edmund: Oh, come on Dinah. Do you think this is easy? Keeping all these balls up in the air? It's not. But don't worry. I'm about to have everything go my way.

Dinah: You're delusional, you know that?

Edmund: Well, call it what you will. I just like to shape reality to fit my idea of happiness.

Dinah: Okay, how long do you expect to keep this up?

Edmund: My whole life. And it's only going to get easier. Cassie loves our child more and more everyday. And more and more everyday she bonds with it, which brings her closer to me.

Dinah: Yeah, the trouble is, the baby is not yours. Sooner or later Cassie is going to figure this out. Add it together.

Edmund: Oh, come on, Dinah.  You know Cassie as well as I do. She's blind to everything except what she wants.

Dinah: She's going to figure it out, Edmund. The baby is Michelle’s.

Edmund: Was Michelle’s, Dinah. Was Michelle’s. Verb tense. Hope belongs to me and Cassie now.

Dinah: Okay, don't you think somewhere in your heart that Michelle feels that her baby is alive? I know if I were here, that's how I would feel as a mother.

Edmund: That's because you're desperate for a child, Dinah. Oh, come on, let's face it. Let's be honest. Michelle probably didn't even want this baby in the first place. She doesn't know who the father is, really. I mean, she'll be sad to begin with. Of course, she'll be sad. Just as I was sad when I thought I lost a child.

Dinah: But you did lose a child? She didn’t. How do you expect to live in this and face her knowing what you put her through?

Edmund: She'll get over it... in time. In time things will get easier eventually. Less painful.

Dinah: You don't think anyone is going to find out?

Edmund: Who, Dinah? Tell me who? Cassie? No. She's too happy to care. Danny, he's too caught up in Marina to care. And Michelle? Michelle is too devastated to think about anything or anyone but herself.

Dinah: Somebody's going to start asking questions, Edmund.

Edmund: Well, Marina Cooper has joined the family business and she's been being a bit nosy, but it's nothing I'm too worried about.  Marina has a cop's instinct, but she also has Danny dig around about a baby he may share with Michelle. No, I think she's not crazy enough to do that. Because she knows that Danny would throw her out like a dirty diaper.

Dinah: Well, people are going to start looking for me. They're going to want answers.

Edmund: But whose going to be asking the questions? Your father? I think everyone knows that you were going to leave town eventually. I think your father's just happy that no one was killed this time around.

Dinah: There's Jonathan?

Edmund: Jonathan did ask me about you. But I wouldn't be holding my breathe for him to be your hero.

Dinah: All of this is for nothing, Edmund. Cassie does not love you anymore. She loves Jeffrey.

Edmund: From afar, and that's the way he's going to stay. I took care of that. O’Neill believes that someone involved in his latest case is out to harm him and those he loves. So in order to keep them, he's going to stay away from Cassie and the baby. Hope's baptism is coming up. Cassie and I will stand there together. And I will soon have everything I want and I will have it forever.

Jonathan: Where did you get that baby, Edmund?

Buzz: Marina, you...

Marina: I know what you're going to say. I look nervous and uncomfortable like I'm sitting on a secret.

Buzz: No, actually I was just going to ask you...

Marina: No, you don't have to say a thing, especially if I'm going to get the bare bulb treatment.

Buzz: No, I wouldn’t...

Marina: Okay, fine. You want... you really want to know? I'll tell you. I'll tell you.

Buzz: Well...?

Marina: Okay. Okay. Michelle is going back to be with her dad and she never told Danny a thing about it.

Buzz: Africa?

Marina: No, California. That's where Ed's working now. And what about Robbie right? I mean, poor kid.

Buzz: I... well...

Marina: I know. I know, I know, I should really tell Danny.

Buzz: Marina, if you want...

Marina: Are you nuts? Of course I don't want to, but this is Michelle and Danny we're talking about. The rest of us are just swept up into this monumental tide of their unconditional bond or whatever it is that they have. And thing is-- here's the kicker-- Michelle tells me that she still loves Danny. Talk about too much information. I mean, what am I supposed to have, some big, unconditional heart that supports to be supportive of her? I mean, I am. I do. It'll be terrible to lose Danny. It really would. But at the same you know I just wanted to smack her. She just comes back into town and thinks that she still wants to be with Danny. And what am I suppose to do? Just stand on the side and let him go?

Buzz: Marina...?

Marina: You know what?

Buzz: What?

Marina: You are absolutely right. It is best to get this all out in the open. I'm driving myself totally crazy.

Buzz: You and me both.

Marina: You know, the thing is I just... I really love Danny. And I... I want him more than I've ever wanted everyone. Am I freaking you out?

Buzz: No, I was just remembering the feeling.

Marina: The thing about it is I just... I wish I could pretend that there was no Michelle. No baggage. But I keep pushing Danny to her because I need to know that I'm really the one that he wants. I'm nuts.

Buzz: No, you're wonderful and brave.

Marina: If I'm not the one, I really want to be able to let it go. But boy, oh, boy, do I hope I am. Well, I've got to do what I got to do. So, hey.

Danny: Hey.

Marina: So, the craziest thing just happened. I was on my way over to somewhere. I don't even remember, but it doesn't really matter. Anyway I ran into Michelle. She of the Bauer’s formerly a Santos. Your ex-wife. Yeah.

Danny: Marina? What? Did something happen with you and Michelle?

Marina: What doesn't happen to that girl, right? No, I mean we had a great conversation. We were talking about this and that and the west coast... California to be exact.

Danny: California?

Marina: Yeah, she's going back there to be with her dad.

Danny: What?

Marina: Great. You know, I didn't mean to freak you out.

Danny: She told you she's going to California to work with her dad. Did she say anything about Robbie?

Marina: Yeah, she was going to call you, but I thought maybe you should probably find her before then.

Danny: Yeah.

Marina: Just kiss me.

Danny: What?

Marina: What I'm about to do some people might say is probably very dumb, but that really hasn't ever stopped me before, so... you know what? Go ahead. Find her. You do what you have to do. But just kiss me before you go.

Rick: Why don't you walk right over there and daddy will keep an eye on you, okay?

Michelle: He's getting so big.

Rick: And fast. He's getting so much faster. And I'm on a downward slide toward... let's just not say what age? Let's just say I'm getting slower, okay.

Michelle: But wiser.

Rick: What about you? Are you getting wiser?

Michelle: Oh, you know, I'm still stuck between lives. You know, I lived lives that I want to live and I lived lives that I didn't want to live.

Rick: Michelle, there's help here that I can get for you.

Michelle: How long is Jude staying with you?

Rick: Okay, let's change subjects. Well, now that Harley is a big-time CEO at Spaulding, I don't know what her schedule is going to look like.

Michelle: She's a big time what?

Rick: CEO of Spaulding. No joke. You know, I could see you don't get out much because this is national news.

Michelle: Wow, that job is going to take a lot of time and energy.

Rick: That's right. We'll work it out. Besides I have my posse of friends and family that will, you know, help out with babysitting and... oh Dad called. Dad called and he's thinking about coming back to Springfield to recharge his batteries. How about that? And with you here, we'll have the whole family back together again.

Michelle: ( Sighs )

Rick: What?

Michelle: You're a terrible liar. I spoke to Dad this morning. He never mentioned a conversation with you, nor coming back to Springfield.

Rick: I just don't want you to leave.

Michelle: There's just no fit for me here anymore.

Rick: How about your son?

Michelle: I'm still going to see him a lot. But my other child... I know you don't believe me, Rick, but there are some things that a mother knows. And I'm never going stop feeling that I didn't lose that baby.

Harley: Oh. Oh. I could just look at her all day.

Cassie: I do look at her all day.

Harley: I'm sure. I remember when mine were little, I never wanted to leave them. She's so cute. Okay. How do I look?

Cassie: Powerful.

Harley: No, I'm serious.

Cassie: Serious.

Harley: No, I mean it's my first day. I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard, you know?

Cassie: Powerful, serious, fiscally responsible.

Harley: Really?

Cassie: Yes.

Harley: I like that.

Cassie: Good. So, do you have any idea what you're supposed to do at Spaulding?

Harley: No. I have no idea. ( Laughs )

Cassie: Okay. So, do you know what they do at Spaulding?

Harley: Well, I know that they make lots and lots of money.

Cassie: Oh.

Harley: No, I'm kidding. I've been cramming for, like, three days. I'm getting as much as I can into here.

Cassie: Three days.

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Cassie: So this is on-the-job training kind of thing.

Harley: Mm-hmm. I'd say so. But I figure, hey, I'm at least as smart as Olivia. She just wanted to be queen of the world. So imagine if somebody came in there to run that place with a conscience.

Cassie: Yeah, but don't you have to know what you're running to run it?

Harley: You are so bringing me down.

Cassie: Okay, okay. I'm so sorry. What about the kids?

Harley: No, this is a good decision for the kids because it affects their future, especially Zach's. He's a Spaulding.

Cassie: Gus?

Harley: Well, I'm going to bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan. Who says you can't have it all?

Cassie: Me.

Harley: You? Why? I thought things were really good between you and old Jeff.

Cassie: They were. They are. They were.

Harley: You said "were."

Cassie: I know, I know. You know, I'm probably being paranoid, but I think... I don't know, I think he's pulling away.

Harley: Oh, you're crazy. He's in love with you.

Cassie: Me. But this whole family thing is probably starting to really freak him out. I don't know, Harley. Maybe he's feeling crowded. Maybe this is all too real for him.

Jeffrey: I want answers. I want answers about the death threats that were made against me and the people that I care about. I can't stay away for much longer.

Jonathan: I need a beer and eggs over easy.

Buzz: We can't serve beer for a couple of hours.

Jonathan: I'll pay you double if you tell your conscience to take a break.

Buzz: Marina, oh police officer in training, I just had an offer that I am dying to refuse.

Jonathan: No, you don't need to call in the law. But listen, Pops, make those eggs runny because I like to dip my toast, okay?

Buzz: Pops?

Jonathan: So, I hear we're losing you to the dark side.

Marina: You got a problem with cops?

Jonathan: No, I love the law. It's a shame, though, because those uniforms are so unflattering.

Marina: So is being tasered.

Jonathan: Ouch. I wouldn't mind being handcuffed. But seriously, I need to ask you something.

Marina: Why am I afraid to say "yes"?

Jonathan: In your training, I was wondering if you've come across anything yet about missing persons.

Dinah: You know, Edmund, you're becoming like a Bond villain. You tie me up, tell me your whole evil plan. What's next? You're going to put me in a tank full of sharks?

Edmund: You know, Dinah, call me crazy...

Dinah: Crazy.

Edmund: Well, I guess I walked into that one. But I like having you here. You're the perfect person to talk to. You know everything I've been up to and you're well-positioned to appreciate my work.

Dinah: Yeah, your work is very impressive.

Edmund: Oh, Dinah, we both know what it's like to have a dream. To have a dream and how to achieve it through unconventional means.

Dinah: Do you ever get tired, Edmund?

Edmund: Oh.

Dinah: Because you know, I'm getting tired even just watching you. You know, all these twists and these turns and this plotting, and all the execution. I mean, you got double, triple lives going on.

Edmund: Oh, I am tired, Dinah. Oh, thank you.

Dinah: Yeah, well, I think exhausted would be more the word I'm looking for, but I mean, staying a step ahead of Cassie, that's very difficult. Now you've got Jeffrey on your back, and Danny and Michelle and Marina. You're really sort of becoming a puppet master, aren't you?

Edmund: You're right, Dinah. It should have been easier, Cassie and I.

Dinah: The night. The night of the fire, at the barn. I mean, I think you should have kept yourself in check that night.

Edmund: I know.

Dinah: Yeah. But you didn’t. You sort of... you had a murderous impulse, didn't you?

Edmund: Yeah. It happens.

Dinah: Yeah. I can understand that.

Edmund: ( Gagging ) ( Gasping )

Edmund: ( Gasping )

Dinah: ( Grunting ) ( Screams )

Edmund: ( Panting ) Count yourself lucky, Dinah. Not even attempted murder can ruin my good mood today. But you won't be so fortunate if you try that a second time. Now, I need to go see Cassie. When I come back, I'll leave your food on the counter.

Dinah: Yeah. So you can poison me and make it look like an accident? No, thank you.

Edmund: Suit yourself. But when you pass out from hunger, I suggest you start low to the ground to begin with.

Harley: I have to tell you something. I never did see Jeffrey as the baby-raising type, okay?

Cassie: I know. I don't think he is.

Harley: But what? Love turned him around? ( Laughs )

Cassie: I just... he's having second thoughts, I think. You know?

Harley: I don't think he's having second thoughts. I think you've got to give him time to adjust to this whole thing. He's never done it before, Cassie. And he's a guy's guy.

Cassie: I know.

Harley: Enough said, right?

Cassie:  Yeah, enough said.  Look, you're going to be late.  You better go.  I mean, who's going to rob those poor, little old ladies of their retirement funds? ( Laughs )

Harley: You're so funny. ( Laughs )

Cassie: Have a good day. Good luck.

Harley: Thank you. Bye, Pumpkin.

Cassie: Harley?

Harley: What?

Cassie: We can have it all, right?

Harley: Well, we can sure try.

Cassie: Hey.

Jeffrey: Hi.

Cassie: Where are you going?

Jeffrey: Nowhere. I'm... you now, I'm...

Cassie: "I'm contagious?" No. Come with me.

Rick: That's it. Jude, keep your elbow up and then swing... that a boy. Good job. Good job. Listen, I've been thinking about this a lot, Michelle, and you know what? I understand how you feel that you'll never heal in Springfield. So what if your big brother promises you two big belly laughs a day? Two.

Michelle: Rick.

Rick: Two laughs, flowers and... a charming anecdote about our past that will remind you of all the people around you that love you.

Michelle: It's more complicated than that, Rick.

Rick: Then talk to me. What's it going to take for you to stick around?

Marina: So, what's got you so interested in missing persons?

Jonathan: A friend of mine is MIA.

Marina: Report it.

Jonathan: No, I feel like handling it myself.

Marina: Well, how long has the person been gone?

Jonathan: A few weeks.

Marina: Whoa. I mean, I'm sure that you've heard that the first few hours are pretty critical. I mean, after that, if a person's still missing...

Jonathan: Things go downhill fast.

 ( Kicking at door )

Dinah: ( Frustrated scream )

Jonathan: I'm wondering, have you ever found a case where somebody's missing for a long time and then you find them?

Marina: Well, sure. I mean, sometimes people just take off and start a whole new life for themselves.

Jonathan: What if the decision to leave wasn't their decision?

Marina: I don't know about your case, but usually when something like that happens, it was someone that the person knew, maybe even loved.

Buzz: What's with the neck?

Edmund: I cut myself shaving. I'm afraid a rash may develop. The razor was dirty. Do you really want to know...

Buzz: No, I don't want to know.

Edmund: Right.

Buzz: Here's your order.

Edmund: You're really too kind. Thank you.

Jonathan: Thanks for the help, MC.

Marina: Well, hey, is your friend someone that I know? I mean, I could...

Stephen: Ms. Cooper? Or do you go by Mrs. Aitoro? Or I could just call you "Boss Lady." Little joke there.

Harley: ( Laughs weakly )

Stephen: No, seriously. Anyway, I'm Stephen. How would you like to be addressed, ma'am?

Harley: Harley's fine.

Stephen: Really? Mr. Spaulding never allowed that. Father or the son. Ms. Spencer, either.

Harley: Well, I think you'll find that I'm unlike anyone who's been before me.

Stephen: So I hear. Former cop, former con, on the lam, then exonerated. What a life. You'll fit right in to the big chair.

Harley: ( Laughs )

Stephen: I'll be back with some coffee. Don't worry, I already know how you take it.

Beth: Making yourself right at home, I see.

Dinah: There's no way that Edmund’s going to get the best of me. No. I've seen worse. I am worse. I just... I've got to outthink him. I've got to outthink him and nobody covers all the angles. There's always a weakness. I've just got to find it.

Cassie: Hope's napping.

Jeffrey: Great. Okay, that’s... that's great. I've got to go, okay?

Cassie: Why? And don't use some lame excuse, because you should be fresh out of those.

Jeffrey: You're really turning the screws, huh?

Cassie: Yeah, well, you better be careful. I may lock you up like a prisoner and throw away the key.

Jeffrey: Oh. Well, that would be against the law and false imprisonment. You don't want any piece of that.

Cassie: I don't want a piece of anything. I want it all.

Marina: I did what you said. I told Danny about Michelle.

Buzz: You do realize, don't you, that I never said a word.

Marina: Really? I thought...

Buzz: You did the talking for both of us. How did it go?

Marina: Well, he went to go see her.

Buzz: Well, what did you expect?

Marina: Well, it's not what I expected that matters. It's what I want. I mean, there's a child involved, so what can you do, right? You've just got to roll with it and have a little faith, which also means I don't always go with what's in my guts.

Buzz: How so?

Marina: This whole thing with Michelle and her baby. It just doesn't add up. You know, for a while, she was really sure that the baby was still alive and she insisted that Danny was there at the crash site and helped with the delivery. But Danny wasn't there, Grandpa.

Buzz: What is all this telling you?

Marina: That Michelle was delirious, but it doesn't mean that she didn't see what she saw.

Buzz: Danny?

Marina: I don't know. What if someone was there? Someone who calls 911, who helps with the delivery, but she thinks that it's Danny because that's what she wants to believe?

Buzz: My advice? Drop it. Deal with the here and the now.

Marina: How am I supposed to do that if the here and now might actually be a lie?

Danny: You decided to leave again. Why?

Michelle: I was actually going to call you.

Danny: Well, now you don't have to. I'm here. When are you going?

Michelle: I don't really know. There's a lot of people I have to say goodbye to, I guess.

Danny: Mm-hmm. Like our son?

Michelle: I have to do this, Danny.

Danny: No, Michelle. No, you don’t. You don't have to do anything. You want to do it. You want to run. You don't want to stay and put your life back together. You want to abandon your son, again. You're running away again and I don't want to deal with the fallout again. I don't want the sadness, and I... I don't want you to go away.

Harley: Oh, those are lovely.

Beth: Just a little something to welcome you to the fold and brighten your office. Stephen, why don't you put those on the desk? Harley, help him out and move some things around, would you? Thank you, Stephen, that will be all. Now that you're here, I'm hoping that I can have a partner of sorts. I want us to have a strong working relationship.

Harley: That sounds fine. I'll try not to hold your marriage to Alan against you. Who am I to judge when I've made so many mistakes myself?

Beth: Good. And I won't hold your ignorance and complete lack of experience against you.

Harley: Gee, thanks.

Beth: Nice. Jude's?

Harley: I'm getting a briefcase.

Stephen: Ms. Cooper? There's a gaggle of reporters downstairs. They're refusing to leave until they get some kind of a statement from you about the new direction of Spaulding Enterprises.

Harley: New direction, huh?

Beth: Well, I could handle the press, if you like. Or you could have security remove them.

Harley: Yeah. That would look really good on my first day. No. No. Stephen, have some coffee and doughnuts sent down to the press people. Tell them I'll be down in just a few minutes.

Beth: Looks like you're doing just fine.

Harley: Yes. What the hell am I doing?

Jeffrey: Wow. Wow, that was great. I missed you.

Cassie: You don't have to. I mean, what is going on? You have missed all the 3:00 am feedings, not to mention your share of diaper changes.

Jeffrey: Darn.

Cassie: Yeah, I know it's killing you.

Jeffrey: It is.

Cassie: Why?

Jeffrey: Well, Cassie, I... it's complicated.

Cassie: Complicated?

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Cassie: Fix it. Fix it. I don't really care, but you're the guy and you need to fix it. ( Baby fussing ) Don't go anywhere.

Jeffrey: "Don't forget, we're watching all of you."

Cassie: Hey, hey.

Jeffrey: Yeah?

Cassie: Where are you going?

Jeffrey: I... I've got to go.

Cassie: Oh, Jeffrey, come on. What are you...?

Jeffrey: Cassie, I got a page. It's really important. I'm sorry.

Buzz: Listen, I know you think you're on to something with Michelle’s baby and all that, but what if you aren't? I mean, this could be just a case of brand new cop's brain in overdrive.

Marina: New cop's brain?

Buzz: Well, you know, it happens. Like, you know, kids in med school, they suddenly come down with every disease that's in the textbooks.

Marina: I guess.

Buzz: And then there's the tried and true "get them before they get you" theory of life.

Marina: How does that work?

Buzz: Well, Michelle admitted that she loves Danny. So somewhere inside you, deep inside, you think it's just a matter of time before Danny...

Marina: No!

Buzz: I'm just saying.

Marina: Well, just stop saying, okay? You're going to jinx me.

Buzz: By the way, this condition is usually accompanied with a belief in jinxes.

Marina: Aren't you supposed to be helping?

Buzz: I am. Why don't you just drop it? Drop it, you know? Remove yourself from the equation. What will happen?

Marina: Well, Michelle will probably leave for California and Danny will stay with me.

Buzz: Well, that ain't a bad deal for you. So, like I said: Let it go.

Michelle: When you say that you don't want the sadness...

Danny: Mm-hmm, that's right.

Michelle: And you don't want me to go.

Danny: For Robbie. I don't want you to go because our son wants to be here and he wants you to be here with him. I mean, Michelle, we barely even have to see each other, if that's what you want.

Michelle: And what if it's not what I want?

Danny: Then what do you want, Michelle? What do you want? Just tell me.

Michelle: You know what's funny is that most people have these great memories that they share with their kids, you know? About how they first met.

Danny: Michelle.

Michelle: You know, where they went on their first date, what mommy was wearing. "And then you were born and everything changed, and life was beautiful."

Danny: Come on. Michelle, we have tons of great memories.

Michelle: Oh, really?

Danny: We have plenty of things that we can share with Robbie.

Michelle: Oh, really? Like what?

Danny: Yes, we do.

Michelle: Like what? "Grandma tried to kill Mommy a lot. Oh, and Daddy and I, we were always under one threat or another, under surveillance, under cover, running in and out of the mob, blowing each other up."

Danny: Michelle, why are you saying all this?

Michelle: How many times did you actually have to cheat death while I was gone, huh? I bet not once, right? No. No, not even once. Because, see, we're combustible together, right? I mean, how many times did you have to save someone's life while I was away? How many times were you actually in trouble?

Danny: Michelle, no matter how hard you try, you can't justify running away.

Michelle: I want to start over, Danny!

Danny: Then move to the next town. You don't have to go to the other side of the country.

Michelle: I can’t. There is still too much between us and I just can't stay.

Edmund: Here.

Dinah: How kind of you. I thought you would leave me here to starve.

Edmund: Well, I considered it. If you attack me again, I will.

Dinah: Do I detect a change in mood? Did the plan hit a snag?

Edmund: It'll be fine. I just have to do a little more work, that's all.

Jonathan: Where the hell did he go?

Stephen: You were fantastic.

Harley: ( Laughs ) I was, wasn't I? That was great!

Stephen: You had them eating out of your hand.

Harley: I think so. Really? Yeah, I think I did. I really think I did. My gosh. I mean, all I did was tell the truth. That must be a new thing around here. I guess nobody's ever done it before.

Stephen: ( Laughs ) I doubt it.

Harley: Where's Beth? Oh, she missed the whole thing. All right, forget about that. What's next on my agenda?

Stephen: I'll go get your schedule.

Harley: As quickly as you can, okay? ( Laughs ) I have tons of work to do!

Rick: Be right back.

Beth: Hey, thanks for meeting me here.

Rick: What's going on? On the phone you said there was some problem with the kids. What's going on?

Beth: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound so dramatic.

Rick: Well, you did, so what is it? What's going on?

Beth: Harley is in way over her head.

Rick: Wait a minute. You're talking about the Spaulding thing?

Beth: Yes. And I don't want to see her kids get hurt.

Rick: ( Laughs ) Oh, see, that sounds suspiciously like the same concern your "husband" shared with me yesterday.

Beth: I care about you. I care about your son. I have watched Spaulding chew people up and spit them out my whole life. And I don't want to see that happen to your son's mother.

Jude: Monkeys! Monkeys!

Rick: Oh, you're right. It's time for us to go to the zoo. All right. We're actually heading to the new spider monkey exhibit at the zoo. We're going to pick up Lea and Robbie and we're actually hoping to catch Harley here, but she’s...

Beth: Busy.

Rick: Busy, yeah. She's busy.

Beth: Well, you know, I'm not doing anything. Maybe James and I could tag along.

Rick: Really? Well, if it's okay with your husband, it's okay with me. Be kind of interesting to hear the new scheme that you guys are hatching. I'm game.

Beth: Shut up, Rick.

Rick: ( Laughs ) All right.

Buzz: See you.

Marina: Okay. So, as usual, everything that you say makes perfect sense. I should just let Danny and Michelle decide who they want to be to each other.

Buzz: But?

Marina: I should just drop the whole thing.

Buzz: But? But, but, but... come on, let's have it.

Marina: But I can't let it go. I can't let Michelle leave town until I figure this thing out.

Buzz: And that's a risk you're willing to take?

Marina: You know it is.

Michelle: I don't want to hurt anyone else.

Danny: Then...

Michelle: Danny. You're with someone else now. Do you know what that's like for me? To spend every waking moment wondering how things might have been?

Danny: Yeah, Michelle, I do. I do.

Michelle: Did you know that sometimes I actually, in the mornings I actually forget. I roll over and I expect to see you. And I don't blame you, I really don’t. I mean, maybe I should, but I don't blame you, Danny.

Danny: We can't go back, Michelle. We can’t. We both know that. And I'm sorry to point out the obvious, but you're running away from your life just like your father did, and we both know what that did to you.

Michelle: I don't see any other way. Do you know that despite everything, everything in our past, despite all of the pain, there's always one thing that I held onto and that was us. That was us. But there is no us anymore, Danny, you know? And no us feels like no me.

Danny: Don't say that. Don't say that.

Michelle: I'm sorry.

Danny: Don't say that.

Michelle: I'm sorry, Danny, but I need you. I need you, please.

Cassie: Hello?

Jeffrey: I'm here.

Cassie: When am I going to see you again?

Jeffrey: Very soon, I promise.

Cassie: I've heard that before.

Jeffrey: As soon as I can, okay? I love you.

Cassie: Then don't go.

Jeffrey: ( Sighs ) You know, if there's one thing I don't want to see when I look at you, is sadness and confusion.

Cassie: Then stay with me.

Jeffrey: I really can’t.

Edmund: Why would I bother poisoning you now?

Dinah: Because I tried to choke you.

Edmund: But you learned your lesson. Look, look, look, look, look. Besides, I like having you around.

Dinah: I'm blushing. ( Creaking noise )

Edmund: What was that?

Dinah: You're paranoid, Edmund. You know, there are professionals that can help you release the tension in that half-baked brain of yours. That or they can give you some electric shock therapy...

Edmund: Ssh.

Dinah: That was a noise. There is somebody here. There's somebody here. ( Muffled screams ) ( Bell rings )

Jonathan: Hello!

Dinah: ( Muffled shouts )

Announcer:  Next, on "guiding light."

Marina: Tammy, who was he looking for?

Tammy: Dinah.

Dinah: Jonathan, it's me!

Edmund: Quiet.

Marina: If there's something going on with Michelle that could affect Danny, which means it could affect me. Whatever Edmund knows about Michelle or her baby, Danny deserves to know. What happened in this room, Edmund?

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