Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 9/20/05
Provided By
Proofread by Laura
Jonathan: Hey. Sorry, I didn't see you
there. I don't see Sandy anywhere. Wish I could have been there when you told
him about the fact that we found his tomb a few towns away.
Tammy: Um, actually, I haven't brought it up
Jonathan: Are you curious? I mean, Sandy Foster
is dead and buried. Who's been sleeping in your bed?
Tammy: I am not going to get into this right
now. I have higher priorities. I'm going to spend some time with my new baby
Jonathan: New... what baby sister?
Tammy: Dinah finally gave birth. My mom is
so happy.
Jonathan: Wait a second. That's impossible.
Dinah: What's up with you? It's been several
hours. It's been several hours since he's gone out for those sleeping pills.
Oh, come on. Get a grip. Edmund needs you alive. But he has that baby now. And
maybe Cassie's getting closer to him because of it. Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
He's not going to get away with this. He's not going to get away with this.
Michelle and Cassie are going to figure out what happened with the baby and
they're going to come for me. They're going to come for me. I know they will.
Somebody will come for me.
Danny: Hey, Marina, it's me. I really need
to see you. Will you call me when you get this? Okay?
Marina: Okay.
Danny: Hey.
Marina: Hey.
Danny: How did you... what are you doing
Marina: Somebody just told me that I need to
be spending a lot more time with you. You know what? I agree. So, if you don't
mind, I...
Danny: What?
Marina: What's this? Is this new?
Danny: Yeah. Yeah. We planted it today. Do
you like it? It's nice.
Marina: We?
Danny: Me and Michelle. Just as a memorial
in memory of the baby.
Marina: Gotcha. What is all this? You guys
having a party and you didn't invite me?
Danny: What? No. No. But that's why I was
calling you. I want you to know what happened today.
Cassie: How long have you been in town?
Michelle: Not very long.
Cassie: Then how could you know that Edmund
had changed?
Michelle: I just have to believe Edmund has
Cassie: Why... why would you say that? Hi
there. Guess what? You're never going to believe this but you know, Hope... she
smiled at Michelle.
Michelle: I think she probably had a burp or
two in there.
Cassie: Oh, that's just the voice of reason.
Michelle: Well, a mother always knows. Sorry
about your accident.
Michelle: Thank you. Hope is beautiful, Edmund.
Your daughter is absolutely perfect. You guys are really blessed.
Edmund: I am a very lucky man I'm well aware
of that. So I don't mind a bit if Jeffrey spends some time with Cassie and the
baby. Why don't we grab a cup of coffee go for a walk?
Michelle: Actually I have to meet with Mel a
little bit.
Edmund: Well, I'll walk you over there.
Enjoy. See you soon.
Michelle: Edmund, do you mind slowing down?
Edmund: I'm sorry. Wanted to get us some
privacy so we can talk, or rather I could talk and you could listen. So listen.
Stay away from Cassie.
Marina: So is this going to be one of those
look me straight in the eye and tell me the bitter truth moments?
Danny: No. No. This is... actually, it's a
look you straight in the eye and tell you were right moment.
Marina: I am?
Danny: Uh-huh.
Marina: That's great! What am I right about?
Danny:( Laughs ) Michelle, she’s.. she's
having a lot of trouble accepting that her baby's dead and...
Marina: That's why I was asking the
Danny: I know.
Marina: Danny, I don't want to get in the
way I just thought I could help her find some answers and she can move on.
Danny: You were right. You were. I thought that
would make things worse, but she really needs some closure, and that's what
this was about. And I think she got some today, planting the rose bush and Robbie
and I had a mini Bauer barbecue for her since she missed the big one. More
importantly, Robbie got to spend some time with her and with both of his
Marina: I bet that brought up a lot of
emotions and stuff.
Danny: Not a lot. Some.
Marina: Well, you wouldn't be human, Danny,
if you didn't feel that. I mean, to grieve for the baby along with Michelle.
Danny: What did I do to deserve you?
Marina: Who says you deserve me. It's not
nothing to do with you, Santos. The fact is, I'm crazy about you, and there is
nothing you can do about it.
Danny: Well, I'm crazy about you. We all
need to move on. We need to let go of the past.
Marina: All of us?
Danny: All of us. We need to move in.
Marina: Move what?
Danny: You heard me. This has been a long
time coming we are way overdue. You are moving in with me. Today. Let's go.
Jonathan: There's a baby?
Tammy: That's what I said. Why do you sound
so shocked?
Jonathan: Maybe it's for the best you
didn't have that baby. You're done being his incubator.
Dinah: Edmund needs me to wear the pads
still so we can torture Cassie together. It was a little girl.
Tammy: Dinah gave birth early. Edmund was
with her at the farmhouse. They didn't make it to the hospital.
Jonathan: And Eddie was the only one there.
Tammy: He delivered the baby by himself and
when my mom showed up, he put the baby into her arms. How crazy is that?
Jonathan: Insane. So what about Dinah, huh?
Where is she now?
Tammy: That's the weird part.
Jonathan: What?
Tammy: Well, after giving up Hope-- that's
the baby-- I guess it was too much and she left.
Jonathan: Dinah left the farmhouse?
Tammy: The farmhouse, Springfield, the
country for all I know. My mom didn't even get to say good-bye or thank you or
Jonathan: It was just Eddie and the baby?
Tammy: Yup.
Jonathan: Convenient.
Tammy: What's that?
Jonathan: Nothing. I want to go see this
miracle child. What do you say we take a ride over the farmhouse, have a peek.
Tammy: I don't know. You know, you're not my
mom's favorite person-- or Edmund’s.
Jonathan: Well, that's the point. I want to
get through all that. I think maybe if I come see the baby, I can get in closer
with the new mommy and daddy.
Dinah: Okay. Edmund... Edmund’s not going to
do anything, all right? He... he would not let me rot in here. He's not
planning to do that. He wouldn't have built this place otherwise. Why not just
let me... I don't know, be buried alive, suffer, strangle me to death.
Ross: You know something, Sweetheart? You're
asking some very good questions.
Dinah: Daddy? Oh, my God, I really am losing
Ross: No you're not. I think you're
finally putting it together.
Dinah: I am?
Ross: Think, Dinah. Edmund built this
house, yes, but you were the one who turned it into a prison with that eternal
voice in your head that says "make Cassie suffer. Get back at Cassie."
And every time you said that, it was another brick, one after another, until
finally you finished the prison. And since you're the one who built this prison
in your mind, it's only right that you should be the one to live in it.
Dinah: No. Daddy, please, just tell me that
there's-- somehow I can change all this.
Ross: Okay. Well, why waste my breath? You
never do take my advice anyway.
Dinah: Because I wanted to hurt you! I've
wanted to make you pay somehow for not being there when I was growing up!
Ross: That was your mother's fault. Vanessa
never told me that you existed. but when I met you, I loved you and I always
will, Dinah.
Dinah: I know you love me. And I have wasted
your time and I've made trouble for you and Mom, and I have plotted against Cassie
and tried to ruin her life, but I have ruined mine. I know that. I did it to
Ross: There's hope for you yet.
Dinah: Daddy, I will do anything. Please
tell me how I can fix this.
Edmund: He can't help you, Dinah.
Dinah: Edmund?
Edmund: Hello. It's me. Without the
mustache this time. And I am your only salvation.
Michelle: Edmund, I don't understand. Why
would you want me to stay away from Cassie?
Edmund: Well, I'm just thinking of you, Michelle.
You and your loss. Why would you want to torture yourself to spend time with Cassie
and the baby?
Michelle: It's not torture, Edmund. I know
it sounds strange but it actually helps in a way, holding on to a new life and
looking into those eyes.
Edmund: I know, I know. But you're holding
on too tightly, and when you hold on tightly, you just prolong the pain.
Michelle, I know. I know that Hope is precious and I know what you mean when
you talk about holding her. But she's not your baby.
Cassie: Hey. Oh, man, what Michelle’s going
through. I know how it feels to lose a baby, and it is the most horrible thing
in the world. It makes you even afraid to try.
Jeffrey: Yes, but you did. You tried, again.
Cassie: I was terrified. What if something
would have happened? I don't know what I'd do if I lost Hope.
Edmund: Oh, Michelle, I wish you could trust
Michelle: I do, Edmund. I do. You have been
right about everything. If I had listened to you and stayed in your suite, then
I wouldn't have driven in my car.
Edmund: Don't, Michelle. Don't, please.
Listen, you promised me you wouldn't speak this way. Look, the past is the
past. And the sooner you can make peace with it, the sooner you can move on.
And that’s... that's what you want to do, isn't it? You want to move on? Good.
Good. Then let me help you, Michelle. I want nothing more than to see you back
on your feet. I want to see you back on your feet and starting a new life, all
Cassie: Hi, so sorry to interrupt.
Michelle: No, you're not at all. Actually
I'm running to see Mel.
Cassie: Okay. Well, we're going to get going
because she's getting a little fussy.
Edmund: Well, homeward bound it is, then.
Mr. O’Neill, would you do me a favor and help them back to the farm and I'll
meet you all there later?
Cassie: Okay. Well, I'll see you, okay?
Michelle: Yes. Thanks, Cassie. Thanks. Bye.
Bye, little Hope. She really is very special.
Cassie: Well, how about Edmund, huh? You
know, sometimes he can be nice, right? Let's go.
Edmund: I started self-medicating with
some pills I had for a back injury. I took a few. I took a few more.
Michelle: Um, yeah, I think Mel’s shift is
going to be over soon so she'll give me a ride home.
Edmund: I don't mind waiting. You seem fine;
I'm sure it won't take long.
Michelle: Thank you, Edmund. You know,
you've really turned out to be a good friend to me. I feel kind of like we have
a connection, don't you?
Edmund: You have no idea.
Danny: Let's get going.
Marina: Danny, stop.
Danny: What? Why? Why are you dragging your
feet? You don't you want to move in with me anymore?
Marina: Yes, yes I do, but listen to me. If
you're just doing this because you feel for some reason like you have to...
Danny: I do have to. I have to because I
want to. Marina, I'm sick of being in limbo. I want to get on with my life.
Marina: But Michelle...
Danny: Hey, didn't somebody, some friend,
give you some amazing advice? Something about spending lots of quality time
with me? Quality, quantity time? Focused only on me.
Marina: He wasn't a very good friend.
Danny: Whatever. He was right. Let's start
packing. Come on, and hurry up, we have a big night ahead of us.
Marina: Oh, really?
Danny: Yeah, really. Come on, go.
Edmund: Are you sure you don't want me to
drive you home, Michelle?
Michelle: I don't really know where that is,
Edmund: Well, I have a feeling that your
father would welcome you and Robbie with open arms.
Michelle: You know, I've been thinking about
that a lot lately-- about working with my dad. He's in California now.
Edmund: That would be hard, a move to California.
But it might be harder, you know to stay here and watch Danny move on with his
life. Watch him move on with Marina. I know it's hard for me to watch Cassie be
with Jeffrey, to know they're happy together, to know that they're... well,
sometimes I think it's just important to cut your losses.
Michelle: And to know when to leave. And I
think you're right. I am going to go inside and call the airlines.
Edmund: As much as I don't want you to
leave, Michelle, let me know when you are leaving because I'd like to see you
off. I think it's important that a friend take you to the airport, put you on
the plane, wave good- bye and wish you well.
Michelle: Thank you.
Edmund: Sure.
Michelle: For everything.
Edmund: Bye.
Danny: Yeah, Hi. This is Danny Santos in Room
903. Yeah, I'm good. Thanks. Listen, I was wondering if I could order in
something tonight and... well, can you whip up a really romantic diner? The
most romantic thing you can come up with and put flowers in the room and
candles, wine, the works. Yeah. Great. Great. This night has been a long time
coming and I want it to be one that she remembers forever.
Dinah: You're my salvation?
Edmund: Think, Dinah. What were you
before you met me? Pathetic creature flitting about Europe pretending to be Princess
Cassie. So desperate not to be discovered. So desperate to be something you
clearly are not.
Dinah: And what am I now?
Edmund: Well, desperate still I grant
you. But now you have your own identity. You are Dinah Marler, the woman who
selflessly gave up her body to bear another woman's child. Saint Dinah,
heaven's be praised who made her sacrifice willingly.
Dinah: Michelle is the one who gave up her
Edmund: But no one's ever going to know
that, no one, ever. And for that, I will always love you.
Ross: Oh, for heaven's sake, don't listen
to him. He's the one that got you into this mess in the first place.
Edmund: Ross, it's time for you to step
up to the plate. It's time for you to take responsibility, because thanks to
you, invisible Daddy, your daughter is willing to pay any price for a man.
Ross: Oh, you took full advantage of
that, didn't you?
Dinah: Stop it, you two. Just stop! I don't
want to hear anymore. There has to be someone who could have helped me avoid
all of this in my life. Wasn't there anyone?
Jeffrey: Well, I did my best, Dinah.
Cassie: We have to give Edmund some credit.
We now get to have some time alone together.
Jeffrey: Edmund, yes. Well, you see, Edmund
was avoiding.
Cassie: Avoiding what?
Jeffrey: Well... ( Cell phone rings ) Hang
on, sorry. I have to take this, it's my new assistant. O’Neill. Do I know him?
He's only the most important witness we could possibly have for the case, yes.
But we need a statement. You're kidding me? Of course I'll meet with him. When?
Okay. Well, let's make it a public place. How about Company? Got it. On my way.
Cassie: Yeah?
Jeffrey: Got a break in the case. I'm sorry,
I hate to run but...
Cassie: Got to go, huh? Well, I guess you
have a job. I can't expect to have you all the time okay, well, you know, we're
here wait for you wherever you're ready.
Jeffrey: Listen, about Edmund... you know
what? If he says or does anything that upsets you at all...
Cassie: Like what?
Jeffrey: I'm going to let him tell you. I'm
going to let Edmund tell you. I'll be back.
Cassie: That's not fair. Oh, well.
Tammy: Hey, Mom.
Cassie: Here's your big sister.
Tammy: Hi, cutie.
Cassie: Sweetie, it's so good to see you.
Tammy: Listen, I hope it's okay.
Cassie: Hope what's okay?
Jonathan: She hopes it's okay that I stop by
to say hi.
Cassie: Hello, Jonathan. Why is he here?
Tammy: He just wanted to see Hope.
Jonathan: I love kids. Is this her? Hi!
Cassie: Don't think about touching her
because I'm you haven't washed your hands. And I'm not kidding.
Jonathan: Touch.
Tammy: Isn't she something?
Jonathan: Oh, yeah. She's a little baby.
She's a baby. She's amazing. Every birth is a miracle only this one being here
is really incredible!
Danny: You know what? Do you have champagne?
Great, let's do champagne instead of the wine and, um, do you have roses? A
dozen roses.
Michelle: White.
Danny: Actually, no, I'm sorry, make it two
dozen. Do you have red rose? Great, make them all red. And we should be there
in an hour at the most. Okay, thank you so much. Thanks, bye.
Marina: All right. I am ready to go make the
first trip when you are.
Danny: That's it? Are you serious?
Marina: It's my important stuff.
Danny: This is your important stuff? Your
stuffed animals?
Marina: Hey, listen to you, these guys have
gotten me through some really tough times before there ever was a Danny Santos,
okay? You don't think that I could really just leave them behind and move in
with you. Come on, look at him. You made him sad.
Danny: I made him sad?
Marina: Tell him you're sorry.
Danny: I'm not going to tell him I'm sorry.
As long as they don’t shed they can come. And as long as they stay off the bed.
I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night holding a stuff elephant.
Marina: What would you rather end up
Danny: Put down your little zoo and I'll
show you.
Marina: There's no time for this. Come help
Danny: All right, I well. Good. They sooner
we get out of here, the sooner we can lock that door behind us. Hey, Michelle?
Michelle: Hi.
Danny: Hey, what are you doing?
Dinah: You wanted to help me?
Jeffrey: Well, I gave it my best shot. I
scraped you off of that prison floor out of the goodness of my heart.
Dinah: You don't have a heart.
Jeffrey: Dinah, how can you that about
Dinah: Like this: Heartless.
Jeffrey: You loved every minute of it,
playing princess.
Dinah: You loved pretending to be my decent
Edmund: When it comes to lies O’Neill,
you have got me beat.
Dinah: Should tell Cassie everything about
your little charade the minute I get out of here.
Jeffrey: The minute you what?
Dinah: The minute I get out of here. The
minute I get out of here, stop laughing. ( All laughing ) You, too, stop
laughing at me, Edmund! Daddy, tell him to stop laughing at me! ( All laughing
Ross: I can’t. ( Laughing )
Dinah: Stop it! All of you stop laughing at
me and get out, you get out! All of you have done nothing for me. You haven't
done a damn thing for me. ( All laughing )
Dinah: None of you! You need to see the real
me. I need someone who can see me, who's going to be there for me. Oh, my God,
who am I kidding? Who am I kidding? There are no heroes that are going to save
Jonathan: Somebody call for a good guy? It
really is unbelievable how this little one came to be here. You know, I got
pretty close with Dinah, you know, when you get close like that you pick up on
some things. There is a lot that you don't know.
Cassie: Really.
Jonathan: Uh-huh.
Edmund: Jonathan?
Jonathan: Uncle Eddie, take a seat. We were
just talking about miracles.
Edmund: What's he doing here?
Tammy: He just wanted to meet the new baby.
Edmund: Good, you've seen her get out.
Cassie: You were saying something. Something
about Dinah teaching you something and the baby being here, being amazing.
Edmund: Let's step outside.
Jonathan: Oh, yes, the baby being here is
amazing. But I don't think I have to tell you that, do I? ( Baby cries ) I
mean, you know as well...
Cassie: Hey. It's okay.
Tammy: She just sees you, and that's all it
takes. ( Laughter ) Okay, go ahead. What were you saying?
Edmund: Cassie, don't you think Hope would
be more comfortable upstairs?
Jonathan: I was just saying it was a miracle
Dinah came through with her part of the bargain. I just wish she was here so
that I could congratulate her, too, you know, for her sacrifice.
Cassie: Well, you know what, Jonathan? I
wish she were here, too. She did so much for us.
Jonathan: I think she deserves to be here.
Don't you agree, Uncle Eddie?
Danny: So how are you feeling? Did Mel check
you out at the hospital? What did she say?
Michelle: Clean bill of health, where's Robbie.
Danny: Good. Well, he's at your house with Rick
and Jude. He's waiting to see you. ( Cell phone rings ) Sorry, this is that
contractor. I'll be back. Yeah?
Marina: Hey, so you're feeling better?
Michelle: Yes. I feel fine. I actually got
to see Cassie’s baby at the hospital. She's so cute.
Marina: Yeah?
Michelle: And before you say anything, it's
not some unhealthy attachment because of my loss.
Marina: No, that's what Danny thought.
Michelle: Danny, Edmund, the whole world.
Marina: Edmund?
Michelle: Yeah, believe it or not, he gave
me some good advice just now.
Marina: Why?
Michelle: Well, he's been going through a
lot in his life recently and he knows what it feels like to lose somebody that
you love. I have to go. Can you tell Danny I said good-bye?
Marina: Why don't you just wait? He'll be
back in just a sec.
Michelle: It's okay. I just need to get some
air and I need time alone. Thanks.
Marina: Sure.
Danny: Thanks. What happened? Why'd she go?
Marina: I don't know. I tried, Danny, I did.
I know you wanted to talk to her.
Danny: Well, it's not that I needed to talk
to her, but it's just... did she seem okay?
Marina: I guess?
Danny: Well, I guess she's headed over to
the house to be with Robbie, which is good. They need to spend time together
and we have plans.
Marina: Oh, really?
Danny: Come on.
Woman: Mr. O’Neill, sorry.
Jeffrey: What's going on?
Woman: The witness got cold feet. He sent
this over. Your eyes only.
Jeffrey: Okay, well you need to get back to
your desk just in case there's another call go. Ahead. Thanks. "My eyes
only"? Let's see what we've got here.
Dinah: You. You knew there was no baby. You
knew that Edmund tricked me, but you came for me.
Jonathan: Why not?
Dinah: I thought you and I were just about
mindless sex.
Jonathan: We are.
Dinah: But you came to rescue me.
Jonathan: Sorry, Babe. Figments of your
imagination, no matter how buff can't unlock a steel door.
Dinah: Then why are you here?
Jonathan: Fun. That's what we are, right?
Have some laughs, rattle the walls. Make plans to destroy other people's lives.
Dinah: What if I wanted more?
Jonathan: Oh, I don't think I can help
you there. I mean, you're fun and wild and way hot, but you're just not the
Dinah: What kind is that?
Jonathan: The kind we stick around for.
Dinah: You're just going to leave me?
Jonathan: It's been real. Well, not real,
but you know. I wouldn't hold your breath, though. I don't think there's any
guy coming to save you.
Dinah: No, Jonathan. Don't go. No, Jonathan,
don't go. Don't leave me. You're my last hope.
Jonathan: It's a real shame Dinah couldn't
be here because I bet she'd have a lot to say.
Edmund: Well look at the time. Cassie, I
think we should get Hope tucked in, get her on a schedule.
Cassie: Yes, it is about that time.
Edmund: Yes. Excuse us.
Jonathan: I'll be here.
Tammy: So what's with all the Dinah talk?
Jonathan: Don't you think it's weird she
just disappeared out of nowhere?
Tammy: What's weird is how worked up you
are. I mean, are you guys like...
Jonathan: Would it matter?
Tammy: No, of course not. So you're just...
Jonathan: Worried.
Tammy: About what? If you know something,
why don't you just say it?
Jonathan: You want to know what I know?
Tammy: Yeah, I do.
Jonathan: You're jealous!
Tammy: What?
Jonathan: It really bakes you up that I used
to have a thing with Dinah.
Tammy: Of course you're more worried about Dinah
Jonathan: Than what?
Tammy: The feelings of people right here,
right now.
Jonathan: Right here, right now, huh? Who?
Whose feelings are you worried about me upsetting?
Tammy: My mom. And Edmund. You said you
wanted to come and see the baby but I guess you just wanted to come and shake
things up.
Jonathan: Oh, no, Tamm-Tamm, I'm not the one
shaking things up in your life right now. It's your own dead boyfriend.
Cassie: Tammy, look at these baby clothes I
just got in the mail.
Tammy: From the catalog?
Cassie: Yeah.
Edmund: Jonathan, Cassie thinks it would be
a good idea for the two of us to take a few moments alone.
Cassie: So he can apologize.
Edmund: Yes, exactly. I have a box of Havana
cigars here given to me by a friend of mine at the embassy. I thought we could
share a smoke, toast Hope's future.
Jonathan: Yeah, that's a good idea. I've
been waiting a long time to fire up one of those puppies.
Edmund: Good, then let's step outside. We
don't want the pollute the air for my miracle daughter.
Jonathan: I'll say good-bye before I leave,
Cassie: I'm not going to freak out, okay?
Jonathan: So what's the deal with these, Uncle
Eddie, they going to explode on me or something?
Edmund: If you wanted to blow you up, I
wouldn't use a cigar.
Jonathan: And if I wanted to blow your world
up, I would have all the ammo I already need. For instance, I know that Dinah
wasn't pregnant, which means I know you didn't deliver any baby. So where'd you
get that kid in there?
Danny: Smile. I want to commemorate this
Marina: All right.
Danny: Good. What? That's it.
Marina: Yeah, I got all I need.
Danny: Yeah, for the night. What are you
talking about?
Marina: What's the rush? I'll bring my stuff
over a little bit at a time. This is it for now, just in case.
Danny: What are you talking about just in
case? Just in case? We're doing this.
Marina: Well, everything's that's happening
with Michelle and now with the baby... the.
Danny: Exactly. That's my point. That's just
made it clearer to me that every day is special and I don't want to waste any
more of them.
Marina: Neither do I. But Danny, I don’t...
I just don't want to flaunt it, you know, what we are and what we have.
Danny: Flaunt it?
Marina: Not in front of Michelle. Not at a
time like this. It doesn't feel right to me and I think that deep down you feel
the same way. I mean, we don't have to prove anything to each other. We know
what we have and what we are. And I believe in that. And in us.
Danny: When did you get so smart? You're
right. One step at a time.
Marina: One toothbrush at a time.
Michelle: I wish I could be here to see the
whole yard fill with your blooms. Oh, but Edmund, you were right. God, I wish
I'd listened to you from the beginning. I have to go. Yes. It's the right thing
for me to do.
Dinah: Jonathan. Edmund. Daddy. Jeffrey.
Fine. Fine. There's only one person I can trust. And I'm looking right at her.
Dinah, all of the knights have rusted and the only person who is going to save
you is you. So you do it. When this is over and you are free, you will never
depend on a man again. Not for anything. And you will get your sorry butt out
of here any way that you know how to get your butt out of here. And you will do
it. You will not depend on another man for love or anything ever again.
Cassie: It's as if Jeffrey’s been hiding a
part of himself from himself. He is so good with Hope.
Tammy: Yeah, and, well, considering he used
to say he liked children better barbecued, he's made a big turnaround.
Cassie: Yes, he has. Just like Sandy.
Tammy: I guess.
Cassie: Yeah. I mean, Sandy really hurt a
lot of people when he lied-- we all found out that he wasn't John. That but now
look at him. He is a great trustworthy guy.
Tammy: Sandy Foster, dead.
Jonathan: That's what the headstone says.
Tammy: What does that this mean?
Jonathan: It means our little cub scout
isn't who he says he was.
Tammy: Then who is he? Trustworthy.
Cassie: Hey, is everything all right?
Tammy: Um, yeah. I'm good, I'm great. But I
need to actually go call Sandy, I promised.
Cassie: Say hi for me.
Tammy: Okay. Sandy, Hi. It's me. Um, I know
we said we would make plans for tonight, but my mom needs my help with the baby
so it looks like I'm going to be spending the night here at the farm and I have
to cancel with you, okay?
( Phone rings )
Cassie: Who is calling now? Hey, Counselor.
I was wondering what happened to you. Where are you?
Jeffrey: Hi. Company. Yeah, listen, I know I
said I was going to be back, but something's come up.
Cassie: Oh, is it the counterfeit ring case?
Jeffrey: Exactly. And it looks like I'm
going to be working all night. So I'm sorry.
Cassie: Well, I guess that's okay. You do
have a job. You didn't stop being a D.A. When Hope was born.
Jeffrey: I wish I could be there with the
two of you right now.
Cassie: Me, too.
Jeffrey: Just... make sure that the doors
are locked, okay? Just double check for me.
Cassie: Yeah, I promise. I will. Bye.
Cassie: Double check?
Edmund: You weren't there when the baby was
born. You couldn't possibly know a damn thing.
Jonathan: Oh, cut the crap. I know she was
pretending to carry around your little spawn even after she already lost it.
Edmund: You're being ridiculous.
Jonathan: I slept with her. I saw her belly.
I saw the pads she was wearing around. I know she wasn't pregnant with anyone's
kid. I know that for a fact.
Edmund: Yeah, well facts need proof.
Jonathan: There is no way Dinah left town on
her own. What the hell did you do with her, huh? Where is she? And where the
hell did you get that kid?
Announcer: Next on "Guiding Light..."
Tammy: Sandy Foster is dead, who are you?
Bill: Letting Reva see you with that little
number from the television station.
Woman: What more could a girl ask for.
Jonathan: Tell me what you did with Dinah.
It's not Cassie I'll go to, it's her new boyfriend, the D.A.
Jeffrey: I'm a dead man unless I back off
this investigation.
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