GL Transcript Wednesday 9/16/05

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 9/16/05


Provided By Boo
Proofread by Laura

Harley: Are you sure you want to go through with this?

Gus: Do I have a choice? My family needs me.

Harley: Then let me be the first to hug the new C.E.O. Of Spaulding Enterprises.

Gus: Well don't hug me too long. I mean nobody's voted yet, so...

Harley: Yeah, but it's between you and the guy in the sanitarium for killing his own son, so I think you got a shot at this.

Gus: Yeah, well see. I don't know.

Blake: You guys are here?

Gus: Yeah, well, I called this shindig.

Blake: Didn't you hear?

Harley: What?

Blake: Alan, he's been taken to Cedars.

Harley: Why?

Blake: I don't know.

Gus: He heard about the board meeting. He's got something up his straightjacket sleeve, that's why. I...

Harley: Honey, honey, honey. You'll be late.

Gus: What, they're going to start without me? I don't think so.

Blake: Back in the Spaulding saddle again? ( Gasps ) I see a hive. I think hives are popping out.

Alexandra: Well, maybe he's gotten cold feet.

Lizzie: I doubt it; he really wants this.

Alexandra: No he doesn’t. He has this misguided notion that we need him.

Lizzie: Maybe we do.

Alexandra:  What's more, unless this is company into complete ruination I don't think the board will vote him C.E.O.

Lizzie: I know one thing I'm not letting my mom get this job.

Alexandra: Listen to me. There are more than two candidates for this job, you know. And people far more qualified than Gus and your mother. Lizzie?

Lizzie: Yes, Aunt Alex?

Alexandra: What have you done?

( Monitor beeping )

Alan: India.

India: Don't worry. You're not dead. But before I'm finished with you, you'll wish you were.

 ( Jeffrey sneezes )

Cassie: Hey. What's all this?

Jeffrey: Hi. It's the Ferguson counterfeiting case, starts tomorrow.

Cassie: Are you okay?

Jeffrey: Yeah, yeah, fine. I'm just... I have a cold. The guy came into my office the delivery guy and sneezed right on top of me.

Cassie: You look terrible. Wow, you're hot.

Jeffrey: So are you. Where's Hope?

Cassie: I passed Edmund on the way in he wanted some father/daughter bonding time.

Edmund: You're my little girl. You're my princess. And your mother and I couldn't love you more. If you were our own flesh and blood. But that's our little secret. And everything is going to be just fine. As long as nobody ever finds out where you came from, okay?

Dinah: Let's see. Robberies, good. Fires, okay. "Bauer-Santos newborn killed in a crash." Michelle?

Michelle: Danny, I can't stay here. I can’t. I have to put some distance between me and what I lost.

Danny: Michelle, Robbie needs you here. I need you.

Michelle: Hey. What's this?

Robbie: A surprise.

Michelle: Really?

Danny: Yeah, it was his idea. We were having a mini barbecue since you missed the big one.

Michelle: Oh, what a great idea.

Danny: Tell Mommy what we're having?

Robbie: Were having hamburgers, hot dogs, cookies and ice cream!

Danny: I hope you're very hungry.

Michelle: You know I am. This is just what I need.

Danny: Why don't you go into the house and get the flag. You know where Uncle Rick keeps it, right? Okay, go ahead. Run, run, run.

Michelle: Thank you.

Danny: For what? Come on.

Michelle: God, this place brings back so many memories, you know? Our wedding.

Danny: Yeah. Michelle, you are going to make a lot more memories here. You don't have to go away. Come on, Robbie would be heartsick if you left again.

Michelle: I don't want to leave him, Danny. This is really hard.

Danny: I know, but running away is not the answer.

Edmund: Daddy is taking care of everything. Well, almost everything. Michelle, the nice woman who gave you to me, your biological mom? Well, she has to go away very soon, but she loves you very much. And that pesky Jeffrey O’Neil, he has to go away, too. And once all that's taken care of, you, your mom and I can all live happily ever after.

Alan: You're obviously upset about Phillip.

India: Upset? I'm upset when I exceed my credit limit. You killed the one man I ever loved... who loved me back.

Alan: Oh, please. Phillip never loved you, he ditched you as fast as he could say, Beth.

India: Oh, right. Beth. The fair-haired simpleton.

Alan: Careful. You're talking about Mrs. Alan Spaulding.

India: Oh, I'm supposed to be impressed by that? Didn't waste any time brainwashing the little twit. But then again, she always was malleable.

Alan: I'll have you know that Beth married me of her own free will. Now, why don't you tell me what you want. You usually don't show your face around Springfield unless you're pressed for cash.

India: This time I'm here to make sure that Spaulding Enterprises closes it's door to you forever. And if that means voting for your son, so be it.

Alan: Gus doesn't have the votes.

India: And you do?

Alan: Don't forget my new bride.

India: If only I could. But this time even Beth can't save you. You're going to die in prison, Alan. A dried up powerless little man.

Alan: We'll see, India. We'll see.

India: You know, I never thought I'd say this, but you make Alexandra look like Mother Theresa. Rot in hell.

Alexandra: Okay, Lizzie, are you going to tell me what you've done?

Lizzie: Well, if mom can't make it to the board meeting then she and Granddad can't pull their strings.

Alexandra: And why wouldn't she make it to the board meeting?

Lizzie: Oh, because her flight's been redirected to Boston. So I've heard.

Alexandra: ( Laughs ) Oh, how could that happen?

Lizzie: How everything else happens in this family.

Alexandra: Oh, well, Boston. It's not so bad this time of year.

Harley: Don't do that.

Blake: Do what?

Harley: Don't create drama where there isn't any.

Blake: Oh, come on you're telling me that you actually want Gus to run this place?

Harley: I'm saying that I want what Gus wants.

Blake: Honey, you can just feed him that stand by your man routine to your little hubby, but I'm your girlfriend. I know what I see.

Harley: What do you see?

Blake: Fear. And for good reason, too. You've lost a few good men to this place. It's not too late. You can tell Gus how you feel. We haven't even started this meeting yet.

Harley: Please, that ball is already rolling.

Blake: Interesting. This must be the new passive Harley speaking.

Harley: That person doesn't exist. It's just that this is something that Gus feels he needs to do.

Blake: What do you need?

Harley: I need to stand by him and support him if I can. Hey, as long as he doesn't turn into one of them. I've seen what this place can do to people.

Blake: So have I. But Gus is different, right?

Harley: Right. Yeah.

Guard: I'm afraid he's not allowed visitors.

Gus: That's all right, I'm his son.

Alan: Well, what are you doing here, Gus?

Gus: That's funny, I was going to ask you the same question.

 ( Sneezing )

Jeffrey: Look who's here.

Edmund: You look terrible Mr. O’Neil.

Jeffrey: I've got a cold.

Edmund: No touchy the baby, eh?

Cassie: I'll make sure he stays away from Hope.

Jeffrey: Any word from Dinah?

Edmund: Not even a postcard. There you go.

Cassie: You know, I am really, really worried about her. We have to find her.

Edmund: We will. I have to get going. I have a very busy day and you have a good day, Daddy loves you very, very much. He loves you more than anything else in the whole wide world. And you have a good day, too, and call me when Hope's doctor's appointments.

Cassie: I will.

Edmund: And keep your germs to yourself.

Jeffrey: Such a nice guy.

Cassie: He's right, though. You have to stay away from Hope. Just until your cold is gone.

Jeffrey: So you're slapping me in quarantine, huh?

Cassie: Why don't you go home and rest? Where is that pit-bull Doris when you need her.

Jeffrey: She's on vacation. Besides, this is a high profile case. I don't want the whole thing getting flubbed up.

Cassie: Go to the doctor and get something for that cold. Let's go, Sneezy. ( Jeffrey sneezes )

Dinah: Wow. Michelle, I feel terrible for you. I know what it's like to lose a baby. I don't understand it. I don't know why people like Cassie get what they want in this life and the rest of us suffer. Well, I guess nobody said that this life was going to be easy. Or fair to us. Michelle, to us. We deserve better things. And may things turn around for both of us as soon as possible.

Ross: Thank you, Robbie, I'll be out here.

Danny: Hey, Ross.

Ross: Hi. So, you're having a picnic?

Danny: No, we're just have a little Bauer barbecue reenactment.

Michelle: It's nice to see you.

Ross: I'm here to check up on you, actually.

Michelle: I'm fine.

Ross: Are you?

Michelle: I will be, I promise. How are you? You look a little tired.

Ross: I am tired. And discouraged as Dinah’s gone missing. Don't ask me how she did it, but she left the night that the baby was born.

Michelle: You haven't talked to her?

Ross: No and I'm getting very worried because not only the birth of course but she had to leave the baby behind and I'm sure it's taking a toll. I'm sorry, Michelle, this is the last thing you need to hear.

Michelle: It's fine; it's fine. I've actually been thinking a lot. Have you seen her?

Ross: Yes. We were at the house shortly after she was born.

Michelle: That's wonderful. Tell me about her. I want to hear everything there is to know about little Hope.

Gus: You're here because of the board meeting.

Alan: There's a board meeting?

Gus: Yes, there's a board meeting. I'm taking over.

Alan: Good luck, Son.

Gus: That's it, no fight, right?

Alan: Not at all. As a matter of fact, I need a little rest if you don't mind.

Gus: You got it. You know, I'm just trying to save this family and this company that you practically destroyed, okay?

Alan: Good, give it your best shot. I just hope Harley is as supportive of this company when it destroys your marriage.

Gus: Yes, she's very supportive, thank you.

Alan: I'm just telling you what you always love to hear, I'm the devil's advocate, right? I don't blame you for having doubts. You and I both know this is not a very good idea.

Gus: I think it is. I think it's a great idea.

Alan: Let me remind you being at the top gives you different priorities.

Gus: Kind of like it did for you.

Alan: Harley is going to lose all respect for you, it can't help but happen.

Gus: In your dreams, dad, in your dreams.

Alexandra: The plane is on the ground in Boston? No, no, it's not a problem, not at all. Thank you. Well, well, well. If it isn't India. Look what the cats have dragged in.

India: What can I say. The cats are smart.

Alexandra: Yes. Still the same old charming witty India, yes, or something.

India: And you, Alexandra, still the heartless shrew you always have been.

Alexandra: Oh, please, I don't mince words with you.

India: I already warned yours snake of a brother.

Alexandra: You saw Alan.

India: But you haven’t.

Alexandra: Not yet.

India: I can't say I'm surprised. Business comes before dying in Spauldingland.

Alexandra: He's faking.

India: Would it really matter if he wasn't? Hello, Blaze.

Blake: India, can't you come up with something more original?

India: Why? Even after all these years it still amuses me. Hello, Harley.

Harley: India.

India: You look good.

Harley: Thank you.

India: I suppose the fourth time really is a charm. Congratulations on your new marriage. Where is your husband?

Harley: He's off running errands.

India: Errands? Harley, that's what assistants are for.

Harley: Yes. Well, it's not that kind of errand.

India: Let me give you a piece of advice. If Gus wants to run this company, he's got to at least pretend to schmooze. Me, I blow in here every now and then, but the old guard...

Blake: She does have a point.

Harley: Thanks, Blake. You remember what you were saying before? About something else?

Gus: Hello, everybody, I'm sorry I'm late.

Harley: Hi, Sweetie. How did it go?

Gus: Great. Let's get started, shall we?

Danny: Sorry to drag you away like that. I'm just trying desperately to get Michelle to stop obsessing about Cassie's baby.

Ross: Maternal instinct. Luckily she has Robbie.

Danny: She's just... I know she's been through a lot, but she not thinking very clearly right now.

Ross: Good thing she has to you keep an eye on her. I have to stop by the police station file a report.

Danny: Of course.

Ross: Good luck. Michelle, Robbie, I'm going to take off. You guys take care of yourselves.

Michelle: You, too. I hope you find Dinah.

Dinah: You're back.

Edmund: You know, Jeffrey O’Neil could have malaria and Cassie still wouldn't be able to stay away from him. What hold does he have on her?

Dinah: Richard's face. Well he does.

Edmund: Fine. Fine. I'm going to win her back. Just need to get Jeffrey away from her and then Cassie and I can raise our child together.

Dinah: Your child? What are you talking about? I don't even care, as long as you let me out of here I don't care what you do.

Edmund: I'm sure you don’t.

Dinah: I'll keep my mouth shut. If that's what you want. I can do that. Ever since I came back to this God forsaken town I have been your friend and a damn doom good one.

Edmund: I'm sorry I left your trophy in the car.

Dinah: While you're out there maybe some more magazines, maybe some more newspapers, like this. Not that it's that uplifting. Did you hear about Michelle?

Edmund: What are you talking about?

Cassie: Hey, Ross.

Jeffrey: Mr. Mayor.

Cassie: Something wrong?

Ross: It's just heartbreaking reading about another Springfield tragedy.

Jeffrey: Excuse me.

Ross: Bless you.

Cassie: Rick stopped by earlier. I just feel horrible for Michelle.

Ross: Yeah, I know that. With Ed being away I feel this responsibility to look after Michelle.

Cassie: That's what makes you such a great man.

Ross: It's not all together selfless. With Dinah gone missing I am dealing with guilt of my own.

Cassie: You haven't heard from her at all?

Ross: No, not a word. That's why after I checked in with Danny and Michelle, I filed a missing person report.

Cassie: That's good. You know, every time I look at this baby I feel so guilty about Michelle.

Ross: Cassie, don't feel that way. Michelle is happy for you.

Cassie: I know. I just wish there was something I could do for her.

Michelle: That was nice of you, he always reminds me of my dad.

Danny: He was happy to see you, too.

Michelle: Just sorry he is so upset by Dinah. God, she's always been a handful.

Danny: I don't really know her, but stories are impressive.

Michelle: She's got a good side to her. I mean, Edmund has...

Danny: What?

Michelle: I'm just saying I think everyone deserves a chance, you know.

Danny: I don't know what happened to Robbie. I'll go check on him. He better not be on that step stool getting more ice cream out of the freezer. Your brother taught him that trick.

Michelle: Danny?

Danny: Yeah.

Michelle: On the way to the park, can we stop by and see Cassie’s baby? I'm dying to see little Hope.

Danny: Michelle, I don't think it's a good idea to visit Cassie’s baby.

Michelle: Why? What's wrong with wanting to visit a friend?

Danny: Honey, come on. It's more than that. I know what you're going through, I do, but don't you think right now it would be so much better for you to focus on Robbie?

Michelle: I love Robbie more than anything in the world.

Danny: I know and he's so happy that you're home.

Michelle: He's happy to have both his parents.

Danny: I really wish that you would just for now drop this idea of going out of town. This is your home.

Michelle: I'm just so surprised. I would think you'd want me gone after...

Danny: What? Why? Michelle, come on. That is the last thing in the world that I want. What? What are you thinking?

Michelle: I'm just thinking if the baby had lived, things would be different between us.

Danny: We don't know that.

Michelle: Come on, Danny, just be honest with me. If the baby was here, would things be different between us?

Danny: We don't even know if the baby was mine.

Michelle: No. But if she was, would we be a family again?

Danny: Michelle, I can’t... I got to go check on Robbie. Okay?

Dinah: Haven't you read about the story? "After giving birth at the scene Michelle Bauer-Santos managed to escape from the car. Her infant, minutes old, perished in the flames. 'Mrs. Santos was confused,' said firefighter Herb Long, 'She believed that the baby was alive.” That's horrible. She must be a wreck and that's only been... ( gasps ) You... you took Michelle’s baby? You did? You found her on some road and you took the baby from her.

Edmund: I didn't just happen down the road, and pluck the baby off the street as though it might be a bunch of flowers. This was a very well orchestrated plan.

Dinah: You're not even denying it.

Edmund: Why should I? Who are you going to tell? Besides, I've been dying to tell someone. And who better than someone who can appreciate all the hard work I put into it. Come on, Dinah, sit down, relax and I'll start at the beginning tell you the whole story about how I got our beautiful daughter and put her in Cassie’s arms with a little help from my new best friend Michelle Santos. Our daughter came into the world right on schedule.

Blake: Ross. Ross, I'm glad you're here. Hi.

Alexandra: Ross. Lovely to see you, but what are you doing here.

Ross: Alan-Michael and Amanda sent me their proxies. He told me that he had broken up with Lucy which I found sad. I thought they were going to make it.

Harley: So did I.

Lizzie: I have Mindy's proxy.

Alexandra: Well, looks like everyone is here and accounted for let's sit down. Take our seats.

Ross: India.

India: Hello, Darling.

Ross: Good to see you. You look great.

India: Same to you.

Gus: You all know that I have tried my hand at this before and I didn't cut it. But times change. I've changed. I think it's fair to say that my family-- the Spaulding family-- was a little off course the last year or so. And as a result of that, Spaulding Enterprises has also been off course. But I think you will see in the document that I have prepared I have a plan, a solid plan to get the company back on track and I'm going to need your support for that. To make it a reality, I'm going to need your help. It's an important decision that we all need to make together. It's a decision that we need to make together because it's important...

how can you seriously expect to pull this off?

Harley: ( Clears throat ) Gus.

Gus: Yeah, sorry. So to continue...

you are an idiot if you don't listen to me. Look at your wife. Does she look like she wants this? She said she didn't mind. You are an idiot! She didn't mean that. You're not real I wasn't finished. Alan was right. If you go through with this, Harley will leave you. Trust me. I know.

Harley: Are you all right?

Gus: Yeah. I need to... I need to get a little air.

India: I should've made popcorn. This is better than last time.

Lizzie: We know how to put on a show.

Alexandra: India, you're out of order. Well now, since my nephew wasn't able to continue I suggest we call for a vote.

Harley: Alex, can I say something?

Alexandra: Technically, no.

India: I vote to let Harley speak.

Blake: I second that move.

Alexandra: Very well, you have the floor.

Harley: Yes. Gus would not want to you vote without hearing more about what he plans to accomplish here. I mean let's face it. There's nothing exciting happening here. Nothing new. And no offense, but when I think of Spaulding Enterprises I think starchy. I think yesterday's news. We have to redefine ourselves for the generation to come. We have to really look how we portray ourselves in a digital age. I can't believe I actually just said that, but it's true. I mean honestly, when people think Spaulding Enterprises, they think corporate greed. They think old boys' network. They think selfish, nasty people who care about nothing except power and control. There are other things. There's honesty, there's decency. The company will continue to move forward with those things. People will want to be associated with the Spaulding name. They will trust in Spaulding. Take a risk, tell your shareholders that you plan to do the right thing. This company is capable of making a difference in the world in people's lives. And not just ours. But generations to come. Gus thanks you.

Alexandra: Well, thank you, Harley, for that. Now I would like to call a vote.

Harley: Cast my vote for me, please. I've got to find Gus. Oh, good, they're just getting ready to vote.

Gus: Don't worry about it. I don't want it any more.

Harley: You don't want it? Oh, boy.

Edmund: Oh, come on, Dinah. If you stop to think about it, there's a happy ending for everyone. Michelle doesn't have the burden of raising a child on her own without a father. And Cassie and I get to give Hope a wonderful life she deserves.

Dinah: What about my happy ending?

Edmund: Well, almost everyone. Come on, don't think for a minute that I don't appreciate all your hard work. You've been amazing.

Dinah: Damn you! You cannot do this to me! This is it?

Edmund: Dinah?

Dinah: I'm never getting out of here?

Edmund: Please. I have a lot on my mind.

Edmund: I don't care.

Dinah: You know what? Why don't you kill me. Kill me. Hit me over the head. Smother me. It doesn't matter. Put me out of my misery because I swear to you if you don't do it I'm going to!

Edmund: Dinah, no one is going to kill anyone.

Dinah: I can't do this. I can’t. I can’t.

Edmund: Okay, you're having a panic attack you just need to calm down.

Dinah: Oh! I can't do this! I need help! I need help. I can't do this!

Edmund: All right, I'll help you.

Dinah: I don't have-- listen to me. Only thing that helps me is these. And I need them. They help me with my anxiety and they help me sleep. Could you please refill them?

Edmund: Absolutely not. You just talked about killing yourself.

Dinah: I don't care! You can regulate my dosage! You can keep my pills! I need them!

Edmund: Okay! Anything to get you calmed down.

Dinah: Thank you. Go.

Edmund: Save my wine.

Dinah: You leave the hysterics to me Edmund because next time you come by for a drink I will make you go to sleep in a hurry.

Cassie: Aren't you glad we let Mel check you out. I love the smiley face band-aid she put right where she gave you the shot. That was fun.

Jeffrey: Oh you like that, huh? Yes. I just love being poked and prodded by Dr. Mel Bauer.

Cassie: Well, you know what? At least now we know you have a sinus infection. It will be gone in a couple of days. What did you want? Did you want nature to take its course?

Jeffrey: I think nature already has taken its course. ( Cell phone rings ) Sorry.

Cassie: You're not supposed to use that in a hospital.

Jeffrey: Jeffrey O’Neill. Yeah, yeah, I got it. It's in my briefcase which is at Company. Look, I'm going to have to call you back. Okay, you got it.

Cassie: You have to go?

Jeffrey: Yeah, I got to go across the street. Back to Company. Want to come?

Cassie: No. I can’t. It's almost time for Hope's appointment with the pediatrician. So we're going to hang here.

Jeffrey: Okay, well you ladies behave yourselves. You take care of your mommy. Don't let her flirt with the doctors.

Cassie: I don't know if that's possible. I mean who can resist the two of us?

Jeffrey: Not me.

Danny: You got these delivered.

Michelle: What is it?

Danny: It's a white rose bush.

Michele: "Peace."

Danny: Yeah. I thought we could, you know, plant it in memory of the baby.

Michelle: Oh, Danny.

Danny: The nursery just delivered it.

Michelle: When did you even have time to...

Danny: This morning. I ordered it. I thought it would be a good idea to plant it and say a few words, that way every spring when it blooms, we'll know that the baby is always here.

Michelle: Oh.

Danny: What?

Michelle: Nothing.

Danny: Michelle, what?

Michelle: I'm fine. I'm actually fine.

Danny: You're not fine. We need to get you checked out.

Michelle: No reason to.

Danny: You just got out of the hospital. Get in the car; I'll ask Rick to watch Robbie.

Alan: Beth, I've been calling you why haven't you picked up? Boston? Have the driver get you here as soon as possible. They could be taking the vote as we speak.

Harley: I'm sorry. I just wanted to give you a shot.

Gus: Don't worry about it. They're not going to vote me as their new C.E.O., Okay? I walked out on them.

Harley: I was pretty good.

Gus: It was good. But me, I'm a lost cause. I'm going to get a sandwich from the cafeteria. You want something?

Harley: You're going to the cafeteria now?

Gus: They're going to be awhile I got to eat. I won't be long.

Blake: They're ready for you.

Harley: Already?

Ross: Yes. Everything is all settled. Listen, I have to go around the city. You call me at the office, okay? Harley, good luck.

Harley: What? Gus is in the cafeteria.

Blake: It's all right. You can come in. It's okay.

Alexandra: The board has voted and new C.E.O. has been chosen.

Harley: Alex, my turn to be out of order. Gus is right downstairs. He's in the cafeteria.

Alexandra: Don't worry about it, Harley. Gus will find out soon enough. The board has voted and made a decision and it's you, Harley, Spaulding Enterprises new C.E.O.

Dinah: Edmund? Here's to the next cocktail we're going to enjoy. Sooner or later I'll be walking out of here a free woman. And I'm going to make you pay for all of the pain that you've caused me. Yeah. See, Sweetie, you're not the only one with a plan.

Jeffrey: Sorry.

Edmund: Thank you, Mr. O’Neil, that's mine.

Jeffrey: Wait a minute. It's not yours, that's Dinah’s. It was filled today.

Michelle: Danny, there's nothing wrong me, really. I know my body; it was just a cramp.

Danny: Then you have nothing to worry about. We'll have somebody check you out and we'll get out of here. Look, please, do it for me. Okay? We'll see if Mel’s here. I'll have her paged.

Michelle: Cassie. Hi.

Cassie: Hi.

Announcer:  Next on "Guiding Light"...

Lizzie: Meet the new boss.

Harley: No, no, no. This is a mistake. Gus is supposed to be the C.E.O.

Alan: I cannot wait to celebrate.

Edmund: I need them. I'm hooked.

Michelle: I want to see your baby. Do you mind if I hold Hope?

Cassie: Hope, this is Michelle.

Dinah: Cassie lives happily ever after with Michelle’s baby.

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