GL Transcript Tuesday 9/13/05

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 9/13/05


Provided By Boo
Proofread by Laura

Gus: Listen, I have a proposal for you.

Harley: What?

Gus: We just sneak away before anybody catches us. We go up to our room and hang a big, old sign that says, "Do not disturb us," because our honeymoon is, you know, still in progress. I mean, that's the way I feel.

Harley: I just think that you don't want to face reality, Mr. Aitoro.

Gus: No, I don't want to face reality. I don't like reality. It's scary.

Harley: You know what's scary? Beth marrying Alan. That's scary. That's certainly going to complicate things when you take over Spaulding, isn't it?

Gus: Can you shut up? Kiss me.

Harley: Oh.

Frank: Wow, you guys are doing a terrific job. Come on, big fives for Uncle Frank. Big fives. Come on, come on, come on.

Buzz: Okay. Your mom and Gus' welcome cake is baked and ready to be picked up. Now who wants to go with me to the airport tomorrow morning and pick them up? Who?

Zach and Jude: Me!

Buzz: Yeah?

Zach: Do you think they'll be surprised?

Frank: Absolutely. No doubt. He's right. ( Laughter )

Gus: ( Clears throat )

Harley: Well...

Gus: What do we have? What's going on? I don't get my own one? Are you joking?

Zach: You're home early.

Harley: We are. You know why? Because we couldn't wait another minute. We couldn't be without you guys.

Gus: Somebody cut his hair.

Harley: Oh, I know.

Gus: Listen, you know, we love surprises, but...

Frank: Yeah, what are you guys doing home so early? We really didn't get a chance to finish here, so...

Harley: Oh, gosh. ( Laughter ) I guess real life is about to start right about now.

Gus: Yeah, right.

Zach: I drew... I drew the yellow flower.

Gus: You did?

Harley: You drew the flower? It's beautiful. ( Laughs )

Olivia: No. Okay. Not here.

Bill: No. We've done it all over town. Why not? Why not?

Olivia: I have a hotel conference to get to.

Bill: All the more reason to, you know...

Ava: Everything is all set for your trip, Mrs. Lewis. Your espresso's waiting. I've confirmed your flight and hotel...

Olivia: Here's where you say "Oops," Ava.

Ava: Oops.

Jonathan: Oh, come on. I want the large glasses put on one side, the small glasses put by the liquor. And I asked you to change this keg yesterday!

Tammy: Wow. Got to admire those people skills at work.

Jonathan: Yeah, you know, me. A real people person. What do you want?

Tammy: I'm just... I'm looking for Billy. He around?

Jonathan: No.

Tammy: Uh...

Jonathan: Look, what do you want from me? I told you not to come around this place again because the next time you came here...

Tammy: I found the guy Fallon that Sandy used to know.

Jonathan: And?

Tammy: And he pretended not to know him after he told me that he did.

Jonathan: Ooh, the plot thickens.

Tammy: Well, before you say anything, I'm not suspicious of Sandy in any way. I just... I want to know more about him. I want to throw him a little party, that's all.

Jonathan: Yeah. Yeah. Let's not be suspicious of the boy who only talks about his past when he's lying. Oh, great. Look who it is. Maybe I should ask him about this. Oh, great. Where the hell is Ava?

Michelle: What did Aunt Mel make you for dinner tonight? Ooh, pasta with butter is your favorite. There's one thing that's never changed... not for me. I never stopped loving you. Okay, Honey, well, why don't I give you a call in the morning, okay.  Bye. I love you, Sweetie. Sleep tight.

Danny: I think you need to get some sleep, too. You want me to sit here with you until you drift off?

Michelle: Danny, what I said before about my feelings, I just feel so silly. I...

Danny: Michelle, come on. Stop. Please. It's okay. Get some sleep.

Mallet: Hey, Marina. How's it going? I was just trying to trace that 911 call that came in the night of Michelle’s accident, but apparently the cell phone company was having computer problems that night, so they lost a bunch of data.

Marina: Figures.

Mallet: So sorry, I wasn't able to trace it. But we still have the anonymous 911.

Marina: Did you listen to the tape yet?

Mallet: Yeah, I did, but the connection wasn't great. I mean, to me the caller sounded like an elderly guy, maybe a little bit of a country accent.

Marina: Well, that narrows it down.

Mallet: What is it exactly you're looking for?

Marina: I don't know. You know, Michelle just seems convinced that someone was there when she had the baby and they helped her with the delivery. I don't know. I guess I just thought maybe it might be the same man who called 911.

Tammy: So, how did you know I was here?

Sandy: I have my ways.

Tammy: Ooh, you are a man of mystery.

Sandy: The only real mystery is how I ever got lucky enough to be with you.

Tammy: That is no mystery, Sandy. You make me happy. I just wish you came with an autobiography.

Sandy: Hm, then I'd have to write it. Who has the patience?

Tammy: Yeah, I'm more of a reader, myself.

Sandy: See, what's why we're so compatible. When I was little, I could spend hours on end with my nose in a book in the library.

Tammy: Me, too. So, which library was that again? The one where you grew up?

Sandy: ( Laughs ) ( Makes reeling noise )

Tammy: What's that?

Sandy: That's you, fishing. If you want to know something about my past, all you have to do is ask.

Tammy: Since when?

Sandy: All right, all right, all right. The library I went to as a kid was the public library in Shrewsbury.

Tammy: Wait, are you telling me you grew up just in the next town, in Shrewsbury?

Sandy: Nice town, Shrewsbury. Anything else about my past you want to know?

Harley: It was something like this. Anyway... turn off the music!

Gus: All right, all right, all right.

Harley: Anyway, it was this great dance that we learned in Corfu. It was so fun and everything is old. There are ruins everywhere. And the beaches are...

Gus: The beaches were gorgeous. They were turquoise, and so blue. You don't see that kind of blue anywhere. It was so beautiful.

Harley: We had such an amazing time.

Gus: Yes, we did.

Harley: Hey, Guys, be honest. Did you miss us at all? No? Not even a little bit?

Gus: See? Out of the mouth of... it's always the truth. You said something to me before...

Zach: Yes, he cried.

Gus: That's what he told me.

Harley: Aw.

Buzz: Well, no. It was just... just for a minute.

Gus: Look, you can have this.

Buzz: He thought maybe you weren't coming back.

Harley: Oh.

Buzz: But I said that, you know, if you made it all the way back home from prison that you could probably make it back home from your honeymoon.

Harley: Thanks, Daddy.

Gus: Oh, that's nice.

Mallet: Uncle Frank wanted to hire two undercover detectives to keep an eye on you two lovebirds, but good, old Grandpa over here nixed the idea.

Gus: Grandpa didn't have anything to worry about. We're fine. We ate, we drank, we slept late.

Harley: Yes.

Gus: We did some unmentionables. We spent a little time together. I'm just saying that we got closer, we got time together.

Harley: Yeah, we did. We sure did.

Gus: That we needed. ( Laughter )

Zach: You guys, stop kissing so much.

Buzz: Ew. ( Laughter ) That's disgusting.

Bill: Oh, my goodness. Now, go easy. Go easy, will you?

Olivia: Go easy on what?

Bill: Go easy. Don't be mad at your sweet new assistant just because you got caught.

Olivia: She's very sweet, I'll give her two days. Maybe she's not the right person for me. You know, I need a pit bull, not a puppy that I've got to train.

Bill: She's going to do fine. Just give her a shot, okay? All right, there you go.

Ava: Here's your espresso, Mrs. Lewis.

Olivia: Thank you.

Bill: She is good. Wow, look at that. Espresso and everything. So, if you don't mind, I'm going to run over, see Michelle, just give her a little chitchat and then I will meet you here to give you a ride to the airport.

Olivia: Yes. Fine. Give Michelle my best.

Bill: Wow. I'm liking this new, un-jealous version of you. I'm kidding. I'm kidding.

Olivia: Just meet me at Company because I don't want to get saddled with more work here.

Bill: Wow, un-jealous and mellow. I think I... can I be more in love? We'll pick up from the elevator.

Olivia: ( Laughs ) Ava?

Jonathan: Fun's over. I need you back at work.

Ava: But I am working.

Jonathan: No, not for Aunt Olivia. I need you at work at Outskirts.

Ava: But, I mean, I'm in the middle...

Jonathan: We made a deal. I said you could work two jobs as long as Outskirts came first. So ditch the glass slipper, Cinderella. Your pumpkin is double-parked.

Harley: I have some presents for you guys in my suitcase, but we're not going to open them until tomorrow. Okay? What do you say?

Jude: Thank you, Mommy.

Zach: Thank you, Mommy.

Harley: Thank you for saying "thank you." Nice manners.

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: Go finish your drawing, okay?

Gus: Where did they come from, those manners?

Harley: I don't know.

Buzz: I hear you saw Lucy over there.

Harley: Um, yeah, we did. Briefly.

Buzz: Yeah? What about the marriage? Alan-Michael didn't hurt her or anything, did he?

Harley: I don't know. She didn’t... she didn't say much. Sounds like they were drifting and then he got caught up in some things, and I don't know, it sounded like it ended pretty ugly.

Buzz: Well, she doesn't say much to me on the phone.

Gus: Well, don't worry, we got you guys some presents anyway.

Frank: Oh, good. I hope so.

Gus: Look at that. One little pencil each.

Harley: Don't thank us. We know. And for Marina and Coop, too. We have two for them.

Buzz: I don't know where Coop is. Where is Coop?

Gus: Um...

Buzz: What was that for?

Harley: He's fine. We actually saw Coop earlier, in the garage. I mean, he had a small accident, but...

Buzz: Accident? What? Do you think he's okay?

Harley: He's fine, he's fine. Actually, he's so fine that he met up with Lizzie afterward.

Buzz: Oh, yeah.

Gus: Hello, Alan-Michael and Lucy, Coop and Lizzie, and goodbye to the beautiful beaches and hello, family drama.

Frank: You know, Gus, I think you're about the only sane Spaulding left. So may the force be with you, Gus.

Harley: Oh, please, cut it out. You guys are such downers. Somebody get me another beer. I have these pictures I have to show you. They're so good. Where they... I left them in my purse, which I left outside.

Gus: Those are delicious.

Harley: Get me a beer.

Mallet: Hi. You're... you're back.

Harley: Mm-hmm. Yeah, wow. And here you are. It's almost like I never left.

Maureen: Michelle? I came to see how you're dealing with everything.

Michelle: The baby died. It was a little girl. She died in the accident when the car caught fire. I need you to watch over her for me, in heaven. Okay?

Maureen: I can't do that, Sweetie. The baby's not here. She's not with me.

Ava: I'm sorry. I was just on the phone double-checking your flight.

Olivia: Yeah, no, it's all right. I wish you could go for me. I hate flying, you know? When it was just me, it was fine, but now that Emma and Bill... I just...

Ava: That's something that I really admire about you, Olivia. I mean, you're an incredible businessperson and at the same time you're still really involved in your family, and that's important to you. And I bet there's times where it's really tough, but I have to say, you make it look easy.

Olivia: Thank you.

Ava: Safe trip.

Olivia: Thanks. Ava? What the hell is this?

Ava: It's your presentation. I proofread it.

Olivia: It has your notes all over it in red ink.

Ava: Oh, well, there were just a few ideas, I mean, just to improve it.

Olivia: Ah. Well, you may have just "improved" your way out of a job.

Tammy: Oh, my gosh. Are you serious? You're really ready to talk about your past?

Sandy: The only reason I was keeping kind of quiet about it...

Tammy: "Kind of?"

Sandy: Was because I didn't want you to know how incredibly uninteresting I am. But now that you think I have this big, dark secret and I'm keeping it from you, I figure I better spill. So, here it comes. It's the truth and it's going to bore you to death.

Tammy: So, wait. So, I can ask you any question about your past and you'll answer it?

Sandy: Anything.

Tammy: ( Laughs ) Okay. So, you grew up in Shrewsbury and you were an only child?

Sandy: That's the best you can come up with? I already told you: My father left when I was a kid and my mom passed away when I was a teenager.

Tammy: Well, how did you end up going to boarding school in Switzerland with Jonathan?

Sandy: Well, my mom left me some money and there was nothing holding me in Shrewsbury. Actually, it was the opposite. I couldn't wait to get out of there, so...

Tammy: And where did you live in Shrewsbury?

Sandy: A house.

Tammy: ( Frustrated sigh )

Sandy: An average house in an average neighborhood. Nothing special.

Tammy: And you had friends where you grew up?

Sandy: I guess so. No one I still keep in touch with, but I was kind of shy. Maybe that's why radio worked well for me.

Tammy: Any other family? Cousins?

Sandy: Mmmm... uh-uh. My dad's family dropped out of the picture when he did and my mom was an only child.

Tammy: Wow. I still can't believe you grew up so close by.

Sandy: Mm-hmm.

Tammy: Maybe you could give me a tour, you know? Like your old house and where you went to school and stuff?

Sandy: You want to? How about tonight? ( Cell phone rings )

Tammy: Why not?

Sandy: Wait, wait. Don't tell me that's Wanda. Yep. Wanda's got the Shenkman Proposal ready and I have to make packets for tomorrow. So I have to go to the office.

Tammy: Okay. Well, Sandy? It means so much to me that you finally decided to open up about your past.

Sandy: If I would have known this was the reaction I'd get, I would have done this a whole lot sooner.O-6 but I've got to go.

Tammy: Hi. Could I get directions, please? Springfield to Shrewsbury?

Mallet: Hey.

Frank: What's up?

Mallet: Hey, Buzz.

Frank: Let me get you a beer, huh?

Mallet: Thanks. What's going on?

Gus: It's like you've got Harley radar or something.

Mallet: No, actually, I just came in for a beer and a burger. But I was perfectly willing to walk away. It's just that your wife insisted...

Gus: Wait, wait. Stop.

Mallet: Cheers.

Gus: You had me at "your wife."

Harley: ( Laughs )

Frank: Hey, Sis. I assigned Mallet here to oversee Marina's training. So I mean, do you think he's up for the task?

Harley: Oh, you did? Well, he did a good enough job with me.

Buzz: Look, I think I'm going to take the guys upstairs and get them in PJs. You can tuck them in, okay?

Harley: Daddy, that would be great. Thank you.

Buzz: Boys.

Gus: I've got to hit the office. I've got to...

Harley: Tonight? You are the one who said you didn't want the honeymoon to end, and now you're racing off?

Gus: No, I know. I've just got a little thing I've got to sign. It's important. Okay?

Harley: You better come back.

Gus: I will. Mallet, Frank. See you.

Frank: See you.

Mallet: Take care, Gus.

Frank: You're absolutely right. You called that play.

Mallet: The would send in a relief pitcher. I knew it.

Harley: ( Clears throat ) Excuse me.

Frank: I didn't expect it. I didn't expect it at all.

Harley: Now that we're alone? About Marina?

Mallet: Forget it, Harley. I already told Frank I'm not going to go easy on her just because she's a girl, right?

Frank: ( Laughs )

Harley: You better not. You better be tough with her, because it's a tough job. And if I hear you're going easy on her, you're going to have to answer to me.

Mallet: Okay, I'll answer to you.

Harley: Yes, you will.

Marina: So, has Michelle had any more memories about the accident?

Danny: No. Not that she's told me. Why?

Marina: Oh, I don't know. Just seemed like you guys were having kind of an intense conversation before.

Danny: Michelle is obviously going through a very difficult time. She's very emotional. And I just wanted to make sure that, you know, she didn't get the wrong idea about things.

Marina: Danny, thank you.

Danny: So? What do you say we go over to Company? Help your family get ready for Harley and Gus’s homecoming?

Marina: I would love that.

Danny: Okay. Let me just check on her and make sure she's sleeping okay. I'll meet you over there?

Marina: All right.

Danny: Okay.

Marina: See you later.

Michelle: Are you telling me my baby's not dead?

Maureen: I can't say that. But I can tell you to follow your instincts. A mother always knows best.

Michelle: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Danny: Michelle?

Michelle: Oh, my God.

Danny: Michelle? Michelle? Hey. I'm sorry. Are you okay? I thought maybe you were having a bad dream.

Michelle: Danny, the baby's alive. I know it now. She's alive.

Olivia: So, did I ask for your input on this proposal?

Ava: No.

Olivia: Do you think it's appropriate to give unsolicited notes to your boss?

Ava: I guess not. I mean, I... you know, I was just trying to help, I really...

Jonathan: How is the new gopher working out, Aunt Liv?

Olivia: We were just talking about that, Jonathan. One more question. Are these your ideas?

Ava: Yes.

Olivia: They're not bad. You have potential, but you really need to bring the rest of the package up to snuff.

Jonathan: ( Laughs )

Ava: The rest of the...

Olivia: You're a very pretty girl, but that outfit you're wearing is not so...

Ava: Oh, well, you know, it's really the only thing that I have.

Olivia: Well, then we know where your first paycheck is going.

Jonathan: No, maybe she needs to be spending her paychecks on other things, like if she has debts to pay off. However, if you think she has such potential, maybe you can give her some outfits, Aunt Liv.

Olivia: All righty. How about a compromise? I will give you two free outfits from the hotel boutique. In exchange, Jonathan will give me priority over your work schedule, within reason. Deal?

Jonathan: How did that happen?

Olivia: Go pick out a couple of things and give us a fashion show.

Jonathan: Have fun.

Olivia: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. This was your idea. You're sticking around.

Michelle: I saw my mom. You know how she comes to me sometimes, you know, in big moments of my life, and she tells me things?

Danny: What did she tell you?

Michelle: She told me the baby's not in heaven with her, Danny.

Danny: Michelle...

Michelle: Which means... if the baby's not there, that means the baby is not dead. That means the baby is alive.

Danny: Michelle.

Bill: Michelle, are you saying the baby's alive?

Danny: What? No, no. No. Michelle just had a dream.

Michelle: No. My mom... my mom told me the baby is not with her.

Danny: Michelle.

Michelle: You believe me, don't you? Please. Please tell me you believe me.

Danny: Michelle, you've got to...

Bill: Danny, Danny, Danny.

Danny: You've got to get your rest.

Bill: You mind if I sit with Michelle for a little bit?

Michelle: No, Danny.

Danny: No, no, no. It's a good idea. Why don't you guys visit each other...

Michelle: Danny, it's true. You have to believe me. This is true.

Danny: Michelle, please. Okay? I'll come back in a little while, all right?

Michelle: You don't believe me either, do you?

Frank: Hey, come on.

Mallet: All righty. Frank.

Marina: You've got to be kidding me.

Mallet: What?

Frank: What?

Mallet: I was trying to bluff. ( Laughter ) I guess I'm folding. You guys are like sharks.

Buzz: Wuss. Okay, I'll see you. Come on, Frank.

Frank: It's all right, Pop.

Marina: Did you listen to those 911 tapes again?

Mallet: No, not yet.

Marina: Good. You know what? I think I'm just going to drop it.

Mallet: You think or you know? Because didn't you tell me your gut said that there was somebody else there when Michelle had her baby?

Marina: Well, yeah, but I don't know. What if my gut's wrong, you know? I don't want to get Michelle’s hopes up for nothing.

Gus: Good.  all right, well, before we get started, I have a couple of basic questions I'd like to ask. Did I ask for this job? Did I ask... did I ask to be the CEO? Did I ask to be your CEO? No. Did I ask to be the head of a dysfunctional family that runs a multi-billion dollar nightmare? No, I did not. I won't do that part. I feel though, at this point in my life, compelled to do it. And I want to do a very good job. The best. If my ulcer doesn't kill me first.

Harley: Talking to old friends?

Gus: Hi, honey.

Harley: Hi.

Gus: How did you know that I was here?

Harley: I took a guess. And I just wanted to remind you...

Gus: Yeah, I know. The honeymoon is over, right?

Harley: No. No, that you're not CEO of this company. Not yet.

Gus: Well, yeah, I know. But when they vote, I will be.

Harley: But not tonight. Because tonight, you're still just, you know, an average newlywed schmo. And this is a really big table. ( Laughs )

Gus: ( Laughs ) Honey, I'm getting... I mean, are you trying to distract me, because I'm trying to get... prepared with the thing. I'm getting distracted.

Harley: Is it working?

Gus: Yeah, it's working.

Harley: ( Laughs )

Gus: And this meeting is in session.

Harley: ( Laughs )

Gus: What?

Tammy: Don't read anything into the fact that I'm calling you.

Jonathan: Where are you?

Tammy: Never mind. Just tell me something. If you were in a strange town and you were looking to get information about someone who used to live there and there are no last names in the phone book that match this person's last name, and no one's ever heard of them at any of the restaurants and the library and most everywhere else is closed, where would you go?

Jonathan: If you're looking for me, I guess you would go to the bars or the gambling joints or a strip club, but if you're looking for squeaky-clean Sandy, you could try a church.

Ava: Hey, what do you think?

Olivia: You look amazing. You do, but it's a little flashy for work, so...

Jonathan: ( Laughs )

Olivia: Maybe something else, huh?

Ava: All right.

Olivia: It's nice.

I love the way you move I love the way you move

I love the way you move I love the way

I love the way I love the way you move

I love the way you move whoo

I love the way you move I love the way

I love the way I love the way you move

I love the way you move whoo

I love the way you move I love the way

I love the way hey baby

girl don't you stop come on baby

dance all around me you're so fine

you're so fine you're driving me

out of my mind

out of my mind ooh, baby

if I could I would just be with you baby.

Ooh. Cause you like me

and excite me and you know you got me


Ava: I like this one.

Olivia: It's perfect. That's perfect. That's exactly it.

Jonathan: I think I liked the last one better.

Olivia: That's why this is perfect.

Ava: ( Laughs )

Olivia: So that and one other one, that's my gift to you.

Ava: You mean it?

Olivia: Yeah.

Ava: Really?

Olivia: Yeah.

Ava: Thank you so much. Oh, gosh. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I guess that wasn't really appropriate.

Olivia: No, it's okay. I have to go meet Bill. I will call you from the conference.

Ava: Okay.

Olivia: You look great. Bye.

Jonathan: Bye.

Ava: Safe trip. Thank you, Jonathan, so much. Thank you. ( Laughs )

Buzz: I win again!

Frank: Oh, Pop. Oh, man.

Mallet: Well, Marina, if you're anything like your Aunt Harley, your gut's better than most. So I wouldn't give up on this Michelle thing just yet.

Marina: You and Harley must have made a pretty good team together.

Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, we were the best. So, do you want to listen to this 911 tape or not?

Marina: ( Sighs ) I don't know. Can I think about it and get back to you?

Mallet: Yeah, sure. All right. Buzz, Frank? Thanks for the grub.

Frank: All right.

Mallet: And the brews.

Frank: Good seeing you, Mallet.

Mallet: See you.

Michelle: I know what you're thinking, Bill.

Bill: What's that?

Michelle: "Poor Michelle. Look at her, she's finally cracked. She lost Danny and the baby, too, but now she's making up stories about her mom visiting her."

Bill: No, Michelle, don't do that. Don't do that, okay? Don't do that. If you had a dream about your mother, I cannot blame you. Baby, you just went through a horrendous accident. You lost your child and you didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. So if you have a dream about your mother as a way of hanging on to hope, then who's going to blame you, Baby? Nobody. Come here. Come here.

Buzz: Oh, good, another victim.

Marina: No, I'll save you. Come with me. Danny. What's up?

Danny: ( Sighs ) I don't know how to do it, Marina. I don't know how to help Michelle to let go.

Gus: All right.

Harley: Thanks.

Gus: Thank you, Honey.

Harley: Whew.

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: I can see the headlines in the financial papers.

Gus: Uh-huh.

Harley: "Gus Aitoro, new CEO of Spaulding Enterprises, charts new course for the company."

Gus: Charts new course.

Harley: "Less finance, more romance."

Gus: More romance, yeah. I like it.

Harley: Good. I'm glad you do.

Gus: Thanks.

Harley: Because he doesn’t.

Gus: Well, tough on him. You know what's funny? I keep on taking that picture down but somehow or another, it keeps getting back up there. I don't know how that happens, but...

Harley: ( Laughs )

Gus: Let's pretend he's not here, because he ain't, and I'm going to do the best I can.

Harley: That's good. You sound a lot more positive.

Gus: Yeah, thanks. Well, what choice do I have?

Harley: ( Laughs )

Gus: I'm just going to run down the hall to my office, okay, because I left a confidential file out there and you just never know. I don't want to be...

Harley: All right. Well, I'm going to use the bathroom and then I'll meet you back here, okay?

Gus: Yeah. All right, Babe.

Mallet: Hey. ( Grunts ) Ow.

Harley: You know, stealing corporate secrets is a crime.

Mallet: Ow. Yeah, so is assaulting a cop. Ow.

Harley: Please stop following me.

Mallet: I'm not following you. You left your wicker bowl on the porch outside of Company. You're lucky nobody swiped it.

Harley: You're going to baseball games with my brother?

Mallet: Yeah, we had a good time. Hey.

Harley: Hey.

Gus: Hey. I guess I know what my first job is as the new CEO: I update the security system.

Harley: No, no. He brought me my purse. I left it at Company. I must have been distracted.

Gus: Yeah, thank you.

Mallet: Yeah, no problem.

Gus: That's good.

Harley: Anything else?

Gus: Anything?

Mallet: No. Uh, yeah, actually, kind of. I was wondering, when you guys were on the force, you had some dealing with the Santos family, right?

Harley: Yeah, just a bit.

Gus: Just a little.

Harley: Uh-huh.

Mallet: Well, I know Danny’s on the straight and narrow now, but I was wondering if you think somebody from his old life would...

Harley: What?

Mallet: You know what? Forget it. No, you're on your honeymoon. This can wait. See you. Take care.

Harley: What was that about?

Gus: Poor guy probably is looking for somebody to bounce ideas off. He needs a partner.

Harley: Well, the only partner I'll ever need is standing right here.

Gus: Hm.

Harley: ( Laughs )

Gus: Amen to that.

Sandy: I want you out of town by morning. If Tammy sees you, she'll have more questions. Besides, you should be on your assignment, anyway. I need answers and I want an address.

Fallon: Don't worry. I won't let you down.

Minister: Hello. Welcome. The evening service will begin shortly.

Tammy: Oh. I'm not here for... I have a question, actually. I'm looking for information about somebody who grew up around here. Sandy Foster? Do you happen to...

Minister: Of course. Sandy Foster. How can I help you?

Ava: ( Laughs )

Jonathan: Jeez, get a grip. I didn't even do anything.

Ava: Well, you got Olivia to buy me this outfit and if you didn't pay off my debt, I would never have gotten the job with Olivia in the first place.

Jonathan: Yeah, well I did that for me because I need a barmaid. But you've not been doing so hot a job of paying me back.

Ava: How about this? I'll work double shifts while Olivia’s away.

Jonathan: That works. Can you do it in that little blue dress you just had on? No, I'm just kidding. Tonight I've got you covered, but tomorrow morning...

Ava: I'll be there first thing in the morning.

Jonathan: You better be.

Ava: Jonathan? You don't have to be embarrassed. It's okay to do something nice for someone. It's okay.

Buzz: Olivia. What can I get you?

Olivia: Hi. Uh... a single malt.

Buzz: Whoa.

Olivia: Yeah.

Buzz: Straight up?

Olivia: Straight up.

Buzz: You meeting someone?

Olivia: Bill, I hope. But he's with his lifelong friend and former girlfriend, so... I'm not jealous in the least. Can't you tell?

Buzz: Absolutely.

Olivia: I'm kidding. I'm not.

Buzz: You shouldn't be.

Olivia: Because marriage is about trust, and if I act jealous then I'm just going to push him away.

Buzz: No, because any man who looked elsewhere and had you at home would be either stupid or blind.

Olivia: Well, how could he look elsewhere if he's blind?

Buzz: ( Laughs )

Olivia: What? It's a valid question.

Buzz: What did you mean?

Olivia: Why are you still single, anyway?

Buzz: I... I ask myself that question every day.

Olivia: Good. I have to get to the airport and if Bill isn't here in 15 minutes...

Buzz: I'll drive you.

Olivia: No, I'll take a cab. That's fine.

Buzz: My taxi service is cheap. Tips are optional. There. But I'm sure Bill's going to be right along.

Bill: Michelle, if you need to believe that that baby's still alive, then you do that. If that gives you comfort, then you do it because who am I to tell you any different.

Michelle: No. No, you're right. You're right. I just have to face it. All the wishing and hoping and visions of my mom isn't going to change the truth. My baby's gone and Danny’s gone, and somehow I just have to let go.

Danny: ( Sighs )

Marina: So, what's going on?

Danny: Well, after you left, Michelle had a... I guess it was a dream that upset her a lot.

Marina: What was it about?

Danny: I don't know. All she told me was that her mother was in it and she basically told her that the baby did not die in the car accident.

Marina: Really?

Danny: Yeah. I don't know what it is. It's just... it's wishful thinking. I don't know.

Marina: Yeah.

Danny: I just... I feel so bad for her. She really believes the baby's alive.

Frank: All right, come on you guys, break it up. I'm dealing you in. Let's go. Chop-chop.

Danny: All right. Okay. Just, you know, I want to help her. I need to help her. I want to do the right thing.

Marina: So do I.

Announcer:  Next, on "Guiding Light."

Michelle: Where is she? Where's my baby?

Cassie: What?

Michelle: Edmund stole her.

Dinah: I hate you!

Jonathan: The past can mess you up.

Sandy: Tammy knows everything she needs to know about me.

Minister: He's quite well-known around these parts.

Reva: You meant what you said that night.

Josh: Reva, I spent a lot of years waiting for you to go from one crisis to the next and then come back to me.

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