Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 9/12/05
Provided By
Proofread by Laura
Michelle: I don't even know where all that
came from. I... I'm just feeling really emotional and I just... boy, I just
made everything worse, didn't I? I just ruined everything.
Danny: No, stop. Please, stop. Just...
Alexandra: Where is that young man of yours,
anyway, shouldn't he be here by now?
Lizzie: I know him. He is going to be here.
Don't worry.
Alexandra: There's a little time problem,
however. I think the minister said he had other appointments.
Lizzie: How long does a wedding take?
"I do," "I do," it's done.
Alexandra: You have to leave enough time to
explain to the young man he's invited to his own wedding.
Lizzie: One minor technicality. He's just as
excited as I am. Don't worry. He'll be here, I feel it.
Gus: Listen to me, I know that you're
excited to see your father again, see your family and everything. I understand
that, okay?
Harley: But?
Gus: But, we're getting back a day early,
right? 24 hours. I say if we take the 24 hours for ourselves and no one has to
know we're here, we can go upstairs and have a little bump, you know what I
mean? What do you say?
Harley: I say you have a really good
imagination, Mr. Aitoro. ( Laughs )
Gus: Thank you.
Harley: Oh, wait.
Gus: What?
Harley: As long as I'm here, I want to grab
some stuff out of storage, real quick.
Gus: There's a little something I would like
to grab myself.
Harley: Stop!
Gus: What?
Coop: ( Gasping )
Gus: What?
Harley: Shh.
Gus: It's nothing. It's my stomach, airplane
Harley: We must still be on our honeymoon.
Gus: I'm going to show you we're still on
our honeymoon. ( Gas hissing )
Gus: Hmm.
Gus: Hmm.
Harley: Sorry about that. I didn't mean to
do it, but reality has to set in sometime.
Gus: Here's my reality. We're going to have
kids like puppies. Okay, we have to get started right away.
Harley: Give me one second. Seriously, I
know you think I'm crazy, but don't you smell that?
Gus: I'm sorry, airplane food.
Harley: Please, I'm serious. Oh, God, Coop!
Gus: There's a broken pipe somewhere.
Harley: Honey, get him out of here. I'll
find the leak before this place blows sky high.
Gus: Come on. Come on, Buddy. Come on. Come
on. Come on.
Dinah: Damnit, Cassie, pick up.
Jeffrey: There's only one way to solve the
Cassie: Answer the phone.
Edmund: I remember now. Sorry about that.
Dinah: Cassie, it's Dinah.
Edmund: Edmund Winslow. Thank you so much
for calling. I don't remember where or when I lost it.
Dinah: Edmund, you know what? You're
pathetic, you know that? You're pathetic!
Edmund: It's very clever of you to call the
first number of my registry.
Dinah: I'm going to make sure you go to
prison and you stay there as long as you live. Do you hear me?
Edmund: Of course I can meet you there.
Thank you so much. Thank you, bye.
Cassie: Wow. You're lucky someone found your
Edmund: Very lucky. Some honest soul picked
it up and took the time to track me down.
Cassie: Well, that's very nice. You should
do something nice for them.
Edmund: Oh, believe me, I have many things
in mind to repay them for what she's done
Cassie: How long are you going to be?
Edmund: I hope to be back to see my Hope
again and hopefully before Mr. O’Neill even knows I'm gone.
Dinah: Come on, signal. Come back, come
back. All right, come on. Please. Daddy, come on. Hello? Hello? Oh!
Edmund: Are you sure? Are you sure you've
canceled the service on that line? I don't want any calls going in or out until
further notice, all right? Thank you. Thank you very much. Dinah.
Dinah: Okay. Edmund, you're so good to me.
You leave me food in the cabinets and closets... full of formal wear. Like
gowns that Princess Cassie wore. Wait a minute. Maybe I can do something here.
Maybe I can.
Danny: Michelle... I'm not sorry to know how
you feel. And you should not be sorry you told me.
Michelle: Why?
Danny: Why? What do you mean why? After your
accident and the baby. I'm really happy that you feel like you can reach out to
me again. I really am. You know, we've been through this before and we were
there for each other. We've always been there for each other. You're my family.
You've always been my home base.
Michelle: And you're mine, too. You always
have been.
Danny: It's been a really... it's been a
really difficult time for both of us.
Michelle: Is that why you're still here?
Because you need to be home, too?
Danny: Michelle...
Marina: Knock, knock.
Danny: Hey.
Marina: Bad time?
Danny: No, no.
Marina: Is everything okay in here?
Lizzie: Okay, okay, Coop would never do this
to me. He's very dependable.
Alexandra: Sure, sure, sure. But actually,
Darling, does anyone else know about this?
Lizzie: What?
Alexandra: Did you happen to mention that
you were getting married to anyone else?
Lizzie: You and Mom.
Alexandra: Beth knows? Well, I'm sure that
your grandfather probably knows, too.
Lizzie: I hope so.
Alexandra: Why would you?
Lizzie: Why wouldn't I?
Alexandra: No reason, really, it’s...
Lizzie: Yes, there is. What, do you think he
could do something to stop this even inside his padded cell?
Alexandra: Of course not. Of course not. Of
course not. Come on. You know what? Any minute Coop is going to roam through
that door all safe and sound. So don't worry, Darling.
Lizzie: Safe? No one said anything about him
not being safe.
Gus: All right. Come on, Buddy. Coop,
Harley: I found the leak and I stopped the
flow. You could hear it. It was so loud.
Gus: Get some air in those lungs. Let's go, let's
go. I'm going to call 911.
Harley: And call Lizzie, maybe she knows
what happened here. Coop, Coop, wake up, Sweetie, come on.
Coop: Lizzie.
Lizzie: No, it's Harley. But you're close.
Hey, come on, breathe, breathe, Sweetie.
Coop: What happened?
Harley: It was a gas leak.
Coop: No, no. Tires. A stack of them, they
came down, I must have gone down with them.
Gus: That must have knocked the pipe loose.
Harley: Maybe.
Coop: Gus, Harley...
Gus: Yeah.
Coop: You guys are back. Welcome home.
Gus: We didn't get back soon enough.
Harley: You know how many times I told my
father to check those old pipes.
Gus: We're going to get you to lay down. A
little vacation for you. A vacation from fixing those cars.
Coop: No, vacation, Cancun. Lizzie. No, wait,
I've got to get to Lizzie. I promised her I was... look, if I don't get to
Lizzie, she's going to...
Gus: All right, all right... whoa!. I got
him. I got him. Just breathe. Breathe.
Coop: Gus, this is important. There's
someplace I have to be.
Harley: You have to be at Cedar's. We'll
take you there right now.
Coop: No, I've got to find Lizzie. Okay?
Please, you have to help me find Lizzie.
Cassie: You can relax, he's gone.
Jeffrey: I can relax? Cassie, I don't want
that guy around you, okay? I don't want you alone with him.
Cassie: Trust me, please? I know how to
handle Edmund. I do. And besides, I'm never really ever alone with him because
you're always here.
Jeffrey: I'm always here? Are you trying to
tell me something?
Cassie: No, I love having you here. I do. I
just don't think you should be on baby duty around the clock. You're Jeffrey
O’Neill, you need to have fun, right? So band rehearsal, don't you have a job,
come on.
Jeffrey: A job? Yeah, I've got a job. You're
throwing me out?
Cassie: What part don't you get? Scram. Get
out of here. Get out of here.
Jeffrey: Okay, I'll go have some fun. Fine,
I'll go have fun. You're going to miss me when I'm gone.
Cassie: I am. I am. Hope says bye. Hey. Men
can be very, very silly. You need to learn that now. Yes. ( Doorbell rings )
I'll be back. Hello? Jeffrey...
Jeffrey: Hi, I'm back.
Cassie: ( Laughs )
Jeffrey: Miss me?
Cassie: I didn't have a chance to miss you.
Jeffrey: Well I missed... I missed the baby.
Where's the baby?
Cassie: Wow. What has happened to you,
Jeffrey: Well, you told me to go out and
have some fun. My idea of having fun is actually to be right here with you and
the baby and the kids, okay? It’s... it's sad, isn't it?
Cassie: It's pathetic, really.
Jeffrey: It is, isn't it?
Cassie: Yeah, it is. But it's extremely
Edmund: Dinah, give me my phone back! Dinah,
you... Dinah?
Dinah: Call me Princess or Your Highness or
whatever you like.
Edmund: How much of that wine have you had?
Dinah: Not a drop. It's for us. And, yes,
there is still an us, Edmund. I thought we worked pretty well. Speaking of
which, working or not, heads up. You haven't said a word, what do you think?
Edmund: I think you've lost your mind.
Dinah: Now why? Why would I fight you? I
finally got what I wanted. The farmhouse with you. And all you have to do is
just give in and embrace the monster.
Marina: I'm sorry. I can come back.
Michelle: It's okay. Come on in. These are
really beautiful.
Marina: Have you seen Father Ray.
Michelle: He stopped in before.
Marina: Good. How about you? He said he had
something to ask you. I told him I would tell you and I think he's at the
nurses' station if you want to check it out. I'll stay and keep Michelle
Danny: Okay. I'll be right back, okay?
Marina: Take your time.
Danny: Okay.
Michelle: I know this has to be really hard
on you, seeing him with me all the time.
Marina: I understand.
Michelle: I just don't want you to think
that I'm...
Marina: I don’t.
Michelle: I... I don't honestly know if the
baby was Danny’s. I just can't get it out of my head, you know? The crash
happened and, um, I just... I have this memory.
Marina: Really?
Michelle: I guess it's a memory.
Marina: You think that Danny was there at
the crash. You think that he helped you deliver the baby. He told me. But Danny
was with me when it happened.
Michelle: I know. I know. So I guess I
imagined it. It just seemed so real, you know? It just... I know it doesn't
make any sense, but I still feel my baby, you know? I can hear her cry. I feel
these strong hands pulling her from me. I just... I feel it. I still feel her.
Am I just crazy, Marina? Am I crazy?
Ray: I heard you've been a regular at the
hospital chapel.
Danny: Yeah, I've been once or twice.
Ray: Did it help?
Danny: I don't know. I don't know what to
feel. I can't really cry for a baby I didn't know about.
Ray: Oh, but you can. We're all grieving.
That baby would have been the last connection to my baby brother.
Danny: Yeah. Or it could have been mine.
We'll never know. Marina said that you wanted to ask me something.
Ray: I thought maybe you and Michelle wanted
to have some small service for the baby.
Danny: I'll ask her.
Ray: It'll help. To mourn what you've
lost... might have been.
Danny: What do you mean? If the baby were
mine? If the baby lived? Is that what you're saying?
Ray: What if she was? What if she did? What
would you have done?
Michelle: I shouldn't even be talking to you
about this. I'm sorry.
Marina: No. No, say what you need to say and
feel what you need to feel.
Michelle: I saw my mother, Marina.
Marina: What?
Michelle: After I got here and they thought
they were losing me, I saw her.
Marina: Did she talk to you? Did she say
Michelle: She told me it wasn't my time yet.
And she said that I needed to hold on to hope.
Marina: Hope for what?
Michelle: For the future, I guess.
Marina: When you had your hallucination and
you thought you saw Danny at the crash, did he say anything to you about the
Michelle: Why are you asking me that? I
mean, why would you want to know that?
Marina: I don't know. I guess I just thought
maybe it might help you. But forget I even asked.
Dinah: I schemed, I prayed to have a life
with you, and all I have to do is really give in and just let there be
happiness. This is the first day of the rest of our lives.
Edmund: Your life.
Dinah: Our lives. You hold the keys to both
my heart and that door. I don't have my freedom, but I have you. And Cassie has
Jeffrey. But the difference is I'm everything you're going to need. I can be
everything to you in a thousand different ways.
Jeffrey: Wow. Wait a minute. What about the
Cassie: She's sleeping.
Jeffrey: RJ?
Cassie: He's at the park with Miss Chitwood.
Jeffrey: Edmund?
Cassie: Who cares?
Edmund: And sadly for you, Dinah, you have
nothing I'm interested in. Cassie and Jeffrey will be history shortly. I'll see
to that. And besides, now I have Hope in my life.
Dinah: Well, whatever. I'm just saying if
things don't come around the way that you expected them too, you could have me
to come home to.
Edmund: Home?
Dinah: Well, yeah. Now that you don't have
Princess Cassie, you have me, the next best thing. Princess Me.
Jeffrey: You sure you don't want me to go
out and look for some fun?
Cassie: If you're looking for fun, trust me,
you're going to find it right here.
Dinah: Come on. For better, for worse till
death do us part.
Edmund: Don't tempt me.
Dinah: Well, that's what I do best. Come on,
why don't we make the best of this night, Jailer. My husband, my prince. Come
on. Why don't you kiss the bride.
Edmund: Dinah?
Dinah: Wow.
Edmund: Yeah, wow. Ugh! Ow!
Lizzie: Hey, it's me. Give me a call back,
all right. You know where I'm at. And you're suppose to be here and you're
really starting to worry me. So just call me. Please.
Alexandra: Come on, Darling. Coop is on his
way, I'm sure. Just don't worry.
Lizzie: I have to go find him.
Alexandra: No! Just think about, you know.
What if you're gone, Coop arrives then. Please just calm down.
Coop: Here we go.
Lizzie: Hey.
Coop: There she is.
Lizzie: Hi. Oh, how are you?
Coop: I am so sorry I am late. I'm...
Lizzie: Where were you? Is everything okay?
Coop: No, I'm... well, I will be fine if you
don't kill me first.
Alexandra: You two are back early, huh?
Gus: Back in enough time to find him on the
floor of the garage with a gas pipe broken.
Alexandra: My...
Lizzie: That's why you look like that?
That's why you were...
Coop: Look, look, Lizzie, this whole thing
was an accident. I am sorry. I did not mean to mess up your trip to Cancan.
Lizzie: The trip. Henry. Look, it... all
that matters is that you're here, okay?
Coop: I'm okay. I'm fine. Everything...
everything's fine. Listen to me. I will make it up to you. One of these days we
will make that trip to Cancun.
Lizzie: Coop, I don't give a damn about
Cancun. Are you so stupid that you really don't see what's going on here?
Alexandra: Well, Lizzie. Actually...
Lizzie: Aunt Alex. He needs to know.
Coop: Know what?
Lizzie: What happened to you wasn't just an
accident? They tried to kill you.
Coop: Who is "they," Lizzie?
Harley: Back up. Who tried to kill Coop?
Lizzie: My mom set you up.
Coop: Now, Lizzie, come on. I know I'm not
your mom's most favorite person in the world, but do you really think that she
would try and kill me? Especially over a little vacation like this?
Harley: Lizzie, do you really think your
mother would rig some tires to fall and break a gas pipe?
Lizzie: Okay, I know it sounds crazy, but...
Gus: It doesn't sound like something that
your mother would do.
Harley: No.
Lizzie: Well, neither does marrying my crazy
granddad who's also a murderer. But hey, she did it.
Harley: What? What?
Alexandra: Well, it seems that you two
aren't the newlyweds in town.
Lizzie: And you know how crazy she got when
she found out we were engaged.
Harley: Engaged?
Coop: Uh... uh.... no. Long story.
Harley: Sounds like one.
Gus: How long have we've been gone exactly?
Harley: Yeah.
Alexandra: Well, you know what? Everyone's
back sound and safe. I mean... you know... hurray, hurray. Why don't we all
just go grab something to eat? Away from here. Please. You know, we could clear
our heads...
Gus: Yeah. No. I was going to... I think I
should go by the prison and say hello to my father and congratulate him on
being married.
Harley: Yeah, find out if Alan or Beth was
involved in this.
Gus: Okay. I'll get some answers.
Harley: And the two of you... don't do
anything, okay. Stay away from each other until we find out whether this
accident was really an accident. I'm not kidding. Do what I tell you.
Lizzie: I'm sorry. I don't know what to say.
Coop: I mean, all of this over some stupid
little trip.
Lizzie: Yeah, some stupid little trip.
Edmund: I tried to make things pleasant for
you. I tried to set things up so you feel like a princess.
Dinah: You gave Cassie your heart, your soul,
her dream house. Even a child. And that was not enough to get her to give up
Jeffrey O’Neill. So why don't you face it, Eddie. You are royally screwed.
Edmund: Just like you, Dinah. Jeffrey
O’Neill is living on borrowed time.
Dinah: And he's enjoying every single minute
of that. Why don't I tell you a little story. It's about a farmhouse. Looks
exactly like this. Not too far away. You have Princess Cassie and Jeffrey, her
knight, snuggling there with their child... your child. And oh, where's the pathetic
prince? He's missing. And would you believe no one even misses him?
Edmund: That's it, Dinah. End of story. End
of fairytale. And I promise you that one will not be coming true.
Dinah: How could it... when Jeffrey is
living on borrowed time, right? You're no closer to Cassie now than on the day
she tossed you out or you wouldn't be here.
Edmund: Well, keep on believing that, Dinah.
In the meantime...
Dinah: Edmund! Stop it! No. Edmund! Damnit,
get me out of here!
Jeffrey: She's fascinating. She smiles, she
cries; she a drools just like her mother.
Cassie: ( Laughs )
Jeffrey: She's cuter than you, you know?
Cassie: You have great taste in women.
Jeffrey: You think so? What was that?
Cassie: Nothing. Look, she’s going to sleep.
Jeffrey: Are you sure?
Cassie: Yeah. Quiet.
Jeffrey: She's a good sleeper huh?
Cassie: Yeah. For now. But soon she'll be up
all the time and then there's so much to do while she's napping. Cooking,
Jeffrey: Other important things?
Cassie: Uh-huh.
Jeffrey: Hmm. Doesn't this feel weird to
you? I mean, she's right there and, you know...
Cassie: Oh, yeah, okay. Hold on. A very
smart man invented this. One second.
Jeffrey: That way we can hear if anything
goes wrong, if you need us, we'll... we can hear.
Cassie: Well, now we can pick where we left
Jeffrey: Okay. Okay. ( Laughs )
Danny: Ray, it's over between me and
Michelle. I am with Marina now. I'm happy. Marina is happy. We can be happy if
everyone will just let us.
Ray: I understand. I respect your decision.
Danny: But, but, but. What?
Ray: But what if you're just doing what you
think is right. When deep down you're feeling something else? If that's the
case, Man, sooner or later those feelings are going to come up.
Danny: Ray.
Ray: All right, look, I'm sorry. I'll let
you get back to Michelle. Just let me know about the service, all right?
Danny: Okay.
Marina: It's okay.
Michelle: No, it's not. I really want to
remember, you know? And I just keep... I'm trying. It's just hard. I keep
thinking about the crash and there was Danny. I mean, I hear him. He was so
gentle and calm. And he held her, the baby. And it was just wishful thinking
it's just...
Marina: I guess. I mean, I don’t...
Danny: Hey.
Marina: Hey. I'm glad you're back. There's
something I have to go take care of.
Danny: You don't have to leave.
Marina: Yeah, I do. But, um, you stay, okay?
Danny: All right.
Marina: And talk. I think you both need each
other right now.
Danny: I'll call you in a little bit.
Marina: Okay. Take care, Michelle.
Michelle: Thank you again for the flowers.
Marina: Of course. I'll see you later.
Danny: Okay.
Michelle: ( Sighs ) I'm so sorry, Danny.
Danny: For what?
Michelle: For what I... what I said before.
I mean, I really think you were right about what I was feeling. I... I'm just
used to turning to you, you know? It's like a reflex. And after... I mean, it's
just natural for me to be nostalgic for what we had, what we were. That's it.
That's all it was.
Danny: Don't ever apologize for that. It was
very special, what we had.
Michelle: Yeah. Yeah, it was. Well, I'm glad
we cleared that up.
Danny: Me, too. Me, too.
Alexandra: Well, I think I will give you two
a private moment you so richly desire and deserve.
Coop: Thanks, Alex.
Lizzie: She likes you.
Coop: Well, I like you, too.
Lizzie: Oh, you only like me?
Coop: No, no, I like... all right, look, I
don't know how I'm ever going to stay away, all right? Especially after today.
I was doing a lot of thinking and, I don't know, I thought of you on this beach
with me, lathering you down with lotion and then spending the night with you
is... uh-huh.
Lizzie: Yeah, I definitely didn't plan on
the day ending like this.
Coop: Well, how did you plan on the day...
okay, okay. Look, as soon as this whole thing gets cleared up by my cop family,
I promise I will spend every moment I can and be with you as soon as possible.
Lizzie: No, I'm not letting you go. I don't
want to.
Coop: You're not making this any easier. Come
on, I don't want you to let me go, either, but you have to. Your Aunt Alex is
waiting for you out there right now. And the longer you stay here the harder
it's going to be for me to let you go so, please, Lizzie, just go, go right
now. Go.
Lizzie: Henry!
Coop: Go, you've got to go.
Lizzie: Aunt Alex.
Alexandra: I was about to waltz in there and
rescue you, but you have the good sense to be able to leave separately. Listen.
I need you to listen to what Harley says. You two should stay apart for a while.
Lizzie: I know. Thank you.
Alexandra: For what?
Lizzie: Just for being here.
Alexandra: Well, come on, you and I are a
team, huh? You know, I know also that if I ever needed you for anything you'd
be right there, wouldn't you, Darling?
Man: Sorry, young man, your bride-to-be has
already left.
Coop: My... my what? Excuse me.
Man: You were late for your own wedding.
Good luck making it up to that charming young lady.
Gus: All right. So the tires, they're piled
way up to here. First of all they shouldn't be piled that high. But they fell
off for whatever reason, they knocked him down.
Harley: You can see where the toolbox was,
the dust.
Gus: It's a dirty old garage, it's going to
be dusty. The whole thing makes sense. It knocked a pipe.
Harley: What made the tires tip over in the
first place?
Gus: It could be a thousand reasons. Who
cares? Whatever.
Harley: I guess we'll never know for sure.
Gus: No. And believe me, Lizzie, she's all
off base.
Harley: You know what? Let's just keep our eyes
open. A lot of crazy stuff going on here, okay? Alan and Beth getting married.
Lizzie and Coop engaged.
Gus: There's going to be fallout with the
Beth and Alan thing.
Harley: I can take her.
Gus: We'll take them together because we're
a team. Who's together?
Harley: We're together.
Gus: You know why?
Harley: Because we're still on our
Gus: You we're still in our honeymoon. How
do you feel about bucket seats?
Harley: Ooh!
Dinah: That's it. That's it. I'm not going
to take this anymore because I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill you, I
promise. Next time I get you, somewhere, somehow, I promise you I am going to
kill you!.
Cassie: Isn't this nice? ( Baby cries ) Duty
calls. I'll be back.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Cassie: Okay, Sweetie, I'm coming.
Edmund: Hey, there she is.
Cassie: Edmund?
Edmund: Cassie, I don't want to disturb you.
I saw you were busy so I came in the back way.
Cassie: Is everything okay?
Edmund: Fine. I just think she's a little
hungry, that's all.
Cassie: Yeah, it is her feeding time.
Edmund: When you're having fun, time just
melts away, doesn't it?
Jeffrey: Edmund.
Edmund: Oh, Mr. O’Neill, we should really
give him a key, Cassie.
Cassie: This is going to take a while.
Jeffrey: Yeah, I guess I should probably
head back to the office.
Edmund: Probably.
Jeffrey: Why don't I give you a call.
Cassie: I'll be here.
Jeffrey: Okay. Remember what I said.
Cassie: Remember what I said.
Edmund: Say bye-bye to the nice man, Hope. Bye-bye,
Uncle Jeffrey. Bye-bye now.
Danny: You know how I feel, don't you?
Michelle: About?
Danny: Everything.
Marina: Hey, Mallet, it's me. Yeah, I have a
procedural question for you. Does emergency dispatch keep records of all the
calls that come in through 911? Yeah, the Michelle Santos accident. Well, I was
wondering if there was a way to find out who called 911.
Announcer: Next on "Guiding Light"...
Zach: Mommy, you're home early.
Buzz: Mallet, what you still doing in town?
Mallet: You're back.
Jonathan: Ooh, the plot thickens.
Sandy: If Tammy sees you, she'll have more
Tammy: Before you say anything, I'm not
suspicious of Sandy.
Michelle: I need you to watch over her for
me in heaven.
Maureen: The baby's not here.
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