GL Transcript Thursday 9/8/05

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 9/8/05


Provided By Boo
Proofread by Laura

Danny: Oh Michelle, I'm sorry. She died...

Michelle: No.

Danny: ...In the car fire.

Michelle: That doesn't make sense. It just doesn't make sense. It doesn’t. It can’t. It can't be.

Rick: I'll talk to you later. Marina? What's going on?

Marina: He just told her, Rick.

Rick: Told what?

Marina: Danny just told Michelle that the baby died.

Rick: Marina, wait!

Michelle: I didn't imagine it. I didn’t. You were there. You held her. I heard her cry. I can still hear her cry. Oh, God, my baby. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, my poor baby.

Jeffrey: Thanks, Edmund. Please, everybody, lets gather around. Sandy put your arm around Tammy. Angel.

Sandy: I'm looking.

Jeffrey: So beautiful. And the baby isn't bad either. Doesn't look like daddy at all.

Edmund: Daddy would be a lot happier had we kept this photo session all in the family.

Jeffrey: Oh, something happened to the camera when Edmund looked into it. Oh, no, we're just out of tape.

Cassie: ( Laughs ) There's an extra tape in the kitchen.

Jeffrey: Oh, okay. Hold still everybody. Edmund, would you?

Edmund: You're the camera, Mr. O’Neill. Bottom cabinet, left-hand side.

Jeffrey: Okay, I'll be right back. ( Knock at the door )

Sandy: Oh.

Tammy: I'll get it.

Sandy: No, no, don't break the family's still life. I'll get it.

Cassie: Thanks, Sandy.

Sandy: Hey.

Blake: Hi.

Sandy: Come on in.

Ross: Thank you. Thank you.

Ross: Edmund, you must be very happy, not to mention relieved.

Edmund: Well, all the above.

Ross: Yes. She's gorgeous. Well, Dinah seems to have come through for you and Cassie in a big way. Where is Dinah?

Dinah: Come on. Come on. Get me out of here, Baby. Come on. Damn it. Damn you, Edmund. I hope you die. I hope you die a slow and painful death. Do you really think I think you're coming back, huh? Do you think that I have anyone coming after me? Okay. I need... I need to get out of here somehow, some way.

Coop: Why can't I tune up my life like I can tune a car? Tighten the spark plug, change the oil, paint the car. Everything would be just perfect.

( Phone rings )

Lizzie: Hello? Oh, Hi, Reverend. Yes, we'll be there in no longer than an hour. Just me and... me and my fiancé are saying our good-byes and packing. Yeah, I will be bringing my maid of honor. All right, well, get your bible all warmed up. We'll see you in a little bit. Thanks. Here we go. Hey.

Coop: Oh.

Lizzie: Not again.

Coop: Lizzie. I thought you were heading back to work.

Lizzie: I was, but then I got this call. You're never going to believe who they want to send to Cancun to scout out new vacations.

Coop: What? No kidding.

Lizzie: I got a suite for the whole weekend.

Coop: That's awesome. That's great. That's great news for you. Congratulations.

Lizzie: For me? This is great for us. I got two tickets. Start packing, okay? This is going to be a weekend where we can just have some alone time together. I have a feeling it's going to be an eventful weekend.

( Both laugh )

Coop: Really?

Lizzie: Uh-huh.

Beth: Alan, it's a disaster. We have to stop Lizzie now.

Alan: Beth, will you slow down and start from the very beginning.

Beth: Lizzie and Coop are engaged.

Alan: What?

Beth: I gave her a blank check to try to lure her back home and she used it to buy an engagement ring.

Alan: I hate irony. Look, once Elizabeth realizes the trailer park lifestyle that Mr. Bradshaw will offer her, she will break this engagement off.

Beth: Alan, Lizzie's already talked to a minister. They could be married before the day is out.

Alan: No, they won’t. You leave it to me. This wedding will never happen.

Beth: Alan, unless we abduct her, I don't see how we can stop them.

Alan: Beth, I want you to get a pen. Take down this number. 555-5255. You'll be talking to Scott Perrin. He is going to arrange transportation for you to leave town at once.

Beth: Leaving? Where am I going?

Alan: You're going to Arizona to a wonderful spa and you'll be staying there for one week.

Beth: Alan, what are you planning on doing to Lizzie and Coop? What don't you want me around to see?

Coop: Lizzie, you want me to go to Cancun with you?

Lizzie: Why can't you just accept my apology and say that you'll come to Cancun with me? Please.

Coop: Oh, Lizzie, this... I... all right. All right. What kind of a guy would I be to say no to a beautiful girl like who wants to take me away and you know... yes. Fine. Fine.

Lizzie: Good. I'm glad you saw it like that. Okay. Here's the address.

Coop: What is this place?

Lizzie: Well, I have to pick up some press kits and... just be there in one hour, okay?

Coop: Yeah.

Lizzie: It's really important.

Coop: Okay. Sure.

Lizzie: Oh, and don't tell anyone about this. Especially not your dad or my mom.

Coop: Okay. All right, I got it. Go.

Lizzie: Oh, it's going to be so much fun. You're going to love every minute of it. You know that?

Coop: Oh, yes, I probably will. You're right.

Lizzie: Oh. Okay.

Coop: Come here, come here. Now, go.

Lizzie: Okay.

Coop: All right.

Lizzie: One hour, right? Don't be late. Okay.

Alexandra: Hello.

Lizzie: Aunt Alex, what are you... what are you doing here?

Alexandra: Are you going somewhere, Lizzie?

Ross: How could Dinah be gone?

Blake: Was she in a condition to even go anywhere?

Cassie: I don't know. I don't know, but, Ross, she had to hand over a baby she had just delivered. Maybe you were right. Maybe this was too hard on her.

Ross: Yeah, maybe. I'm aware of that. But all we have is Edmund’s word about what happened and how it happened.

Edmund: And that's not good enough?

Ross: No, it's not. Not for me.

Blake: Well, even Dinah would have said good-bye to her father before she left. And maybe she is sick.

Edmund: I know we all wish that she were here right now, but until she is, I think we should be thankful for her generosity and welcome Hope into the family.

Jeffrey: Hey, everybody. I... oh, Hi, Ross. Hi, Blake.

Blake: Hi.

Jeffrey: I couldn't find a blank tape. All I could find was this one, and apparently there's something on it already.

Cassie: I never used it. Tammy, honey, did you use the camera?

Tammy: Not me.

Jeffrey: Well, there's a label on it. It says, "To Daddy."

Blake: Oh, that's Dinah’s handwriting.

Ross: Yes, it certainly is.

Edmund: Well, how could that be?

Ross: I don't know, Edmund, but Dinah wrote this.

Blake: Well, let's not just sit here. Pop it in the machine. We'll see what she has to say.

Cassie: All right.

Michelle: Danny, I would know if my baby was gone. I would know it, and she's not.

Danny: Michelle, look, you were in a very serious car accident and nobody really knows what happened. They think either... ( Sighs ) ...when the car crashed you went into labor, or you started having contractions and then lost control of the car. But you gave birth in the car, Michelle, and then it caught fire. And thank God you got out. Thank God you got out.

Michelle: But that's not how it happened.

Danny: But the baby didn’t.

Michelle: That's not how it happened. The fire and the accident, I can see all that. I'm not confused. I was outside of the car. I gave birth outside of the car. And I had help. You helped me.

Danny: Michelle, I didn’t.

Michelle: You did.

Danny: I wasn't there. Honey, I wasn't there. I wish I had been there, believe me. I wish more than anything that I had been there and that I had been able to help you, but I wasn't there. Honey, I'm sorry. I wasn’t...

Michelle: If what you're telling me is true, if I lost my baby, don't you think I would know it? Don't you think I would feel it in my heart and in my soul? Because I don’t. I don’t. I don't feel it.

Dinah: Hi, Daddy. I'm sure you're wondering what this is all about, and I'll get right to the point. All I've ever done since I came to this town was cause a lot of trouble. I guess it's what I'm really good at. But it's time for a fresh start and it's time for me to get out. And until I get on that right road and find a better life, I'd ask you to not look for me, okay? I know that you're going to want to, but I ask you not to. You know, disappearing and not being found is my number two talent. But, Dad, I want you to know that I... I'm sorry. For everything. And I'm going to make my way back, and I'm going to probably make apologies just one by one, but until then, I want you to remember me, Daddy. And I want you to remember that I love you with all of my heart. I love you.

Edmund: I only turned my back for a few minutes, to clean up the baby.

Blake: This seems as if she planned it all along.

Cassie: I never sensed this, Ross. I never, never sensed it.

Ross: Neither did I.

Edmund: You know, in part I think she may have just finally realized the two of us weren't going to end up together.

Ross: I still don't understand this. How could Dinah do it?

Edmund: This is a very emotional time for all of us, Ross. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to the store and get some more formula. In the midst of all this, Ross, please don't forget what your daughter has done here. Take a look in that bassinet. She's strong. She'll be fine. Dinah's going to be fine. Excuse me.

Blake: It's true, Ross. Dinah is a survivor.

Ross: Yes. That's what my daughter is.

Beth: Alan, why do you want to get rid of me?

Alan: Beth, just make the phone call and go to the spa. Otherwise, you might be tempted to give in at the wrong moment. Now, you're going to have to trust me on this.

Beth: Just promise me that you'll handle Lizzie with kid gloves.

Alan: Isn't protecting Elizabeth what this is all about? Now, don't give it another thought.

Alexandra: Lizzie, I have been your biggest defender so far, but don't you dare forget that there is a limit.

Lizzie: Water, please? Thank you. I'm not doing anything. You don't have to worry. Honest.

Alexandra: Really? Well, then what is this trip to Cancun all about?

Lizzie: Oh, thank you very much. It's just my new job. They just want to send me there for WSPR, to scout out locations.

Alexandra: Really? One week on the job and your bosses are already sending you down to some cushy island. That's quite a job, Darling, really.

Lizzie: Okay, fine. You win. I'll tell you the truth; you'll find out anyway.

Alexandra: Hm.

Lizzie: I'm getting married.

Alexandra: You are what?

Lizzie: To Coop.

Alexandra: Now?

Lizzie: Well, you know, I have to get married now because otherwise he'll go to school in England and there'll be no chance for us. And I know he really cares and I know when he sees me with the minister, he might be a little nervous and surprised, but...

Alexandra: ( Laughs )

Lizzie: ...You know, he'll be happy. I know he will.

Alexandra: Dear Lord in heaven. Coop doesn't know?

Lizzie: Well, he does in his heart. It's just the rest of him has got to catch up.

Alexandra: Okay, Lizzie. Is this all about getting back at your mother for marrying your grandfather?

Lizzie: No.

Alexandra: Lizzie.

Lizzie: Some guys just have to be pushed on a little bit. Wish me luck.

Alexandra: No, I think it's going to take a lot more than luck, Little Darling. I think, as a matter of fact...

Lizzie: Well, this isn't about you. I told you the truth, and I know you can do anything you want to ruin this for me.

Alexandra: Well, yes, of course. That's true, I could. And you give me one good reason why I shouldn’t.

Lizzie: Because I'm probably the only person in this family who's actually doing something for the right reason. I'm doing this because I love him.

Dinah: You decided to come back.

Edmund: Sorry. I was busy. Cassie and I were bonding with our new baby.

Dinah: What? What are you talking about, new baby?

Edmund: Ignorance is bliss.

Dinah: You know something? I don't care. That's fine. Why don't you tell me when you're going to release me from this gilded cage, huh? Hello! I'm speaking to you!

Edmund: Well, when I know you can keep your pretty little lips zipped. Until then... well, look at it this way, Dinah: Your fondest dream has just come true. You always wanted me to take care of you. Now what you eat, what you drink, even the air you breathe, comes as a personal gift from me, to you.

Danny: Michelle? This morning, you went into emergency surgery and you lost a lot of blood.

Michelle: I know.

Danny: Honey, you need to rest. You're still not thinking very clearly yet.

Michelle: You do know she could have been yours.

Danny: I'm just grateful that you're okay.

Michelle: If this happened the way that you say that it did, then I did it, because...

Danny: Michelle.

Michelle: ...I shouldn't have been in the car.

Danny: No, listen.

Michelle: I should have pulled over the minute my contractions started.

Danny: Honey, you can't do this. You cannot blame yourself.

Michelle: But I didn’t. I kept driving. I didn't stop. ( Sniffles )

Danny: Where were you going? I thought that you were on your way to DC to visit your Uncle Mike.

Michelle: I was trying to find you, Danny. I came to find you.

Danny: You were looking for me? Why?

Michelle: I decided that I was going to tell you about the baby and tell you that... Marina. Hi.

Marina: Hi. I'm sorry to interrupt, but I thought maybe you could use this.

Robbie: Mommy!

Michelle: Hi. Oh, Hi, Robbie. Wow.

Danny: Hey, Champ.

Robbie: Daddy.

Dinah: You're insane. I never saw it before, but I see it now.

Edmund: You were blinded by love.

Dinah: How do you really think you're going to get away with this? Sooner or later, someone's going to find me.

Edmund: No. Because you already said your good-byes, Dinah. On the videotape. Labeled in your own handwriting. Very persuasive, it was. I even began to tear up myself when they played the damn thing. Your father, Blake, everybody was there. Everybody. We had quite a crowd, and they bought the whole thing. And of course you reminded them of your ability to disappear at will.

Dinah: He will see through that. He always does.

Edmund: Heartbroken, he was.

Dinah: So nobody's coming to find me? Nobody at all.

Edmund: Uh-uh. Not a soul.

Dinah: I thought that you had some real feelings for me.

Edmund: Come on, Dinah, don't put me in this position. We were so close for so long, of course I felt something. I felt a great deal, but...

Dinah: But what, Edmund? What?

Edmund: You're not Cassie.

Ross: Why didn't Dinah come to see me? At the very least she could have called instead of making this.

Blake: Maybe she knew how difficult that it would be for both of you, letting go.

Cassie: What's up? What's going on?

Jeffrey: Have any trouble with Edmund last night?

Cassie: He's so focused on Hope, I don't think he has time to make trouble. I'm serious. Look, when she really starts crying and he has to change, like, five diapers in a row, he'll be out of here.

Jeffrey: Cassie, there's a lot more to it than him trying to play Daddy. No, he's hanging around because he wants to be close to you.

Cassie: Well, he's wasting his time, and he has to know that. Now take some more pictures. Come on, everybody! We're going to take more pictures and we're going to pose over here.

Jeffrey: Everybody line up.

Cassie: Okay, you have her. Look at her. Come here, you sit on my lap. All right.

Sandy: You are a natural, Tammy.

Tammy: Shh. You'll wake up the baby. Now, smile.

Sandy: I am smiling.

R.J.: Are they going to start kissing?

Cassie: If he's lucky.

Jeffrey: Okay, everybody. Come on. Can we do this, please? Once and for all. Ready? On three. One, two and... ( Cell phone rings )

Tammy: Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Oh, oh. Hold her.

Sandy: Just let it go to voice mail.

Tammy: No, I can’t. I've been waiting for this. I'm sorry, I'll be right back.

Cassie: Tammy!

Tammy: I'll be right back. Right back. Sorry. Hello, is this Mr. Fallon?

Fallon: Ethan Fallon? Yes, it is. I'm returning your call, Mrs...?

Tammy: Miss Winslow. Thank you so much. You are the fourth Ethan Fallon I've tried, and I'm sorry to bother you but I'm looking for someone with your name who may know my boyfriend, Sandy Foster?

Fallon: Oh, sure. I know Sandy.

Tammy: You do? Oh, that is perfect. That is great. Look, I'm trying to put together a sort of surprise for him, and it would be really great if I could ask you some questions.

Fallon: Well, I'm not at home now. I'm in Springfield on business.

Tammy: Oh, wait. Springfield? You mean you're here? That's where I am.

Fallon: Well, we could meet later, then.

Tammy: I would love to. My family's having a little get-together right now, but why don't we hook up in, like, an hour or so? There's a restaurant here in town, Company.

Fallon: That's where I'm having my meeting.

Tammy: Well, great. I look forward to talking to you. Thank you again, Mr. Fallon. I'll see you soon.

Sandy: See who soon? Who were you talking to?

Tammy: Jen from my psych class. She wants to get my notes.

Jeffrey: All right, come on, kids. Can we do this?

Tammy: Oh, on my way. Sandy?

Sandy: Right behind you.

Cassie: What was that about?

Coop: Lizzie is going to kill me if I am late.

Beth: ( Clears throat )

Coop: Well, hello Mrs. Spaulding.

Beth: Hello, Coop. You know what? Why don't you call me Beth?

Coop: Okay, Beth. This isn't your usual parking spot.

Beth: No, it's not. I came here to see you.

Coop: Really? Well, that's very nice of you.

Beth: What's it going to take, Coop?

Coop: Take?

Beth: I know you have feelings for my daughter-- strong feelings. I also know that you can't be bribed. But I don't want my daughter hurt.

Coop: I don't plan on hurting your daughter.

Beth: We never mean to hurt the people we love. It just happens. I know that we both want to protect Lizzie. So why don't we come to a meeting of the minds? Tell me what I can give you to stop you from making the biggest mistake of your life, and hers. Just name it. Anything.

Coop: You know, this little thing is funny. You say that you know that I can't be bribed, but yet you still turn around and try and do it anyways.

Beth: It's not bribery. I'm trying to help Lizzie. And you.

Coop: Here's a little note: You're not very good at manipulating and sneaking around. Your new husband, on the other hand, Alan, he's pretty good at manipulating and controlling people. So why don't you just leave that to the pros?

Beth: Maybe I should.

Coop: I'm sorry, but I have to get back to work.

Beth: I will do whatever it takes to help my daughter, to keep her safe and happy.

Coop: Ah. That's good we have something in common, then, Beth. Ow. ( Objects crashing ) ( Groans ) ( Hissing gas )

Lizzie: Oh, Hi, Reverend Landry. I'm Elizabeth Spaulding. Nice to meet you.

Minister: Hello, Elizabeth.

Lizzie: And this is Roxy.

Minister: Roxy. And where is your young man?

Lizzie: Oh, he should be here any minute he just got held up at the office.

Minister: I'll need time with you both before the ceremony.

Lizzie: Right. Because you want to make sure we're committed, because we're young, and make sure we're not rushing into this, but I can assure you we're, like, the most committed couple you'll ever meet.

Minister: Give me a few minutes to get things in order.

Lizzie: Okay. Oh, and I'll yell when he gets here. Okay. ( Exhales ) I know he'll be here, Roxy, and when he does, I know he'll say yes. I just feel it. ( Door opens ) Coop?

Alexandra: No, Darling, not even close.

Lizzie: Aunt Alex, what are you doing here? If you think you're going to stop me from doing anything...

Alexandra: No, I'm not here to stop you at all, Dear.

Lizzie: You're not.

Alexandra: I came because, well, I don't think any bride should ever get married without flowers.

Lizzie: Oh, my gosh, they're beautiful.

Alexandra: Uh-huh. ( Laughs )

Lizzie: Oh, you're so beautiful. Everything's just so beautiful today. Thank you.

Michelle: So talk to me, huh? Tell me everything. How was camp? Are you excited you're going to start school soon?

Robbie: Mommy, are you staying home this time?

Michelle: Um, we are going to talk about that later. But we're all here now.

Danny: Hey, Bud.

Rick: Hey, everybody.

Danny: Hey.

Rick: Hey. Everything okay?

Danny: ( Sighs ) Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Rick: Hey, Robbie, how would you feel about grabbing a soda with your Uncle Rick? I could really use the company, Buddy. What do you think?

Michelle: That sounds like a good idea.

Rick: Is that okay?

Michelle: You know, Mommy's really, really tired right now, so why don't you give me a kiss and I'll see you tomorrow. Okay? I love you.

Robbie: See you tomorrow, Mommy.

Michelle: Okay.

Rick: Come here, Buddy. Let's go. There you go.

Danny: What do you mean, we'll talk about it later? What are you going to do?

Michelle: I don't know, Danny. I don't know. I just don't really feel like I belong anywhere.

Danny: ( Sighs ) Michelle, you belong here. Robbie needs you. He needs his mother.

Marina: Hey.

Rick: Hey, don't lose your Sponge Bob, okay?

Marina: Hi, guys.

Rick: A good time.

Marina: Very cool. Hey, Robbie, you know what? You made your mom so happy just now.

Rick: Yeah, you sure did. Thanks to somebody's really spectacular idea.

Marina: Well, thank you.

Rick: Thank you.

Marina: Can I ask you a question?

Rick: Sure.

Marina: Do you know who Michelle was staying with before all this happened?

Rick: She was with Bill at the Beacon, but after that, I have no idea. Why?

Marina: Hm.

Rick: Why?

Marina: Oh, it's nothing.

( Pager beeps )

Rick: I've got to take this. Can you keep an eye on...

Marina: Don't worry about it. I'll watch...

Rick: Fine. Here.

Marina: Thanks.

Rick: I'm going to be right back, okay?

Robbie: Marina, Uncle Rick said that you helped my mom feel better. Thank you.

Marina: You know what, Robbie? I would do anything for you and your dad.

Blake: We really are happy for you.

Cassie: Thank you.

Ross: Yes, Cassie, we are. That is such a beautiful little girl.

Cassie: You know, you guys don't have to leave so soon.

Ross: Yeah, I think we do.

Cassie: I want you to know that anytime you want to come by and visit Hope... I mean, after everything Dinah did for us...

Ross: That means more to me than you know, Cassie. Thank you.

Cassie: Okay.

Blake: Bye, Sweetie. See you later.

Cassie: Okay.

Tammy: I don't think I've ever seen Ross look so sad.

Cassie: Me, either.

Sandy: Well, I've got to get to a work site, so I'm going to say good-bye. I'll call you later.

Tammy: Okay.

Sandy: And thanks, everyone. Good-bye.

Cassie: Thanks for coming by, Sandy.

Sandy: Good-bye, Hope.

Tammy: Actually, I think I should get out of here, too.

Cassie: What do you mean you have to get out of here? No. You're not leaving.

Tammy: No, I'm planning this surprise thing for Sandy, and I found this guy that he used to know and he's just in town for a quick meeting, but if I hurry, I can catch him. So I'll... I'll come back later.

Cassie: You better.

Tammy: I love you, Mom.

Cassie: I love you, too.

Tammy: And Hope, too. Oh, she's so cute.

Cassie: So much for the party.

Jeffrey: Do you realize this is the first time that we have been alone since you-know-who arrived?

Cassie: Is that possible?

Jeffrey: Don't tell me you haven't noticed.

Cassie: I noticed. ( Baby crying ) ( Laughs )

Dinah: How could you do this to me?

Edmund: How could I not? Now, Dinah, I really have to get going.

Dinah: What, do you have other women to kidnap or babies to purchase?

Edmund: Priorities. The longer I'm here, the more Cassie-time Jeffery has. Now, I hope you enjoy your supplies. You've done horrible things for the sour cream and onion, but I have ranch here for you, and other things, and of course, water. Ciao.

Dinah: Is this supposed to make it better?

Edmund: No, but it doesn't hurt. This is your life, Dinah. Enjoy the peace and quiet of your new home. ( Grunts )

Dinah: Let go of me. Let go of me!

Edmund: You're making this very unpleasant, and if you make it very unpleasant, I won't be back anytime soon.

Dinah: Take your time, Edmund. I won't be here anyway.

Fallon: I'll talk to you later.

Tammy: Excuse me. Are you Mr. Fallon?

Fallon: Yes.

Tammy: Hi. I'm Tammy Winslow.

Fallon: Right. Sorry. I'm suddenly under a deadline. Remind me, you wanted to ask me about...?

Tammy: Sandy Foster?

Fallon: Who?

Tammy: Sandy Foster. You said you knew him.

Fallon: Oh, I thought you said Randy. I don't know a Sandy. You said Randy Coster.

Tammy: No, no. Foster.

Fallon: Oh, forgive me. I can't help you. We had a lousy connection. I misunderstood.

Tammy: No, but you said his name. I heard you.

Fallon: Cell phone connections. Good luck tracking down your friend. I've got to run.

Tammy: But...

Fallon: Hey.

Sandy: Ethan. So you told her?

Fallon: Yeah, blew her off, just like you asked me to. I'm still not sure why you wanted me to lie.

Sandy: Never mind why.

Fallon: You called me all the way to Springfield to have me deny that I know you?

Sandy: I called you to Springfield to do the job. Now do me a favor and disappear, quick.

Fallon: Anything you say. You're the boss.

Sandy: Yeah. I am.

Danny: You know what? Here. Why don't you hold on to this while you're in here. It'll help. Okay?

Michelle: Okay.

Danny: I really should get going. Robbie's out there waiting with Marina. Get some sleep. Okay?

Michelle: Thanks.

Danny: I'll come see you tomorrow.

Michelle: Danny? I lied.

Danny: What?

Michelle: I can't keep on lying to you, not after I lied about the baby.

Danny: No, Michelle.

Michelle: Please.

Danny: No, come on, it's okay.

Michelle: Please. I have to do this.

Danny: It really is. It's okay.

Michelle: I have to tell you why I came back. I know that you're with her, you're with Marina now, and I know everything has changed, but one thing that's never changed-- not for me. I never stopped loving you. Ever.

Jeffrey: Sleeping just like a baby, huh? I guess you've got the touch.

Cassie: You guess?

Jeffrey: Well, you could remind me.

Cassie: I'd love to remind you.

Edmund: Cassie, I'm sorry it took me so long. I was... where did everybody go?

Jeffrey: Well, everyone left because they didn't want to overstay their welcome. You know what I mean, Edmund?

Dinah: There's got to be a way I can get a signal in here somewhere. Oh, Edmund, I didn't steal your phone not to get a signal, Buddy.

Jeffrey: I'd be happy to take her back, Edmund, if your arms are getting tired, there.

Edmund: I'm sure you would be, Mr. O’Neill, but with Hope in my arms and in my heart, my life couldn't be any sweeter.

Cassie: She is irresistible.

Jeffrey: She sure is.

Edmund: She certainly is. ( Telephone rings )

Edmund: Oh. Mind getting that, Mr. O’Neill? And hurry up a bit, please, before the baby wakes.

Cassie: I'll get the phone.

Lizzie: Aunt Alex, can I ask you a question?

Alexandra: Oh, dear. Well, when couldn't you, Dear? ( Laughs )

Lizzie: Well, why did you come here? I mean, what was the real reason?

Alexandra: Okay, I came here because, well, I... ( Sighs ) I think someone in this wretched family deserves to be happy. And Lizzie, I'm just so glad it's you right now, hmm? Baby. So, where is that young man of yours? Shouldn't he be here by now?

Lizzie: I know Coop. He's on his way.

Coop: ( Coughing ) ( Gasping )

Gus: You think they're going to be excited to see us?

Harley: Not as excited as I am going to be to see them.

Gus: Yeah, yeah. Wait, wait, wait. Wait. I know that you're excited to see your father and the family and everything, and I understand it.

Harley: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. But? But?

Gus: But kind of, the honeymoon is still in progress, and I was just thinking, what if we just slipped away there for 24 hours, where we just went in private and continued our honeymoon, Mrs. Aitoro?

Harley: I say you have a pretty good imagination, Mr. Aitoro. ( Laughs )

Announcer:  Next, on "Guiding Light."

Dinah: Come on, Cassie. Pick up.

Cassie: That's weird. My caller ID says that you're on the phone.

Edmund: I have many things in mind to repay them for what she's done.

Lizzie: He'll be here, I feel it.

Alexandra: Any minute, Coop is going to roll through that door all safe and sound.

Lizzie: No one said anything about him not being safe.

Michelle: I never stopped loving you. Ever. Is that why you're still here? I just made everything worse, didn't I? I just ruined everything.

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