Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 9/6/05
Provided By
Proofread by Laura
Billy: Hey. Didn't expect to see you here.
Have you seen Jonathan around? What's Reva doing here out of the hospital?
Josh: Just being Reva.
I've never stopped loving you, Reva, and
as for helping you now, it's just the right thing to do.
Reva: So what was I saying? Oh, that's
right. I remember. I was actually telling you that I was an impulsive type of
girl. I do what I want, when I want.
( Sirens wailing )
Michelle: The baby. The baby's in the car.
Help me, please. Help me. Somebody, please help me. Please.
E.M.T.: Stay back.
Michelle: No, my baby.
E.M.T.: The car could explode.
Michelle: My baby's in the car! Let go of
me! ( Explosion ) ( Screams )
Cassie: Dinah? Edmund? Is everything okay?
Edmund: Cassie? Everything's fine, but your
daughter couldn't wait to be born at the hospital.
Cassie: Daughter? It's a girl?
Edmund: A very healthy girl.
Cassie: She's here, and she's fine?
Edmund: And she's perfect. And I've called
an ambulance from Cedars. They're going to send one right over, check her out,
make sure she's okay.
Cassie: Oh, my God. She's so beautiful. Hey.
You are so precious and so perfect.
Edmund: Would you like to hold her?
Sweetheart, here's your mommy. Oh, she's sleeping-- I think almost. Here you
go. Isn't she the most beautiful thing in the whole world? Well, alongside her
mother, at least. We did it, Cassie. Together we created a whole new life. And
it was worth everything I... everything we had to do to make it happen.
Danny: Question.
Marina: Mm-hmm.
Danny: So we've decided that we're going to
move in together.
Marina: Yes.
Danny: Why don't we start now, while I'm
stuck at the Beacon? Hm?
Marina: Tomorrow?
Danny: How about tonight? Yes?
Marina: Okay. ( Cell phone rings )
Danny: Oh, I'm sorry. Danny Santos.
E.M.T.: There's been an accident, Mr.
Santos. You need to get to Cedars Hospital right away.
Reva: Mm.
Bar patron: Hm. Buy you another drink?
Reva: Sure.
Josh: Why don't you let me do that?
Bar patron: Excuse me? What?
Billy: Why don't you just come with me for a
second? Let me explain something to you.
Josh: Why did you leave the hospital?
Reva: There's only so much a girl can take.
Josh: Of what?
Reva: Pity, from her husband, who's only
sticking around until her back heals.
Josh: Reva, come on.
Reva: You know what, Joshua? I don't think
we make each other happy anymore, you know, because before this accident, you
told me you needed a break from me. Well, now maybe I need a break from you.
Josh: No.
Cassie: She's so beautiful.
Edmund: She has your eyes.
Cassie: She's barely an hour old.
Edmund: Doesn't matter. I'd know those eyes
Cassie: So she was born here? How did it
happen? I want to know everything.
Edmund: Well, there's really not much to
tell. Dinah was fine, and then all of a sudden, well, it happened very fast.
Cassie: What happened?
Edmund: Well, there's really not much to
tell. Dinah was fine, and then all of a sudden, well, it happened very fast. I
tried to get her out to the car, but she couldn't walk, and so I brought her
back in here. I was able to call you, but not 911.
Cassie: You delivered your own child. How
amazing is that?
Edmund: Pretty amazing.
Cassie: Okay. Well, where is Dinah? I just
want to see her, and I want to thank her.
Edmund: Dinah's not here, Cassie.
Cassie: Well, what do you mean, she's not
Edmund: She's gone.
Dinah: ( Gasps ) What is going on? What is
going on? What is going on?
Danny: Excuse me. I'm Danny Santos. I got a
call that my ex-wife was in a car accident.
Nurse: They just brought her in. Wait here a
Dr. Lee: Mr. Santos? I'm Dr. Lee. I'm
treating your wife.
Danny: What happened? Is she okay?
Dr. Lee: She was in a car accident.
Danny: Well, is she in there? Can I see her?
Dr. Lee: Just for a minute. We need to run
some tests. Only one visitor at a time.
Marina: Of course. Go ahead. I'll be out
Danny: Yeah, all right. I'll be right back.
Josh: You're trying to push me away.
Reva: No, I don't want to hurt you anymore.
Josh: I think you do, because if you don't
hurt me, then I'm not going to walk away, and that means I'm just sticking
around because I feel sorry for you. That's basically the idea, right?
Reva: No.
Josh: I think it is. And you need to lie
down, Reva.
Reva: See, that's what I can't take anymore.
You're smothering me.
Josh: Since when is a husband caring about
his wife's health and well-being "smothering"?
Reva: I don't want you to care about me.
Josh: You don't get to choose, Reva. I care.
This is me, standing here in front of you, caring. Now, what happens if I walk
out of here right now and your leg goes numb? Hm?
Reva: I guess I sit for a while.
Josh: And what happens when you're ready to
Reva: Well, I have very strong arms.
Josh: And a very strong will.
Reva: Don't you forget it.
Josh: Just let me take you home, Reva. Then
you can heal, and then we can handle whatever it is we have to handle in our
Reva: That sounds like so much fun.
Josh: In fact, you know, you really
shouldn't walk at all, so maybe I should just throw you over my shoulder like a
sack of potatoes...
Bar patron: Hey, leave the lady alone. Hey.
Josh: You know what? I can handle this,
thank you very much.
Bar patron: I said leave the lady alone.
Josh: Back off, Buddy.
Bar patron: Hey.
Reva: Joshua. And I'm supposed to be the
immature one?
Rick: Is Danny here? Have you seen him
Marina: Yeah, he's in there with Michelle.
Is she going to be okay? Rick.
Rick: Oh, I'm sorry. Dr. Lee just briefed
me. Michelle's vitals are good. There's no broken bones or obvious injuries to
speak of, except for the lacerations, so we're just going to keep her overnight
for observation.
Marina: She's going to be okay?
Rick: Physically I think she's going to be
Marina: What do you mean?
Rick: Marina, I'm going to give Danny some
time alone with my little sister. I think it would be a good idea if you do the
same thing. Excuse me.
Danny: Oh, Michelle, please be all right.
Please be all right.
Michelle: Danny? Danny?
Danny: Hey. I'm here. I'm here, Michelle.
Michelle: Danny.
Danny: Listen, you were in a car accident.
You need to take it easy, but you're going to be okay.
Michelle: The baby. Where's the baby?
Cassie: I thought you said the ambulance
didn't get here. Where did Dinah go?
Edmund: She's gone, Cassie. She took right
off after the baby was born.
Cassie: Why?
Edmund: I don't know. It was all very
intense for her, very emotional.
Cassie: But Edmund, how did she leave?
Edmund: I took the baby into the kitchen to
clean her off, and when I came back, Dinah wasn't here. And then I saw her
drive off.
Cassie: Right after she gave birth?
Edmund: I don’t... I don't know. When she
saw the baby, the second she saw the baby, she became extremely emotional. My
best guess is that she just needed to get out of here before she became too
Cassie: Edmund, where did she go?
Edmund: I don't know. I don't know. I tried
to call her, but I think she's just disappeared.
Cassie: This is bad, okay? She can't be out
there by herself. She needs to be examined by a doctor.
Edmund: I know. My God.
Cassie: This is bad. Edmund, this is bad.
Will you bring me the phone? I'm going to try calling her cell.
Edmund: Yes, of course. And it's worth a
try, but I've already left her five messages, I think.
Cassie: You know what? Then we're going to
have to call Ross, okay, because maybe he can find her.
Edmund: Good, good. Again, it's worth a try,
but Cassie, as awful as this may sound, I think... I think maybe this might not
be so bad. I mean, we always thought that Dinah might be a threat to the baby.
Cassie: Edmund, look at what she did for us.
Oh, my God. I should have seen this. I just should have seen this coming,
because she was just acting so crazy earlier. She was acting completely
irrational, saying that I didn't know her at all, that she had done something
Edmund: What? That doesn't make any sense.
She just gave us the greatest gift in the world. Cassie. Cassie, Cassie,
just... here. We'll find her, I promise. Come on. We'll find her. I promise
we'll find her. But right now, I think your daughter's hungry.
Cassie: You're right. You're right. Okay.
I'm sorry, Sweetie. Hey, Baby. Mommy is going to take care of you. I have a
whole bunch of formula to feed you. ( Laughs )
Edmund: See how she responds to you? She
knows her mother already.
Cassie: I can't believe she's here. Oh. I
can't stand the thought of Dinah being out there alone.
Edmund: This is a miracle. She's our miracle
Cassie: You're right. She is. I just really
hope that wherever Dinah is, she knows the gift she gave us.
Dinah: What is this? What is going on? I
took it off? Why would I take it off? Oh, my head's pounding. I need some
water. Who moved the glasses? What's going on? Something's not right here. What
is this? I need some air. What the heck? What’s... Edmund! Where is everybody?
Edmund: I've been working on our getaway.
Dinah: Our what?
Edmund: Let's leave Ross a videotaped
message. That way he'll have something to remember you by. I'm sorry I have to
do this, Dinah.
Dinah: You kidnapped me. You locked me up
here. You sick and twisted man. You locked me up! Somebody help me! Get me out
of here! Please!
Reva: You know, I'm very flattered, but that’s...
Billy. Stop it!
Josh: What did I do?
Billy: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey.
Josh: Got a couple guys fighting over you. I
bet you're thrilled to pieces about that, huh?
Reva: Yeah, well, you know something? Your
left isn't as good as it used to be, and that's not what I wanted.
Josh: What do you want then, Reva? That's
the question, you know? I mean, at the hospital, you said you wanted me to be
with you, but only if that's what I wanted. And then you practically admitted
that you were thinking about pretending that you would be, you know, more
seriously injured than you really are just to keep me around. So whatever it
is, Reva, I'm here, and you're getting what you want.
Reva: Well, what I said at the hospital was
panic. I was scared because I really thought maybe you would walk out on me.
But you know what? I realized something. I realized that we don't have to
pretend with each other anymore. I don't want the quiet life you want, Joshua.
Josh: I didn't say I wanted a quiet life.
I'm the one that said, "Hey, let's move to Aspen" or "Let's go
to Paris," or let's go here, let's go there.
Reva: You know what I mean.
Josh: Actually, I don’t.
Reva: I know what you're offering me. I do.
And I'm telling you that you could walk me up and down the Himalayas, and it
wouldn't be enough. Because you're not enough for me anymore. Is that clear
enough? Do you finally get it?
Edmund: Thanks again. Well, you heard the
doctor yourself. You're perfect, little one.
Cassie: She is perfect. You know, we can't
keep calling her "little one," or "the world's most beautiful
daughter," or "the world's best little girl ever." ( Laughs ) We're
going to have to come up with a name, and all the ones we talked about, they
just don't seem right for her.
Edmund: Let's see. Are you a Fiona? Ella?
Isabella? No. Cassie, none of them quite fit.
Cassie: ( Laughs ) Tell us. Tell us what we
should name you.
Edmund: She says she's a miracle baby.
Cassie: Miracle Winslow?
Edmund: Yeah, no.
Cassie: Heaven knows, we had to go through
everything to have you. All those hormone shots. Ouch. Mommy was sore, and had
a sore tummy a lot for you.
Edmund: And I'm never going to tell you what
daddy had to go through.
Cassie: It doesn't matter, because it was
all worth it, because here you are.
Edmund: All worth it. Even you getting angry
at me for bringing Dinah into the mix, because if I hadn't, you'd never have
been here. From now on, there's nothing but bottles to make and diapers to
change and lullabies to sing and years to look forward to, all because we had
hope and we never, ever gave up.
Cassie: Edmund, that's it. Hope. That's her
name. Yes.
Edmund: Yes, because hope changes
everything. Cassie, I am so happy right now, and I am so filled with love.
Cassie: Me, too.
( Knock on door )
Jeffrey: Cassie? Hi. Got your message. Whoa.
Wow. When?
Cassie: Isn't she the most beautiful thing
you've ever seen? Hope, meet Jeffrey. Jeffrey, meet Hope.
Dinah: I have to get the hell out of here.
No cell phone. Of course, he took it. Okay, all right. I'm just going to relax.
I'm going to relax, because you know what? Someone's going to find me. I just
need to breathe, and I just need to wait. That's what I'm going to do. I'm just
going to wait.
Michelle: Danny, the baby.
Danny: Shh.
Michelle: The baby.
Danny: Michelle. No, Robbie’s fine. He
wasn't in the car with you.
Michelle: No, no. No, no, no, you don't
Danny: Shh, shh, shh. You need to relax.
Michelle: No, please, I need to see the
baby. I just need to see it.
Danny: Rick.
Rick: Just give me a second.
Danny: Something's wrong. She's talking
about a baby.
Rick: Honey, it's Rick. I'm here, honey.
Everything's going to be okay. You're going to be fine, sweetheart, okay?
Michelle: The baby. Where's my baby?
Danny: See what I mean? See what I mean?
Something's wrong with her.
Rick: Listen. Listen to me, Sweetie. Danny
and I, we're going to go in the hallway just for a few minutes, and I'll be right
Michelle: ( Whimpers )
Rick: I just want you to close your eyes and
try to get some rest, okay?
Michelle: Danny.
Rick: I love you.
Marina: How is she?
Danny: I don't know, I don't know. She hit
her head again. She's not making any sense. Why does she keep talking about a
Marina: Was it Robbie?
Danny: She thinks that Robbie was in the car
with her. Please, tell me this is not happening again.
Rick: No, Danny, that's not it. That's not
Danny: What? What do you mean?
Rick: And Danny, I'm really sorry that you
have to find out this way.
Danny: What? What? My God, she's pregnant?
Rick: She was pregnant. It's the reason she
took off after Tony died. I just found out a couple days ago myself.
Danny: What? I don't understand. I saw her.
I just saw her.
Rick: She was hiding it. She was hiding.
Danny: Why? Why did she hide that? Oh, my God.
Rick: Unfortunately, Danny, she didn't know
who the father was. She was waiting to take a paternity test. That never
Danny: What happened? You said she was
pregnant. What happened to the baby?
Rick: We think Michelle went into labor
while she was driving the car. That's what caused the accident. She gave birth
in the car, and somehow she managed to get out of the car. But before she could
go back in to get the baby, the car... the car just exploded, Danny.
Marina: Oh, my God.
Rick: The baby didn't make it. I am so
Danny: ( Sobs )
Cassie: Isn't she incredible?
Jeffrey: Yeah, she’s... she's cute, in a
wrinkly sort of way.
Cassie: All newborns are wrinkly.
Jeffrey: Yeah. I've heard that. I haven't
been around too many of them, actually.
Cassie: Would you like to hold her?
Jeffrey: Oh, I... you know, I don't think
that's a good idea. You know, you're supposed to hold their heads in a certain
way, and, you know, I don't know how to do that.
Cassie: It's not hard. I can show you.
Jeffrey: Are you sure?
Cassie: Yes, I'm sure.
Edmund: Cassie, if Uncle Jeff isn't
comfortable, perhaps there will be other opportunities.
Cassie: Well, there will be plenty of
opportunities. But I know you're dying to hold her. Edmund, we need to call
people, and we need to tell them that Hope is here. I left the list in the
kitchen in the drawer. Can you get it?
Edmund: Okay.
Cassie: Wow, look at you. Do you think
you've finally met a woman who's immune to your charms?
Jeffrey: I... you know, I'm afraid I would
drop her.
Cassie: No. You have nice, big, strong arms.
Edmund: I'll make those calls.
Cassie: Here. There. Just support her head.
Jeffrey: Okay. Well, she’s... so tiny.
Cassie: ( Laughs ) This is a picture.
Jeffrey: Okay, let's not get carried away.
I'm just glad she's not screaming.
Cassie: Oh, you guys are fast friends.
Jeffrey: Well, we have a lot in common. We
have you. Now, aren't you supposed to, like, you know, rock her or, you know,
bounce her or something?
Cassie: Yeah. Just be gentle, just real
Jeffrey: Okay, how's that?
Cassie: I think you're a natural.
Jeffrey: This is pretty nice.
Cassie: This is very nice.
Reva: I'm sorry, Joshua. I know that you
should be enough, because you are a wonderful, smart, sexy man, and that should
be enough for me. But this is my problem, and I need to work it out on my own.
Josh: How? When, Reva, are you going to do
that? And what's it going to take? I mean, Nate clearly didn't do it for you.
The guy practically murdered you, Reva, and it still didn't take care of
whatever it is that's going on inside of you right now. You fell down an
elevator shaft, Reva. So what is it going to take?
Reva: I just know that I can't take this
anymore, because it's not working. And you know it, too, because you're as
miserable as I am.
Josh: You got that right. You really think
that you're going to find whatever it is you're looking for someplace else?
Reva: I don't know.
Josh: You know, um, life is not a roller
coaster, Reva that sends you speeding off to the next exciting adventure. You
have to create your own happiness. I don't know that I can do that for you.
Reva: I know. But what's the alternative?
You just need to know you are everything in the world to me. You're my heart
and you're my soul. But I just need this time. You... we've made this wonderful
life together.
Josh: Don't do this.
Reva: We have these two beautiful children.
But I need time alone now. I do. I need to be able to work this out, figure out
who I am and what it is that I want, sort it all out. And when that happens,
then I pray to God that what I still want is you, and that you'll still want
me. But if you don’t...
Danny: Rick, are you sure?
Rick: Danny, the car... the car caught on
fire and was completely destroyed.
Danny: No, no, no.
Marina: Oh, poor baby.
Danny: Oh, God. She doesn't know. She thinks
that the baby's still alive.
Rick: She's in shock, so she doesn't need to
know about the baby right now, and I would appreciate if everybody just not
tell her until she gets stronger. And Danny, I wish I could tell you if I knew
that child was yours...
Danny: No, stop. Stop, stop.
Rick: I'm sorry.
Danny: ( Sobs )
Rick: I'm sorry. ( Pager beeps ) That's my
beeper. I really have to go. Excuse me.
Marina: Danny, I really don't know what to
Danny: ( Crying )
Marina: I am so sorry. Is there anything I
can do? You know what? Why don't you go back in, and I'll go get us some
Danny: All right.
Marina: Okay.
Danny: Okay. Hey, Michelle. Come here. I'll
help you through this, Honey. I promise. Oh, God, that could have been my baby.
Our baby. ( Sobs )
Michelle: Danny?
Dinah: You selfish liar.
Edmund: You might want to rethink that, Dinah,
considering I'm your only way out of here.
Dinah: You know, you're also the one who put
me in here.
Edmund: Yes. Well, let's not split hairs,
shall we? So what do you think of the place? I think I did a damn good job
replicating a couple of the rooms of Cassie's farmhouse, especially considering
the time crunch. I just wanted you to be comfortable.
Dinah: You're not going to keep me in here.
Edmund: You'll be fine, Dinah. I made sure.
I mean, I'm just... look, if you think I'm enjoying this, I'm not! You have to
be locked up someplace, don't you? And this isn't that bad, is it? Besides,
you've always wanted to live in this house.
Dinah: This isn't the real house, you
Edmund: Yeah, well, it's close enough.
Dinah: What are you doing? You are going to
get caught.
Edmund: I don't think so.
Dinah: Why don't you tell me your grand plan
here, okay? Because I'm out of the picture, what do you figure? That that's
just going to reconnect you to Cassie? What did you tell her? That I took off
with the baby, and that somehow you're going to go ahead and grieve with her
during that process? She is with Jeffrey. There is nothing holding you to her
Edmund: I wouldn't be so sure about that.
Dinah: You're a fool. You're a fool. You
could have had a life with me, and you have absolutely nothing right now.
Edmund: Well, if thinking that makes you
feel better, Dinah, then by all means go ahead.
Dinah: Where are you going?
Edmund: Well, I wanted to make sure you were
all right, and I have. Ciao, Dinah.
Dinah: ( Screams )
Billy: Hi.
Josh: You're right. What you're going
through has nothing to do with me. But see, the thing is, I can't fight for you,
Reva, and fight against you at the same time. So if this is really what you
want, you're free. Go for it. Have fun.
Billy: If you've got any sense at all,
you'll go get him back. He's the best thing to ever happen to you.
Reva: I know that.
Billy: You're hiding this from him? Do you
think he'd feel sorry for you? He didn't come and search you out because he
feels sorry for you.
Reva: I don't think that he knows why he
searched me out, Billy, but I do know that before my accident, he wanted space,
and now he can't leave me alone.
Billy: He's crazy about you, and you are
crazy about him. What the hell is going on with you, Reva?
Reva: That's what I have to try to find out.
Billy: I'm going to go get him back, okay?
Reva: No. Don’t. Please just let it be. I'm
doing this for Joshua as much as I'm doing it for myself, because he deserves
more than I can give him right now.
Danny: Why didn't she tell me she was
pregnant? Why? What did I do? Did I do something, or say something to make her
feel like she couldn't tell me that she was pregnant?
Marina: No. I'm sure not. Danny, I don't
know what to say, except I love you, and we're going to get through this, and
we're going to get Michelle through this.
Nurse: Your wife's awake, and she's asking
for you.
Michelle: Danny.
Danny: Hey. Hey.
Michelle: Danny, no one will tell me
anything about the baby. You saw her. You were there.
Danny: Michelle, no. I wasn’t.
Michelle: No, you were. You were there. You
helped me deliver the baby.
Danny: Michelle...
Michelle: Yes. Yes.
Danny: Honey, come here. Shh.
Michelle: Remember? I was afraid because my
contractions, they were one on top of the other, and then you were there, and
you held my hand. You told me it would be okay. You told me to push, and I did.
Please, Danny, I just need to see her. Please. Please. You've just got to show
me the baby, please.
Rick: Danny, I just need to give her
something to calm her down.
Michelle: Rick. ( Sobbing ) Where's the
Rick: Michelle, you need to rest.
Michelle: Where's my baby?
Danny: Michelle, you need to take it easy,
okay? Rick's going to...
Rick: Take it easy.
Michelle: Rick, please. Where's the baby?
You saw...
Rick: Don't worry about the baby right now.
I want you to just get some rest, okay? You need to sleep, okay?
Michelle: But you've seen her, right? You've
seen her.
Rick: Honey, you need to take it easy.
Danny: ( Shushes Michelle )
Michelle: Danny, you were there.
Danny: Michelle. Michelle.
Michelle: You were there. ( Crying )
Danny: Honey, I wasn't there. I wasn't
there. Maybe you just... maybe you just wished that I was there, and I don't
know, sometimes when you want things, your mind plays tricks on you.
Michelle: No.
Danny: You know, sometimes when I'm having a
tough day, I still wish that you were there, too.
Michelle: No. It was real. It was.
Danny: You need to rest. Shh, shh, shh. It's
okay. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep, okay?
Dinah: You bastard. You bastard.
Jeffrey: So Dinah just took off after giving
birth? I mean, that's very weird, even by her standards.
Cassie: It's horrible. I am so upset about
it. I can’t... I hope she's okay. I hope she's okay. Do you want me to take
Jeffrey: No, no. I got it. I mean, you know,
I can hold her for you a little while longer. She's very mature for her age. I
mean, she's only a couple of hours old, but...
Cassie: Very. Very mature.
Jeffrey: You know, she squeezed my finger
earlier. She's very strong. You're going to be hell on wheels, just like your
mother, aren't you?
Edmund: Well, made all the calls. Everyone's
thrilled. Come to Daddy, Sweetheart. Thank you. Hi. Well, you're so tired.
You've had a very exciting day, haven't you? Yes, very exciting. Perhaps we
should quiet things down a little and get her to rest.
Jeffrey: You need anything before I go?
Edmund: No, I think we're fine.
Cassie: I'll walk you out.
Jeffrey: I don't like this. I don't like the
thought of you being alone with this guy. I mean, by the way, did you see the
size of that suitcase? He packed for, like, two months. Now, listen. I can stay
around here, keep an eye on you, you know.
Cassie: I would love that.
Jeffrey: I can stay in the barn. I don't
Cassie: You're sweet. You are. You are so
sweet. He's only going to be here for a couple of days, and I'm not happy about
it either. I'm not. But I can't begrudge him time with his child, so just stop
talking and kiss me, please?
Edmund: It's all right, Princess. Daddy's
here. He's here to stay. ( Baby gurgles )
Announcer: Next on "Guiding Light"...
Beth: Where's Coop? He and Lizzie are
getting married.
Bill: How would you like to be my wife's new
Jonathan: I don't think I've ever made a
good impression on someone in my life.
Ava: Except me.
Rick: How do you tell your little sister
that the baby that she carried is gone?
Frank: Danny hasn't left the hospital?
Danny: Somebody, please, help us. She's
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