GL Transcript Tuesday 8/30/05

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 8/30/05


Provided By Boo
Proofread by Laura

Jeffrey: Psst, Cassie. Are you alone?

Cassie: Jeffrey?

Jeffrey: Ssh.

Cassie: What are you doing there?

Jeffrey: I'm trying to avoid people that keep showing up every time I want to be alone with you, namely Edmund and Dinah.

Cassie: ( Laughs ) Will you come out and give me a kiss?

Jeffrey: Okay. I think I can manage that.

Cassie: Mm. That was nice.

Jeffrey: Yeah, you, too. Okay, now back to the bushes.

Cassie: No, wait. Stop, stop!

Jeffrey: Hang on. Hang on.

Edmund: Michelle, where are you? You're not here. You're not at the hospital. Wherever you are, just don't start having contractions.

Michelle: I already know what I need to do. Sort of. "Danny, there's something I've got to tell you. I guess you can kind of see for yourself. It could be your baby, but it could be Tony’s. I just didn't know if I should... I didn't know if you... ( Sighs ) I didn't know what I should hope or what I should want, or...

Radio host: Tonight's "love chat" topic is, "Who's your baby's daddy?"

Dinah: Where are you, Edmund? Today's the day; it's the deadline it's time for poor Cassie to find out that there is no baby. So I would suggest you call me, because I'm getting ready to feel some real good contractions.

Jeffrey: Ta-da! ( Laughs )

Cassie: Is that a present for me?

Jeffrey: No. No, it's for the baby.

Edmund: Yes, hello. Maternity Ward, please, head nurse. Yes, hello, my name is... will Alonzo, and I'm writing an article for "Modern Pregnancy" magazine and I just had one question I'd like to ask you, please, about the labor-inducing drug laprosin. Thank you. After the drug is administered, about how long does it take to work? Yes, I understand that every patient is different, but on general terms. A few minutes to a few hours. Thank you. Thank you very much.

Marina: Come back, Danny. I'm so not in the mood to be alone right now. Not after...

Edmund: Michelle. It's Edmund... um, again. I've left you I don't know how many messages by this point. I'm sorry, I just don't have the faintest idea why you left my rooms the way you did, and I'm just a bit concerned. If you could please call me and let me know that you're all right, I'd appreciate it. I'll be waiting for your call.

Michelle: ( Sighs ) Edmund, you just don't give up, do you? I'm sorry, Edmund, I'm going to have to give you a call back. I'll figure out what to do on my own, here.

Edmund: I am not going to lose this chance to have a baby. ( Cell phone rings )

Marina: Cooper. Hello, Detective Mallet, sir. Yeah, I'm okay. No, really, I'm fine. I'm just relaxing, waiting for Danny to get back. Stop! He got out on bail? Okay. Well, I mean, at least I won't be surprised if I run into him grocery shopping, right? No, thanks for letting me know. Good night. ( Sighs ) Come back, Danny.

Brett: Hey. What the hell?

Danny: I hear you like to play rough with the ladies, huh? Well, guess what? This time you messed with the wrong girl.

Brett: ( Grunts )

Radio host: Some women choose not to know who the father is.

Michelle: Oh! Oh, okay. My back. Okay, what was that? All right, that's no big deal. Maybe I just... maybe I just need to take a break and stretch my legs or something. All right. Nothing's wrong. There's nothing wrong.

Brett: Hey, man, I don't even know you.

Danny: Yeah? Well, now you do. Don't you?

Brett: Get off me! So, this wrong girl you say I messed with?

Danny: Uh-huh?

Brett: You talking about the police chick? Right?

Danny: Yeah. Now are you going to tell me how sorry you are? Huh? How much you regret what you did?

Brett: Are you a cop? I hope you are, because you're seriously walking all over my civil rights, man. Ow.

Danny: Unfortunately for you, my friend, I am not a cop.

Brett: Well, who the hell are you?

Danny: Danny Santos.

Brett: Santos?

Danny: Yeah. That's what I said, isn't it?

Brett: Oh. Oh, man, I'm sorry. I had no idea that you and her... that she was your girl and... um...

Danny: Right. Well, she had to be somebody's girl, didn't she?

Brett: Well, yeah. Right. You're right. I'm sorry. I understand.

Danny: Yeah? You know what?

Brett: ( Groans ) Oh. ( Grunts )

Danny: You know what? There are just a few things I can't stand in this world. But right at the top of the list is the sort of pervert who likes to put his hands on girls, who can't take "no" for an answer.

Brett: Okay, okay. All right, I'm sorry. It's not going to happen again.

Danny: You're right.

Brett: ( Grunts )

Danny: It won’t.

Marina: Danny, don't!

Radio host: Okay. What's your story, Melanie?

Michelle: Hi. Um, I'm pregnant. I guess you knew that already. Uh, and the father could be one of two men and, uh, part of me wants to know, but...

Radio host: Well, do you love either of the paternal possibilities?

Michelle: Yeah. Yeah, I love them both. One is gone, and the other one is, um... we were together for a long time, and we're divorced now, but I never stopped loving him.

Edmund: Michelle. Yes, all right, please. Officially I'm very worried right now.

Tammy: Why are you looking for Michelle?

Edmund: Michelle? Oh, I'm sorry. I ordered some things for the baby, and the woman in charge of deliveries is named Michelle. There was a problem. I think it's at least maybe somewhat resolved.

Tammy: Sorry. I guess I misunderstood. You just seemed upset.

Edmund: Well, I suppose I'm a bit nervous, and I guess it shows.

Tammy: Nervous about what?

Edmund: The baby. The baby.

Tammy: I understand. I mean, with the due date so close now.

Edmund: Yes, well, time has gone very quickly. And there are just a lot of things that need to be done, and there are a lot of feelings that I'm sure are unresolved. Tammy, I know you've never been happy about the way this baby was conceived.

Tammy: I can't imagine why. But I'm still excited about being a big sister again. I'm kind of hoping it's a girl.

Edmund: I would love to have a daughter.

Tammy: I have to admit it. However it happened, it's exciting to think about having a sister, a cute little baby to help Mom take care of.

Edmund: I just want the baby to be healthy, Tammy. That's all I've ever wanted from the beginning, and now it really doesn't matter what it takes or where the baby comes from. This child is going to heal the disaster we have all made of our lives.

Tammy: I don't understand.

Sandy: Hey. I'm sorry I'm late. Hi, Edmund.

Edmund: Hello, Sandy.

Tammy: We were just going to go inside and get some food, so I'll see you around?

Edmund: Yes, I'm sure you will. And enjoy yourselves.

Sandy: That's the idea. 'Night.

Tammy: Good night. So, you notice anything different?

Sandy: The hair? Shoes? I give up.

Tammy: You're slipping, Foster. I thought you'd notice right away.

Sandy: You got the locket back from Jonathan.

Tammy: It's back where it belongs.

Sandy: You didn't have to prove anything to me.

Tammy: Yes, I do, because...

Sandy: No, no. Stop talking. My turn. Just listen. No more doubts. You come first in my life and you always will, and you're getting back that locket is your way of showing me how you feel, and I've been trying to think of a way to show you how I feel and without all these words, and I think I finally figured it out.

Tammy: What?

Sandy: Well, it's something I already had.

Cassie: A car seat!

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Cassie: Wow. I already have a car seat. You brought it home from my shower, remember?

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, this is for my car.

Cassie: Oh. That is so sweet.

Jeffrey: Yeah, because, you know, I figure that sometimes we'll be, you know, riding around in my car, just the three of us. Right?

Cassie: That's such a great idea, but, um...

Jeffrey: But what?

Cassie: You have a two-seater.

Jeffrey: Oh, yeah. You're right.

Cassie: ( Laughs ) And you're wonderful.

Dinah: How many times do you have to hit redial before you wear out the phone? ( Cell phone rings )

Edmund: Hello?

Dinah: Edmund. Finally.

Edmund: Dinah.

Dinah: Well, good. You remember my name. Where have you been?

Edmund: There was something I had to take care of. Is everything all right?

Dinah: It will be, and very soon. I just remembered what day it is.

Edmund: You just... damn.

Dinah: What?

Edmund: Sorry. Nothing. The phone just slipped out of my hand for a minute. You were saying something about today?

Dinah: Yeah. It's d-day. I think we should get this show on the road.

Edmund: Dinah...

Dinah: I'm looking at Cassie right now. She's in front of me. Should I start the contractions without you?

Edmund: No. Don't start without me. No fake labor. Are we clear?

Dinah: Well, you'd better be on your way.

Edmund: I am on my way, Dinah. No contractions. No contractions for you and no contractions for Michelle. At least not until I find her.

Tammy: Sandy...

Sandy: No talking, not yet. Just take a seat and close your eyes. Don't open them until I count to three. All right, one... no peeking now. Two...

Tammy: Sandy.

Sandy: Three. Look familiar?

Tammy: You kept it?

Sandy: What we have is a once-in-a-lifetime thing, and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure it stays alive and strong.

Tammy: I don't want to lose what we have, Sandy. Ever.

Sandy: Well, then... wear this to show your belief in our future and... and a lifetime that I'm hoping we'll share together from this day on.

Tammy: Yes.

Sandy: Yes?

Tammy: Yes. Of course. Oh! I love you. There's just one thing. How come we're talking about our future and spending our lives together, and I haven't met anyone in your family?

Sandy: Well, Tammy...

Tammy: You haven't shown me one picture of anyone, Sandy. Your parents, your brothers and sisters, your Great-Aunt Matilda.

Sandy: Sorry, no Great-Aunt Matilda.

Tammy: You have parents, though. You weren't cloned, were you?

Sandy: Actually, that would explain a few things.

Tammy: Come on. Fess up, Foster. I'm wearing your ring now, so you might as well get it over with. Tell me about how your brothers used to beat you up. Tell me you had brothers. Tell me something about who you are and your family. I barely know anything about your past.

Sandy: Nothing all that exciting to know.

Tammy: I don't care. Give me all the boring, mundane details. Come on. The suspense is just killing me.

Marina: Let him go, Danny.

Danny: Marina, leave us alone. Come on.

Marina: No, I can't, and you can't do this.

Danny: Marina, I already am. Get out of here, please.

Marina: I understand, Danny. I do. Really, I want to hurt him probably more than you do, but I can’t.

Danny: Well, I'm not a cop.

Marina: Well, Danny, I almost am.

Danny: Marina, if I let him walk away, he will just do it again.

Marina: No. No, he won’t. No, Danny, because when he goes to court, I'm going to be there, and I will stand up and testify...

Danny: Marina.

Marina: And he's going to go to jail for a long, long time. Danny, I joined the department because I believe in the work and I believe in the system. And I know that there are times that I might go out and I might get hurt on this job, because there are plenty of people like him out there, but I need to learn to deal with this the right way, okay? The legal way. Not like this. So please, Danny, for my sake, for what I believe in and for what I stand for, please just let him go.

Danny: Get out of here. Get out of here right now. Get out.

Brett: You're not going to see my face again.

Danny: I'd better not.

Brett: I'm sorry.

Danny: I said get out of here. How did you find me here?

Marina: When I heard he got off on bail, I got a feeling that he'd come back here. It's kind of his place.

Danny: Not anymore.

Marina: When you didn't show up, I kind of added it all up, and here you are.

Danny: You're already a great cop.

Marina: And you're a good guy, Santos. My guy. Let's go, okay?

Michelle: You have no idea what it's like to be in this position. I mean, I want my daughter to grow up in a loving, stable home, to know who she is, to know her father. But I can’t... I mean, I can't even be sure who he is, and that's why I just... I can’t... I can't tell him. I mean, he doesn't even know I'm pregnant right now.

Radio host: But if you love him, Melanie, he needs to know the truth.

Michelle: You know what? You're absolutely right. He needs to know the truth. And now I know what I have to do.

Jeffrey: Any chance of getting you away for a while?

Cassie: Um... I don't want to leave Dinah when she's getting ready to deliver.

Jeffrey: I'm not talking about Siberia. I just want to take you over to the car and to show you an idea I had about attaching the baby seat to the sunroof. It's safe, it's attractive, it's economical.

Cassie: Wow, you're always thinking.

Jeffrey: Yeah, it's a curse. You want to hear something crazy?

Cassie: Go for it.

Jeffrey: Well, I'm not sure I want this to, you know, get out but...

Cassie: Your secret is safe with me.

Jeffrey: Well, I doubt that, but here it goes anyway. Ready?

Cassie: Okay, whisper, so no one can hear.

Jeffrey: Okay. Even though this baby isn't mine, a part of me feels like it is. And I kind of know what a real father would feel like, you know, waiting for the good news. It's crazy, huh?

Edmund: Dinah.

Dinah: Well, well, well. I was beginning to worry.

Edmund: No need to worry. We have everything under control.

Dinah: Yeah, we do. Cassie and Jeffrey are out on the front porch.

Edmund: I know, I saw them.

Dinah: Well, did they see you?

Edmund: No, of course not.

Dinah: Oh. Well, good. Are you ready then?

Edmund: Ready for what?

Dinah: ( Groaning )

Edmund: What? Dinah? Dinah? Dinah?

Dinah: Oh, look. My water broke.

Edmund: Dinah, don't do this. I will not let you do this. We have come far too far to let you do this, so stop. Luckily, they didn't hear us. Now...

Dinah: Oh.

Edmund: Shh, shh, shh. Listen. We need to make this real. We need to set a scene, and most important, we can't have Jeffrey O’Neill around when we do it. Cassie has to suffer alone when we shatter her maternal dreams. All right? All right? So take it easy. We don't need to rush this. Please, we don't want to make any mistakes. We need to pour as much salt as we possibly can into the wounds we make, all right?

Dinah: All right. Okay. We're going to do things your way. You're right, okay? We're going to do them your way.

Edmund: Yes, I am.

Dinah: ( Groans )

Edmund: Dinah!

Dinah: Just practicing.

Edmund: Look. Look. Put together the linens, all right? Gather the linens, and get the whole thing set up, all right? I will get rid of Jeffrey, and as soon as I get rid of Jeffrey and as soon as you're ready, it's show time, okay? And I'll give you the signal.

Dinah: Okay. I'm going to be ready when you are. Okay.

Edmund: Right.

Dinah: Yeah.

Edmund: Right.

Dinah: Okay. You are that mastermind.

Edmund: ( Laughs ) Dinah, stop it.

Dinah: Okay. I'll be ready when you are.

Tammy: I hereby command you, by the power of this promise ring: All the embarrassing details about your past.

Sandy: I've told you everything there is to know. If it's important, I have shared it with you.

Tammy: Then let's start on the silly stuff.

Sandy: Tammy.

Tammy: I want to know everything, Sandy. That's what building a future together is about, don't you think?

Sandy: Well, what I think is...

Tammy: You're not on the run, are you?

Sandy: What?

Tammy: From a murder you didn't commit? Or a murder you did?

Sandy: Yeah. I committed a murder. No murders.

Tammy: Well, it can't be something worse.

Sandy: What could be worse than a murder?

Tammy: You love vanilla ice, don't you? You still do?

Sandy: All right, that's just...

Tammy: O-Town.

Sandy: No, no, no, no, no.

Tammy: New Kids on the Block.

Sandy: Drop it, please.

Tammy: I'm sorry. Not this time. We've come too far, Sandy. We've shared too much, our hearts, our bodies. And this is a big step and it means a lot. It's a lot to live up to for both of us.

Sandy: Okay, then please listen to me.

Tammy: Listen to me. This could all fall apart in a heartbeat. I don't want to lose this chance.

Sandy: Neither do I.

Tammy: Then trust me. It's time to have faith in each other and what this is: You and me. The more we know, Sandy, the easier it will be to figure out who we are and why we are how we are.

Sandy: Sounds like I'm on a really bad talk show.

Tammy: You are. All right? And today's topic is "How well do you know your significant other?"

Sandy: And everybody just tuned out, because nobody cares.

Tammy: I care. I need to know more, Sandy, and I need to know now. Sandy Foster, who are you? Where did you come from?

Sandy: Just let it go. Please. Let it go.

Edmund: ( Clears throat )

Jeffrey: Oh.

Cassie: Edmund. Hi. What are you doing here? Is everything okay with Dinah? Did she call you?

Edmund: Oh, she's fine. She's perfectly fine. She’s... shh. She's feeling a bit, well, you know, on display, a bit overwhelmed, I think just somewhat emotionally fragile, so I think she should have a little quiet time. I think maybe some less company, too, so why don't I stay here, I'll look after her, make sure she gets the quiet time, and you two go. Go. Have a nice evening, enjoy yourselves. Freedom in your last hours.

Cassie: Really?

Jeffrey: Yeah. Everything's going to be fine. Nothing's going to happen tonight, and if it does, I'll just beep you, all right? So go. Laugh a little, drink plenty of wine, dance.

Jeffrey: Who are you?

Cassie: I don't know, Edmund. I don't know if, um...

Jeffrey: Grab your purse and let's get out of here before he changes his mind.

Cassie: I have my beeper, so please... thank you. We won't be late.

Jeffrey: Maybe.

Edmund: Okay. Have fun. Back by 1:00. ( Laughs ) Drive safe. Well, good little boys and girls off to... okay, I've got to take care of Michelle and Dinah.

Dinah: Hello, Edmund.

Edmund: Quite a night, isn't it?

Dinah: Where did Cassie and Jeffrey go?

Edmund: I have no idea. I came out here, and they were gone.

Marina: Hey, it's your own fault. Maybe you shouldn't have hit the guy.

Danny: I don't know what I feel worse about, letting that creep go when I wanted to break both of his arms...

Marina: Or?

Danny: Or that you were there. I let you see a part of me that I'm not really proud of.

Marina: I was surprised to see what I saw.

Danny: Marina, I can't promise you that you will never see it again. I mean, when I think about somebody trying to hurt you, all I can think about is how do I stop them and how do I keep you safe? What do I... I mean, what am I supposed to do with...with that?

Marina: I'm not helpless.

Danny: I know. I know you're not. I know. And I'm so proud of you for that. ( Sighs ) But there's one thing I've learned about myself, and that's when it comes to people that I care about, I can't help it. I just... I want to protect them. Nothing else matters. That comes first. It always will.

Marina: Danny, I'm training to be a cop. You know what that means.

Danny: Yeah, I do. That you're going to be at risk every single day.

Marina: And you can't be responsible for me. I have to take care of myself and you have to find some way to trust that.

Danny: I do. I do trust that, and I know you can and you will. Marina, just like you have to be who you are, I have to do the same. And I can't change that. I am always going to do everything in my power, always, to keep you safe. And that will never change.

Michelle: ( Sighs ) What are you waiting for? Come on, Michelle, you have to tell him. You can't be a chicken forever. Just go on, knock on the door. Just knock on the door and just show him your stomach.

Sandy: Tammy, you need to know that I made a promise to myself to never look back. Looking back is a mistake. Everything that's gone wrong in our lives is behind us. It's not important. What counts is today and tomorrow and all the days after that. And if you want to talk, let's do it. Let's talk. But let's focus on the future that we can build together-- you know, our plans, our hopes.

Tammy: We can do that, as soon as you tell me what you're holding back, what you're afraid of.

Sandy: The only thing I'm afraid of is your imagination running wild.

Tammy: Don't you know that there isn't anything you could tell me that would change how I feel, that would push me away? Not now. Not anymore. Look at me. Sandy, look at me, okay, please? I love you.

Sandy: I love you, too.

Tammy: Let me in.

Sandy: I have.

Tammy: All the way. You can, Sandy, if you just believe in me. And in us.

Sandy: Sometimes you have to just leave things alone and let them be.

Jeffrey: Come on.

Cassie: Thanks.

Jeffrey: Drink that. It'll help you feel less anxious.

Cassie: It's weird. I know Dinah’s going to go into labor tonight. I can just...

Jeffrey: Okay, you know what? Forget it. Let's just call the whole thing off. Let's go back right now.

Cassie: No, no, no. I don't want to do that. I don’t. Because, you know, Dinah certainly knows how to beep us. We know that. And I want to do what Edmund suggested: Have some fun while we still can.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Cassie: Okay.

Jeffrey: That was a little weird, though, the way he sent us off to play like that.

Cassie: Yeah, I know, it was. But I don't want to over-think it, I don’t. I just want to enjoy my time alone with you.

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Cassie: You know, babies run on their own schedule, especially a newborn. You can't make plans because they'll change them, so...

Jeffrey: Yeah. You know what? I want to keep that in mind.

Cassie: Really? Because this is where you run for the hills, Counselor.

Jeffrey: No. You know what, Cassie? I'm not... I'm not going to run anywhere. I want to help and if you need me, I'm not afraid. I'm willing to learn. I'm not going to go anywhere.

Cassie: Well.

Jeffrey: What? What's this? Tears of sympathy?

Cassie: It's your fault.

Jeffrey: What did I do now?

Cassie: Just you. That's enough.

Jeffrey: Thanks, I think?

Cassie: No, I... you're not the father of my baby, but you're the man in my life, and for the very first time I am going to raise a child with the man I love from the very beginning. I mean, uh... um...

Jeffrey: No, I think you... you said what you mean. You can take it back if you want.

Cassie: No, I don't want to take it back. It's not a mistake. I love you. ( Laughs )

Jeffrey: I know.

Cassie: You know?

Jeffrey: It took you long enough to admit it.

Dinah: This is driving me crazy.

Edmund: I don't know what you're talking about.

Dinah: Cassie and Jeffrey, they go away and you just keep putting this thing off, over and over again.

Edmund: Dinah, Dinah, Dinah, Dinah, stop. Stop. When I went outside, they were gone. I went to look for Jeffrey’s car; it was gone.

Dinah: Cassie rides off with Jeffrey when I'm in this condition? You know what? I don't buy it.

Edmund: Well, I don't think she went far.

Dinah: You know what? I think I'm going to beep her. I'm going to beep her because I bet she'll be back here before the phone call is over. I love redial. Don't you love redial? I'll bet she'll be back in about ten seconds. Ten, nine, eight, seven...

Edmund: Dinah, I don't know why you're doing this. Why are you turning what should be a glorious climax to our hard work into this ordeal?

Dinah: Come on, Baby, pick up.

Edmund: She's with Jeffrey O’Neill, which means she's distracted. Now, please, Dinah, stay here and take care of things. I'll go get Cassie, I'll bring her back here, and this game is over tonight. This whole game over. We destroy her world and then we begin ours.

Dinah: Good, because when she gets back here, I'm going to give you a performance that the two of you won't forget.

Edmund: Ooh, that's my girl, and I have all the faith in the world. And I won't be long, until of course you want me to be.

Dinah: I'm ready when you are.

Edmund: Okay, Michelle. Where the hell are you?

Danny: Look at this. Look what he did to you. I just... I want to spend every day and every night taking care of you.

Marina: I want that, too, but it needs to go both ways. We need to be able to take care of each other.

Danny: You're right. You're right. I want that to happen. I want to be the one that you come home to every day, and I want to wake up next to you every morning, and I want to fall asleep next to you every night. Hold you and feel you breathing beside me. I want us to live and share our lives together. I want you to be here with me.

Marina: I'm right here.

Danny: I love you, Marina. I don't know what took me so long to get there, why... it doesn't matter. Let's do it. Let's get on with it. Let’s... let's live our life together. Okay?

Marina: All right.

Hush little baby don't say a word, mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird and if that mockingbird don't sing, mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring and if that diamond ring turns brass, mama's gonna buy you a looking glass and if that looking glass gets broke, mama's gonna buy you a Billy goat no, no hush little baby and if that Billy goat don't pull, mama's gonna buy you a cart and bull and if that cart and bull turn over, mama's gonna buy you a dog named Rover and if that dog named Rover won't bark, mama's gonna buy you a horse and cart and if that horse and cart fall down, you'll still be the sweetest little baby in town. Lullaby and good night with pink roses delight with lilies over-spread in my baby's sweet head, hush little baby hush little baby don't say a word, mama's gonna buy you a Mockingbird.

Cassie: Next, on "Guiding Light"...

Bill: How's Tammy doing?

Jonathan: We're cool.

Tammy: So I'm not interested in your flowers or your apology.

Jonathan: Uh-oh. Trouble in paradise?

Reva: You know, you don't have to stick around. I'm not going to.

Josh: She's never going to fully come back to me because I'm not worth coming back to.

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