GL Transcript Monday 8/29/05

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 8/29/05



Provided by Boo
Proofread by Laura

Beth: Spare a little time for your wife?

Alan: Well, is it visiting hours already?

Beth: I slipped the guards a little money. It extends hours.

Alan: Yes, it looks like you've been shopping, as well.

Beth: ( Laughs ) I brought you some more books.

Alan: Patrick O’Brien. How did you know?

Beth: You are the "Master and Commander."

Alan: Any news from the outside world?

Beth: Good news.

Alan: Hm?

Beth: I convinced Lizzie to come home. All it took was some minor arm twisting and...

Alan: A little cash incentive?

Beth: You know your granddaughter.

Alan: ( Laughs ) I sure do.

Beth: It's good to see you, Alan. You're the only person I can really talk to these days.

Alan: Likewise. Of course, isn't that what a good marriage is all about?

Alexandra: So, it's true? You two... you two are, what, married?

Alan: Alexandra, did you come here to congratulate us?

Alexandra: Have you both gone crazy? Both?

Alan: Well, if we have, we're in the right place.

Beth: ( Laughs )

Alan: ( Chuckles )

Lizzie: Earth to Coop. Don't just sit there. I asked you to marry me. This is when you're supposed to pull you into a romantic embrace and say...

Coop: Lizzie, are you out of your mind?

Lizzie: No, actually, you're supposed to...

Coop: Lizzie, I...

Lizzie: Okay, you know what? I have the ring. Just put it on my finger and confess your undying love for me.

Mallet: Listen, Sherman, it's Mallet. I want you to keep your line open while you're backing up Marina Cooper tonight, okay? And if anything looks wonky on her undercover gig, I want my phone to ring. Great. Thank you.

Buzz: "Wonky?" I don't like the sound of that. Is everything okay? Dinner okay?

Mallet: Yeah, it was great. I'm fine. And your concern is touching, Buzz. Thank you.

Buzz: I know. That phone call, with the police stuff: Serious?

Mallet: No, no. It's actually just kind of routine stuff, actually.

Buzz: Frank keeping you busy?

Mallet: Yes, yes. You know Frank.

Buzz: He says it's great to have you back.

Mallet: Well, you know, it's good to be back and get a chance to be in the Coopers' good graces again.

Buzz: I'm glad that Marina is learning the ropes from you.

Marina: ( Struggles ) Where did you learn to kiss like that? The fifth grade? I came out here for some fake ID, not to get all manhandled.

Brett: You're going to get both. What are you looking at? Nobody's out here. Nobody's going to see anything.

Marina: Look, I came out here with somebody so if you don't get your hands off of me right now...

Brett: Well, I don't see them, so I guess my hands are going wherever they want.

Edmund: Right. It won't be long now, my little one.

Michelle: Ow! What was that?

Edmund: Just a fly. It was on your arm. I swatted it away. It's nothing. Just go back to sleep.

Housekeeper: Are you having trouble finding your room, sir?

Danny: No, actually, I'm looking for my wife, but I can't remember what room she's in. I know she's on this floor and...

Housekeeper: Keep looking. That's Edmund Winslow’s room.

Danny: Oh. Thank you. ( Knocks on door ) Edmund?

Marina: Look, why don't you get your hands off of me before you get hurt and we'll pretend like this never happened.

Brett: What is that? Some kind of good advice? What are you waiting for? Your superhero to come down here and save you?

Marina: Look, I don't even know why I'm trying to be nice to you. You're the one who's going to need the saving, not me.

Brett: Ow! ( Groaning )

Sherman: Cooper, you okay?

Marina: I'm great. Just peachy. It's nice to see you.

Sherman: You look like it got a little rough.

Marina: Yeah, well, some people just don't seem to understand that no means no. Why don't you read him his rights? I'm going to call Detective Mallet.

Sherman: Cooper. I'm sorry. I didn't know...

Marina: Don't worry about it, okay? But you owe me one. ( Cell phone ringing )

Mallet: Yeah, Mallet.

Marina: Get down here, okay?

Mallet: Are you okay?

Marina: I'm fine. Just get down here.

Lizzie: Put it on my hand. Make an honest woman out of me.

Coop: No... Lizzie, where did you even get this?

Lizzie: I didn't steal it, if that's what you're thinking. I don't get why it's so hard for you to just say those magic words and let us just do it. Put it on my hand.

Coop: Lizzie, you asked... you really want us to get married?

Lizzie: Um, yes. But you have to say that word, not me.

Coop: Come on. I mean, we can barely go to the movies without trying to strangle each other.

Lizzie: Or rip each other's clothes off. Do you know what that is? What you said and what I just said? That's love. That's passion. It's like wanting to kill someone, but it's marriage.

Coop: Whoa. Whoa.

Lizzie: Coop, we belong together. Why do you keep denying that?

Coop: Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. Okay. Now, I like the sound of that, but honestly, that's sounding a lot like revenge, too.

Lizzie: You think I'm going to try to get revenge, get even with you by marrying you and then making you miserable or something?

Coop: No. Like maybe getting even with your mom and your grandfather, and you're just using me to do it.

Alexandra: Alan. Alan, listen. Aren't you the least bit ashamed of yourself?

Alan: No, not at all.

Alexandra: Is this insanity contagious? Or is there just one shred of common sense maybe I could appeal to.

Alan: I have treasured Beth for quite some time. You know that. I loved her as a daughter-in- law. Why can't I love her in a different way?

Alexandra: Oh, my God.

Alan: Look, she has always put our family interest ahead of her own. Now, she's had her trouble, of course-- we all have had our troubles-- but I want this family to heal, and I will heal it any way I can.  Ok

Beth: And I do love Alan.

Alexandra: Alan, may I borrow your bride for just a moment? I'm going to welcome her into this family as my... ( gasps ) .my new...

Beth: Sister-in-law?

Alexandra: Yes. I'd just like to do it woman-to-woman.

Alan: Well, thank you for trying to understand.

Alexandra: Oh, I'm trying. I'm trying.

Alan: You girls go and have your little chat.

Alexandra: Beth...

Beth: No lectures, please. If my mother can accept my marriage...

Alexandra: Lillian is happy? ( Laughs ) Happy about being Alan’s mother- in-law? I doubt that very much.

Beth: She wants me to be safe and happy. And Alan was speaking from the heart in there. All he wants is for everyone to heal.

Alexandra: What do you hope to get out of this, Beth?

Beth: Both Alan and I are very happy with this arrangement.

Alexandra: Beth, you are in so far over your head. You get this marriage annulled immediately or you are going to be so very, very, very sorry.

 ( Knocking on door )

Edmund: It's housekeeping. It's housekeeping, I think. Don't worry about it. Just sleep. I'll be right back, all right? Just go to sleep.

Danny: Oh. Hey, Edmund.

Edmund: Danny.

Danny: I hope I'm not interrupting anything.

Edmund: No, Danny. I wasn't expecting you.

Danny: Well, yeah. Why would you?

Edmund: Oh, no. I was just... sorry. I was expecting someone else. But what can I do for you?

Danny: Well, I'm looking for Michelle. I heard that she might be staying here at Towers.

Edmund: No, no. I haven't seen her. I haven't seen her. But I'm sorry, Danny, I really have a lot of work to do, so if you'll excuse me.

Danny: Edmund, why are you... why are you sweating?

Edmund: Oh, sweating? The, uh... the air conditioning in my room shut off. I called maintenance to do something about it, but they haven't come up here.

Danny: You want me to take a look at it?

Edmund: Thanks, Danny, but you are no home repairman.

Danny: Well, when you own buildings, you get to be good at a lot of little things. Let me in. I'll check it out.

Marina: Do you understand these rights as I have stated them to you?

Brett: Sure. You know, you should have let me get a little closer to you, Baby. Then maybe you'd actually have something to hold me on.

Marina: Enjoy jail.

Mallet: I just talked to Sherman. Did you take this guy down by yourself?

Marina: Yeah, but I really didn't have a choice. He wanted to go outside.

Mallet: And you went? You went with him?

Marina: Well, he said he had his equipment in the car. I don't know, that's what he said. Anyway, if you can't bust him on fake IDs, you can definitely bust him on something else now.

Mallet: Listen to me. Don't ever, ever sacrifice yourself like this again. Not for a bust, not for the department, not for anything or anyone. You understand?

Marina: It all worked out, right? I mean, I'm fine; he's in cuffs.

Mallet: You were lucky. And where the hell was Sherman in all this?

Marina: I couldn't wait for my backup. I was about to...

Mallet: Damn it, Harley, you're always pushing the envelope.

Marina: Marina.

Mallet: What?

Marina: You said "Harley." I think you meant "Damn it, Marina."

Mallet: Yeah, that was... that was a slip. Sorry.

Marina: Well, it's okay. I'll take it as a compliment.

Mallet: ( Chuckles ) Great.

Marina: I made the bust, didn't I?

Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, you did. But are you okay?

Marina: Yeah. I mean, I'd like to interrogate the guy, but...

Mallet: No, no, no. You're going to take the rest of the day off.

Marina: Thanks.

Mallet: Hey. Good work.

Olivia: No, no. I said Outskirts. Okay, I'll see you when I'll see you. Bye. Uh, whatever you've got on tap, make it two. Hi.

Marina: Are you going to drink those both?

Olivia: No. No. Whatever happened to you today, I think you've earned a drink.

Marina: ( Sobs )

Olivia: Hey. Hey. Come here. It's okay.

Lizzie: Okay, can we just not assume that everything I do is backhanded or has some other kind of motive, like I'm trying to get someone back?

Coop: Oh, Lizzie, please. Come on, all right? This is Coop you're talking to, okay?

Lizzie: I don't get why you can't just say, "Okay, Lizzie, yes, I want to marry you."

Coop: This is what I know. Come here. Have a seat. Your mom just married your grandfather, who is now your stepdad, okay? Who's also the same person who murdered your father.

Lizzie: When you say it like that, it’s...

Coop: Oh, come on, Lizzie. There are tons of ways of dealing with this. There are. Okay? But running off and getting married, engaged, whatever you want to call it, this is not one of them, okay? And you know that.

Lizzie: Oh, thank you, Coop, really for your free therapy.

Coop: I'm just stating some facts here, Lizzie, that's all.

Lizzie: Well, you know what? The facts stink!

Coop: I know they do! I know that. But please don't think that I wasn't tempted.

Lizzie: Oh, really? You're not just saying that to make me feel great?

Coop: No, I'm not just saying that to make you feel great. Lizzie, when you showed me this ring, I envisioned you in a white dress, me in a tux, lots of flowers around and fountains and ice sculptures. I mean, even little Roxy there, even her walking down the aisle as a... whatchamacallit.

Lizzie: A flower girl.

Coop: Yeah, the flower girl. Exactly.

Lizzie: I could just see her like that. She's adorable.

Coop: Yeah.

Lizzie: That would be a dream.

Coop: It would be. It is a dream. It's a fantasy, Lizzie. You and I, we're not there yet.

Lizzie: But maybe one day we will be.

Coop: Yeah, I mean, who knows?

Lizzie: Yeah. Who knows?

Coop: Forget about your mom. Forget about Alan. Forget about us getting married. Just focus on me right now. Focus on us. Focus on right now.

Lizzie: I like being us.

Coop: I like being us, too.

Beth: I don't want to do this, Alex.

Alexandra: Well, I don't care what you want to do. You know? I'm not going to stand by and watch this travesty of a marriage continue.

Beth: I'd prefer to be your friend.

Alexandra: Well, I don't need any more friends, Beth. What in the world has gotten into you? You're not the first Mrs. Alan Spaulding and you're certainly not going to be the last, you know?

Beth: I am what I am to Alan right now, and that's all that matters to me.

Alexandra: Is it? I think you've forgotten who you're talking to. Because I know you, Beth. I care about you. I have stood up for you in the past.

Beth: I know that.

Alexandra: But it's not only that. I admire you-- your wit, your charm, your beauty. Come on, we all know what a fine artist you are. But Beth, do you really think that you're in the position that you can assume the, in a sense, leadership of this family? Because I don’t.

Beth: There's no "In a sense" about it. Alan asked me to share his life; he wants to share mine. And after everything we've been through, who else could understand us? Maybe he is exactly what I need. How's your love life as a Spaulding?

Alexandra: Oh, come on. You're missing the point.

Beth: What point? You mean the fact that you've been brown-nosing Gus for months and now it turns out he may not have all the power?

Alexandra: Okay, fine, fine. You... well, enjoy this as long as you can because very soon you're going to be out on your backside, just like all the others.

Beth: Are you really concerned about me and my backside, Alex? Or are you more worried about me becoming the most powerful woman in the family?

Alan: How was your girl talk?

Beth: She doesn't understand.

Alan: It's not important that she understands, Beth. It's important that she accepts my choices and stays out of my way.

Beth: Well, will she?

Alan: What do you think?

Beth: Who's more important, Alan? Me or your sister?

Alan: You are.

Beth: Then tell me how to stop Alexandra before she stops me.

Edmund: Well, that's very generous of you, Danny, but... but I pay a lot of money to live here and I think they should come to fix the air conditioner when I call them to fix the air conditioner.

Danny: I'm sure you do, but I can do it.

Edmund: And I know you can, I know you can. But no thanks. This really is quite all right. So, you go find your wife.

Danny: Ex-wife.

Edmund: Yes. Yes, of course. Are you looking for her for a specific reason?

Danny: Yeah, actually I am. Our child.

Edmund: Child?

Danny: Our son? Robbie? He misses her and I really want her to see him.

Edmund: Right. Robbie. Well, Danny, I haven't seen her, so I'm sorry, and if I do see her, I'll be sure to tell her that you were looking for her.

Danny: Thanks. ( Rattling in other room ) What was that?

Edmund: I really do need to get back.

Danny: Oh. You're not alone.

Edmund: ( Laughs weakly )

Buzz: ( Clears throat )

Coop: Pops. Hey.

Buzz: Someone lose something?

Coop: Yes, actually. And I'm glad you found it because Lizzie, uh, has been looking for this.

Lizzie: Yes. Thank you so much, Buzz.

Buzz: You should be more careful. It looks like a very special ring.

Lizzie: Uh, you know, I think I'm going to go put it in my jewelry box upstairs. Who knows if I'll ever have to find it again.

Coop: Well, uh... yeah, okay, all right, I know what you're thinking, but...

Buzz: My son tossing away a once-in-a-lifetime chance to go to Oxford?

Coop: No, I'm not tossing or throwing anything away, Pops. I mean, did you see the ring on her finger?

Buzz: Yeah, what was she doing with it?

Coop: I don't know what she's doing...

Buzz: Did you tell her about Oxford?

Coop: No, I didn't tell her about that yet.

Buzz: Well, what are you waiting for?

Coop: Pops, please. Just stay out of it.

Buzz: Did you buy that ring for her?

Coop: No, I didn't buy the ring for her.

Buzz: Are you going to... what are you going to... are you going to ask her to marry you?

Coop: What if I want to? Okay? I mean, and there's nothing that you can do about that. God! ( Frustrated growl )

Alan: So, if she tries to take advantage of you or undermine you in any way, use that as leverage. But don't tell her I told you.

Beth: No, no, of course not. Alan, thank you for believing in me. You have no idea how much your companionship means.

Alan: You know something, Beth? You know how much I trust you. I trust you with our family, my future, my life.

Beth: I just hate seeing you in this cage.

Alan: It's all right. Knowing you're out in the world, I feel connected, I feel a certain freedom, because I feel together, there's nothing that you and I can't do. But you know, there's one thing I would like. I would like to see my granddaughter.

Beth: I think I can get Lizzie to come and visit you.

Alan: Good. I would like that a lot.

Olivia: So, tell me what happened?

Marina: I came here to try to get some guy to show me his fake IDs and sell me one so we could bust him, and get to his customers.

Olivia: That would explain the outfit.

Marina: Yeah. So, he says "let's go outside," and I followed him, without my backup.

Olivia: Marina.

Marina: I know, it was a really stupid thing, right? But I wanted to bust him. And then he started getting really physical and I actually thought he was going to...

Olivia: You got out of it, right?

Marina: Yeah. I guess I really crushed the guy's "spirit."

Olivia: That's the thing to do, kick him right in the spirit. But it shook you up, didn't it?

Marina: Yeah. Nothing really happened, but still...

Olivia: You felt kind of ashamed and stupid.

Marina: Yeah. How do you know? Experience?

Olivia: Unfortunately, yeah.

Marina: You want to talk about it?

Olivia: I'm going to tell you something that I've only told one other person. When I was a young girl, I had a crush on a boy. I liked him a lot and I really wanted him to like me, too, but I didn't even think he would know my name. He was older and he was one of those guys who could have any girl he wanted. But he asked me out. And I was so excited. We went out and had a great time. He was really nice. And then we got to the end of the night and I thought it was okay. I just gave him a kiss goodnight and. he just wanted more. A lot more. And so he, um... he took what he wanted.

Marina: I am so sorry.

Olivia: Me, too. It's not my fault. It's not my fault, and it has taken me a long time, I was going to say "to learn how to trust," but I don't think I'm really there yet. The point is, you can't let what happened tonight come between you and Danny. Okay? You love the guy and that's all you need. You remember that.

Edmund: ( Chuckles weakly ) Danny. No, it's just... it's Dinah inside. She's not feeling well and it's taken me a while to get her to lie down, so I think I should really...

Danny: Well, yeah, of course. I mean, why didn't you just say that?

Edmund: Well...

Danny: I'm sorry. ( Cell phone ringing ) Sorry to interrupt you. Speak of the devil. It's Michelle.

Edmund: What?

Danny: Michelle? Where are you?

Michelle: Hey, I, um... I've been trying to reach you. I'm actually in my car on my way to DC.

Danny: Washington? Why?

Michelle: To visit my uncle Mike. Is that a problem?

Danny: No, Michelle. No. But you know, you called Robbie at camp and then he got homesick and he misses you, and you haven't seen him since you got back. You need to see him.

Michelle: ( Sighs ) You know, I'm really sorry. I'm almost there. I wish I had known.

Danny: Well, I've been leaving you a million... ( Sighs ) forget it. When do you think you'll be back?

Michelle: As soon as I can. Look, I'll give Robbie a call. I promise, I'll call him. But I really shouldn't be talking and driving at the same time, so, um, I'll call him. Give him a kiss for me, okay? Bye.

Edmund: Is everything all right?

Danny: Huh? Yeah. It's fine. Look, I'm sorry I bothered you. Good luck with the baby.

Edmund: Thank you. Michelle, what... what... what are you doing out of bed?

Michelle: I felt a little funny.

Edmund: You felt funny? What do you mean, funny?

Michelle: I don't know. I'm fine. I bumped the table and... where's Danny?

Edmund: He's gone. He's gone, Michelle. I can only imagine how hard it is for you to say goodbye to Danny but I want you to understand that I understand why you're doing it.

Michelle: I can't Edmund. Not anymore. I'm going to go after him. I don't even care who the father is anymore. I have to tell Danny everything.

Alexandra: Coop. Where's your father?

Coop: Well, he went for a walk to cool off.

Alexandra: Cool off from what?

Coop: From me.

Alexandra: Really?

Coop: Lucky me, I got accepted to Oxford University, into the Creative Writing program.

Alexandra: Wow. ( Laughs ) Coop, that's wonderful. When do you leave? You're going to go, aren't you?

Coop: That's the thing. Lizzie just asked me to marry her.

Beth: Lizzie, I just saw your grandfather.

Lizzie: Oh. Is that what you're still calling him?

Beth: He misses you and I thought maybe you could come with me the next time I visited.

Lizzie: Well, you know, I might just be too busy getting married.

Olivia: Thanks. So, I can drive you back to Company. I'm going over there myself. Besides, friends don't let friends drive in outfits like that.

Marina: Thank you. For everything.

Olivia: No, thank you. I needed to talk to somebody about that.

Danny: Hey. What are you doing here? Hi, Olivia. Are you done with work?

Marina: Yeah. I was just going to call you but then I ran into Olivia.

Danny: What's going on?

Marina: Nothing. We were just having some girl talk, just trading old war stories.

Olivia: Comparing battle wounds.

Marina: Actually, we were going to head over to Company.

Danny: What happened? What happened to your shirt?

Marina: Nothing. It's fine. I took care of it, that's all. Do you want to go celebrate my first successful bust?

Danny: Yeah, of course I do. Congratulations. Yeah. I just... I came here for a little business, so why don't you go ahead. I'll catch up.

Marina: Okay.

Danny: Okay?

Marina: Well, don't be too long.

Danny: Okay.

Marina: All right.

Danny: Yeah, Mallet? This is Danny Santos. I'm at Outskirts.

Michelle: Are you standing in my way?

Edmund: Michelle, you just woke up. You're groggy. I don't think you're thinking clearly.

Michelle: Edmund, hiding the truth from Danny is a mistake. He could be the father of this baby.

Edmund: And what if he's not? What if you sweep back into his life with that news and he insists on taking care of you anyway? He puts his whole life on hold.

Michelle: You're right. You're right. I can't let him do that. No. I'm going to have to be strong, not just for me but for this baby and for everyone else that I love.

Edmund: Now, that's the answer I wanted to hear, Michelle. You're amazing.

Michelle: Whoa. I'm not feeling so well.

Edmund: Well, come on. Let's lie down.

Michelle: No, you know, I actually need to use your bathroom. I feel a little queasy.

Edmund: Right. All right. Any time now. Any time.

Beth: This is a joke, right?

Lizzie: No. We're in love.

Beth: Lizzie, please. Where did you...

Lizzie: I bought it.

Beth: With what? You didn’t. Don't tell me that you took the money I gave you and you bought a diamond ring?

Lizzie: Actually, it's an engagement ring, but I'm going to use it as my wedding band as well, so I can actually save money that way.

Beth: Your wedding?

Lizzie: Yeah. I got the ring. Coop asked me. It's just like you and granddad. He loves me and I love him. The ring's just a bonus.

Beth: This is outrageous.

Lizzie: Is that a good outrageous or a bad outrageous?

Beth: You are not marrying Henry Cooper Bradshaw or anyone else for that matter. You're going to return that ring, get a refund, give me my money back and consider yourself grounded.

Lizzie: You can't ground me. I don't live with you. Oh, you know what, by the way? I'm not going to ever move back.

Coop: Hey. Look, Lizzie. Lizzie, Lizzie, we need to talk.

Lizzie: No, we don’t. You've already made yourself clear.

Alexandra: Beth. Well, the first test in handling this family is how we handle Lizzie, and since we all know that you have failed fantastically-- brilliantly in fashion-- in that way...

Beth: Not now, Alex.

Alexandra: Not now? We're the Spaulding’s, dear. Everything happens with us "right now."

Marina: Olivia? Um, thank you for your backup there, with Danny.

Olivia: Yeah. No, I'm good for a couple saves a year. Especially if I like you. Can I give you some advice?

Marina: Sure.

Olivia: You were attacked, you know? That's going to do something to you inside. You can't keep it from Danny, okay? Not if you want your relationship to work.

Marina: I know.

Olivia: So just take your time, do the right thing. What am I saying? It's, like, in your Cooper DNA to do the right thing. ( Laughter )

Buzz: Did I see you leave in those clothes? I'm sounding like Frank.

Marina: I was on the job.

Buzz: Are you off the clock now? Why don't you change?

Marina: After a long, hot shower.

Olivia: Oh, and then you can celebrate Marina's first official bust.

Buzz: Oh, you made an arrest tonight.

Marina: That's what I'm training to do.

Buzz: And you came back in one piece, sort of. Was it dangerous? I don't want to ask. Don't tell me. You're home, you're safe, that's good. Go clean up and I'll have a... make you a burger or something. ( Sighs )

Olivia: I know you're worried about her, but she really did take care of herself.

Buzz: Oh, please. That's what Harley used to say. I can never get used to this. I wish I could lock her in a closet someplace and keep her from ever wearing a badge.

Olivia: Uh-huh. Did that work with Harley?

Buzz: Not much.

Olivia: Uh-huh. If you want to help her, just make the burger a double and break out a nice bottle of wine.

Buzz: Make a fuss over her?

Olivia: Something tells me you're good at it.

Buzz: Well, she makes it easy. You all do.

Olivia: Well, you're lucky that you have each other. It's nice.

Buzz: Olivia? I don't know what I walked in on out here but it looks like you were doing her some good.

Olivia: I can be levelheaded.

Buzz: Don't make it a habit. People will expect that.

Olivia: ( Laughs ) God forbid.

Buzz: Why don't you stay? Marina would like it. You could help me pick out some wine.

Olivia: Sure. Sure.

Alan: I understand what you're saying, but you know, you may be surprised to learn that marriage has always agreed with me. I know I haven't been successful at it and that's why I want so hard for this one to work. Yeah. Well, being in here has its merit. I mean, it gives me a chance to reflect and gives me a perspective on things. Well, that's what I want to talk to you about, because if you've been following what's been going on in the past few months, I'm sure you've come to the same conclusion. It's time.

Mallet: Hi, Danny. Is Marina around?

Danny: No. No, she went to Company. It's a big night for her tonight, huh?

Mallet: Yeah. Yeah. I don't blame you for feeling a little concerned. It's the job, though, you know? Things are going to happen.

Danny: Yeah. I guess I'm just going to have to get used to it.

Mallet: Well, I'm not saying it's an everyday thing what happened today. It's just... well, it's never going to happen again to Marina on my watch, I'll tell you that.

Danny: Well, no offense, but she was on your watch tonight and something went wrong. I mean, how did... how do you think that happened?

Mallet: It's a combination of things. Her backup got distracted. She got impatient and tried to nail the guy herself.

Danny: I guess Marina's really taken her training to heart.

Mallet: Yeah, well, she's going to have to. I mean, a woman in a job like this, these things can happen.

Danny: So she fought this guy off?

Mallet: Yes, she did, until her backup arrived.

Danny: Good. And the guy who attacked her, this...

Mallet: Brett Roth. Little jerk made bail, too, but I talked to the DA's office. He's going to spend some time in jail.

Danny: Good. Good. All right. Well, thank you and why don't you help this guy out with whatever he wants. I'm going to go check on Marina.

Mallet: Right. I'm sure she'll be glad to see you, and thanks, Danny, for the drink. Oh, and tell Marina, too, that she did a good job tonight. She’s... she's a natural.

Danny: Will do. Yeah, hey, it's me. I'm good. I'm good. Listen, do you... do you know a guy named Brett Roth? You do? Do you know where I can find him? No, no, I don't know him, but I owe him something.

Edmund: Michelle? Michelle? I'm not a doctor, but maybe you're experiencing the onset of labor. Michelle? Michelle, look, I don't mean to bother you. Well, no, actually, I do. You see, I'm worried. Michelle! Michelle? Damn it. Where did she go? With that drug in her, she could go into labor any minute.

Michelle: I'm coming, Danny. I can't keep this from you anymore.

Announcer:  Next, on "Guiding Light."

Danny: I want to spend every day and every night taking care of you.

Marina: Call me back, Danny.

Michelle: I never stopped loving him.

Danny: I want us to live and share our lives together.

Olivia: Should I start the contractions without you?

Edmund: No contractions for you and no contractions for Michelle, at least not until I find her.

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