Guiding Light Transcript Friday 8/26/05
Provided By Boo
Lizzie: Man, our whole world has just
completely turned upside down. It wasn't bad enough that Mom took away the
family money, she had to go away and marry Granddad. Do you think she ever
thought about how that would make us feel? You know what? We're going to make
sure she does.
Coop: ( Clears throat )
Lizzie: Hi.
Coop: Hi, yourself. What are you two fine
young ladies doing out here?
Lizzie: Waiting for you to come out here and
cheer us up.
Coop: Something tells me that you're already
in a good mood.
Lizzie: Let's just say I've been doing some
thinking of my own.
Coop: Oh, yeah? Like what?
Lizzie: I'm not going to let my mom get to
me anymore. I'm going to get even. Don't leave, though. We've got some plans to
make. Mom?
Beth: Lizzie, I am on my way to a hospital
board meeting.
Lizzie: I've been looking for you everywhere.
Beth: If you are here to hurl more criticism
at me for marrying Alan, I did what I thought was best for you and your
brother. Lizzie?
Lizzie: I can't do it, Mom. I can't do it
anymore. You were right. I'm not ready for this. I want to come home.
Marina: Have I already mentioned to you how
well worth the wait this was?
Danny: Once or twice. But feel free to keep
telling me. You're doing wonders for my ego. Not to mention the rest of my
body. ( Cell phone ringing )
Marina: ( Groans ) Is that you or me?
Danny: It's you, but don't answer it.
Marina: I have to. If it's my instructor, I
have to get it.
Danny: No.
Marina: ( Groans ) A cadet's work is never
finished. Hello? Yes, sir. Yes, sir, I'll be right there.
Danny: ( Groans ) No, no.
Marina: I have to go.
Danny: No.
Marina: Yes! But I will call you...
Danny: You've got a special assignment or
Marina: ...When I'm done. I don't know,
we'll see.
Danny: You know, I am kind of warming up to
this idea of you being a cop.
Marina: Oh, yeah?
Danny: Uh-huh. Because not only do you look
incredibly hot and sexy in that uniform of yours, but I kind of like the idea
of you being out there, spending all your time fighting crime, making up for
all those years I caused it.
Marina: Yeah. Well, I don't think I'm going
to be fighting much crime today. More like practicing writing parking tickets.
Danny: Okay. Either way, I'm such a lucky
Michelle: Is there any way you can fit me in
for an amnio this afternoon? Nope, I can do that. I can do that. Great. Thank
you. Oh. Oh, and can you run a paternity test right away? Good, okay. The
potential father? No. No, a blood sample is not going to be possible, but I do
have a couple of strands of his hair. Is that going to be enough to do a DNA
match? Great. Okay. Thanks, I'm on my way. ( Struggling with door )
Rick: Hey, Edmund. So, what the hell do you
think you're doing in there?
Michelle: There are ways to induce labor.
I mean, laprosin is a commonly prescribed drug.
Edmund: Uh, yes. Well, um, Rick, sorry, I've
got a splitting headache and I just wanted to see if I could find some aspirin,
but I didn't find any here. Let me ask the nurses at the station. Perhaps they
Rick: Nice try.
Buzz: Coop.
Coop: Dad.
Buzz: Mail. Postcard. From Harley.
Coop: How?
Buzz: Athens?
Coop: Harley and Gus just left to go on
their honeymoon.
Buzz: "Dearest Dad, Frank, Coop and Marina.
Greetings from Greece. Well, okay, greetings from the airport en route to Greece.
We're going to be having way too much fun on our honeymoon to write you, so
this will have to do. Love to you and see you soon, Harley and Gus."
Coop: Aw, that's so sweet. This is
postdated, like, two days ago. They're nuts, Dad.
Buzz: They're my kind of nuts. They're in
love. Here's something for you.
Coop: Hm? Oxford University? What? This says
I've been accepted into the creative writing program at Oxford University. But
I didn't even apply. How did this happen?
Lizzie: You know, I tried to live on less
money like the Coopers. I tried to have a budget. It was awful. I mean, I can't
afford a pedicure, I can't afford a Grande skim half-hazelnut half-mocha latte
and I'm behind on shopping for my fall clothes.
Beth: Welcome to the real world, Lizzie.
Maybe now you'll appreciate just how much your family has given you over the
Lizzie: I do appreciate it. I swear I do,
Beth: Yes, well, it's too bad you didn't
realize this sooner.
Lizzie: Mom?
Beth: At Gus and Harley’s wedding, I told
you that if you weren't careful, when you finally realized that you wanted to
come back to us, it might just be too late.
Lizzie: But you're saying that now that I
want to come back home you're not going to let me?
Marina: I have to go.
Danny: No, no, no.
Marina: I do. I do.
Danny: Come on, can't the jaywalkers go free
for a day?
Marina: No.
Danny: Come on. Can't you call in sick?
Marina: No.
Danny: Please? Maybe car trouble?
Marina: ( Laughs ) No. I cannot lie to the
cops. But it is good to know that you'll miss me.
Danny: I will.
Marina: I will call you when I'm done.
Danny: Hey. Be careful. ( Cell phone ringing
Danny: This is Danny Santos. Yeah, I'm Robbie’s
dad. Why? Is he okay? He's homesick? He told me that he was loving day camp.
What happened? His mother called him. Hm. And he misses her. Okay. Yeah, no, I
understand. I'll come right over and pick him up. Thank you.
Edmund: I'm sorry, Rick. Is there a problem?
Rick: Only authorized personnel are allowed
in that medicine cabinet, for starters.
Edmund: Really? Because it was open. It
wasn't locked.
Rick: It was open? Is that supposed to be a
Edmund: Look, Rick, if I've done something
wrong, I apologize, but I've had a splitting headache. I've had it all day long
and I'm just desperate to get rid of it. I don't know whether it's worrying
about the baby coming or if something's going to go wrong, I don't know. You
know what that's like.
Rick: Me and every other man who's a father.
So you're telling me you were looking for aspirin.
Edmund: Yes. I just... I couldn't find any,
so if I went to the nurse's desk...
Rick: Then what's this in your hand?
Edmund: Rick.
Rick: Hydrocodone. This is a very powerful
prescription pain reliever you have here.
Edmund: It's a bad headache.
Rick: It's also very addictive, so why don't
you just tell me how long you've been hooked on this stuff?
Edmund: ( Laughs ) I'm not hooked, Rick.
Rick: Only an addict steals medicine from a
Edmund: Okay, okay, okay. Look, I was in a
boating accident in San Cristobel a few years ago. I really hurt my back and the
doctor prescribed me this stuff, and it's just...
Rick: And when it came time to stop, you did
Edmund: I couldn’t. God, I couldn’t. I
tried, Rick. I have cut down. I am so weak.
Rick: Well, listen, I can certainly relate.
I had a problem with prescription pills many years ago.
Edmund: Then you understand. I mean...
Rick: I understand you've got to find a way
to quit. This stuff will cause liver damage, kidney damage.
Edmund: I want to quit. I do, Rick. I want
to quit. But just one.
Rick: Okay, you know what I'm going to do?
I'm going to give you the number of a rehab center. It's very good. It's also
very discreet.
Edmund: Okay. I appreciate this, Rick.
Rick: Make sure you call them. Listen, don't
think that you can do this by yourself.
Edmund: I don’t.
Rick: Don't think that you can put this off.
I want you to call them right away.
Edmund: I will. I will, Rick. Thank you.
Thank you. ( Key jingling )
Rick: Edmund, I want you to call them, okay?
Because when I get back to my office, I'm going to call the clinic and I'm
going to tell them that I referred you to them, so if you don't show up, I'll
know about it.
Edmund: I'll call. I'll call, Rick. Thank
you. Thanks very much. Thank you.
Michelle: I don't believe this. ( Sighs ) Hi,
I'm in suite 625 and I can't get my door open. I've tried everything; it just
won't budge. Can you guys send somebody up here, please? Great, because I have
to run to a doctor's appointment in Clayton. Thank you.
Edmund: "Laprosin". Ooh, a
warning. "Controlled substance. Professional medical use only. For stage
one labor induction." Well, thank you, Dr. Bauer. You and your sister have
been very helpful.
Mallet: You're late, Cooper.
Marina: I am not. I'm five minutes early.
But I like the attempt at being the hard-line CO.
Mallet: Well, I am your CO-- chief's
orders-- and don't you forget it. What is that? Stand up tall when you do that,
cadet, or I'll make sure you never graduate from the academy.
Marina: Yeah, okay. So what's my duty for
the day? You going to put me on animal control or sanitation compliance? I know
if my dad had his way I'd be spending the rest of my career behind a desk.
Mallet: Well, this assignment is not from
your dad. And anyway, I told Frank that if he wanted a supervisor that was
going to coddle his daughter, he's got the wrong guy because I think you've got
a little bit of your aunt in you. So if I did chain you to a desk, you would
just drag it out into the street and start whacking bad guys with it. Right?
Marina: You do know us Cooper women well.
Mallet: Yes, I do. Now listen, here's the
deal: I'm going to treat you like any other cadet on my watch, okay? But you're
going to have to wipe that smile off your face and you're going to have to
refer to me as "Sir."
Marina: Yes, Sir.
Mallet: At least in public, okay? You got
Marina: Yes.
Mallet: Okay.
Marina: So, are you going to send me on a
real assignment? What is it? Is it, like, a drug bust or a stakeout?
Mallet: No, actually... I need you to look
hot and flirt with a guy in a bar.
Coop: There must have been another Henry Bradshaw
that applied.
Buzz: No, there's no other Henry Bradshaw.
The work that Mr. Amis was so impressed with was yours. I picked five of your
best stories and sent them off to Oxford with an application.
Coop: You what?
Buzz: Well, you know, I tried to tell you
how talented you are. I thought maybe if you heard from your idol then maybe
you'd finally believe it.
Coop: Wait a minute. You're telling me that
this-- that this-- all this, right here, is real? That I'm actually going to a
creative writing seminar that I was accepted to that Martin Amis is teaching
himself, at... ( Cheers )
Buzz: Oxford.
Coop: Oxford University, Dad!
Buzz: That's about the size of it, yeah.
Coop: Oh, my... come here. I don't know what
to say. I... whoa. Whoa. Oh, no.
Buzz: What's wrong?
Coop: Well, it starts soon and I'd be gone
for the entire semester.
Buzz: I know. You're going to spend four
months doing the work that you love to do. What could be better than that?
Beth: If you want to come home just so you
can have a credit card again and you're not going to change, let's not bother.
Lizzie: I don't know what you want.
Beth: I want you to be safe. I want you to
be a part of your family again.
Lizzie: No, you want me to grovel. You want
me to say how right you were and how wrong I was, and "Oh yeah, mom, I'm
sorry, I swear I've learned my lesson." I have. Okay, I have learned my
lesson, and I know, I'm sorry if I've been a brat. It's just finding out that
you married Granddad just... it really freaked me out.
Beth: I know it did.
Lizzie: But, I mean, couldn't you have given
me a warning or something? Did you just have to tell me after it was already a
done deal?
Beth: I wanted to tell you, Lizzie, but you
weren't speaking to me then, remember?
Lizzie: Mom, it's not even the fact that you
married Granddad. It's that... you know, when I think of him locked up, then I
think of Daddy locked up, and that just makes me so sad. And I really miss him.
And then I start to miss you, and I miss Nana and James and I just wish it
could all be like it was before Daddy...
Beth: I know. I know, Sweetie. Of course you
can come back home. And I miss you, too. And I know it's hard for you to
understand me marrying your grandfather, but I did it to protect you and James
now and forever. Okay? Do you understand that, Sweetie?
Salesman: Excuse me? Lizzie Spaulding? I'm...
Lizzie: Yeah, I know who you are. Could you
just give me a minute, over there, please? Thanks.
Beth: What was that all about?
Lizzie: Oh, that was just from WSPR. He had
papers for me to fill out before I start my job. So I can really move in
Beth: The sooner the better.
Lizzie: Look, I might need a little bit of
pocket money because I need to get a new outfit for my first week of work.
Beth: You don't need pocket money, Lizzie. I
told you that if you moved back home, I'd write you a blank check, and I meant
Lizzie: That is so generous of you, Mom.
Thank you so much.
Beth: No, thank you. Thank you for being
smart and for making the right decision. Now, I am going to be late for this
board meeting, so here you go. I love you.
Lizzie: I love you, too.
Beth: And I'll see you at home.
Lizzie: So, what do you have to show me?
Salesman: Ballpark, how much would you like
to spend?
Lizzie: Money is no factor in this. I just
need an engagement ring that should make my mom's eyes pop out of her head. (
Laughs )
Michelle: I cannot miss this appointment. I
have to know who the father is. Come on. ( Rattling door ) ( Sighs ) ( Baby
cooing )
Michelle: ( Sighs ) Hi, it's suite 625
again. How much longer is it going to be before someone... ( Someone fiddling
with lock ) No, never mind. Thank you. Hello? Hi, it's the right room. I'm
trapped in here. I can't get the door open. Can you open it? Oh, thank
goodness. I don't know what was wrong.
Edmund: Michelle? What's going on? Are you
all right?
Michelle: No. I couldn't get the door open.
It's been stuck shut. I actually thought you were the hotel maintenance.
Edmund: Stuck shut? How on earth did that
Michelle: I have no idea, but I'm glad you
got here when you did because I am going to be late.
Edmund: Late for what?
Michelle: I scheduled an amnio and a DNA
test so I can find out who the father is.
Edmund: Hold on, Michelle. You can't go.
Michelle: What did you just say to me?
Edmund: Well, I'm sorry Michelle, but do you
really want to do this? Have you thought this thing through?
Michelle: Finding out who the father is?
Edmund: No, no. Having an amnio to do it.
Please, sit over there. The risks involved...
Michelle: I am very well aware of the risks,
Edmund. I was a medical professional, remember?
Edmund: Well, of course. It's just after
what happened to Dinah. I mean, she had an amnio and she almost lost the baby.
She had the amnio, she went immediately into contractions and it was just
very... it was touch and go there for a while.
Michelle: Wow, that's really scary.
Edmund: It was terrifying.
Michelle: But I thought Dinah was going to
have to be induced. Isn't that what you were...?
Edmund: Well, now. Now. But before, the baby
almost came early and now the baby's coming late. This whole pregnancy has just
been one ridiculous roller coaster. My point is, is that you think you've
weighed the risks of an amnio but when something goes wrong, it is really hard
to live with.
Michelle: Yeah, but you know what? I'm
almost full term, and-- knock on wood-- my pregnancy has been textbook perfect.
Edmund: Right. Well, then why tempt fate?
Just wait until you give birth and then do the paternity test.
Michelle: ( Groans ) I'm just going crazy
not knowing the truth.
Edmund: Well, I just don't see why you can't
endure a little more uncertainty, especially if your child's health is at risk.
You know, that’s... I'm sorry, that's just wrong of me. That's wrong, forgive
me. It's not my place to judge. Whatever decision you make is going to be the
right decision.
Michelle: Just, I really need to know. But
maybe I am being selfish.
Edmund: Oh, you're not being selfish, Michelle.
You're not being selfish. You're just exhausted. Please, you look exhausted. At
the very least, far too exhausted to make a decision like this. So please, I
think the best thing to do is lie down. If you want to, you can reschedule it
later on. Just lie down now. When you wake up, you'll have a new perspective on
Michelle: I am kind of tied. You know, maybe
I will lay down for a little bit, you know? But I have to call the doctor
Edmund: No, don't worry. I'll take care of
it. Consider it done. Where's the number?
Michelle: It's over there on that pad.
Edmund: Good, good. I'll call the doctor,
you lie down. I will take care of everything, all right?
Danny: All right, Buddy.
Robbie: I want Mommy.
Danny: Yeah, I know you do. I know you do.
And I'm going to find her, I promise, okay? Excuse me. Do you know where...
Rick: Hey, guy. Hey, Robbie. What are you
doing here, young fellow? You're supposed to be in camp. What's the...
Danny: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Lizzie?
Lizzie, can you do me a favor and watch Robbie for just two minutes?
Lizzie: Sure.
Danny: Two minutes, Buddy. Here, why don't
you come and sit with Lizzie, and remember the doggy? Remember Roxy? Why don't
you play with Roxy for a minute. I'll be right back.
Rick: What's going on?
Danny: Somewhere we can talk?
Rick: Let’s... in here.
Danny: Thanks.
Rick: So what's going on?
Danny: Well, Robbie was supposed to be at
camp, but then Michelle called him and I guess he got homesick. I had to go out
there and pick him up.
Rick: Oh, this poor little guy.
Danny: Yeah, Rick, Michelle hasn't even seen
Robbie since she's been back. I mean, where the hell is she? Is she staying
with you and Mel, or what?
Rick: No, no. We don't know where she's
Danny: What? That's ridiculous. I mean, what
is this? She doesn't return my calls. She doesn't tell me where she is. What if
there was some kind of emergency? It's like she's avoiding me on purpose.
Rick: Maybe she is.
Danny: Why?
Rick: Why wouldn't she, Danny? I mean, maybe
this is awkward for her, and for you, too, to adjust to this new circumstance
of being divorced, you know? And then she's got to see you with Marina. That's
Danny: I understand that. I do, I get it.
But Robbie needs both of his parents. He is our number-one priority and Michelle
needs to put these other feelings aside and deal with that. We just can’t...
it's not like we can keep avoiding this.
Rick: Avoiding what, exactly?
Danny: Look, just when you hear from her or
when you see her, will you tell her to call me? Please, please, please.
Rick: Sure.
Danny: Tell her that Robbie needs his
Mallet: That’s... that's adequately slutty.
Marina: Well, you told me to look available.
So, who is this guy?
Mallet: His name is Brett Roth.
Marina: This is the big, scary criminal? He
looks like a frat boy from Springfield U.
Mallet: Well, he was up until last year-- a
frat boy who was really, really handy on the computers. He was making fake IDs
for his frat brothers and actually really good ones.
Marina: Okay, so he's making fake licenses,
selling them to kids so they can get into bars. That's the big sting?
Mallet: Well, that's how his business grew,
and then word got out on the street that he was the best, and now we hear he's
making fake IDs for real criminals, bad guys, guys we've got to get off the
Marina: Okay, so you don't necessarily want
to nab him, you want him to roll over on his customers.
Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, smart girl. Roth is at Outskirts
Bar right now. Sherman's there, undercover, so he'll watch your back.
Marina: Okay, so you just want me to go in,
flirt with him, get him to sell me a fake ID?
Mallet: That's right. As soon as he does,
signal Sherman and we'll grab him.
Marina: Done.
Mallet: Okay. Now, listen. Be careful, okay?
We don't know if he's particularly violent, but we don't think he is, but be
Marina: It's not a problem. I got it.
Mallet: Okay. Now, just take it easy. It's
your first assignment, you'll be a little pumped. Slow down. Make sure he comes
to you. And listen, don't try to be a hero on this, okay, or you'll blow it.
And whatever you do, stay in Sherman’s line of sight. Get it?
Marina: Got it.
Mallet: Good. Now, don't worry about getting
this guy tonight, okay?
Marina: Mallet...
Mallet: No, no, no. No "Mallet."
Marina: I'm sorry. Sir.
Mallet: Yeah.
Marina: I come from a family of cops. I
think I got this one.
Buzz: While you're mulling this over, can I
throw in my two cents?
Coop: Please do.
Buzz: You had a lot going on when you first
came here, you know? A lot of good stuff. And then I had my heart attack and Harley
got arrested, and I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been here
for all of us. But now the family is sort of on track again and you can grab at
your dreams and let them take you where they're going to go. Okay? Look, I know
I shouldn't have sent that off...
Coop: No, no, no. Pops, stop. Look, this...
this is amazing. You have no... oh.
Buzz: Well, then why aren't you booking a
flight right now? Say yes. What's holding you back?
Coop: Nothing. Nothing, I guess.
Lizzie: Isn't it pretty? Can you say,
"It'll make mommy flip out?"
Rick: Excuse me, young lady. Young lady? No
hamsters allowed in the hospital. Unless it's a seeing eye hamster, then it
would be allowed.
Lizzie: Well, she is. She can see. See?
Rick: Oh. What, behind that mop of hair.
Hey, Reginald. How you doing?
Lizzie: Roxy.
Rick: Roxy. Roxy. Hey, Roxy. So, how are you
doing? Are you doing okay?
Lizzie: Yeah, I'm fine. I was just looking
for my mom.
Rick: Good, because I thought, you know,
maybe you might still be suffering from having "No-money-itis."
Lizzie: No, I'm cured now, completely.
Marina: Hey. How are you?
Brett: Hey. Do I know you?
Marina: No, but could you do me a huge favor
and pretend that you do, and get me a drink? I'll pay for it and all. It's
just, I'm underage.
Brett: You are? You don't look like you're
Marina: Yeah, that's what they all say. (
Laughter )
Marina: So, my mom's, like, "You walk
out that door, Lindsay, it is closing behind you." And I was, like,
"That's fine with me," right? So I've been on my own ever since,
doing whatever I want, all the things that she would never let me do.
Brett: And what are those?
Marina: Well, like having fun. Lots of it. I
don't know. It's kind of hard, though, when you're getting carded all the time.
Brett: Well, you know, I could help you with
Marina: You can? How?
Brett: Well, I could get you a fake ID.
Marina: Really? Like, one that looks real?
Brett: Driver's license, student ID, take
your pick. You know, I have my computer out in my car. I can show you right now
how I do it. Come on.
Mallet: Now, don't try to be a hero,
okay, or you'll blow it. And whatever you do, stay in Sherman’s line of sight.
Sherman: Relax.
Man: Don't tell me to relax. What's your
Marina: Out to your car?
Brett: Yeah.
Man: Don't tell me what to do.
Brett: Well, we can't really do it in here.
Marina: Right.
Man: I'm not going to keep my voice down, Punk.
Buzz: Not that I'm pushing you into these
seminars or anything, but have you checked out the guest lecturers here? There
are three Booker Award winners.
Beth: Coop. I'm sorry, I couldn't help
overhearing. Are you going back to school?
Coop: Uh, not exactly.
Buzz: He's been accepted to a writer's
workshop in Oxford, but he's not sure he's going.
Beth: What? Why not? That sounds like a
wonderful opportunity.
Coop: Ms. Raines, you know why not.
Beth: It's Mrs. Spaulding now, remember?
Buzz: Oh, yes. Congratulations. You and Alan.
Beth: And?
Buzz: I'm sure you've heard just about
Beth: Yes, I have. Coop, Lizzie will be here
when you get back. And there are phones, there's email.
Coop: Yes, I know, I know, but it will be
for four months.
Beth: That's nothing. That will fly by.
Coop: Yes, I'm sure it will fly by, but I
haven't decided to go yet. So I would please ask you that I be the one to tell
her myself. Please.
Beth: Of course.
Coop: Thank you.
Beth: Okay, come on. I know you're dying to
say something.
Buzz: Gee. You and Alan. True love?
Beth: What else?
Lizzie: Hey, Roxy hurt her paw. Could
Coop: Yeah. Yeah, sure.
Buzz: How's she taking the marriage?
Beth: Surprisingly well, actually.
Buzz: Well, not from what Coop told me.
Beth: Yes, well, Coop doesn't know my
daughter as well as he thinks he does.
Lizzie: I need to tell you something.
Coop: Oh, okay. Shoot.
Lizzie: I think I came up with the solution
to our problems.
Coop: Really? Well, I wouldn't be so sure of
that because actually there's something that I need to tell you, too.
Lizzie: What? Actually, no. You know, I want
to go first.
Coop: Okay, sure.
Lizzie: Okay, here. Hold her.
Coop: Yeah. Come here. Got her. Lizzie, you
were going to tell me something?
Lizzie: Yeah, it's actually pretty serious.
But, first I have to do this.
Coop: What?
Danny: When Mommy called you, did she call
you from her cell phone? Do you know?
Robbie: I don't know.
Danny: Okay. Maybe she called you from
another phone, from where she's staying. Daddy's got an idea. Yeah, Hi. This is
Danny Santos. I just picked up my son Robbie a little while ago, and I'm on my
way to meet my ex-wife with Robbie, but I'm kind of running late and I've
misplaced her number. And I'm really sorry to bother you, but I was hoping
maybe... do you guys by chance have caller ID on your phone? You do? That'd be...
well, great. Thank you. The Towers Hotel. Oh, no, no, no. Okay, no, no, no.
That's great. That's all I need to know. Thank you so much. Hey. Okay, here's
what I'm going to do. I'm going to leave you here with Uncle Rick for a little
while and I'm going to go get your mommy.
Michelle: ( Yawns ) I can't stop yawning.
Edmund: Well, maybe you should get some
sleep. You're sleeping for two these days.
Michelle: If you don't stop being so nice to
me, I'm going to get used to it.
Edmund: Oh, I'm not being nice to you, Michelle.
This is completely selfish. I'm helping you, I'm helping myself, because I
think I'm going crazy waiting for Dinah to have this baby. And I think mostly
because I just can't spend this special time with Cassie.
Michelle: I'd give anything to share this
time with Danny, too. ( Laughs ) It's funny. Whoever would have thought we'd
have so much in common? But, you know, babies do that. They change the way you
look at everything. They come into this world and they turn it upside down.
Edmund: Right-side up, if you ask me.
Michelle: ( Laughs )
Edmund: What? What?
Michelle: I think you're going to be a good
father, Edmund. Oh, God, I forgot how tired you get in the last trimester.
Edmund: Well, I think you should get some
Michelle: Sleep.
Edmund: Michelle? Michelle?
Buzz: You know, if Coop does go to Oxford,
how is Lizzie going to handle that?
Beth: I don't know. I thought she was making
progress, but this could throw her.
Buzz: What do you mean by making progress?
Progress towards what?
Beth: I just meant I thought she was getting
more mature, less emotional and needy.
Buzz: Like you said, it's just four months.
It's not the end of the world.
Beth: Yeah, but I guess, you know, when
you're Coop and Lizzie's age, that can seem like a lifetime.
Buzz: While it's happening. Then it passes.
Then they go on to the next thing. I mean, when you were her age, do you even
remember who you were dating?
Beth: I was dating Phillip. Who were you
Buzz: I was married to Deenie, expecting Frank.
Well, no wonder we're...
Beth: Freaked out.
Buzz: Yeah. But, you know, Lizzie and Coop,
they're not as serious as that.
Beth: And we both agree that's a good thing,
Buzz: Yeah. They're kids.
Beth: Okay.
Buzz: Okay.
Beth: So let me know if your kid decides to
go to Oxford, so I can lock up my kid's passport so she doesn't follow him.
Buzz: Oh, you've got a deal. Don't worry,
you know? Those two are much more sensible than you'd think.
Coop: Yeah, okay. Please tell me what I just
did to deserve that because I will gladly do it again and again and again. (
Laughs )
Lizzie: I just... I want to make sure the
chemistry was there before I...
Coop: Before you... before you what? I mean,
is this getting back to what you need to tell me?
Lizzie: Kind of like what I've got to ask
Coop: Ask me, okay. What's that?
Lizzie: You better sit for this.
Coop: Okay. Sitting.
Lizzie: Right. Well... ( clears throat ) Henry
Cooper Bradshaw, will you marry me?
Brett: My car's just in the alley.
Marina: You know what? We should probably do
this another time. I have some friends that are going to meet me inside and if
they go in and I'm not there...
Brett: It'll just take a minute.
Marina: Well, yeah, but...
Brett: Come on. One minute.
Marina: Okay. Why not, right? Hey. What are
you doing?
Brett: I am so glad that you came up to me
in there, because you are so hot.
Marina: No. Stop. We just met.
Brett: So?
Marina: So, I'm sorry, Brett, I should have
told you, I have a boyfriend.
Brett: Again, so?
Marina: So stop it!
Brett: Hey. What did you think was going to
happen when you came out here with me, huh? Did you think you were going to get
something for nothing? Hm? It just doesn't work that way.
Marina: Stop!
Edmund: It won't be long now, little guy.
Michelle: ( Wakes suddenly ) What was that?
Edmund: What? It was me. It was me. There
was a fly on your arm. I was trying to swat it. I think I woke you up. I'm
sorry about that. I'll get it. Now just sleep, sleep. Sleep.
Announcer: Next, on "Guiding Light."
Lizzie: That's love. That's passion. We
belong together.
Coop: Lizzie, are you out of your mind.
Alexandra: You get this marriage annulled
immediately or you are going to be so very, very, very sorry. You both gone
( Knocking on door )
Danny: Edmund?
Michelle: I think I just heard Danny.
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