GL Transcript Thursday 8/25/05

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 8/25/05


Provided By Boo
Proofread by Laura

Reva: Where are my shoes?

Josh: Reva... Reva. Can we just...?

Reva: No. I am so out of here.

Josh: Please. Reva. Reva. Reva, don't go like this. Look, I'm not ready to come home but that doesn't mean we can't talk.

Reva: There's nothing to talk about.

Josh: Please, just...

Reva: Don't! Don't touch me.

Josh: Shutting me out is what got this whole thing started in the first place.

Reva: Who's shutting who out? You're the one that doesn't want to come home!

Josh: Then stay and let's talk. Please.

Reva: No.

Josh: Nothing is going to change if you walk away like this.

Reva: ( Gasps )

Josh: Reva! Reva! ( Strange noise )

Jonathan: Who's there? Hey, Dad, if that's you, I'm not afraid of ghosts. Whoa. Hey. Hey. Hey. Oh, come on. Great. Now I'm going to get blamed for this one, too.

Cassie: Dinah? I could've sworn I heard something. Dinah. "Dump the ex-husband and the pregnant chick and meet me behind Company. Clothing optional. J." ( Laughs )

Edmund: Stand still. Stand still. Turn around.

Dinah: I don't have a fever. Yet.

Edmund: No, you do. You feel a bit warm. Okay, this is what I want you to do. I want you to go inside, I want you to take a nap and I want you to keep up your energy because you still need to pretend that you're pregnant, and I don't want this flu or whatever it is to destroy our nine months of planning, which means you have to drink your vitamin drink so you can keep up your energy to pretend you're giving birth. All right? I'll see you later.

Dinah: Where are you going?

Edmund: I just need to take care of a few details before we drop the bomb on Cassie. I'll be back before you can say, "Look, mom, no baby." ( Clicks tongue )

Dinah: Okay. See you later, then.

Edmund: Good. See you. All right, that's done. Let's get a baby.

Cassie: Dinah, look at you. You look exhausted. Come on. Lie down. The doctor told you to stay off your feet. And I know, I know that right now you're feeling, like, "get this baby out of me," but you're due any day. You are, and you're going to make it.

Dinah: That's what they say, huh?

Cassie: Yeah. You know, I'm supposed to go meet Jeffrey, but I could call him and tell him what's going on and we could stay here and watch movies, hang out.

Dinah: It's okay. You know, I told Edmund that I was going to take a nap, you know, as soon as I gag down this terrible green drink.

Cassie: He worries too much. You don't have to drink this. ( Laughter )

Dinah: Thanks.

Cassie: Oh, you could have that baby any minute, which is why I need to give you my beeper number. If there is an emergency, labor, the baby's coming, you beep me, okay?

Dinah: Okay, okay.

Cassie: Okay.

Dinah: Call it gestational carrier intuition, but I think that this is going to happen sooner than we think.

Michelle: ( Sighs ) Oh, it's going to be okay, baby. You know, it doesn't even matter who your daddy is, because you have me and I love you. We're going to be just fine, even if I'm not with Danny. We're going to be fine.

Cassie: Edmund? What are you doing here?

Edmund: Leaving, actually. I just dropped Dinah off, wanted to make sure she made it inside okay. We can't be too careful these days.

Cassie: No, we can’t. Wow. It could happen any day. I am so excited. A new baby. It's just amazing.

Edmund: It will change our lives forever.

Cassie: You're not kidding. I just really hope everything goes okay with the birth. You know?

Edmund: Yes, well, I'll make sure of that.

Cassie: Well, I have, uh, an appointment, so I guess maybe the next time I see you...

Edmund: We'll have a baby. Depend on it.

Edmund: Special delivery! Sorry for just barging in, but I was afraid of dropping these bags.

Michelle: Whoa. What is all this?

Edmund: Well, I figured since you're going to have to keep a low profile here for a while, I'd build the ultimate bomb shelter with all sorts of things-- snacks and toothpaste and diapers and baby formula and books and magazines, and more books. We have romance novels, we have mystery novels, we have even a few biographies hiding in here somewhere. And of course, don't forget the ultimate entertainment guide, "TV Guide."

Michelle: And this is all for me?

Edmund: Well, you know, I pride myself on being a good host.

Michelle: Oh, yeah. Okay. What have you got?

Edmund: Well, I was buying for my own baby and I just thought I'd double up the order. Have you made any plans for what you're doing after the baby's born?

Michelle: No, not yet. I'm not really sure.

Edmund: Have you told...?

Michelle: Danny?

Edmund: Yeah.

Michelle: No.

Edmund: Right. Well, that’s... that's probably best. You have to save your energy. Save your energy, focus on the baby and let me take care of everything else.

Michelle: I just can't get over how nice you're being.

Edmund: Well, it's not completely unselfish, Michelle. I like having you around. I like the opportunity to talk to you about some of the things that scare me, like, oh, having a baby. ( Chuckles )

Michelle: And I told you everything is going to be fine. You just need to relax.

Edmund: Relax, right. ( Yells ) ( laughs )

Michelle: The baby is going to come when it comes.

Edmund: I don't know about that. I don't know, because I talked to Dinah, and Dinah seems to think-- she's quite sure, as a matter of fact-- that they're going to have to induce.

Michelle: Well, then that's okay, too. That's very common.

Edmund: I know you said that, but there obviously must be risks? There have to be risks.

Michelle: There are risks when you take an aspirin. I mean, laprosin, it's so commonly used.

Edmund: Laprosin. Laprosin. That's l-a-p-r-o-s-e-n?

Michelle: I-N.

Edmund: I-N. And it's in a pill form?

Michelle: No, it's actually injected. Sometimes they give it through an IV.

Edmund: Oh, great. Great, needles. Dinah hates needles.

Michelle: Oh, believe me, Edmund, on the day that Dinah gives birth, needles are going to be the least of her worries.

Edmund: Right, right.

Michelle: She's going to be screaming things that you didn't even think she knew.

Edmund: ( Laughs ) And the contractions start right away after the drug is given?

Michelle: Edmund, you've got to chill. Really. They don't start right away, and the doctor will be there and he'll know exactly what to do.

Edmund: Of course. You're right. You're right. I know you're right. I'm just very anxious for this baby to arrive.

Dinah: Oh, I can't wait to get rid of you. Oh, maybe I'll have you glazed and turned into a table. Oh. ( Grunts ) Oh, come on. They're around here, somewhere.

Cassie: Jeffrey? Hello, Jeffrey? "Drink me." "Eat me." ( Laughs ) What is this, "Alice in Wonderland"? Mad Hatter, where are you? Okay. Well, down the rabbit hole. Fudge brownies. Oh, my favorite. Mm. Hello, Mr. O’Neill. So, where are you? I know you're around here somewhere. What do you mean, what am I talking about? I'm talking about your little picnic, here. What do you mean, "what picnic?" The food that... well, then whose food am I eating?

Jeffrey: I love a girl with an appetite.

Cassie: Ha, ha. Very funny. Okay, what's the occasion?

Jeffrey: Well, it's kind of like our last chance to... well, to be adults together, because once the baby is born, well, I'm not going to have a moment of you to myself. So, I thought I would try the straightforward approach, and guess what? You responded.

Cassie: That's because the signals were very clear.

Jeffrey: Oh, yeah? Well, how's this for a signal?

( Pager beeping )

Cassie: Oh, my God.

Jeffrey: What?

Cassie: Oh, my God.

Jeffrey: What?

Cassie: It's Dinah.

Jeffrey: What?

Cassie: The baby's coming.

Jonathan: Hey. You're breathing, wake up. ( Clears throat ) Hey. Come on. Now, look at me. Look at me.

Ava: No! Get away from me! What are you doing? Don't touch me! Don't touch me!

Jonathan: Whoa. Hey! What is wrong with you?

Ava: Don't touch me. Let go of me!

Jonathan: Just chill out. I'm not going to hurt you, okay?

Ava: Just let go of me!

Jonathan: Whoa.

Ava: Stand back.

Jonathan: First of all? First of all, that bottle's not dangerous. You need to break the edge-- the jagged edge thing, remember? Second of all, I don't know who you are, you put that thing down or I'm going to break it. I own this place. You put the bottle down right now and we'll forget the whole thing happened. Put it down.

Ava: Sorry. I just thought you were someone else.

Jonathan: Yeah. I could tell. The question is, who? The cops, or a boyfriend?

Ava: I owe someone money. I thought you were him. I should probably get out of here before he comes back for me.

Jonathan: Yeah, good idea. Right through here. See you.

Ava: Wait. Well, is there anyone out there?

Jonathan: Coast looks clear. Go for it.

Ava: Thank you. Thanks. Could I have a glass of water before I go?

Jonathan: ( Sighs ) I'll see what I can do. Just don't get too comfortable, okay?

Ava: I promise.

Jonathan: Look, whoever you are...

Ava: Ava. Ava Peralta.

Jonathan: Okay. If you're going to pass out again...

Ava: I'm not going to pass out again. Look, it's been a really tough couple of weeks for me. I'm new in town...

Jonathan: Welcome to Springfield, Ava. Take a minute to catch your breath, and then do me a favor and disappear.

Josh: How do you feel?

Reva: Like a fool. This is someone's way of telling me to look before I leap.

Josh: Reva, it wasn't your fault.

Reva: Because a woman has certain needs, even when her husband isn't willing or able to satisfy them.

Josh: Why am I not enough for you?

Reva: Because you're not!

Josh: Shutting me out is what got this whole thing started in the first place.

Reva: Who's shutting who out? You're the one that doesn't want to come home.

Rick: I just got the call. What happened? What's the damage?

Paramedic: Bp's 118 over 62, pulse tacky but regular at 115. Good bilateral breath sounds. She has some contusions and abrasions.

Rick: Okay, what'd you give her on the bus?

Paramedic: 16 in and a liter of ringers. No meds.

Rick: Okay, Josh, did you see what happened?

Josh: Yeah, yeah. She fell a floor or two, I think. She did not lose consciousness at all.

Reva: And I'm still conscious, Rick. Hi!

Rick: Hi. What were you doing? Practicing your swan dive?

Reva: Yes. I was getting ready to do it again and these guys strapped me down. Can I get up now?

Rick: Well, first you've got to tell me where it hurts.

Reva: ( Groans ) All over. Ow. Ow.

Rick: How did you fall?

Reva: Splat.

Rick: No, seriously. Was it on your head, your side, your back?

Reva: I don't know. My side and my back, who knows? I just want to go home.

Rick: All right, we're going to have to run some tests first. Excuse me a second.

Reva: I don't need all of that. Joshua, I'm fine. Really, I am.

Josh: Reva, you might be in shock. Just let him run his tests and we'll see where it takes us, all right?

Rick: All right. Ready to go for a little ride?

Reva: Can Josh come?

Rick: No, I'm afraid he's going to have to stay here. Come on, guys, let's go.

Josh: It'll be okay, Reva. He's going to take care of everything you need, all right?

Reva: Just you, Joshua. You're all I need.

Ava: Thanks. I'll drink it fast.

Jonathan: So this guy who loaned you money...

Ava: Dean.

Jonathan: Well, he doesn't sound very scary.

Ava: It rhymes with "mean."

Jonathan: Good point.

Ava: All I wanted to do was go to college. That's it. That's all I wanted to do. And the semester came around and I didn't have the money I needed. Dean offered to loan me money. And he seemed like a nice guy.

Jonathan: Until you couldn't pay him back.

Ava: I wanted to pay him back. I wanted to, but I couldn't find a job. The next thing I know, he's making threats-- "get it to me or else." And I don't know. I find out, you know, he does this thing a lot. Loans money.

Jonathan: He must have loaned you a lot of money for him to knock you out.

Ava: He didn't knock me out. I was running. I woke up, I didn't have any breakfast. Or lunch.

Jonathan: No money for food, either? There's a church outside, next door. It feeds people. When you get outside, it's on the right. Can't miss it.

Ava: Thank you. I'll go now.

Jonathan: Thank you. ( Pounding on door ) We're closed!

Dean: Ava! I know you're in there!

Jonathan: Dean? Rhymes with "mean?"

Josh: How is she?

Rick: Oh, she's going to be fine. I actually can give you a better assessment once I get these test results back.

Reva: Great. Then I can go home.

Rick: No, actually, I'm going to keep you overnight.

Reva: Overnight?

Rick: Once I can determine there's no internal injuries or broken bones, then you can be released. Until then, you're my prisoner.

Reva: ( Laughs weakly )

Josh: I'm just glad you're doing okay.

Rick: Talk about lucky. Didn't you notice not to back into the elevator? I mean, how would you not notice the elevator wasn't there?

Reva: I was a little preoccupied.

Josh: Yeah, by me. We were in the middle of...

Reva: Discussing where we were going to go for dinner and I wasn't watching where I was going. Next time, I'll know to take the stairs.

Rick: Good. You do that. Well, get some rest. I'll be right back.

Reva: Thanks, Rick.

Rick: Okay.

Josh: We were not discussing where we were going to go to dinner, Reva.

Reva: I know.

Josh: Lying about what happened isn't going to change the fact that it did.

Cassie: Dinah? Dinah! Oh, boy. Well, you really had me worried when you didn't answer the phone. Are you okay?

Dinah: Well, I'm kind of on the ground.

Cassie: On the ground? Well, are you in labor? Is the baby coming?

Dinah: No. Do you know where we put the Pringles?

Cassie: Pringles?

Dinah: Yeah. We bought a whole thing of them. Where'd we put them?

Cassie: That's why you beeped me, Dinah?

Jeffrey: ( Chuckles )

Dinah: Yeah. You said if there was a problem...

Cassie: They're in the pantry behind the cereal.

Dinah: Thank you. I've been looking for about ten minutes.

Cassie: Yeah. Because that's a crisis.

Dinah: Oh, you actually thought that this was it, huh?

Cassie: Yeah, I did, you know? I was just really excited.

Dinah: Oh, I'm sorry.

Cassie: No, it's okay, it's okay. I'm just glad that you weren't alone. I want to be there, you know, when everything happens, and I want to be with you up until the minute you deliver that baby. Okay? I... I've got to go.

Dinah: Uh, Cassie? I'm sorry. I really am. I will talk to you later, all right? Bye.

Jeffrey: False alarm?

Cassie: Dinah doesn't seem to know what an "emergency" is.

Jeffrey: Dinah's whole life is an emergency, Cassie. It's like one endless Greek tragedy after another.

Cassie: I know.

Jeffrey: I guess I'm just looking forward to the day Dinah’s going to be out of your life for good.

Cassie: But then you're going to have to share me with a newborn.

Jeffrey: Now, listen, let's not talk about anything. Not even the kid, okay?

Cassie: Wow. You really do want me all to yourself, don't you?

Jeffrey: Guilty as charged.

Edmund: So, is there anything else I can get for you?

Michelle: Nope. I think you pretty much brought me the whole supermarket.

Edmund: Right. Right. Well, then I'll take off so you can get some rest. My numbers, in case you need anything. Okay?

Michelle: Okay. I mean, I doubt I will, but thank you. I really appreciate everything you've done. I don't know how I'm going to repay you.

Edmund: No, Michelle. I'm getting just as much out of this as you are. I'm sure even more.

Michelle: Really? Because all I did was tell you how to induce labor. I mean, you could have read that in any book.

Edmund: No, you reassured me that I have nothing to worry about.

Michelle: Well, good. Good. I'm glad I could help.

Edmund: You have no idea. Speak to you soon.

Michelle: I miss you guys so much.

Edmund: There. That should hold you.

Reva: I'm not denying what happened. I just don't think Rick needed to know.

Josh: I guess he didn’t.

Reva: You were leaving me.

Josh: No. Reva, as I recall, you were the one that walked out of the room.

Reva: Because you didn't want to come home with me. I might have fallen, but I didn't hit my head. I remember everything that was said. And I'm not blaming you, believe me, for any of it. I mean, I know that everything that's happened in the recent weeks has been because of me, because of me and Jonathan, because of me and Nate, because of me and me and me. It's always been because of me. And I can't promise you that that's ever going to change. You were walking out on me...

Josh: Reva.

Reva: You were, and I didn't want to hear it, so I ran out of the room and I fell. I'm very clear about all of it.

Josh: I was not leaving you, Reva. I just wasn't ready to come back yet. Look, you know what? We don't have to talk about this right now. Here's the thing: When I saw you fall into that elevator shaft, Reva, it was like my heart stopped. It was dark and I couldn't see you for a minute, and all I could think...

Reva: You've always been there to catch me, Bud. But this time you couldn’t. It's okay. You can go.

Josh: No, I can’t.

Reva: Yes, you can. It's like Rick said, I'm going to be fine. As long as the tests prove that there's nothing wrong with me, I'll be back home tomorrow.

Josh: And then?

Reva: Well, then we'll worry about tomorrow when it gets here.

Josh: I guess we will. I'm going to go call the kids.

Reva: Okay. Please let them know that I'm okay.

Josh: I will.

Ava: I knew he'd find me. ( Pounding on door )

Dean: Ava!

Jonathan: What do you want me to do about it?

Ava: I don't know.

Jonathan: Well, just give him his money and he won't hurt you.

Ava: How do you know?

Jonathan: I know. All right, just be quiet. Maybe he'll go away. ( Pounding continues ) Maybe not.

Dean: Ava!

Jonathan: All right, close your eyes. You're not going to want to see this.

Ava: Just be careful.

Dean: Ow, jeez. Hey! Ow!

Jonathan: Listen. Listen. This is my place. You don't say a word. Got it?

Dean: Yeah.

Jonathan: I talk!

Dean: All right.

Jonathan: The key word here is discipline.

Dean: Okay.

Jonathan: Dis-ci-pline. That's my door you almost whacked back there. What are we going to do about it? You have got to get it through your head that we don't do that!

Dean: Look, man, I got no problem with you.

Jonathan: You want that chick hiding behind the bar?

Michelle: Robbie? Robbie, are you there?

Robbie: Mommy!

Michelle: Hi. It's so good to hear your voice. I miss you so much.

Robbie: Are you with daddy?

Michelle: Um, no. No, sweetie. Daddy’s... he's busy. But guess what? I have a big surprise for you.

Edmund: Yes, hello. It's Edmund Winslow. I'm just calling up to see how the project is moving along? Excellent. So you think it'll be done on time? That's fantastic. I'll call in and check later. Got to run an errand. Thank you. Bye.

 ( Plays guitar )

Cassie: Are you going to serenade me?

Jeffrey: Well, I wrote you a song, actually, because I was so inspired by your performance at Harley’s wedding.

Cassie: My performance at Harley’s wedding? So what did it inspire you to sing? "I wanna hold your mouth shut?"

Jeffrey: Now, be serious, because this is a very serious song.

Cassie: Okay, serious. Serious song at a post-it party?

Jeffrey: Okay, look, the least you can do when a man is trying to pour his heart out to you in song is try not to laugh.

Cassie: ( Laughs ) Sorry.

Jeffrey: All right, now that's better. Now this is kind of like a goodbye.

Cassie: A goodbye?

Jeffrey: Yep. Because once that baby is born, it's goodbye to life as we know it, Honey.

Cassie: ( Laughs )

Dinah: ( Groans ) ( Soap opera theme song playing ) Oh! I love this show.

 ( Plays ukelele )

Jeffrey: A burning feeling... ( Pager beeps ) that won't let me go.

Cassie: Again, the beeper.

Jeffrey: Cell phones, beepers...

Cassie: I can't find my phone.

Jeffrey: Technology... it's in your purse.

Cassie: No, it's not.

Jeffrey: Whatever happened to the good, old fashioned, soft, romantic woman of the past?

Cassie: ( Sighs ) It's gone straight to her voice mail. I'll try it one more time. Jeffrey, we've got to go.

Ava: Please. Please, Dean. Look, okay, I'll get you the money. I'll work three jobs if I have to. I know it's due today, but I just don't have it yet.

Dean: Get it now.

Ava: From who? Look, just give me a couple of days. What are you doing?

Jonathan: Hey, Dude. Look, that's not how you collect on a debt.

Dean: Yeah? Well, you got any suggestions?

Jonathan: How much money do you owe him?

Ava: $3,000. $3,000.

Jonathan: Back up. One, two, three. $3,000. Now get out of here and don't come back.

Dean: Nice doing business with you.

Ava: Thank you. Thank you so much. I don't even... I don't even know your name.

Jonathan: Jonathan Randall. You owe me $3,000.

Josh: No, Marah, she's fine, really. Okay, don't worry. I'll have her call you tomorrow. Yeah, we love you, too, Sweetheart. Bye.

Nurse: May I help you?

Edmund: Well, I was just admiring your efficiency. So many bottles, they all look alike.

Nurse: They're clearly labeled.

Edmund: And thank goodness. Excuse me. Josh, Josh. I just heard about Reva's accident. How is she?

Josh: Fine.

Edmund: Is it serious?

Josh: Thank God, no. How's Dinah doing?

Edmund: Well, she's due any day now. I just stopped by the hospital to go over the insurance details. I want to make sure everything is right.

Josh: You're about to become a father for the first time.

Edmund: Whew! Yes, I am.

Josh: Your life is about to change completely, because no matter what's going in life, your kids...

Rick: Josh, I need you inside. Excuse me.

Josh: What the hell are you doing?

Reva: I'm going home.

Michelle: Robbie, if I tell you what the surprise is, then it's not going to be a surprise, right? I know. I know, Sweetie. I cannot wait to hold you in my arms again. I am going to squeeze the stuffing out of you.

Robbie: Are you coming to parent's day?

Michelle: Oh, you know what, Sweetie? I want to come, and I'm going to try. I will try, I promise. But listen, no matter what, you, me and Daddy are always be a family, even when we're not together. Okay? Now, you better run along so you don't miss your swimming lesson.

Robbie: I love you, mommy.

Michelle: I love you, too. ( Sighs ) What am I doing? Okay, this isn't fair to you or to Robbie.

Edmund: Yeah. All right. Laprosin... Laprosin... don't tell me it's on bloody back order. Come on.

Cassie: Dinah!

Dinah? Dinah? Dinah. Oh, my God. Dinah, are you okay?

Dinah: Huh? What are you doing here? What's wrong?

Cassie: What am I doing here? What do you mean, what am I doing here? You beeped me!

Dinah: No, I didn’t.

Cassie: Yes you did. Didn't she? And then, when I called back and you didn't answer, I was worried to death.

Dinah: I didn’t... I didn't beep you. I mean, maybe I... maybe I rolled on it and sat on it and called you when I fell asleep.

Jeffrey: ( Chuckles )

Dinah: Hello, Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: Hello, Dinah.

Dinah: Well, I... ( laughs nervously ) I think I'm going to go back to sleep. ( Laughs )

Jeffrey: I think I'll be outside. I've got a call to make.

Cassie: Okay. You look really uncomfortable. Let me get you another pillow. Where did all the pillows go?

Jonathan: Look, I'm not a charity organization, Honey. I gave you money and now I want something back.

Ava: I'll pay you back. Every dime. I swear I will.

Jonathan: Just like you paid back your buddy, Dean?

Ava: I will. Just don’t... don’t. What are you... stop.

Jonathan: You think...? I'm not that desperate. Here.

Ava: What's this?

Jonathan: An apron. From now on, you're my number one employee.

Ava: Here?

Jonathan: No, the funeral parlor up the street.

Ava: I don't know the first thing about running a bar.

Jonathan: Neither do I. Welcome aboard. Oh. Okay. Well, when you're ready, there's some shot glasses in the sink that need to be cleaned. And when you're done with that, you can vacuum the floor.

Josh: Okay. The only place you're going is back to bed. Please, Reva, come on.

Reva: Rick said I was fine.

Rick: No, I said you looked fine. I told you we'd know more once we got the test results back. See? I still have nothing in my hands.

Josh: Bed, Reva.

Reva: You are both overreacting, you know? I can walk, okay?

Josh: You have to stay. It's just overnight. Come on.

Rick: All right. I'm going to go check those test results. Josh, could you please make sure she stays in bed?

Josh: Yes.

Rick: All right.

Josh: Okay?

Reva: I thought you went home.

Josh: Well, I kind of had a hunch you were going to try to make a break for it.

Reva: Yeah, well, I almost did.

Josh: You almost did, yes.

Reva: You don't have to do this, you know? You don't have to stay.

Josh: Yes, I do.

Cassie: All right, here you go.

Dinah: Oh, Cassie, stop. I don't need any more pillows. Thank you, though.

Cassie: Oh, come on. There. ( Pager beeping ) Oh. One second. Um, I'll be right back.

Dinah: I should have told her. I hope he's enjoying the fact that I am suffering for him. Unbelievable.

Cassie: Did you beep me?

Jeffrey: I told you I had a call to make.

Cassie: But you beeped "911."

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, that's because it's an emergency.

Dinah: Wait a minute. What's today's date? Don't you want to hear about the deadline?

Edmund: Excuse me?

Dinah: Two weeks.

Edmund: Two weeks until what?

Dinah: Well, two weeks until I go into labor for real. This is it. Happy Birthday, Baby.

Michelle: I'd like to make an appointment for an amniocentesis. As soon as possible. No, I'm not worried that I'm at risk. I actually wanted to run a DNA paternity test. No, I'm not going to be able to wait until the baby is born. I need to know as soon as possible. Sure. Sure, I'll hold.

Edmund: Laprosin. Yes, indeedy. You and I, Michelle are about to have ourselves a baby.

Rick: Edmund, what the hell do you think you're doing?

Announcer: Coming up on "Guiding Light."

Beth: Coop doesn't know my daughter as well as he thinks he does.

Lizzie: Can you say, "It'll make mommy freak out?"

Marina: A cadet's work is never finished.

Mallet: Now, don't try to be a hero, okay, or you'll blow it.

Edmund: Michelle, you can't go. ( Knocking on door )

Danny: Edmund? It's Danny.

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