GL Transcript Wednesday 8/24/05

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 8/24/05


Provided By Boo
Proofread by Laura

Dinah: ( Exhales ) Ay-yi-yi-yi-yi. Oh, you know what? You... you're a lot of trouble, you know that? Because of you, I'm not supposed to go out, I'm not supposed to have fun, I'm not supposed to drink. Gosh, imagine if you were real. What am I doing? You're not real, you're not a baby. ( Sighs ) Man, you're a pillow.

Edmund: Hello, Mr. Russo. Sorry I got so upset with you last night, but I wanted to let you know that I won't be needing your services anymore. No, I'm still interested in getting a baby for my wife. It's just, I think I've found a more promising lead. Right. Right, no thank you. Thank you. Bye. ( Knocking on door )

Michelle: Good morning.

Edmund: That it is. May I come in?

Michelle: It's your suite.

Edmund: Thank you. Sleep well last night?

Michelle: Very well. The place is great. The food, the service. Everything is great. In fact, it's a little too great.

Edmund: Excuse me?

Michelle: Edmund Winslow doesn't do anything that won't get him something in return. So you've let me stay in your place. What is it you really want from me?

Dinah: Hi.

Bill: What are you doing?

Dinah: Hi.

Bill: Aren't you supposed to be on bed rest? What, what, what?

Dinah: Well, I was getting tired of being stuck in the house, and I couldn't even get in my car to see my brother because at the parking garage yesterday, my car got into a fender bender.

Bill: Wait a minute. You got in a fender bender?

Dinah: Yes.

Bill: Are you all right? Did you go see the doctor? The baby's okay?

Dinah: I'm fine, I'm fine.

Bill: Are you sure?

Dinah: The stupid thing won't work.

Bill: What do you mean, it won't work? All right, well, I'll take a look at it.

Dinah: Good.

Bill: But why don't you tell me why you were in such a hurry to get away from Cassie's? Huh? Is it Edmund? Is he...

Dinah: No, I'm just... I'm tired.

Bill: Well, it is summertime and you are pregnant, so they could have...

Dinah: Yeah. No kidding, I know. It's just, this whole baby thing is just so much harder than I thought it was going to be, that's all.

Bill: Oh, come over here, you.

Olivia: Great. More of the pregnant best friend from hell. Great. Isn't this cozy? A breakfast date with your... sister. Hi.

Tammy: Sandy. Hey, you. Sandy, is something wrong?

Sandy: You know, it's funny. I was just going to ask you that.

Tammy: What would be wrong with me?

Sandy: You... kissing me is not going to make everything else disappear, especially not Jonathan.

Jonathan: Hey, Dad. You haunting this place yet? Everybody wants me to grieve you. We all say good-bye in our own way.

Reva: Perfect.

Josh: Hi.

Josh: Hi.

Reva: Hi.

Josh: What are you doing?

Reva: Going back in time. I was furious with you at Gus and Harley’s wedding.

Josh: I noticed.

Reva: But then once I got the chance to cool down a little, I realized that I was really just mad at myself for making such a mess of things. So I decided I'd do a little cleanup. Here. Look at the date on there.

Josh: It's a few months ago.

Reva: That is actually the day everything started getting off-track with us. In fact, we're going to do that day over again-- only this time, we're going to do it right.

Tammy: Sandy, I kissed you because I wanted to, okay?

Sandy: No. You want to hide something. I don't know if it's from me or from yourself, but I can feel it.

Tammy: Something about Jonathan? Sandy, he is not a threat to us. Why can't you believe that? I love what we have together.

Sandy: ( Laughs ) Just like you loved that locket, the one that you "lost"? Oh, no, wait. You gave that to Jonathan on the boat that night, right?

Tammy: What?

Sandy: I saw it in his hands at the hospital.

Tammy: I thought he was leaving with his father.

Sandy: Oh, oh, oh, so it was just a "remember me" gift then?

Tammy: No. If Jonathan was going to be with that monster, I wanted him to have something to hold on to that wasn't twisted and ugly. Sandy, it is not what you think it is. Richard... Jonathan’s father gave that to me, so...

Sandy: So he still has it, right?

Tammy: If it's that big a deal, I'll go get it back. Would that make you feel better?

Sandy: Whatever.

Tammy: Okay. I will. No problem.

Bill: Oh, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey.

Olivia: How's it going?

Bill: Oh, well, it was going just fine...

Olivia: I'm sorry.

Bill: I thought we were past this.

Olivia: I'm sorry. I thought it was...

Bill: I'm lucky you didn't come in here with a rolling pin and knock me over the head.

Olivia: What?

Bill: I don't know, isn't that what the crazy wives do in the cartoons?

Olivia: Thanks for understanding.

Bill: I know I'm a real prize. I know that, I really do. But there is no reason for you to be jealous about Michelle or anyone else, okay?

Olivia: Look, maybe it's your fault, really, because maybe you should be a little less prize-y.

Bill: Well, I do need a haircut and I put on a little weight, but I hope you won't hold that against me.

Olivia: Not at all.

Bill: Smile? That's it. That's what I was looking for. Now I'm sorry, I've got to run and check on my sister's car. Is that okay?

Olivia: Yes.

Bill: Is that okay?

Olivia: ( Laughs ) Yes.

Bill: It's okay?

Olivia: Please. Come on.

Bill: Okay, all right. And maybe you can, I don't know, count the ways that you love me.

Olivia: I will. Sorry.

Dinah: Well, I thought I was the master at driving men away.

Michelle: It's not that I'm not grateful for you letting me stay here. I just don't really understand why you would.

Edmund: I don't know, either. I think it's because I'm a changed man. I'm going to be a parent, and parents nurture and they... and they develop and they support, no matter what the circumstances are.

Michelle: Yes, that they do.

Edmund: I'm sorry, Michelle. I didn't mean to upset you.

Michelle: No, you didn’t. You know, it's just...

Edmund: It's just, I know, I know. We're bringing children into shattered homes, and we try to put a good face on the heartbreak, but it's still just a face.

Michelle: You still love Cassie that much, huh?

Edmund: Yeah, I do. I do, and I've tried to move on, but it's not easy, and I just can't imagine my life without her.

Michelle: So she's moved on?

Edmund: Yeah. You know, maybe that's why I relate to your situation so much, because Danny’s moved on himself.

Michelle: Yep, he has. He has. And that's why I'm staying here, and that's why I promise you I am not going to overstay my welcome.

Edmund: Don't even think about it.

Michelle: You have enough to deal with, really.

Edmund: Don't even think about it, Michelle, please. I mean, I just want to make a difference, and it's taken me a long journey in the course of my life where actually doing something for others feels good for me.

Michelle: Well, I'm glad, but I don't want to take advantage of your generosity, so I'm going to find somewhere else to go.

Edmund: Michelle, stepping outside of that door would be very unwise. ( Glass breaking )

Jonathan: Ashes to ashes. It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Tammy: Do it, and your father was right about you.

Reva: That's the very day that Nate sent me that drink and the key to his hotel room.

Josh: Maybe that day is best left forgotten.

Reva: Oh, Joshua. It was supposed to be you. I was expecting it to be you. So let's just pretend it's that night again, and it was you. What happens next?

Josh: I can guess.

Reva: I know. You kiss me, long and sweet. And then we wrap ourselves around each other, and we spend the day making love like a couple of sex-drunk honeymooners.

Josh: Really? You seem pretty sure of that.

Reva: We've spent a lot of nights like that. Why shouldn't it happen?

Josh: I can't do this.

Reva: What is it, Bud? You need a little more romancing?

Josh: This is not going to solve the problems between us, Reva.

Reva: Well, it used to. Oh, no, no, no, no. Please, don’t.

Josh: It's not that I don't want you, okay?

Reva: You just don’t.

Josh: You know, I... we could make love right now, Reva.

Reva: Uh-huh.

Josh: But that wouldn't be enough for you. All those nights and days that we have spent together, I've gotten to know you pretty well, and I know that this is not about sex or about love or about reconnecting. This... this is about that space you have inside of you.

Reva: Space?

Josh: The one that's not filled, Reva, the empty space-- the one that Nate filled for a short period of time, the one that's still there.

Reva: Can we please just forget about Nate?

Josh: No, I don't think so.

Reva: I didn’t... by my choice, I didn't make love to him.

Josh: He hurt you, and I'm not just talking about stuff with Jonathan. I mean, he excited you and he made you feel sexy. He made you feel...

Reva: No.

Josh: ...Wanted. Right?

Reva: I don't want to do this.

Josh: And then you found out that it was just an act, that he was playing you and you got hurt and you got angry and upset and a whole lot of other things, Reva. And now you think that if we spend time together in this room, all that pain is going to go away. And it might, for a short time, but then it's going to come back, because that pain, Reva, it comes from a place inside of you that is so deep down inside that no one's love can touch it-- except maybe your own, I don't know.

Reva: Boy. ( Laughs ) You said Nate fed me a line. That happens to be the biggest bunch of bull I've ever heard.

Josh: Reva, please. Don't do that.

Reva: He scammed me. He did scam me. But he also wanted me, in a big way, and he wasn't faking it. In fact, I could walk out that door right now, and I could get any man I wanted to do what you won't do.

Josh: My question is, why would you do something like that?

Reva: You want to know why? Because a woman has certain needs, even when her husband isn't willing or able to satisfy them.

Josh: Why am I not enough for you?

Reva: Because you're not! ( Sobs ) I don't know, call it that empty space in me. But I need more. And you can't give it to me, Joshua, because I don't want to be invisible.

Michelle: Are you threatening me?

Edmund: Threatening? Oh, good God, Michelle, no. Just think about it, think about it. Even if you went to great pains to not run into Danny, how long would it be until you ran into someone looking like that, who would report back to Danny?

Michelle: Good point. Not long.

Edmund: You just don't want to tear his life apart. You don't want to tear his life apart when he's just gotten it back together, so stay here, relax, take your time, and tell him when it's right for you, on your terms, your own timetable. Smoothie?

Michelle: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, it is awfully peaceful here.

Edmund: Good. Then stay.

Michelle: You sure it's not an inconvenience for you at all?

Edmund: Michelle, I invited you.

Michelle: Okay, well, I really feel like I need to repay you.

Edmund: Well, there is something you could do for me that I need very badly.

Jonathan: You get out of here before you go up with the rest of the place.

Tammy: You don't want to do this.

Jonathan: You know what I want?

Tammy: Nate called you a loser, a punk who could only be counted on to destroy things. So you're going to prove him right?

Jonathan: Just go.

Tammy: Seems like you're always telling me that when we're together.

Jonathan: Cut the crap and leave.

Tammy: I'm not going to bail on you.

Jonathan: Yeah, you will.

Tammy: Jonathan.

Jonathan: I'm busy right now.

Tammy: Burning down this bar won't change anything. Your father will still be dead, and you'll still have to figure out a way to get past how much he hurt you.

Jonathan: Would you get the hell out of here!

Tammy: I'll leave, okay, if you will.

Jonathan: Damn it! I don't want you to save me! I am not going to change! I don't want to change! The only thing I want to do is turn this place into a real hot spot right now, and there is nothing that you can do to stop me!

Jonathan: What was that?

Tammy: I'm just trying to get you to think about what you're doing.

Jonathan: Sure. Don't you ever kiss me like that again unless you mean it, and you're ready to go to where we went before.

Tammy: Just when I think...

Jonathan: You don't get to do that to me. I don't need your pity. I don't need your help. I don't need you telling me what to do. I know what I'm doing.

Tammy: Yeah, seems like it.

Jonathan: Look, Dad loved this place; good enough reason to turn it into a pile of ashes. Sooner the better.

Tammy: Okay. If that's what you've got to do, hey, let's do it together. Hm? Come on. Where's the lighter?

Jonathan: All right, now we're talking. I love this freaky little pyro side of yours.

Tammy: Come on, I'm serious. Are you serious about this or what?

Jonathan: Yeah, okay. On the count of three. You ready?

Tammy: Mm-hmm.

Jonathan: One. Two. Th...

Tammy: Wait!

Jonathan: I knew it.

Tammy: Hey, we can burn down this place if you want to, but according to this, this bar is not your father’s. It's yours.

Olivia: Don't start with me.

Dinah: Oh, okay. Well, you know, I just... maybe my next sister-in-law and I will be a little closer. You have a great day.

Olivia: Wait. Did Bill say something to you about us?

Dinah: Look, let me just... let me just tell you like this. Bill is disgustingly ooh-goo-ga-ga about you. So why do you doubt him?

Olivia: Because I don't ever know where I stand with a man, even one who loves me. Okay?

Dinah: A man who hurts your feelings and stomps all over your heart. Well, I wonder what that's like. Look, Bill is really a good guy, and I know what he hates more than anything in the world is someone who doesn't trust him.

Olivia: I'm working on it.

Dinah: Well, good. Good. Because I don't know how much he's going to put up with that type of garbage.

Olivia: Marriage advice from Velma Kelly? How's your love life going?

Dinah: It's fine.

Olivia: Uh-huh. Still pining away over Cassie's husband?

Dinah: Cassie and Edmund are over. Edmund is moving on, towards me.

Olivia: I have known Edmund for a very long time. He never gives up on what he wants, and I have never seen him want anyone more than Cassie. Trust me on this.

Edmund: Just forget it. Forget I said anything.

Michelle: Why? What? What is it that you want?

Edmund: No, really, it’s... ( laughs ) It's just too much of an imposition. Just forget it. I'm going to get some coffee. I'd like some coffee. Would you like some coffee? I can make it decaf if...

Michelle: Tell me what you want.

Edmund: I feel silly. Okay, here it is. I want to be a good father, and I want to know everything, but every time I start reading, I get terrified, and that's new to me, because nothing much scares me.

Michelle: Well, what is it that scares you?

Edmund: Well, how about starting with delivery. I mean, you're in the medical profession. You're also a mother. I mean, I was wondering-- and tell me it's too much if I'm overstepping my bounds here-- but I was just... I was wondering if I could pick your brain.

Michelle: About childbirth?

Edmund: Yeah.

Michelle: ( Laughs )

Edmund: I mean, how does it... I want to know exactly how the delivery procedure goes. I mean, in case there's an emergency, I don't want anything to catch me by surprise. Do you think you can tell me...

Michelle: That's all?

Edmund: That's all? That's a huge thing.

Michelle: Well, then yes. Yes. I can tell you everything you need to know about delivering a baby.

Edmund: Good.

Josh: Reva, you couldn't possibly be invisible, any more than I could flap my arms and fly to Chicago.

Reva: It's started to happen already.

Josh: What are you talking about?

Reva: Do you remember that wild-hearted girl named Reva Shayne? The one who liked to put on a red dress and jump into fountains and dance on tabletops? There were some people who even thought she had the power to make it rain.

Josh: Yes, I remember her.

Reva: Well, she's starting to slip farther and farther away from me, and I can't let go of her because the second I do, she's gone forever.

Josh: No, Reva, that's not possible, because that wild girl is a part of you. I see her inside of you, Reva. She's in my memories.

Reva: Yeah, well, that doesn't count.

Josh: Why not, Reva? I'm your husband.

Reva: Because you are my husband. You're my husband. You're supposed to love and adore me and just think of the high times no matter what.

Josh: Is that a bad thing, though?

Reva: It's not everything. It's not everybody. I'm talking about the rest of the world. I mean, there was a time when I could walk in a room and feel every eye on me. And now there's no stir. There's no buzz of recognition. I'm not Reva Shayne anymore. I'm just another woman, and I hate it.

Josh: Reva, you can't be the center of attention all the time.

Reva: Why not? Call me selfish, petty, vain, or any other damn thing, but I... I want to make waves again. I want to shine. I want to be that woman that turns heads and breaks hearts and opens eyes, and cause a righteous stir wherever I go and whenever I want to go there. And then I want to come home to you, Bud. Now, I know what you're thinking, and you're right. You think I want everything. ( Laughs ) Well, that's really all I've ever wanted. doing on this?

Tammy: It's the title to the bar.

Jonathan: I know that, but... I mean, my father bought the bar with my trust money, I know that, but he bought it because he wanted it.

Tammy: Maybe Nate did care about you, in his way.

Jonathan: No way. He put my name on this to screw me on taxes or bank account or something, I don't know, but... well, the joke's on him. He got dead; I got the bar.

Tammy: So, what are you going to do with it now? Stick to plan A?

Jonathan: I don't know. I don't know.

Tammy: Well, I guess you don't have to decide right away.

Jonathan: Yeah. But I am making the shots now. My life changed on the boat that night.

Tammy: Yeah, it nearly ended, too.

Jonathan: Yeah, thanks to my dear old dad. But from now on I'm don't live my life for or through anybody else. They can kiss my ass.

Tammy: Even me?

Jonathan: Yeah, especially you. Don't come around here. I don't want you trying to fix me or heal me or do anything for me. You come to me, you come to be with me because of me.

Tammy: I'll stay away. Oh. Do you still have that locket I gave you?

Jonathan: Yeah.

Tammy: I'd like it back.

Jonathan: Take it.

Edmund: I worry, because Dinah’s very close to her due date, and she is showing no signs of going into labor-- I mean, none, no signs at all. So, I just... and I know it's dangerous to go beyond term. I just worry about that.

Michelle: There are ways to induce labor. I mean, laprosin is a commonly prescribed drug.

Edmund: Laprosin? Really? Is that safe for mother and child?

Michelle: Oh, absolutely. If Dinah needs to be induced, it can be done with very little risk to her or the baby. In fact, the procedure is about as simple and straightforward as they come.

Edmund: Good. Good.

Michelle: Oh!

Edmund: Are you all right? What? What?

Michelle: Yeah, I just got a swift kick in the ribs from my little passenger. Do you want to feel?

Edmund: I'd love to. Thank you. Hello, there. I'm very much looking forward to meeting you.

Josh: Why is it so awful that you're not the same person you were when you were 20, Reva? You're just different, that's all.

Reva: Yeah. Older.

Josh: But that doesn't mean worse in some way, and it certainly does not mean less in any way, Reva. In fact, I think it's the opposite.

Reva: Yeah, I have the ages of, what, wisdom on my side now? Is that it? ( Laughs )

Josh: We both know a hell of a lot more than we did when we were a couple of young kids just coming off the ranch, Reva. We've grown and we've changed and we've adapted, and we've learned that we find satisfaction from things that are different than when we were younger, Reva-- deeper things.

Reva: Maybe I'm just not as deep as you are.

Josh: Reva, come on.

Reva: You blew it. You know, you had your chance to teach me something about satisfaction a little while ago, and you blew it.

Josh: I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

Reva: Yeah, well, you did.

Josh: I'm sorry.

Reva: I can see how broken up you are.

Josh: I'm just tired, that's all.

Reva: See? ( Laughs ) That's what happens when you're not 20 anymore. Let's just go home.

Josh: I'm going to stay here.

Reva: Because you're tired?

Josh: Because I'm not ready to live with you again yet.

Bill: So I shouldn't make a crack about Michelle being in the trunk?

Olivia: I wish you wouldn’t.

Bill: Okay, then I won’t. You know, there is no one that can break us up. Do you understand that? No one. The only one who can do that is standing right across from me.

Olivia: I know, Bill. Okay, so here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to make a solemn vow that I'm going to love and trust you from this moment on.

Bill: And not go crazy? Yeah?

Olivia: Okay, and not go crazy.

Bill: Okay, good. You promise?

Olivia: I promise.

Bill: Promise? Okay, well...

Olivia: So, you forgive me?

Bill: I'm going to have to think about it. I don't know.

Olivia: Could you think a little faster? I've got places to go, people to see.

Bill: What do you have to do? Hm.

Olivia: Well, I have to come up with a really, you know, good plan to make this up to you.

Bill: What you got in mind?

Olivia: Well, how about I let you check under my hood?

Michelle: Hey. It is all right, Sweetie. Everything is going to be okay. Mommy is going to figure out what to do, and until then we're going to stay here, where it's safe and quiet.

Edmund: I'll get that. Wait, wait, wait. Before you say anything, just wait. Hear me out. I want to apologize for the way I treated you last night when you came in to Towers. It was rude, it was insensitive. I'm sorry.

Dinah: You slammed the door in my face.

Edmund: I know. I'm sorry. I was just... I was in a mood.

Dinah: A rotten one.

Edmund: I know. It’s... Dinah, it comes from asking you to do so much, and watching you come through like a champ without exception every single time.

Dinah: Which is why I moved the deadline the way I did, to tell Cassie about the baby. I think that it's good. That way everybody knows, and we can move on.

Edmund: Exactly.

Dinah: Mm-hmm.

Edmund: And you're right, you're right. And it's because you're wise and you're strong. Good Lord, Dinah, you've been pretending to be pregnant for how long now? For months. It's superhuman. And I know it's taken a toll on you.

Dinah: It's been hard.

Edmund: I know. It's going to be worth it in the end, because Cassie’s going to get what she has coming to her for hurting us the way she has. But in the meantime, I want you to know that I appreciate you and cherish you. Come here.

Dinah: Well, this feels good.

Edmund: Good. Good. And it's going to all be over very, very soon, Dinah, very, very soon. And then soon after that, I'll be able to put you out of your misery.

Sandy: Tammy.

Tammy: Hi.

Sandy: Hi.

Tammy: I'm so sorry about before. I was...

Sandy: No, no, no, no, no, no. Don't apologize.

Tammy: I just... I'm handling everything so badly lately.

Sandy: No. No, I'm the one that's handling things badly. You gave me everything. You gave me your heart, your body, and your soul. And what have I been? I've been this jerk doubting you when all along I should have known that you gave me these things because you love me.

Tammy: I do. Sandy, you're the man I want to be with.

Sandy: And now I can... I can really hear it, and I want you to know that you have to do whatever you have to do with Jonathan. Do it. I trust you.

 ( Sound of door closing )

Jonathan: Who's that? If that's you, dad, I'm not afraid of ghosts. Whoa, whoa.

Reva: Where are my shoes?

Josh: Reva. Reva.

Reva: No. I am so out of here.

Josh: Reva, please. Reva... Reva. Reva, don't go like this. Look, I'm not ready to come home, but that doesn't mean we can't talk.

Reva: There's nothing to talk about.

Josh: Please, just...

Reva: Don't! Don't touch me.

Josh: Shutting me out is what got this whole thing started.

Reva: Who's shutting who out? You're the one that doesn't want to come home.

Josh: Then stay and let's talk.

Reva: No.

Josh: Please. Nothing is going to change if you walk away like this.

Reva: ( Gasps )

Josh: Reva! Reva!

Announcer:  Next, on "Guiding Light"...

Ava: No. Get away from me. What are you doing? Don't touch me. Don't touch me.

Jonathan: Whoa.

Cassie: Maybe the next time I see you...

Edmund: We'll have a baby.

Michelle: I just can't get over how nice you're being.

Edmund: Focus on the baby and let me take care of everything else.

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