GL Transcript Monday 8/22/05

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 8/22/05



Provided by Boo
Proofread by Laura

Cassie: You know, I was always jealous of those girls who had boyfriends in the band.

Jeffrey: Well, it looks like you've struck pay dirt this time, huh?

Cassie: You could say that.

Jeffrey: You know, you're not going to get out of this, no matter how much you try to flirt with me.

Cassie: Come on. Come on. Please.

Jeffrey: A promise is a promise.

Cassie: Well, why? Why? Gus and Harley aren't here anymore.

Jeffrey: It doesn't matter. You're still singing.

Dinah: ( Gasps ) Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?

Cassie: Not if I hide the microphone.

Jeffrey: Wait, wait. Come here.

Cassie: No.

Reva: Look at them. They make a cute couple, don't they?

Josh: Yeah, they have that happy new couple look to them.

Reva: Not like us. We're old hat, right? Good old Josh and Reva. Been there, done that.

Josh: That's not... Reva, I'm just saying that things change, you know? Stuff happens.

Reva: "Stuff happens"?

Josh: Look at us over the last few weeks.

Reva: Mm-hmm. I'd rather not.

Josh: Excellent.

Reva: Wait. Wait, wait, wait. Look, I would rather just concentrate on what's right, not the bad stuff. I mean, this is a wedding, right? We should be happy.

Josh: You really mean that?

Reva: Yes, I do.

Josh: Okay. Then let's be happy. For Gus and Harley.

Reva: Why don't we be happy for us?

Lizzie: It is so cool how they just stay together like that.

Coop: Well, I guess you've just got to find ways to keep things interesting.

Lizzie: Oh. Well, I can do that.

Coop: Yes, this is very interesting. What's this?

Lizzie: Look, Coop, I can explain it.

Coop: Don't bother, all right? Lizzie, while everyone else was lining up to kiss the bride, you were too busy ripping her off.

Beth: Alan, this is Reverend Cartwright. Reverend, Alan Spaulding.

Reverend: Pleasure to meet you.

Alan: A pleasure to meet you, Reverend.

Reverend: Well, I've performed weddings just about everywhere, but this...

Beth: Is a first?

Reverend: Yes. ( Laughter ) Now, before I can proceed, there is one thing I have to know.

Beth: Sure.

Alan: Anything.

Reverend: Is Mr. Spaulding... well, is he competent?

Beth: Reverend...

Alan: Reverend, do you know who I am?

Beth: Alan, dear, I took the liberty of asking your nurse to join us.

Alan: My nurse?

Beth: Yes.

Alan: Really?

Beth: Nurse? Would you please tell the Reverend that Mr. Spaulding is more than capable of saying his vows?

Lillian: Oh, Reverend, believe me, Mr. Spaulding is not the crazy one.

Marina: I love weddings.

Danny: Oh, yeah, I can tell by the way you practically tackled everyone to get a hold of that bouquet.

Marina: It was instinct.

Danny: Oh, is that what you call it? Yeah? Did you play football in high school?

Marina: Tight end.

Danny: Well.

Marina: I'm not fishing for a proposal, just so you know.

Danny: Oh, no? Who said you were?

Marina: No one. It's just... I don't know. I mean, we've not even moved in yet. What makes you think that I would buy a used car without giving it a test-drive first?

Danny: Oh, I'm used now?

Marina: Pre-owned.

Danny: Oh, I see. Okay. ( Laughs )

Marina: So it's okay with you that I invited Michelle?

Danny: Yeah. Why wouldn't it be? She's Robbie’s mom. I'm glad she's back in town. It's not like we can avoid each other.

Marina: Exactly. I just want to make sure that we're all up front and honest with each other. You know?

Michelle: Your Uncle Bill's right. Danny deserves to know that he might be a father again.

Edmund: Dinah, what are you doing here?

Dinah: I was looking for you. And guess what? I found you. You're still in love with her, aren't you?

Edmund: What? No. Dinah, I was looking at the monitor, imagining what it's going to be like to wipe the smile off her face.

Dinah: I don't believe you.

Edmund: Dinah, Cassie destroyed any feelings I had for her the moment she took up with Jeffrey O’Neill.

Dinah: Then why are you here, Edmund?

Edmund: To make sure she's happy, to make sure she's carefree, to make sure she's everything we want her to be right before we tear the rug out from underneath her.

Dinah: You were going to throw that bottle at that television.

Edmund: What? No. I was... I was raising it in a toast. To Cassie and Jeffrey, may they enjoy it while they still can.

Danny: I love you so much.

Marina: I love you, too.

Danny: You don't know how good it feels to start fresh and escape all the baggage from my past. Just to feel free and happy. With you. Michelle?

Marina: Oh, my God.

Danny: Why didn't you tell me?

Michelle: I didn't want to burden you. I shouldn't have come here.

Danny: No, wait, wait, wait. Michelle. I mean, did you think I would just turn my back on you?

Michelle: Danny, I don't even know who the baby belongs to.

Danny: Well, that doesn't matter.

Michelle: But you love Marina.

Danny: Michelle. Michelle, I couldn't live with myself if I didn't do the right thing, even if that means letting Marina go.

Michelle: ( Sighs ) Can I really do this to Danny?

Lizzie: Here. I wasn't stealing the money, okay? I was just going to borrow it.

Coop: You were going to borrow it? From Gus and Harley’s wedding gifts?

Lizzie: Coop, I didn't have the money to buy them a wedding gift.

Coop: Oh, come on, Lizzie. Do you think they really would have noticed?

Lizzie: They would have noticed if I had bought them something nice.

Coop: So you were going to use their money to buy them a gift? Lizzie, that’s... that’s...

Lizzie: Crazy? Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Coop: No. I wasn't going to say that you were crazy. I'm just...

Lizzie: No, of course not.

Coop: I'm just saying that I don't get why you would do something like that. That's all.

Lizzie: I was embarrassed.

Coop: You were embarrassed? Why? Why would you be embarrassed?

Lizzie: Because I'm sure they expected something nice from me, and I didn't have anything nice to give them.

Coop: Lizzie, what about Company?

Lizzie: What about it?

Coop: You... that’s... Lizzie, you gave it back to my family, all right? That was, like, the nicest gift we could have received.

Lizzie: I know, but Coop...

Coop: Anything big or glamorous or extravagant, I mean, that wouldn't have mattered compared to that.

Lizzie: But you know how much I like big, extravagant gestures.

Coop: Lizzie, in case you haven't noticed, we're...

Lizzie: Coop, it's who I am, all right? It may seem over the top to you, but it's all I've ever known.

Josh: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Reva: Ow. ( Laughs )

Josh: I stepped on your foot that time.

Reva: It's okay, really. I was probably leading.

Josh: That's a very bad habit.

Reva: I know. I like it better when you lead. You know, I remember the first time we danced. Miss Martha’s parlor. It was a hot summer night and Trish was playing The Carpenters on her brand-new stereo.

Josh: Did I step on your foot back then, too?

Reva: No, I think I stepped on yours. ( Laughter ) So much has happened since then. You know, and just when you think that nothing ever could possibly happen again, people... never mind. Nothing more to drink for me. Otherwise, I'll just keep thinking about him.

Josh: Thinking about who?

Reva: Nate. Nate. And I have to stop, because when I think about him, then he wins, and I won't let him win. I won't let anyone-- especially a ghost-- come between us, Joshua.

Alan: Well, Reverend, I think it's time to get this ceremony under way.

Beth: Yes.

Alan: Ladies?

Beth: Yes, could we, please? I have to admit I'm excited myself.

Reverend: You do both seem in a rush.

Alan: Well, we are.

Beth: Do we? Well, it's just that we love each other so much, and we have waited so long for this day. Isn't that right, Pumpkin?

Alan: Yes, we have, Sweetheart.

Reverend: I see. But there is still the matter of Mr. Spaulding's competency.

Beth: Which the nurse is more than happy to address.

Alan: Yes. By all means, Nurse. The suspense is killing me, so why don't you tell the Reverend what he needs to hear?

Beth: Please.

Lillian: Mr. Spaulding is suffering from acute depression brought on by his son's death.

Beth: And?

Lillian: And there is no medical reason to keep the happy couple from going forward on this happy day.

Alan: Thank you, Nurse.

Reverend: Very well.

Beth: I don't know what I'm thinking. I'm a traditional sort of gal. I need to wear white on my wedding. Do you mind if I borrow this? ( Whispers ): Thank you.

Lillian: Well, if I can't stop this train wreck, I guess I have to witness it.

Reverend: Do you have the rings?

Alan: Well, no, I don’t...

Beth: I... I have them.

Alan: My parents' rings.

Beth: Yes. Well, I figured Gus and Harley wouldn't be using them.

Alan: Wonderful idea.

Beth: I'm so glad you approve. Oh, and I saw the piece in the "Mirror" about us. It's okay. You're not the only one with an agenda. So, what do you say we get this show on the road?

Reverend: Certainly.

Alan: ( Chuckles )

Reverend: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today...

Jeffrey: Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Where do you think you're going?

Cassie: Uh, you don't want me to sing.

Jeffrey: It's going to be fine. You're going to be cute. It's going to be...

Cassie: Cute? Humiliating myself is cute?

Jeffrey: You're not that bad, really.

Cassie: Are you tone deaf?

Jeffrey: Okay, it's practice, okay? Consider it practice.

Cassie: Oh, I love to practice. I'll practice in the shower. I'll practice in the car. I just don't want to practice here.

Jeffrey: You know what? That's not our deal, okay? Our deal was that the band swallows their pride, and you have to sing.

Cassie: You're not going to let me out of this, are you? Okay. I'll do it on one condition.

Jeffrey: No, no, no. No conditions. No, no negotiating.

Cassie: You're going to like this condition.

Jeffrey: What is it?

Cassie: You have to promise me that after the performance, you're going to take me back to your place and you'll give me a private lesson in your shower.

Jeffrey: You drive a hard bargain, don't you?

Cassie: I knew you'd like it.

Dinah: I'm sorry I doubted you. I want my own happy ending, you know?

Edmund: And you'll have it.

Dinah: You swear?

Edmund: I swear on everything I hold dear. Cassie will get the heartache she so richly deserves, and you will get her farm.

Dinah: And you. Okay? Best part of all, right?

Edmund: Dinah, darling, you already have me. ( Cell phone rings ) Oh, good. It's my lawyer. He probably has news about the divorce. Excuse me. Vince?

Russo: You got it, Big Daddy.

Edmund: Are you telling me you have good news?

Russo: Well, meet me, and I'll tell you.

Edmund: I don't have time for games, Russo. Just tell me.

Russo: Now, now, easy. I just thought you were with your lady friend and you'd like some privacy.

Edmund: All right, where are you? Good, that's not far. I'll see you in a bit. Oh. That was Russo. He said he found a judge who will push paperwork through for us.

Dinah: That's great. That's great. Well, good. I'm sure you're going to meet with him, right?

Edmund: Yes, I have to. And you have to get to bed, so I'll see you later, all right?

Dinah: Uh, uh, uh, uh. I want one dance, first.

Edmund: One dance?

Dinah: Mm-hmm.

Edmund: Dinah, we can’t. If Cassie sees you.

Dinah: She won't know any better. Come on, one little dance, that's all I ask.

Edmund: Okay. Okay, but let me get you a drink first.

Dinah: I don't want a drink.

Edmund: Let me get you a drink. Yes. It relieves stress. Just don't let anyone smell it on your breath, all right?

Dinah: Ah, you spoil me.

Edmund: Well, I... I enjoy it.

Dinah: ( Whistles ) Strong.

Edmund: May I get you anything else?

Dinah: Nope. Just that dance.

Edmund: Ah. Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world. ( Laughs ) Oh, this is nice, isn't it?

Dinah: Mm-hmm. Are we dancing?

Edmund: Are we ever? There we go. Right there. Oh, we're perfect, no? Very good. Right. Let's see. ( Laughs ) Oh, don't slip. Hold on, hold on, hold on. There we are. Oh! You're a thing of beauty.

 ( Cheers and applause )

Jeffrey: All right. Thank you very much. We are Stakeout. We are your wedding band, and we have a special surprise for you, your new wedding singer: Cassie Winslow! A big hand. Let's go. ( Cheers and applause ) Right up here, darling.

Josh: I didn't know Cassie could sing.

Reva: She can’t. ( Band playing intro )

Jeffrey: It was in another place it was in another time I could see it in your face and I see it in your smile and I know you understand and I know you feel it too now here we are again and I'm falling in with you and I need it I feel it in my dreams in my dreams feeling out of place feeling out of time down and out alone looking for a sign and I fought a lot for this and it took a lot to see and here we are once more and it will never be the same again 'cause it's you my friend you and me you and me our love's from another time and I met you there and our love's till the end of time it's in the air in the air in the air...

Reverend: By the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

Lillian: ( Crying )

Reverend: My wife's the same way at weddings. You'd think it was a funeral.

Alan: Reverend, I want to thank you very much for this.

Beth: Yes, yes, thank you, Reverend. And, Nurse, thank you so much for the use of your coat. Would you please stop crying? You're going to make the minister suspicious.

Lillian: What have you done?

Beth: Nothing that I didn't think long and hard about.

Alan: Nurse? Thank you very much.

Lillian: You hurt my child and...

Alan: I never will.

Lillian: I'm going to be watching you, Alan. And just remember, I have access to little, mean and surgical instruments.

Beth: Nurse? Could you show the Reverend out?

Alan: Yes, please.

Lillian: Uh, Reverend? Come with me.

Reverend: Of course.

Lillian: And visiting hours are almost over, so the honeymoon cannot happen tonight.

Beth: Thank you. I'm sorry about her.

Alan: Look, it's perfectly all right. She loves you very much, Beth.

Beth: She doesn't understand.

Alan: Well, most people wouldn’t.

Beth: And Phillip?

Alan: Phillip's dead. I told you I was saying he was alive just to keep myself out of prison.

Beth: Good. I'm glad to know you're clear on that, because there's something I've been waiting to tell you. They opened Phillip’s grave.

Edmund: There. And one in there. And don't slump. No slumping. Slump not.

Michelle: Okay. Okay, I can do this. No, no, I can’t. I cannot do this. I can't do this. Or can I? Yes. Yes, I can. I can.

Marina: Harley and Gus are probably almost leaving for Greece.

Danny: Yeah, I know. How jealous are we?

Marina: I know. But they deserve their own little piece of paradise.

Danny: Yeah. Well, you and I could take off for a little while right now maybe.

Marina: Really?

Danny: Mm-hmm. Just the two of us.

Marina: What about Michelle?

Danny: What about Michelle? I'm not the one who invited her here. I don't need to see her.

Marina: Are you sure?

Danny: Do I look sure? You know, I was actually kind of hoping that she would show up so that you could see that I'm over her. But I think you know already.

Marina: Hm.

Danny: Don't you? So, where shall we go?

Marina: I have an idea.

Jeffrey: We have everything we need and still you give me more and I know you understand I know you feel it too we've been here before but it feels like something new and you, you need it and you feel it too in your dreams in your dreams our love's from another time and I'll see you there and our love's till the end of time it's in the air in the air in the air and this is your celebration day...

Coop: Josh, how hands-on are you at WSPR?

Josh: Not very.

Coop: But you do kind of keep tabs on what's going on, right?

Josh: Yeah, of course I do. What is this about?

Coop: Uh, I have a pitch for you. It's about a new hire.

Josh: Okay. Is this a position that needs to be filled now or...

Coop: It's for a friend of mine. She just... well, she just kind of really needs a break, but the problem is that she doesn't have a lot of experience.

Josh: I see. This friend, by any chance, does she happen to be very rich?

Coop: Um, not anymore. Look, Lizzie is a great girl. She’s... she's really a great girl, but she just needs something to help break out of her shell. She needs something that's going to challenge her. Look, she is great at makeup, she's got great fashion sense.

Josh: ( Laughs )

Coop: And she can make a great pot of coffee, so she's got that going for her.

Josh: Okay, okay, okay. Just... I think it's wonderful that you want to do this for Lizzie, but are you sure it's what she wants?

Coop: Josh, this is what Lizzie needs.

Josh: Well, let me give you a little piece of advice, okay? Ask her. Because she may need something entirely different.

Jeffrey: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Cassie and Reva: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Jeffrey: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Cassie and Reva: Yeah. ( Cheers and applause )

Jeffrey: Beautiful. Thank you. ( Cheers and applause )

Beth: Rick opened the coffin. Confirmed what we've all known for months: Phillip is dead.

Alan: So, Rick made the ID?

Beth: Yes. Why?

Alan: Well, I just didn't think Rick had it in him. I didn't know that he was strong enough to put his emotions aside and do the right thing.

Beth: Well, it was very difficult for him.

Alan: I'm sure it was. I guess I underestimated Rick.

Beth: As much as I miss Phillip, I'm glad that these rumors have been put to rest. He's gone.

Alan: Yes, he's gone, and I think it's time for us all to move on.

Beth: And I'm ready to move on, move on together.

Alan: Together. Just the two of us.

Russo: Oh, nice of you to take your own sweet time.

Edmund: I had business to attend to.

Russo: You don't think I don't? You're not my only client.

Edmund: I pay you well.

Russo: Alan Spaulding pays me better.

Edmund: Really? Tell me, Mr. Russo, why does a man in an insane asylum need a lawyer of your ilk?

Russo: Oh, a lot of reasons.

Edmund: Really? Is it because Alan claims Phillip is still alive?

Russo: Ever hear of lawyer-client privilege?

Edmund: Well, it's nice to know you can keep your mouth shut.

Russo: My lips are sealed. Besides, who's going to believe that Alan locked Phillip in a room with a doctor and a nurse on call?

Edmund: So it is true.

Russo: My lips are sealed, like I said. But the best part is-- and don't laugh-- Alan says he fixed the room up like the Spaulding boardroom, so a delusional Phillip wouldn't know anything had changed.

Edmund: ( Laughs ) Sorry. It's pure genius.

Russo: In a fruit-loopy sort of way. Why do you even care?

Edmund: I don’t. Why did you call me?

Russo: Well, I've got some news for you. I've got a line on a baby.

Edmund: That's fantastic, man. What?

Russo: Right, so when? In a few months. The woman pops out the little bugger; you are set.

Edmund: A couple of months? I don't have a couple of months. I need a baby now.

Russo: Well, these things take time. I mean, what do you want me to do? Make a donation to the sperm bank in exchange for a newborn?

Edmund: If that's what it takes, man, you'd better believe it.

Marina: My dad built this place for Harley when she was little.

Danny: Yeah? Wow. It’s... yeah, nice work, Frank.

Marina: It's rock solid.

Danny: Sure is. It's cool in here.

Marina: If you're quiet, you can hear Laurel Falls. Come here.

Danny: Yeah?

Marina: Let's see. Hear it?

Danny: Mm-hmm. It's great. I could stay here all day.

Marina: Well, it's our little piece of paradise, if you didn't mind all the tires we had to trudge through in that old vacant lot to get here.

Danny: You know me. I love a challenge.

Marina: Well, then you're with the right girl.

Danny: Mm, I know. ( Sighs ) This is nice. I always wanted a place like this when I was a kid.

Marina: That's normal. I wanted a playhouse.

Danny: You did? But your parents never got you one?

Marina: Stop it. ( Laughs ) No. Then again, I didn't have a very normal childhood.

Danny: Well, I know the feeling. But it's okay, though. I think that everything I've gone through, everywhere I've been, it's okay because it brought me to where I am right now, and I like very much where I am right now.

Marina: Me, too.

Edmund: Michelle! I was just thinking about you.

Lillian: With luck like that, my little, dear son-in-law, you should do the lottery ticket.

Alan: Lillian, I meant what I said. I will be good to your daughter, and I will be good to you as well.

Beth: We'll be good to each other. And who knows? Maybe with any luck at all, I'll find a way to get you out of here.

Lillian: Did you mean that?

Beth: Of course not. He's never getting out, and that's why this marriage will work.

Jeffrey: Yes, you guys were great. Thank you. You were wonderful.

Cassie: Oh, Reva, you were great. Thank you so much. You saved the day.

Reva: You were doing just fine without me.

Cassie: Just fine, yeah. If you mean scaring away stray dogs is fine.

Reva: Oh, please. Would you stop? Stop her.

Cassie: I was, like, about to crash and burn, and I don't know why you like that so much.

Jeffrey: You had fun, didn't you?

Cassie: Yes, I had so much fun.

Jeffrey: There you go.

Cassie: And thank God my sister's a born exhibitionist.

Reva: Well, any opportunity to hog the spotlight, any chance I get.

Jeffrey: You know, the band's looking for another singer, Reva, and everybody loves you.

Reva: Not everybody. Ah, excuse me. ( Laughs )

Jeffrey: Oh. Okay.

Reva: You don't have to say it, I'll say it for you: "There she goes again, making a complete fool of herself."

Josh: Actually, I wasn't going to say that at all.

Reva: But you were thinking it, right?

Josh: You were. That's why you toned it down up there.

Reva: Your look said it all.

Josh: My look?

Reva: Mm-hmm.

Josh: Really?

Reva: Mm-hmm.

Josh: You don't know me at all, do you?

Lizzie: You got me a job?

Coop: No, I got you the next best thing. What I got you was an interview. But we both know that they're going to love you.

Lizzie: We do?

Coop: We do, we do. Now, look, it's nothing glamorous, but it's something for you to build upon. It's, like, an opportunity for you to do something.

Lizzie: Right. I'll build... I'll build upon it.

Coop: Yes, you will. But, you know, the way things go with Lizzie Spaulding, I'm giving it maybe a few short years, even months, before, you know, you're running things over there. I don't even know.

Lizzie: You know, but of course. Would we have it any other way?

Coop: No, probably not.

Lizzie: Do you know what I could do? I could do some kind of a cooking show for celebrities. Or, uh... oh, no, no, no, no, a show about pampering your pets. I found this cosmetic line that Roxy loves.

Coop: There you go. Great. See, you're already getting started.

Dinah: Hi, beautiful people. Have you guys seen Edmund?

Cassie: What are you doing here? The doctor put you on bed rest.

Dinah: Shut up. I am so sick of people treating me like an invalid.

Cassie: Uh, okay, I'm not treating you like an invalid, but the doctor put you on bed rest for a reason, Dinah.

Dinah: Blah, blah, blah, blah!

Cassie: Have you been drinking?

Cassie: Are you sure you haven't been drinking?

Dinah: No, I've not been drinking. But can I tell you something? I cannot wait to give birth to this little tadpole because I'm going out for Cosmos. I'm going to drink lots of Cosmos.

Cassie: Hey, look, you're almost in the home stretch, okay? So come on. Why don't I take you home, take you back to the farm? Dinah!

Jeffrey: Let her go. Let her go. Edmund will take care of her. Besides, we have a date, remember? Come on.

Reva: I don't know you? So we should just scratch the last 30 years?

Josh: Reva, all I'm saying is you were toning it down up there because you thought it was what I wanted.

Reva: Wasn't it?

Josh: If I wanted Reva lite I wouldn't be with you at all. Don't you see that?

Reva: What I see is there's no satisfying you anymore.

Josh: Oh, come on, Reva! You're the one that's been impossible to please these days, not me.

Reva: I knew it. I knew you were going to get back to the Nate thing. I knew it all along.

Josh: No, this has nothing to do with Nate, Reva. This is about you not trusting what we have.

Reva: Damn it, Joshua, I am trying.

Josh: Well, maybe you shouldn't try so hard.

Reva: Maybe I shouldn't try at all.

Alan: Rick, it's Alan. I hear you've been a very busy boy lately. I hope you're not too busy to come and pay me a visit. For Phillip’s sake?

Dinah: Edmund where are you? Hi. You are...?

Russo: Vince.

Dinah: Yes.

Russo: Vince Russo, Edmund’s attorney.

Dinah: Yes, yes, yes. You are the man who's going to get me back my farmhouse.

Russo: Farmhouse?

Dinah: Yeah. Edmund said it was all worked out.

Russo: Oh. The farmhouse. Sure, of course. Slam-dunk, trust me.

Dinah: Okay. All right. I will. Of course I'll trust you.

Russo: Nice to see you.

Dinah: Mr. Russo, you're lying to me, and most likely so is Edmund.

Danny: I guess we should get back...

Marina: Do we have to?

Danny: .To the festivities. Well, we could always let Buzz clean up everything by himself. That's fine with me.

Marina: Oh, I guess we should get back to reality.

Danny: Well, I would love to just stay here with you forever.

Marina: Really?

Danny: Mm-hmm.

Marina: No. You'd get bored.

Danny: Uh-uh.

Marina: No, you wouldn’t. I'm actually a lot of fun.

Danny: I know. You are.

Marina: Oh, okay, we should go. We should go now or I'll never go.

Danny: All right. You first.

Edmund: It must be very difficult for you, Michelle, without Tony.

Michelle: What?

Edmund: Well, thinking about raising the child on your own without the child's father.

Michelle: Um...

Edmund: Ooh. I'm sorry; I just assumed.

Michelle: It’s... it's all right.

Edmund: No, I'm sorry about that. I guess that means that Danny is the father.

Michelle: Um, you know, I... I really don't feel like we know each other well enough to talk about this, Edmund.

Edmund: You know, you're right. And I'm sorry. You're right; I understand. I'm very sorry.

Michelle: Yeah, and um, I'm going to get going.

Edmund: Okay.

Michelle: Okay.

Edmund: You know, we are in the same boat, Michelle.

Michelle: What does that mean?

Edmund: Well, we both have babies on the way, and neither one of us can be with the person we love.

Michelle: Yeah. It's, um... it's hard, isn't it?

Edmund: Yeah, it's very hard. I know I will never stop loving Cassie. I also know that I can never make her happy. Is it the same for you and Danny?

Michelle: Sort of.

Edmund: Marina?

Michelle: Yeah. Yeah, Danny’s happy with her right now.

Edmund: I'm sorry, Michelle. I'm sorry. But sometimes it just works out for the best. Maybe this will be the best thing for you and the baby. I mean, I know it's hard to think about not being with Danny again sometimes. But sometimes, Michelle, things work out for a reason. Trust me, I know.

Announcer:  Next, on "Guiding Light".

Danny: Why don't we just see where the night takes us?

Marina: How about we let the night take us back to your place?

Rick: No woman in her right mind would ever marry you except for the money, and even that's a stretch.

Lizzie: I don't get how you could just go off and marry some complete stranger.

Beth: I didn't marry a stranger; I married your grandfather.

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