Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 8/11/05
Buzz: This is your father. Again. You don't
pick up the phone, you don't call me back. Where are you? I'm worried about
you. You have a wedding in a couple of days or so and this ‘Runaway Bride’
schtick isn't funny. Call me.
Coop: Lizzie, do you want to give me a hand,
Lizzie: My hands are full, Coop. Can you not
see that?
Coop: With what? I mean, she's got to weigh,
what? Like, three pounds?
Lizzie: I know, but she's nervous about this
move. She's shaking. Look.
Coop: ( Groans )
Lizzie: What are you doing?
Coop: I am taking a break. Since you're not
going to help me...
Lizzie: I think you need to go to the gym a
couple more times a week.
Coop: No, I think you just need to
economize. I mean, there is no way you're going to need all this stuff, let
alone all these clothes. You don't even wear all of them.
Lizzie: They could come in handy someday.
Coop: Look, I think you're doing the right
thing and I'm proud of you for doing this, okay?
Lizzie: Thank you. Well, I'm doing as best
as I can with the... the B...
Coop: The budget. Yes, it's a hard one, I
know. You can say it.
Lizzie: That thing, yeah. I'm trying.
Coop: Well, good. Well, just look at it this
way: At least you will be right down the hall from me.
Lizzie: Yeah, I know. It's just, I'm worried
about Roxie. She's used to... she's used to certain amenities. We're going to
be okay, aren't we Sweetheart? We won't be here long, I promise.
Coop: What? What do you mean?
Lizzie: Well, I mean, as soon as my mom
finds out that, you know, I'm serious about this and she can't intimidate me,
then everything will be back to normal.
Coop: Yeah. Yeah, sure. Um, did I mention
that you will be right down the hall from me? ( Clears throat ) Come here.
Beth: I need to talk to you, Phillip. (
Sighs ) Why did you leave me alone? I need you so much right now. I need your
wisdom; I need your strength. Things were so much easier when we were kids. We
just followed our hearts and that was it. No, I know. You're right. It wasn't
always exactly like that. But we always had hope for the future. Oh, Phillip.
Your father has asked me to marry him. It's crazy, I know, and what's even
crazier is that I'm considering it. You see, he needs someone that he can
trust, who can look after the family interests. And after all these years, your
family is my family. And the thought of Gus swooping in and replacing you...
what should I do? Tell me. Tell me, please, what should I do?
Lillian: Phillip's gone, Beth. Why don't you
ask me?
Alan: There will be certain accessories that
I will need while I'm staying in here, and I will be happy to make it worth
your while. Well, at least you can think about it. Everyone has their price, Sir.
Including you. "I'll never be far away."
Harley: Bye, Cookie. You're such a good
girl. Go home. Okay. This is too much. You know? We came down here, you know,
just to find out who dropped that gargoyle on your head and now, I mean, this
is just.. this is all a bit... this is a bit much.
Mallet: Yeah, well, we came down here to see
if Phillip was still alive or not, so let's get back to work and start putting
our heads together.
Harley: I think that's a great idea. But
let's not do it here, because I'm sure that your refrigerator is empty and I,
for one, could use a drink. How in the world did you find me?
Gus: It wasn't that difficult, Honey. This
guy left a contact at the precinct. It's not that hard to track you down.
Mallet: Look, Gus, I tried to talk her out
of coming down here, so...
Harley: No. I wanted to come down here. We
have a lead.
Gus: A lead? That's great.
Harley: Yes. Something that could prove that
Phillip’s alive.
Gus: Oh, that lead brought you here?
Mallet: Yeah. Well, I live here.
Gus: Hm.
Harley: Yeah. This is just a pit stop. I
mean, he had a number. He found a car...
Gus: Yeah. Honey, Honey...
Harley: ...Rental plate number and...
Gus: You're not chasing after a man that's
dead. You're here because this is where you used to live, right? You used to
live here, when you were married to him?
Coop: Well, what about... what... your mom?
What if she doesn't give in?
Lizzie: Then I guess I'll have to get used
to living the simple life.
Coop: The simple life, huh? Do you really
think you can do that?
Lizzie: Yeah. Sure. Why not?
Coop: Yeah? Sure? Why not? Lizzie, this
right here. This is why not. I mean these dresses here. I can't even pronounce
these names.
Lizzie: Okay. I'm going to sell this in a
tag sale. I was thinking I could make a few extra dollars that way. Maybe. If I
need to.
Coop: You're serious about this, aren't you?
Lizzie: Yes, we are very serious.
Coop: Okay, well, it's not going to be easy.
Lizzie: Yes, but Uncle Coop, you'll be here
for us. You'll take care of us.
Coop: That's right. Uncle Coop will be here.
And Dad's going to be here. And Frank and Harley and the kids, too.
Lizzie: Oh. But then it'll just make it a
little bit more of a challenge to sneak into your room.
Coop: You think so, huh?
Lizzie: I do.
Coop: Whoa!
Lizzie: Buzz.
Coop: Dad, hey.
Buzz: Oh. We've got to get a few things
Coop: About... about what?
Buzz: About this arrangement. We've got to
lay some ground rules.
Coop: Okay. Okay. Dad, we are adults here
and we certainly don't need a babysitter.
Buzz: Well, I, in what might call when comes
to her, in loco parentis. Which means you're loco if you don't think I'm her
mommy, her daddy and her dog wrangler.
Beth: How did you know that I was here?
Lillian: Well, Alex told me you had gone to
see Alan. So, I thought you might need to come here.
Beth: I needed to feel close to Phillip.
Lillian: And to ask for his advice?
Beth: Something like that?
Lillian: Well, what's bothering you, honey?
Did Alan say something?
Beth: It's nothing.
Lillian: ( Laughs ) You wouldn't have come
here if it was nothing-- and you're biting your lip.
Beth: So?
Lillian: Beth, you bite your lip since
you've been two years old when you're upset.
Beth: I'm so confused.
Lillian: Why?
Beth: Alan asked me to marry him. And I'm
not joking.
Lillian: Alan asked you to marry him? Well,
he can't be serious. I mean, he's out of his mind.
Beth: I'm not so sure about that.
Lillian: Beth, you have to be sure. He shot Phillip.
Beth: I know that.
Lillian: And then he claims he's not dead. I
mean he is out of his mind.
Beth: I don't think that he meant to kill Phillip.
Lillian: Oh, and that makes it all right?
Beth: Mom, the reason that Alan wants me to
marry him is so that I will be a position to protect Lizzie and James
birthright. Phillip's legacy.
Lillian: You don't have to marry him to do
that. You certainly don't love him.
Beth: Love. That doesn't matter.
Lillian: It should.
Beth: I married for love before. It didn't work
Lillian: He's manipulating you.
Beth: He's locked up.
Lillian: Yes, and you're going to be his
Beth: Come on.
Lillian: Honey, you're much too good for
this. Don't you see that? You're much too good for him.
Beth: Yes, I agree with you. You're
absolutely right.
Lillian: Then what in God's name are you
thinking of? Why are you doing this?
Beth: For the one thing I have never had:
Nurse: Your lawyer is here?
Alan: My lawyer?
Russo: Alan, no worries. I will have you out
of here in a jiffy. We won't be needing you anymore. Thank you.
Alan: Vince Russo.
Russo: Here to offer my services.
Alan: Well, Vince, I already have a lawyer.
Russo: Yeah. If you hired me, you wouldn't
be in this four by four situation.
Alan: But I thought you and Leo Flynn
Russo: Oh, he's a has been. Cut him loose.
Alan: Weren't you a junior partner though?
Russo: Potato, tomato. I'm on my own now.
And I'm doing quite well. Thank you.
Alan: Well, jolly good for you.
Russo: Actually, I get my jollies after I've
been paid. There's just something about crisp, clean cash.
Alan: Well, it seems that we speak the same
Russo: Then you'll understand when I tell my
prices have gone up.
Alan: Can I take that to mean you guarantee
Russo: Alan, you have used me before off the
books. Have I ever given you anything less than the dirtiest of my dirty?
Alan: Well, there's something to be said
about a good ambulance chaser.
Russo: That's more like it. I knew you loved
Alan: You get me out of here and I'll send
you a dozen of red roses.
Russo: Does that mean the check's in the
Alan: Don't disappoint me.
Russo: Satisfaction is my middle name.
Alan: And this is your first television
Russo: What's this?
Alan: A note from my son Phillip.
Russo: A note from the son you shot dead?
Alan: He's not dead.
Russo: Oh, that's right. I forgot.
Alan: I'm telling you the truth.
Russo: Oh, of course he is.
Alan: Are you being disrespectful?
Russo: No, no, no. No. Let's just assume for
argument's sake that he's alive...
Alan: He is.
Russo: Oh, let's further assume that he
wrote this note. How did he get it in here?
Alan: That's why I'm paying you the big
bucks to find out.
Harley: Look, I didn't come here for some
stroll down memory lane.
Gus: And you just happened to pick this
place, right?
Mallet: I live here.
Gus: No, I understand. But didn't you both
live here?
Harley: This was just a pit stop. Because
the car rental agency was closed.
Gus: Hmm. Very inconvenient when that
Mallet: Gus, I'm not going to apologize for
saving old photos.
Gus: I don't think I asked you to. Did I say
anything about that?
Mallet: I don't think so. We had a life
together, okay? Least I got her down the aisle once. I'm going to go get that
Gus: Is he trying to tell me something?
Harley: I don't know. No.
Gus: This is a little weird. It's kind like
a shrine, don't you think?
Harley: Well, what girl wouldn't want her
own museum?
Gus: Does he got a piece of wedding cake
around here, too? Saved?
Harley: I don't know. Look in the freezer. I
don't know.
Gus: All right, I will. No. Just got this
booze right here. Which I think I'll have. A little shot and I'll make a toast
to myself, to history.
Harley: Gus...
Gus: You're right. My manners. What's the
matter with me? ( Laughs ) We could toast together, Honey. Honey, I'm okay with
that. That might be too much for you. There you go.
Harley: Okay, I have a history.
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: I have one.
Gus: I can see that.
Harley: I don't think you can see anything.
The only reason I'm here is because of Phillip. Because if he's still alive
there's no …
Gus: He's not alive.
Harley: You don't know that.
Gus: Yes, I do know that. Yes, I do. I saw
the body, remember?
Harley: In the casket?
Gus: Let me ask you something. Isn't there
something you'd rather be doing like looking at fabric for bride’s... dresses?
What do they call them? Brides...
Harley: Maids.
Gus: Bridesmaid dresses. Yeah. Or fabric or
china patterns or little flowers or something? Isn't that what people usually
Harley: I don't know.
Gus: Isn't that what they want to do?
Harley: I don't know who you think you're
marrying here. I'm not June Cleaver. I'm a cop.
Gus: Are you still a cop?
Harley: I still think like a cop. I'm
terrified this guy is out there. And that he will come after you and he will
come after my family and my kids.
Gus: That's why you felt like you had to go
behind my back and lie to me, right?
Harley: Well, maybe because I knew you'd
react like this.
Gus: I'm reacting to how you're using the Phillip
thing to avoid the wedding thing.
Harley: No, you are using the wedding to
avoid the truth. Not just about Phillip, but about us.
Coop: Dad, no offense, but Lizzie doesn't
need you right now. I mean the last thing that she need is another freaked out
Buzz: Who's freaked out?
Coop: That right there. That's the look in
your eyes. That's the freaked out look.
Lizzie: Coop, stop.
Coop: No, I'm just saying that right now she
gave us back Company, okay. And we should be a little grateful towards her for
doing that.
Buzz: I am grateful. I'm very grateful.
Coop: Okay, so what's with all the ground
rules? I mean, A, she's working? Huh? All right. And, B, she's living here.
Buzz: True. But there are kids... little
kids living here.
Coop: Okay, so what's the point with that?
Buzz: You know the point.
Coop: Oh, no, no, no. They wouldn't be
Buzz: That would be rule number one.
Coop: Oh, come on, Dad. I mean what are you
going to do? You're going to slap electronic anklet bracelets that beep every
time we go off--next to each other?
Buzz: Why don't I?
Coop: No. Okay, Dad, you're nuts.
Lizzie: Well, no, your dad's right.
Coop: What?
Lizzie: We have to keep in mind what's best
for Zach and Jude. And... and my little Roxie. I honestly.... I really like the
idea of having rules.
Buzz: Really?
Lizzie: Yes. It just... it means you care.
And, Buzz Cooper, you are one awesome guy. I had no idea that my grandfather
was wrong about you.
Buzz: Thanks. I think.
Lizzie: Now I got to go get Roxie situated.
But I want to know all about the rules, okay. Because I don't want to break
Buzz: Okay.
Lizzie: All right.
Buzz: Well, she's seems happy.
Coop: Yeah. She's trying to be. You...
what's with you?
Buzz: Me?
Coop: Yes, you. I mean this. I mean all
these ground rules. I mean why are you coming down on us all of sudden so hard?
Buzz: Well, you know, every once in awhile I
have to check up on my kids. Like every two years or so.
Coop: So what now? Lizzie is the enemy here?
Buzz: No. I don't mind her. She's, you know,
she's kind of grown on me as a matter of fact.
Coop: Okay, then what is it? And don't even
tell me it's the kids. Because you know, they wouldn't be seeing anything that
they're not suppose to.
Buzz: No, it's about you. I hate seeing you
hold yourself back.
Coop: ( Laughs ) Where? What are you doing?
I mean you're all over the place. I don't even know what the hell you're
talking about.
Buzz: I found your stash.
Coop: What? My what?
Buzz: When were you going to tell me about
Lillian: Whatever happened to the down to
earth sweet, little girl that I raised? I mean she wasn't concerned with power.
Beth: I'm not that person anymore.
Lillian: Since when?
Beth: ( Laughs ) Since I learned how the
world really works.
Lillian: Now you're sounding a lot like Alan.
Completely cynical.
Beth: I'm not cynical. But I'm not naive
Lillian: Beth, doesn't this sort of remind
you of a time when you were seduced by the title princess and a crown?
Beth: No, this is completely different. My
eyes are wide open.
Lillian: Really?
Beth: No one is seducing me. No one's
turning my head.
Lillian: He's using you.
Beth: Yes, yes. And I can use him, too. As Alan’s
wife, I can protect my children. You know what that's like to want to protect
your children.
Lillian: Yes, that's what I'm trying to do
right now.
Beth: I want to keep Gus from taking over
the company, from taking over the family. He wants to erase every trace that Phillip
and Alan ever existed.
Lillian: When did Gus become this sworn
Beth: What? When he nearly destroyed Lizzie
on the witness stand.
Lillian: You're right.
Beth: And he convinced her to move out of
the house.
Lillian: I don't think that's such a bad
Beth: Excuse me?
Lillian: Well, Honey, I think she'll do much
better on her own. I know you don't want to hear it, but it's the truth. She's
become much stronger.
Beth: I'm sorry, but you're wrong there.
Lillian: And I imagine that Alan agrees with
this, right?
Beth: Yes. I know what's best for Lizzie. I
know what's best for both my children.
Lillian: Is that saying ‘I do’ to Alan?
Beth: It just might be.
Russo: Sorry, Alan, but where's the proof?
Alan: The proof is in your hands.
Russo: A note?
Alan: Yes. It's Phillip’s handwriting. Check
it out.
Russo: Dead man writing. That's it? What?
You're asking the impossible.
Alan: You don't even know what I'm asking
you. Look, Phillip is not just going to show himself. He's having too much fun
toying with us.
Russo: Us? But no one else believes that
he's still...
Alan: Yes, someone does. Harley Cooper.
Russo: The woman you framed for his murder?
Alan: The woman who is responsible for
pushing my son over the edge.
Russo: All right, let me get this straight.
You want me to team up with Harley Cooper?
Alan: No.
Russo: Then what do you want me to do?
Alan: I have a plan.
Russo: A plan. Okay. Good. Lay it on me.
Alan: Phillip is going to have to be coaxed
Russo: Okay.
Alan: I want you to plant some gossip that
something going on between a notorious murder and the victim's ex-wife.
Russo: You want me to leak a story to the
Alan: Precisely.
Russo: Which ex?
Alan: Beth Raines. The only one that counts.
Russo: The blonde, right? Ooh, she's hot.
Alan: Yeah. You know, I'd appreciate it if
you wouldn't refer to my future bride as hot.
Russo: You don't think she's hot?
Alan: Beth is a very charming and attractive
woman. The important thing is that Phillip believes that she and I are going to
walk down that aisle.
Russo: Or a cell block as it may be. Okay,
you want me to go to the tabloids. No problem. We are like that.
Alan: Well, now you're catching on.
Russo: And what about me getting you out of
Alan: Well, that's very important. But the
main priority is to smoke Phillip out.
Russo: And you think this Beth thing is
going to do it?
Alan: My marriage to Beth won't just cause
smoke, it will set this town afire.
Mallet: Yeah, hey, it's Detective Mallet.
Official business?
Nurse: I'm telling you, Mr. Spaulding is not
allowed phone calls.
Mallet: Do I have to get Chief Cooper on the
line here?
Alan: You know what to do. Now go and do it.
Russo: With...
Nurse: A call for you.
Russo: With bells on. Check in the mail.
Alan: Yes. Alan Spaulding.
Mallet: Yeah, it's about time.
Alan: Mr. Mallet.
Mallet: Yeah, listen. I need to ask you
something. If Phillip were alive, where would I start looking?
Alan: Are you with Harley?
Mallet: Just answer the question.
Alan: What? No thank you's ? I mean this is
a perfect opportunity for you to pick up where you left off.
Mallet: Okay, that's what I thought. I knew
this was going to be a mistake. We'll see you later.
Alan: No, no, wait. Don't hang up. I will
tell you what you want to know.
Harley: Do you remember how we met?
Gus: Yeah. What do you think?
Harley: Well, it wasn't over a pizza and
beer. You know what I mean?
Gus: Your point?
Harley: My point is this is us.
Gus: Well, no. Actually this right here,
this is you guys. This is you and Mallet.
Harley: Forget about Mallet. I'm talking
about the investigation.
Gus: Oh, there is no investigation, babe.
There's no investigation. You're chasing ghost. Don't you see? That's not real.
Harley: Yes, it is. It is to me. This is
important to me. It's who I am.
Gus: Oh, listen to you. Don't, don't, don't
do that, please.
Harley: No, no. The woman that you say you
love, that you say you love. This is who I am. This is the stuff that I do.
Gus: Hold. Hold. No, no, no. I do love you.
I love you very much.
Harley: Then let me finish what I started.
Or better yet, help me finish it.
Gus: ( Laughs ) There's nothing to finish.
Harley: Okay. Okay. Then just step back okay
and give me some room. Go. Go get us a room in the priciest resort on the
island, sit on the beach, drink Pina Coladas, watch the bikinis go by.
Gus: Oh, yeah? Really? So you're giving me
permission? I could look at the...
Harley: No, you're not. Well, forget the
bikini part. I'm saying, wait for me. Okay, just wait for me. Doesn't that
sound like fun?
Gus: No bikinis. Yeah, kind of sounds like
fun. I can do that.
Harley: Just let me follow on this one lead,
okay. And then I'll come meet you and we can... we can celebrate our honeymoon
before our wedding.
Gus: Before the wedding?
Harley: Ah-huh.
Gus: Before.
Harley: Is that a yes?
Lillian: Beth, you cannot marry Alan.
Beth: I shouldn't have said anything to you.
Lillian: Honey, I'm sorry. But what are you
thinking? What would Phillip think?
Beth: That is a very good question.
Buzz: Um, about a blue file with a lot of
stories in them.
Coop: You looked at those?
Buzz: Well, I was moving boxes in your room;
it fell out.
Coop: Dad, you read them.
Buzz: The one about the duchess and the
ex-con man, that seemed sort of familiar.
Coop: I can't believe you. What did you do
with them?
Buzz: Did you actually beat Prince William
in poker?
Coop: Yes. Yes. Eights beats sevens. Yes, I
beat him.
Buzz: And the one with the rich girl in the Hamptons,
that would be-- that was hot-- that would be about...?
Coop: You... yes. You read all of them? Come
Buzz: I couldn't help myself. It was hard to
put them down.
Coop: Clearly.
Buzz: I mean, you're good. How long have you
Coop: Yeah, since... since I was a kid, all
right? Aunt Dot, she bought me a journal when I was eight years old.
Buzz: You know, your mom and I could spin
some tales when we had to, but you, you're a writer.
Coop: Yeah, well, it's just something that I
do for fun.
Buzz: You ever thought of doing it for more
than just fun?
Coop: Yeah. Yeah. Yes, I've thought about
it. Sure. Why not?
Buzz: So?
Coop: So what?
Buzz: So why are you letting it take a back
Coop: Pops, it's not taking a back seat. I'm
Buzz: Are you sure about that?
Coop: Where is this coming from? I mean,
frankly, I don't want to go on this ride with you right now, okay?
Buzz: I wasted a lot of years. Grilling, I
don't think is your thing. I think writing is.
Coop: Well, you're right about that. This
restaurant business really isn't for me.
Buzz: Well, there you go. Don't give up on
your dreams. You don't want to get distracted and wake up 20 years from now
wondering why you didn't give it a go.
Coop: Dad, why don't you just say what you
mean? Hm? You don't want me to see Lizzie anymore, do you?
Beth: Mom, I know you mean well. But I don't
want you to worry.
Lillian: How can I not worry? You've all but
made up your mind and...
Beth: No, I swear. I haven’t. I'm not going
to jump into a marriage with Alan. But I do want to consider my options.
Lillian: You'd think by now I would learn to
bite my tongue.
Beth: I'm a mother, too. I know better.
Lillian: I just love my little girl so much
and I want her to be happy.
Beth: And that's what I want, too. I'm not
going to do anything that's not in my best interest, or my kids. Trust me.
Lillian: I do. I do trust you.
Beth: I love you.
Lillian: Oh, I love you, too, Honey. Let's
go back to the house, okay?
Beth: I need to stay here for a while.
Lillian: Okay.
Beth: Well, Phillip. You heard what she had
to say. But I still don't know what you think. Not going to say anything, huh?
Well, I'll tell you what: If this flower falls toward you, I'll tell Alan no.
If it falls away, we'll see.
Mallet: Just spit it out, Alan. I haven't
got all day.
Alan: Then you're telling me you believe
that Phillip is alive.
Mallet: I'm entertaining the possibility.
Alan: Harley Cooper, no doubt. What is this
power she has over men?
Mallet: Stop. Stop. Back to the case. Where
would Phillip go? That's all you need to say.
Alan: I'm curious. If you're with Harley,
where is my son Gus?
Mallet: Well, Gus isn't a cop anymore. I am.
Just answer the question.
Alan: Phillip's here, or at least was here.
Mallet: What?
Alan: When I got to my quarters just a few
minutes ago, I found a note that he'd left for me.
Mallet: How do you know it's from Phillip?
Alan: Because he quoted something I said the
last time I saw him, and no one else was present. Mallet?
Mallet: Uh, yeah. I'm here.
Alan: Look, you help me find Phillip and I
will help you with anything, including Harley.
Harley: I would not miss our wedding for
anything in the world.
Gus: Okay.
Harley: ( Laughs )
Gus: Well, how about dropping this whole Phillip
thing, then, okay? You know? If this lead doesn't work out, I'm just saying. Is
that a possibility?
Harley: Yes. Yes. If my lead doesn't pan
out, I will.
Gus: And that's a promise?
Harley: I promise.
Gus: A promise?
Harley: I promise.
Gus: Hm.
Mallet: Sorry. Sorry. But I just got off the
phone from Alan.
Gus: Yeah?
Mallet: He said Phillip was there.
Harley: He saw Phillip?
Mallet: No, no. There was a note waiting for
him in his new rubber room, and he said it's from good old Phillip himself.
Harley: Oh, my gosh. What did it say?
Gus: Now, wait a second. I see what you're
doing here. It's not going to work.
Buzz: No, I wouldn't tell you to give up Lizzie.
Coop: Really.
Buzz: You're a grown man; make your own
Coop: Dad, Lizzie is not a mistake.
Buzz: There may come a time, though, when
she's more of a distraction than you like.
Coop: A distraction from what?
Buzz: Your gift. Your writing.
Coop: So, you're saying that in order for me
to be a good writer, I need to be single.
Buzz: The girl's a full-time job. She takes
a lot out of you.
Coop: Hey, speak for yourself, okay?
Buzz: Okay.
Coop: She's getting better, all right? She's
really trying to make a difference.
Buzz: I'm not trying to take anything away
from the girl.
Coop: But?
Buzz: No "buts" about it. I want
you to have it all. That's why I'm giving you a raise.
Coop: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You're what?
Buzz: I want you to save it and see the
world. Do some research, write a book, dedicate it to me.
Coop: Yes, Dad, well I've already seen the
world, okay? I've been around.
Buzz: Well, you know what Hemingway would
Coop: Well, you ever heard of William Faulkner?
He was pretty good, too, and he wrote about a small corner of little Mississippi.
Buzz: You're going to write about Springfield?
Coop: Yes, Dad, I'm going to write about Springfield.
I mean, there's stuff happening here, too, right?
Buzz: Like what?
Coop: Like what? I'm not even going to talk
about this with you.
Lizzie: I'm a mistake?
Beth: Facing away from you. Is this your way
of telling me to move on? I wonder.
Harley: Hey. Hey.
Gus: I see exactly what you're doing. I see
what you're doing. You're the one that's keeping Phillip alive, right? No, he
is. He's keeping him alive, just the way he's keeping all the memories in this
apartment alive.
Harley: You know, even if that were true...
Gus: It is true.
Harley: That's not the reason that I'm here,
so we're talking about two different things.
Mallet: Do you think I'm trying to... do you
think I'm making this stuff up?
Gus: I don't know, man. It's pretty obvious
to me that you like to be around her, you like to spend your time with her, and
I really don't blame you for that.
Mallet: Oh, you think I'm trying to take her
away from you.
Gus: Oh, come on. I mean, honestly, isn't
that what you...
Harley: Hey. If that were true, wouldn't I
have some say in it?
Mallet: What are you doing? Are you trying
to push her away?
Harley: Nobody's pushing anybody away. This
is about Phillip. It is.
Gus: Phillip is dead!
Mallet: Maybe, maybe not. That's the point.
Gus: I don't care anymore if he's alive! I
don't care about that and I don't care about Alan anymore, either.
Harley: You don't mean that.
Gus: Okay, no. Yes, I do mean it. I'm going
home to the living, okay? Are you coming or not?
Beth: Hi.
Lizzie: Hi.
Beth: So, how did the move go?
Lizzie: It was great. Buzz is great; Coop
was fantastic.
Beth: Good, good. I just want you to be
Lizzie: I am.
Beth: My mother just said the same thing to
me a little while ago. Funny how we become like our mothers.
Lizzie: Yeah.
Beth: So, are those your party dresses?
Lizzie: Mm-hmm. I thought I could maybe sell
them if I needed to, to make a little extra money.
Beth: Well, I'd hang on to them if I were
you. Very soon there might be an occasion to wear one of them.
Lizzie: What kind of occasion?
Beth: Oh, nothing. Nothing. I was just
thinking out loud. Hey, why don't you come home for tea. Cook made peach pie.
Lizzie: Thank you, Mom, but I am home.
Beth: Right. Right. Okay. Good-bye.
Coop: There she is. Hey, you.
Lizzie: You are the best thing that's ever
happened to me, and I'm great for you. You'll see it, I promise. Everybody else
will, too. Okay?
Coop: Yeah.
Beth: Your luck with marriage hasn't been
any better than mine.
Alan: Beth?
Beth: Why don't we try our luck together?
Alan: Then you...
Beth: Yes. I'll do anything to bring Phillip
Alan: You realize that Phillip won't like
that you're engaged.
Beth: Isn't that the idea?
Alan: He could be violent.
Beth: I can handle it. I have a way with Spaulding
Nurse: Lights out.
Alan: Soon, Phillip. Soon.
Gus: Babe? We have a wedding to get to. You
know what I'm saying? Okay?
Harley: I will be there.
Gus: Okay, so why don't you come now,
because that's where you're supposed to be, and let him do all this stuff,
because he's the cop, remember?
Harley: Honey.
Gus: What?
Harley: It's one day.
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: I want...
Gus: You need...
Harley: ...To be here.
Gus: You need to be here. Right? Okay.
Listen to me. If he isn't the only one that's holding on to all the memories
here and everything, well, then you stay, get it out of your system. All right?
You know where I'll be. Okay.
Harley: I love you. I want to be with you. I
want to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you.
Gus: All right, well, I hope you find what
you're searching for.
Announcer: Next, on "Guiding Light"...
Danny: "Extravagant bride?" I
thought we were just moving in together.
Marina: You couldn't mention to her that we
were moving in together, that you were spending your life with a different
woman now?
Dinah: I get you, I get the farm. Dinah's
going to win.
Cassie: I'll tell you right now, the world's
better off without Jonathan.
Nate: Good riddance to your so-called
family. It's the time for you to finally do what you've been wanting to do for
all these years: Kill someone.
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