Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 8/10/05
Marina: And this one was small, grungy and
incredible expensive.
Danny: Well, it took me a long time to find
my place too, remember?
Marina: Actually, I found your place for
Danny: Ah. See?
Marina: See what?
Danny: How good we are for each other.
Marina: Aw. Bill!
Danny: You know, no one has ever called me
"Bill" before.
Marina: No, that's not what I mean. You said
that the apartments that Bill was working on over at the Beacon were really
nice, right? You said you saw the one that he and Olivia are living in.
Danny: Yeah, they're nice. And they're
really expensive. That's why I didn't mention it again. But who knows? Maybe Bill
will cut you a deal. You want to go check them out?
Marina: Yes.
Danny: And see what you think? All right.
Let's do it.
Danny: Hello.
Alexandra: Buzz? I guess he's not here.
Probably wouldn't speak to me if he were.
Beth: When were you going to tell me?
Alexandra: Beth, if this is about Alan..
Beth: When were you going to tell me that
he's been committed to a high-security psychiatric hospital--on an island,
yet--in the middle of nowhere? And that he's being taken there by boat in
Cop #1: Hey, Spaulding, where's your private
yacht? Where are all your rich friends to see you off?
Cop #2: He's not so popular these days, Joe.
Now that he killed his own son.
Alan: I didn't kill my son. He's alive.
Cop #2: Oh, that's hard to believe when his
body's in a crypt.
Alan: Phillip's alive. I just need someone
on the outside to help me find him.
Cop #1: There ain't no one on your side,
Gus: I cannot believe that you picked me
over an investigation. I mean, I'm shocked.
Harley: Oh, gosh, neither can I. But I did.
Gus: Yeah, yeah. I can't imagine how really
long you did that part, because the minute I'll turn my back, you'll be
sleuthing around at midnight trying to find out why Alan said that Phillip’s
alive. I know you.
Harley: I won’t.
Gus: You won't?
Harley: I swear I won't, because for the
first time in I don't even know how long, I honestly feel happy, you know? And
at peace. Because we're being honest with each other again, and so it's like
somebody opened the window and let the fresh air in.
Gus: Would that be me? Did I do that?
Harley: Yes. And now I can drop all that
doubt and that angst that I've been carrying around, because I am going to
marry the most amazing man in the world.
Gus: Me. That's me.
Harley: And I have to plan the most amazing
wedding in the world so that we can have this amazing life together.
Gus: Yes. Amazing. Amen! ( Laughter )
Harley: God, it's a nice night out, isn't
it? Let's have our coffee out here.
Gus: All right. You know what? I'll get some
coffee so you stay here and you enjoy the night.
Harley: Okay. Wait. You can't go yet. You
can go.
Gus: Thanks.
Harley: ( Laughs )
Mallet: Hey. I have a lead on Phillip. And
it's solid.
Beth: Who made the decision to move Alan and
why wasn't I informed?
Alexandra: Look, Beth, this is for the best.
Beth: For the best?
Alexandra: Oh, yes. Because when Alan
started saying that Phillip was alive, I thought he was just putting everybody
on, but he actually believes it. Now, listen, he is mentally ill, for heaven's
sakes. He needs help!
Beth: But Alex, the place that they're
moving him is for the criminally insane. This could be more dangerous for him
than prison.
Alexandra: No, no. I checked on it. They're
not going to put him in with the criminally insane, the very violent. No.
They're going to put him in a room, a regular room, not a cell.
Beth: Well, this makes a lot of sense, I'll
tell you. One minute he's close by where we can visit him, and the next minute,
he's gone.
Alexandra: No, he's not quite gone. The
boat's at the ferry docks. They're not going to leave for the island for, I
don't know, about another 20 minutes.
Beth: Let's go.
Gus: What's up, ladies?
Harley: All right, so what's your lead? Hey,
Beth. Is everything okay?
Beth: No, it's not.
Harley: Alex?
Alexandra: Alan's been committed to... for
psychiatric evaluation. I guess it's good news for you. He won't be around to
ruin your wedding.
Harley: It's not Alan that I'm worried
about. What's your lead?
Mallet: So, after we left the cemetery the
other night, I talked to the caretaker there, and he said there was a guy
hanging around the Spaulding mausoleum before we showed up. It's got to be the
guy that conked me in the head.
Harley: Did he give you a description?
Mallet: He said the guy had a hat on so he
couldn't see his face, but he drove off in a car with Florida plates.
Harley: It's too much to hope that the
caretaker actually got the plate number.
Mallet: Mm-hmm.
Harley: The caretaker actually got the plate
number? Are you serious?
Mallet: Yeah. The vehicle was a rental, and
you're not going to believe where it came from. Ace Rent-a-Car on San Gabriel Boulevard,
on Marco Island.
Harley: That's right down the street from...
Mallet: Where we lived when we were married.
Harley: Wow. Marco Island, huh?
Mallet: Yeah.
Harley: It was a tiny little dump we lived
Mallet: What are you talking about? The
place wasn't that bad. We had some good times there.
Harley: Um, you know, this whole thing could
really just be a coincidence, although I have to say I can't imagine what
Phillip’s death-- disappearance, whatever-- has anything to do with our pasts.
Mallet: Yeah, I know. It's weird.
Harley: Weird.
Mallet: It's really weird. There's got to be
some connection and I think digging up a body right now to see if it's Phillip,
it's out. It's out. It's not an option right now because someone could still be
watching the cemetery. So I'm going to use this time to go down to Marco Island,
poke around a bit, nose around a bit, and I just want to let you know that in
case... well, in case you try to reach me.
Harley: Okay. Then I think you should just
let me know what you find. Bye.
Mallet: Okay. Bye.
Harley: I said "Bye."
Mallet: Right. Bye.
Gus: Hey, Lover. I was just coming to get
you. I just wanted to make them perfect because they were making a fresh pot,
and going low-carb, so...
Harley: That's great. Super.
Gus: Heavy cream has no... are you all
Harley: I'm great. I'm super.
Gus: You're super?
Harley: Mm-hmm.
Gus: I'm getting that. Is that your new
Harley: Let's go outside... hey.
Rick: Hey.
Harley: We were just talking about you guys,
how we wanted you to help us book a band. Right? Weren't we saying that?
Gus: Uh-huh.
Harley: Yeah, that you guys are, like, the
only people we know who have great taste in music. You're the only people who
actually go out and see bands.
Rick: We do have great taste in music.
Harley: Oh, perfect. So, you guys can sit
here and talk about this with him because he needs some help, and I'm going to
take care of all the other stuff I have to take care of. So little time. (
Laughs )
Gus: Wait, wait. Whoa. Where are you going,
exactly, Honey? Because... huh?
Michelle: Hi, Olivia.
Olivia: Hi. You look healthy.
Michelle: Yeah.
Bill: Yes. Michelle is back from Africa, as
you can see, and well, she needs a place to stay, for reasons we're not going
to go into right now. And I said she could stay here because she's my friend,
and that's what friends do, we help each other out.
Olivia: So, you're staying under the radar
because of...
Michelle: Yeah. It's kind of a secret.
Olivia: Not for anyone who's looking at you.
Including the father, who is, by the way...
Bill: Olivia, let's not.
Olivia: What? I'm asking.
Michelle: You know what? I can see that I'm
going to be in the way here, so I'm just going to take a few minutes and I'm
going to pack a bag and I'm going to go, okay?
Bill: You are not going anywhere, okay?
Marina: Do you really think the rent is
Danny: Who knows? Did I mention I've got
some pull with the developer?
Marina: No, Danny. I am a cop. Cops cannot
accept special favors.
Danny: Relax. You haven't even seen the
place. Take a look at the place first, see if you like it, and who knows, if
you don't or if maybe it's too expensive, I think I have another place in mind
for you. It's very nice.
Marina: I don't know. I can't imagine any
other place nicer than this. So, which one is Bill and Olivia’s?
Danny: It's around the corner. I hope
somebody's home.
Michelle: I don't know who the father is. It
could have been Tony, it could be Danny, and that's why I'm a little freaked
out, which is why I was looking for a safe place to stay until I can figure out
what my next move should be.
Olivia: I'm sorry. It's none of my business.
He's right. You're not going to hear that again.
Bill: ( Laughs )
Olivia: When I was pregnant with Emma, I
took off, and I was freaked out and I didn't tell Phillip he was the father for
many months after the fact.
Michelle: And let me guess, you regret that
Olivia: Well, if I'd been smart, I never
would have come back to Springfield.
Bill: What?
Olivia: But then I never would have met Bill
and fallen in love. I have no advice for you. ( Laughs ) Except just to take
care of your baby and yourself. That's the most important thing.
Michelle: Thanks. And I don't want to draw
you guys into my drama, so I'm going to go find a room somewhere.
Bill: Okay, wait a minute. Are you not
hearing us? You're not going anywhere. Right, Olivia?
Olivia: Right.
Bill: Right. Okay, well, that is settled.
So, how about we get something to eat, huh? Who's hungry? You?
Olivia: I'm hungry.
Bill: Good, good. You? You're eating for two
so maybe you should...
Michelle: You guys go ahead. I had a late
Bill: You sure?
Michelle: Besides, I don't want to really
run the risk of seeing...
Bill: Seeing anyone. Okay. Do me a favor?
Emma's asleep. Will you give me a call if she wakes?
Michelle: Yeah. Yeah. Thanks.
Bill: Okay.
Michelle: Olivia? Thank you.
Olivia: Sure.
Bill: Are you, uh, mad at me?
Olivia: Depends on what kind of nice meal
you buy me.
Bill: A tasty one.
Olivia: Ooh.
Danny: This is it. Wait. Yeah, this is it.
Maybe we should have called first. Oh, well. ( Knocks on door )
Michelle: They must have forgot something.
Beth: No, wait. Please. I'm his
Alan: Beth!
Alexandra: Alan. Oh, for heaven's sakes, are
you all right.
Cop #1: Please step back, Miss.
Alexandra: Just a minute. I'm Mr.
Spaulding's sister, Alexandra Spaulding. And this is Beth Raines, his
daughter-in-law. Please, would you give us just a few minutes alone with him?
It may be quite a while before we have another chance. Please.
Beth: Alex, could I speak to Alan privately?
Alexandra: Yes, of course.
Beth: Alan? Listen to me. I know you think
Phillip is alive, but that's not possible.
Alan: I know he's not alive.
Beth: What?
Alan: He's dead. I shot him.
Beth: But the other day, you said...
Alan: I told you the same garbage I've been
telling everyone else, because keeping up this insanity charade is better than
me going back to prison.
Harley: Where am I going? ( Laughs ) Where
am I going? I am going to the florist and I am going to the bakery, and I am
going to the bridal shop. Do you want to take care of all that stuff, Sweetie?
Gus: Uh...
Harley: I don't think so. See? So why don't
you just find us a band. Find one that rocks, okay? We all deserve a good time.
Mel: Yeah.
Harley: Thanks.
Gus: ...I was in charge of the band, I would
Harley: Uh-huh.
Mallet: Right. Yeah, that's correct. Can I get,
yeah, one ticket to Marco Island, Florida.
Harley: No, no. Two. Two, two, two.
Mallet: Hold on a second. What? Two tickets?
I thought you promised Gus that you wouldn’t...
Harley: Yeah, but I'm doing this for Gus,
okay? I am, because if Phillip is still alive, he'll find some way to ruin our
Mallet: Okay. Ma'am, can I change that? Can
I get two tickets to Florida?
Mel: You know, we saw a wonderful band last
Rick: Oh, my gosh, they were great.
Mel: Jumping...
Rick: Jack rabbit? Leaping something.
Mel: No, no, no.
Rick: No, it was leaping. Leaping lizards.
Mel: Right, that's it.
Rick: They were...
Mel: They were excellent.
Rick: Unbelievable, really.
Bill: Hi, it's me.
Michelle: Geez, talk about impatient. Hold
your horses. I'm coming.
Bill: What, so you're going to join us after
Michelle: No, I'm going to come to the door
and let you in.
Bill: Uh, what are you talking about? I'm
with Olivia down at Company. I want to know what desert you wanted us to bring.
Michelle: Uh, hold on. ( Knocking at door )
Michelle: ( Whispers ): Bill, Danny’s right
outside in the hall.
Bill: Well, do you want me to get over
Michelle: Oh, God. No, it's okay. It's okay.
I just won't answer the door. I won't answer the door. He'll go away. He'll go
away. Okay. I'll be fine, I'll be fine.
Bill: Okay. You sure?
Michelle: Yeah. Yeah, bye.
Marina: I guess that ends my apartment
hunting for the day.
Danny: Well, hold on. Hold on. There's still
one more place you haven't seen: The place I mentioned.
Marina: What place is that?
Danny: Well, let me tell you about it.
First, it's got a nice layout and a good amount of room. It's well-furnished.
You would have to have two roommates, but I hear that they're very nice and
relatively neat.
Marina: I don't know. I don't really want
Danny: Why are you turning it down? You
haven't even heard the address yet. You don't even know where it is. It's 2189
Shadybrook Lane.
Marina: 218... that's your place.
Danny: Could be our place.
Bill: Ooh. You think I should go back and
check on Michelle?
Olivia: Please do.
Bill: Okay.
Olivia: I've only been back here for about
an hour, and I'd love it if you'd just run off on me. You take the car and I'll
take a taxi home.
Bill: Okay.
Olivia: Bill! ( Grunts )
Bill: ( Laughs ) Oh, you are so easy. I'll
tell you, I love you and I am glad you're not the jealous type.
Olivia: Well, is that what you think this
Bill: Well, I'm sure you could be the
jealous type, but, I mean, we're talking about Michelle, here. Someone I basically
grew up with. Wee little things.
Olivia: Oh, no, no, no. Men and women are
never just friends. They can't just be friends. It's genetically impossible.
Bill: Genetically impossible. You're
bringing in science. And who says this? Hm?
Olivia: Every other man in the universe
except you.
Bill: Oh, is that right?
Olivia: Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't
you and Michelle more than just friends, once upon a time?
Bill: Oh, yeah, for about two minutes. But
she was still hung up on Danny, so it was...
Olivia: But you were still attracted to her,
even though you were just friends.
Bill: That's not.
Olivia: Uh, uh, uh, uh. I rest my case.
Bill: You're not really upset with me right
now, are you?
Olivia: No.
Bill: Okay.
Olivia: I'm angry with myself because I've
never had a friendship like that. Not with a man, a woman, or even a pet.
Bill: A rock?
Olivia: Not a rock or a plant.
Bill: So then tell me something: You don't
feel threatened, do you?
Olivia: No, I'm not threatened. Just a
little jealous of your past.
Beth: You manipulated me?
Alan: Not intentionally.
Beth: And so, what? This is your plan? To be
shipped off to an insane asylum?
Alan: Being shipped off to an insane asylum
is better than being shipped off to prison. Just thinking about that gives me a
panic attack. But in the sanitarium, I will have time to breathe and try to
figure out my next move. And you can help.
Beth: You manipulate my emotions and then
you want me to help you? You shot the father of my children.
Alan: Beth, listen to me. Phillip was about
to kidnap those children. There's no telling what he would have done with them.
I had to stop him. You know how much I loved Phillip. I would have done
anything. The only way I could get him out of the situation was to pull the
Beth: You can't possibly think that you can
keep up with this charade.
Alan: Why not?
Beth: Because you're not that good of an
actor, Alan. Someone's bound to find you out.
Alan: Watch this. Liar!
Alexandra: What?
Alan: Liar!
Alexandra: Alan.
Alan: You know where Phillip’s hiding! All
you have to do is tell them and you can clear me from all of this!
Cop: Enough. Enough.
Alan: I'm sorry, Officer. I'm sorry. I
won’t... I won't make another outburst, I promise you. I just need just another
minute with my daughter-in-law. Please, let me say something to her.
Cop: All right, keep it short.
Alan: Okay. Well, how did I do?
Gus: Mallet? Hey.
Caretaker: Hey. You're the fellow that was
here earlier.
Gus: Yes. I was. With my friend, who got conked
in the head with the thing. And I was supposed to meet him back here, actually,
and I... have you seen anybody around?
Caretaker: No, he's probably in Florida by
Gus: Florida? Why?
Caretaker: Because that's where I told him
the guy was from.
Gus: Oh. Which guy is this?
Caretaker: Same guy who was snooping around
here, same time. Car had Florida plates.
Gus: Oh. Can you tell me more?
Mallet: Why are you hitting me?
Harley: Why did you do this?
Mallet: You're still hitting me.
Harley: Dragging me here on this pretense.
Mallet: What are you talking about,
pretense? We will go to the car rental agency as soon as it opens up. In the
meantime, we need a base of operations, do we not? Or do you want to go sit in
a coffee shop somewhere?
Harley: That's not the point. This is our
apartment. That you told me you had given up.
Mallet: I have never told you any such
Harley: You led me to believe that.
Mallet: This is the first time this subject
is coming up.
Harley: Well, that's awfully convenient for
you, isn't it?
Mallet: Oh, my gosh. Why are you so bent out
of shape?
Harley: Because this our old place. This is
our place. That you didn't give up. Why?
Mallet: Because I lived here until last
spring. All my jobs were freelance short-term gigs in other states. I needed a
home base and when I took the warden's job at Vailsburg, I didn't know how long
that was going to last. Come on, this place is a steal. It's three blocks from
the beach. I'd be a fool to let it go.
Harley: I've got to get back to Gus A.S.A.P.
Mallet: Right, okay. You mean right this
Harley: Yeah.
Mallet: Mm-hmm.
Harley: No. I mean later. Tonight.
Definitely tonight. I can't sit here and walk down Memory Lane with you, that's
for sure.
Mallet: I didn't ask you to. You're making
such a big deal out of nothing. My gosh. It's just four walls and some
Harley: You have not changed a single thing.
Gus: I just want this to be over.
Rick: Who doesn't?
Gus: Hey. What, are you following me?
Rick: No. I come here a lot, in the
evenings. Spend a little time alone with my best friend. So, what about you?
Last time we spoke, you were going to go look for Harley.
Gus: Yeah, I know. That was the plan, but
somehow or another, I ended up here. I know that Harley’s heart is with me, but
somehow or another, her head is here with Phil. Do you think it's possible he's
Rick: Phillip's dead, Gus.
Gus: Yeah. You say that like absolute...
Rick: He's the best friend I ever had, and I
miss him every single day, so if I had any doubt in my mind that he was really
gone, trust me, I would pry the thing open myself. But I have no doubt, because
he's dead. So I would really appreciate if you would just let my friend rest in
peace. Now, I understand that he hurt Harley. He hurt a lot of people, but he
was a sick man, sick just like his father. So, what I'm trying to say is, I
just want everybody to leave my friend alone. You understand that, don't you?
Gus: Yeah. And listen, it's enough already.
Believe me. And I will... I'll get Harley to back off, as well, all right?
Rick: Thank you. I really appreciate that. I
owe you.
Gus: Yeah. I've got to get back to what I
Rick: Thank you.
Michelle: Oh, my God, Danny, what am I going
to do if this baby is yours?
Marina: Are you asking me to move in with
Danny: That's sort of what this suggests,
yeah. I mean, why not? Marina, I'm crazy about you, and I want to spend as much
time with you as I can. And I was hoping that you felt the same way.
Marina: Well, I do. It's just, moving in
together kind of implies...
Danny: I know, I know, that we're sleeping
together. And we're not. And look, I'm not trying to pressure you into doing
anything that you don't want to do, I just... I want to be with you. That's
all. Okay, look, if it's too much, too soon, if you're not ready, I totally
Marina: Danny.
Danny: It's kind of crazy.
Marina: Shut up and kiss me.
Bill: All right, how about when you were,
like, six, seven, eight years old? You had to have friends. I mean, somebody.
Somebody. Come on, please.
Olivia: Not all of us relate to people in
that warm, fuzzy way that others do.
Bill: Oh, really?
Olivia: Look, my parents weren't
affectionate people, all right? It doesn't mean they didn't love us, because they
did. It's just that they didn't know how to express it. And we didn't do
family-type stuff, you know?
Bill: Family-type stuff? Like what?
Olivia: Like you didn't do it?
Bill: What?
Olivia: Pile into a station wagon and go on
those dumb camping trips and catch fireflies.
Bill: Yeah.
Olivia: Even the holidays were pretty
joyless. Then when my parents died, Sam just rebelled and Marissa took off and
married Alfred, and here I am, an antisocial mess.
Bill: Antisocial mess? My, my, my. Well, I
don't think so. I think you're doing great.
Olivia: I don't feel like I'm doing great.
Bill: Oh, boy.
Olivia: Listen to me. I'm a mother.
Bill: Yes.
Olivia: My daughter looks to me as a role
model. I feel completely inadequate.
Bill: Please.
Olivia: She's going to come to me and ask me
how to be a friend, to be a best friend. I'm not going to have a clue.
Bill: Yes, you will, because you can say,
"Hey, look at that guy right there. He's a best friend."
Olivia: You're just being sweet.
Bill: And it's the truth.
Olivia: Look, you can't just snap your
fingers and make up for a lost childhood.
Bill: But I can show you all the great
little things you missed when you were a kid. Starting with maybe something
like this.
Olivia: A glass?
Bill: Well, picture this glass minus the
water and ice cubes, of course. Put a piece of paper on top and then a rubber
band and then you poke some holes on top there? Firefly trap. Man, that was a
blast. So, what do you say you come outside with me and give it a try? Come on,
right now.
Olivia: ( Laughs ) You're crazy.
Bill: Good crazy or bad crazy?
Olivia: I'm not answering that.
Bill: Bad crazy?
Olivia: I'm not answering that.
Bill: Good crazy.
Beth: Why are you telling me all this, Alan?
Alan: Because, Beth, you know I adore you.
And you know that we both loved Phillip very much.
Beth: You killed him.
Alan: Beth, I had no choice.
Beth: I find that very hard to believe.
Alan: I want you to think back for a moment.
Remember that Phillip had you in such a desperate state that you were willing
to kidnap those children and go away with him? Children of your own friends. We
were frightened. We were cornered like animals. Pulling the trigger was the
only way out.
Beth: And all these months...
Alan: All of these months, I have been in
misery, wanting to take back that moment. But it's the only thing I could do to
defend the threat that was being made on my family. And Beth, Beth, our family
is being threatened again.
Beth: Threatened? By whom?
Alan: By Gus. He's trying to replace me at
the house and he's also trying to replace me on the Spaulding board, and the
only family he thinks about and cares about is Harley and her children-- not
yours at all.
Beth: One of Harley’s children is Phillip’s
Alan: Yes. Zach. Don't you think he should
be raised remembering his father, the great man that he was? Now, listen, I'm
not worried about Zach because I think that Harley will take care of him. But I
don't think Gus will give Elizabeth and James the same consideration. I'm afraid
he may treat them as poor relations.
Beth: That would never happen.
Alan: Yes. Just remember this: Everyone in
this town knows that you were the love of Phillip’s life. No one knows that
better than Harley. And I'm afraid she is going to use this as revenge against
you. Don't let them rob you, Beth. Don't let them take away the life that
Phillip wanted you and his children to have.
Beth: What do you want from me, Alan?
Alan: I want your loyalty, your support. Not
to me, but to Phillip’s legacy. Beth, while I am away, I need someone on the
outside that I can trust, someone who will get me information that I need to
protect the family. Will you be that person, Beth?
Harley: Everything is exactly the same.
Mallet: Not everything.
Harley: Two, three, four. Give me a break.
Mallet: What? It's not.
Harley: The furniture. Look at this hideous
furniture. This was ours. The couch, the chairs, the end tables. You saved the
ugly pineapple pillow.
Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, that's my lucky pillow.
Look, Harley, I'm a guy, okay? I don't decorate. If something's clean and
comfortable, why would I get rid of it?
Harley: I found these shells. I collected
all of them at the beach.
Mallet: Are you sure? Maybe you should count
Harley: I put them in this jar. And you know
what? That ashtray? I threw that at your head one time. Remember that?
Mallet: Oh, yes. Yes, please don't remind
me. Killer pitch, high and inside. Brush back, I believe.
Harley: Hey, feel free to move a chair. Kill
a plant. Something!
Mallet: I changed light bulbs.
Harley: No.
Mallet: Yeah, a bunch of them.
Harley: That's not the same thing. Nothing
has changed. The only thing missing is... ( Gasps ) Piper! Hi. Come here. You
told me she died. That's a terrible thing to say.
Louden: Hey.
Mallet: Hey.
Louden: Hey, Mallet, you're back.
Mallet: How are you? Good to see you again.
Piper had puppies. Cookie's one of her daughters. This is Louden. He lives
upstairs. He fell in love with her and took her. Louden, this is the ex,
Harley. Harley, Louden.
Louden: Hey, nice to meet you.
Harley: Hi.
Mallet: Cute, huh? She looks just like Piper.
Harley: Yeah. It's weird. It's like time has
stopped. Nothing has changed at all.
Danny: So, is that a yes? You want to check
out your new place? Maybe even move in?
Marina: Tonight?
Danny: Why not? Hm?
Marina: Well... ( Cell phone ringing )
Danny: Hold that thought. Hello? Hello?
Hello? Is anybody there?
Marina: Who was it?
Danny: It's private. Must have been a wrong
number. So, what do you say? You want to see how these things work?
Marina: Well, I think I should probably
break the news to my family first.
Danny: ( Groans )
Marina: And then if they don't break your
legs, I think I'll move in. ( Laughter )
Danny: Are you happy, Mrs. Santos?
Michelle: Mm-hmm. I am, Mr. Santos. I
love you.
Robbie: ( Coos )
Michelle: And you too, little one. Got my
little Robbie, asleep in his room. Everything's perfect now. Just perfect.
Rick: Hey.
Mel: Hey.
Rick: Hey, Beautiful. How are you doing?
Mel: Hi. So, was Gus at the cemetery, like
you thought?
Rick: Yeah. You know what? I can't really
blame him. He loves Harley. He just wants her to get past it, that's all.
Mel: Harley, let go?
Rick: Hm.
Mel: Doubtful.
Rick: Well, all he can do is encourage her,
that's all.
Mel: Amazing. Phillip, he's gone, and yet
he's still jerking people around. I'm sorry.
Rick: That's all right. I know how everybody
feels. I don't mind being the odd person out.
Mel: Well, you were his friend. A good
friend, better than most. So, do you think Harley will really let this go?
Rick: My heart: Yes. My gut: No. This isn't
over, Mel. Not by a long shot.
Alan: Beth, they're going to take me away
any minute now. I need an answer.
Beth: ( Sighs ) All right. I'll help you.
You're right. Family has to come first, and I don't trust Gus to lead us. What
do you want me to do?
Alan: Something you wouldn't have thought of
in your wildest dreams, but something that makes total sense.
Beth: What do you want, Alan?
Alan: I want you to marry me. As my wife,
you will have power of attorney and my seat on the Spaulding board. Together,
we can fight Alexandra and Gus. You will have all the power, Beth, the power to
ensure that this family survives the way Phillip would have wanted.
Cop #2: Visit's over. Let's go.
Alan: Think about it, Beth. Please.
Beth: Marry you?
Alexandra: Alan? Alan? Alan, I love you. We
can't do anything more for him right now, Beth. It's been a very difficult day.
I want to go home. Let's go home.
Alan: If this doesn't bring Phillip home,
nothing will.
Harley: Bye, Cookie. You're such a good
girl. Go home. Okay. This is too much. You know? We came down here, you know,
just to find out who dropped that gargoyle on your head and now, I mean, this
is just.. this is all a bit... this is a bit much.
Mallet: Yeah, well, we came down here to see
if Phillip was still alive or not, so let's get back to work and start putting
our heads together.
Harley: Right. I think that's a great idea.
But let's not do it here, because I'm sure that your refrigerator is empty and
I, for one, could use a drink. ( Gasps )
Announcer: Next, on "Guiding Light"...
Gus: You used to live here when you were
married to him?
Mallet: At least I got her down the aisle
Coop: Why don't you say what you mean. You
don't want me to see Lizzie anymore, do you?
Beth: Tell me. Tell me, please. What should
I do?
Lillian: Why are you doing this?
Beth: Power.
Alan: A note from my son, Phillip.
"I'll never be far away."
Mallet: If Phillip were alive, where would I
start looking.
Alan: Then you're telling me you believe
that Phillip is alive.
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