Guiding Light Transcript Friday 8/5/05
By Boo
[part of this transcript may be missing due
to local breaking news. Will try to replace it as soon as possible.]
Harley: So, after everything that we have
been through, you-- Mr. "I could marry you right now" guy-- you want
to postpone the wedding.
Gus: I would marry you right now. I'd marry
you right now, but I just think we should wait.
Harley: Why? For how long?
Gus: Just until you are 100% sure of what
you're doing.
Harley: I'm sure.
Gus: You're sure?
Harley: Honey, I'm sure. I'm as sure as you
Gus: Oh, you're so sure? Right. Just like
you were sure when I asked you to move in-- which I didn't ask you to move into
the Spaulding house, but you volunteered, remember? And then you took it back,
which is very strange to me. I mean, if we're going to be together...
Harley: Okay, but that had absolutely
nothing to do with the wedding and you know it.
Gus: What does it have to do with? What does
it have to do with? A ghost? Some ghost thing? What, from our past? Your past?
Harley: What do you mean?
Gus: No, I'm not talking about him. I'm
talking about the other ghost. Phillip. And how Alan keeps saying he's alive
and you're buying into it. And I know you're buying into it because I look at
you and I see it in your face.
Mallet: Harley. Wait until you hear this.
It's about Phillip.
Gus: So, denial ain't just a river in Egypt,
Lizzie: What do you mean, I've been
"de-approved"? I've been using this credit card since I could read
it. Excuse me, okay, but I probably put your kids through college last year on
my shoe bill alone. This... what? Fine.
Coop: Well. Well, well, well. What's that
all about?
Lizzie: This is terrible, Coop.
Coop: Okay. Well, what happened?
Lizzie: My credit cards got declined. I
think my mom turned them off. I couldn't even buy my end-of-summer outfit.
Coop: Oh, my... no. Are you kidding...?
Lizzie: Coop, please don't even start right
now. This is not funny.
Coop: Sorry. ( Sighs ) Fine, it's not funny.
Cassie: Does the name ring a bell? Sonya?
Jeffrey: Sonya. Well, you know what? Sonya
is a friend. She's a former friend. Well, not really former.
Cassie: Occasional friend?
Jeffrey: The point of the matter is, that's
all changed.
Cassie: I don't think she knows that.
Jeffrey: Well, then she's going to find out
because what Sonya really is, is a vestige. She's a vestige of the life that I
led before I met you.
Cassie: A vestige?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Cassie: Like an appendix? Like the bone in
your butt where the tail used to be?
Jeffrey: Okay, okay. I deserve it. Have your
fun. But the point of the matter is that I am crazy about you in a way that
even seems crazy to me.
Cassie: Hm. You've got to prove it.
Jeffrey: Okay. Wait right there.
Tammy: You know, I wouldn't make a very good
lure if you hurt me. So, who's the trap for? Aunt Reva?
Nate: If I wanted Reva, I could have already
had her. In a variety of ways.
Tammy: That's disgusting.
Nate: You know damn well who I'm after. And
you're going to deliver him for me.
Tammy: I don't see how.
Nate: No? Well, maybe you're not as smart as
I thought you were.
Tammy: Jonathan hates me and I hate him.
Nate: I'm not interested in your little teen
dramas, all right? I've watched you two. You're like no cousins I've ever seen.
Jonathan will come for you, all right?
Tammy: He won't even know I'm gone.
Nate: Well, no doubt your family's put out
the alarm by now. Jonathan will hear it and when he does, he'll come running.
Tammy: Never.
Nate: All we have to do is sit back, wait
and enjoy the view. You sure you don't want one?
( Knock on door )
Nina: I guess I'm too late for your shower.
Jonathan: I may need another one. Why is the
manager bringing towels? I thought that was a job for housekeeping.
Nina: Well, I believe in the personal touch.
Feeling better this morning? Looks like you're healing up pretty well.
Jonathan: Yeah. Thanks to you. So, do you
have anything else for me?
Nina: Actually, I do. I took the morning
off. I thought I might give you a tour of the interesting sites in town. Unless
you have something more important to do.
Tammy: I wish I never met you.
Jonathan: Can't think of a thing.
Tammy: If you're waiting for Jonathan to
come rescue me, you'll be waiting forever.
Nate: You've been abducted by his devil of a
father. Poor little princess, you're helpless.
Tammy: It doesn't matter. You've trained Jonathan
too well. He won't stick his neck out for anybody, okay? Especially not me.
Nate: What's going on between you two? Do
you have this, like, competition to see who can pretend not to care the most?
Any fool can see that you two love...
Tammy: Don't say it. ( Sniffles ) Fine. I
admit it. I do care about Jonathan. And part of me wishes...
Nate: What?
Tammy: That he would come. I mean, the last
thing I want is for you to hurt him, but if he heard that I was here and tried
to rescue me, that would be...
Nate: Sweet?
Tammy: It wasn't my idea to feel the way I
feel, but... ( Sighs ) I wish I didn't, but I can't help it.
Nate: Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, no, no, no.
It's all right. You go ahead and cry. Go on. Crying's good. It's good for me,
especially. It proves I'm right. You and my boy, you're like a little pair of
forbidden lovebirds. Jonathan will definitely come looking for you and he'll
find you. We'll see to that. It's kind of sweet, isn't it?
Tammy: ( Yells )
Nate: What is it, Tammy? Don't you find me
Jeffrey: Well, here it is.
Cassie: Is that a little black book? You
actually have one of those?
Jeffrey: Well, you know, when it comes to
bachelorhood, I consider myself a traditionalist. But times have changed. I
meet you; Good-bye book.
Cassie: Wait, wait, wait.
Jeffrey: Oh, what? You want to do the
honors? Okay, be my guest.
Cassie: I want to have a peek. ( Laughs )
Jeffrey: What? Wait a minute. Wait.
Cassie: Oh, my God. There are so many women
in here. You could start a small country.
Jeffrey: Okay, I'm glad you're having fun
with all this.
Cassie: What are all these little symbols
next to these... this is a rating system. Oh, my gosh. Jeffrey O’Neill’s secret
sex summary. This is good. "C." Let's look under "C."
Jeffrey: Okay, just throw it out, okay?
Cassie: Hm, no "Cassie." Maybe
under "M," for "Mrs. Winslow." Let's check...
Jeffrey: Oh, come on.
Cassie: What? Do I not rate? I'm not even in
here. It's got to be under "W."
Jeffrey: You can't compare to those women.
What I mean is that, you know, you are off the charts, baby, yeah. Because you
set a standard that no one else could possibly live up to.
Cassie: Nice save.
Jeffrey: Thank you.
Cassie: There's no turning back. Say goodbye
to Abigail and Zelda and everyone in between.
Jeffrey: What did you do, memorize the
Cassie: Yeah.
Jeffrey: Okay, here we go. Good-bye, ladies.
Many happy landings. Okay, let her rip. See? I barely flinched.
Cassie: ( Laughs ) You know, we're going to
have to monitor you in case there's some after effects.
Jeffrey: Well, I can tell you one after-effect
that I am looking forward to.
Reva: Cassie. Oh, honey, thank God I found
Cassie: What's going on? What's wrong?
Reva: It's Tammy. It's about Tammy.
Gus: So, if you've got news about Phillip,
spill it.
Mallet: I mean, it's not about Phillip,
really. It involves him.
Gus: Listening.
Mallet: Well, Alan still swears that Phillip
isn't really dead.
Gus: Is that right?
Harley: Mm-hmm.
Gus: We knew that.
Harley: Yeah, I mean, that poor, poor man,
he is so, so deluded.
Mallet: So he's been, you know, trying to
get a hold of me. He's offering bribes, he's making threats, and I just wanted
to make sure that you both knew that I'm not going to let him use his money or
his muscle to get someone in authority to believe his story.
Harley: Thank you. We really appreciate
that, because that lets us focus on our wedding.
Gus: Right. Speaking of which, I need to
reschedule the appointment with the planner.
Harley: Oh, would you do that?
Gus: Sure.
Harley: Thank you, honey. What's wrong with
you? I told you I don't want him involved in any of this.
Mallet: I don't want you involved. Didn't I
tell you to just drop it and let me handle this? You know what? From now on, if
I get something, I'm just going to have to keep it to myself.
Harley: Get something like what?
Mallet: What? What are you talking about?
Harley: You said "get something."
Mallet: Oh, nothing. It was a figure of
Harley: No, it wasn’t.
Mallet: Gus is right over there.
Harley: So you then you better spill it
Mallet: I talked to the janitor in the
building where Alan claims Phillip was being kept.
Harley: Uh-huh. And?
Mallet: Apparently, a doctor and some sort
of nurse made regular visits to room number five. And guess who the only other
person with a key to room number five was.
Harley: ( Coughs ) Alan?
Mallet: Alan. You got it.
Harley: That doesn't mean that Phillip was
actually in there. It just means that Alan was working on some dark secret Spaulding
research project.
Mallet: You don't believe that, do you?
Harley: You know what I believe? I believe
that I finally marrying the man that I love, who is standing right over there.
So it doesn't matter to me what happens in room number five, number six, number
seven. I don't care.
Mallet: Okay. That's great. Fine.
Harley: No. I care. Of course I care. I have
to know. I have to know, and there's only one way to find out for sure.
Mallet: What are you planning?
Harley: Well, I wouldn't want you to worry
about it.
Mallet: Oh, I'm not worried, but I see your
wheels turning and I want to know where you're headed.
Harley: Ssh... ssh… Hi.
Gus: Hi.
Harley: She... did you get in touch with
her? The wedding planner?
Gus: Rescheduled for tonight.
Harley: Oh, good. Well, that's perfect. So,
before I have to go meet with the florist and the cake guy, I should go talk to
one of my bridesmaids.
Gus: Are you going to ask Lizzie to be a
Harley: Honey, we have talked about this
already, many times. I'm not just marrying you, I am marrying your entire
family, right? And vice versa. So let me talk to her before she takes off,
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: Can I have a chocolate kiss, please?
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: Thank you.
Gus: So, what did you really come to ask Harley,
or tell her, about Phillip?
Harley: Hey. Can I talk to you for a minute?
Coop: Sure. Why not? I'll be over there.
Harley: Thank you.
Lizzie: Did my mom send you?
Harley: Why would she do that?
Lizzie: Oh, because she wants me to admit
that without my money and my credit cards, I'm helpless and I should come home
like the little girl she thinks I am. But I'm really not.
Harley: She cut you off.
Lizzie: Yeah. I'm broke.
Harley: I guess you've had a pretty hard
time of it since your dad died, huh? Or, at least until everyone in your life
except your grandpa thought your dad had died.
Lizzie: And he knows how hard it is on me,
how much I would want that to be true, but I mean, deep down inside, I know
it's not.
Harley: Yeah. Well, I mean, there is a way
to stop your grandpa's ranting. I don't think that you would like it, but you
are the only person who could make it happen.
Lizzie: How?
Harley: You are Phillip’s next of kin. If
you wanted to, you could give the police permission to exhume his body and that
would prove to everyone-- even to Alan-- that he's dead.
Cassie: You had to play hero? Now my
daughter's missing?
Reva: I wasn't playing at anything. I did
what I did to Nate to protect Jonathan. He's the one who's really in jeopardy
Cassie: Oh, really? Tammy has been dragged
off by some lunatic who beat his son and may have murdered his wife, but Jonathan’s
the one in real danger, here. So you don't care about Tammy. You're not worried
about Tammy.
Reva: That's not true.
Cassie: You're only worried about your
Reva: That is not true and you know it.
Cassie: No. I don't even want to hear it, Reva!
It has been "Jonathan, Jonathan, Jonathan" since he came to town.
"Give Jonathan a break," no matter what he did.
Reva: He's a troubled kid because of what Nate
did to him. That's why I had to stop the man.
Cassie: So now Tammy’s paying the price
again because of what you want. First she was victimized by Jonathan, now by
his father, all so you can feel less guilty for how you screwed up.
Jeffrey: Okay, you know, I think this is not
helping. What we really need to do is to focus on finding Tammy and getting her
back safely.
Reva: Then get a search going for her. You
know? I don't know, set up some kind of special task force. But you have to do
it in a way that Nate isn't tipped off that we're looking for Tammy. You can do
that, right? I mean, you're the DA.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, we have to proceed with
extreme caution, Reva. This is a violent and desperate man. The last thing we
want to do is put Tammy in any more danger.
Cassie: Any more danger.
Nate: If you keep fighting, we're both going
to end up in the drink. Now, you're probably a better swimmer than Johnny, but
I can't promise you'll come out of the water alive. All right? Agreed? All
Tammy: Ow. Hey.
Nate: Oh, sorry. Was that too rough? How
about this?
Tammy: Ow.
Nate: I have to say, I admire your pluck.
And when it's packaged like this, I could understand what Jon...
Tammy: Get away from me.
Nate: Hello, hello, hello. You've been
holding out on me, Tammy, and that's not a very smart thing to do.
Nina: What's wrong? I thought this is what
you wanted.
Jonathan: It is. Definitely. Where were we?
Right here? ( Knock at door ) Don't tell me that's housekeeping.
Nina: If it is, they'll open the door
themselves in a second.
Jonathan: Okay.
Nina: If they catch me here...
Jonathan: I'll get it. What the hell are you
doing here?
Sandy: You're not as smart as you think you
are, "Sandy Foster."
Jonathan: Good detective work. See you.
Sandy: Uh, uh. You know, I was hoping I
would never see you again, but I need your help.
Nina: Sir, I was just coming by to see if
you were happy with the accommodations.
Jonathan: Well, I might need some more
attention tonight. You ought to stay here sometime, Sandman. The staff bends
over backwards to please you.
Sandy: You've got to come back to Springfield.
Jonathan: I don't "got" to do
anything. I have over $2 million. I have a hottie bringing me fluffy white
Sandy: Tammy's in trouble. Your father's got
her and you need to help me find her.
Jonathan: Are you saying he kidnapped Tammy?
Sandy: I'm saying he's got her and we've got
to get her back.
Jonathan: "We" do?
Sandy: All I care about is Tammy’s safety
right now, and if you can help me get her away from Nate, then that's all that
Jonathan: He's a sick freak.
Sandy: Yeah. All right, then. Let's go.
Every second counts. Come on.
Jonathan: She's your girl. She's your
problem. You deal with it.
Sandy: Reva's always talking about what a
victim you are, how your father turned you into this miserable excuse of a
human being, but if you sit here and don't even lift a finger to help Tammy,
you're making her your victim all over again, and you're going to have to live
with that.
Jonathan: No problem.
Sandy: Yeah? Good luck.
Tammy: I bet you can't wait for Jonathan to
show up, huh? You're good at hurting little boys.
Nate: Do I not scare you?
Tammy: I'm scared, yeah, but I'm more scared
for Jonathan than myself.
Nate: I would worry about your own welfare.
Tammy: He had the same sneer when he first
came to town. That same need to frighten and control people.
Nate: It worked on you, though, didn't it?
Tammy: Yeah, it did. You created a monster.
But at some point, that monster stopped wanting to be one. He started to see
himself as a person.
Nate: Yeah? Oh, dear, where did I go wrong?
Tammy: Jonathan started thinking for
himself, seeing Reva and the world in his own eyes, not through yours.
Nate: Jonathan went soft. That's what he
did. Don't you worry. I'll toughen him up again.
Tammy: By slapping him around and
humiliating him or worse?
Nate: Yeah. Something like that.
Tammy: Don’t. Don't do it. Please.
Nate: Is it time for the heartfelt plea? All
right, Princess, come on. Come on. Let's hear it.
Tammy: Maybe you love Jonathan in your own
way. I'm sure you think that he needs what you give him, but he doesn’t. Okay?
What he needs...
Nate: Stop! I've spent more time with that
boy than all you little people in this town put together, so don't you tell..
I know damn well what Jonathan needs. And thanks to you, Princess, I'm going to
give it to him. In spades. But first, we've got to get him here.
Mallet: Harley and I were talking about Alan.
You know, how nuts he is.
Gus: Is that right?
Jeffrey: Uh, sorry, Gus. Official business.
Tammy Winslow has been missing since last night and all indications are that Nate
Randall is holding her against her will.
Mallet: Does Frank know about this?
Jeffrey: Yeah. He wants to coordinate a
search with you. I put in a call to my contacts at the FBI, but we've got to
fly strictly under the radar on this.
Mallet: Could this girl get hurt if this Randall
guy is tipped off, right? Okay. I've got you.
Reva: We're going to find Tammy. Jeffrey's
on the case now and the police department's involved, too.
Josh: We'll get her back, Cassie. I promise.
Jeffrey: Okay, everything is in motion.
Reva: See? It's going to be okay.
Josh: Jeffrey, maybe you should stay with Cassie
in case Tammy tries to get in touch with her.
Jeffrey: Okay. Yeah, I was thinking the same
Reva: I just hope to God we can find Tammy.
Josh: Well, you know Nate pretty well, Reva.
What's his MO?
Reva: Fear. He plays on fear. That's it.
Josh: What?
Reva: Water. Jonathan's terrified of water.
It's what I told you, you know? About the boat rental that... Nate rented that
boat in Jonathan’s name. He's going to do the same thing to Jonathan that he
did to Marissa!
Josh: Make a murder look like an accidental
Reva: I think I know where they may be.
Mallet: Call me if you get anything? Okay,
good. Thanks.
Gus: Something I can help you with?
Mallet: No. Thanks, though, Gus. I think
we've got this covered. I'm trying to learn how to delegate.
Gus: Maybe you should learn how to do that
when it involves Harley.
Mallet: ( Laughs ) Why don't you give me a
Gus: What are you guys up to?
Mallet: Nothing. I've been married to the
girl once; I'm not looking for round two. So, you know, she's happy with you.
Gus: I'm not saying you're hitting on her or
anything like that. Are you? I'm talking about the Phillip-being-alive thing.
Mallet: Yeah, I told you. Alan still
Gus: Alan is in a prison cell, locked up.
He's just talking a bunch of garbage.
Mallet: Mm-hmm.
Gus: But you, on the other hand, you're
encouraging Harley.
Mallet: Okay, let me be honest with you
here, okay? Harley asked me about Alan’s story, okay? She's worried and she's
scared that if there's even the slightest chance that Phillip’s alive, that he
might be a threat to the family. Okay? And I told her to leave it alone. When
you saw me outside of Company at the bench the other night, I had just finished
telling her, you know, "stop imagining you're in some CSI unit and start
trying on wedding dresses or something."
Lizzie: "Go ahead, dig up my
Harley: Well, honey, I knew you wouldn't
like it, but it would work on Alan.
Lizzie: No. No. Not for any reason, Harley.
Harley: Lizzie, I know you loved your dad...
Lizzie: No. No, I'm sorry, this is the end
of it, okay? It's not going to happen. I can't talk about this.
Harley: Okay, listen. If you end up
confirming that your grandfather is lying, will do anything to save his own
neck, that would be the one way that your father could finally rest in peace,
because all the questions would be answered.
Lizzie: No, Harley. This is my decision,
okay? This is the end of it. I'm not... no. No.
( Cell phone ringing )
Jonathan: Tammy.
Nate: Come on, Jonathan. You know you've got
to answer. You can see it's from this sweet thing.
Tammy: Stop it.
Reva: Tammy!
Josh: Hey!
Tammy: Hello! Help!
Reva: Tammy!
Josh: Tammy!
( Cell phone rings )
Jonathan: Tammy? Tammy?
Reva: Tammy!
Josh: Tammy!
Reva: Tammy!
Josh: Hello? There's nobody here.
Reva: I really thought that this is where
they'd be, that Nate would bring her here. It makes perfect sense because he knows
that Jonathan can barely swim.
Josh: Well, there's nobody here now, Reva.
Sandy: Hey, hey. Any luck?
Reva: No. The place is deserted.
Sandy: You sounded so sure on the phone.
Reva: I know. I thought this would be the
perfect place.
Josh: I guess we can count it out.
Sandy: You can rule out Jonathan, too.
Reva: You found him.
Sandy: Yeah. He's living it up in a motel a
half-hour north of here. No need to worry about good old Jon. He's taking care
of himself.
Josh: I take it you asked him to help.
Sandy: He said my girl, my problem.
Reva: Well, then it's best that he just
stays away.
Sandy: Right. Got to think of what's best
for the Golden Child.
Reva: Sandy, I still believe that Jonathan
is Nate's ultimate target and going after Tammy isn't going to get him
Josh: Reva, I think the best thing now is to
let Jeffrey and the police take over.
Reva: I just really sense that this is where
they'd be.
Josh: Let's go home. Excuse us.
Cassie: I can't just sit here and do
Jeffrey: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Listen to me for one second, okay?
Now, if this Nate character is half as dangerous as Reva says he is, you're not
going to do anyone any favors. You're not going to help anyone by putting
yourself in harm's way, especially Tammy.
Cassie: My daughter is out there somewhere,
tied up, gagged, and God knows what, Jeffrey. I can't even think about it, so
you've got to find her.
Jeffrey: Well, I can't think, either. I can’t.
Cassie: You've got to find her.
Jeffrey: I will, okay, but I can't focus on
anything unless I know that you're going to be safe.
Cassie: I'm not going to go back to the
farm. RJ's with friends. I'm not going to go sit there alone just waiting for
the phone to ring. I'm not going to do it.
Jeffrey: All right, all right, all right.
Well, how about Reva's place? Okay? You can stay there, you'll be safe there.
Stay there until I get in touch with you, okay?
Cassie: Okay.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Coop: You okay?
Lizzie: Oh, yeah. The day just keeps getting
better and better.
Gus: How's the new bridesmaid?
Lizzie: The what?
Gus: Well, when Harley came over here, she
didn't ask you to be her bridesmaid?
Lizzie: No, it didn't come up.
Gus: Huh. Well, what did you guys talk
Lizzie: Nothing.
Gus: Nothing? You seem a little depressed
for nothing.
Coop: Hey, hey. Look, whatever it is, if you
don't want to talk about it, you don't have to, okay?
Gus: If you do want to talk about it, talk
to somebody, I'm right here.
Lizzie: No, I'm fine, actually.
Gus: It's not about your father?
Lizzie: Okay, um, look, Harley wanted to
know if I would give the police permission to open my father's tomb.
Coop: What?
Lizzie: She thinks that it'll solve, once
and for all, that my granddad's actually a lying murderer.
Gus: What did you say?
Lizzie: I said no.
Gus: Really. Was she disappointed?
Lizzie: I guess, but I told her that's my
answer and I'm not changing my mind. And I don't know, I guess she respected me
for it. You know, could we please go on a walk or something?
Coop: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, sure. Come on.
Gus: Well. What Harley says and what she
does are not always the same thing.
Mallet: Well, good evening.
( Banging )
Harley: ( Gasps ) That's twice you're
sneaking up on me.
Mallet: So much for staying focused on your
Harley: I need to know, okay? For me, for my
kids, I need to know the truth.
Mallet: Well, don't just stand there. Let's
do this thing before some cop comes along.
Harley: ( Chuckles )
Mallet: What?
Harley: You are a cop.
Mallet: Oh, yeah. Do me a favor, don't
remind me. Ready?
Announcer: Next, on "Guiding Light"...
Mallet: Open sesame.
Harley: I've got to know, right? I have to
know if Phillip is actually...
Dinah: I can handle Edmund.
Ross: You believe Edmund wants to share his
life with you?
Dinah: I believe in us, Dad.
Jonathan: Where's Tammy?
Nate: Get yourself out here and soon, or the
next time you see Tammy will be when her body washes up on the shore.
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