Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 8/3/05
Marina: Hey. Oof. Cooper moving. Oh, I'm
sorry, Detective Rodriguez, I thought it was... no. I packed some stuff to
wear. No, I haven't told anyone. I know what undercover means. Right. So I'll
see you tonight.
Danny: I cannot believe you still have this.
Where does it go? Next to your bed?
Marina: Get out of here.
Danny: I told you to burn it.
Marina: Please.
Danny: Here. I don't know what this is.
Marina: What is this?
Danny: I don't know. It was with your stuff.
Marina: Black eyed peas. No way. I can't
believe you got us tickets.
Danny: I told you I had connections in Chicago.
Marina: I know all about your connections.
Danny: So, we're all set. I got a sitter for
Robbie but we need to leave kind of soon if we're going to make it to Chicago
in time for the show.
Marina: It's tonight?
Danny: Yeah. Is that a problem?
Marina: No, no problem. Except I can't go.
Bill: Hey, there, Doc.
Rick: Hey.
Bill: I got a letter from your long-lost
sister Michelle.
Rick: I have a sister?
Bill: Sure do, and she raves on about dining
on locusts and practicing medicine in the bush. But I think she's homesick.
Rick: Yeah, me too.
Bill: Yeah.
Rick: I also think she's thinking about how
she's going to be received when she gets back.
Bill: Well, I say we throw her a huge party.
Maybe even a parade. It'll be swell.
Rick: Yeah, I've talked to her about it. Bill,
I think this is probably news that maybe she should hear from a friend. What do
you think?
Bill: Yeah, well, I think the only friend
she wants to hear from is right in there.
Rick: Did she say that in the letter?
Bill: Well, I read between the lines. I
think Michelle will always be crazy about Danny. It's one of those things that
will never change.
Attendant: Need some help? You look a little
lost. If you need connecting flight information...
Michelle: Oh, no, no, no. Thank you, no.
This is it. I am home.
Tammy: You're all wet.
Sandy: Sorry. I couldn't resist.
Tammy: You're going to pay for that. And
warm me up.
Sandy: That would be my pleasure. Warmer?
Remind me again why we even got out of bed?
Tammy: Don't remember.
Sandy: Good. Then you want to go back? Okay,
I'm going to get my clothes.
Tammy: ( Laughs )
Nate: ( Groans ) Ow! You're bloody insane!
You put something in my drink, didn't you? You drugged me. You might not
realize it yet, Darling, you've just made the worst mistake of your life.
Reva: Oh, no. Not the worst.
Nate: So, what are you going to do, Reva?
You going to hold me here forever? Reva, what are you going to do?
Marina: I really want to go to Chicago with
you, Danny, but I have to study.
Danny: For what?
Marina: For this assignment at the academy.
It's this really big test and I can't afford to fail.
Danny: Oh. Well, I can help you study on the
way to Chicago and on the way back.
Marina: You could, except that it’s... I don't
know, it's, like, private police stuff and we're not supposed to share the
Danny: All right. I understand.
Marina: Um, I'm really sorry.
Danny: No, no. It's ok...
Marina: I don't suppose you could trade the
tickets for another night?
Danny: ( Laughs ) No. No. It's okay, it's
all right. I should have checked with you before I got the tickets.
Marina: I'm sorry.
Danny: No, it's all right, really.
Marina: It was a nice idea. Thank you
Danny: Of course. I guess it's just payback
for all the times I had to bail on you. All right, well, let's get this stuff
up to your room.
Marina: No, it's okay. I've got it. Danny,
no. I got it. It's mine. It's my uniform.
Danny: Oh, sorry. ( Clears throat ) Wow. All
right. Well, cop uniforms have changed a lot since the last time I got
Tammy: What are you doing here?
Jonathan: I'm trying out for the swim team.
Tammy: I hope you don't expect me to pull
you out of the water again.
Jonathan: No, not this time. Hey, you want
Tammy: I just got out of bed.
Jonathan: Oh, you did, did you? Good for
you. I'll see you around.
Sandy: Hey. What do you say we bring
breakfast back to bed?
Tammy: That sounds great. What are you in
the mood for?
Sandy: Do you have to ask? How long have you
been standing there? The cops are after you.
Jonathan: You want to call them and tell
them I'm here?
Sandy: No. I don't regret it, though.
Someone had to protect the Lewis’.
Jonathan: Oh, you don't care about the Lewis’
or Reva or Josh. All you care about is her. And you being scared.
Sandy: Of what? Of you? I don't think so.
Jonathan: I'm a threat, aren't I?
Sandy: You're delusional.
Tammy: All right, can we just go?
Sandy: Yeah. Well, you're not a threat. It's
just that you can't stay away from Tammy.
Jonathan: Oh, she's the one who can't stay
away from me. I mean, I've told her countless times to stay away, but she just
keeps coming back for more. Tell him the truth. How many times have I told you
to get lost? What did I say to you after the fire? What did I say to you even
after you fished me out of the water? Huh? What did I say?
Tammy: Can we not do this?
Jonathan: See? She's the one who can't stay
away from me, and don't deny it.
Tammy: I've tried to help you because I feel
sorry for you.
Jonathan: You feel sorry for me. That's it,
Tammy: Yes.
Jonathan: Is that why you kissed me?
Nate: Let me go.
Reva: No.
Nate: If you were smart, Reva, you'd stop
this right now.
Reva: No.
Nate: Is that all you can say?
Reva: No. You know when a rabid dog gets
loose, people look at that dog and they think it's just any other dog until
they see it's out of control and foaming at the mouth. So someone has to hunt
it down and stop it. Otherwise innocent people could die. People like your
wife, Marissa.
Nate: You had this all planned out, didn't
you? You lured me over with the promise of money. You set a trap and it all
panned out. So just give yourself a pat on the back and undo me. Reva, look,
it's cutting off my circulation.
Reva: Well, then don't fight it. Don't fight
it. Relax.
Nate: Where are you going with this, Reva?
Oh, no. ( Laughs ) You have no idea, do you? ( Laughs )
Reva: I know that I have you right where I
want you. I also know that I have no regrets.
Nate: I'm sorry. I'm sorry about what
happened earlier. You're a beautiful woman and I couldn't help myself. Well,
you do that to me. You drive me crazy. ( Laughs ) Really, look, I'll behave
myself from now on. I will. I promise. Reva, come on. You've had your fun. All
right, Reva, look, if you untie me now, okay, I won't tell the police what
happened here today.
Reva: You should just get comfortable
because you're not going anywhere.
Nate: Would you listen to me, you stupid
bloody woman! You're going away for ten to 20 years for this, you know that?
Reva: This "stupid bloody woman"
got the drop on you. It doesn't feel so good when someone has the power over
you, does it, Alfred? How does it make you feel? Nervous? Is your heart racing,
not knowing what's going to happen next? Well, multiply that by 10,000 and
you'll begin to understand what it's like to be a kid who is being beat on by a
father who is supposed to be protecting him. Well, guess what? Today you get to
be Jonathan, and me, I get to be you.
Marina: I was thinking about changing my
Danny: Well, yeah, I see that.
Marina: What do you think?
Danny: It's nice. Is there more to this?
Marina: What, you don't like it?
Danny: No, I didn't say that. I just...
Marina: This goes with it.
Danny: Oh, well. There, I feel so much
better. So what's going on here.
Marina: I am at the academy. I might have to
go undercover someday.
Danny: Undercover or under the covers?
Marina: Very funny. I need to be ready to
transform into anybody at any time.
Danny: Okay. What's wrong with this? With
who you are right now?
Marina: This?
Danny: Yeah.
Marina: Danny, it's so girl-next-door.
Danny: What's wrong with next door? I like
next door.
Marina: I barely have any makeup on.
Danny: That's because you don't need any.
Marina: My hair is a mess.
Danny: See, it looks like you just got out
of bed. I think it's very sexy.
Marina: Oh. Well, good. ( Cell phone ringing
Danny: I have to make sure it's not Robbie
calling from camp. Hello? Hello?
Michelle: I can't do this over the phone.
Marina: Who was it?
Danny: Nobody. So, where were we?
Marina: I don't remember.
Danny: No? Try. Try to remember.
Marina: Right here?
Tammy: Sandy.
Jonathan: I'm beginning to think that you
and Tammy don't talk.
Tammy: Sandy, that kiss, it was... it was
nothing. It happened when...
Jonathan: It happened when... ...when I
first came to town. But it wasn't "nothing," Tammy. You kissed me because
you had it bad for me. Admit it.
Tammy: That's ancient history.
Jonathan: Well, you didn't just kiss me
because you felt sorry for me.
Tammy: I kissed JB, not you.
Jonathan: Yeah? Well, JB's a lucky guy. (
Laughs )
Sandy: You never miss an opportunity to be a
jerk, do you?
Jonathan: And you never miss an opportunity
to act better than... what, you don't have anything in your life that you
Tammy: Hey, stop it. Both of you. Let's go.
Jonathan: You know, you act like you're so
great but it's all about winning with you.
Sandy: This isn't a competition. I'm not
here to compete with you.
Tammy: Okay, okay.
Sandy: Tammy's with me because she wants to
be with me. I work for the Lewis’s because they want me there. They trust me.
What the hell do I want that you have? ( Cell phone ringing )
Jonathan: I could blow your world to hell
and back any time I wanted to.
Tammy: It's the office. You better take it.
Sandy: Sandy Foster. Yeah. I... this isn't a
good... okay, I'll call you back. I've got to go to the car to get a file. You
want to come?
Tammy: No, I'll be fine. Okay? I'll just get
the rest of our things. Go ahead. Why didn't you tell Sandy about that stupid
kiss the other day?
Jonathan: What's the point?
Tammy: You almost did.
Jonathan: Almost. It's the story of my life.
Reva: You see this? Hm? Do you see this?
Does this look familiar to you? Huh?
Nate: Yeah, it should, because I was with Jonathan
when he was that age. And you weren’t.
Reva: And that is something that I will
regret for the rest of my life. You know where I got this picture?
Nate: I really don't care.
Reva: I got it in Marissa’s belongings. I
found it there. I figure she probably took this picture at about the same time
that Jonathan came to live with you. You notice anything?
Nate: Like what?
Reva: The absence of the frown he always has
on his face. The haunted eyes. You notice how open his little hands are? Not
balled into fists like they always are now. See? You know what I see when I
look at this picture? I see the little boy that I gave away. He was so strong.
He just wasn't strong enough to fight off a man like you.
Nate: Oh, God. What do you want from me, Reva?
An apology?
Reva: No, it's too late for that. You tried
to turn my beautiful baby boy into a monster, a replica, like you. You hit him,
you kicked him and you abused him to the point where he was so afraid of you,
all he could be was your shadow. Well, you know what? That ends today.
Nate: Really?
Reva: Your reign of terror is over. I'm
taking back my son. ( Knocking on door )
Officer Howell: Mrs. Lewis? It's Officer Howell.
Nate: ( Muffled ): Help! Help!
Officer Howell: Is everything okay, Mrs.
Lewis? Please, ma'am, open the door. I need to speak to you. Mrs. Lewis?
Reva: Ssh.
Reva: Frank must have sent him over here to
check on me. But he's gone.
Nate: Ow! God.
Reva: ( Laughs )
Nate: So, what next?
Reva: You let me worry about that.
Nate: You're in over your head, Reva.
Reva: Says the man taped to the chair.
Nate: You know this doesn't change anything,
don't you? You'll always be the rotten mother that dumped her kid.
Reva: I didn't dump my kid!
Nate: Yeah, that's what they all say.
"I wanted to give him a good home." "I wanted him to have a
better life." Yeah, well, that's bull. You wanted the better life without
the complications.
Reva: You know that's not true.
Nate: Oh, and I made sure Jonathan knew the
truth from the beginning. "Jonathan, your mother didn't want you, son. But
I do. She abandoned you, son. But I'm here." I didn't give him that
standard line about being chosen. I gave him the facts.
Reva: You gave him your fist.
Nate: Yeah. When he needed it. It made him
Reva: Jonathan is afraid of you, Nate.
That's it. That's the extent of your relationship. If anything, he does indeed
hate you.
Nate: But he'll never love you. You lost him
the moment you gave him up.
Bill: Need some help?
Danny: Yeah, take over, will you?
Marina: ( Laughs ) Actually, we're just
about finished here, but thank you very much. You want to take this stuff
upstairs and I will go grab the box out of the car.
Danny: Okay. How are you?
Bill: You sure there's nothing I could do?
Danny: No, I think we're all set. But, hey,
how about a meeting?
Bill: What do you want to meet about?
Danny: A couple of projects that I'm taking
on. I think I could use some corporate clout.
Bill: Really?
Danny: Mm-hmm.
Bill: Well, are you sure you want to work
with Lewis Construction?
Danny: Come on, Bill. We worked really well
together before. I know it didn't turn out, in the end, very well, but I
thought we made a good partnership.
Bill: Then again, you were married to my
best friend at the time, so maybe that’s...
Danny: Really? Is that still a requirement?
Is it?
Bill: No, no, no, no. Wow. Are you working
Danny: Yes.
Bill: Listen, have you heard from Michelle
lately, or...?
Danny: Um, I mean, no. She checks in, you
know, talk to Robbie. You want a beer or something? Do you?
Bill: Yeah. Beer would be great, thank you.
Thanks. So, now that I'm prying, but do you miss her?
Danny: But you are prying. I want her to
come home for Robbie’s sake. You know.
Bill: Robbie's sake?
Danny: Yeah, he misses his mom.
Bill: Robbie's sake.
Danny: What is this?
Bill: Oh, no, I think that's great. No, it's
important for...
Danny: What's going on here?
Bill: I think Michelle is not the easiest
woman to get over, that's all.
Danny: Well, Bill, Michelle will always be a
part of my life. She's the mother of my son and I care about her, but my life
is very different now.
Marina: You really miss Michelle, don't you?
Now, I know you were disappointed when she didn't come back for the barbecue.
You really want her to come home.
Rick: I want Michelle to be happy. But I
want you to be happy, too.
Marina: Well, I am. I am great. Really. I'm
really wonderful.
Tammy: Why do I even try with you?
Jonathan: Why do you?
Tammy: Because once, you know, I thought we
were kind of alike in ways that nobody else saw. Things that I feel, you just
say them, or act on them.
Jonathan: Don't let Sandy hear you say that.
Tammy: Things could be different, you know?
Jonathan: What could?
Tammy: Everything. No matter how things
start, no matter how bad they are, you can still have a good life. You don't
want that, do you? You just want to be miserable, make other people miserable.
Jonathan: Like you and Sandy?
Tammy: Like me and Sandy.
Jonathan: Yeah? Tell you what: You can roll
around with Sandy as much as you want, but you and I both know, when you close
your eyes, I'm the one you see.
Tammy: No.
Jonathan: You and Sandy are so easy to mess
with. It's so easy to mess with you. Even now, all I have to do is water my
eyes a little bit and make my lip quiver and you want to save me. You want to
help me avoid the cops and get away with the money.
Tammy: You're saying it's all an act.
Jonathan: Do you think I care? I got the
money; that's all I care about. I don't care about Reva or Josh or my dear,
sweet, departed mother. I have the money. That's all I care about. I'm going to
go live the life. And look, you still want me.
Tammy: I wish I'd never met you.
Reva: I haven't lost Jonathan. You only lose
what you give up, and I will never give up on my son. That's what a real parent
does. They love their children no matter what.
Nate: Parenting lessons from you. ( Scoffs )
This is rich.
Reva: I hate what you did to my son and I
will never forgive you for mistreating him.
Nate: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I get
it. Thing is, Reva, this isn't about your all-consuming devotion to Jonathan,
is it? That's not why you drugged me. That's not why I'm trapped here. This is
about you and me.
Danny: Here you go.
Bill: Cheers. The only reason I ask, is I
got a letter from Michelle. I think she's homesick.
Danny: Yeah?
Bill: Yeah.
Danny: Did she say she's coming back home?
Bill: Not yet, no.
Danny: I hope she does. That would make Robbie
really happy.
Bill: Yeah. Right. Robbie.
Danny: Right. And I'm glad that you two are
friends again because I hope that you will look out for Michelle. I can't
anymore. I mean, not the way I used to.
Bill: Yeah, I know. I know. It's got to feel
a little strange for you, I'm sure.
Danny: Well, it did at first, but now it
just feels right. Very, very right.
Marina: Hey, what's up?
Danny: Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Marina: You know, I was just talking to Rick
and he thinks Michelle might be coming back soon.
Danny: Hm.
Bill: Yeah, Hm. Well, well. I will leave you
Danny: Subtle.
Bill: ...Alone. Call me.
Danny: I will. I'll call you later.
Marina: What?
Danny: What?
Marina: Come on. I am not going to crumble
every time I hear Michelle’s name. Okay? I am so very over being insecure.
Danny: Good.
Marina: I believe in us.
Danny: Yeah? Good. So, how about canceling
that study session tonight, and forget the concert. Forget it. I just want to
be with you, alone, away from this place.
Marina: You don't know how much I just want
to say yes.
Danny: So say it.
Marina: I can’t. How about I give you a down
Danny: Oh, really?
Marina: Yes. Meet me in the courtyard.
Danny: When? Now?
Marina: In ten minutes.
Sandy: Where's Tammy?
Jonathan: I don't know. She went to go do
something more exciting than hanging out with you. Oh, yeah, I remember. She
went to go watch paint dry.
Sandy: What did you do to her this time?
Jonathan: Moi? All I did was spread light
and sunshine wherever I go. Hark. There's a rainbow now.
Sandy: Why is it that you can't let her have
any peace? You can't stand the fact that she's happy with me, that she's not
spending every second agonizing over what you did to her? Jonathan, you've
become such a loser.
Jonathan: Yeah, well, if my life is so
lousy, why did you try and steal it?
Sandy: You know, I used to feel a little
guilty over that climbing accident but now I kind of wish you'd just broken
your neck.
Jonathan: Yes! Finally some truth from the
mouth of the Boy Scout. Doesn't it feel good, Sandman? Doesn't that feel good
to tear off that mask? I'll see you around.
Sandy: Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Are
you... how many beers have you had?
Jonathan: Who's counting?
Sandy: And you're going to drive?
Jonathan: I'm fine, Ossifer. ( Laughs )
Sandy: Yeah, like hell you are. Come on.
Jonathan: ( Groans ) ( Laughs )
Bill: Wait. What do you mean Olivia has
already left? She's coming here? No. No, no, no. Don't worry about it. I'll
find her. Thanks, Wanda. Jonathan again?
Tammy: He's awful. I hate him.
Bill: Yeah, me too. So, what did he do this
Tammy: Nothing. Everything. It's just him.
He's such a jerk.
Bill: Look, you know what, Tammy? I know
you've gone out of your way to try and help this guy but sometimes people, they
just... they can't or they won't accept your help.
Tammy: Well, I'm done trying.
Bill: Okay, well, you know what? I think
that's a great idea. I mean, maybe you should focus on Sandy.
Tammy: I don't think I can even face him
right now?
Bill: Why?
Tammy: He hates when Jonathan makes me
upset. He hates when I even mention his name.
Bill: Then you know what? Hey, you've got a
big family that loves you, okay? So focus on that.
Tammy: I will. I think I'll go see Aunt Reva.
Nate: I made you feel something and when I
yanked it away, your whole world crumbled. You wanted me and you thought I was
falling for you. Let me tell you a little secret, Reva: It was all an act. I
never wanted you. You were so pathetic, so pitiful, so easy. Desperate to feel
beautiful again, be desirable for one last time in your life. ( Laughs ) All I
had to do was feed you a couple of lines and you were all over me. It was so
hard to keep a straight face. Just one word from me, just one, and you would
have ditched your husband by the side of the road.
Reva: Believe me, I know what a fool I was.
I was taken in by your charm and you were a pretty good kisser. And I fell for
your act. But there was never once that I would have considered leaving my
Nate: Stop lying to yourself, Lady. I was in
your dreams.
Reva: No. My body might have reacted to you
but my heart and my soul belong to Joshua.
Nate: Yeah, I should have realized that when
you had your tongue down my throat.
Reva: Joshua and I have a bond. A sacred
bond that no one can touch. It's the same kind of bond that should exist
between a parent and a child. A child should feel safe. A child should feel
that no matter what, their father will keep them protected. You taught Jonathan
just the opposite. You broke his heart and you broke his soul. There is nothing
more evil than that. I know what I have to do now.
Nate: Untie me.
Reva: You abused my son. It's time for you
to pay the price.
Reva: It has to look like there was a
struggle. That you came in here, we fought. You broke in with the intent to
kill me. You broke into my house. You were going to kill me because you already
had one dead woman, why not have another one? Huh? You came in here and you
wanted to kill me and I had to defend myself. Right?
Nate: You're crazy.
Reva: Maybe a little. The lock. ( Laughs ) You
broke the lock. The lock is broken. Evidence that you broke in.
Nate: No one is going to buy this.
Reva: Oh, come on. The Chief of Police is
one of my best friends. He will believe me, Nate!
Nate: You drugged me. They'll do a blood
test when they do the autopsy.
Reva: Those drugs are practically out of
your system by now. Besides, you? They'll think you took them recreationally,
just to have some fun. I'm not going to kill you, because you're not worth it.
I'll call the police. You're going away for a good, long time. I really hate to
do this but it's so much fun when it comes off.
Nate: ( Muffled shouting ) ( Muffled
shouting ) You're just in time. Oh, thank God.
Marina: Close your eyes.
Danny: Huh?
Marina: I want you to get the full effect.
Danny: Full effect of what?
Marina: Of my new style. I think you're
really going to like it.
Danny: Okay.
Marina: Are they closed?
Danny: Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're closed.
Marina: Keep them closed.
Danny: They're closed, they're closed.
Marina: I'm watching you. Okay. Now you can
open them. So, what do you think? I wore it for Halloween once. I thought that
this would be much more to your liking than that teeny-tiny outfit from before.
Danny: Well, I think it is perfect for you.
Very modest and very sweet.
Marina: Sexy?
Danny: Uh, I wouldn't go that far, no.
Marina: What about now?
Danny: Um. I think you definitely better
forget about studying tonight.
Marina: ( Laughs )
Bill: Olivia, where are you, Baby? Where are
you hiding? Papa wants a little welcome-home gift. Where are you? Just a sec.
Jonathan: Pull over and give me my car back.
Sandy: If you want to kill yourself, that is
fine, but I'm not letting you take anyone else with you.
Jonathan: Who appointed you the great
protector. Pull over.
Sandy: Jonathan, I am not going to let you
hurt anyone else, especially Tammy.
Jonathan: I don't want to hurt Tammy.
Tammy's the last person I'd hurt. I...
Sandy: You what? You care about her? You're
insane if you think you can be with Tammy. She loves me and I love her. ( Horn
honking ) ( Tires squealing )
Tammy: What happened?
Nate: It was Jonathan.
Tammy: Where's Aunt Reva and Uncle Josh?
Nate: Jonathan might have done something to
Tammy: I know who you are. You hurt him and
now he's hurting you.
Nate: Where are you going?
Tammy: To get some help.
Nate: You can't just leave me here. Please.
Look, I know Jonathan has told you that I'm a rotten father but I'm trying to
make that right with him. I'm trying to prove to him that I love him, but Jonathan
doesn't want love. Jonathan doesn't want help. He's dangerous. He's out of
control and I think maybe he killed his...
Tammy: His mother?
Nate: Please. I have to try and warn Reva.
If you love your aunt, if you want to save her, please help me.
Announcer: Next, on "Guiding Light."
Michelle: I need to know what's going on
between Danny and Marina.
Nate: You just made a really bad mistake.
Sandy: I'm fine, but Jonathan... he's gone.
Reva: Jonathan's dead.
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