GL Transcript Tuesday 7/26/05

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 7/26/05


By Boo
Proofread by Laura

Alan: Frank, I...

Frank: What?

Alan: I have got to be the one to open the door. You've got to get these cuffs off of me. Please, Frank. You've got to trust me.

Frank: Fine. The key. Let me tell you something. You better not try anything. You understand me?

Harley: What are you doing here?

Mallet: I heard the news. I had to see for myself if it's true. Hey, Alan, if it's true, I'm going to make you very sorry you put Harley through this. And if it isn't true, I'm still going to make very sorry you put Harley through this.

Frank: Yeah, well take a number.

Mallet: Where's Gus?

Harley: He had stuff to do.

Alan: Quiet! Please! All of you! On the other side of this door is Phillip. We cannot upset him.

Frank: Oh, yeah. Sorry. You're right. We wouldn't want to upset Phillip. Because being dead is upsetting enough.

Alan: He is not in his right mind. He thinks he's running Spaulding Enterprises. Now we've got to go in and we have to do it the right way or we'll push him over the edge.

Reva: Thanks for getting here as fast you did.

Bill: Yeah, what's up?

Reva: This actually arrived overnight mail. It's for Jonathan from San Jamar. It's Marissa’s belongings. I thought you might want to see what's in here, too.

Olivia: Thank you.

Reva: Actually it has Jonathan’s name on it. So I think we should wait for him to open it. I'm hoping that once he sees what's in here, it'll give him some closure and maybe give the strength to stand up to his father.

Olivia: No. No offense, but I'm not entirely convinced that he's innocent. All right, he may know something about Marissa’s death.

Bill: Look, Honey, we all want the same thing is here. And it's the truth. So...

Reva: Exactly. That's why I thought I'd ask Jonathan over here and we could go through Marissa’s belongings together.

Josh: Well, you're going to have to find him first. I just got off the phone with the police. They've been investigating the theft at Lewis. They know that Jonathan’s the one who took the money.

Bill: All two million dollars.

Josh: The police said that he never returned to his place last night. He might know that they're after him. Which means that he might be gone for good.

Tammy: J.B.?

Jonathan: Close the door. Close it, Tammy.

Tammy: You look awful.

Jonathan: Thanks. Look I need to stay here for a little while, okay.

Tammy: Why?

Jonathan: Cops are after me.

Tammy: What?

Jonathan: Yeah, they were parked outside my home when I got back last night.

Tammy: What did you do? Why are they after you?

Jonathan: I'm a chronic jaywalker. They finally caught up to me.

Tammy: You took money from Lewis, didn't you? How much? How much, Jonathan.

Jonathan: ( In a low voice ) Over $2 million.

Tammy: Louder.

Jonathan: A little over $2 million.

Tammy: Oh, my God.

Jonathan: Look, I just need to stay some place, lie low until I could figure out my next move, okay.

Tammy: Josh is going to go ballistic.

Jonathan: Josh already knows.

Tammy: Is he the one that called the cops?

Jonathan: I don't know. Look, can I stay here or not?

Tammy: You stole money from my own family. You want me to help you?

Jonathan: Yeah, because the cops are the least of my worries.

Tammy: What are you talking about? What else?

Jonathan: Not now, okay. Just say yes, Tammy. Say yes.

Alexandra: Buzz? I was hoping we could talk.

Buzz: I was hoping we wouldn’t.

Frank: Okay, let's do this.

Harley: Wait a second. Wait a second. Alan's right. If Phillip is in there, we have to be careful how we handle this.

Frank: Fine. Open the door.

Harley: No.

Alan: Frank, I'm not going to do this until I have your assurance.

Frank: Open the door.

Alan: No, we cannot do it.

Frank: Give me the damn key. Phillip? Guess what? You got some visitors.

Frank: So, Alan? What was this your big plan to bring us down here so you could escape?

Alan: Where's Phillip? This is where I kept him.

Frank: He's obviously not here, Alan.

Alan: No, no, I made an exact replica of the Spaulding boardroom. This is where he felt safe.

Harley: He's not here.

Alan: What happened to him? Where is he?

Mallet: You killed him, Alan. That means he's gone.

Alan: No. Phillip is alive. But he's delusional. Where's the staff and all the people that I had waiting on him and taking care of him? We've got to find him.

Frank: You know what, Alan? Okay, you know what? We'll do that. On the way back to the jail, I'll take you by the cemetery, okay.

Mallet: You okay?

Harley: Yeah. I didn't think he was here.

Alan: Listen. Listen to me. Phillip is in danger. We've got to find him. Find him now!

Alexandra: All right, you have every reason to be angry with me. I could have come forward sooner to help Harley. I was there when she finally needed me... when she really needed me.

Buzz: Are you kidding me? The train had left the station by the time you jumped on board.

Alexandra: I voluntarily gave the police all the evidence they needed to arrest Alan. And besides that without that it would have been hearsay...

Buzz: Lord, he confessed. In front of a half of a dozen people.

Alexandra: Well, he threatened me. He threatened to kill me if I went to the police.

Buzz: Alan threatens everybody.

Alexandra: Well, he threatened you, too. And I took him very seriously. Because... look I was protecting you. All right. All right. I should have come forward sooner to help Harley. I should have. I was scared. Yes, I was. ( Laughs nervously ) and I'm making excuses. But honestly you make it sound like it should have been so easy for me to just what? Snap my fingers and turn my brother over to life in prison? I mean he's my flesh and blood.

Buzz: All that time... all that time when you were wondering what to do with your brother, my daughter was fighting for her life. First in the prison, then out there on the run. She could have died. Do you... she could have died.

Alexandra: I know. I understand. I do.

Buzz: What would you have done then? Rushed to my side without telling me you were partly responsible?

Alexandra: Come on now. You're putting the blame on me for something that never happened.

Buzz: I'm not putting the blame on you. I'm just telling you we're finished. We're not going to have this conversation again. That's it. Good-bye.

Alexandra: Come on, Buzz. Buzz, for pete's sake, tell me what to do. I want to make things right between us. I'll do anything. I don't care how long it takes.

Tammy: I guess you can stay

Tammy: I guess you can stay here. But at some point will you please tell me something, Jonathan? Why do you keep making things worse for yourself?

Jonathan: Can I have the rest of this?

Tammy: Sure, knock yourself out. You are a mess. Where did you sleep last night?

Jonathan: Under a culvert on Fifth Street.

Tammy: Smells more like a dumpster.

Jonathan: ( Laughs )

Tammy: That's the real reason you came here, right? You want to use my shower?

Jonathan: No. That's not the reason I came, Tammy. You know why.

Tammy: Well, use it anyway. There are fresh towels in the bathroom.

Tammy: Scrub my back? I'm joking. Hey, thank you.

Reva: How'd the police find out about Jonathan, Joshua?

Josh: What?

Reva: Who was it that tipped them off about the money?

Josh: I haven't the faintest idea.

Reva: If you made the call, tell me.

Josh: If I made the call, I would tell you. It would not occur to me to lie to you. How the police found out is the least of our worries.

Olivia: No kidding. We have to find Jonathan and get some answers.

Bill: And get our money back.

Josh: If we can convince him we're on his side, we might have a chance he'll return the money voluntarily.

Tammy: Aunt Reva, it's Tammy. Jonathan's here.

Reva: Where's here?

Tammy: The suite mom keeps at the Beacon. Aunt Reva, he's in trouble.

Reva: I know he is, sweetie. Just keep him there, I'm on my way.

Tammy: Wait. Jonathan came to me for help and I told him I wouldn't tell anybody.

Reva: You are helping him, though, Sweetie. Just make sure he stay there is. I'll be right there. I have to go out for a little while.

Josh: Where?

Reva: I won't be gone long.

Josh: Reva, where are you going?

Reva: There's something I have to take care of.

Josh: That was Jonathan, wasn't it?

Reva: No.

Josh: It was about Jonathan.

Olivia: Where is he?

Reva: I can't tell you.

Josh: Reva, you're doing it again, do you understand that? You want me to help you, you don't want me to help you. You draw me in, you push me away. That's how we got in this mess.

Reva: It's not that I want to exclude you all from this.

Josh: Then don't!

Reva: I'm scared for my son, okay? My son is afraid of Alfred. He's been beaten by the man, now the cops know about the money I just see this as my last chance to be able to get through to him. Just... can you understand why I want to be the one to find him on my own?

Bill: Yes, we can. Look, none of us want to hurt Jonathan, you have our word.

Reva: And yours?

Olivia: All I want is the truth.

Reva: The truth is that that freak beat on my kid for years the same way he beat on your sister. And if you have any feelings at all for your nephew, you'll know to help him right now.

Olivia: I don't want Jonathan to be guilty, I don’t.

Reva: Okay. Then let's go. Let's take this stuff over to him. We'll talk about Marissa and we'll have... I don't know, a memorial. And we'll talk calmly about the money. Is that okay, Bud? Would that work?

Josh: Maybe so. Let's give it a try. Let's go.

Jonathan: Who are you calling?

Tammy: Room service. I figured you're still hungry.

Jonathan: No.

Tammy: It's no big deal.

Jonathan: The room service guy might see me in here, Tammy. It's not worth it.

Tammy: It's not, you're right. Why don't you give the money back to Lewis. If you do, I'm sure Josh will let it go.

Jonathan: I'm not.

Tammy: Jonathan, you're in trouble. Don't run away from it, confront it. Find a solution.

Jonathan: One problem, Tammy. There is no solution.

Tammy: Why do I get the feeling this is about more than just the money? Look, if there's something else going on, just tell me about it. Maybe I can help you. Okay, maybe I can't help you but at least you could bounce ideas off of me and together we could...

Jonathan: No, I was wrong to come here.

Tammy: No.

Jonathan: Yeah. I can't do this to you.

Tammy: Jonathan, you can't leave just like that.

Jonathan: But it's better for both of us.

Tammy: No, look... listen, if you're trying to protect me, don’t. You came here for a reason.

Jonathan: Yeah, I did.

Tammy: Then stay.

Jonathan: Is that why you made me wait, so the calvary could arrive?

Reva: Jonathan, we just want to talk to you.

Olivia: It's either us or the police.

Reva: Olivia.

Jonathan: Who ratted me out, you?

Josh: No.

Reva: We don't know who told the police, but that's not the point. The point is that we want to help you. And you can help us, too. You can help your aunt. You both have lost someone you loved very much. We need to grieve together. We need to take the time to let you do that before we get into everything else. But this came today. It's Marissa’s belongings. It's addressed to you.

Josh: Tammy, you don't need to be here. Go to our house, okay?

Tammy: But...

Josh: Just go there. If the police arrive and they ask questions, tell them you don't know anything, you have not seen Jonathan.

Tammy: Okay. Jonathan, I'm sorry.

Jonathan: Yeah.

Reva: Jonathan, if you go through these things it'll help you remember your mom and it will remind you that Alfred is not the person you should be protecting right now.

Jonathan: You're kidding, right?

Reva: No. You should go through Marissa’s things. We need to say good-bye to her, all of us together.

Alfred: I think that's a swell idea, Reva. By all means. Let's all say good-bye to my wife together.

Alan: Listen to me. This is where the conference table was. Right here. The television screen was up there. The portraits of Alexandra and myself were there. And over here was a model of Springfield. Now, Phillip used to stand and stare at this for hours. Now he's disappeared. What's happened to you, Phillip?

Mallet: Well, he's got the crazy act down pat.

Harley: He certainly seems to believe what he's saying.

Mallet: That's kind of scary.

Harley: Maybe it's true?

Frank: Look, Alan, I don't know what this is all about, but it's over all right? I'm going to take you back to your nice little cozy cell.

Alan: I'm not going anywhere until I find out what happened.

Frank: You know the routine. Alan! Halt or I'll shoot! ( Gunshot )

Frank: Don't move, Alan. It's a good choice. Stay put. Mallet, cuff him now.

Alan: I'm worried about Phillip. Something may happen to him. You have to search the rest of the building.

Frank: I'll take him to the squad car.

Alan: Listen, you've got to find him. He could be hurt, he could be all alone, Harley. Do something.

Mallet: So what is Alan’s deal? Is he going for the insanity plea? Because if he is, someone should probably tell him you're supposed to be insane when you commit the crime. Going bonkers after the fact doesn't cut it. Unless he really has lost it. He killed his son, sent an innocent woman to prison. He's got to be carrying a load of guilt, right?

Frank: Well, you know what? Can't be feeling any guilt because he doesn't have a conscience?

Mallet: So you say he's faking it?

Frank: Makes sense, right?

Harley: Right.

Frank: This was a whole waste of time. Phillip is dead, period. Let's go.

Mallet: Well, this was an unbelievable waste of time. I need a coffee. Come on, I'm buying.

Reva: You don't belong here, Alfred.

Alfred: Why not?

Josh: Why do you think?

Alfred: Fine. Marissa and I weren't together at the end, but I loved that woman for a very long time. We raised a kid together. I want to see what's in that box because it might be all I have to remember her by, some remembrance of happier times before she reached such a tragic end when the three of us were a family. Remember the good times, do you, Jon? Because I do. It makes it so hard for me to understand.

Olivia: What is it you don't understand?

Alfred: Why you would kill her.

Reva: All right. That's enough.

Alfred: Everyone here thinks you're innocent, don't they, Jon? Well, maybe not everyone.

Reva: Look, I said that's enough! Is there no end to your cruelty? You beat him your whole life and now you want to pin him down for a murder you committed?

Alfred: Are you sure. I mean, he's a thief, isn't he? And look what he did to his cousin Tammy. I mean is it such a huge leap?

Jonathan: Aunt Liv?

Olivia: Jonathan, I don't know what to believe. You're not mourning your mother. You're not honoring my sister my telling us the truth or at least helping us find out what the truth is. I don’t... I don't want to believe...

Reva: Olivia, you know he didn't do this.

Jonathan: No. No she doesn’t. What is it going to take to make you guys realize I didn't kill my mom? You want me to rip out the rest of my hair? Forget it. Forget all of you.

Reva: Jonathan. Jonathan. Jonathan!

Alexandra: Frank. I got your message. What's going on with Alan?

Frank: Alex, you tell me. Because the way I see it, either your brother's completely lost his mind or he's pulling one hell of a con job. I need you to find out what the truth. Is.

Alexandra: What's he been saying?

Frank: He claims that Phillip’s still alive.

Mallet: Harley? Do you want to tell me what's going round and round in your pretty little head or do you want to talk about that ring on your finger?

Buzz: I thought you were leaving town.

Mallet: Nice to see you, too, Buzz. I get that a lot lately.

Buzz: I'm waiting for the punch line.

Mallet: It's no joke.

Buzz: Phillip is alive if that's Alan’s story? Is this like the repeat of "Dallas" where you come out of the shower and the last three months didn't happen and it was a dream?

Mallet: Something like that.

Buzz: I don't want to hear it. I don't want to...

Mallet: Oh, no, I know. I know that look. You think it might actually be true.

Alexandra: Alan?

Alan: Oh, Alexandra. Alexandra, thank God you came.

Alexandra: Alan, Alan, Darling, listen. Why are you telling people that Phillip’s still alive?

Alan: Because he is alive, but he's in danger. Alexandra, I need you. I need your help more than I have ever needed it before.

Alexandra: All right, Alan, just calm down. Start from the beginning.

Alan: I have been keeping Phillip safe for months. He has been monitored by doctor.

Alexandra: Where, where?

Alan: He's gone now, though. He's vanished, but Alexandra he's very vulnerable. He's not in touch with reality. The doctors were badgering me about paying them more money. Now if they have abandoned him and he is out there on his own...

Alexandra: All right. Just slow down.

Alan: We don't have another minute to waste!

Alexandra: Alan, but, Darling what you're saying doesn't make any sense because if Phillip’s alive then...

Alan: Phillip is alive! I have been lying to keep him safe, don't you understand? Everything was working! Everything was just fine.

Alexandra: Everything was not fine, Alan! For heaven's sakes! Harley was convicted of a crime she never committed and put in prison. No!

Alan: She's not in prison now she is free and they want to stick me in her cell.

Alexandra: But Harley wasn't the only one who suffered. There was Beth and Lizzie. All of us, really.

Alan: I know. And that's why I had to come clean.

Alexandra: Alan, it's just all about you, isn't it? Isn't it?

Alan: Alexandra I can't go back to prison. I can’t... I can't breathe in here. I'll never survive and you know that.

Alexandra: I know. So you decided to come forward and tell the whole truth now?

Alan: I am telling the truth but no one believes me. I've been here but I can't get out to show them that I am telling them the truth. But you are on the outside, Alexandra. You can find Phillip. Show the police they can release me, then you and I could get if Phillip the help he needs. Alexandra...

Alexandra: Go on, darling.

Alan: You are my lifeline you are all that I have left.

Alexandra: Alan, do you swear to me that you're telling the truth? Do you swear on our mother's grave?

Alan: Yes. I swear on my life. I am telling you the absolute truth. I have never been more sane.

Alexandra: Yeah.

Mallet: Buzz, can I get a couple refills?

Buzz: We do have a waitress here, you know. Mallet, what's going on?

Mallet: Like Harley and I told you, Alan now claims that Phillip’s...

Buzz: I mean what's going on with you and my daughter?

Mallet: There's nothing going on between Harley and me.

Buzz: That's good because she's taken.

Mallet: Yeah, I'm well aware of that, Buzz.

Buzz: Make sure you remain aware.

Mallet: Harley's a little shaky right now. She needs someone to help hash this thing out.

Buzz: That would be Gus.

Mallet: Where is Gus?

Buzz: And hash what out? What are you talking about? You talking about Phillip being alive? That's Alan trying to get out of a jail cell. Unless he's going as nuts as his son was.

Mallet: Frank said the same thing.

Buzz: Frank is right. Stop encouraging her. We can't believe that anything coming out of Alan’s mouth is the truth. I've seen that look on her face.

Mallet: Buzz, that look says she's a good cop.

Buzz: She's not a cop anymore.

Mallet: Yeah, but she still thinks like one. She's not the kind of girl that's going to dismiss a theory just because it scares her. She's going to work through this okay? I'm not going to tell your daughter what to do, you know that. Not you, not Frank, not Gus, and certainly not me.

Buzz: You got that right.

Mallet: Listen. We all know Phillip’s dead, right? And Harley will reach the same conclusion eventually, just on her own terms. And when she does, I will be leaving for good.

Harley: I'm out of here.

Mallet: Where?

Harley: I've got to pick up my kids.

Mallet: Oh, okay. I just thought you wanted to do some more noodling.

Harley: No, I've noodled about this long enough and I feel like an idiot. I can't believe I let Alan Spaulding talk me into thinking about Phillip again after everything I've done to be free of him.

Mallet: So you don't believe Phillip’s still alive?

Harley: I'm in a good place. I've got my kids back. Gus. Wasn't it you who told me to be happy?

Mallet: Yeah. Yeah.

Harley: So thanks, you know, for helping me figure out exactly what I've got to do.

Mallet: You're welcome.

Bill: Where is he?

Reva: I don't know. But he landed on his feet and he took off. The question is, where is he headed? Get your hands off that.

Alfred: Well, I'm relieved my son's all right. But I'm sorry he got away because, quite frankly, I want some answers, too.

Reva: You want answers, too? You sadistic animal.

Olivia: I'm going to call the police.

Reva: No, Olivia.

Olivia: If Jonathan is innocent he has nothing to fear.

Reva: You want to bet?

Olivia: I wanted to call the police in the beginning. Frank Cooper can arrest both of them and we'll some answers finally.

Alfred: Yes, yes, I welcome that.

Reva: I don't want him anywhere near my son.

Alfred: Excuse me, he was my son as well and Marissa was my wife and I never laid a hand on her and I never took your money. Yet here I stand before you looking you in each the eye simply trying to do the right thing. And what is the thanks I get? Nothing but your scorn. Well, you know what? I'm not that crazy about you a lot either. As a matter of fact, I wish you nothing but misery. As much pain and suffering as is humanly possible.

Bill: Is that a threat?

Josh: It sounded like one.

Reva: No. Nate's not stupid enough to threaten us. Not when he knows he's outnumbered.

Josh: And certainly when there there's not no other witnesses in the room.

Tammy: Jonathan.

Jonathan: No, Tammy. Come on! I'm here now, there's the phone.

Tammy: Get off of me!

Jonathan: You want to call somebody and tell them I'm here? You want to call the cops this time?

Tammy: I'm sorry I called Aunt Reva, I felt bad about it right away.

Jonathan: I came to expect crap from a lot of people, but you? Why did you make that call? Were you so scared to be alone with me?

Tammy: No!

Jonathan: Yes.

Tammy: I was trying to help you!

Jonathan: By trying to get me busted!

Tammy: Josh and Reva would don't that to you. I know they wouldn't?

Jonathan: They wouldn't?

Tammy: If I did the wrong thing, I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry! You are dying inside. Something is eating away at you and I can't bear to see you like that. You... you've gotten into the worst trouble and you have no idea how to get out of it and... you act like this is more than the money. You act like you're fighting for your life. You think you're on your own, but you're not. You're not.

Frank: What's up with your brother?

Alexandra: He told me the same thing he told you and that everything that happened after the shooting was just one lie after another.

Frank: Well, you don't believe it, do you? Alex?

Alexandra: No, of course I don’t. I think he's really lost his mind. I think he's cracked.

Frank: Well, your brother's going to be going a way to prison for a long, long time.

Alexandra: And Phillip can finally get some justice. Justice.

Alan: And over here is a model of Springfield. Now, Phillip used to stand and stare at this for hours.

Harley: Phillip, you must be missing this.

Alfred: I suddenly feel like I'm playing a very twisted version of monkey in the middle. So what happens now, so you kill me here and now and chop my body into pieces?

Harley: Well, Olivia does own this place.

Josh: We could put him in the trash compactor.

Olivia: I have an incinerator

Alfred: Oh, you women are so very sexy when you make hideous threats.

Bill: You really do want to get yourself hurt, don't you?

Alfred: Solidarity. Very inspiring. So I had a feeling this might happen, so um... Officer! I took the liberty of hiring this gentleman. You will notice he carries a firearm. I thought if I came to get my wife's possessions, you might get hostile so... but you know what? You can keep that, I don't want it anymore I just want to get out safe lift so, Officer, if you would. Thank you. And I'll see you all soon.

Jonathan: Okay, you were just trying to help. Apology accepted. Whatever. Just... I'll never ask you to do anything again for me, okay? I don't want your conscience kicking in.

Tammy: Jonathan, don’t. It's not about my conscience. It's about you, okay? I'm scared for you.

Jonathan: I told you to stay away from me! Just... just stay away. Just, please, and I'll do the same. Okay? You have no idea. One day it's going to be too late. You think you've seen the worst of me? You have no idea. That day you found out who I really was, that's going to seem like Christmas compared to one what comes next.

Tammy: What comes next? What are you talking about?

Jonathan: Look at what I've done. Look at what I've done to Reva and Josh and you. Mostly you. I hated them. I hated them for what they did to me! I hate them. But not you. Never you. It’s... never you. I... I don't know. I mean, why do you think... Why do you think I came to your hotel room this morning? I can't help myself. I know I shouldn't, but... I mean, don't you think I should know better? But I don’t. I don't know better. I should. So should you.

Announcer:  Next on "Guiding Light..."

Danny:  Let's be honest and tell me who you're working for.

Man: Your wife, Michelle.

Jonathan: Tammy, I need you.

Tammy: I need to be you with you.

Josh: He's dangerous and we need to stop him before it's too late.

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