Guiding Light Transcript Monday 7/25/05
Edmund: Why is this place so deserted with
the door open?
Dinah: I don't know. Why is it so hot? I
don't even get... I don't even want to start on how this is to carry this thing
Edmund: I know. I know. But the whole ordeal
is almost over, Dinah.
Dinah: Hey, are they here yet?
Edmund: Shhh.
Tammy: I can't believe what they're saying.
What are they even doing here?
Dinah: There's not one thing I'm not
beginning to hate about this whole thing. I just... I want it gone, Edmund. I
want it gone.
Cassie: Wait a minute.
Jeffrey: What? What's the matter?
Cassie: You're going to say no to me about
the dinner cruise?
Jeffrey: Well, I told you I got a craving
for a Buzz burger.
Cassie: A Buzz burger?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Cassie: A burger over me, this dress, the
stars, the cruise.
Jeffrey: I'm addicted. What can I say?
Cassie: You're addicted to Buzz burgers.
Jeffrey: Yeah, come on. Come on. Come on.
Cassie: I learn something new about you
every day.
Jeffrey: Yes, you do. Let's go. It's on me.
Dinah: Look, I am... I'm hot and I'm sweaty
and I can't take this anymore. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of here.
Jeffrey: What are you guys doing here?
Edmund: Well, never a polite greeting. How
are you?
Cassie: Why is it dark in here?
Tammy: Because it's a surprise baby shower.
All: Surprise.
Cassie: Surprise. Wow. Hi.
Dinah: Hi.
Edmund: Yes. Hello. I'm sorry. I didn't know
that-- well, we just came by for something to eat. I'm sorry.
Dinah: You know, we can go someplace else.
Edmund: Yeah.
Tammy: You're not going anywhere until you
explain yourself. We all heard what you said. You owe it to my mom to tell her
the truth about this baby right now.
Lizzie: Well, here we are. I'll just...
yeah, do you have my cell phone? I know it's not a penthouse suite or anything.
Coop: No, it's great.
Lizzie: Yeah, I feel I can breathe here, you
Coop: Well, that's good. Because that's what
I want from you. I want you to be able to breathe. But that's not the most
important thing though. You're forgetting what's important.
Lizzie: What's that?
Coop: Well, it's the fact that there's no
one here to hassle us about finally being together. So that means that there's
no one to stop us-- or rather stop me.
Lizzie: Stop you from what?
Coop: Oh, I don't know.
Gus: I've had enough of this.
Alan: He is alive! Phillip is alive.
Harley: What did you just say?
Gus: Ignore him. You don't give up, do you,
Alan: I'm telling you the truth, Gus. Your
brother is alive.
Harley: Alan, you are losing it.
Alan: I shot him, Harley. That I admit. That
horrible night has haunted me ever since. But the one thing that has kept me
sane is the fact that I did not kill him. Now you have got to get me out of
here. They can't hold me in this cell for a murder I didn't commit.
Harley: He's crazy.
Gus: You're very clever, Dad. I see what
you're doing. You are laying the groundwork for an insanity defense, aren't
Alan: If telling the truth is insane, I am
guilty. And I know it sounds desperate, but Phillip is in Springfield. He's
been here ever since that night. Don't you want to see him?
Alan: I've been protecting him, keeping him
Harley: Safe from what, Alan?
Alan: From all of you. It's been difficult
and... he's in a very fragile state.
Harley: Oh, please. I don't need to hear
Alan: I'm telling you the truth, Harley.
Harley: Really? Are you planning on telling
the sad story to Lizzie? To Zach and James? You're going to spell it out for Emma?
Alan: Those children deserve to have their
father, Harley!
Harley: Yes, they do, Alan. The one you took
away from them.
Alan: I had to.
Gus: Okay. Hey, Honey, what if he's telling
the truth?
Harley: You don't believe that.
Gus: Why not?
Alan: I knew you would believe me, Son.
Gus: No. You know, Dad, you're preaching the
choir, okay? We appreciate you wanting to take us to go see him, but we saw him
already-- at the gas station.
Alan: Gus, no.
Gus: Yeah, he was at the gas station
complaining about prices and whatnot. Listen to me. I don't know whether you
have one of those mental illnesses or you're just plain crazy. But you're going
to pay for killing your son, because that's the way the world works. Got it?
Edmund: Well, I don't know what you think
you heard Dinah say.
Tammy: We all heard it.
Blake: That's right, Dinah.
Cassie: Okay, what's going on?
Edmund: Well, it's really very simple...
albeit somewhat complicated to say the least. But I can explain. I think you...
Tammy: Why don't you let her talk? She was
going on and on about how she just wants to get rid of the baby because it's
such a huge hassle and it makes her fat.
Dinah: I know that probably sounded awful.
But I have had a rough day, and it's awfully hot outside.
Edmund: Which is a perfectly normal reaction
for a pregnant woman.
Jeffrey: Is that what you were about to
confess, Edmund?
Edmund: I think I used the word
Dinah: Okay, I think this is awfully
awkward. The truth is Cassie, I... I've not enjoyed this pregnancy as much as
I've led you to believe. It's actually harder than I've ever imagined. And it's
getting harder every day.
Mel: Yep, your feet swell up, your back
Blake: Can't sleep.
Cassie: Did you think that I wouldn't
Blake: I just thought maybe you thought I
would be the same old selfish Dinah.
Tammy: Now who would say something like that?
Dinah: You see this is what I'm trying to
avoid, Tammy. I don't want to hurt anybody. I have a short fuse. I get a little
cranky. I would like this baby out of me. That's all.
Cassie: Okay. Maybe you are the same old
selfish Dinah. But you are carrying a child, and that means a lot. And you
know, I think that was probably the most honest you ever been with me. ( Laughs
) Thank you.
Dinah: You're welcome.
Beth: I'm sorry to interrupt. Tammy, could I
have a word with you for a minute?
Tammy: Uh, yeah.
Beth: Have you seen Lizzie?
Tammy: Why? Is she in trouble?
Beth: Well, I hope not. But I have no idea
where she is or what she's doing.
Lizzie: Hmm. Are you thirsty?
Coop: No. Not thirsty.
Lizzie: Well, that's funny, because I am.
I've got, um, cottonmouth kind of thing.
Coop: Yeah. Sure.
Lizzie: You know, it's funny why they call
these thing minibars, because they have everything in them. Would you like some
Coop: No. Thank you.
Lizzie: Okay. Roxy, she loves gumdrops.
Takes her forever to eat one. I like chocolate better, though. But you can't
give dogs chocolate, you know, it's suppose to be really bad for them.
Coop: Lizzie?
Lizzie: Orange, her favorite.
Coop: Are you stalling?
Lizzie: Stall? Why would I stall? What do I
have to stall for?
Coop: Well, uh, me. Are you stalling for me?
Lizzie: Henry, what's the rush, okay? It's
not a race.
Coop: I know it's not a race. But this is
the first time that we finally have a chance to be alone together.
Lizzie: Yeah, I know, right. Yikes. I'm
kidding. It's just... I'm the type of woman that likes to take things slowly,
okay. I like to savor the moment. I like... I like music. I like music. Can we
put some music on? ( Music playing )
Coop: No. Come here. Have a seat. Come here.
Look at me. You can tell me the truth, okay. You don't want to do this.
Lizzie: No, that's not it. I do. It's
just... I mean, I don’t... do we have to talk about it? We're not French or
anything. You know, we came in here to be together, so, you know, let's just do
Coop: But we are. Lizzie, sitting here is us
being together.
Lizzie: Oh, stop pretending like you're
writing some After School Special and you don't know what I'm talking about.
Together... together. You know, that's why people come to hotels to, you know,
Coop: Sometimes.
Lizzie: Well, what else do you do?
Coop: You order room service. You raid the
minibar. You jump on the beds, make a mess, throw pillows. ( Laughter )
Coop: I need to ask a question and feel
free... um... ( Laughs ) Whew. Would this be... I mean... would I be your
Alan: Damn it, you have to believe me. Don't
you want Phillip to be alive?
Harley: The problem, Alan, is that we were
all at his funeral.
Alan: Because we did a very good job, Harley.
Gus: Who is we?
Alan: Dr. Wallace and me. Let me explain.
Gus: Go ahead. You've got about a minute.
How's that?
Alan: Okay, you know that I went to Company
that evening to stop Phillip from taking the children. You know that he taunted
me. He told me that he would take them away, that I would be left with nothing,
all alone.
Harley: Yes, we know. So you shot him. We
know this part, Alan.
Alan: Yes, I shot him. I shot him because I
had to.
Gus: Again, debatable.
Alan: Listen to me. That's was only the
beginning though. Because when we went to Cedars, I ran into Dr. Wallace, and Dr.
Wallace had done some research for Spaulding Foundation before, and he said
that he could save Phillip. With the horror and the confusion of that evening, I
knew that if Phillip survived, you would all crucify him. You would send him to
prison and he would be lost to me forever.
Gus: This is a very creative story.
Harley: No, no. No. Please go on. Then what?
Alan: Wallace told me that he would help me
out for a price. He told me that he would keep Phillip under the radar, fake a
death certificate, fake a body at the funeral.
Harley: So Wallace was your accomplice?
Well, Wallace is dead. Did you kill him, too?
Alan: You know, Harley, for someone who
doesn't believe this story, you certainly ask a lot of question. But you
haven't asked the one question that you want the answer to.
Harley: Where is he?
Alan: Phillip is safe. I have been taking
care of him. But he is very delusional.
Gus: Oh, well, he's not the only one.
Alan: Listen to me. With me in here, I
cannot pay to have his caretakers take care of him.
Gus: Oh, my god. I can't take this story
Alan: Listen to me. Listen to me. Harley, he
is a very sick man. And if he is let go, he will want to hurt you more than
anyone else. Do you want him out there to finish the job that he started?
Lizzie: I am not... I'm not a virgin.
Coop: Okay. Oh... look, I'm sorry.
Lizzie: I have had a lot of experiences.
Coop: Experiences?
Lizzie: Well, I'm not a ho bag or anything.
But I mean I... I know how to...
Coop: To have an experience?
Lizzie: Don't make fun of me, Coop.
Coop: I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not
making fun of you. I'm just saying that if this is your first time, look, it
doesn't have to be if you don't want it to be, that's all I'm saying.
Lizzie: It's not.
Coop: I just don't want us to try and trick
each other anymore, okay. I don't want us to hide from each other.
Lizzie: I'm not hiding from you anymore.
Coop: I know. I know that. Here. Come here.
I know you're not hiding.
Lizzie: So, if we were to, you know, be
together tonight...
Coop: Which we don't have to be.
Lizzie: Why do you keep doing that? It's
like you don't want to. It's like you're trying to get out of it. Like... like,
oh, I thought Lizzie was so much more mature than she is. But she's really not.
Coop: I didn't say that, did I?
Lizzie: Okay, but, Coop, this could change a
lot of things.
Coop: Good. I hope it does change a lot of
things it should.
Lizzie: Okay, aren't you worried about that?
Coop: Well, aren't you?
Lizzie: Oh, okay, so you admit it. It's like
all those times when you looked down on me and said you'd get... you know what?
I'm going to bathroom. Do not even try to stop me.
Coop: Lizzie... ( Door slams ) Lizzie? You
do realize that's the closet, right?
Lizzie: ( Sighs )
Blake: Beth.
Beth: Hi, Blake. Mel, it’s... you look
Mel: You, too.
Beth: So I guess I walked in on something.
Baby shower.
Mel: Yep, for Cassie. Well, take care.
Beth: Mel?
Mel: Beth, let’s... let's not.
Beth: I just never had the chance to tell
you how sorry I was for what Rick...
Mel: Rick and I are working our way back to
solid ground.
Beth: It was just difficult after Phillip’s
Mel: Listen, Beth, we don't have to talk
about this. Okay, we don't have to understand each other. Rick's love for you
is like an old picture in a shoebox. I don't mind when he takes it out and
looks at it once in awhile, because I know he's going to put it back in the box
where it belongs.
Dinah: You should get back to the party.
Cassie: You should stay.
Dinah: Cassie, nobody wants me hanging
Cassie: You're doing all the work carrying
my child. At least we could do is give you a glass of milk and a piece of cake.
Dinah: Okay... sure.
Cassie: Okay. Great. Well, then let's get
this shower started. Whew! Okay. Get some cake.
Jeffrey: Hey, listen, I'd love to stay and
you know, talk about all these cute baby gifts, you know, the shoes and
everything. But I really...
Cassie: But your job is done and you lied
your butt off to get me here.
Jeffrey: That's right. You know what? I'm
using my powers of persuasion for very good purposes.
Cassie: Okay.
Jeffrey: Got to go.
Cassie: ( Laughs ) Thank you.
Edmund: Well, Dinah, an inspired
Dinah: A shower for a baby that doesn't
exist. That's just feels wrong.
Blake: Edmund.
Edmund: Blake. Oh, right, baby shower. Women
only. Forgot.
Blake: Come on.
Edmund: Have a nice time.
Cassie: ( Laughs ) Okay. Well, after
everything that we've been through, our baby is being celebrated. I think
that's wonderful.
Edmund: You look lovely this evening, Cassie.
Cassie: Thank you.
Edmund: Well, have a great night and I want
to see all the presents afterwards.
Jeffrey: You're playing a dangerous game, Edmund.
Edmund: Mr. O’Neill.
Jeffrey: And you're playing with fire.
You're going to get burned.
Edmund: That was a fate you barely escaped.
Jeffrey: But I'm not the one in the fire
this time. You are. And I'm going to watch you burn.
Edmund: And here I saved you from your fire.
So who's the more ruthless man of two?
Jeffrey: I'm not the one you should be
worried about, Edmund. It's Dinah.
Harley: You're threatening me?
Alan: No, Harley. I am offering advice. If Phillip
goes free, it won't be safe for either one of you. How can I convince you?
Gus: Dad, stop pretending to care about her
all of a sudden, okay? She's going to be fine. We're getting married. And
you're going to stay in this prison for the rest of your life because of what
you did. And you're never going to get to see or know your grandchildren, okay?
Alan: Well, you could cut me out if you want
to, but Zach deserves to see his father.
Gus: Dad, you're ill. And I'm going to get a
doctor over here to talk to you or whatever, a shrink. And that's all I can do.
Let's go. You're not starting to believe him, are you?
Harley: Say I believe you and Phillip is
alive. Where are you keeping him?
Alan: I can see in your eyes that what I am
telling you makes sense, doesn't it?
Gus: She's done listening to you, Dad, okay?
I'm going.
Alan: Harley?
Gus: Let's go.
Alan: Harley?
Gus: He's trying to trick us again. Please,
let's just get out of the door.
Alan: Look at me. Phillip is alive.
Gus: Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
Alan: You have to believe me. Phillip is alive!
Gus: That's hard.
Harley: Wow. That was... that was some
story, huh?
Gus: Some lie. That man in there used to be
my father. You okay?
Harley: Are you?
Gus: Honey...
Harley: Have to kind of laugh. ( Laugh ) I
mean, that’s... that's like the worst thing that he's ever tried to pull,
right? Hey, are you sure you're okay?
Gus: Yeah, yeah. I'm all right. I've got
some stuff I got to take care of. So...
Harley: What stuff?
Gus: Life-together stuff. Your car's here,
right? So you're cool. I'm going to split.
Jeffrey: Your only link to Cassie is that
baby that Dinah is carrying.
Edmund: And I'm looking out for Dinah.
Jeffrey: You're using Dinah. And you're
twisting her feelings for you every chance that you get.
Edmund: That's ridiculous.
Jeffrey: I'm just trying to help you out
here, Edmund. Keep you safe and sound.
Edmund: Is that right?
Jeffrey: You know the last guy that Dinah
was nuts about was Hart. And he ripped her heart to shreds. Now he's six feet
under. Have a nice night.
Cassie: Well, it must be hard hanging out
here, looking at all the baby stuff, then realizing what you have to give up.
Dinah: Are you feeling bad for me, Cassie?
Cassie: Yeah, I guess I am.
Dinah: Well, I hate you.
Cassie: ( Laughs ) I know.
Dinah: And you hate me, too. You have no
idea how hard you're making all of this.
Cassie: Yeah, I do.
Dinah: No, you don’t.
Cassie: Dinah, you have done an amazing job
with this pregnancy. You have. When I first found out about this... ( Laughs ).
Man, I thought it was the worst thing in the world. But here we are.
Dinah: Here we are.
Cassie: Yeah, and it's been incredible, and
you've really come through.
Dinah: You know, good practice for when I
have my own someday, right?
Cassie: You will.
Dinah: Do you really think so?
Cassie: Look, despite how it happened, I
don't know if I will ever be able to thank you for carrying my child. So I
guess the only thing I can say to you is we're even. ( Knock at the door )
Coop: Lizzie, please come out.
Lizzie: No, I'm not coming out of here.
Coop: This is so stupid. Lizzie, there's
nothing wrong with being A... you-know-what.
Lizzie: Really? That's funny. Because you
can't even say the word.
Coop: Oh, God, Lizzie, I just don't want to
embarrass you anymore. That’s...
Lizzie: News flash, Coop: Too late.
Coop: Lizzie, we have to work this out,
okay? But there's no way we could do that with you on that side of the door. We
need you to come out of the... you-know-where. You know what? Fine. Fine. I'm
just going top go ahead and talk to the door. I'm going to call him Jim. He
used to be part of the doors or something. I hope that sounds good. Jim, I got
a problem. So you've got to listen up for second. It's about a girl. It's about
the girl. Actually I'm totally into her. And the problem is that she's the kind
of girl who puts up roadblocks all the time. Well, one minute things are fine,
totally peachy, everything's cool and the next minute it's like ( Siren sound
). Hold on a second. Power shield's up. Get defensive. It's like she wants
people to think that's she's mean and cold. But there's been something that's
been bugging me, though. Every once in a while, I'll get glimpses to how she
really is. You know, she'll let herself go a little bit. And as it turns out she’s...
she's kind of beautiful on the inside.
Lizzie: Only kind of?
Coop: I guess all I want to know is that...
I don't know. No matter what people say, I'm never going to let her down. And I
do know the truth. Lizzie Spaulding picked me. And I am picking her, too. I
guess that's it.
Lizzie: Wait. ( Coop laughs ) Thank you so
Gus: Hello, Ladies. Don't mind me. I know
you're busy.
Blake: Where's Harley?
Gus: She's coming any second. Just throwing
out the trash.
Beth: Gus?
Gus: This thing on? There you go. Nice
toasty fire. I was going to throw the real thing in there, but he's in jail.
Harley: Say I believe you. And Phillip is
alive. Where are you keeping him?
Alan: You get me out of here, Harley, and
I'll take you to him.
Beth: Gus, what's going on?
Gus: What's going on? Just that you don't
have to worry anymore as far as this family's concerned. I'm going to watch
out. Nothing else is going to fall apart-- not while I'm around.
Beth: You're taking charge?
Gus: Mm-hmm.
Beth: I really don't think that that's
Gus: Why's that?
Beth: Well, no offense, but you're not the
one to bring stability to this family. In fact, you could only complicate
Gus: Is that right?
Beth: Mm-hmm. You bring Harley and her whole
family. And frankly, I'm trying to get Lizzie under control. The closer you
bring Coop, the more complicated things become.
Gus: Well, you don't mind me saying, because
I think I probably the only one that would say this to you. Your daughter's
trying, you know, to create her own her life. Maybe if you back off a little
bit and she can learn to make her own mistakes.
Beth: That's easy for you to say because
you've never been a parent.
Gus: Hmm.
Beth: Gus, after everything that happened
with Phillip, I'm not going to stand by and watch Lizzie make mistakes. I'm
going to stop her before she does something that's unfixable. And like I said,
it's not your problem.
Cassie: Thank you. Thank you. This has just
been amazing and fun and... and... wow. I was surprised. ( Laughter ) But
obviously we couldn't be here without one very important person. And I really
need to acknowledge her, because, well, she's made it all happen. And here's to
(All): To Dinah. ( Laughter )
Mel: How about we open some more presents,
Cassie: Okay, presents. Right. All right.
Ross: Are you here to see Dinah or Cassie?
Edmund: Please, Ross, don't start with me
Ross: If your baby is a girl, you'll soon
know where I'm coming from.
Edmund: Yes, I suppose you're right.
Ross: I mean, boys do have their issues, of
course, but you have to watch out for the girls. Beware the girls, Edmund,
because they own daddy. And pretty soon you find yourself defending them beyond
all reason, taking any kind of a bullet for them. And you know something? You
do this even when they're old enough to have children of their own. Beware the
girls. Ah, there's my beautiful daughter!
Dinah: Hey, Pop. Hi.
Ross: Are you all right?
Dinah: Yeah. I've just got to go. Sorry.
Blake: I...
Edmund: How'd everything go?
Dinah: Edmund, not one more second, okay?
Not one more second. If you do not tell her the truth, that this baby is gone, I
Harley: I'm not saying I believe you, Alan.
Alan: You may not believe me, Harley, but
you are here without Gus.
Harley: That's because before I move on with
my life, before I marry the love of my life, I have to find out if you're lying
Alan: Then get me out of here and I will
take you to Phillip.
Jeffrey: Hello, Alan. What the hell's going
Alan: So you've already called the DA, huh?
Jeffrey: Yeah, she called the DA, and she
told me the most unbelievable story I've ever heard, and I've heard them all.
Alan: Well, it's true.
Jeffrey: Well, if it's true, tell me where Phillip
Alan: Get me out of here, and I will take
you to him.
Jeffrey: Alan, you know what? You're a
claustrophobic. I believe that you will say anything to get out of there.
Alan: I am not making this story up.
Jeffrey: Fine. Then just tell me where Phillip
is. I'll call someone right now; we'll send them over there and we'll check it
Alan: No, no, I have to take you there.
Harley: Oh, so that Sebastian can jump out
of the shadows and bust you out again? No.
Alan: Phillip has been in contact with no
one but me. We can't have troopers storming in, knocking down the door. Have Frank
send the men with me.
Harley: I'm sorry. I need to know.
Jeffrey: I'll make the call.
Harley: ( Scoffs ) I cannot believe that I
am doing this.
Alan: What have you got to lose, Harley?
Jeffrey: Okay. It's done.
Harley: You called Frank?
Jeffrey: Yeah, he'll meet us there.
Alan: You won't regret this.
Beth: So, Cassie, congratulations. As if
your life wasn't full enough. Edmund, the hotel, a new baby, Jeffrey...
Cassie: You're dying to say something,
aren't you?
Beth: Don't give him your heart.
Cassie: So what if I already have?
Beth: Then get it back before he breaks it.
Jeffrey: Hi.
Cassie: Hey.
Jeffrey: Miss me?
Cassie: No.
Jeffrey: Oh.
Cassie: I knew you wouldn't keep me waiting.
Edmund: Dinah, what just happened in there?
Dinah: I was the woman of the hour. I was
the noble, selfless gestational carrier.
Edmund: Dinah, do not...
Dinah: You should have seen her. She was
opening up presents; she was glowing; she even hugged me. She had everybody
thank me.
Edmund: Good. That's exactly what we want:
The joy before the fall.
Dinah: No. That's what you want. I don't
care how much you hurt, Cassie doesn't deserve this. Nobody deserves what you
want to do.
Edmund: Come on, Dinah, you of all people
feeling sorry for Cassie?
Dinah: She wants to forgive me. She wants to
turn the page, Edmund.
Edmund: Dinah, Cassie is never going to
forgive you.
Dinah: Oh, yeah, she did. And I didn't
realize how good it was going to feel. I felt lighter. People were kind to me
because they wanted to be.
Edmund: Dinah, Cassie doesn't care about
you. The only thing she cares about is that baby she thinks you're carrying.
You're here by mistake tonight. From Cassie's perspective, she has had no
choice but to pat you on the head for the good little breeding dog you are.
Dinah: I get it. I know that Cassie had to
be nice to me tonight or otherwise she would look like a monster in front of
Edmund: Dinah, I know how confusing this
must be for you. But I want you to know that even though Cassie may think of
you only as an incubator, to me there is no other woman in the world who can
make me happy. Come here.
Dinah: Lucky you.
Oh, yeah never fall in love again never let nobody in love
was done making a fool of me when I saw you smile that day I felt those fences
melt away I cannot explain everything has changed you make me feel like I could
be myself you make me feel so happy inside you make me feel like I would and I
would give it to you electricity in the air...
( Knock at door )
Gus: Are you in there? Come on, I know your
in there. Whatever you're doing, you've got to stop doing it, otherwise I'll
pick this lock. Let's go. ( Knock at door )
Coop: You got it? All right. ( Knock at door
Gus: Let's go. I don't want to have to call security
down stairs and get a key. Let's go.
Coop: Lights, lights. ( Knock at door ) You
Lizzie: Uh-huh. ( Knock at door )
Coop: Gus, hey, why don't you come... right
Lizzie: ( Laughs )
Gus: Your family's worried about you.
Something burning?
Lizzie: My family? Come on.
Gus: Uh-huh. All right, you want to have
this kind of relationship? You want to argue every time we see each over? Well,
that's not going to happen, okay? Now, listen. The family's a little crazier
than usual, all right? And I'm going to put a stop to it.
Lizzie: Okay. I don't know what planet you
just flew in from, but I'm fine, okay?
Gus: Mm-hmm.
Lizzie: Excuse me. For the first time in my
life, I am fine.
Coop: You heard her, Gus. She's fine.
Gus: I believe her. And I like whatever the
two of you got going. I don't have a problem with you guys dating.
Lizzie: Well, we're glad that you approve.
Gus: Uh-huh.
Lizzie: Bye.
Gus: Listen, Lizzie, I'm not your mother or
your father or Lillian that any of those people you got to fake and argue with
just to be yourself, okay? But what I am is family, and I just want you to know
that I... I'm here for you.
Lizzie: Did my mom set you up with this?
Gus: No, your mother's got nothing to do
with this. Look, I spoke to Rick Bauer. You're going to get your own apartment.
The garage apartment? It's yours, no strings, okay? Mm-hmm.
Lizzie: Wait. My own... like, my own place?
Gus: Your own place, so you don't have to
sneak around hotel rooms anymore, okay? You can see each other whenever you
want, all right?
Lizzie: I don't know that I get this
Gus: Lizzie, I'm sorry to put it like this,
but your father's gone, and your grandfather? Well, he's just gone in the head.
Now, somebody needs to look out for this family and be the man of the house,
and that somebody is me. There, I said what I had to say. You guys get back to
your monkey business. ( Laughter ) and, uh, be safe. ( Laughter )
Alan: What is taking so long?
Harley: You've kept Phillip hidden away this
long; he can wait a few more minutes.
Alan: Yeah, well, I shouldn't even be here
in the first place.
Harley: My god, Alan. Your nerve. After the
horror show of things that you've done to me? What did I ever do to make you
hate me so much?
Alan: Because you, Harley, more than any one
else, are responsible for taking Phillip’s life away from him.
Harley: No, you are more responsible, Alan.
Don't you get that? Anything that's ever happened to him has happened because
of you.
Police officer: DA said you needed this.
Play ball, and you walk.
Alan: Here it is, Harley. The key to your
and my future. Are you ready to go see Phillip?
Announcer: Next on "Guiding Light"...
Alexandra: You make it sound like it should
have been so easy for me to just snap my fingers and turn my brother over to
life in prison.
Buzz: We're finished.
Josh: They know that Jonathan is the one
that took the money.
Jonathan: The cops are after me.
Tammy: If Jonathan’s here...
Reva: Jonathan!
Alan: Phillip is in danger. We've got to
find him-- find him now!
You've got some visitors! ( Gunshot )
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