Guiding Light Transcript Friday 7/22/05
By Boo
Dinah: Cassie, I'm serious. I need you to
wait outside. Please.
Cassie: Okay. Dinah, look, what's going on?
We've done this before. Why are you so jittery?
Dinah: I'm not jittery! I told you, I don't
like this. I am not liking people looking at me. It makes me feel
Cassie: You need to relax a little bit.
Dinah: I don't need to relax because you
tell me to relax!
Cassie: Okay. Dinah, it's my baby, okay? And
I just want to see my baby and I just want to feel my baby.
Dinah: Your baby's not kicking right now.
Cassie: Sometimes if you touch the baby it
will move a little bit.
Tammy: Hey, it's me. I know you just left,
but I just wanted to call and say hello. And I'm glad we're back on track. And
we're going to stay that way, you know. Nothing... no one is going to mess it
up. Anyway, just give me a call whenever you can. I'll be setting up for the
shower. I love you. I really do.
Blake: Hi.
Tammy: Hi, Blake.
Blake: That sounded nice. Did you mean it?
Harley: You know, honey, I was thinking that
the house needed some work. But actually it's starting to grow on me.
Gus: Hmm. You like bare walls, huh?
Harley: I like bare something.
Gus: ( Laughs ) All right. I like the sound
of that.
Harley: An empty house never felt so full.
Gus: Our life is pretty full.
Harley: Except, I think the boys would like
more stuff in their rooms, probably.
Gus: I've been meaning to talk to you about
that. That's going to be your job. You've got to pick out windows and doors and
Harley: I get to pick out the moldings?
Gus: That's fun, right?
Harley: Late-night shopping trips at the
home store.
Gus: Exactly.
Harley: ( Laughs )
Gus: Does that turn you on?
Harley: Normal turns me on.
Gus: All right. You want some normal? I like
tiled countertops.
Harley: I never thought I'd heard the words.
Gus: Everyone's doing chrome it's overrated.
Harley: Can I tell you this? Tile is hard to
keep clean.
Gus: Grout.
Harley: I used to dream about these
conversations in prison.
Gus: This ain't a dream. This is your life,
Harley: Normal. I'll take it.
Gus: Yeah.
Jeffrey: Things will be a lot easier for you
if you just cooperate, Alan.
Alan: I'm not saying a word to you until I speak
with my attorney.
Jeffrey: You already confessed.
Alan: According to ten people who hate me.
Jeffrey: I don't hate you.
Alan: That's touching. Let's play tennis
together. Why don't I call my secretary and get you penciled in.
Jeffrey: That's a nice offer, but you won't
be able to make any social engagements for the next 20 years or so.
Alan: I'm not going to prison.
Jeffrey: You killed your son, Alan, the case
is airtight.
Alan: Don't underestimate me.
Jeffrey: Speaking of tight, I do know how
you feel about confined spaces. I can only imagine what it must be like for you
thinking about the possibility of spending such a long time, the rest of your
life, really, in such a tight, confined, enclosed, dark space. Of course I
could be of help if there's anything you feel like telling me.
Harley: And the couch is gonna go right
Gus: Yeah? That's okay. Because the flat screen's
going here. A nice big flat screen.
Harley: Boys and their flat screen TVs. You
can't get much more normal than that.
Gus: You said normal turns you on, so
normal's what you get.
Harley: You promise?
Gus: Cross my heart.
Harley: You know what I want most of all is
routine. I just want one day to be just like the one before and the one that's
coming up.
Gus: I'll do my best to give you that.
Harley: I know you will. I am so glad we are
Harley: This is so great!
Gus: It is, isn't it? I'm going to get you
in here as soon as possible, you and the boys.
Harley: Well, what about you?
Gus: What? Oh, is that my invitation? I'll
take it.
Harley: I can't have you living out of cars
your whole life. Somebody has to put a roof over your head-- once a roof is
built on this house. This is a crazy life.
Gus: We're normal now. This is what normal
people do.
Harley: Almost. Almost. But it's like you
said. It's like our lives... we're like that soap, "The Light of Love."
Gus: Actually, it's "Light of Love."
It used to be "The Light of Love," but it's been on so long.
Harley: The point is, it's going to be
boring. Get used to it.
Gus: You won't be bored?
Harley: No. I'm Mrs. Normal.
Gus: Let's go?
Harley: The home store.
Harley: Oh! Oh, tonight. I can't do it
tonight. I have Cassie's surprised baby shower, which I'm excited about. Which
is unusual for me because when I was a kid, well, not even such a kid, a
grown-up, I hated those things, showers and party favors and the sandwiches and
all those stupid games that you have to play.
Gus: What kind of sandwiches?
Harley: The pinwheel-shaped ones. Anyway, I
would never touch them. Give me a sub. But now, bring it on. I want the shower
and I want those stupid little party favors and the games and everything. But I
just want to sit around and eat sandwiches with my girlfriends.
Gus: That's nice. That's the normal thing to
Harley: Except for the part where Dinah’s
carrying the baby.
Gus: Yeah, that's a little weird.
Harley: But I guess you need something to
keep life a little off-balance.
Gus: Compared to what we've been through,
that seems normal. So, it's no problem. We'll go to the home store tomorrow.
Harley: Okay.
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: I do wish we were coming back here
tonight, though.
Gus: We're not going to be cuddling tonight?
Harley: Well, we are, but it's not the same
thing at the Bauer house because Frank snores and Rick snores and who knew Mel
Gus: Like a lumberjack.
Harley: I'm ready to build a life for my
family. I want my children to have a stable life with a future that's clear and
Gus: Absolutely. Every family should have
Harley: Yes.
Gus: All right. I've got to go to some...
I've got some business.
Harley: Where are you going?
Gus: It involves our life arrangements,
okay? I'll tell you tomorrow. I'll drop you off at the baby bash. Come on.
Jeffrey: O’Neill, you can save your scare
tactics for the real criminal.
Jeffrey: You're pretty real to me, Alan.
Alan: Can I talk to my attorney or not?
Jeffrey: Talking with me will get you a lot
Alan: Oh, I'll bet.
Jeffrey: You know, I can just make a few
calls and we'll get a lot done.
Alan: You would do that for me?
Jeffrey: Arrangements can be made. Bigger
cell. Do you want to spend the rest of your life in a closet? Those cells can
feel like coffins after a while.
Alan: I told you, I am not going to go to
Jeffrey: Well, that's where you're going to
go. It will be your home for the rest of your life. We'll try to make it as
pleasant as possible for you.
Alan: Can I make the call or not?
Jeffrey: Fine. Make your call. If you change
your mind...
Alan: If you'll excuse me. Yeah, it's me.
Dr. Emory: Mr. Spaulding, I have been trying
to reach you.
Alan: Yeah, well, I've been indisposed.
Dr. Emory: So I've read we feel need to
discuss how your situation affects your son. I have concerns.
Alan: You don't worry about that. Just keep
doing what you've been doing.
Dr. Emory: That might not be possible.
Alan: What do you mean? I pay you good
Dr. Emory: The money is running out.
Alan: Money is not an issue. I am a wealthy
Dr. Emory: Will it be if you go to prison?
Alan: I am not going to prison!
Dr. Emory: The newspaper says you confessed
to your son's murder.
Alan: You just let me worry about that. You
keep doing your job.
Dr. Emory: Fine. Pay me and I'll have no
problem with that.
Alan: You will get your money.
Dr. Emory: Sooner or else. Without resources
my staff and I will pack up and leave and the subject will be left to fend for
Tammy: My mom's gonna be here soon. We
should start to decorate.
Blake: I'm sorry. That was... that was an
obnoxious question. I should haven't asked you.
Tammy: Yeah, it kind of was.
Blake: You know... well, of course you love Sandy,
he's a great guy. He's just a great guy.
Tammy: Yeah, he is.
Blake: Please forget I said anything, okay?
Tammy: Did I sound fake on the phone? I mean
is that what...
Blake: No, no.
Tammy: I did, didn't I?
Blake: This is none of my business.
Tammy: Blake, I really want to know.
Blake: Okay. Um, you sounded a little
rehearsed. I mean, just a little. But that's normal, right? I mean, it's
normal. You rehearse something in your head when you're trying to figure out
what to say to somebody, right?
Tammy: Right. I mean...
Blake: Look, Tammy, in my business you...
you know, being an author, I'm... most of the time I'm... well, all of the time
I'm trying to figure out what somebody's thinking and usually I just... I don't
know when to stop. So that's all.
Tammy: It's okay.
Blake: Ross says that I create drama.
Tammy: You're a writer. That's what writers
Blake: Yeah, well, they're supposed to
create drama in their work, not in their lives. Not in other people's lives.
Tammy: Well, my life is pretty simple right
now. I'm in school and I work and I've got a great boyfriend.
Blake: Right. And you're expecting a baby
brother or sister soon.
Tammy: There you go.
Blake: Good. So how are things with Sandy?
Tammy: Um, they're great. Sandy's great, you
know? He's the kind of guy that every girl should want.
Blake: Should want?
Tammy: Chill, Blake. You're over-thinking.
Blake: Actually, what I'm thinking is you
are too young to have this much sense. Really. It's great. I have such a poor
record when it comes to men.
Tammy: Well, except for Ross.
Blake: Except for Ross.
Tammy: And all the other guys that weren't Ross?
Blake: Let's see, there was Ross' brother.
Tammy: Oh?
Blake: A very sordid affair. You know my
problem? It’s that I am always attracted to drama. It took a long time to
realize that comfort and security can be just as sexy as... you know, the other
Tammy: What other stuff?
Blake: Okay. Uh-uh. Your mother would so not
want me to be your relationship counselor. You know, honey, be happy that you
found a good guy. They are rare. They're hard to come by and the other ones,
they just... oh, wow it... is there someone...
Tammy: No! Hey, you know what? I should make
sure that my mom is on her way. Can you just finish things up?
Blake: Sure. Tammy? Never mind.
Edmund: Cassie... I thought we agreed that
I'd stay with Dinah during the sonogram.
Cassie: Why are you trying to get rid of me?
Edmund: I'm not. I'm not. I just... I don't
want to upset Dinah. You can see how emotional she is.
Cassie: I see something but what is going
Edmund: Well, I just... just give me a few
minutes, Cassie, and I can make her relax.
Cassie: You guys are acting really weird,
you know?
Edmund: No, no. I'm just trying to do the
responsible thing for the baby, that's all. Please, just a moment.
Cassie: Okay, but this is my baby and I want
to see it and I'm not going anywhere until I see my baby on this sonogram.
Edmund: Of course. Of course. Just a moment.
Dinah: Next time I won't miss.
Jeffrey: Cassie?
Cassie: Hey!
Jeffrey: Hi.
Cassie: You look nice. And flowers. You
bought me flowers?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Cassie: Wow. What's the occasion?
Jeffrey: I'm taking you to dinner. Just the
two of us.
Cassie: How sweet are you?
Jeffrey: Okay, sweet? Let's not get crazy.
Cassie: ( Laughs )
Edmund: What is your problem?
Dinah: You! You are my problem. Do you
realize how close we just got to being busted.
Edmund: Then you should feel very happy that
we went to the makeup artist. That thing is incredibly real. Ow!
Dinah: No. Do you even know what it's like
to wear this itchy disgusting piece of huge rubber?
Edmund: That itchy, disgusting piece of huge
rubber just saved our lives. Dinah, our secret is safe, Darling, it is.
Dinah: Until she sees the sonogram, Darling.
We have won ourselves a whopping ten minutes.
Cassie: I want to go out with you so bad.
Jeffrey: Does that mean we can get out of
Cassie: Well, not yet, I haven't seen the
sonogram so we can go out and celebrate just as soon as I see my baby.
Jeffrey: How come you're not in there?
Cassie: I was asked to leave. Dinah's in a
Jeffrey: Well, it can't be a mood if it's
always the same thing.
Cassie: Well, she is pregnant.
Jeffrey: Well, she is Dinah.
Cassie: I'm trying to give her the benefit
of the doubt. Edmund is in there, he's trying to calm her down.
Jeffrey: Edmund. Oh, yeah, what a prince.
Cassie: Yeah.
Jeffrey: What is it?
Cassie: It's almost like Edmund doesn't want
me in there for some reason. I don't know, maybe I'm making something out of
nothing. Or whatever. So, where are you taking me?
Jeffrey: The Queen Anne.
Cassie: The cruise around the lake? I've
been wanting to go on that.
Jeffrey: I know.
Cassie: Good. I guess we better do these
things while we still can.
Jeffrey: Why, someone going somewhere?
Cassie: No, but someone's coming. The baby.
Jeffrey: I forgot. I mean, I didn't forget
but... well, you know what I mean.
Cassie: Yeah. Life's a little different, you
know, with a newborn around.
Jeffrey: Well, um, the baby will not only
have you, he'll have Tammy and Mrs. Chitwood.
Cassie: I'm the mother. I've been so caught
up in Dinah and making sure she's healthy and Edmund and everything going on
with him and keeping him in line that I've kind of forgotten about the other
Jeffrey: Well, you've had plenty of
Cassie: Yeah, but every baby's different.
Some sleep through the night, others are up all night long and sleep all day.
Jeffrey: What happens when the baby's up all
Cassie: You're up all night.
Jeffrey: What happens if you have to, like,
go to work early the morning.
Cassie: Okay, well I guess you're not going
to be spend many nights at the farm until the kid's in school.
Jeffrey: Okay. So what's a little
Cassie: It's not just that. There are tons
of things, feedings, ear infections, doctor’s appointments, then they crawl and
walk and potty training.
Jeffrey: Yeah, so the baby's going to put a
damper on our wild, carefree lifestyle.
Cassie: A little, yeah. It is the most
amazing and wonderful thing in the whole wild world. But if you can't take it,
you can go ahead and go, walk out the door before you get attached because...
Jeffrey: You can't get rid of me that
easily. I'm already attached. I hope the new kid likes guitar playing.
Cassie: Well, maybe you can sing the baby to
Jeffrey: Maybe.
Cassie: You're a brave man, Mr. O’Neill.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well now that you've filled
me in on life with baby, we have to take advantage of our pre-baby time. So bon
voyage in one hour. That's going to give you enough time?
Cassie: I want to go home and change. I've
been wearing this all day at Arch's party and all the kids...
Jeffrey: Got you covered.
Cassie: You bought me a dress?
Jeffrey: Well, my secretary actually did the
honors. I chose the color, though.
Cassie: Oh, right. ( Laughs ) Wow. This is
wonderful. Thank you.
Jeffrey: Go, go. Get dressed.
Cassie: What if the sonogram guy comes? What
if I miss that.
Jeffrey: I'll come get you.
Cassie: Okay.
Tammy: Jeffrey? Is she gone?
Jeffrey: Yeah, your mom went to get dressed
for dinner.
Tammy: Oh, you're not going to dinner.
Jeffrey: Yeah, we are.
Tammy: Um, no, you're not.
Dinah: Maybe this is a blessing in disguise.
Edmund: What are you talking about?
Dinah: I don't think we thought this
through. Cassie can't wait to get her hands on my mid-section. It makes her
feel the baby.
Edmund: That can't happen.
Dinah: How are we going to stop it she wants
to see the sonogram?
Edmund: I don't know.
Dinah: Just face it, we have failed.
Edmund: No, we haven't failed.
Dinah: When Cassie finds out about this it
is going to hurt her undeniably. But you and I, we are together, right?
Edmund: Of course.
Dinah: Let's do it, let's tell her the truth
right now.
Cassie: Hey. So? Are we ready to roll?
Harley: Sorry I'm late. Wow!
Blake: Better late than never
Harley: This looks really good.
Blake: Look at you!
Harley: You just saw me, Blake.
Blake: I don't care, I have months to make
up for. You know what? You're gorgeous.
Harley: Thanks. Are you saying I should be
on the run more often?
Blake: Don't you dare. Don't you dare. I
can't believe you're standing in front of me and you're free!
Harley: I know. That makes two of us. (
Laughs )
Blake: Wow. So Alan, huh?
Harley: Yeah. Alan.
Blake: Well, he did try to shoot Philip once
Harley: Yeah, but I think he was aiming for
Blake: Doesn't matter. Same intention.
Harley: His intention is always the same
thing, to save his son.
Blake: Okay. This is a happy day. We're
going to think about happy thoughts, all right?
Harley: Oh, really?
Blake: Yes.
Harley: Well, the truth is, Blake, I
couldn't be happier.
Blake: Me, neither.
Harley: Really? And I have something to tell
you but nobody knows it yet.
Blake: Really.
Harley: Yeah. I'm not saying you have to
keep it is a secret, I just...
Blake: Good.
Harley: Not that I think you could keep it a
secret. Gus and I are engaged again. ( Laughs )
Blake: Wow, engaged. Well, you sure don't
waste time.
Harley: Is that Blake for congratulations?
Blake: Of course! Congratulations, Sweetie.
Harley: Thanks, that's really heartfelt.
Blake: Well, it's just that... I just didn't
think you were going to rush so quickly back to the alter, that's all.
Harley: Well, why? I mean, if you think
about it, we haven't even really been apart.
Blake: True. It... well, except for the time
in prison.
Harley: You mean when I was in prison with Mallet?
Blake: You said that, not me.
Harley: Blake, Mallet is my ex-husband.
Blake: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Mallet. And seeing
him didn’t...
Harley: It didn’t.
Blake: No spark, nothing?
Harley: I wanted to strangle him. Is that a
Blake: There's a fine line between love and
Harley: We didn't cross it.
Blake: I think he still loves you. It's
pretty obvious.
Harley: Why do you say that?
Blake: I read. Harley, I know. Come on.
Mallet wants you back, doesn't he? That's why he took the job in the prison.
Harley: No. He took the job in the prison so
that he could make up for something that he did to me. And he did make up for
it. And I forgive him.
Blake: Wow. That's big.
Harley: Yes, that's very big for me, thank
you. But I love Gus. And I am marrying Gus! And nothing's getting in the way
this time.
Alan: You can't abandon him!
Dr. Emory: I am breaking the law for you. If
I am not compensated...
Alan: Don't you dare do this, doctor.
Dr. Emory: I don't think you're quite in a
position to be threatening me, Mr. Spaulding. I'll accept a check. Send it by
messenger this evening.
Alan: That's impossible. I can’t....
Dr. Emory: I'm sure you'll find a way.
Alan: This is extortion!
Dr. Emory: No, I am providing a service and
you are going to pay me for that service.
Alan: Put him on. I want to speak....
Dr. Emory: Not right now.
Alan: Now! I need to hear my son’s...
Gus: Your son is right here. Who is this?
Hello? Hello?
Edmund: Everything's fine right, Dinah? You
Cassie: Yeah. I'm going out to dinner.
Edmund: Oh.
Dinah: With Jeffrey?
Cassie: Yes.
Dinah: Somewhere fancy?
Cassie: Yes, we're going on the dinner
Dinah: Oh, yeah, on the lake. That's
Woman: Sorry to keep you waiting. Are we all
Dinah: Yeah, can't wait.
Cassie: Is something wrong?
Woman: The machine won't turn on.
Edmund: Oh. Well perhaps there's another one
in the other room.
Woman: The other one we have is also on the
Dinah: What a shame.
Woman: I'm sorry, folks, I'm afraid we'll
have to reschedule.
Cassie: Isn't there anyone who can fix it?
Woman: Not this evening.
Edmund: Well, the baby's not going anywhere.
Tammy: Tonight is mom's surprise baby
Jeffrey: We... we made some plans.
Tammy: Well unmake them. It's her shower.
Jeffrey: All of her friends are going to be
Tammy: Of course they are. So can you make
sure she's there?
Jeffrey: I'll get her there.
Tammy: Thank you. I owe you one.
Jeffrey: Okay. Hi.
Cassie: Well, hello, Sailor.
Jeffrey: How'd it go in there?
Cassie: The sonogram machine is broken.
Jeffrey: Oh, I'm sorry.
Cassie: Me, too. So what do you think of the
Jeffrey: It's fantastic. Yeah. When I see
that, you know, I just think I want to scrap the boat and go for takeout.
Cassie: Huh?
Harley: You know, Blake, one of the good
things about being in trouble is that you're too busy to worry about other
people's troubles.
Blake: All right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm
just concerned.
Harley: I know you are.
Blake: Yeah. Are you sure...
Harley: It's weird. It is weird.
Blake: You're telling me nothing happened
with Mallet? Nothing happened with Mallet? There's something you're not telling
Harley: There's a lot I'm not telling you.
Blake: Okay.
Harley: Blake. I... I was in love with him
once upon a time, so of course a little part of me will always love him. But Gus
is the love of my life and Mallet's just... he's another ex-husband.
Blake: Who you've forgiven.
Harley: Yes. I'll probably invite him to the
Blake: Oh, that's so...
Harley: Progressive?
Blake: That, too.
Harley: I know that you're looking for some
big revelation here, but there really isn't one. Really. Except that now I can
finally put the past where it belongs: In the past. Which makes me very happy.
Blake: That's good then. Then I'm happy for
Harley: It is a good thing. You should be a
Blake: Don't give me ideas.
Harley: No, truly, it will be small, simple,
intimate because it doesn't matter. What matters is that we are getting
married, finally. We are starting a life together and nothing, nothing is going
to get in the way this time!
Gus: Hello? Hello? They hung up. I guess I'm
not the only one who's done with you.
Alan: I don't think that's true or you
wouldn't be here.
Gus: The only reason I'm here is to make
sure you get locked up.
Alan: Take a good look. This is only
Gus: You're right. Last stop before prison.
Alan: No.
Gus: Yes. Hell is, that's where you're going
and I have been there, believe me. It's exactly like hell.
Alan: Well, I've been through hell ever
since Philip was taken from me.
Gus: If you've been in hell, I guess you
haven't heard the news.
Alan: You mean you didn't come here just to
Gus: I'm taking over Spaulding Enterprises.
That's what you wanted, right? I'm even moving into the house.
Alan: Anything else?
Gus: Yes. I'm taking Harley with me and all
of her family.
Alan: Sounds like a reality version of
"The Beverly Hillbillies." You should put it on film.
Gus: Like the reality TV. Here's the
reality, Dad, Harley will have everything that you lost.
Alan: The only thing that I care about that
I lost was Philip.
Gus: I'm also freezing your assets.
Alan: You don't have the authority to do
Gus: As the head of Spaulding Enterprises, I
have the authority to do anything I want.
Alan: I need to pay my attorney.
Gus: You'll get an attorney. A
court-appointed attorney.
Alan: Why are you doing this? Why are you...
I am your father. This is a huge mistake. Don't you care? I mean...
Gus: Stop it. It's not going to work. You're
going away and there's not a damn thing you can say that's going to change
that. Girlfriend.
Harley: Wine with my girlfriends. I want to
put in a pool.
Blake: What a great idea! You could do it
right now because they're working on your house.
Harley: And then we could have pool parties.
Blake: My boys would love that so much.
Harley: Your boys are going to be at the
stage where they're liking girls. That could be very, very dangerous. ( Cell
phone rings )
Blake: Get that. It might be about the
Harley: No. Hi, Callahan, how are you doing?
No, don't worry about it. What's going on? You're kidding? No, thank you. Thank
you for calling me. Absolutely. Yup.
Blake: What? What's wrong.
Harley: That's a guy I used to work with at
the station. Gus is down there with Alan.
Blake: Are you worried?
Harley: I should go.
Blake: Are you sure, Harley, that you want
to see Alan face to face?
Harley: I don't think so. But I also don't
want Gus to do something stupid.
Blake: All right. Well, what about the
Harley: Oh, please. Barring disaster, I'll
be back. Looks great. Hi!
Tammy: Harley, oh, so good to see you.
Harley: Everything looks so good. I'll be
Tammy: Wait, what are...
Blake: It's just a mini little crisis. It's
okay. Where's your mom. Is she on her way?
Tammy: She should be. I had to twist Jeffrey’s
a arm a little bit, but she he said he had to get her here somehow.
Jeffrey: Yeah. Yeah. I feel like a Buzz Burger.
Cassie: Are you kidding?
Jeffrey: No. Let's go by Company, grab a
couple burgers, get some beers, go home, watch the game.
Cassie: What about the cruise and my dress?
Jeffrey: We can do that some other time. We
can do that, you know, later.
Cassie: Am I missing something here?
Jeffrey: I guess I'm a little fickle, I
Cassie: Since when?
Jeffrey: Well, you know, the wind also
picked up and it's going to be high seas.
Cassie: On the lake?
Jeffrey: It can get rough out there. What
about all these questions? Come on, we're going to have a ball. Let's go.
Dinah: Edmund, do we really need to be
killing ourselves over this?
Edmund: Excuse me?
Dinah: I'm just saying, I'm beginning to
wonder why we need to be torturing Cassie like this.
Edmund: Dinah, Dinah, what's all the doubt?
I thought we were together on this?
Dinah: We are. We were. I'm just saying I
don't know how much faking we can really do.
Edmund: Well, I think we've been doing a
splendid job.
Dinah: Yes. But tonight...
Edmund: Tonight, don't worry about tonight.
I can fend off Cassie tonight. Really, don't worry.
Dinah: The sonogram is one thing, but she
wants to see the baby.
Edmund: Yes, but that's the whole point,
Dinah: Cassie's hurt, yeah.
Edmund: Dinah, Cassie wants this baby more
than anything.
Dinah: Does she, still?
Edmund: Trust me.
Dinah: Oh, I mean, I trust you.
Edmund: Dinah, think about everything Cassie’s
done. She lived in a castle while you rotted away in a jail cell. She's had a
family. She's had happiness.
Dinah: I've seen the movie.
Edmund: So you'll do it my way?
Dinah: Yes.
Edmund: Oh, that's my girl. You won't regret
Dinah: Well, I hope not. Because we'll be
together, right?
Edmund: Of course we will. I wouldn't have
it any other way. Come here.
Police officer: Get in there!
Harley: Let's get out of here.
Alan: Oh, Harley, you must really be
enjoying this.
Gus: The Coopers won, Dad, as much as you
and Philip tried to beat them down, they won.
Alan: No.
Harley: Come on.
Gus: Feel the walls closing in on you?
Alan: I'm not staying here.
Gus: You're deluding yourself. This is where
killers belong.
Alan: No.
Gus: Yes. Yes. And I'm afraid you're going
to die in here.
Alan: Why are you torturing me like this, Gus?
Gus: Oh, this is torture? This is what you
did to Harley, do you remember?
Harley: Hey, it's over. I just want normal.
Please? Please?
Gus: It's sad. Sad to see it end this way.
Alan: Wait! I didn't kill Philip.
Blake: Someone's coming. Okay, lights.
Dinah: It's empty.
Edmund: Oh, too bad. Let's go home.
Dinah: No, too bad. I want a milkshake.
Edmund: What's the point, Dinah, there's no
one hear to see you drink it.
Blake: I forgot to flip the closed sign.
Tammy: What are we going to do?
Blake: Maybe if we're just quiet they'll go
Dinah: Hello?
Edmund: No one's here. Come on.
Dinah: No, I deserve something for doing
Jeffrey: Why are you stopping?
Cassie: Well, it's a really nice night. Why
don't you go ahead in and order?
Jeffrey: Well, I don't know what you want.
Cassie: I want to go on the cruise.
Edmund: Please don't start with the
complaining again.
Dinah: Well I just... I'm a little tired of
this belly, okay? I wish it were gone.
Tammy: What did she just say?
Jeffrey: You have to trust me. This is going
to be good. Come on.
Cassie: Oh, my gosh.
Edmund: Dinah.
Dinah: I hate it. This is driving me crazy.
Gus: Do you hear that? That is the sound of
Alan: I am not a murderer. You have to
believe me.
Gus: Listen to me! Look at me. You shot him;
he is dead, okay?
Alan: Get me out of here and I will clear up
all of this.
Gus: I have had enough of a this.
Harley: There's nothing to clear up.
Alan: Get me out of here and I will show
Gus: Let's go.
Alan: You don't understand, it's all a lie.
He's not dead. Phillip is alive!
Announcer: Next on "Guiding Light"...
Lizzie: We came here to be together so let's
just do that.
Coop: Would by your first.
Alan: Philip is alive! Don't you want to see
Dinah: If you do not tell her the truth that
this baby is gone I will.
Tammy: You owe it to my mom to tell her the
truth about this baby right now.
Cassie: What's going on?
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