GL Transcript Tuesday 7/5/05

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 7/5/05


By Boo
Proofread by Laura

Alexandra: Well, here you are. Looks like it's going to clear up, huh?

Buzz: Oh, I hope so. I'm getting tired of clouds.

Alexandra: Yes, I know. You miss your little girl, don't you? Well, I'm going to make a prediction.

Buzz: Yeah.

Alexandra: But it must remain completely entre nous.

Buzz: Mm-hmm.

Alexandra: Harley will be here next year for the barbecue. I can feel it.

Buzz: Is your loony tunes brother going to be here? Because if he is, we're not going to need fireworks.

Alexandra: Oh, well, I don't think you have to worry about Alan. I have him under control. But until I know you have both feet on the ground, I'm calling the shots.

Alan: If you betray me, you will regret it.

Alexandra: I swore I wouldn't, and I haven’t. But if anything... anything happens to anyone else, like I said, Alan, that tape is going to be released, and you'll find yourself smoking that last illegal Havana in the electric chair.

Danny: I missed you so much, Buddy. Look at how big this guy is getting. Look at this. I bet your mommy can't even pick up anymore. Can she? Where is Mommy?

Rick: She didn't come.

Danny: What do you mean?

Rick: She just couldn't get away. One of my dad's nurses was flying home, so Michelle sent Robbie with her and just dropped him off a couple of minutes ago, right, pal? We're going to have a good time today.

Danny: Yeah, we are. I've been dying to hear all about Africa. You're going to have to fill me in. Can you do that?

Robbie: I'll tell you everything.

Danny: Good. Well, why don't we eat first? Are you hungry? Let's see what we got set up for you over here. Come on. Oh, look at this. Why don't you sit here?

Buzz: You okay?

Marina: Yeah.

Buzz: Yeah?

Marina: Now I know.

Buzz: Now you know what?

Marina: I was telling Dad a little while ago that I wouldn't be sure if Danny was really over Michelle until I saw the two of them together again.

Buzz: Well, you haven't seen them. Michelle's not here.

Marina: No. But the look on Danny’s face answered all my questions.

Buzz: What look you talking about?

Marina: The one of total and complete disappointment.

Dinah: Oh, come on. ( Sighs ) Maybe I'm eating for one, but that doesn't mean that I'm not...

Ross: Hungry?

Dinah: Hi, Daddy.

Ross: You know, Buzz always closes this place every year on the Fourth of July, because he goes to the Bauer Barbecue.

Blake: We were sent on Olive Duty, because Buzz forgot to bring them.

Ross: Yeah. So you're not going to find a hamburger here today. So why don't you join us at the barbecue?

Dinah: Be seen with me in public? Well, that'll be a holiday first.

Ross: Dinah, come on. It'll be good for you.

Dinah: It would, really. I remember being pregnant at the Bauer Barbecue. It's a lot of fun. You see all the kids running around, and you realize that next year there's going to be another one.

Bill: You sure you're up for this?

Olivia: Yeah.

Bill: Yeah.

Olivia: Yeah, I told you before. Marissa and I weren't really that close.

Bill: Come on.

Olivia: But, you know, when she went missing, I just... you don't want to fear the worst, but then you get a phone call, and, you know, she's gone. But I really think it's good for me to be here because I want to see Emma playing and laughing and enjoying herself. And I also really want to be a family, you know, a real family with you.

Bill: Well, you got that, okay?

Olivia: And I want something else.

Bill: Hmm.

Olivia: I want to change her name, her last name, to Lewis. It just feels right, Bill, you know: Emma Lewis.

Bill: Yes. Yeah.

Reva: I really miss you, Joshua. So what have the police said? Do they have any clues about her husband at all? Nothing. Sweetie, I know. It's just that I'm frustrated, okay? Jonathan seems to think that Alfred might have had something to do with Marissa’s drowning, and now he's trying to back off the idea. Yes, which is why I think it's more important that we try to track the guy down.

Jonathan: I'm not going to that lame barbecue with Reva.

Nate: Maybe I should be her date. ( Laughs )

Jonathan: You'd be bored worse. Come on. How about we go out to the bar, talk about how to strip the Lewis payroll clean out of the bank account?

Nate: You couldn't care less about the Lewis payroll. You just want me away from Mrs. Lewis. You think I killed Marissa, and now you're worried I'm going to do the same thing to your real mom.

Jonathan: You've got some imagination.

Nate: Jonathan, I know what you're thinking. I always know what you're thinking. I can read it, right there. So let me school you. I'm not here in Springfield to kill Reva. I'm here in Springfield to take what she's got.

Jonathan: That was the plan?

Nate: Yeah. You don't cook the goose that lays the golden eggs. There's no advantage to killing Reva, so it's not on the agenda at the moment. As for Marissa, shame on you for thinking I could possibly murder my own wife. What kind of man do you take me for?

Jonathan: You hit her hard enough to kill her sometimes.

Nate: Yeah, maybe. But I was forceful with you as well, and you're still alive.

Jonathan: So far.

Nate: What did you just say?

Nate: What did you just say?

Jonathan: Nothing.

Nate: That's really rude, Jonathan, answering under your breath. I don't care for that.

Jonathan: Sorry.

Nate: How many times do I have to say this? There is a right way to behave, and there is a wrong way to behave. People have to understand that. I feel really bad about Marissa, but I had nothing to do with her death? Got it?

Jonathan: Yeah, I got it.

Nate: So you're with me? You believe in what we're doing? Say you're with me.

Jonathan: I'm with you.

Nate: And you're going to stop doubting me all the time.

Jonathan: I'll stop.

Nate: That wasn't very convincing.

Jonathan: I'll stop.

Nate: One more time.

Jonathan: I'll stop.

Nate: That's better. We're going to see this through to the end, you and me, together, right? Words, Jonathan.

Jonathan: Yes.

Nate: Yes?

Jonathan: Yes, we'll see it through together.

Nate: Or else what? Or else what?

Reva: Hey, what's going on?

Dinah: What did I say? Like summer, the baby. My gosh. I mean, don't you see how cruel that sounds?

Ross: Blake only meant for you to look at the big picture here.

Dinah: I just... I'm not going to have the baby next summer, okay? I'm not going to have anything. And I appreciate you for reminding me of that, Blake.

Blake: I'm sorry. Excuse me.

Ross: Dinah, you have known all along that you were going to have to give up this child.

Dinah: I know that, Dad. I just... I thought that...

Ross: You thought that when Cassie and Edmund broke up that Edmund would turn to you because you're carrying his child. But the reality is, Edmund did not turn to you.

Dinah: Daddy, nothing is working out the way I wanted it to.

Ross: Well, then let us help. You don't have to do this alone. Now, we put pressure on you the past few months, but that is not the reason that Edmund rejected you, honey.

Dinah: Okay, it's not the reason why I lost...

Blake: Lost what? What did you lose?

Dinah: My faith in your support. Not that I ever had it to begin with.

Ross: Dinah, please.

Dinah: You know what? I said that I have nothing, but I'm wrong, because I'm going to get everything I want. I'm going to get everything.

Alan: Emma Lewis? My granddaughter's last name is Lewis, huh?

Olivia: It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Alexandra: Bill. Olivia. I thought you two were out of town.

Olivia: We were, but it wasn't a safe place to be.

Alexandra: It wasn't safe.

Alan: You know, I think you've forgotten that Emma’s last name is Spaulding.

Bill: Alan, your vote doesn't count.

Alan: Well, let's ask Emma. Emma, sweetheart...

Olivia: You can see her from where she is.

Rick: We having a great time? Great. Keep it happy.

Olivia: Stay away from my daughter.

Bill: Olivia has every right to change Emma’s name.

Olivia: The adoption went through.

Bill: That's right.

Alan: What?

Bill: It's legal. Bill is Emma’s daddy, despite the accident you created for him at Cross Creek.

Alan: What the hell are you talking about?

Alexandra: Alan!

Alan: Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. So Emma’s real father means nothing? He's just going to be forgotten? Are you out of your mind? Phillip would never have allowed this. Do you hear me?

Gus: They hear you in the next county.

Alan: Emma Lewis. Well, Emma Lewis, huh?

Olivia: Yeah. That's going to be her name. You might as well get used to it.

Alan: Well, it doesn't just trickle off the tongue like Emma Spaulding. But if that little girl needs a new father and a new last name, if that will make her happy, there's nothing else that's important, is it?

Alan: Rick, this all looks marvelous.

Bill: You can't be okay with this, Alan.

Rick: Bill, he's trying very hard not to be the subhuman that he is. Just leave it alone.

Alan: Bill, you're asking me if I have issues with the choice your wife made. Of course I do. But you wouldn't want me to interrupt this gathering would you just because I disagree with you?

Bill: No. No, no.

Olivia: That would be so out of character for you.

Alan: Come on, everyone. This is Fourth of July. This is a wonderful celebration, and let's all enjoy ourselves. Rick, there must be something that I can help you with.

Bill: Go play on the freeway.

Olivia: It's got to be the sedative.

Bill: You think?

Olivia: Hm. Alan, listen to me. I'm sorry, first of all. And I really appreciate you being so open-minded about this. You know, I have to say, I mean, the look on your face when I told you about the adoption, you seemed like you were really taken aback.

Alan: You know something? I was. Because the last time you and I discussed this, you said you were going to put the adoption off.

Olivia: I did no such thing.

Alan: You have selective memory. Now, if you will excuse me.

Olivia: All right, this is weird, because I honestly believed that he didn't know anything about the adoption.

Bill: Okay, well, then if this is the first time he's heard about it...

Olivia: Then maybe he didn't set up the accident in Cross Creek.

Bill: Well, then maybe it was just that-- an accident.

Olivia: No. No way.

Alexandra: Alan, maybe you... maybe you should...

Alan: Just leave me alone, Alexandra. I need a drink. I need to get those two pretenders out of my sight.

Alexandra: ( Gasps )

Reva: I said, what's going on? What are you doing? What did he say to you?

Nate: Go ahead, Jonathan. Tell your mom what this is all about.

Jonathan: We were talking about baseball.

Reva: Jonathan? Jonathan, wait. Jonathan? Well?

Nate: I love baseball. It's so American. All right, Reva, look. I owe you an apology. I shouldn't meddle in your family affairs. I do understand that. But I can't just stand by while that boy manipulates you again.

Reva: Manipulate me? How?

Nate: I should leave. I've muddled things up enough already.

Reva: No, no, no. No. I'd like an explanation.

Nate: ( Clears his throat ) Jonathan always pulls you into his dramas, all right? That much is obvious, even from the relatively little time that I've been around. But this time he's using his adoptive mother's death to play you.

Reva: His mother drowned. He has a right to be hurt.

Nate: He's after more than sympathy, Reva. Believe me, I know.

Reva: What is that supposed to mean?

Nate: He's always trying to twist you into a knot of guilt, every chance he can get, forever. And he always will do, unless someone stops him.

Reva: So you're such an expert on my son.

Nate: I'm just telling you as a friend. Don't let him get away with it, for your own sake.

Marina: The zebra went backwards?

Robbie: Like this.

Danny: Come on, show us. Oh, no. ( Laughter ) That's great. What a good story, Bud. That's excellent.

Robbie: Where's the fireworks, Daddy?

Danny: Well, the fireworks are going to be later. It has to get dark out. You remember that.

Marina: I bet you're glad that you made it back in time for them, huh I bet you wish that your mom could have been here, too.

Danny: Well, we all wish that she could be here, right? So what do you feel like eating, if you don't want to eat your sandwich?

Robbie: Fries, ice cream, cookie, candy.

Danny: Oh, I see. Oh, cake and candy.

Marina: Oh, boy.

Danny: Okay.

Marina: Does your mom let you eat all that kind of stuff? I mean, we wouldn't want to break any rules.

Danny: Well, it's a holiday. It's okay to break the rules today. Right, Buddy? So...

Rick: Are you guys... are you guys going to join the party or what? I mean, there's plenty of sunshine to go around out there.

Danny: Yeah, of course. Hey, why don't ask Uncle Rick where the candy stash is?

Rick: I ate all the candy.

Danny: What?

Rick: I'm sorry. Do you still love me? Come on, buddy, let's go outside. We've got some more candy out there. Come on.

Danny: Hey. Hey. You know, if you want to know how I feel about Michelle not being here, you can just ask me.

Marina: Yeah. Subtlety is not my thing.

Danny: No, not really. The truth is, I'm upset that she stayed in Africa. I can't even begin to tell you how much I wanted her to be here.

Jonathan: Hey. It's me, babe. Sorry to disappoint you.

Dinah: Oh, you didn't disappoint me. I just...

Jonathan: Hoping for a prince? That's cool. I'm used to wrecking people's dreams.

Dinah: What do you want?

Jonathan: Angelina Jolie. No wait. Lindsay Lohan. No wait. Angelina Jolie and Lindsay Lohan.

Dinah: Oh, okay. Good luck.

Jonathan: Wait. Wait. I went out for a walk, and I ended up here. So I thought I'd come up and ask.

Dinah: Ask what?

Jonathan: When you came to town, you had one purpose, right? To ruin Cassie. And you hit like the Mega-Jackpot, you know, revenge. You ruined her marriage.

Dinah: So?

Jonathan: Well, I'm just like wondering about this revenge thing. I mean, when is enough enough?

Bill: So if Alan didn't rig the non-accident accident at Cross Creek, who did?

Olivia: Well, maybe he was lying.

Bill: I don't think so. All right, look, I don't want to sound naive here, but do you think it's possible that Alan realized that he can't fight us on the adoption, so he's actually putting Emma first?

Buzz: Oh, Ross, I forgot to mention, I read your guest editorial in the paper, and...

Alexandra: I read it too, actually. It was quite good.

Buzz: It was great.

Ross: Thank you.

Buzz: My favorite line went "Our heaviest responsibility may well be not to take our freedom lightly."

Ross: Very good.

Alan: Freedom. Freedom. Right.

Ross: I'm sorry, Alan. Did you say something?

Alexandra: Well, I think he said he was going back inside.

Alan: No, the subject that Ross was talking about was freedom and some people who abuse it. Now, a jury returns a guilty verdict, a sentence is given, and yet, if you free yourself from prison, you can go around the country on a quest to prove your innocence and become a folk hero.

Buzz: You really should go inside.

Alan: And justice. Would anyone like to hear about justice?

Alexandra: Alan, please.

Alan: These two waltz in here announcing that Phillip is no longer Emma’s father because of some court paper. Harley Cooper, a convicted murderer, is traveling around the country. You want her here to help you stir up the potato salad.

Buzz: Enough, Alan.

Alan: No. No, no, no. Today is Independence Day, Buzz. And I think it's my patriotic duty to announce the truth. And the truth is you're all hypocrites, because the truth of the matter is, Harley Cooper should be in prison, where she belongs.

Alan: And I will stop at absolutely nothing until I finish what I have started.

Robbie/Zach: Cool.

Bill: Come over here.

Buzz: Oh. Don't talk about Harley with her boys standing right there.

Alan: I was just exercising my freedom of speech.

Buzz: I'm a big believer in freedom of speech, but let's have a red, white, and blue Fourth, and not a black and blue one. You read me?

Alan: Congratulations, Buzz.

Rick: I think some seltzer water will take that right out, Alan. You might want to go clean up. A beautiful left hook.

Blake: You can always count on something happening on the fourth here.

Ross: Every year it's something.

Rick: Yeah, he never saw that punch coming. I don't think he'll bother you again, buddy.

Buzz: I was thinking about Marina and Danny inside. They've been in there a long time.

Rick: Yeah, they have. They seem to have a lot to talk about.

Buzz: Is that code for Michelle?

Rick: Yeah, I think so.

Buzz: What do you think would have happen if she came back?

Rick: I don't know. Listen, Buzz, I don't want to see Marina get hurt any more than you do. In fact I've been encouraging Danny to move on with his life. But Danny and Michelle are...

Buzz: I know. Danny and Michelle.

Rick: Right.

Danny: When Robbie showed up, I thought, where's Michelle? She should be here.

Marina: I know. Okay, you can stop. I get it.

Danny: No, you don’t. You don't get it. I wanted Michelle to be here, because I wanted you...

Marina: Because Michelle belongs here. I know. I know.

Danny: I wanted Michelle to be here because I have been going crazy trying to show you that I have let her go and I have moved on, but you don't believe it. So I thought the only way I could show you that is if Michelle was here, you could see my face, and see how things have changed. That's why I was disappointed, because I can't do that now. Maybe I can.

Marina: What?

Danny: Come on. Come on.

Marina: Where are we going?

Danny: Africa.

Dinah: What is going on with you?

Jonathan: Like I said, it's just... I've just been thinking about that stuff, you know. Where does it get you-- this revenge, this misery, all the pain? It's like you keep passing it on. So I don't know. Like somebody smacks you, and then you can go around smacking everybody.

Dinah: Yeah, that's generally how it works.

Jonathan: Yeah, but what does that make you? I mean, no better than... no better.

Reva: I've seen Jonathan act out. You can't make up that kind of pain. It’s... trust me. I've been there myself.

Nate: All right. So his pain is real.

Reva: And it's all because of that man.

Nate: Is there no remote chance that Jonathan’s exaggerating that?

Reva: I don't think so.

Nate: Look, Reva, I know you want to do the best you can with and for your son, but if you want that boy to grow up, find his own two feet, you've got to stop doing the running. Okay, okay, okay. Lecture over. If I've overstepped, feel free to back me up against the wall.

Reva: I appreciate your concern. So how would you like to go to the Bauer Barbecue with me?

Nate: No, thank you.

Reva: Oh, come on.

Nate: I've got to get back to the bar.

Reva: It's good food. Good food, good friends.

Nate: I'm sure. But thank you.

Reva: Your loss. Oh, you know, I do this all the time. I spill. I lose things. That's why I have two of everything I could possibly need in this bag... any bag I carry. Oh, thank you. ( Laughs ) Last chance. Thanks.

Nate: No, you go. Have fun. I'll walk you to the car.

Reva: All righty.

Nate: You got everything?

Reva: Yep. You?

Nate: Yep.

Ross: We're going to do it slowly. Wait just a minute.

Marina: Look at their faces.

Ross: Slower. Slower. Slower.

Rick: They're such good kids.

Buzz: The next generation in Springfield.

Rick: We'll tie it off. Okay. ( Cheers and applause )

Rick: Good job, guys.

Ross: All right, thank you, guys. You know, you guys, along with other people here at this party, represent some of the most important families in Springfield: The Bauer’s, the Lewis’, the Marlers, the Spauldings, the Santos family. And hopefully, as you grow up together, you will learn how to work together so you can make this town a better place. Since the Declaration of Independence was signed, tens of thousands... tens of thousands have died to defend what this flag represents. So on this Fourth of July, I think it's only correct that we honor and remember the brave men and women; that we also remember and honor all those men and women who are serving our country today, scattered throughout the world. And to them, our fervent wish is safe passage home. Godspeed. Ladies and Gentlemen, to America.

All: To America.

Ross: Thank you, guys. You did good.

Bill: What's wrong, baby?

Olivia: Ross was just speaking so beautifully about freedom and justice, and all I could think about was Marissa and Alfred.

Bill: I know.

Olivia: No, my sister is dead. She's dead. And that man, that animal, is running around out there somewhere. And I don't care if I sound like Alan right now. Where is the justice for my sister?

Dinah: You know what? I'm tired of talking. I've had a lousy day, and I think by the looks of things, you've had a lousy day, too. So you know what? It's Fourth of July, and I think we should have some fireworks, huh? Come on, Jonathan. Come on, baby, s-e-x.

Jonathan: I have a lot on my mind.

Dinah: ( Laughs ) Well, so do I. I don't necessarily want to talk about it, though.

Jonathan: No. No, man. Take a cold shower.

Dinah: Come on. No, no. You can't do that.

Jonathan: I've got something to do.

Dinah: Look, this is not supposed to happen this way. You can't walk out on me.

Jonathan: Later, Dinah.

Dinah: Hey. No, no, no. I use you. Come on.

Danny: There you go. You got a clear shot. Do it. Oh! ( Laughter ) That was awesome. You did such a good job raising the flag today, too.

Robbie: How long till fireworks, Daddy?

Danny: Oh, pretty soon. Pretty soon, Bud. It's almost dark enough. You want to play with your glider some more? All right, go ahead. Go ahead. We'll wait here.

Marina: This is where you wanted to go?

Danny: We can still go to Africa.

Marina: Company is closed today.

Danny: Yeah, I know. Exactly. We have the whole place to ourselves.

Marina: I like where this is going.

Danny: Yeah.

Marina: Keep talking.

Danny: I just thought it was time to get some new holiday memories going. I mean, Michelle and I spent every fourth at the Bauer’s', and I don't want to look back on today with competing memories. All I want to remember is you, Marina Cooper.

Marina: Mm. This is so good.

Danny: I mean, not that there's anything wrong with the Bauer Barbecue. It's nice. But I think we can come up with something better.

Alexandra: Well, are you satisfied with yourself? Did you cause a big enough scene?

Alan: May I remind you that Buzz is the one who pushed me into the dessert table?

Alexandra: Oh, please, Alan. Something was bound to happen. I mean, your merely showing up here was provocation enough.

Alan: I am here because of Phillip.

Alexandra: Oh, no, you're here to rub him in everybody's face. Alan, for Pete’s sake, why do that?

Alan: Everyone here wants Phillip gone, and I am going to keep his memory alive.

Alexandra: This coming from the man who took his life.

Alan: What I did was a horrible choice, but that does not negate the fact that those people are responsible for ripping his soul out, pushing him to the brink, where the only option I had was to shoot him.

Alexandra: Alan, you're right back to blaming everybody else for his death. I mean, for heaven's sake, when you're the... you're... it was your finger that pulled the trigger.

Alan: You, my sister, who claims to love me. You know how much I hate disloyalty?

Alexandra: And I've kept your secret, Alan.

Alan: Yes, but how long will that last? Because you keep aligning yourself with the people who betrayed me and opposed me.

Alexandra: Buzz is a friend of mine.

Alan: No, Buzz is a threat to both of us.

Alexandra: Alan, your paranoia is getting really out of bounds.

Alan: Yeah. You know something? I think you're getting some kind of cheap thrill out seeing that noose tighten around my neck, aren't you? Let me tell you something. I am not dead yet, and I am not going to jail. And I will stop at absolutely nothing until I finish what I have started.

Danny: He's pooped. He's totally jet-lagged.

Marina: ( Laughs )

Danny: We'll wake him up when the fireworks start.

Marina: They should start soon.

Danny: Yeah.

Marina: I'm sorry.

Danny: For what? No, you don't have to apologize.

Marina: Yes, I do. You talked about starting new traditions, and I have one that I want to start: Telling the truth all the time, no matter what.

Danny: Well, its not like you lied to me.

Marina: I walked around all day afraid to tell you how I really felt. It felt like a lie to me.

Danny: Well, why didn't you just tell me how you felt?

Marina: I was afraid you would prove me right, how I was feeling. I didn't want you to see me like that.

Danny: Like what?

Marina: Like I was totally terrified of what would happen to me if I didn't get what I wanted.

Danny: Now see? You should have told me. All this time we have been feeling the exact same way.

Marina: I don't want to feel that way anymore.

Danny: Me neither. The good news is, we don't have to anymore. Yay. Do we?

Marina: Here's your answer. And that's the truth. ( Sounds of fireworks ) hey, Robbie.

Danny: You know what? Let's give him a few more minutes.

Buzz: Truce?

Blake: You were terrific with those kids today. You made their day.

Ross: I wish I could say I did as well with Dinah. You know, I was actually hoping that she'd show up after all.

Reva: I heard about Marissa. I'm sorry.

Olivia: Thank you

Reva: It must have come as a shock to you.

Olivia: It did. But then again, it didn’t.

Reva: Why is that, Olivia? Are you thinking about Alfred?

Nate: Hello, Mate.

Jonathan: What are you still doing here? Reva let you stay?

Nate: In a sense. We still have a little business, a couple of little things that need to get straightened out.

Olivia: I don't think I should say anything.

Reva: Maybe you should, Olivia. Maybe you should tell me everything you know about Alfred.

Olivia: Why the sudden concern?

Reva: Let's just say I'm interested in justice. How about you?

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Cassie: Do you remember the other day I ran in Edmund? He kind of gave me an ultimatum.

Dinah: Come on in. Nice surprise.

Edmund: You gave me an ultimatum.

Cassie: I need to talk to you, Dinah. Open up.

Reva: Who did this to you? You were in a fight, weren't you? What are you doing here?

Nate: I'm not taking no for an answer.

Roberts: Good afternoon.

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