Guiding Light Transcript Monday 7/4/05
Reva: Jonathan? Jonathan? Hey. ( Music stops
) Hey!
Jonathan: Hey! Happy Fourth of July.
Reva: What do you think you're doing?
Jonathan: Blowing off some steam. What's it
look like?
Reva: It's looks like you're destroying my
house. What's gotten into you?
Jonathan: I was thinking about Moms, and how
some of them are better off dead.
Rick: The Bauer forecast looks to be 99%
chance of showers. Great.
Mel: You don't want to cancel, do you?
Rick: Oh, no, not on your life. This is a
perfect day for a barbecue: My dad's not here, Michelle’s not here, my best
friend's dead.
Mel: Oh, honey, you're missing your wingman
for the barbecue.
Rick: Well, you know what? You can be my
wingman. I'll tell you what. You hold the umbrella.
Mel: How about I loan you my raincoat instead?
Rick: I'll tell you what. You throw in the
galoshes, you've got yourself a deal. ( Laughter )
Mel: This can't be the first time it's
rained at a Bauer barbecue.
Rick: Usually there's so much chaos around
here, you don't even notice the weather.
Danny: Hey.
Mel and Rick: Hey.
Danny: Are we going to get rained out today
or what?
Rick: No.
Mel: I know.
Rick: You're not going to melt with the
rain, so we're going to have a barbecue.
Danny: Have you guys heard from Michelle?
Rick: I don't know. Did she get on the
plane? I mean, I have no idea.
Danny: Well, it would be nice if she gave us
a heads up, don't you think?
Mel: I think she's just trying to give you
and Marina your space.
Danny: Still, it's her house, her family's
Rick: Michelle's trying to let you get on
with your life, Danny.
Danny: Well, I am, but Michelle and Robbie
belong here.
Buzz: Zach? Zach, where are the chips?
Zach: I ate them.
Buzz: What? You ate them? You ate all of
Zach: I was hungry.
Buzz: Yeah, that would be hungry.
Zach: Mommy used to give me these chips.
Buzz: Yeah. Yeah. Will you do me a favor? Do
your old grandpa a favor? I think we got some more in the back. Can you go in
the kitchen and get me some more chips?
Alexandra: Well, I thought Fourth of July
was supposed to be a happy holiday.
Buzz: Well, it's a rainy day, and Zach
misses his mom.
Alexandra: I'm sure she misses them too.
Mallet: Cooper, huh? Okay. Thanks.
Harley: What? What is it? Cooper? Cooper, what?
Mallet: Frank was here. He took Gus back to
Harley: Frank?
Mallet: Yeah, I guess that explains why the
cops weren't waiting for us when we got back here.
Harley: No, no, no. Frank would never let me
get away; not if he had the chance.
Mallet: What are you talking about? He's
your brother. He doesn't want to see you hurt.
Harley: Yeah, which is why he would stick
around to turn me in. No, it was Gus. Gus threw him off our trail. Don't you
get it?
Mallet: Thanks, Gus.
Harley: No, not "Thanks, Gus." I'm
not going to let him take the fall for me.
Mallet: Well, there's not much you can do
about it now.
Harley: I can turn myself in.
Mallet: Oh... what will that accomplish?
Harley: Could you just unlock me, please?
Mallet: No. No. Today is about you and it's
about your freedom. We are here to find Phillip’s killer, and that's exactly
what we're going to do.
Harley: We have reached a dead end here. Come
on. Wallace is dead. Sebastian has disappeared.
Mallet: Yeah, so we just got to keep
Harley: Looking where, Mallet? Where? Where?
Where? Andrea Wallace is his only living relative, and she doesn't know
Mallet: We have to think about it. Come on, Cooper,
think. Have you forgotten everything I've taught you?
Harley: I... I am going out there, and I am
going to find Gus even if it means dragging you with me! How much do you weigh?
Mallet: More than you. Now would you please
just give me a chance to help you?
Harley: No. Thank you for trying. Thank you.
But you've done everything you could. There's nothing more you can do. There is
nothing anybody can do.
Mallet: Now, I know you are tired of this
whole damn mess. I'm not exactly loving it myself, okay? But you've got to
stick it out.
Harley: Stick it out? What? There's nothing
more to learn.
Mallet: What are you talking about? Nothing
to learn? What was Wallace being paid to cover up?
Harley: I don't know!
Mallet: Well, there you go. ( Thumping ) Would
you, please, please... would you stop that?
Harley: I need to find Gus. Ow!
Mallet: You are not going to go see Gus. And
you are going to sit down, and for God's sakes, would you please just stop
talking for a minute? Here.
Harley: You're not the warden anymore. You
don't get to tell me what to do, okay?
Mallet: You didn't listen to me when I was.
Harley: Well, I'm certainly not going to
start now.
Mallet: That's fine. Then don’t. But we're
not moving. Now, I need to rest. I need to do some thinking.
Harley: Gus has never deserted me, not once.
I'm not going to desert him now.
Mallet: I'm sure he's going to be very
grateful when you both have adjoining cells.
Harley: You are so jealous.
Mallet: You are giving me a headache.
Harley: Good.
Mallet: Just let me think, okay?
Harley: Well, let me give you some room,
because I don't want to get caught in the...
Mallet: You know, this isn't about you and Gus.
Harley: What is it about, then?
Mallet: What?
Harley: This. If it's not about me and Gus,
what is it about?
Mallet: It's about Frank, your boys, your
dad. Don't you ever think about them?
Harley: You know I do.
Mallet: Well, don't you want to go home and
be able to stay there and not have to think about leaving them again?
Harley: I think you already know the answer
to that question.
Mallet: Good. Then you know exactly what you
have to do right now.
Harley: But you don't understand. I can't
just leave Gus out there. He has... he's never done that to me. He's been so
good to me through this whole thing.
Mallet: Oh, my God. You're going to make me
do this, aren't you?
Harley: What kind of person am I...
Mallet: What would Gus want you to do?
Harley: Well, I don't know.
Mallet: Would Gus want you to give yourself
up right now?
Harley ( Softly ): No.
Mallet: I'm sorry. What? I didn't hear that.
Harley: I said no.
Mallet: You said no. Then you have to figure
this out, Harley. Do you want me to unlock these cuffs right now so you can go
running back to Gus, or what? ( Knock at door )
Buzz: Zach, you know your mom would do
anything to be with you right now.
Alexandra: Your grandpa's absolutely right, Zach.
Buzz: But she can’t.
Zach: I don't want to go if Mommy's not
Buzz: But you've got to go. You won the
Potato Sack Race last year.
Alexandra: Wow, the Potato Sack Race. I
wonder who's going to win it this year, huh?
Zach: I hop faster than anybody.
Buzz: You're fast, but if you don't go... I
mean, how are you going to win if you don't go?
Alexandra: Who will? Maybe I will, huh?
Suppose I win?
Zach: In those shoes?
Buzz: You think you can take your Aunt Alex
Zach: Okay.
Alexandra: ( Laughs )
Buzz: Okay? Okay?
Alexandra: Is that a challenge, young man?
You whippersnapper. ( Knock at door )
Buzz: We're closed. Closed.
Zach: Hi, Granddad.
Alan: Well...
Buzz: Alan.
Alan: Hello, Buzz. Happy fourth of July.
Hey, Zach. Where are you off to, buddy?
Buzz: Oh, gee, where do you think? Maybe the
Bauer’s? We were just heading out the door.
Alan: Well, I won't keep you guys long. I just
wanted to stop by and say "Happy Holiday" to you all.
Alexandra: Well, that's very good of you, Alan.
Why don't I show you out, hmm?
Alan: Bye, Zach.
Alexandra: You followed me, Alan.
Alan: Can you blame me?
Alexandra: Alan, you are out of control.
Alan: I told you to stay away from Buzz Cooper,
and disobeying me is not a wise choice.
Alexandra: And you know what? I'm really
sick and tired of your threats. Now I've kept your promise. Now I'm warning
you: You just back off.
Alan: Or what?
Alexandra: Or maybe you've forgotten about a
certain little videotape that names you as Phillip’s killer.
Alan: That would not be a wise choice, Alexandra.
Mel: Have you told Michelle how you feel?
Danny: No.
Mel: Maybe you should. You know, just put it
all out there on the table. It's so sad when a marriage ends, especially when
it doesn't have to. I'm so glad you're here, Danny.
Danny: Thanks. Me, too. Me, too.
Mel: Oh, my...
Mel: Let me get you an ice pack.
Mel: Well, at least let me give you a couple
of aspirin. Hold on.
Mel: Well, if I were you, I'd be listening
Danny: Does Mel think I'm trying to get back
together with Michelle?
Rick: It's just that my wife has a tough
time with change, Danny. You know, once she believes in something, she has a
real tough time giving it up.
Danny: Okay. Well, maybe I should say
something to her.
Rick: No, no, no. Let me... let me burst her
bubble, okay, and save you the speech?
Danny: You think I'd get a speech?
Rick: You have no idea. I mean, every time
my sister calls, it's the same speech over and over. "You can work it out.
Blah, blah, blah." She means well. She really does.
Danny: I'm sure she does, but she needs to
know that I'm with
Mel: It's hard to fight against history.
Mel: You have feelings for the guy, and...
Mel: I think maybe you should.
Danny: Rick, you know, if Michelle does show
up, I don't want things to be awkward with all of us. Maybe Marina and I
shouldn't stay.
Rick: Danny. Danny, you're Robbie’s father,
okay? I mean, even though it's over between you and Michelle, you're welcome
here anytime.
Mel: I don't think Danny and Michelle are
Mel: It just... I think that there's some
unfinished business, you know? And I don't want to see you get hurt.
Mel: Ooh, that is really bad. You know, I'm
going to go find the aspirin, okay?
Reva: Dead mothers? Is that supposed to be a
Jonathan: No, Reva.
Reva: Wishful thinking?
Jonathan: No. Marissa.
Reva: What about her?
Jonathan: Not you. It's not all about you, Reva.
Reva: Well, what about Marissa?
Jonathan: Pay attention. She's gone.
Reva: Marissa's dead?
Jonathan: As a doornail.
Reva: I'm sorry. What happened?
Jonathan: I don't know. She washed up on the
beach-- what was left of her anyway, after the sharks had her for dinner.
Reva: Oh, Sweetie.
Jonathan: Oh, that's a first.
Reva: What?
Jonathan: You calling me "Sweetie."
Do you know what son you're talking to right now?
Reva: Jonathan, listen to me. I know that Marissa
was the woman who raised you. She was your mom. You have every right to be
Jonathan: I really couldn't care less.
Reva: I don't believe that.
Jonathan: Believe whatever you want. She
didn't care about me. You two have a lot in common.
Reva: That's not true.
Jonathan: You gave me to a guy who beat me;
she stood by and let it happen, it's teamwork.
Reva: If you didn't love her, you wouldn't
be grieving like this.
Jonathan: I'm not grieving. I'm happy she's
dead. You should be too.
Reva: What?
Jonathan: Yeah, she helped screw me up. Of
course, you started the ball rolling.
Reva: Is that why you're here? To blame the
mom that you can see, that you could feel, that you can hurt?
Jonathan: I don't know why I'm here.
Reva: Jonathan, it's always difficult to
lose a parent, especially in such a tragic accident.
Jonathan: Who said it was an accident?
Reva: What?
Jonathan: Get it.
Reva: Are you sure?
Jonathan: Mm-hmm.
Reva: Nate, now is not a good time.
Nate: I can see that. I can really see that.
What happened here?
Reva: Jonathan's adoptive mother died.
Nate: How horrible. I'm sorry, Mate. Life is
hard, and it happens to the best of us.
Reva: Yeah, well, it doesn't make it any
Nate: No. Sure doesn’t.
Reva: Can I call you later?
Nate: Yeah. I'd love it if you called me
later. I'm not even sure why I stopped by. I wanted to talk you into staying at
the Outskirts.
Reva: I already told you that I would.
Nate: I know. I got the feeling that you
were wavering.
Reva: I'll call you.
Nate: Look, why don't I stick around and
help you clean up?
Reva: No.
Nate: I insist.
Reva: Nate...
Nate: Junior here looks like he's not going
to be much help.
Reva: Nate...
Nate: Reva, come on. You've always been
there when I needed you. You may as well let me return the favor, hmm?
Jonathan: Gosh, Nate. You're such a Knight
in Shining Armor.
Nate: Your mom's a friend. And someday I
hope to call you the same.
Reva: Nate, you don't need to stay.
Nate: Really. It's no problem.
Jonathan: Aren't you even going to ask how
it happened?
Nate: Excuse me?
Jonathan: My mom. Are you going to ask me
how she died?
Danny: What's the matter? You got a
Danny: Did you bump your head?
Danny: Oh, you don't need a doctor for that.
Dr. Santos is here. You want a real ice pack?
Danny: Because you're so hot.
Danny: You want help?
Danny: I can do that. Pies, pies, pies.
Pies. Blueberry and peach.
Danny: Okay.
Danny: I'm just glad there's pie.
Danny: Pie is pie.
Danny: Oh, see, you think I'm going to walk
into that one, hmm? I don't think she's coming today.
Danny: No. But he doesn't know. I think she
would have called.
Buzz: Hey.
Rick: Hey.
Zach: Hi, Uncle Rick.
Rick: Hi, Zach. How are you doing, buddy?
Buzz: Take these inside?
Alexandra: Don't mind at all.
Rick: Boy, you're getting so grown-up.
Alexandra: Come on, Zach. Let's you and I go
and find Jude and Leah.
Buzz: Well, we're good to go. I got extra...
well, extra everything.
Rick: Good. You happen to bring some umbrellas
with you?
Buzz: Well, it might clear up.
Rick: Listen. Thanks for everything. I
appreciate it.
Buzz: Oh, no, this is the place to be.
Rick: I don't know. We have a lot of MIAs
this year.
Buzz: Tell me about it. Well, you know,
we'll just do the best with what we have.
Rick: Yeah, we can't let a couple of dark
clouds ruin our cocktailing.
Buzz: I'm going to fire up the grill, boy.
Rick: It's already fired up. Let's try a
little Buzz Bauer burger.
Buzz: Buzz Bauer burger. I like it. I like
Knock on door )
Mallet: That must be the champagne.
Harley: Oh, that's good. That doesn't look
suspicious at all. ( Laughs ) Nobody's going to think that looks weird.
Mallet: Hey, I've got to answer the door.
Harley: Then uncuff me.
Mallet: No. And risk you running off? I
don't think so.
Harley: I won't run.
Mallet: I know you won’t. Yes?
Andrea: It's Andrea Wallace. Mister...
Mallet: Hi.
Andrea: Hello. I'm sorry for just dropping
by like this, but you were so nice at the hospital. You gave me this address.
Mallet: Sure. Absolutely. What can I do for
Andrea: I found something when I was going
through my brother's things-- a note to a Mr. Gus Aitoro.
Mallet: Uh...
Andrea: Do you know him?
Mallet: No, I can't say that I do. This is
interesting, though.
Andrea: Do you know what it means?
Mallet: No, I can't say that I do. No.
Andrea: Well, maybe it's nothing. I guess
I'll just throw it out.
Mallet: You know, maybe I'll hang on it,
though-- maybe figure it out.
Andrea: Thank you. Well, I... I guess I
should be going.
Mallet: I'm sorry I couldn't help you more.
Andrea: Good-bye.
Mallet: Bye.
Harley: What? What is it? What does it say?
Mallet, you can't get rid of me. I'm standing right here. What is it?
Mallet: Um...
Harley: Alan was the shooter. Alan killed Phillip?
Buzz: Good work.
Zach: I want a cookie.
Buzz: Oh, no, not quite yet. We got some
unfinished business.
Zach: What?
Buzz: What? The song.
Zach: Oh.
Buzz: Yeah. Come on. We've got to have one
more run- through. I mean, your Uncle Ross is going to run up that flag, and
you're going to be the Star Attraction. You're on. You're going to drive the
girls crazy.
Zach: Ew!
Buzz: Ew. Yeah, now "Ew." Yeah,
but in a few years you'll be singing a different tune. And speaking of tunes,
what are we going to sing? Come on. Can you do it? Come on. You know you were
the... who was the best turkey in the Thanksgiving Pageant?
Zach: Me.
Buzz: Right. Who was the only Wise Man that
knew his lines for the Christmas play?
Zach: Me. I know everybody's lines.
Buzz: You know everybody's lines. You're
going to do fine. We're just going to run through this a couple of times, and
you're going to be fine, okay?
Zach: Okay.
Buzz: All right. So you're ready? You know
how it goes?
Zach: Mm-hmm.
Buzz: All right.
Zach: Yankee doodle dandy, Yankee doodle do
or die, Yankee doo...
Buzz: No, no, no.
Zach: I'm an Uncle...
Buzz and Zach: A real live nephew of my Uncle
Sam’s, born on the Fourth of July. I have a Yankee doodle sweetheart...
Buzz: Point to a girl out in the audience
Buzz and Zach: She's my Yankee doodle joy. Yankee
doodle went to
Buzz: You're going to be fantastic. We
should take this show on the road.
Harley: This... this cannot be true. It must
be a theory.
Mallet: Well, it's some theory.
Harley: You don't understand. Phillip was Alan’s
whole life. It doesn't make any sense.
Mallet: Or does it?
Harley: What are you saying?
Mallet: Well, think about it. Alan's the guy
that made Phillip, Phillip.
Harley: I'm not following you.
Mallet: It's like he created a monster, and
then he had to destroy it.
Harley: Mallet, Phillip was not a problem to
be disposed of. He was Alan’s son.
Mallet: Phillip was a problem. He was a big
Harley: He wouldn't kill him.
Mallet: Well, maybe he didn't set out to do
Harley: No. It's not possible.
Mallet: Think about it, Cooper. Alan wants
you gone. He basically sent me up here to get rid of you.
Harley: Well, Alan hates me. He's always
hated me. Of course he wants to get rid of me.
Mallet: Yeah, there's that. But maybe...
maybe he was afraid that you were going to uncover the truth.
Harley: Do you really think...
Mallet: What about the payoff? Wallace's
sister said that her brother came into a lot of money recently-- Spaulding
Harley: Okay, but how does Wallace know
about any of this? I mean, we're supposed to assume that Alan is stupid enough
to tell people?
Mallet: Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe
Wallace witnessed something. He's a doctor. He works at Cedar hospital, right
across the street from Company.
Harley: His own son.
Mallet: Cooper, Alan is running scared. He
was ready to take out his other son.
Harley: So he's got nothing to lose.
Mallet: Which makes him all the more
Buzz: No, no, no. We're making potato salad,
not mashed potatoes. ( Laughter )
Zach: When's the Potato Sack Race?
Rick: After we eat, buddy.
Mel: Oh, it's not going to rain. And then
we'll play all the games, like Horseshoes and Egg Toss.
Buzz: Egg Toss? No, no, no Egg Toss.
Alexandra: Oh, yes, you are, because you're
my partner. Oh, yes.
Zach: I want to go outside now.
Mel: No, honey, you can't go outside now.
What happened to the movie I put on for you?
Zach: It's over.
Mel: It is not over. Let's go check it out.
Danny: Hey.
Danny: I'm snapping away.
Danny: Uh-oh. That sounds serious.
Danny: What?
Danny: What?
Danny: Yeah? Well, what else is new?
Danny: I'm sorry. What? Is something wrong?
Danny: I don't believe you.
Rick: No, that's a half a teaspoon of salt.
Half a teaspoon of salt.
Alexandra: I need my reading glasses. (
Laughter )
Buzz: You know, you don't have to help. You
can sit down.
Alexandra: I want to help.
Rick: No.
Alexandra: Unless of course, you don't want
me too.
Rick: We want you to help.
Alexandra: Oh, you do.
Rick: We want you to help you. Everybody
loves having you, just like we're going to love watching you eating your potato
salad. ( Laughter )
Buzz: You're going to love that potato
Rick: Yeah.
Alexandra: All right.
Buzz: Oh, there's nothing like hard work to
scare away the bad stuff, you know. ( Laughter )
Rick: You've got a point there, Buzz.
Alan: Hello, everyone.
Buzz: I spoke too soon.
Alexandra: Alan, what are you doing here?
Alan: Well, Rick invited me.
Rick: Yeah, I did. But I never thought you'd
show up.
Alan: Well, Rick, I wasn't at first, but I
thought that you might need me. And who better to take Phillip’s place than me?
Nate: I'm sorry if I offended you by not
asking how your mom passed away.
Jonathan: She didn't pass away. She was
Reva: What?
Jonathan: That's right.
Reva: You said she drowned.
Jonathan: She did, but it doesn't make any
Nate: Death never does.
Reva: What happened? What did they tell you?
Nate: Nobody told me much of anything.
Reva: Well, then how do you know?
Jonathan: I just know.
Reva: Look, you're upset right now. Let me
make some phone calls and get some details.
Jonathan: I don't need the details. I know.
Nate: Maybe I should leave.
Reva: Okay. That's probably a good idea.
Jonathan: She was afraid of water.
Reva: Are you sure?
Jonathan: Yeah, she was my mom. We used to
joke about how she lived on an island and never go to the beach.
Reva: I didn't know.
Jonathan: Yeah, well, there was a lot of
things you didn't know.
Reva: Wait a minute. Jonathan, do you think
your father did this?
Alexandra: Alan, look. I don't really think
you should be here. Not this year.
Alan: Nonsense, Alexandra. Phillip loved
this holiday. It was one of his favorite. He loved the Bauer Barbecue. And I
know he would want us all to be together.
Buzz: Well, whatever Phillip wants.
Alan: By the way, Rick, I have a shuttle bus
outside, ready to take all the guests over to my house for the biggest
celebration ever.
Rick: A shuttle bus, Alan? There aren't that
many of us here.
Alan: We also have a very nice pool.
Alan: Well, the bus driver is on call all
day. So if anyone changes their mind...
Rick: Thanks, Alan. We appreciate the offer.
Alan: Listen, if there's anything you need, Rick,
I can call cook, have her prepare the stuff to make anything that you would
Alexandra: Come on, Alan, this is cook's day
Alan: Well, I'm sure she wouldn't mind.
Buzz: We have everything under control here.
Alan: You know, you work very hard, Buzz.
Maybe you should relax one day. Come on.
Buzz: That's funny. I was relaxed a few
minutes ago.
Alexandra: Alan, look, all the children are
in the living room, watching a video. Why don't you go in there and join them?
Alan: What? Are you trying to regulate me to
the kiddie room? Is that it?
Alexandra: ( Laughs )
Buzz: That's not a bad idea.
Frank: Hello, everybody.
Rick: Frank, you look like you could use a
Frank: Yeah, I really could, but I'm still
on duty, so...
Buzz: Frank, what's going on?
Frank: We picked up Gus in
Alan: Did you lock him up?
Frank: Yeah, he's locked up, Alan.
Buzz: Frank, what about Harley?
Frank: She's still out there, Pop.
Alan: Oh, of course she is.
Alexandra: Frank, how is he? How is Gus?
Frank: How do you think he's doing, Alexandra?
He's pretty down right now. But he wanted to see you.
Alan: Yeah, that would be just like him to
crawl back with his tail between his legs.
Frank: He didn't exactly crawl back, Alan.
As matter of fact, he didn't even ask for you. He wants to see you, Pop.
Jonathan: I don't want to believe that Alfred
did anything to her.
Reva: But you do.
Jonathan: I don't know. He used to use us
both as punching bags, but to actually kill her...
Reva: Yeah, well, I wouldn't put it past
him. I mean, I told you about this guy. He's a real piece of work.
Nate: Yeah, he sounds like it.
Reva: Well, who told you? Was it the police?
Jonathan: No, it was Jeffrey O’Neil.
Reva: Of course. Jeffrey has contacts down
Nate: That's the District Attorney?
Jonathan: Yeah, he's good friends with my
Aunt Cassie.
Reva: You know what? I'm going to call Josh
Nate: I said I'd help, too.
Reva: Yeah, I'd appreciate it.
Jonathan: You want to help?
Nate: Yeah, that's right.
Reva: Well, he's not answering his cell. I'm
going to try the hotel.
Jonathan: Reva, don’t.
Reva: Why?
Jonathan: You were right before. Maybe I'm
just jumping to conclusions...
Reva: No, honey, I never said you were
Nate: Reva, I'm with your son on this one. I
think you're in way over your head.
Buzz: Well, let's go.
Frank: You can't go, Pop. He's still being
Buzz: Frank, it's your own red tape. Cut it
Frank: I wish I could, but I can’t.
Buzz: How long?
Frank: A few hours.
Buzz: Hours? Frank... what did he say about Harley?
Is she safe? Is she scared?
Rick: If you have to wait, why don't you
just make the best out of it and just stay here with us?
Frank: Yeah, Dad, Rick’s right.
Zach: What's wrong, Grandpa?
Buzz: I'm just being my old loudmouth self.
Frank: Hey, Big Man.
Mel: Honey?
Rick: It's okay.
Zach: I'm hungry.
Zach: I want Mommy's Mac and Cheese.
Zach: Mommy would have.
Danny: Hey, Zach, what's going on? You
missing your mom? Yeah. Well, you know she loves you a lot, right? You're very
lucky, actually. Your mom is one of the bravest people I know.
Zach: And prettiest?
Danny: Yeah, and prettiest.
Zach: Robbie's mom is pretty too.
Danny: Yeah, she is. You guys are both very
Alan: Frank, I demand to know what Gus told
Frank: You demand?
Alan: Yes, as his father.
Alexandra: Oh, Alan.
Alan: Why should Buzz get preferential
treatment over me?
Buzz: Oh, come on!
Alexandra: Come on, Alan. Come over here.
You have got to let go of this.
Alan: I want you to tell me why everyone and
their sister always sides with the Coopers?
Alexandra: Alan, do you hear yourself?
Alan: Do you?
Alexandra: All right, you wanted Gus away
from Harley. He is. You wanted to get away with what you have done. You have.
But don't you dare hurt anyone else.
Alan: Don't make me hurt anyone else.
Mallet: Hold on. The key.
Harley: Alan was so quick to point the
finger. And all this time I thought it was revenge. It was guilt.
Mallet: Exactly. And desperate to shift the
blame to somebody else.
Harley: Oh, yeah. I mean, he pulls the
trigger, he kills Phillip, but I'm the one who has to be punished-- me and my
father and Olivia and Bill. All of us, because we were the ones who pushed Phillip
to the edge.
Mallet: And Alan, to pull the trigger.
Harley: Well, I mean that's how he sees it,
anyway. I'm scared.
Mallet: Why? Are you afraid he's going to go
after your family?
Harley: And Gus. I have to help them.
Mallet: You're free, Harley.
Harley: Well, I mean, you know, we have the
note, but I don't think that necessarily proves that he did anything.
Mallet: No, no. I mean, you're free to go
and run, do whatever it is you need to do.
Harley: No. I need you now more than ever.
Frank: Hey, baby.
Frank: Is that a little rain on your face
Frank: Boy troubles?
Frank: Well, maybe it's because you're
falling for the guy, and it makes us all kind of nuts.
Frank: Oh, I was worse. Trust me.
Frank: You testing him?
Frank: Well, I can't believe I'm going to
say this, but is that really fair to Danny?
Frank: I love you, so much.
Frank: You're my little girl. You know that.
Danny: Hey. Where's your dad? Did he take
Danny: Yeah?
Danny: Okay.
Robbie: Daddy! Daddy!
Danny: Robbie! What are you doing? You're
here. Hey. Oh, my gosh! Hi. I missed you so much.
Robbie: I missed you too, Daddy.
Danny: Hey! So where's your mom?
Reva: Excuse me, but you're not a parent.
Nate: Yeah, true.
Reva: That loser made my son's life
miserable, and he may have killed somebody.
Nate: Which would make him a really
dangerous guy.
Reva: I don't care. I'm going to find him,
and then he's going to pay.
Nate: I'm glad I'm not him.
Jonathan: Reva, I'm sorry about the mess,
but we're going to be heading out of here.
Reva: No, I want you to stay. I'm heading
over to the Bauer Barbecue, and I want you to come with me.
Jonathan: No, thanks.
Reva: No, I do. I'm not giving you a choice.
( Phone rings ) Excuse me. Oh, it's Josh. Hey, I can barely hear you. Let me
take this someplace else. Excuse me a minute. Yeah.
Nate: So, your mom died, huh?
Jonathan: Yeah. Anything you want to add to
Nate: Oh, it's hard to find the right words
on such a... tragic occasion.
Jonathan: All right. I'm leaving. Let's go.
Nate: Sorry, son, but now I'm in this house.
I'm not leaving till I get what I want.
Harley: I want Alan to hang for what he did.
Mallet: I'm with you.
Harley: You are?
Mallet: All the way. Absolutely. What do you
have in mind?
Harley: Alan's got to be feeling like the
walls are closing in on him. We're not sure what he'll do or who he'll hurt
next. This is not going to be easy.
Mallet: Has it ever stopped either one of us
Harley: Thank you.
Mallet: Don't thank me yet. We still have to
prove that Alan pulled the trigger. And you know what that means, right?
Harley: We go back to
Buzz: Oh, wow. See? What did I tell you?
There's a break in the clouds.
on "Guiding Light."
Alexandra: I don't think you have to worry
about Alan. I have him under control.
Dinah: Wow, go to the Bauer Barbecue?
Ross: Dinah, come on. It'll be good for you.
Olivia: I want to change her name to Lewis.
Emma Lewis.
Nate: What did you say?
Jonathan: Sorry.
Nate: Shame on you for thinking I could
murder my own wife.
Reva: What's going on?
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