GL Transcript Thursday 6/30/05

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 6/30/05


By Boo
Proofread by Laura

Coop: Excuse me, sir. You forgot your... have a good day. All right, I never thought that guy was going to leave. How many cups of coffee did he have, anyway?

Lizzie: Six. And we really do need to start cutting our refills down to two. They're kind of cutting into our profit margin.

Coop: Forget that. Come here for a second. I hate the fact that we have to wait until everyone else is gone before we can even wink at each other.

Lizzie: I understand that, but we're not going to have to hide much longer. We've just got to wait for my Granddad to cool down.

Coop: I'm not worried about Alan, okay?

Lizzie: Well, you should be. I mean, I love him to death, but he's got this look lately that just really scares me. Listen, okay, we don't need to cross him right now.

Coop: Cross him? By doing what? This?

Lizzie: ( Laughs )

Coop: Mm.

Ross: Hello.

Lizzie: Coop, go bus the tables. I swear you have the attention span of a gnat.

Coop: Shouldn't you be at the mall right now bossing around some shoe salesperson? I swear, TGIF to her means "Thank God It Fits."

Lizzie: He is such a loser.

Ross: Well, obviously I can't keep up with anything because I thought for sure that you two were an item.

Lizzie: I don't think so.

Coop: No. No way.

Lizzie: There's no way I could date him.

Alexandra: Alan, where are you? Look, I know you're upset with me, but please, please call me as soon as you can. I don't want you to go off the deep end like Phillip did and do something we'll all be very, very sorry for. I'm worried about you.

Alan: I shot my boy.  I knew that he... ( Gunshots )

Alexandra: Where was he? ( Gunshots )  You killed your own son!

Alan: He laughed in my face.  You figured it out, did you, Sebastian?

Sebastian: Phillip, you murdered your own son.

Gus: Hey.

Nurse: Hey. Come with me. I'll find you a doctor.

Gus: No, no. The only doctor I need to see is the doctor that I got killed, Dr. Wallace, in that hit and run. I don't know if you remember, but my wife and I were the witnesses to that, and I was just wondering...

Nurse: If he left a message or anything else personal behind?

Gus: Yeah. How did you know I was going to ask that?

Nurse: His brother just asked, but there's nothing.

Gus: His brother? Is his brother still around? Well, it's true what they say. New York’s got one of everything. You want to tell me what you're doing here?

Mallet: You looking for this? That's what I love about old Times Square hotels. They lock from the inside.

Harley: Mallet.

Mallet: Hmm?

Harley: Give me the key, okay? I have to go out and find Gus. He could be in trouble.

Mallet: We're sticking to the plan, Cooper.

Harley: But what if something went wrong? Why haven't we heard from him? We can't just leave him out there all alone.

Mallet: You here, Gus there.

Harley: Okay.

Mallet: Okay.

Harley: Great. Smart.

Mallet: Thank you. Good night.

Harley: Give it.

Mallet: You are being very grabby. You know, some people might call that sexual harassment.

Harley: Give me the key.

Mallet: Nope. I have to protect you and Gus. ( Groans )

Harley: You're not interested in protecting Gus. You want to replace him.

Ross: Hello, Alex.

Alexandra: Oh, hello, Ross.

Ross: Are you here for the fireworks?

Alexandra: Oh, well, that's just an act, you know.

Ross: Yeah, I figured as much. So the Spauldings and the Coopers, the Montagues and the Capulets, kept apart in spite of their overwhelming love for each other.

Alexandra: ( Laughs ) well, then, you know what happened to Romeo and Juliet.

Ross: You're being a little melodramatic, aren't you?

Alexandra: This Coop-Lizzie situation is... well, it's just the kind of thing that can throw... send Alan right over the edge, huh?

Ross: I think Alan has been teetering on the edge ever since Phillip died.

Alexandra: Well, don't worry about it, Ross. I'm handling everything.

Coop: Lizzie, I can't do this anymore, okay?

Lizzie: I thought you said you didn't worry about my Granddad.

Coop: This is not working, all right? For me or for you.

Lizzie: Are you dumping me?

Coop: No, I'm not dumping you. I'm just saying that I'm tired of hiding this, I'm tired of keeping secrets. All right? You may be a spoiled little rich brat, but you're my spoiled little rich brat, and I'm not going to let anybody-- anybody-- come between us. All right? Unless, well, you want to get rid of me?

Lizzie: Oh, stop it. Don't even say that. Like, what do you mean, you can't do this anymore if...

Coop: Because we can't do anything here at Company, all right? I'm tired of trying to sneak into the supply room just to get a kiss or touch your hand over by the trash can. All right, that's not a relationship.

Lizzie: I understand that, but that's just how it's going to have to be for a little while. My Granddad doesn’t...

Coop: I don't care about your Granddad, okay? I don't care about Alan. Like I told Alex, all right, I'm serious here. Are you?

Lizzie: Yeah.

Coop: Then come away with me.

Alan: What do you want?

Waiter: Room service. I have your meal, sir.

Alan: Come in, come in. No one followed you off the elevator, did they? I mean, it's very important.

Waiter: No, no.

Alan: And no one knows about this room, right?

Waiter: No one, sir.

Alan: Good. Look, I'm sorry I'm a little jumpy. It's just... I'm kind of stressed and tired. And I'm also wondering why you're not asking me the obvious question: "Mr. Spaulding, what are you doing here instead of that big house you have, huh?"

Ross: Yeah, Mr. Spaulding. Why aren't you in that great big house of yours?

Alan: Ross, what are you doing here?

Ross: I have an apartment and an office here. How about you?

Alan: Well, I just... I just needed a little time away from the family and a little time on my own. Here you go. Here, just take it.

Waiter: Wow.

Alan: Thank you.

Waiter: Thank you.

Ross: Does Alexandra know that you're here?

Alan: Why does she have to know I'm here, Ross? I'm not a three-year-old. I can go anywhere, do anything I please.

Ross: Alan, are you okay?

Alan: I'm just tired, that's all. And I'm very hungry. Would you like to join me?

Ross: No, no. I got some takeout because I wanted to do some work while I eat.

Alan: Do you smell that?

Ross: Smell what?

Alan: It’s... it smells like almonds. Cyanide smells like almonds.

Sebastian: What the hell are you doing here, Gus? I thought you were...

Gus: What?

Sebastian: Hiding out with Harley. Where is your lady love?

Gus: I will be asking the questions here. You understand?

Sebastian: Okay. You know, take it easy. I'll answer.

Gus: What are you doing here? What are you doing here in New York City?

Sebastian: What am I doing here? Your father sent me to find you, Gus. He misses you.

Gus: He misses me?

Sebastian: Mm-hmm.

Gus: I think you'll have to do a little better than that.

Sebastian: Can't do much better than the truth.

Gus: What are you doing here, posing as Dr. Wallace's brother?

Sebastian: ( Sighs ) It's the only lead we had, okay? Alan caught wind of the hit and run, there was a description of the witnesses, he thought it was you and Harley, and you know, Alan...

Gus: Oh, so Alan figured it all out from the description? A blonde girl and a guy with dark hair? Like that doesn't fit a million descriptions of people that live in New York City?

Sebastian: Well, maybe, but there aren't a million doctors that worked at Cedars the night Phillip died.

Gus: You're telling me that Dr. Wallace worked at Cedars that night?

Sebastian: Yeah. And Alan thought that maybe you and Harley were on to something, and he thought that if I found Wallace, then I'd find you, and... ( Laughs ) ...he was right.

Gus: Oh. Well, you found me. So now what?

Sebastian: Alan wants to hire a team of attorneys, the best money can buy. He wants you to come home, Gus, and you're not going to serve a year.

Gus: I'm not interested. I'm not interested.

Sebastian: It's a good offer, Gus. Come on. Your father loves you.

Gus: Let me tell you something: I don't care about my father. Do you understand? So the only way I'm going anywhere is if you take me, and I highly suggest against it.

Harley: There was a good half hour there where you let me believe that Gus was dead.

Mallet: It was the only way I could get you to leave with me.

Harley: No, no, no, because even after we left the TV station and we came back here, you still let me believe the worst.

Mallet: I tried to tell you, but you're doing exactly now what you did then-- actually, what you've done since the day one I met you. You just keep talking and talking like you know everything and to hell with what anybody else has to say.

Harley: "A," that's not true, and "B," all you had to say was three words, three little tiny words: Gus is alive. Not even big words. But did you do that? No. Instead you chose to reach into my soul and rip my heart out. You gutted me like a fish!

Mallet: See? See? You're doing it again. You just keep talking, you don't let me explain. That was one of the problems when we were married.

Harley: What?

Mallet: What?

Harley: So now you're blaming our marital problems on me? Oh, I'm sorry, that's right. It was all my talking that made you go to bed with Slutty Jones.

Mallet: Her name was Kingsley. Slutty Kingsley. ( Laughs ) What?

Harley: Are you making a joke?

Mallet: No. Look, I've made mistakes, okay? I'm sorry.

Harley: No, no, no, no, no. Staking out your partner in a cruiser while lying to your wife, that's not a mistake.

Mallet: I blew it. Okay? And I'm sorry. And I've proven it by putting my life on the line, helping you escape from prison. Oh, and by the way, I think I had something to do with the fact that you're still breathing?

Harley: Which is the other thing. Why are you here? Why am I conveniently locked in a hotel room with you, while Gus is the one who's out there risking his life?

Mallet: Because somebody had to draw the short straw and I guess it was me. Do you think I came up with all this just so I could be alone with you? I've got news for you, honey, okay? You're not the only one that's moved on. I'm completely over you.

Harley: Really?

Mallet: Yeah, that's right. I look at you and I see the past. Nothing else. So stop flattering yourself, okay? I don't want you anymore.

Harley: Good.

Alan: Does it smell like almonds or not?

Ross: I'm not sure almonds even have a smell.

Alan: Yes, but cyanide does, Ross.

Ross: This is taking me back to my youth, when dear old Mom used to cook up that cyanide casserole.

Alan: Look, maybe it's the cold medication they gave me. I can't smell very well. It... the salmon looks pretty good, though, doesn't it? Why don’t... why don't you try it?

Ross: You mean I should try it first, see if I live? Alan, who would try to poison you?

Alan: Who wouldn't? I'm Alan Spaulding.

Ross: I mean, do you know that somebody is out to get you?

Alan: No.

Ross: Alan.

Alan: I mean, I just read this article about this woman who poisoned her husband with cyanide. I just read it recently, and I guess that's on my mind. You know how that goes, Ross.

Ross: No, I'm not sure that I do.

Alan: You know, I think it would be best if I was left alone.

Ross: I think it would be best if you came upstairs and had dinner with us, where there's no cyanide and I won't let Blake cook.

Alan: Well, I appreciate that offer, but I'm very tired and also thinking about the loss of my sons. And I think it'd be best if I were alone.

Ross: Sons?

Alan: Son. Phillip. So, please, if you don't mind.

Ross: Alan? You call me if you need anything.

Alan: What I need, Ross, you can't give me.

Sebastian: I didn't come here to fight with you, okay? I'm just your father's emissary.

Gus: Right. Right, because my father's so worried about me.

Sebastian: Mm-hmm. The man wants his son back. Is that so hard to believe?

Gus: The man wants Harley. That's what he's after, okay, and he ain’t ever going to find her. So I've got a message for my father and I think you know what it is, and the same goes for you. ( Cell phone rings )

Sebastian: Excuse me. Alan. I have great news. I found your son.

Alan: Is Gus...?

Sebastian: He's alive and well in New York City.

Alan: ( Relieved sigh )

Sebastian: Alan? You still there? Hello?

Alan: I'm here. You're sure he's fine.

Sebastian: I would stake your fortune on it.

Alan: Where is he?

Sebastian: Damned if I know, Alan. I had him and then all of a sudden he was gone, just like that. I don't know. I suspect maybe he's hooked up with Harley and Mallet. I told you not to trust that guy.

Alan: I want you to find them, find all of them. And when you do...

Sebastian: I will, and you'll be the first to know, Alan, old boy. I'll talk to you later.

Gus: Why didn't you tell him where I was?

Sebastian: Because you and I want the same thing, Gus.

Gus: Oh, really?

Sebastian: You want to lose Alan and I want you to get lost.

Gus: Really?

Sebastian: Yeah.

Gus: And why is that?

Sebastian: Because with you out of the picture, I get to become the son that Alan doesn't have anymore. The one that he relies on.

Gus: ( Laughs ) So you want to be Alan’s son?

Sebastian: Yeah. I hunger for a father; Alan wants a son.

Gus: Right.

Sebastian: And you know what? Truth be told, I'm getting kind of attached to the old man.

Gus: I don't really think you know what you're getting yourself into, but you want to be a Spaulding, that's great, because... but I'll warn you; it's hazardous to your health.

Sebastian: I have a killer immune system.

Gus: Do you?

Sebastian: Mm-hmm.

Gus: You know your explanation, it's a little too simple for me.

Sebastian: It's because it is simple, Gus. You go your way, I go mine. We both get what we want.

Gus: And I highly suggest you don't try following me to get to Harley.

Sebastian: I am not going to follow you, Gus. I promise. I'm not going to follow you for at least 30 more seconds. Yes.

Gus: You don't think I trusted you, did you?

Sebastian: What did you...?

Gus: Did you? Huh? How about a little nighty-night juice?

Lizzie: Coop? Oh, he's so annoying.

Alexandra: Of course he is, dear.

Lizzie: No, Aunt Alex, I mean it. He really is.

Alexandra: Yes, yes. And you, you're an absolutely wonderful little actress. But, then, I know better, don't I?

Lizzie: Aunt Alex, I think it's safer for you if Granddad thinks you're on his side.

Alexandra: I am on his side. And you are playing with fire.

Lizzie: I know.

Alexandra: No. I've tried to help you both out, but, you know, this time its different, my dear. I cannot control your grandfather like I used to, okay? Now, if he finds out that you and Coop are still seeing...

Lizzie: He won't find out. We're careful.

Alexandra: One little slip, Lizzie. I mean it. Anyway, darling, you don't have to worry because your grandfather loves you so very, very much. But honey...

Lizzie: You're right. I know what I have to do. I'll be right back. Excuse me. So do you still want me to come away with you?

Coop: ( Clears throat ) Well, I'm not talking about eloping, here. I'm just thinking that there's a music festival going on this weekend up in Cleveland, so I thought we might be able to take a drive and maybe stay overnight.

Lizzie: Wait, you mean like stay in a hotel together?

Coop: No, I'm thinking more along the lines of a sleeping bag and, if the festival grounds allow it, maybe camping out there, and... well, come on. Does that sound good?

Lizzie: Yeah. It sounds really good. But how does that whole sleeping bag thing work? Like, do you need to bring a mattress, or...

Coop: No. Let me take care of the arrangements, okay? What I need for you to do is I need for you to find somebody, preferably Alex, to cover for you. That's all.

Lizzie: Yeah, she's out. We're definitely going to need somebody with innovative thinking and nerves of steel and somebody who doesn't mind stretching the truth a little.

Coop: Okay, so who do you have in mind?

Lizzie: You're looking at her.

Harley: So you're really over me?

Mallet: Yep. You bet I am.

Harley: You're not just saying that because you think that's what I want to hear?

Mallet: Would you like it better if I said "I can't live without you"?

Harley: Of course not. Well, maybe.

Mallet: So you want me to suffer and live brokenhearted for the rest of my life while you and Gus live happily ever after?

Harley: Yes.

Mallet: Well, that's real nice. I just want you to be happy and you just want me to suffer.

Harley: Well, you wanted to hear the truth.

Mallet: Well, I didn't say that.

Harley: You are so not over me.

Mallet: What makes you so sure of that?

Harley: Because you're here. And because I'm un-get-over-able.

Mallet: ( Laughs ) Un-get-over-able? Really?

Harley: Yes. And what we had was... thanks.

Mallet: For what?

Harley: For showing up to protect me and for risking your life for me. For wanting me to be happy. For everything. ( Knock on door )

Mallet: Who is it?

Gus: Dead man walking.

Harley: Gus. Gus.

Harley: Why was Alan so obsessed with taking me down in the first place? What is he afraid of?

Mallet: So you're saying Sebastian has information that could blow this case apart.

Gus: I'm saying that Sebastian said that Dr. Wallace was working at cedars the night that Phillip was admitted.

Mallet: That's all I need to know.

Lizzie: I've got it. You tell buzz and everybody else that you're going out of town for the concert, and then I'll just pretend that I'm all bummed because you left me high and dry and then we can meet at that fishing shack on the beach.

Coop: Crescent Cove.

Lizzie: Yeah. I guess I'll just tell everybody that I'm going out of town to meet with some suppliers or, I don't know, maybe stay at a friend's house. My Granddad will go for that. That should give us a day, day and night maybe. What? You still want me to be with you, right?

Coop: Yes. Yes, of course I do. Come here. Of course I do. I want you to be there like crazy, but you know how I hate keeping secrets. I feel like we're in high school. I'm not scared of Alan, okay? I can deal with him.

Lizzie: No. No one can deal with him, okay? Please. Just let's keep this trip between us, please?

Coop: Okay. All right, fine. Not a problem. But there is going to be one little problem.

Lizzie: What?

Coop: Once I take you away, I'm not so sure I'm going to want to bring you back.

Harley: Don't ever do that to me again. I don't know what you were thinking.

Gus: I won't, baby. I promise.

Harley: Why didn't you tell me something?

Gus: Because it was a time- sensitive issue.

Harley: Oh, please. You could have told me something.

Gus: It was. No, I wanted to make sure that you didn't get arrested.

Harley: Anything.

Gus: This was the only way to make sure that you didn't get arrested.

Harley: Gus, I thought I lost you.

Gus: I know. I'm sorry.

Harley: No, no, no. You don't understand. I thought I lost you.

Gus: I understand. Wait a second. Mallet? I want to thank you.

Mallet: I didn't do it for you, but you're welcome.

Gus: Well, I understand that, but I want to thank you anyway.

Harley: Well, this has turned into an interesting little partnership. You never did tell us how you came up with this little plan, though.

Mallet: I explained it to you.

Harley: Not really.

Mallet: You barely gave me a chance to speak. Does she ever do that to you?

Gus: Oh, yeah. No. I mean, what are you talking about?

Harley: Oh, please. Don't do this now.

Mallet: Right. Anyway, I knew Alan had an angle the minute he came to see me in prison. He wanted you to disappear, Harley, and he wanted you to go with me this time. He told me you were in New York, you told me where you were on the phone, and when I got to the studio, I saw Alan had a gun. Keep it down.  Alan isn't here to help you. He's here to find Harley and send her back, or even worse, I think he might be gunning for you. So if Alan doesn't find Harley, the cops will, so we've got to do something.

Gus: Why am I going to go trusting you?

Mallet: You want to go through this again? Do you have a choice?

Gus: Come with me. The prop cage is over here.

Harley: So, the gunshot?

Mallet: Blanks.

Harley: Blanks.

Gus: Blanks.

Harley: And all that blood?

Gus: Well, it's a television studio. It's not that hard to find fake blood.

Harley: So, none of it was real. None of it, of course, except the pain that I felt...

Gus: We wouldn't have done it this way if...

Harley: ...All by myself, thinking that you were lying there.

Gus: We were out of time. It was just a time issue. You have to understand.

Harley: It's fine. I forgave him. I guess I can forgive you.

Gus: Thank you. I mean, if there was another way. We thought it was the...

Harley: I know you did it for me. I know that you did. I get that. What I don't get is Alan.

Mallet: Alan? I figured he heard the gunshots, saw the cops, took off.

Harley: No, that's not it. I'm saying, why was Alan so obsessed with taking me down in the first place? What is he afraid of?

Sebastian: Someone, help me! Please! ( Pounding on door ) open up! Help. Help. Yo! Whoa. Whoa. Yikes. Nurse, nurse. I need to... the witness. The man who witnessed my brother's accident. I need to find him now. Do you know where he went? Listen to me, okay? This is very important. I need to find him. Did he say to somebody... oh, boy, somebody must have seen where he went. Did he say where he... did he tell you where he was staying? Did he mention a hotel? Something? Please. You have to help me. Whoa. Whoa. Where...? Where is it?

Nurse: Okay, Mr. Wallace?

Sebastian: Where is it?

Nurse: I think you need to lie down.

Sebastian: I... oh, boy.

Nurse: Orderly!

Gus: It's my fault. It's my fault why Alan’s after you.

Harley: Why?

Gus: Because he really worked on me to try to get me to get you out of my life. But when I didn't do that, when I chose you over Spaulding Enterprises, I think he flipped. I think he just snapped.

Mallet: It probably didn't help when I turned him down.

Gus: And the way that he thinks is he sees her as the final wall between him and myself, and if he gets rid of her, then maybe, just maybe, the prodigal son will return to Spaulding Enterprises. I think this is the way he looks at it.

Harley: No.

Gus: What do you mean, no?

Harley: I mean, yes. Yeah, he wants you back and he definitely wants me in prison, but why not just let the police handle it?

Gus: After all this time? He's impatient.

Harley: And since when does Alan Spaulding get his hands dirty?

Gus: Right.

Harley: No. No, no, no. Think about it. The way he came after me, he was obsessed. It was like he couldn't take a chance that I'd go free.

Gus: That's it, then. It's Sebastian.

Mallet: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Who's Sebastian?

Harley: When you hear the name Roger Thorpe, what do you think of?

Mallet: Famine, disease, war, pestilence?

Harley: Pretty much. Well, Sebastian is his son, a chip off the old block. What does Sebastian have to do with any of this?

Gus: I'm sorry I didn't tell you this, but I was trying to protect you. Guess who was posing as Dr. Wallace's brother at the hospital, snooping around the hospital?

Mallet: Did he see you?

Gus: Oh, yeah. I made sure he saw me. I made sure he saw me, but then he did this little song and dance, but I know why he was there. He was there because he was going after her.

Mallet: Well, where is Sebastian now?

Gus: He's sleeping like a little baby. I gave him a sedative.

Harley: Nice move. So Dr. Wallace was the key to Phillip’s murder.

Mallet: So you're saying Sebastian has information that can blow this case apart.

Gus: I'm saying that Sebastian said that dr. Wallace was working at cedars the night that Phillip was admitted.

Mallet: That's all I need to know.

Harley: Where are you going?

Mallet: To the hospital to grill our buddy Sebastian.

Harley: You don't even know what Sebastian looks like.

Gus: I'm going to show him where... ow. Man.

Harley: What happened? Are you hurt?

Gus: I sprained my...

Harley: Why didn't you say something? Sit down.

Gus: I'm fine. I sprained it, I think.

Harley: Sprained it? Your leg could be broken. You don't even know.

Gus: My leg is not broken. It's not broken.

Mallet: Why don't you call downstairs and get him some ice?

Gus: I don't need ice. What I need to do is question Sebastian.

Harley: No, no, no, no. If we need answers, I'll get them. You stay and rest.

Gus: I don't need rest and I don't need you protecting me, thank you very much.

Harley: I'm not protecting you, you big jerk. Look at you. You're a liability.

Gus: I'M...

Alexandra: Well, what did you say to him, huh? Did you take care of things?

Lizzie: You mean, did I break up with him?

Alexandra: Alan.

Alan: Alexandra.

Alexandra: Alan, where have you been?

Alan: I've been around.

Alexandra: Around?

Alan: Mm-hmm.

Alexandra: Actually, you see, I was worried about you.

Alan: Well, there's nothing to worry about. I'm just fine.

Alexandra: Oh, goody good. Well, it does seem like our little Lizzie has seen the light.

Alan: What light?

Alexandra: This little relationship with Henry Cooper Bradshaw seems to be over. You know how it is with the young, you know? He loves me, he loves me not.

Alan: Well, this is very good news. Elizabeth? Aren't you going to give your Granddad a hug, huh?

Lizzie: Sure.

Alan: Come on. My, my, my. You look wonderful, darling.

Lizzie: Thank you.

Alan: You know, you have that glow about you. If I didn't know differently, I would say you were in love.

Lizzie: ( Laughs ) Don't be silly. Are you hungry?

Alan: Oh, I'm famished. As a matter of fact, I'm in the mood for a Buzz burger with extra cheese.

Lizzie: Great. Coop, I need to get a Buzz burger, extra cheese, side of fries. Now. I'm serious. Tell the cook to hurry.

Coop: Okay. All right.

Lizzie: Absolutely hopeless.

Alexandra: ( Laughs ) What did I tell you?

Alan: Well, this is good news, and I'm happy to see that everything is getting back to normal. Now, if you ladies will excuse me, I need to make a phone call. Sebastian, it's me. I want you to do another job very similar to the one you just finished in New York. It may require you to take a little trip. There's a young man that needs to learn a very serious lesson.

Alexandra: Are you really insane?

Alan: Give me my phone back and go back inside.

Alexandra: I'm not going anywhere, Alan.

Alan: You don't even know what I was talking about.

Alexandra: Oh, yes, I do know exactly what you were doing. You were arranging to have Coop hurt, and not only that, possibly your own granddaughter as well, and I'm not going to allow it.

Alan: Oh. You're not going to allow it?

Alexandra: I knew this day would come. And you know what I did? I bought myself an insurance policy, Alan. I made a tape. A confession. So if anything happens to me or to anyone I love, that tape is going to be released and you will spend the rest of your days in prison.

Alan: You know I would never hurt Elizabeth.

Alexandra: The way you've been acting lately, I wouldn't put anything past you.

Alan: I always put my family first, Alexandra.

Alexandra: Really? Like Phillip was first?

Alan: Phillip pushed me to my limit.

Alexandra: And you know, once a man has blood on his hands, it's hard to tell what he's going to do next, isn't it?

Alan: Yes. It's a funny thing about spilled blood, Alexandra. It gets easier every time.

Alexandra: Oh, my. Are you threatening me, Alan?

Alan: You just threatened me, Alexandra. You have the bloody gloves. You have all the evidence. You could turn me in. You love having this power over me, don't you?

Alexandra: I don't love any of this, Alan. I wish the whole thing would just go away.

Alan: Then why don't you give me the gloves? Let me destroy them. Then we'll both be safe.

Alexandra: Safe for you, but fatal for me? And Coop and Lord knows how many other people? Alan, no, I'm really sorry, but until I know you have both feet on the ground, I'm calling the shots.

Alan: If you betray me, you will regret it.

Alexandra: But I haven't, have I? I swore I wouldn't, and I haven’t. But if anything-- anything-- happens to anyone else, like I said, Alan, if there should happen to be an accident of some sort...

Alan: An accident?

Alexandra: An accident, maybe involving me, huh, Coop, or anybody else I love, that tape is going to be released and you will find yourself smoking that last illegal Havana in the electric chair. Now, do we understand each other?

Lizzie: No matter what my Granddad says, just keep thinking about the fishing shack at the beach. Okay?

Coop: I can't get that off of my mind. Are you kidding?

Lizzie: ( Laughs ) Good. If you drop that, it's coming out of your paycheck, Coop. I'm serious.

Coop: Look, don't you have a dog to feed right about now? Here's your burger. I certainly hope you're hungry.

Alan: Ravenous.

Gus: I'm fine. Look at my leg. Look, I can move it. I'm fine.

Harley: You're staying here.

Gus: Could I do this if it was broken? I'm going to go...

Harley: Oh, my God.

Gus: I'm going to question Sebastian. Just let me do it.

Harley: I think I can question Sebastian, okay? What, are you doubting my abilities?

Gus: Oh, my God. Oh, my God!

Mallet: All right, all right, all right! Break! Break! Stop. You are both liabilities and you're both staying here. I'm going to go to the hospital, okay? I'm the only one that doesn't have a face on a wanted poster, okay? You stay here with Gus. I'm going to go investigate.

Harley: What are you doing?

Mallet: What?

Harley: You couldn't pick Sebastian out of a lineup.

Mallet: I know he's posing as Wallace’s brother, and I have a name. And where did you put him, Gus?

Gus: Oh, listen to you. I'm going to go.

Harley: No, no, no, no.

Mallet: Let me just go and question him.

Harley: I am serious. You fell off a 150-foot ladder. You're lying down.

Gus: See, now you're exaggerating.

Harley: Where did you put him?

Gus: He's in the laundry room by his room.

Mallet: Okay, that shouldn't be hard to find.

Gus: By the room in the hospital.

Mallet: Great. Thank you. Now, I'll be back as soon as I can. Please don't leave this room.

Harley: Be careful.

Mallet: I always am.

Harley: Okay.

Gus: "Be careful," "I always am"?

Harley: You need to rest. You need to get some sleep, okay?

Gus: I'm fine. I'm fine.

Harley: How are you feeling? Don't sugarcoat it.

Gus: I'm fine. I feel like I was shot in the head and dead, but I came back.

Harley: Well, that's good. That's good. At least it was a round trip. You should get some sleep, okay?

Gus: We were so close. I mean, at this point, it's been going on for so long, but we're close.

Harley: I know. I'm right here, I'm right here. Okay?

Gus: We're close.

Harley: You just need to close your eyes and sleep, okay?

Sebastian: ( Snoring )

Harley: We are so close. We are so close to solving this thing. Which is why I know you'll understand that I can't just sit here and do nothing.

Next, on "Guiding Light"...

Cassie: Now I'm with a man who looks exactly like my dead husband.

Jeffrey: I'm the realest person you'll ever know, Mrs. Winslow.

Edmund: Dinah!

Jonathan: Hey, Eddie, just give us a second to put our clothes on.

Gus: You've got a bull's eye on your back.

Mallet: Where are you?

Harley: Do you want to hear the bad news? I want to enjoy my freedom. ( Gunshot )

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