GL Transcript Wednesday 6/29/05

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 6/29/05


By Boo
Proofread by

Reva: I know, Jeffrey. I know. But Jonathan’s adoptive father is still out there. I don't care what it takes. I have to find him. That... that sick bastard beat the hell out of my kid for so many years. Okay, just call me if you find out anything, okay? Thanks. I will find him.

Josh: Hello? Reva, darling?

Reva: Joshua.

Josh: Hey.

Reva: Oh, my God. Oh, I'm so glad you're back. I am so, so glad you're back.

Jonathan: Hey, Dinah-mite, open up.

Dinah: What about calling first?

Jonathan: Wouldn't have felt as good over the phone, huh?

Dinah: What's going on?

Josh: Well, the truth came to me. Opened up these baby bird eyes of mine.

Dinah: What kind of truth would that be?

Jonathan: All kinds. My mom is a bitch, family sucks, and the only thing that matters is what makes you feel good in the moment. So, speaking of feeling good, are we done talking?

Dinah: Well, if you are, I am.

Jonathan: I am.

Dinah: Okay. The only problem, my love, is, I don't have much time to play today. I'm going to be busy. I'm going to be extremely busy.

Jonathan: Busy making everyone believe you're pregnant so Edmund can get the job done? Why don't you just practice on me?

Dinah: No. I'm sorry, not today. No.

Jonathan: I keep your secret a secret so I can have all the mindless sex I want, right?

Dinah: Well, sure. I mean, I guess everybody deserves to get what they need once in a while. Sure.

Jonathan: Yeah, even me and you. I'm going to go in the shower and wash off this lousy week, okay? And I'm going to come out and work my magic. Don't you let me down, D.

Dinah: What are friends for?

Danny: Good. Nobody's here. Apron off.

Marina: Hey.

Danny: You served your last lunch for the day.

Marina: I've been trying to get a hold of you.

Danny: Well, I've been busy. Come on. I'm serious. Your shift's over. It's your turn to be waited on. I am going to make you lunch.

Marina: What?

Danny: Yeah. You heard me.

Marina: You can't be serious.

Danny: Hey, do these peppers look serious? Wait until you taste the Santos' special Cuban pizza.

Marina: Cuban pizza.

Danny: Yeah.

Marina: Oh, I didn't even know they made pizza in Cuba.

Danny: Well, you have a lot to learn, don't you? You're going to love it.

Josh: I guess I should go out of town a little more often, huh?

Reva: No, no. No, really you can’t. You can't, because you don't know what it's been like since you've left.

Josh: Have you been lonely or...

Reva: No, busy, busy. I have so much I have to tell you.

Josh: Well, actually I have something I have to tell you, too.

Olivia: Josh?

Josh: Just a second.

Reva: Is that Olivia?

Josh: Yeah. Bill and Olivia have to sort of fly under Alan’s radar until Emma’s adoption hearing, so here they are.

Bill: Surprise. No, I'm fine.

Josh: Hey, take this. Let me give you a hand. Come on.

Bill: I'm fine. No, no, no.

Reva: Bill, what happened to you?

Bill: Well, you ever have a roof fall on your head?

Reva: Not yet.

Bill: Yeah, well, then I'd skip it.

Olivia: Honey, you need to sit down and relax, okay?

Bill: Listen, there's no time to relax. We've got to sign those adoption papers today. I am adopting this little girl right here, right?

Olivia: She's going to have... she's going to have a father that's going to love and support and protect her, and help her see the world with open eyes and hearts.

Reva: Excuse me.

Josh: Excuse me. What's going on?

Reva: I screwed up, and there's no going back again-- not for us, not for me.

Josh: What are you talking about?

Reva: My son's life. Jonathan's paying for my mistakes. I screwed up my own son's life.

Josh: Reva, don't say that.

Reva: And yours. And yours. I just may have screwed up your life, too, Joshua.

Josh: What's got you so upset, Reva?

Reva: I just had a really bad day with Jonathan. Let's just go back inside.

Bill: You know, maybe us being here is not such a great idea.

Reva: No, no.

Olivia: Listen, I'm sorry. I'm going on about adoption and fathers and protecting children. It must have made you think about Jonathan. Reva, I didn't know. I thought he was safe with my sister and my husband. If I had any idea...

Reva: I don't blame you, Olivia, for Jonathan’s situation. You tried.

Olivia: We both did. I feel terrible about how he grew up. That's why I cut him so much slack. It's just pure old-fashioned guilt.

Reva: I need some air.

Josh: Reva, it's pretty obvious that something happened while I was away. What was it?

Reva: Alfred. Jonathan's father.

Josh: What about him?

Reva: He's not missing. The creep is still out there, Joshua.

Jonathan: Okay, beautiful. Look who's all scrubbed and cleaned and ready for you.

Dinah: Oh, well, I'm ready for you too. Let's have a seat. I have a little trick I want to show you. I could not possibly have you running around looking like a refugee. It's free hair cut night at Sister Helen's Cosmetology School.

Jonathan: ( Laughs )

Dinah: Now, if you wanted some attention, why don't you go cut off all your hair? Hmm? ( Laughs )

Jonathan: Well, I was thinking about wearing one of these things to make me look pregnant. But... oh, watch it.

Dinah: Oh, I'm sorry.

Jonathan: But I didn't think it would work for me.

Dinah: Mm-hmm. Well, you know what? I wasn't so sure it was going to work for me either.

Jonathan: Let me ask you something.

Dinah: Yes?

Jonathan: Uncle Eddie worth all this?

Dinah: Well, to me he is, yeah. I mean, he's a guy who's not going to judge me. And he's going to fight as hard as I am for things that he wants. And you know what? I think he'd risk anything for the woman he loves. The truth is, I want a family, Jonathan. I think I deserve it.

Jonathan: Well, don't take this the wrong way, D, but that's a crock. And you know it, too.

Josh: Do you think that Jonathan knew that Alfred was still alive?

Reva: No, no. He couldn't, because I saw the look on his face when I took him down to their old house. He was angry and frustrated that he wasn't going to have the opportunity to confront the man.

Josh: Maybe now he will.

Reva: I don't know. I hope so, because Jonathan is never going to change until he's able to deal with what that man did to him. That's why I have to find Alfred. I do. It may be the only way I can help my son.

Josh: Okay. If you feel that way, then I'll hop on the next plane down to San Cristobal. I'll ask some questions...

Reva: No. No. No, no, no. No, you can’t... you can't go anywhere. You can't go to San Cristobal and leave me alone here. Not now.

Danny: No, no.

Marina: Oh, no.

Danny: Ah, ah, ah. Hot, hot. Hot. Ah, ah, ah. No. Oh, no. ( Marina and Danny sigh ) So much for the Santos special. How about a burger?

Marina: ( Laughs ) One burnt Cuban pizza, and bye- bye romantic dinner.

Danny: Oh, no, no, don't say that. And it was lunch.

Marina: ( Laughs ) No. You know what? You stay here and clean up. I will head to the kitchen and find us something...

Danny: Oh, yeah, right.

Marina: ...A little less memorable.

Danny: Pretend like that wasn't your fault.

Marina: Me?

Danny: Yes, you're very distracting. Next time we're going to do this at my place.

Marina: Oh, really?

Danny: Mm-hmm.

Marina: You don't think I can be just as distracting at your place?

Danny: Oh, no, I'm sure you can. But it's just where I want you to be, in my home and in my life. And in my... ( Cell phone rings )

Marina: I can't wait to hear how that sentence ends.

Danny: Really? What were you thinking? I have a couple possibilities.

Marina: Oh, yeah?

Danny: Mm-hmm.

Marina: Go. Answer your phone.

Danny: Hello? Michelle, Hi. Hey. How's it going? What? No, I can hear you fine. Yeah, really. I can. It's like you're right here in the room.

Bill: Listen. I love all the attention, but stop. I'm fine. Trust me. I'm good.

Olivia: No, look, I'm just going to call the lawyer. I'm going to reschedule for tomorrow. It's no big deal.

Bill: You know how much I hate disappointing you. I'm sorry.

Olivia: I love that you want this so much.

Bill: I do.

Olivia: I have to get her down for a nap. I'm sorry. Just stay here, okay. Do you think Reva would mind if I just took her in the study?

Bill: No. See you, Emma. I'll miss my girls, but a promise is a promise.

Jonathan: You look at those families from the outside, Dinah, and you covet it, but it's not for you.

Dinah: Not for you, you mean.

Jonathan: No, it's a facade Dinah. It's a mask. I've been inside those families, and everybody on the inside is just as miserable as all of us looking in.

Dinah: Okay, stop moving your head, please. What do you know about this anyway?

Jonathan: I know that we have a problem. We see the truth, the lies behind the perfect marriage, the perfect family. I mean, come on, you and Eddie, 2.5 kids and a picket fence?

Dinah: I want a normal life, Jonathan. That's all I ever wanted. And when I fell in love with Hart, it was the same thing.

Jonathan: Who? Is that that guy you whacked?

Dinah: That was an accident.

Jonathan: Yeah. Well, some people are accident- prone.

Dinah: Well, it doesn't matter. The only reason why that happened is because I didn't know what I had until Cassie took it away. And I'm much smarter now. And Edmund has been my second chance.

Jonathan: Your second chance to mess it up, because that's what you need. You've got to give up on wishing and take what you want and screw everybody else.

Dinah: You know something, Jonathan? I don't think you could be any more wrong.

Jonathan: You can't make Eddie happy, and he can't make you happy.

Dinah: Why did I let you in here in the first place?

Jonathan: You've got to make yourself happy. That's all you can do. And it doesn't last long anyway.

Dinah: All right, you know what? Get out. Get out. I am tired of letting negative energy in my life.

Jonathan: Yeah, right.

Dinah: You know what? If you believe every word that you're saying right now, then go for it. You know what? Just don't bring it here. Get out and don't bother coming back, okay?

Reva: You can't go anywhere-- not to San Cristobal, not anywhere.

Josh: There's no way in hell I'm going to let you go after this guy alone. That's not going to happen.

Reva: This isn't your fight, Joshua.

Josh: All of your fights are my fights.

Reva: And my sons your sons?

Josh: Look, Reva, a peaceful Jonathan is good for everyone. Now, I need to be in San Cristobal on business anyway. If it will be good for Jonathan, I'll ask around. I'll dig around a bit, see what I find. Okay?

Reva: I don’t... I don't deserve you.

Josh: Actually you do.

Reva: No, I do love you, though. I love you. Probably not the way I should, and probably not the way you deserve to be loved, but I do love you so much.

Josh: Hey, hey, hey. It's going to be okay, all right? You know, I consider myself a very lucky man. ( Laughs )

Reva: Just as long as we hold on to each other tight and don't let go. Just don't let go.

Josh: Reva...

Reva: No, don’t. Please don't say anything. Don't say anything. Just listen.

Josh: Okay.

Reva: I'm not going to lie to you anymore, or to myself. There's something I have to tell you, something about Nate, about our relationship.

Josh: Just tell me what happened.

Reva: I kissed him a few times.

Josh: What else?

Olivia: Bill?

Bill: Hey. How's Emma?

Olivia: Well, she didn't really want to sleep. She wanted to play with her daddy.

Bill: The "d" word. I've got to tell you, I love it.

Olivia: Yeah. I was talking to her, telling her that we don't need judges...

Bill: No.

Olivia: ...And courthouses today, tomorrow, ever, because in your hearts you both feel the same way, you know. You're her father, Bill. She loves you. You love her. That all that matters. And the rest is just silly paperwork.

Bill: That's right. So you're not going to give up on me, are you?

Olivia: Well, you know me better than that. I'll keep fighting.

Bill: You know what I think? Life's too short to take chances you don't have to take, or fight fights you don't have to fight.

Olivia: Where are you... where are you going with this?

Bill: Well, today, I'm going to make it official, legal, and permanent being Emma’s father. ( Clears his throat ) Judge Logan.

Olivia: Judge Logan. What are you doing here?

Bill: So what do you think? The judge kindly agreed to stop by here today so he could make this adoption final, right here, right now.

Danny: Listen, Michelle, I've been meaning to ask you, you know, the fourth of July is next week. Are you and Robbie planning on coming here for the Bauer barbecue, or.. ah, well... Robbie, hey. Buddy, how are you? So I heard you saw some elephants. Oh, I miss you too, tiger. Hey, you know who else misses you? Marina. Yeah, she's right here. We can't wait to see you at... hello? Robbie?

Marina: Lost the connection?

Danny: Yeah. Yeah.

Marina: You should call them back.

Danny: I will. It takes forever to get a line sometimes, and we were in the middle of something.

Marina: Careful.

Danny: Hey.

Marina: It's sharp. And I know you're really hungry. It's almost ready. So Robbie’s having a blast seeing the zebras and the lions. And how did Michelle sound? Did she sound good, too?

Danny: She's fine, I guess.

Marina: That's good. I mean, you guys will have a lot of time to talk to each other and stuff at the Bauer barbecue, right? I mean, Rick’s going to have a really hard time without having Ed there and Phillip and Harley. So I mean, she'll be back, right?

Danny: I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Dinah: Take a walk, Jonathan, and take your negative attitude with you.

Jonathan: Just telling you the way I see it, D, just like always, all right?

Dinah: No, it's not all right.

Jonathan: Okay. Okay. New rules. You comprendo?

Dinah: You don't know what's in here, not what's in here. Only I know who I am, and what I want. And what I want is Edmund.

Jonathan: Because Cassie had him? That's really sad.

Dinah: Do you know what's even more sad, is the fact that you pretend you don't need anyone to love you. But there's nothing wrong with dreaming-- not for you or me.

Jonathan: You know what I'm dreaming right now?

Dinah: What?

Jonathan: The no-more-talking dreaming.

Dinah: Great.

Jonathan: Come on. Let's do what we do best. Turn that frown upside down.

Josh: Your relationship?

Reva: Yes.

Josh: With Nate.

Reva: Yes. I mean, I... you know what I've been going through since this whole thing started, this change-- like somebody else moved into my body and took control, and I'm a stranger to you and to myself.

Josh: I know it's been difficult for you.

Reva: You have no idea, because I've been so busy convincing both of us that it was all fine, that it was no big deal.

Josh: Yeah, well, you don't actually think I bought that, do you?

Reva: Yeah, well, who knows? Maybe you could ask Mrs. Hyde when she shows up, or maybe better yet, that cartoon coyote, you know? Wham-- the big safe and the anvil and the ten tons of hormones.

Josh: Reva, I've tried.

Reva: I know you've tried and you've tried and you've tried, but this was something that I needed to figure out on my own, you know? Like... like an itch that keeps moving around from left to right and up and down. And then I lost the job at the station, and I didn't feel like I belonged anywhere. Anywhere, until... well, until I found the bar, anyway.

Josh: It was a good thing, right?

Reva: Yes.

Josh: I mean, you like it there.

Reva: I do. I do, because I felt like I had a purpose again, you know? A place that made the world make sense again.

Josh: I don't mean to be stupid about this, but I need you to be clear, okay? This new world of yours, these new people-- where exactly does your friendship with Nate come in to all of this?

Reva: You know that Nate had a little thing. I mean, you teased me about it. We joked about it.

Josh: Yeah. And?

Reva: It wasn't all one- sided.

Marina: When I fell for you, I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. When you answered that phone and your face just lit up...

Danny: Oh, Marina. Come on. I miss my son.

Marina: When you heard Michelle’s voice, I think you felt something that you didn't want to.

Danny: ( Sighs )

Marina: That says something, don't you think?

Danny: I think that you think it does.

Marina: I thought I was going to have to wait for Michelle to get back, but I think maybe I just got my answer.

Judge: Mr. Lewis, you understand that adopting Emma is a lifelong commitment.

Bill: Absolutely. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Olivia: But, you know, even if-- not that this would happen-- but if something did go wrong-- not that that would happen-- but if we went our separate ways, then you would still be her father, and that's a huge responsibility.

Bill: You and Emma are the world to me, and that's never going to happen-- never. Sign me up, your honor. This is the life I've been waiting for all my life, right here.

Olivia: ( Laughs ) That's right, it is. My arm's full. Here you go. Watch daddy. Look at what daddy's doing. Look at daddy. Look at daddy. Yes.

Judge: Here you go. It's official.

Bill: That's it? That's it?

Olivia: It's so great. I can't believe it.

Bill: That's it?

Judge: Congratulations to all three of you. You're a family.

Bill: Yay!

Olivia: Yay!

Bill: Can I kiss mommy? Can I kiss Emma?

Olivia: Kiss him. Kiss your family.

Bill: Can I get a family hug? Can I get a family hug?

Reva: It wasn't something that was your fault. It wasn’t. It was me. You know? Or the person who seems to be occupying my body at the moment. I mean, that's what I wanted to believe, anyway.

Josh: Yeah, me, too.

Reva: Yeah, because it just... it would be easier that way. But it's not the truth, you know, because it was me, or it was that crazy me that just jumped to the conclusion that I was pregnant.

Josh: Well, that wasn't crazy, Reva. What else were you supposed to think?

Reva: Well, I don't know-- think that maybe it was the real situation. You know, menopause should have been what I thought.

Josh: Well, it took you by surprise. That's not a big deal.

Reva: Yeah, it is. It is a big deal. It's a big deal because I know better. I know that it's something that eventually everybody goes through.

Josh: But you're Reva Shayne.

Reva: And you're Joshua Lewis, my husband, the love of my life-- of ten lifetimes. But knowing that someone else wanted me or desired me was a feeling that I needed to feel at the moment, at the time. And it wasn't something that I could get from you, because it was you. It was an innocent flirtation. That's what it was. That's how it started.

Josh: How did it end? Did it... end?

Reva: What's important is...

Josh: Reva, just tell me what happened.

Reva: I kissed him a few times.

Josh: What else?

Reva: That's it.

Josh: I don't think so. You talked to him, right? About things. I mean, between the kissing part. You spoke your mind and poured out your heart, because that's what you do. You needed somebody that you could trust, right? That you could confide in.

Reva: I guess maybe a little. But Joshua...

Josh: Did... did... did it matter to you at all that I have been here for you and have been trying to do everything I could possibly do?

Reva: Yes. Of course it matters. It's just that it was something that I needed to go through by myself.

Josh: By yourself?

Reva: Yeah. I had to figure this out. But you know what? I did. I quit, you know? I quit the job. I told Nate. I told him that I couldn't do the bar thing anymore because my marriage was the most important thing in the world to me. Because it is, Joshua. And that is the truth. I swear to you that I will never take us for granted. I won’t. So please, just say it out loud. Say it out loud so that I can be sure.

Josh: Say what?

Reva: Say that you forgive me. Can you forgive me?

Danny: Open it.

Marina: Danny...

Danny: Come on. Just humor me, please. Open it.

Marina: Okay. I'm looking.

Danny: Mm-hmm. What do you see?

Marina: Credit cards. Driver's license. Hot picture.

Danny: Ha, ha, ha, ha. Come on, what else? Speaking of pictures.

Marina: Robbie.

Danny: Mm-hmm.

Marina: That killer face of his.

Danny: And who's that right next to Robbie? The only other picture in there?

Marina: I see it.

Danny: Who do you see?

Marina: I want to be in your heart, Danny, not just in your wallet.

Danny: Marina, you wouldn't be in my wallet if you weren't in my heart.

Marina: I know what I saw.

Danny: What? What? What did you see? Come on. What? I answered my phone. It was Michelle. I wasn't expecting to hear from her. I was surprised. All right, yeah, I was happy.

Marina: Exactly.

Danny: I was, but...

Marina: And that is what I am trying to tell you.

Danny: Okay, but wouldn't it be even more strange if I couldn’t... if I didn't feel something good for someone who was a major part of my life for many years? She's the mother of my child, but that doesn't mean that I want to get back together with her. Michelle is... yeah, she's a part of me. But she's a part of my past, not my present and not my future. We're both getting on with our lives, and I am getting on with mine with you. I want you. In my life. In my heart. In my wallet. Okay? Just give us a chance, will you please?

Marina: I want to.

Danny: Well, all you've got to do is want it to make it happen. Believe in us. All right?

Marina: Believe.

Bill: So let me ask you something. Are you a little nervous about this? I'm a little nervous, but I think we're going to make a great team. Can I get a five? Not now, though. Get down over here before you hurt yourself.

Olivia: So how are you feeling, daddy?

Bill: Daddy? Oh, my goodness, that's the best thing anyone's ever called me.

Emma: Daddy.

Bill: Daddy. She did it again. She called me daddy. I've got to tell you, being a daddy is pretty great. What do you say we have a few more?

Olivia: Uh, okay. Maybe not right this moment. Listen, I just don't want to share her or you with anybody right now, you know? She needs to get to know her new daddy and spend time with you, because she hasn't had one for a while. You're the best father I could ever ask for... for our daughter. She's our daughter.

Bill: She's our daughter. She sure is.

Olivia: And it's exactly what I want. I want us to watch her grow up, and I want us to worry about her together.

Bill: Together.

Olivia: Together.

Bill: Together.

Olivia: And I know that you would never, ever use her to hurt me. She’s... this adoption is the best gift I could ever give our daughter.

Bill: And I will never hurt you or Emma. I promise.

Olivia: ( Laughs )

Emma: ( Coos )

Olivia: Mommy and daddy, what are they doing?

Bill: Kissing.

Olivia: Mommy and daddy, what...

Bill: What was that?

Jonathan: There is only one thing that makes life worth living. And we just had it, okay?

Dinah: ( Laughs )

Jonathan: ( Laughs ) I've had the family life about up to here. At its best, it's a hassle. At its worst, it’s... it's a big bowl of misery swimming around in syrup so that nobody smells what they're swallowing until it's too late, and it rots you out from the inside. Here, now. No ice. This-- this is all there is, you know? If you're hungry, eat up. If you're thirsty, drink up.

Dinah: I'm thirsty. I'd love some ice and a nice cold drink. Or maybe we could think of something interesting to do with the ice cubes. The ice machine is right down the hall.

Jonathan: I know where it is. Pour us another one, and I'll be right back.

Dinah: Edmund, hi. It's Dinah, your favorite gestational carrier. Hi. Why don't you give me a call? It's pretty important.

Jonathan: Hey, Dinah-mite!

Dinah: Okay, I've got to go. I've got some company. Bye-bye.

Jonathan: Mission accomplished.

Dinah: Wow. Excellent work. Very good. That was almost too fast.

Jonathan: Well, I work fast, I play slow.

Dinah: Oh. ( Shivers ) me, too. Oh. ( Shivers ) ( Moans )

Jonathan: I thought you said you were thirsty.

Dinah: I am thirsty. I'm also extremely hot.

Reva: Say something. Anything. Just don't think about it. Just tell me what you're feeling.

Josh: Why are you telling me about this now?

Reva: Because it feels like the right thing. Because now that it's over, I see the reasons, unreasonable as they are-- even if I had any.

Josh: So now it's clear to you, huh? It hit you like a bolt of lightning.

Reva: Yeah, it did. And then, when the thing with Jonathan’s father came out, I knew that there was only one person I could trust.

Josh: Trust.

Reva: Yeah, the only person that could help me figure this out, the person who's my rock and my anchor and...

Josh: Yeah, that's me-- the anchor, the guy that holds you down, that keeps holding you down until you drown, right?

Reva: No.

Josh: That's exactly what you need.

Reva: No, no, no, no. That is what I need. I need to be feeling grounded. I need to feel safe until the storm passes, and now it has. It's gone, and I haven't washed away. I'm here. We're here.

Josh: If you're so sure that this thing is over, then why are you so concerned about me going away for a couple of days? Do you think that if you're here alone with Nate, something might happen if I'm not around?

Reva: No. I just think we need to reconnect, have time to reconnect. I guess what I was hoping you'd say is, "Hey, darling, let's go to San Cristobal together."

Josh: No. That is not going to happen, Reva, because that's not what I need right now. I need to get away for a bit, I think. I need to think about things. I need to figure some things out.

Reva: Okay.

Josh: I need...

Reva: I know. I know. Okay. Well, if I were to go along with you, I'd give you the room.

Josh: If I were to invite you to go with me, part of the reason would be because I don't trust you to be here alone. And if that's gone, Reva, if we don't have that, then where are we, really? Without trust, we have nothing. We have nothing.

Next, on "Guiding Light"...

Lizzie: He's clueless. There's no way I could date him. Are you dumping me?

Alexandra: Alan, where are you?

Ross: Alan, are you okay? Are you here for the fireworks?

Mallet: You know, some people might call that sexual harassment.

Harley: Are you making a joke?

Mallet: I look at you, and I see the past.

Gus: You want to tell me what you're doing here?

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