GL Transcript Tuesday 6/28/05

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 6/28/05


By Suzanne
Proofread by

Reva: Jonathan, it's me. Look, I know I'm probably the last person you want to talk to right now, but I... there's something I have to tell you. So call me, please. Olivia, its Reva. When you get this message, could you call me back, please? I found out that your sister's husband is very much alive. And I can't find Jonathan to warn him about his father. And we both know what he's capable of. I think we have to find him, before he finds us.

Jonathan: I guess we both lost something, huh? You lost your baby. I lost my mother. I'm not saying that those two things are equal. It's just... a loss. What?

Dinah: You never told me what happened.

Jonathan: It doesn't matter. Mothers come and go like the tide.

Dinah: Oh, come on. You don't mean that. I spent most of my life dreaming what it would be like to have a mother.

Jonathan: Cue the violins.

Dinah: ( Laughs ) Stop. It was pretty great. Pretty great to finally find her and have her. The connection was pretty amazing, you know. I mean even though we weren't getting along, my mother loves me very much. I think she would do anything to protect me.

Jonathan: Yeah, well, I'm me and you're better off not being an incubator.

Dinah: Don't talk about it that way. I loved that baby. Maybe you like being alone, but I don’t.

Jonathan: I know. But you would have been. That baby belonged to Cassie and Edmund.

Dinah: Yeah, but there was a life growing inside of me, and it was my link to Edmund and all the plans I had, and that's why it was very hard to tell anyone that I lost it.

Jonathan: How long are you going to keep this up?

Dinah: I don't know. ( Laughs ) Maybe until I'm pregnant with Edmund’s baby for real.

Jonathan: Well, I don't want a baby. I just want some mindless sex. ( Both laugh ) ( Knock at the door )

Cassie: Dinah? It's Cassie. Can we talk?

( Door rattling ) ( Gun shot )

Harley: Gus? Gus? Gus? Gus? Oh, my God. What did you do? Mallet, what did you do?

Sebastian: Alan. Alan. Come with me. Alan.

Mallet: Harley. Harley, forget about him. We've got to get you out of here. Come on.

Harley: No.

Mallet: Got to get out of here. You've got to. Come on.

Harley: ( Crying )

Mallet: Come on. Come on.

Harley: No.

Mallet: It's okay. It's going to be all right. Come on. They're going to find you. Come on.

Nate: Everything all right?

Reva: Nate...

Nate: Yes?

Reva: What happened before?

Nate: You love your husband and he is everything. And I get it.

Reva: Thank you.

Nate: That was quite a scene out here with your son. Is that what the phone call was about?

Reva: I came back here to tell you that I'm quitting.

Nate: You don't have to do that. Look, angel, if I went too far...

Reva: No, it's not that. Well, actually it is part of that. I mean, if you play with fire, you're going to get burned. And I have been spontaneously combusting several times a day as it is.

Nate: So you should stay away from anything flammable.

Reva: Something like that. What happened with Jonathan was a cold slap in the face for me. And he desperately needs someone to love him, someone to try to undo the damage that was done to him by that miserable piece of garbage.

Nate: Garbage.

Reva: Yeah. I mean, what else do you call a man who willfully destroys a child that he was trusted to raise?

Nate: Hmm. I'll admit it's hard to find much good in Jonathan, but you're his mother.

Reva: Well, you know, I was there for the creation and absent for the duration. That's me. He'd actually get a laugh out of that.

Nate: I just think there comes a time when a young man has to take responsibility for his life. I mean, his old man's gone, right?

Reva: That's actually what the phone call was. It appears that Jonathan’s adoptive father is alive. And I could never forgive myself if I didn't make him face what he did to my kid. ( Crying )

Nate: You need to quit this job to do that?

Reva: I need to quit this job because I love my husband, Nate. And I need to help my son, too. We need to find this man that nearly destroyed him.

Nate: Well, on that point, all I can say is look no further.

Cassie: Dinah? Come on. Let me in.

Dinah: Get out. Get your clothes.

Jonathan: No, I wouldn't miss this for the world.

Cassie: I have a pass key, Dinah. I can just open the door.

Dinah: Get away from the door.

Cassie: Dinah, is something wrong?

Dinah: No. I'm not feeling well. I have morning sickness.

Cassie: Still?

Dinah: You keep your mouth shut. You keep your mouth shut about... ( Jonathan laughs ) don't laugh. You keep your mouth shut about this baby.

Dinah: You're going to get mindless sex, okay? All you can handle.

Jonathan: I can handle a lot.

Dinah: Just... do we have a deal?

Jonathan: Sounds like a fair trade.

Dinah: Okay.

Jonathan: ( In southern accent ) But, Dinah, what ever will we do about the baby?

Dinah: Stop. Give me the baby. I've got to put it on. You've got to help me put it on. Come on. Hurry. Hurry. Thank you.

Jonathan: You're welcome.

Cassie: All right, Dinah, I'm coming in.

Dinah: Wait a minute.

Cassie: No. Coming in. What's going on?

Dinah: Nothing. Nothing. I actually got dizzy. So I went to the bathroom and I got dizzy again and I went to the bathroom and I got dizzy again and I have to go to the bathroom a

Cassie: Well, are you okay? Do you want me to call a doctor?

Dinah: Oh, yeah. No, no, no, no. I'm actually... I'm feeling good. I'm good.

Cassie: You just went to the bathroom three times.

Dinah: Except for that, I'm good.

Cassie: Was Edmund here?

Dinah: No. Why would Edmund be here?

Cassie: Because you seem nervous and you seem scared.

Dinah: You make me nervous. That's why.

Cassie: Since when do I make you nervous?

Dinah: Since the pressure of carrying your baby and the challenge, you know. I mean, my gosh. Would you just give me a break?

Cassie: Okay. You know, you could tell me if Edmund were here, right? I mean, did he threaten you?

Jonathan: Don't worry, Auntie Cassie. As long as I'm here, no one's going to lay a hand on my Dinah- mite. Ain't that right, Sugar Plum?

Harley: ( Crying )

Mallet: Harley. Shhh. Shhh. Harley. Come here. Harley, Harley, I'm sorry.

Harley: What do you mean you're sorry?

Mallet: There's nothing... there nothing we could do. Come here. Come here.

Sebastian: With me. Now.

Alan: Now my son's shot. That’s not supposed to happen.

Sebastian: Alan. Alan, listen to me. Do you want to get caught?

Alan: Not another son. No.

Mallet: Now you can hit me all you want, but it's not going to change the fact.

Harley: You shot the man I love. ( Crying )

Mallet: Listen to me. He had a gun! He was reaching for it. I didn't know what he was going to do.

Harley: You're a liar. I don't understand. What... what happened? What are you doing with that gun?

Mallet: Harley. Harley, listen to me. Harley, think about your kids. There's still a chance that you could raise them, but we have to run.

Harley: Let me go.

Mallet: Come on. We've got to get out of here.

Harley: No.

Cop: Freeze!

Cop: Don't move.

Mallet: Easy. Easy. I'm a prison warden and a former detective of the Springfield PD. I'm going to reach into my jacket and show you some ID, okay? So easy on that finger. Okay, take it off the trigger. Now listen, pal, you're young. You don't want to mess this up, okay. This is what you're going to do; you're going to call for backup and then you're calling in a 10-38 for an ambulance. We've got a guy here that's been shot. He was aiding and abetting a fugitive.

Cop: You took him out?

Mallet: Call for back-up. This place is about to be swimming in blue. If someone recognizes you... hey, Harley.

Harley: I don't care.

Mallet: Come on. Tough. Let's go.

Harley: ( Crying )

Mallet: We've got to get out of here. Come on. I need a doctor.

Alan: I should have never sent Mallet after Harley. It's all her fault!

Sebastian: Alan. Alan. Alan, you need to calm down.

Alan: I will not! I want my son. Not you.

Sebastian: Listen to me. Alan, Alan. I'm your only salvation now, okay. So if you be quiet, we're going to get out of this. It'll be fine.

Alan: It should have been Harley. It should have been Harley.

Sebastian: Alan, death waits for everyone. She'll have her day.

Nurse: What's the problem?

Sebastian: This is Alan Spaulding. He's a very, very influential man. He needs treatment and he needs you to be discreet. Mr. Spaulding is generous to those who take care of him-- very generous, if you catch my drift.

Nurse: Do you know what's wrong with him?

Sebastian: Nothing critical. He's just had a very terrible shock. He's had some really bad news. The thing is, he has a heart condition, okay? And I want to make sure he gets the best of care, starting with something to calm him down, calm his nerves. And a private room.

Nurse: We have a top cardiologist on call. I'll make sure he understands the situation.

Sebastian: Okay, thank you. Thanks.

Alan: My fault. It's my fault.

Sebastian: Alan, everything's going to be okay.

Alan: No, no, no, it isn’t. My sons. Phillip. The blood.

Sebastian: You mean Gus, Alan. It's okay, you're confused.

Alan: Once you pull the trigger, it's easy to do again.

Reva: Do you know something about Jonathan’s abusive freak of a father?

Nate: I know I want to help you find him.

Reva: I appreciate that, but...

Nate: Reva, look. I have been the cause of some trouble in your life, and Josh is out of town, and I don't want to lose you.

Reva: Nate.

Nate: As a friend. And my best mixologist. You shouldn't have to find this guy by yourself.

Reva: I don't even know where to start looking for him, and I have no idea how dangerous he is.

Nate: Exactly. You need assistance, someone to watch your back. Well, you've got me.

Reva: If I need any help, I'll get it from my family.

Nate: Do you really want to involve them?

Reva: No, I don't, but I'm already too involved with you. I need to get back to my real family.

Nate: Oh. ( Laughs ) I'm the dirty little secret that's swept under the rug.

Reva: No, no...

Nate: No, it's okay. It's okay. ( Laughs )

Reva: Don't say that.

Nate: No, you've made your choice. Just know that this place is always here for you, should you change your mind. ( Glass breaks )

Reva: What... oh, God. Nate.

Nate: No, it's all right. I just...

Reva: What did you do? Is it? Oh...

Nate: I dropped a glass.

Reva: That's blood. Let me help you. I know... I'm sorry. I upset you. It's my fault.

Nate: ( Laughs ) Ow.

Cassie: What is he doing here? Did he force himself in here?

Jonathan: First of all, no one forced anyone to do anything. You should know I've never had to force a woman. Now, I'm not saying I've never lied to a woman.

Cassie: You say another word and I'm going to make your face look like your hair. Get out before I call Security.

Dinah: Actually, Jonathan’s been very sweet.

Jonathan: See? I can do sweet.

Dinah: With Edmund acting all crazy lately, I've been a nervous wreck and the fact that Jonathan is no friend of his uncle, I thought he was a perfect person to hang out with.

Cassie: Get a guard dog, Dinah.

Jonathan: ( Barks )

Dinah: He's super comforting.

Jonathan: I'd like to comfort you, too, if you want.

Cassie: I'd rather chew glass.

Dinah: Thank you. Thank you for coming by. I appreciate it.

Cassie: You know, I've been dealing life without Edmund just fine and I don't need to be comforted by you or anybody else.

Jonathan: No, I didn't want to comfort you about Eddie. I wanted to comfort you about your baby. I'm sorry that that can't happen now.

Mallet: We're going to take a little breather here for a while.

Harley: I can't breathe. I can't move.

Mallet: We can stay safe if we stay low. Okay? Stay in during the day. Harley. You've got to trust me on this one, okay? Just trust me on this one. Everything's going to be okay.

Harley: No. Gus was keeping me safe. And I loved him. I don't love you. You didn't want a chance to do right by me. You didn't want to save me. You wanted to hurt him. Did you really think in your wildest dreams that I would want to be with you? I hate you. I hate you!

Mallet: Easy, Harley. Easy. Calm down. Calm down. Harley. Harley, that's enough. That's enough. Calm down.

Harley: If Gus has to die, why shouldn't you?

Nate: It's no big deal. Cutting your hand on a glass is an occupational hazard.

Reva: Well...

Nate: On the other hand, you see what happens when I lose my best bartender.

Reva: You could learn to make a one-handed martini.

Nate: There's a selling point. Get some fliers made up.

Reva: I'll stay on until you find a replacement.

Nate: There's no replacement for you, Reva.

Reva: I don't know how long. I meant what I said.

Nate: You're leaving me.

Reva: Don't put it that way.

Nate: I'm sorry. Look, you stay on for a couple of shifts and I'll help you find your son's dad. Deal?

Reva: Yeah. But first I have to find Jonathan, and after raising my hand to him today, I doubt whether he'll ever want to speak to me again.

Cassie: What do you mean, the baby's not going to happen. What are you talking about?

Jonathan: Well, now that you and Eddie are no longer together, you can't try and make another kid, so you're just going to have to trust the rent- a-womb here. And I'll do everything in my power to make sure that that happens.

Cassie: We'll I hope you're not offended if I say "No, thanks." Why would I care if you were offended?

Jonathan: Cassie.

Cassie: Here's something for you, Jonathan: Stay the hell away from my baby. I don't know if you've heard, but I've been hanging out with the DA lately.

Jonathan: Ooh. Why so hostile?

Dinah: Jonathan, you should go.

Jonathan: Okay. I'll go. Staying away is going to be a bit of a dilemma, though. You see, me and your gestational whatever-you-call-it, we're seeing each other now.

Cassie: I think I'm going to be sick.

Jonathan: Now, that would make a good greeting card. Bye.

Cassie: Of all the men you could have picked.

Mallet: There's a lot of stuff going on here that you don't have a clue about, okay? Now, listen. Alan's the one that got me out of prison. It was his team of lawyers...

Harley: You're working with Alan Spaulding? To nail his own son? Who are you?

Mallet: Listen. I'm telling you...

Harley: You have been waiting all these years for me, and when you realized I had moved on with my life, you couldn't handle it.

Mallet: I just wanted you to be happy.

Harley: You keep saying that.

Mallet: Well, you know it's true. You know that I want...

Harley: Me. You want me. Well, here I am. I'm right here. Only you'll never have me. You will never kiss me. You will never hold me. You will never love me, because I love him. You should have just left me alone in prison, because at least when I was in prison, I knew that he was out here, alive. And now... now I'll be alone for the rest of my life. Because I sure as hell am not going to be with you.

Mallet: So that's how you feel. Okay. Then do it. Then do it. ( Gun clicks )

Harley: ( Sobs )

Mallet: You've got a chance for freedom right now. Why don't you get that?

Harley: A chance with you? You go to hell!

Jonathan: What?

Reva: I'm sorry?

Jonathan: You called?

Reva: Yeah, I did.

Jonathan: Where's your boss?

Reva: Um, he's in the back.

Jonathan: Reva, did Nate hurt you?

Reva: No, no. No, no. But I do... there's something I have to tell you. Your father is alive.

Jonathan: No, he's not.

Reva: Jonathan.

Jonathan: There was a boating accident.

Reva: No. The authorities think that he faked that accident to avoid creditors, and that he started a new life.

Jonathan: So? As long as he stays away from me.

Reva: We have to find him.

Jonathan: No. Reva, you stay the hell out of it.

Reva: No. Because you never got a chance to confront him when we went back to that old house.

Jonathan: I don't care, Reva.

Reva: If we ever want to be whole again or be normal, never have to do what we did to each other today, you have to take that rage that is inside you and you have to throw it in his face. You have to face him.

Cassie: You can't see him anymore.

Dinah: Excuse me?

Cassie: You heard me.

Dinah: He makes me laugh, he makes me happy. How is that bad for a pregnancy?

Cassie: You have no idea what he's capable of.

Dinah: Maybe not, but I certainly know what Edmund is capable of, and I don't want you spying on me.

Cassie: I'm not spying on you.

Dinah: Then why are you here? ( Knock on door )

Cassie: You'll see. Hi. Dinah, this is Twyla. She is a nurse midwife. Twyla is going to be your doula.

Dinah: ( Laughs ) My who?

Twyla: Think of me as full- time hands-on pregnancy, labor, and delivery support. It's nice to meet you, Dinah.

Dinah: ( Laughs ) you are not getting your hands on me.

Nurse: The doctor's on his way.

Sebastian: Thank you. Thank you so much. Alan? You're going to be fine, okay? They gave you a mild sedative, and it's going to help you sleep, so you just need to relax.

Alan: My sons. Gone.

Sebastian: I know. You said you felt responsible for Gus and Phillip’s deaths.

Alan: Both of them.

Sebastian: Alan. Alan, it wasn't your fault. You're a good father. You sent Mallet after Harley so that you could protect Gus.

Alan: Not Gus. Phillip. I did it. I did it.

Sebastian: What? What are you... what are you saying? Alan? Alan? My God. You killed Phillip. Why? You loved Phillip. This is what Dr. Wallace had over you. He must have... he knew. And now I know, too. What... I wonder what my silence is worth, Alan? A new sports car? A villa in Tuscany? Well, well, well. My very own Sugar Daddy. ( Choking )

Harley: I'll turn myself in before I take one more step with you.

Mallet: Well, you don't have that option.

Harley: You know, you've been a prison warden for so long, you think everybody is your prisoner.

Mallet: Would you stop? Would you just stop and listen to me? Listen to me. If you're through feeling sorry for yourself and hating me, maybe it's time for you to listen.

Harley: Go away.

Mallet: Listen to me. Gus isn't dead, okay? He is not dead.

Harley: What?

Mallet: He's going to go on living, maybe even happily ever after with you, but you're going to have to start doing what you're told, trusting me, and doing what Gus is asking you to do.

Harley: What are you talking about?

Mallet: Gus is alive. He's not shot. Now, do you want to hear more or do you want to run out into the street and have the cops arrest you? Because if you do that, then we're all going to prison.

Cop: Forget the ambulance. This guy needs a hearse.

Reva: Jonathan, this is your chance, you know, to shake off this man. To stand up to him.

Jonathan: You don't know him like I do.

Reva: I'm not afraid of him, and you shouldn't be either. He's a bully. Only bullies hit kids.

Jonathan: Yeah. What kind of parent hits their son?

Reva: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that, but I can help you.

Jonathan: No. I don't want to find him.

Reva: I know you're angry with me right now.

Jonathan: If you only knew.

Reva: If I only knew what? What?

Jonathan: ( Sighs )

Reva: Jonathan, don't do this. Please. Don’t...

Jonathan: No.

Reva: What is wrong... don't do this to yourself. Don't do this to everyone else around you.

Jonathan: All right, whatever. Suit yourself. You want to go find this guy? Go find him. I don't care what he is or where he is or what he's doing, as long as he stays away from me. And that goes for you, too, okay?

Nate: Everything all right in here?

Reva: Yeah. It's fine.

Jonathan: I'm out.

Nate: Stay for a beer. I owe you one.

Jonathan: No. You don't owe me anything.

Reva: Jonathan? Please just... please come home with me so that we can talk.

Jonathan: I'm all talked out. I'll stay for that free beer, though. If you're leaving.

Reva: I'll call you.

Nate: That was quite a performance.

Jonathan: What did you offer her?

Nate: Help her find your adoptive dad. How long do you reckon that's going to take?

Jonathan: It's not going to take a long time. Why don't you just sell this stuff and move on?

Nate: Now that I've got you on my side? You could have told Reva who I was, but you didn’t.

Jonathan: Doesn't mean I won’t.

Nate: Oh, come on. Who are you kidding? You've chosen your side. You're my boy. You're not hers. Reva won't know what hit her.

Cassie: Okay, I get that she's a little funky and a little new age, okay? But Twyla is amazing and she also has an amazing gift of making sure babies come into the world healthy. Now, don't you think that's the most important thing here?

Dinah: What, am I going to say no, that that's not important? Of course. I just don't want to be rushed into something, that's all.

Twyla: Let's just take this step-by-step. We'll go slow, okay?

Dinah: Okay. No touchy-touchy.

Twyla: I'm fine with that for now. We'll start with some simple breathing exercises. Cassie?

Cassie: Okay. That's weird. Okay.

Twyla: Now, just let your fingers rest on Dinah’s temples. Gentle rubbing.

Cassie: Oh, man.

Dinah: What is wrong?

Cassie: It's just... the whole baby thing is just becoming so real, you know?

Twyla: That's what we want.

Cassie: Thank you, Dinah. I'm very grateful, you know? This is just a gift, and it's wonderful that you're helping bring this new life into the world.

Twyla: Beautiful. Bonding like this, it's just beautiful. And breathe. ( Deep breathing )

Dinah: Well, Cassie, you know when there's life, there's hope. For both of us.

Twyla: Breathe together.

Alan: So, you figured it out, did you, Sebastian?

Sebastian: I didn't figure anything.

Alan: Go ahead and say it. Say it.

Sebastian: Okay. Okay. You killed Phillip. You murdered your own son.

Alan: Why should I let you go anyway, huh?

Sebastian: Because your secret is safe with me.

Alan: Really? How much is it going to cost me? A villa? Sports car? Huh?

Sebastian: Forget all that. Forget it. We'll work this out some other way. Let go.

Alan: Do you know what it is like to lose your sons?

Sebastian: No. But I know you're in pain. I know what that's like. I lost my father. He died in my arms, so I know what that's like, Alan, to lose somebody. I can help you. I want to help you. ( Gasping )

Alan: I believe you.

Sebastian: Your sons... your sons are gone, Alan, but I'm here. I'm here. And now I can be your son.

Harley: So all of a sudden, Gus is alive?

Mallet: No, no. He's been alive all along.

Harley: Why do I believe anything that you tell me?

Mallet: There were no bullets in the gun?

Harley: So Gus is alive? He's fine?

Mallet: Yes. We had a plan, okay? It wasn't a perfect one, but at least we got you out...

Harley: Oh, my God.

Mallet: What are you doing? You're doing this again. Would you stop doing this. I wanted to tell you.

Harley: How could you make me go through something like that?

Mallet: You? What about me? I was the one on the wrong side of the gun. I was trying to keep the plan going as long as I could.

Harley: Wait a second. So Gus is alive?

Mallet: Yes.

Harley: Jerk!

Mallet: It was Gus’s idea. He came up with the plan.

Harley: Yeah, but you were the one who let me believe it was true. I was suffering! I was crying in front of you. I held a gun to you. I knew that you wouldn't shoot him. I knew it!

Mallet: I was trying to do the best I could. Gus and I ran into each other at the TV studio. We had about two seconds to come up with something and we had to make it look good. We had to make it look real, especially to you, to make sure that you would run away with me.

Harley: Run away?

Mallet: We knew you wouldn't leave Gus’s side unless there was no hope.

Harley: No hope?

Mallet: Is there an echo in here? Yes. Look, we had to make the situation so extreme that you wouldn't have a choice.

Harley: Right.

Mallet: We could jump start your instincts for your own survival.

Harley: Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's why you brought up my kids when you did. Right?

Mallet: Yes. Gus knew your best chance for survival was if you two split up.

Harley: And that's where you conveniently came in. ( Sirens wailing )

Cop: Would someone get forensics down here and deal with this body?

Gus: Sorry, pal.

Mallet: Now, I did my part and now you need to do yours. Stop getting your back up about the methods and look at the results. Gus is keeping the cops busy so you are able to escape.

Harley: Well, you boys have had your fun-- at my expense, I might add-- but I am not leaving Gus out there to take the fall for me. No way!

Mallet: Gus' only chance is to get away on his own. There's nothing you can do for him now. The only thing you can do now is let me protect you.

Harley: ( Sighs )

Next on “Guiding Light”...

Jonathan: Hey, Dinah-mite!

Dinah: What's going on?

Jonathan: I'm going to go in the shower and wash off this lousy week. ( Laughs )

Dinah: I want a family, Jonathan.

Jonathan: Family sucks.

Reva: Excuse me. Jonathan's father... that creep is still out there, Joshua.

Josh: What's got you so upset?

Reva: You can't go to San Cristobal and leave me alone here. Not now.

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