GL Transcript Monday 6/27/05

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 6/27/05



By Boo
Proofread by Laura

Gus: Harley?

Harley: Gus?

Gus: You miss me?

Harley: What is going on out there? I was terrified.

Gus: Somebody must have tipped off the cops. They're all over the place. It’s only a matter of time until this place is crowded.

Harley: I think whoever it is, is already in the studio.

Gus: We're going to be good.

Harley: Gus? I was thinking we should split up and go in opposite directions.

Gus: Don't start again, please.

Harley: We'll be harder to find.

Gus: I haven't come this far with you to leave now.

Harley: Gus, please.

Gus: No!

Harley: Listen to me. You know I'm right about this. We'll go out there and we'll find each other again when we're safe.

Gus: I'm so in love with you. (Doors rattle) (Gunshot)          

Harley: Gus? Gus? Gus? Gus? Oh, my God. What did you do?

Gus: I've waited so long for this.

Harley: Too long.

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: Well, they say that anticipation is...

Gus: What?

Harley: Highly overrated. ( Laughs )

Gus: That's my girl. I agree.

Guard: Anthony Camaletti Mallet. Car keys. Wallet containing $23. One photo. You travel light.

Mallet: I've got everything here that matters to me.

Cassie: What?

Jeffrey: You just called me Richard.

Cassie: No, I didn’t.

Jeffrey: Yeah, you did.

Cassie: Are you sure? Because I have baby on the brain and...

Jeffrey: Trust me. Trust me, you did.

Cassie: This is crazy. I didn't call you Richard. Why would I call you Richard?

Jeffrey: I don't know.

Cassie: Edmund was here earlier, and he was trying to make me doubt myself, Jeffrey, and he was saying a lot of things, and... ( Knock at door ) we're not expecting anyone, so I should probably just get the door. Hey, Dinah. Wow. It's good to see you.

Dinah: It is?

Cassie: Uh, sure. What's going on? How's the baby?

Dinah: Well, it's funny you should ask, actually. I came here to warn you. When this baby is born, you may not be able to see it.

Jonathan: Worthless? After all the tears and the shouting, is that what we're down to, Mom? That I'm still worthless?

Reva: I didn't say that.

Jonathan: You didn't have to say it. I see it in how you don't trust me and how you choose everyone else, including yourself, over your own son.

Reva: No. That's what you want to believe.

Jonathan: Why would I want that?

Reva: Because it makes it easy on you.

Jonathan: Oh...

Reva: If you believe that nobody cares, then you don't have to.

Jonathan: Yeah. Cue the Dr. Phil theme music.

Reva: So what are you going to do with that knife? Does it make you feel like a big man? What are you going to do with it?

Jonathan: Oh, I'd like to cut through all the crap you've been feeding me about family, about loyalty.

Reva: It's all true.

Jonathan: Liar. I was useful to you. You used me to get over your guilt. You used me to get out of your boring life.

Reva: No. You're more than that.

Jonathan: What am I? Am I the good company employee for the family business? Am I your partner in crime when you feel like cutting loose?

Reva: You're my son.

Jonathan: What does that mean? Reva! Who am I? Who am I to you? I want to know what you really think of me. Be honest, Mom. (Traffic noise)

Gus: Wow. Wow.

Harley: Wow. Wow. I mean... I mean, it was always... you know? But when you... ( Giggles )

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: Yeah. I mean, wow. ( Laughs )

Gus: You said that already, baby.

Harley: Maybe we were wrong about the whole, you know, anticipation thing. That was important.

Gus: Believe me, I'm not going to wait that long again for this. You know, the last time... the last time we had sex was, like, two days before we were supposed to get married. Or what would have been our wedding, you know?

Harley: I remember. But this was like that night. I mean, it was... this could have been our wedding night. This could have been any night when we were free.

Gus: Well, soon. Okay? Soon.

Harley: I don't know how it's going to be possible, being on the run. Always looking over our shoulders, waiting to be caught.

Gus: You and me and the boys are going to have a new life. A brand-new life, and that's just perfect with me.

Harley: Me, too.

Reva: You won't believe anything I say anyway, so what's the point?

Jonathan: Why should I believe you? You're just as messed up as I am.

Reva: You think so?

Jonathan: I know it, because I see it. Reva, what are you doing here, at this bar, with him?

Reva: That's not your problem.

Jonathan: No, but it's yours, because you're trying to hang on to whatever little piece of life you have left.

Reva: Is that the best you can do? Calling me old?

Jonathan: You have everything you could have ever wanted. You have the husband, the life, the kids. Does that make you happy? No. Does that make you want to run the hell out and go flirt and cheat with some stranger in a bar?

Reva: Stop.

Jonathan: What is your fixation with me? What is that? Are you trying to recapture your youth?

Reva: Stop. Stop.

Jonathan: Reva, it's gone. It's gone.

Reva: I said stop!

Jonathan: The doctor told you it's gone, remember? She gave you...

Reva: Oh, my God! Oh, my God, Jonathan. ( Sobbing ) Oh, my God.

Jonathan: No. That's good. Now I see how similar you and my abusive father really are.

Reva: No, no, I shouldn't have done it. I shouldn't have. I'm sorry. But we can't keep going on like this. Please let me help you, because we need help. We need help.

Jonathan: You mean I need help?

Reva: No, but I want to help you but I can’t. There's not enough of me. I just... I don't know why my life isn’t...

Jonathan: What do you want, Reva? What the hell do you want? Do you want the good boy who works for Lewis? Do you want the upstanding citizen that gets along with the rest of the kids? You don't even know, do you? I was never good enough for Alfred, and I'll never be good enough for you.

Reva: No.

Jonathan: Yes.

Yes. I don't act the part, I don't look the part. Well, maybe that's the problem. Maybe if I looked more like your son, I could be a son to you. Maybe if I looked more like Shayne, hm? A son that you could really love? Huh? ( Sobbing ) ( Screams ) Is this better, Reva?

Reva: Stop.

Jonathan: ( Crying ) Is this better? Do I look more like your son now? Am I less worthless? Huh?

Dinah: Edmund is threatening to keep this baby away from you.

Cassie: Why would he do that? He wants us to raise it together.

Dinah: Well, he's beginning to lose hope, and if all fails, his backup plan is to make sure that he raises the kid by himself.

Cassie: Okay, why are you here helping me, Dinah?

Dinah: Ow. Oh. The baby's kicking, right in the bladder. ( Laughs ) Ow. You know, I'm sorry, I think that I've interrupted something here. I know the two of you are in the beginning of whatever's going on between the two of you, so I'm sure you have a lot to deal with.

Cassie: Dinah, you don't have to leave, okay?

Dinah: Oh, no, it's okay. Listen, we will talk later.

Harley: ( Moans ) ( Clanking noise )

Gus: Did you hear something?

Harley: What was that?

Gus: I don't know. Maybe it was the morning crew. Remember, they usually show up around this time. I don't know what to...

Harley: Okay, we've got to get going.

Gus: Listen, I'll check it out. I'll see what it is. Make sure it's safe, okay?

Harley: Yeah. You should go. ( Cell phone ringing ) Hi, Mallet.

Mallet: You're not safe where you are.

Harley: I don't understand.

Mallet: I know you're in New York.

Harley: How?

Mallet: You've got to get out of there and come meet me.

Harley: Meet you where?

Mallet: Anywhere. We can go back to Springfield to find the real killer, or try to get you out of the country.

Harley: Mallet, Mallet, Mallet. Wait, what are you doing?

Mallet: I'm trying to protect you. I'm not going to lose you again.

Harley: Listen, Gus and I have it handled.

Mallet: You don't understand what kind of danger you're in right now. Now, whatever you do, stay on the line, okay? Just in case.

Jonathan: Is this better, Reva?

Reva: Stop.

Jonathan: Do I look more like the boy next door?

Reva: No, please stop.

Jonathan: Is it even?

Reva: Stop.

Jonathan: Because I've got to get this right. I want to make you proud.

Reva: No. No. Not for me.

Jonathan: Yes. Yes, it's for you. It was all for you. First it was for dear old dad, and now it's for you, because you're the one who's trying to fix me.

Reva: What did he do to you?

Jonathan: Nothing that you haven't tried.

Reva: No. No. I am not your father. All I ever wanted was for you to be a part of the family. I wanted to... I wanted to have a chance to love you.

Jonathan: That's for your locket.

Reva: What have you done to yourself?

Jonathan: Get away.

Reva: No. It's okay. It's okay. ( Sobbing )

Jonathan: ( Sobbing ) Get off. Get off of me.

Nate: Okay, that's enough. You can leave her alone. I think you've caused enough trouble. Why don't you just go someplace else? Nobody wants you here.

Jonathan: Yeah. Yeah. You two deserve each other.

Reva: ( Sobbing )

Nate: Ssh. Come on. Come on.

Jonathan: ( Sobbing )

Harley: Mallet, where are you right now?

Mallet: Alan Spaulding knows where you are, and if his guys find you, I don't know what will happen.

Harley: He knows about the studio?

Mallet: The studio?

Harley: Listen, you should know something. Gus and I, we're talking about running away, for good. You know, the leads in this investigation, they've all dried up and I just... I've got to be with my kids. I have to live my life.

Mallet: Is this Aitoro's idea? Why don't you let me help you?

Harley: I can't do that. I've already asked too much of you. And I'm only telling you this because... because I may never see you again.

Mallet: Cooper, wait. wait, wait, wait. Gus is going to get you... going to get you killed.

Harley: Hey. Anything?

Gus: I didn't see anybody, but we should go.

Harley: Um, Gus? Mallet called. He says that your father knows about us and we're not safe.

Gus: So, he called to warn us?

Harley: To offer his protection.

Gus: Protection of you, right? So you should go with him instead of me? Is that what he said?

Harley: He just thinks that he can keep me safer than you can.

Gus: Do you think that?

Harley: No.

Gus: Did anything happen between you two, when you were in prison?

Harley: Gus.

Gus: What? You don't think I have a right to know that?

Harley: I think that he’s... he was my husband and he was my first love.

Gus: You're my first love.

Harley: And you're my last.

Dinah: Whoa. Don’t... what in the hell happened to you?

Jonathan: Bad day. I was hoping you had one, too.

Dinah: Apparently not as bad as yours.

Jonathan: You going to open that door?

Dinah: You know, I kind of want to be alone right now.

Jonathan: Then why have you been calling me all day?

Dinah: Because I needed you then, and I will again, but not right now, okay?

Jonathan: Why not?

Dinah: Because you seem to have your own problems at the moment, and right now I don't have time for anything other than me.

Jonathan: That's too bad.

Dinah: Why is that?

Jonathan: Because I've got a lot of pent-up energy, and I need something to do with it.

Dinah: Okay. Well, you know what? Maybe you should talk to a barber about that.

Jonathan: No. That's not what I had in mind.

Dinah: Okay, you know what? I'm pregnant.

Jonathan: So?

Dinah: So... I need to take a cold shower, okay? So good night, Johnny, and I will call you tomorrow. And you stay out of trouble, all right?

Jonathan: Yeah. Holy cow.

Cassie: I don't know, Jeffrey. When Edmund wants something, he stops at nothing to get it.

Jeffrey: You're the mother, Cassie.

Cassie: Yeah. Well, that didn't stop Edmund from putting my embryos in Dinah, Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: Do you trust Dinah?

Cassie: ( Sighs ) Jeffrey, do I trust Dinah? That's a really good question.

Jeffrey: What are you doing?

Cassie: What?

Jeffrey: You keep calling me "Jeffrey," "Jeffrey." In front of every sentence, "Jeffrey," "Jeffrey."

Cassie: I do? Jeffrey, I'm sorry...

Jeffrey: ( Laughs ) I mean, its okay. Not that I mind. Who doesn't like hearing their name, right? You could say it a thousand times.

Cassie: But it still wouldn't make up for the one time that I called you Richard.

Jeffrey: It's fine. Really. You know what? It's perfectly natural now that we're, you know, more comfortable.

Cassie: It's not fine. And you're not Richard.

Jeffrey: Thanks, I think.

Cassie: No. I told you earlier, Edmund showed up here and he was trying to put these thoughts in my head.

Jeffrey: I think the thoughts were there.

Cassie: Okay, fine. Okay, you know, the fact that you look the way you look may have had something to do with it in the beginning, but now when I see you, when I look at you, I only see you.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Cassie: Don't do that.

Jeffrey: Do what?

Cassie: Don't say "okay" when everything's not okay. I guess I have to prove something to you.

Jeffrey: No, no. Really, you don’t.

Cassie: Yeah. I do.

Jeffrey: What am I supposed to do with that?

Cassie: Cover my eyes.

Jonathan: You take long showers.

Dinah: I thought I asked you to leave.

Jonathan: You know, they say every day that you find out something new about yourself. For example, today, I found out that pregnant women are very, very sexy.

Dinah: Very flattering, thank you. But could you please leave now?

Jonathan: I'm sorry. I know I'm probably interrupting. You want to be alone with your baby.

Dinah: What are you doing? Stop.

Jonathan: Well, what do you know? No baby.

Reva: Every time I think I've made a dent in him, something happens to make it worse.

Nate: And yet you keep trying.

Reva: What choice do I have?

Nate: I can't help you anymore, Reva. I don't want to help you anymore.

Reva: What?

Nate: Well, you think things can go back to normal between us, that I'm just supposed to be this harmless friend and confidante. But we can't go back. Something almost happened between us-- should have happened...

Reva: No.

Nate: Says you. The point is...

Reva: No. You're right. I... I haven't been fair to you or to myself.

Nate: You need to make up your mind what it is you want, because I think you made it pretty clear that it's not me.

Reva: I'm sorry.

Nate: Hm. I'll live. But this is the end of it.

Reva: I know. I have to go do something about my son.

Nate: And that would be what?

Reva: I don't know. Something. Anything to stop his hurt before he hurts somebody else. I have to go.

Dinah: I, um, can explain.

Jonathan: No. No need to explain. You know, the beds here are so comfortable, and the pillows are so soft. It's, like, as soft as a baby's bottom. Now, I'm no expert, but this doesn't look like any baby I've ever seen.

Dinah: Why did you not leave when I asked you to.

Jonathan: Were you ever pregnant?

Dinah: Of course I was pregnant.

Jonathan: Of course?

Dinah: Yes, I was pregnant. I was pregnant. I had a child growing inside of me.

Jonathan: But you lost the baby?

Dinah: Yes. A few weeks ago.

Jonathan: Was it when Edmund threw you down?

Dinah: No. Before that.

Jonathan: He caused this, though, didn't he?

Dinah: No. No, and you cannot tell him. You can't tell anyone.

Jonathan: Why are you pretending to be pregnant?

Dinah: I have my reasons. This baby has been my hold on Edmund, and as long as he believed I had a child growing inside of me, he trusted me and he listened to me.

Jonathan: Only there is no baby.

Dinah: No, not now there isn’t. No.

Jonathan: Look, maybe this is none of my business, but I really think that you're better off without Edmund or the baby.

Dinah: And I really think that you are right: This is none of your business. I wanted to have this child. I wanted to do this. I wanted to give this child to Edmund.

Jonathan: Oh, man. I'm always happy when I come over here. It makes me remember that there's somebody at least as messed up as I am.

Dinah: Jonathan, you can't say anything. You cannot say anything about this. You can't say a word.

Jonathan: You're desperate.

Dinah: Yes, I am desperate, and I am willing to do anything to keep my little secret a secret. Anything.

Cassie: You know, these past few months have been pretty hard, you know-- losing my life that I thought was going to last forever and my marriage. But there's been you. You've been the one solid thing. You know, I have you, Jeffrey. Not Richard, but you.

Jeffrey: Then lean on me.

Cassie: You've, uh... you snuck up on me.

Jeffrey: Yeah, you snuck up on me, too.

Cassie: Well, here we are.

Jeffrey: Yeah. Here we are. ( Indistinct noise )

Harley: Wait. Do you think that we can do this? Can we really live our lives and not be caught?

Gus: Yes, baby. Yeah. Yes, of course we can. Do we have a choice?

Harley: Well, you do. I'm the fugitive. I'm the convicted murderer.

Gus: Please do not start this again. I don't have time for this.

Harley: It's not too late for you.

Gus: It is too late for me. It was too late for me the day that I met you, okay? My life was not my own the very next day. ( Clanking noise )

Harley: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Thank you for that. Thank you for loving me like that, even though I tried to make you stop. ( Distant sirens )

Gus: Okay, baby, we need to go. We need to go right now, okay?

Harley: Okay. Yes. Where are we going?

Gus: Anywhere. Let's just go. Okay, listen to me. I'm going to just check it out, okay? You'll be fine. I'll be right back. ( Sirens coming closer )

Gus: Harley. Come on. ( Thumping noise ) ( Sirens )

Harley: Gus? Gus? ( Knocks on door ) Hey.

Gus: Harley?

Harley: Gus?

Gus: You miss me?

Harley: What is going on out there? I was terrified.

Gus: Somebody must have tipped off the cops. They're all over the place. It’s only a matter of time until this place is crowded.

Harley: I think whoever it is, is already in the studio.

Gus: We're going to be good.

Harley: Gus? I was thinking we should split up and go in opposite directions.

Gus: Don't start again, please.

Harley: We'll be harder to find.

Gus: I haven't come this far with you to leave now.

Harley: Gus, please.

Gus: No.

Harley: Listen to me, you know I'm right about this. We'll go out there and we'll find each other again when we're safe.

Gus: I'm so in love with you.

Jeffrey: Reva.

Reva: Jeffrey, Hi. I was kind of hoping that Cassie was here.

Jeffrey: Oh. Well, she was. Come in, come in. She was, but she had to go. Something to do with the baby, you know?

Reva: Oh. Well, then it's probably better off anyway. She has so much to deal with right now.

Jeffrey: Are you okay?

Reva: I just kind of wanted to talk to my sister.

Jeffrey: Well, I'm no Cassie, but maybe there's something I can do to help.

Reva: I had another run-in with Jonathan.

Jeffrey: Ah.

Reva: A bad one.

Jeffrey: Sorry about that.

Reva: Me, too. You know, Jeffrey, I've tried so hard to get through to him.

Jeffrey: Well, you know, sometimes people aren't savable.

Reva: Or maybe the monster who raised him just did too much damage, you know? Hurt him too badly. And I guess maybe you never get over that. And now he's never going to have the chance to confront him.

Jeffrey: It's funny you should mention that, because I've been meaning to call you. Remember you asked me to look into the accident in which Jonathan’s father, Alfred Randall, went missing?

Reva: Yeah. What about it?

Jeffrey: Well, it seems that it might have been staged.

Reva: What?

Jeffrey: Yeah. There's a very good chance that Alfred Randall is still alive.

( Doors rattling ) ( Gunshot )

Harley: Gus? Gus? Gus? Gus? Oh, my god. What did you do?

Next, on "Guiding Light."

Jeffrey: Alfred Randall is still alive.

Reva: We need to find this man that nearly destroyed him.

Nate: Look no further.

Jonathan: How long are you going to keep this up?

Dinah: Until I'm pregnant with Edmund’s baby for real?

Jonathan: Don't worry, Auntie Cassie.

Harley: You shot the man I love. If Gus has to die, why shouldn't you?

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